Thursday, February 11, 2016

The bigotry of paternalism.

Image result for sanders sharpton images   I have couple of things on my mind, so I m going to get right to it.

Let me start with these elections and what has been happening in the democratic primary as the candidates head towards South Carolina.

It's no secret that there are more African American democratic voters in South Carolina than there are white ones, and so, as politicians tend to do, the pandering has begun.

I read Charles Blow's excellent article on "Bernie-Splaining", and his take on progressives and their penchant for treating us black folks like their children was on point. Let's call it the bigotry of paternalism. Trust me, I am not new to this rodeo. I have called out white progressives for this before. In fact, I was one of the first so black bloggers to do so, because it is something that has always bothered me about progressives. 

Bernie and his people have fallen into that trap, and I couldn't get that image of him and Rev. Al posing at their breakfast at Sylvia's for all the word to see, out of my mind. Taking a picture with Rev. Al (a man who most black folks will tell you does not represent us) just reinforced the perception ---by those of us who are in on the joke--- that progressives really don't get it.

I feel for Charles Blow when he says the following:

"I cannot tell you the number of people who have commented to me on social media that they don’t understand this support. “Don’t black folks understand that Bernie best represents their interests?” the argument generally goes. But from there, it can lead to a comparison between Sanders and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; to an assertion that Sanders is the Barack Obama that we really wanted.... If only black people knew more, understood better, where the candidates stood — now and over their lifetimes — they would make a better choice, the right choice.
The level of condescension in these comments is staggering.
Sanders is a solid candidate and his integrity and earnestness are admirable, but that can get lost in the noise of advocacy.
Tucked among all this Bernie-splaining by some supporters, it appears to me, is a not-so-subtle, not-so-innocuous savior syndrome and paternalistic patronage that I find so grossly offensive that it boggles the mind that such language should emanate from the mouths — or keyboards — of supposed progressives.
But then I am reminded that the idea that black folks are infantile and must be told what to do and what to think is not confined by ideological barriers. The ideological difference is that one side prefers punishment and the other pity, and neither is a thing in which most black folks delight.




  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "progressives and their penchant for treating us black folks like their children was on point."

    Excuse me, don't you know that Bernie got arrested in 1963 fighting for YOUR RIGHTS?

    You owe everything to progressives. Show a little gratitude and get in line.

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Other than the Cheney/Boykin side, a very interesting, well thought out post tonight. Especially since it was your own thoughts expressed. Well done. More FN original posts, please.

  3. Nigger Yisheng and Greasy Cunt Lilac9:15 PM

    Josh, you have a very tiny penis. The only ones who have touched it other than yourself are 10 year old boys.

  4. The Real Lance Cockstrong9:16 PM

    Where's my butt buddy Ministry of Truth?

  5. AR-159:39 PM

    "Guilt is a rope that wears thin."

  6. Freddie9:42 PM

    "Taking a picture with Rev. Al (a man who most black folks will tell you does not represent us)"

    I'm sorry, Al Sharpton is not the voice of Black America? What planet are you from?

  7. Wesley R9:44 PM


    I have a bigger problem with Black Folks who support Trump. The same Trump who disrespected the best we have to offer, President Obama. If he thinks so little of President Obama, what does he think about the rest of us? Answer, he could care less. Some of us still have so much self hated that we will allow someone to disrespect us and we will support that person.

    By the way, in January 2016 The US Economy had a surplus of 55.2 Billon Dollars. Guess where I found that out? Not CBS, NBC, ABC, or FOX. I learned about on Al Jazeera.

  8. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Ricky Ball got what he deserved.

  9. Hillary is doing great in the debate so far.

  10. Anonymous10:29 PM

    LOL. White boys. That's all.

  11. Anonymous10:32 PM

    We prefer to be called People of Lightness, you bigot.

  12. If Black Poverty is proof of White Racism what does Asian Wealth prove?

  13. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I think progressives treating blacks like children probably comes from blacks being unable to accomplish anything of substance on their own. It's not meant to be condescending, they just don't know what else to do.

  14. The Ministry of Truth11:19 PM

    "If Black Poverty is proof of White Racism what does Asian Wealth prove?"

    Um, selective immigration standards?

    We only admit people who already good economic prospects -- the youngest, smartest, best-educated, no disabilities, etc. It isn't some magical Tiger Mom superiority in Asian culture. We just let in all the doctors and engineers and small business owners -- people who are both fortunate and successful -- and kept out cripples and fishermen and farmers in their rice paddies.

    So it's not a surprise that recent Asian immigrants economically outperform both blacks and whites -- native-born citizens don't have to pass any qualifications process to remain here!

    If we wanted, we could easily boost median white income by the reverse method: deport all the uneducated, disabled, or poor and elderly whites. (Side note: this blog would have far fewer racist white trolls. Bon voyage, idiots! Enjoy your new home in Antarctica!)

  15. Anonymous11:22 PM

    So, white privilege really is a myth.

  16. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "I cannot tell you the number of people who have commented to me on social media that they don’t understand this support. “Don’t black folks understand that Bernie best represents their interests?” the argument generally goes. But from there, it can lead to a comparison between Sanders and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; to an assertion that Sanders is the Barack Obama that we really wanted.... If only black people knew more, understood better, where the candidates stood — now and over their lifetimes — they would make a better choice, the right choice."

    Brother Field, I truly believe Bernie is by far the best candidate. However, we have never voted in our best interests and so Hillary will be the one who majority of our folks will vote for.

    BTW, have we ever voted for our best interests? Since I've been alive we haven't done so. I was born in 1940.

  17. The Ministry of Truth11:30 PM

    "So, white privilege really is a myth."

    If your point is that white racism against black people doesn't exist, how does anything I said prove that?

    All it really proves is that white people are much less racist to Asians. Which is the case.

  18. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Whites are not racist toward most Asians at all, esp Japanese. Everyone knows that. In fact, most Asians are racist toward Blacks as well. Latinos aren't too crazy about us either. Come to think of it, there's some black folks who aren't too fond of us either.

    But the good news is the dark side still loves us. At least we are not alone.

  19. Lance Cockstrong11:49 PM

    I am a great admirer of Mr. Blow's writing and what he has shared of his life story. That said, let's turn to "Bernie and his people have fallen into that trap". The trap that Mr. Blow and apparently you as well have fallen into is to conflate random progressives with Sanders himself. Or perhaps not, As I responded to Mr. Blow there seems to be a pattern of using these "Bernie-Splaining" supporters as a pretext to shower abuse on Sanders. Case in point this somewhat derisive reference to Sanders 'hearing the King himself' while also acknowledging his "utterly impressive Racial Justice agenda". Contrast with Queen Hillary Came To Play and this aria in praise of the Clintons' intuitive understanding of retail politics ... . Now here you similarly acknowledge that Sanders is a solid candidate and his integrity and earnestness are admirable then proceed to shower him with abuse thru his Bernie-splaining supporters and his photo-op with Sharpton. Apparently you have more respect for Butt Trumpet who you congratulated on his victory while conspicuously neglecting to do the same for Sanders. No doubt you won't respond to this, but never miss a stroke responding to the cockroaches like Tay-Tay who inhabit here.

  20. James Bold11:50 PM

    "All it really proves is that white people are much less racist to Asians. Which is the case."

    Yeah, right.  Practically all the Japanese in California lost all their property while they were interned in WWII and had to start over from nothing, while you Blacks had wartime jobs.  Vietnamese boat people came here 30 years later with literally nothing, and got jobs, built businesses and have made very decent lives for themselves.  Both of those groups had next to zero violent crime despite being dirt-poor.

    Black people have had massive welfare subsidies and preferences in both education and employment for more than 50 years now, while the people who came here with NOTHING have gone past you and never looked back.  There's a reason everyone else looks at you as children at best, dangerous vermin at worst.  It's because of the way you behave.  If you want to change that perception, behave better.

  21. The Ministry of Truth12:05 AM

    "Finally, Canyon Boykin and Dick Cheney have some things in common. I am sure you have heard of Dick Cheney, but you have probably never heard of Canyon Boykin.

    Boykin is the Mississippi cop who shot Ricky Ball to death and is now suing to get his job back because he alleges that he was fired because he is white."

    Hey, Boykin's case is still less ridiculous than that of Chicago cop Robert Rialmo. The balls on this guy. Rialmo's case is so offensively crazy, it's hard to believe this is a real thing.

    Rialmo is the officer who was called in late December to help the family of Quintonio LeGrier, who was going through some kind of mental episode. He shows up at the scene, and instead of subduing LeGrier, he kills him AND a neighbor who was not involved in the altercation. And now he is suing LeGrier's family for $10 million because he was emotionally traumatized by the experience!

    Can you believe this sh*t? His legal claim boils down to "You guys cruelly made me do my job, and I'm horrifically bad at it, and now your loved one is dead and that's all very hard for ME." If I were the judge, I don't think I'd even be able to respond to this lawsuit, except with a stream of profanities.

  22. The Ministry of Truth12:12 AM

    "Yeah, right. Practically all the Japanese in California lost all their property while they were interned in WWII and had to start over from nothing, while you Blacks had wartime jobs. Vietnamese boat people came here 30 years later with literally nothing, and got jobs, built businesses and have made very decent lives for themselves. Both of those groups had next to zero violent crime despite being dirt-poor."

    That argument proves nothing. The prejudice against interned Japanese was 70 years ago, during the middle of a brutal war with Japan. It says nothing about prejudice against Asians today.

    Vietnamese refugees didn't start up in the U.S. "with nothing." They were brought here by the U.S government and given plenty of federal help relocating.

    Like all you wingnuts, you have fantastical ideas about wondrous wealth raining down on black people in the form of welfare, while pretending there was/is no racism, either in the past or today.

  23. Hey James, out of curiosity what political party do you support?

  24. Well, the fact that Bernie and Hildog have to give voice to many issues that concern many people of color is proof that there is power in the franchise. There needs to be a push for more people voting but then we must hold the office holders accountable.

  25. MoT, add in the fact that several mental instituions in Chicago have been closed due to budget cuts so the cops' jobs will get even harder. At least we're not drinking lead yet but who knows where the austerity fetish will take us.

  26. Lance Cockstrong12:34 AM

    Hillary doing great in the debate so far How? By clinging to Obama like she was married to him instead of that other black president? They agree on most things except that Bernie deals in specifics while Hillary has been coached to avoid that at all costs. No doubt Hillary is highly intelligent but Bernie has the superior intellect and aptitude for critical thinking. No doubt Hillary would be light years better than anything that will come out of the Stupid Party, but is she the best choice?

  27. "No doubt Hillary would be light years better than anything that will come out of the Stupid Party, but is she the best choice?'

    Probably not but this is what we're reduced to. Like you said she'll be better than the current crop of gop candidates. The future looks good on the Dem side though with Corey Booker, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, the Castro bros ect. The Dem hold on the WH should continue for the forseeable future.

  28. "There's a reason everyone else looks at you as children at best, dangerous vermin at worst. It's because of the way you behave. If you want to change that perception, behave better."

    Preaching to the wrong choir James. Every one of us here acts pretty well. Actually don't see how we could act any better or are you referring to "you" as The Blacks in general? Last I saw you castigated "us" for acting tribalistic but yet you seem to be the one assigning us labels and categorizing. Is that an oversight on your part James? Just curious.

  29. @Wesley Al Jezerra is on point about many issues.

  30. Lance Cockstrong1:07 AM

    Hey PilotX you're not back on that Carson/Cain kick are you!? Don't underestimate Sanders. I think he is a brilliant man and would be a worthy successor to Obama.

  31. Lance Cockstrong1:08 AM

    Hey Bold, can you reproduce? Are there any little Hitler youth Bolds out there?

  32. "Hey PilotX you're not back on that Carson/Cain kick are you!? Don't underestimate Sanders. I think he is a brilliant man and would be a worthy successor to Obama."

    Yessir, we gotta keep the White House Blah.

    Carson/Cain '16! Ride or die!

  33. The Ministry of Truth1:40 AM

    "Hey Bold, can you reproduce? Are there any little Hitler youth Bolds out there?"

    Like, named "Hitler Youth"?

    Don't laugh. Some white supremacist freaks in New Jersey actually named their kids "Adolf Hitler Campbell" and "Aryan Nation Campbell." A judge decided that they cannot be parents anymore, and I think that was probably for the best.

  34. The Beard2:04 AM

    Fuck this place. You are ALL worthless pieces of shit who aren't worth my precious time. Fuck all of you. You all fucking FAIL at life.

  35. Orwell had much the same criticism of socialists in Britain in the mid 30s. In Road to Wigan Pier he said that they were insufferably smug, couldn't be bothered to learn about working people, and thought that they knew best which the ignorant proletariat would quickly recognize once they were doing what they were told.

  36. So, to pander = don't pander to us!
    To not pander = 400 years of oppression and bigotry and still it goes on!

    Since you seem to have appointed yourself the King of Blacks, Field, perhaps you need to call a meeting and figure out what it is y'all want. These conflicting messages are tough on we white folks. After all, we're only white. It's not like we ever invented or created anything or survived ice ages and the like. We's just weak whites and thus get easily confused by the conflicting messages forever pouring out of the black community. Treat you as equals, e.g. expecting the folks fend for themselves like anyone else, and it's called racism and oppression. Give in and pander, and still some whining.

    It reminds me of those cranky old men who are only happy when they're unhappy and have shit to fuss at.

  37. "Both of those groups had next to zero violent crime despite being dirt-poor."

    A sad reality--an easily sussed empirical truth--that most people utterly refuse to accept is that crime is not caused by poverty. Poverty is often caused, and certainly prolonged, by crime. Free trade is peace, and peace is always prosperous, 100% of the time. Criminal elements equate to no peace and thus hinders trade and impoverishes everything in its vicinity. What some cultures don't deal with is their stores being robbed en massed by their cultural brethren, and thus they can grow and expand. Some cultures, of course, just scream "gibsmedat" and shit falls apart before it even gets together.

  38. Limpbaugh3:41 AM

    I am a progressive who thinks Bernie Sanders is the best/least worse candidate. I treat all of the general public as children regardless of their race. Today a white guy told me that Bernie Sanders is a communist. I told him to look up Democratic Socialist. And that wasn't the only conversation like that that I had. There are people of various races whose opinions I highly respect. They know things that I don't. We share information. I have also spent a lot of time researching some subjects and I realize most people are grossly misinformed. Right now there is a lot in the news about the subject of who blacks should vote for. Field's blog, a new Sanders commercial with Freddie Gray's daughter telling why she endorses Sanders, and Harry Belafonte's endorsement of Sanders, etc. And I think who gets elected president is a matter of life and death. Hillary is a neocon. Believe me, I spend a lot of time telling political information to white people too.

  39. Ignore if this is a repeat.

    I agree with Limpbaugh, politicians have a habit of pandering to the electorate. I forget where I saw it but both parties speak on a grammar school level. Good insight.

  40. Viva Trump!9:41 AM

    Middle class White People really hate being called Racist. It hurts.

    But you know what? It hurts less each time.

  41. a white guy9:50 AM

    "Today a white guy told me that Bernie Sanders is a communist"

    He is a communist.

    To fund his policies, he has to be able to take whatever property he wants from whoever he wants to. In effect, all property would be either directly owned by the government or subject to forfeiture at any time. People would stop working to acquire property, and the economy would collapse. The controls would only get tighter, and people would become desperate. The desperate people who acted to end their desperation would have to be eliminated, for the good of the whole. Eventually you have a prison-state, just like every other communist experiment has created.

    The democratic party is offering you a choice between a communist and a criminal. I'm guessing you stick with the criminal.

  42. Anonymous9:57 AM

    FIELD! Looky! Meryl Streep says "we're all African really" ahahaha! Awww, how special! xD

    I'm saying like...but...but...she looks so white though! But...I guess I was wrong huh? She African now!!! Oh,maybe she meant South African? As in the whi...oh never mind! Who understands them huh?

  43. Comrade Mugabe10:08 AM

    Expressions of pan-racial solidarity and human commonality will no longer be tolerated in Black Run America.

    There is no escape from the unforgivable sin of being born white.

    Streep is to be dehumanized with the rest of them. Onward to our Zimbabweization.

  44. Cruz ad slays Hillary:

  45. James Bold10:34 AM

    The excuses continue:

    "The prejudice against interned Japanese was 70 years ago, during the middle of a brutal war with Japan. It says nothing about prejudice against Asians today."

    Black people were never demonized with wartime propaganda.  All Americans had was their own personal and historical experience with Blacks.  That's not prejudice (pre-judging), BTW; that's established reputation.

    "Vietnamese refugees didn't start up in the U.S. "with nothing." They were brought here by the U.S government and given plenty of federal help relocating."

    But you Blacks had the advantage of knowing the language, outright affirmative action in both education and work, and a decade-plus head start after the Civil Rights Act; Vietnamese never had this.  While the Vietnamese got around restrictions on ownership of fishing boats by registering watercraft to their own newborn children, Blacks were still "hustling" and "gettin' over on Whitey".  You never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    "you have fantastical ideas about wondrous wealth raining down on black people in the form of welfare, while pretending there was/is no racism, either in the past or today."

    Do you think the Japanese and Vietnamese were welcomed?  Hell, no; Americans saw them as clannish, nepotistic, and unwanted competition.  They succeeded anyway.  "Racism" is not an explanation, it's an excuse... one that is just about completely worn out now.

    "Preaching to the wrong choir James. Every one of us here acts pretty well."

    You're still making excuses for your ghetto brethren instead of holding them to account.  That is just being a bad actor by proxy.

  46. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The Black and White Dem Establishments, the Old Guard, overwhelmingly support Hillary.

    The young, white Democrats have not acted as expected by the Dem Old Guard. They have enthusiastically chosen Bernie over Hillary at the polls.

    Who will the young, black Democrats decide to vote for? Will they follow the establishment black leaders lead and support Hillary? Will they vote as "expected" by their Old Guard?

    I will be an interesting primary in NC.

  47. Anonymous11:02 AM

    No it won't.

  48. Anonymous11:05 AM

    That guy should have apologized to Cheney for getting in the way of his shot.

  49. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Clinton still has that incy wincy issue of being investigated by the FBI.

  50. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Comrade Mugabe said...

    Expressions of pan-racial solidarity and human commonality will no longer be tolerated in Black Run America.

    Streep is to be dehumanized with the rest of them.

    10:08 AM

    Oh I most certainly agree with 'solidarity and human commonality"

    But she just grabbed this off the top of her head when asked about the "whiteness" of those awards.

    It was just a thoughtless ploy to get off the hook and not really answer the question.

    So don't you do the same and willfully misunderstand me Mugabe! ;)

  51. Blacks are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy than Whites:

    Explains a lot.

  52. "You're still making excuses for your ghetto brethren instead of holding them to account. That is just being a bad actor by proxy."

    Ghetto brethren? Aren't you still being tribalistic James?

    BTW, what political party do you support James?

  53. "Blacks are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy than Whites"

    Really? History shows us the opposite but ok.

  54. "Lynn (2002) argued that psychopathic personality is distributed disproportionately across racial and ethnic groups, and that these putative group differences were likely attributable to genetic factors. Lynn's analysis is problematic on three primary counts. First, he equates psychopathy with generalized antisocial behavior and social deviance and fails to distinguish longstanding personality-based from behavior-based conceptions of this syndrome. Second, Lynn presumes rather than demonstrates that genetic factors explain race differences in antisocial behavior and social deviance, neglecting such potential alternative explanations as socioeconomic status and measured verbal intelligence. Third, Lynn presents an evolutionary explanation for putative racial and ethnic group differences in psychopathy that fails to reflect current methods and practices of evolutionary biology and genetics. A lack of awareness that Lynn's conclusions are premature and unwarranted, given the present state of the data, may have far-reaching legal and public policy implications."

  55. Gee, shocking that our troll linked us to a "scientific paper" written by an avowed white supremacist.

    "For 50 years, Richard Lynn has been at the forefront of scientific racism. An unapologetic eugenicist, Lynn uses his authority as professor (emeritus) of psychology at the University of Ulster to argue for the genetic inferiority of non-white people. Lynn believes that IQ tests can be used to determine the worth of groups of people, especially racial groups and nations. The wealth and power of nations, according to Lynn, is due to their racial intelligence and “homogeneity” (or “purity”). He argues that the nations with the highest IQs must subjugate or eliminate the lower-IQ groups within their borders in order to preserve their dominance."

  56. PilotX said...
    "Really? History shows us the opposite but ok."

    Why are you anti-Science?

  57. Speaking of paternalism, Field, wonder if you read/heard/saw Joe Scarborough lecture the head of the Urban League about which candidate is best for blacks:

    see Laura Clausson's article over at dailykos.

    This is cheeky even for a reactionary like ol' Squint!

    1. No, but it doesn't surprise me. Joe needs to worry abt that dead intern.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Captain Obvious2:11 PM

    "The wealth and power of nations, according to Lynn, is due to their racial intelligence and “homogeneity” (or “purity”). He argues that the nations with the highest IQs must subjugate or eliminate the lower-IQ groups within their borders in order to preserve their dominance."

    Well, duh, of course national IQ correlates with wealth and power. Tell us something we don't know.

  59. "Why are you anti-Science?"

    Only against pseudo science.

    "Well, duh, of course national IQ correlates with wealth and power. Tell us something we don't know."

    Good because the U.S. is one of the wealthiest and powerful nations in history and is very diverse. Nice to know.

  60. Anonymous2:22 PM

    As "diversity" has increased, American national IQ has decreased.

  61. My girl Tariji playing the role of the Black woman Scientist Katherine Johnson, involved in space travel back in the 60's!!

    Slay, slay, SLAY!!!!

  62. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "Black woman Scientist Katherine Johnson, involved in space travel back in the 60's!!"

    You're funny:

  63. Progress4:26 PM

    White male NASA of the 1960's using slide rules: Went to the moon

    "Diverse" NASA today using supercomputers: Pays the Russians to take us to our space station.

  64. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Blacks won't vote for Bernie because they hate Jews.

  65. Yisheng's cootch has cobwebs5:42 PM

    Give me Bernie's wrinkly old Jew dick any day!

  66. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Blacks don't like whites, or other people of color, or Jews, or gays.

  67. The Ministry of Truth5:43 PM

    So, does everyone remember when Donald Trump was concern-trolling Ted Cruz, saying he wasn't challenging Cruz's eligibility to run for president, but he was just helpfully pointing out that those dirty Democrats would probably launch birther attacks on Cruz? You know, because he was just looking out for the interests of the Republican voter. No self-interest there at all, no siree.

    Well -- surprise! -- he's dropped that pretense. Now he's announced that he may sue the Canadian usurper to get him out of the race.


  68. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Electing a Kenyan didn't work out all that well.

  69. "Blacks won't vote for Bernie because they hate Jews."

    But they looooove white women!

    Vote for Hillary!

    I loves the coloreds!:

  70. Anonymous6:28 PM

    In 2013, GitHub installed a rug in its headquarters that read, “United Meritocracy of GitHub.” The rug was removed in 2014 after criticism from feminist commentators that, although meritocracy is a virtue that it is hard to disagree with in principle, it doesn’t do much for diversity in the workplace. CEO Chris Wanstrath tweeting, “We thought ‘meritocracy’ was a neat way to think of open source but now we see the problems with it. Words matter. We’re getting a new rug.”

    Why does judging people by merit not do much for diversity?

  71. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Blacks won't vote for Bernie because they hate Jews.


    I tend to believe that statement after living in NY for many years. But then, blacks as a rule hate everybody, including themselves.

  72. Anonymous8:59 PM

    People are forgetting what it was like to live in a 90% White country. It was almost paradise and we took it for granted. Black people would have it so much better today if we hadn't imported 60 million new people to take their jobs.

  73. The Ministry of Truth9:42 PM

    "People are forgetting what it was like to live in a 90% White country. It was almost paradise and we took it for granted. Black people would have it so much better today if we hadn't imported 60 million new people to take their jobs."

    Oh, you mean back in the 1940s? Because that was the last time the white share of the population was close to 90%.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure most black people do not remember that era as a paradise for them. I can certainly see why you would have liked it.

  74. Curious Observer2:23 AM

    Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is receiving the support of the Black Lives Matter movement in his home state.

    Dozens of activists gathered at the Vermont Statehouse Friday to call for a racial justice agenda in the state, including more hiring of African-American teachers and school administrators and more accountability for state agency hiring practices

    Why not simply call for the hiring of more teachers to serve students needs? Why is that only black teacher's can serve students needs?

    Because it has nothing to do with student needs and everything to do with the PC SJW agenda.

  75. Curious Observer2:33 AM

    * black teachers

    Just in case there are grammar and spelling Nazis here...

  76. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Question for James Bond...

    In your lifetime, how many black people have you hired?

  77. James Bold12:39 PM

    "Question for James Bond..."

    That's James Bold, you silly git.

    "In your lifetime, how many black people have you hired?"

    I have never been a hiring manager.  Neither has HR ever sent any Black candidates up to me to interview.  I have reviewed resumes and bounced quite a few candidates who were obviously unsuitable (no pictures included, but no ghetto names either) and noted to mgt that White applicants I had interviewed were obviously out of their depth.

    I have been in a group with one Black worker whose job description and work output had no apparent relationship to our project goals.  He appeared to be a token.

  78. Wherever the Obama family's going, I'd like to hitch a ride. This joint's never going to be the same for me. I can only speak for MYSELF and that's what I'm doing.

  79. Curious Observer4:31 PM

    James Bold said...
    I have been in a group with one Black worker whose job description and work output had no apparent relationship to our project goals. He appeared to be a token.

    I too have worked in groups where some individuals seemed to be there either to fill a quota or satisfy an agenda unrelated to the group goals.

    Their race and gender didn't matter because, like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, we weeded out all non-hackers who did not pack the gear to stay in the group.

  80. Well Antonin Scalia has turned up dead while on a hunting trip in Texas of all places. Dick Cheney is wanted for questioning but he is in a secure undisclosed location and thus unavailable for comment.

  81. Anonymous9:40 PM

    So James Bold, you have exactly made my point. You are one of the reasons that unemployment is high among Blacks. Who can get a job if no one will even interview them, let alone hire them?

    white girl here, just sayin' instead of spewing your hatred and prejudice, why not find a way in your own community/sphere of life to actually make an opportunity for just one non-white person to have a better life?

  82. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Hey white girl, why are you so racist? Isn't opportunity for everyone, not just non-whites?

  83. "Go back over the same time period and show me ANY comparable crimes committed by European-descended Americans (not Arabs). Take your time, be thorough. And if you can't find any, have the basic decency to admit you are wrong."

    Really? You are serious?

  84. Now James do you want me to start with the white couple in Indiana that kept a young woman captive in their basement for months while charging other young people to torture her with cigarettes and rape her with bottles? How about Jeffery Dahmer who kept body parts in his refrigerator and ate them regularly? Ted Bundy anyone? How about the Green River Killer? The lynchings of blah folks that included burning them alive and castrating them? Wow, you set the bar really low James.

  85. Since you asked James, here's the story of Sylvia Likens who was tortured by several Americans of European descent. Pretty gruesome so discretion is advised.


    Now this European American was really sick. He had sex with dead bodies and boiled body parts so the skin would come off and he would keep the bones. He even ate some body parts. Is this not a sickening individual James? Want me to keep going?


    Now Adam Lanza was a particularly special individual, he liked to shoot 6 year olds. Now is that not sick James? Does that not qualify as pretty sick?

  88. Here's a favorite, the BTK killer. You're familiar with him right James. Seems there are some sick individuals in the European-American community.

  89. James Bold8:31 AM

    Proof that schools don't teach reading anymore:

    "So James Bold, you have exactly made my point. You are one of the reasons that unemployment is high among Blacks. Who can get a job if no one will even interview them"

    I've interviewed every candidate sent to me to interview.  Ms. "white girl" thinks that HR departments, whose personnel I've never even met, are my responsibility.  Or maybe she thinks I'm the one who makes Blacks major in African studies instead of mathematics and chemistry.  You can't make this shit up.

    "why not find a way in your own community/sphere of life to actually make an opportunity for just one non-white person to have a better life?"

    So, "white girl", tell me why these non-white people need me for anything?  Why haven't they made their own better life?  Anatomically modern humans were in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years and sitting on vast resources, so why didn't they invent the wheel and the arch and running water and steam engines and electricity and radio and computers?  Why did aqueducts have to wait for the Romans, steam engines for the English and radio for the Italians?

    If you truly think that, you should be condemning Africans for depriving humanity of those things for so long.  They're the worst slackers in the history of humanity.

    What "white girl" really thinks is that those poor Blacks are unable to make those things for themselves, so she has to browbeat men like me into making it all for them.  This gives her a bit of a tingle from her virtue-signalling, which displaces her guilt from the suppressed realization that Blacks really can't create a "better life".

    What "white girl" can't admit to herself is that every artificial "opportunity" for an unfit Black comes at the expense of a White person not hired, a White family deprived, White potential unrealized.  The "opportunity" for Blacks to live in White neighborhoods comes at the expense of White people subject to aggression, from the loss of their peace and quiet to trash-strewn streets, vandalism, robbery, rape and murder.

    The only thing I truly owe anyone is the truth; beyond that, I owe Blacks nothing.

  90. James Bold8:33 AM

    "Really? You are serious?"

    Yeah, mufuggah.  Way to punt on the question.  You forfeit.

    "do you want me to start with the white couple in Indiana that kept a young woman captive in their basement for months while charging other young people to torture her with cigarettes and rape her with bottles?"

    I searched for all of that, and exactly nothing turned up from Indiana.  However, I did find this 2014 story from California... involving Mexicans.  No Europeans involved.

    "How about Jeffery Dahmer who kept body parts in his refrigerator and ate them regularly?"

    Dahmer has been dead for 21 years, and no "civil rights" organization ever made excuses for him or tried to get him released.

    "Ted Bundy anyone?"

    Bundy has been dead for 27 years.

    "How about the Green River Killer?"

    Out of circulation after his arrest in 2001.  And don't give me any crap about serial killers in general; Blacks are over-represented in that list too, 40% of killers (60% over the last 3 decades!) while only 12.4% of the population.

    "The lynchings of blah folks that included burning them alive and castrating them?"

    How many of those were Black serial killers, and how many DECADES do you have to go back to the most recent one?  Sylvia Likens... more than 50 years now.  Dennis Rader... out of circulation since 2005.

    I gave you three stories from the last ten days.  Where are the White counterparts?  There are 5 times as many Whites as Blacks in the USA, so where are they?

    What steams you is that they don't exist.  The color of crime in the USA is... colored, and this is just one of the incontrovertible facts that drives you crazy.

  91. Sorry James but you are excusing the misdeeds of people of European descent. I didn't know I had a ten day limit on white misdeeds. So if a white guy shoots a bunch of 6 year old children with an assault rifle 11 days ago it's beyond your artificial statute of limitations? White people have a LONG history of inhumane behavior and no it doesn't drive me crazy that you search the internet for crimes committed by people of color, there are entire websites dedicated to shaming and demeaning blah people. Trust me man, you aren't even a blip on anyone's radar. We just go about our lives as professionals, brothers, fathers and generally good people and if you want to stereotype an entire group of people for your own pathetic reasons have at it.

  92. James Bold2:28 PM

    "you are excusing the misdeeds of people of European descent."

    I'm not the one who has to reach back 10, 20, 50 years to find misdeeds, mufuggah.  And White people are the ones who caught and punished every one of those criminals, without a single howl of "rayciss!"

    Speaking of recent misdeeds, here's another Black man cruelly scalding a child.  That news item is from yesterday.  So if Whitey is just as cruel and nasty as you are, where's all the news?  There should be at least 5 times as much of this going on in Whitopia as the ghetto, right?  You DID say "History shows the opposite" (that White people are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy).  You should be able to come up with AT LEAST four examples this month, if not twenty to my four.  So where are they?

    "I didn't know I had a ten day limit on white misdeeds."

    You want to compare psychopathy, you have to understand this thing called rate of incidence.  If you have to dig back ten years to find one White example of something that's happened in the ghetto several times in the first half of February, you are grasping at straws.  You're also demonstrating that you are far less intelligent than you claim to be.

    "So if a white guy shoots a bunch of 6 year old children with an assault rifle 11 days ago it's beyond your artificial statute of limitations?"

    One drugged-up mental White kid kills 28 several years ago, and you use that to ignore 344 killed in Baltimore just last year, another 460+ in Chicago, and all the rest across the country.  You can't understand the facts even when they are right smack dab in your face.  It's like you're drunk, unable to process what's happening around you.  Going through life in a stupor is the essence of stupidity.

    "White people have a LONG history of inhumane behavior"

    "Humane behavior" wouldn't be in your vocabulary except for White people defining and exemplifying it for you.  You, on the other hand, added "ghetto lobster" to ours.

    "it doesn't drive me crazy that you search the internet for crimes committed by people of color"

    I don't search for this stuff.  It's everywhere.  Any corresponding White crimes are so rare you have to reach back into the last century for your most recent example.

    "there are entire websites dedicated to shaming and demeaning blah people."

    Your "shame" wouldn't happen if you felt proper guilt for doing the wrong thing, and not do it.  Lack of guilt is the essence of psychopathy.

    "We just go about our lives as professionals, brothers, fathers and generally good people"

    Your problem is that the 99% makes your particular 1% look bad.

    "if you want to stereotype an entire group of people for your own pathetic reasons have at it."

    How about some proper outrage from you?  You know, like demanding that the Carr brothers actually receive the death penalty, and that "acting White" be a compliment among students instead of cause for a beatdown?  Since you're so all-fired touchy about Whitey being all up in yo bidness, why don't YOU take care of those problems and fix that defective culture?

    Strangely, that culture was a whole lot more functional back before "civil rights" gave Blacks an excuse to act out.  I'd suggest getting rid of it and bringing back Jim Crow to re-establish behavioral controls, but we're way too far past that now.

  93. "I'm not the one who has to reach back 10, 20, 50 years to find misdeeds, mufuggah. And White people are the ones who caught and punished every one of those criminals, without a single howl of "rayciss!"

    Not at all, just showing some historic context. If I did just show contemporary white criminals you would probably act as it's some kind of new phenomena. Sandy Hook just occurred didn't it? And for the record if someone no matter the color commits a crime they should be punished accordingly, period. Then again somehow you would find a reason to stereotype and belittle blah folks anyway so whatever. Just carry on with your white supremacist attitude and we'll just continue succeeding just as we have always done. Yeah yeah I know I got where I am because of affirmative action blah blah blah, I know I'm gentically inferior to you blah blah blah. Truth is you and people like you don't matter. Now excuse me because I have to go have out of wedlock babies, commit more crimes and get some more welfare. Oh that's right I don't do any of that.

  94. James Bold4:47 PM

    "Not at all, just showing some historic context."

    Oh, it's historic context you want?  Here is a whole heap of historic context about your forebears or close relations thereto in your African homeland.  It just so happens that it details the exact kind of cruelty, wanton violence and even cannibalism that keeps making the news in the USA in 2016—to wit, chronic and widespread psychopathic behavior.

    When White people went all medieval on your asses, it wasn't out of cruelty.  It was to keep your behavior in line.  Making an extreme example of a malefactor now and then proved itself by getting you to leave White people alone.

    "If I did just show contemporary white criminals you would probably act as it's some kind of new phenomena. Sandy Hook just occurred didn't it?"

    That was 2012 with nothing like it since, while Baltimore alone accounted for a Sandy Hook-worth every month in 2015.  But funniest of all is when you start talking about "mass shootings" and then have to shush yourself because the vast bulk of them are Black-on-Black affairs like the recent dust-up at Bunny Friend Park.

    "for the record if someone no matter the color commits a crime they should be punished accordingly, period."

    That's generalities.  How about the Carr brothers, for multiple premeditated murders?  Should they get the death penalty?

    "Just carry on with your white supremacist attitude and we'll just continue succeeding just as we have always done."

    Succeeding?  Like more than 800 dead between Bodymore and Chicongo?

    "Yeah yeah I know I got where I am because of affirmative action"

    Many a truth is spoken in jest.

    "Truth is you and people like you don't matter."

    Truth is, without me and people like me you would have no airplane to fly and no computer or internet on which to brag about it.  You would be living in a mud hut or thatch lean-to, covering yourself in ashes and urine to ward off biting flies, knowing little and caring less because none of your ancestors ever invented writing, let alone science or aviation.

    "Oh that's right I don't do any of that."

    But you spend precious little effort trying to dissuade the ones who do.
