Wednesday, February 03, 2016

When racism gets "up close and personal".

Image result for melissa harris perry images  I feel for Melissa Harris- Perry who had a scary encounter in "fly over" country with a racist who wanted to remind her who is in charge, recently.

"Monday night I was sitting in a hotel lobby in downtown Des Moines with my back to a wall of windows, my eyes fixed on the TV, my attention wholly focused on early caucus results. I didn’t notice until he was standing right next to me, much closer than is ordinary or comfortable. When he started he speaking it was like he was picking up in the middle of sentence, finishing a conversation we had begun earlier, but I couldn’t remember ever meeting him.

“…So what is it that you teach?”

“I am a professor of political science.”

“My wife is a professor of communications.”

“Does she teach here in Iowa?”

“What I want to know is how you got credentialed to be on MSNBC.”

I am not sure if it is how he spat the word credentialed, or if it is how he took another half step toward me, or if it is how he didn’t respond to my question, but the hairs on my arm stood on end. I ignored it. Told myself everything was ok.

“Well. It is not exactly a credential…” I began.

“But why you? Why would they pick you?”

Now I know something is wrong. Now his voice is angry. Now a few other people have stopped talking and started staring. Now he is so close I can feel his breath. Before I can answer his
 unanswerable question of why they picked me, he begins to tell me why he has picked me.

“I just want you to know why I am doing this.”
Oh – there is a this. He is going to do a this. To me. And he is going to tell me why.

I freeze. Not even me – the girl in me. The one who was held down by an adult neighbor and as he raped her. The one who listened as he explained why he was doing this. She freezes.

  He speaks. And moves closer. Is there a knife under the coat? A gun? Worse?

 And I can’t hear all the words. But I catch “Nazi Germany” and I catch “rise to power.” But I can’t move. I am lulled by a familiar powerlessness, muteness, that comes powerfully and unexpectedly. It grips me. Everything is falling away. Until in my peripheral vision I catch sight of a ponytail, the movement of an arm, the sound of familiar young voices and I remember… my students.

My students are sitting just a few feet from me. I am not alone in this Iowa hotel lobby. I have traveled here with 22 of my undergraduate students from Wake Forest University. We are here on the first stop in a journey to understand the democratic process. I am in this lobby because I am waiting for them to come back from seeing their very first Democratic caucuses. Remembering them rouses me.

Instead of sitting still as he tells me what he is going to do and why, I jump up. I move. I put space – a table – between him and me. My friend jumps too. It is breathtaking how fearlessly – almost recklessly – she throws herself between he and I. Together we raise our voices and make a fuss. He turns. He runs out. He jumps in a car. He drives off. We try to explain to hotel security what has happened and how I receive hate mail and even death threats, how I have had people show up at my workplace, how this might be serious. They listen politely, but this is the Iowa caucus, and I am not a candidate, so they go back to their evening. And we go back to ours." [More]

But it's not only Iowa. This kind of stuff is happening in places like New York as well.

"A rally was held Monday evening at the State University of New York in Albany after three black female students were attacked by a group of white men and women during a confrontation on a bus over the weekend, officials said.

The students, who attend the upstate New York campus, said they were harassed and assaulted while riding the bus early Saturday morning, according to a letter to the campus from the university's president, Robert J. Jones.
According to the three women, who have not been identified by authorities or the university, a group of 10 to 12 white men and women used racial slurs and physically assaulted them, Jones said.
One of the alleged victims spoke at the rally, according to CNN affiliate WTEN. "We are shocked, upset, but we will remain unbroken. We are proud of who we are," she told the gathered crowd through tears.
The incident was caught on cell phone video and video from the Capital District Transportation Authority bus, university police Chief J. Frank Wiley said in a statement." [Source]
We already know that racists in America do not like the black male, but apparently the black female is high up on their hateration pecking order as well.
Sadly, racists are indeed getting bolder and angrier. In a way you almost wish that one of their chosen leaders will win the damn election (I see you Mr. Trump) so that they can "take their country back" and just leave the rest of us alone.
Finally, the state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night. Let me repeat that: The state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night.  
Carry on.
*Pic from 


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Melissa Harris-Perry is a nut.

    Somebody talked to her in crowded hotel lobby.

    What a joke.

    You're a fucking nut too.

  2. In other crazy black people news:

    The Sacramento Kings basketball team had to cancel giving away Lunar New Year shirts celebrating the Year of the Monkey on Monday after a player noted the shirts could be deemed offensive during Black History month.

  3. 10:48: An anonymous white coward telling people of color that their concern about race isn't legitimate - that it makes them "a nut."

    How novel.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Brother Field, I am not optimistic about America. There are too many racists who hate Blacks for being black. IMO, we are moving backwards, quickly toward implosion.

    One of the biggest racists in the GOP is Ted Cruz and he threatens to become the next President of the USA. Cruz stuck it to Carson because he could do it to a black candidate and get away with it without consequence.

    Anyway, I really don't feel much for MHP. It's clear to anyone who is Black that she sold her soul to the white establishment and Obama. So did Michael Dyson. And I am glad it's coming to light just how corrupt the two of them are.

    Of course, everybody is for sale in America, esp Blacks. But maybe it's been that way for some time? We are the powerless, and things are getting worse for us. Much of this we can thank Obama and Blacks like MHP and Dyson whose skins are black but whose hearts are Lilly White.

    Obama has done enormous damage to Blacks. So much that I don't see much hope.

  5. Anonymous11:51 PM

    "Finally, the state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night. Let me repeat that: The state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night."

    Did you expect them NOT to execute him? Why that would be unprecedented by the white justice system. BTW, what did the brother do?

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "Sadly, racists are indeed getting bolder and angrier. In a way you almost wish that one of their chosen leaders will win the damn election (I see you Mr. Trump) so that they can "take their country back" and just leave the rest of us alone."

    When you say "racists are indeed getting bolder and angrier", do you mean all of White America? It sure feels that way. I mean, I don't feel safe anywhere.

    I hope Trump wins too. He is the best person for our survival. Cruz would finish us off where Obama started.

  7. We've seen it here. Cowards usually pick on who they think is vulnerable. I wish he would have tried that shit on Suge Knight. No surprise this would happen.

  8. Anonymous12:57 AM

    1) MSNBC is a joke. Ratings are shit. MHP was picked to anchor because ... you know. Everybody knows. Same reason that ape-looking creature was picked to star in Star Wars XXVII.

    2) Even if this college attack incident turns out not to be YET ANOTHER fake hate crime hoax, groids attack whites in packs all the time. Man bites dog, dawg.

    3) That 72 year-old murdering piece of shit has been living off the taxpayer dime for almost as long as I've been on this eart6h. He should have been X'd a long, long time ago.

    4) Field is a faggot.

    That is all.

  9. Anonymous1:08 AM

    @ Anon 11:44 -

    People don't hate you because your skin is black; they hate you because you act like fucking animals and bring violence, noise, filth and decay with you everywhere you go.

    YOU are the ones who obsess over skin color. WE obsess over behavior, ability, stuff like that.

  10. This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.

  11. Pukey Donaldson1:13 AM

    Question for cunts like Yisheng and lilac: How does it feel going through life as ignorant and uncultured as you are?

  12. I know why ugly white boys like Bill and Josh post here all the time. They have no life. They obviously aren't getting any pussy. They are basically still basement-dwellers. Typical of white men. What a fucking joke they are. Fuck them.

  13. The Real Lance Cockstrong1:24 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. The Fixer1:39 AM

    People don't hate you because your skin is white; they hate you because you act like fucking animals and bring violence, noise, filth and decay with you everywhere you go.

    YOU are the ones who obsess over skin color. WE obsess over behavior, ability, stuff like that.

    There, fixed it.

  15. Could have been one of your commentators. Biggest bunch of hate spewing racists this side of a Trump rally.

  16. The Ministry of Truth2:10 AM

    I'm not too surprised about Melissa Harris-Perry. She appears to have become a sort of hate lightning rod to some folks on the Right.

    I don't think this is only about race. They seem to have gotten it into their head that she's some sort of radical, militant identity-politics ideologue, when she's really not. I think they project beliefs onto her that she doesn't actually hold, deliberately misread her statements, and then just wallow in boiling outrage.

    *Right-wingers twisted some anodyne "it takes a village"-type statements she made about child rearing to mean that she was advocating for the state to take everyone's kids away and abolish parenthood.

    *Many pearls were clutched over her joke comparing the Romneys and their black grandson to the GOP. (She was mocking the Republican Party for not being very ethnically diverse, and they decided to pretend she was attacking the Romney family, when that was clearly not her intent.) In fact, wingnuts freaked out so hard at MSNBC over that one that she was forced to make a teary apology on air, despite having nothing to legitimately apologize for.

    *They completely lost their shit when she pulled that silly stunt where she wore tampon earrings to protest Texas' crazy anti-abortion bill. There was endless gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over that one.

    Those are only a few examples of the wild overreaction to Melissa Harris-Perry's show. Her fairly tame statements and frankly pretty harmless humor seem to make certain right-wingers go bananas. I just don't get it.

  17. Anonymous2:24 AM

    "Those are only a few examples of the wild overreaction to Melissa Harris-Perry's show. Her fairly tame statements and frankly pretty harmless humor seem to make certain right-wingers go bananas. I just don't get it."

    It is all about race and always has been. For example, when Shirley Chisholm ran for President she received numerous death threats just as Hank Aaron did when he was getting close to Babe Ruth's record. Cowardly anon at 1:08 says it's all about behavior and ability when we all know it' s bullshit. Racists do what racists do.


  18. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Fuck you

  19. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Can't we all just hit a bong?

  20. "MSNBC is a joke. Ratings are shit."

    True they may not have the ratings of their competitors but they have some serious heavy hitting journalists there. Dr. Rachel Maddow has broken several stories that became national such as the Flint water crisis and Gov. Mark Sanford's "hike down the Appalachian Trail". It's a good break from other media outlets. Don't judge quality by popularity if that was the case McDonald's would be one of the world's best restaurants.

  21. James Bold5:03 AM

    "When you say "racists are indeed getting bolder and angrier", do you mean all of White America? It sure feels that way. I mean, I don't feel safe anywhere."

    Of course you're not safe anywhere.  You're especially not safe among "your own".  Wherever you go, there you are.  Africa is worse than America because of No Whitey.  White people are the only ones who can make the things you want, including peace and prosperity.

    Only White social capital and White law keeps you in your enviable position as the wealthiest Black people on the planet.  Your greatest fear is that Whitey will drop the fiction that You Are Just Like Us and withdraw the blessings of his peace and prosperity from you.  Within two years you would turn your environs into Haiti, Congo, Zimbabwe or Rwanda.

    "White privilege" is code for Black failure.

  22. I see Pretty Ricky Santorum has quit the race. I guess he can go back to not doing anything for blah people in the private sector.

  23. "Your greatest fear is that Whitey will drop the fiction that You Are Just Like Us and withdraw the blessings of his peace and prosperity from you."

    Really? Not my greatest fear. Anyone else here have this fear? Not even in the top 20, 50 or 100. Where did you get this information? Did you do a poll or just make it up? You are a funny guy James.

  24. "Your greatest fear is that Whitey will drop the fiction that You Are Just Like Us and withdraw the blessings of his peace and prosperity from you."

    Why wouldn't I be Just Like You James? What have you done that I am incapable of doing? Can you fly like a bird or something? Do you have the power of invisibility? As far as I can tell you are no more capable of anything than I am. That's not fiction that's reality. Maybe your biggest fear is realizing the fact that you are the same, no better no worse than me.

  25. Limpbaugh said...
    "Take our country back" is racist dog whistle speak for take our country back from the blacks and Mexicans.

    Who knew in 2006 and 2008 when Democrats wanted to "Take our country back'' they were talking about taking our country back from the blacks and mexicans??

  26. James Bold6:52 AM

    "Really? Not my greatest fear. Anyone else here have this fear?"

    Without Whitey, there would be no airplanes for you to pilot.

    "What have you done that I am incapable of doing?"

    You mean, like acquiring US patents?  Let's see you do that one, then I'll come up with something else.

    Oh, yeah.  I can make the society which lets you pretend you're civilized and have the thrill of sitting at the helm of a machine flying at 540 MPH and 30,000 feet.  Blacks have nowhere gotten close to this.  You had a whole continent with food available year-round, large animals you could have tried to domesticate, many resources from iron and coal and petroleum to diamonds and uranium... and it took the Semitics, Nordics and Orientals to understand these things and bring the practices to Africa.

    Without a long, long line of White guys who dug into the secrets of nature and then the engineering to exploit them, you'd be stuck on the ground wishing you could be a bird without the slightest hope of achieving it.  Yet you have no gratitude, only resentment.  What you're seeing as "racism" is the long-deferred blowback, and you deserve every "microaggression".

  27. Oh cry me a river. Melissa Harris- Perry is a moonbat racist. IF this did happen, given her moonbattery, she deserved it.

    Three black females got attacked by a group of white males and females on a bus? Now black females know how white females feel when they get attacked by black males and females in philly and other places. Those racial attacks never get coverage from the media or from field. So boo-freakin'-hoo.

    '''Finally, the state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night. Let me repeat that: The state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night.  ''

    Yeah that happens when you murder someone in a state that has the death penalty. In typical moonbat fashion, moonbats have sympathy for the murderer and not the victim.

  28. James, what is your patent number? ..........

  29. The Fixer7:35 AM

    PilotX said.....

    We've seen it here. Cowards usually pick on who they think is vulnerable. I wish he would have tried that shit on Suge Knight.

    Now what Suga gone do? Have a diabetes attack and pass out?

    You know black people don't wanna fight any one white unless they outnumber the white by at least 5 to 1. Black people are cowards that way.

  30. Quote: Little Jimmy Bold

    "You mean, like acquiring US patents?"

    OK you guys can all laugh at that (I know I did) but it's a little known fact that Little Jimmy has several U.S. patents, of which the most revolutionary is a self-burning cross, which you can hammer into your black neighbour's lawn and set alight by remote control from the safety of your Federal building in Oregon.

  31. James Bold10:26 AM

    "James, what is your patent number?"

    I have more than one.

    Telling you patent numbers would be equivalent to doxxing myself.  I will not do this.  If you want the word of an officer of the court that I am indeed the inventor listed on patents, you know my terms.

    "it's a little known fact that Little Jimmy has several U.S. patents, of which the most revolutionary is a self-burning cross, which you can hammer into your black neighbour's lawn and set alight by remote control from the safety of your Federal building in Oregon."

    You should patent that, PC.  It would be far more useful in this day and age than Garrett Morgan's traffic signal.


  32. The FieldNegro said...
    Finally, the state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night. Let me repeat that: The state of Georgia executed a 72 year old man last night.

    Some states don;t play patsy with criminals.

    Texas put to death the cowards that dragged James Byrd to his death.

    Imagine someone dragging a Black man to his death in California. After a couple years the murderer would be eligible for early release.


  33. In bid to counter Putin, Obama seeks to quadruple military spending in Europe

    It appears the great "reset button" diplomacy Obama bragged about didn't work.

  34. Anonymous11:21 AM

    "Those are only a few examples of the wild overreaction to Melissa Harris-Perry's show. Her fairly tame statements and frankly pretty harmless humor seem to make certain right-wingers go bananas. I just don't get it."

    Minister of Truth, you ought to know that MHP also attacked Cornel West, degraded and demeaned and pissed on him along with that fat-ass Dyson. As I have said before MHP may have black skin, but she has a lilly white heart.

    She has made her bed with the white corporate structure just like Obama has. Which means she supports the white establishment against Blacks for her own selfish reasons. The irony is Whites don't accept Blacks into their race, they USE Blacks to hurt other Blacks.

    I am sorry, brother. But MHP is not harmless. She seems to be an unpredictable sell-out, which makes her a danger to her own race...

    Of course, so many of Blacks today sell-out for the money, don't they? Other than Cornel and Tavis, I can't think of any other Blacks actually putting their actions where their words are.

    BTW, have you noticed how silent Blacks have been toward Tavis and Cornel? Let me tell you why: Practically the whole damn race has been wrong about Obama and the race is suffering and will be suffering in the decades to come.

    Meanwhile, Tavis and Cornel's warning about Obama has been true from the beginning. Of course, we can't talk about the truth. We live in fantasy worlds far apart from reality. That's why we have been appropriately called "political dummies". We vote against ourselves all the time....totally self-destructive, yet we want others to respect us....Go figure.

  35. 51 murders. 229 shootings. That's just one month in Chiraq. Now there is talk of a state of emergency. No word yet on if the Obama administration will be relocating Chiraqi refugees who are trying to escape the violence and murder.

    What political party controls Chiraq? What is the majority race in Chiraq? And how do they vote?

  36. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Mr Field, maybe it's me but I find your post leaving out some obvious important information about the 72-year old who was executed by the state of Georgia.

    I ask again, "what did he do to deserve such treatment?" Was he innocent and it's another case of racism in Georgia? If so, then BLM and the entire nation need to cry out on such an injustice! Anyway, please provide some detail about this bm. You gave his age, but nothing else about his character or behavior that landed him on death row....

    You ARE an honest criminal lawyer, aren't you? Maybe not. Ok, I'll drop the "honest" bit. I realize it's hard to be honest in your field of work, esp in an racist justice system. Honesty in your line of work is a liability.

  37. Anonymous12:04 PM

    That encounter would scare me, too. I don't blame Ms. Perry for being afraid at all!

    It is so sad that only black people are almost assaulted or actually violently assaulted by white nuts. Whites, Jews, Hispanics, or Asians don't know and never experience the fear of assaults from black nuts.

  38. Black Nutz White Chinz12:14 PM

    It's not fear they be experiencing. It's Mandingo lust.

  39. I can't think of anything more de-moralizing for our service members than the vision of Secretary Clinton as their commander-in-chief. She has repeatedly failed to understand the basic realities of regional balances of power; she has made decisions regarding the lives and limbs of our service members based on the Wall Street interests who control her; and she has repeatedly mishandled top secret documents. For sure, she has lots of experience, and it almost always has involved screwing the middle class and our service members.

    The Veterans of Foreign Wars were right to give their 2015 Congressional Award to Bernie Sanders, who has devoted much of his life to looking out for our nation and for those who have served.

  40. Anonymous1:04 PM

    That 72 year old man murdered a 35 year old convenience clerk named Roger Tackett during a robbery in 1979, was convicted and given the death penalty, and has been fighting to stay alive with appeal after appeal for almost 40 years.

    "...Tackett's body lying face-down at one end of the narrow storeroom (Officer Kendall had not seen the victim when he first encountered the defendants in the storeroom since he did not enter the storeroom at that time).  

    Tackett had been shot five times from behind, once in the jaw, once behind the left ear, once in the thumb, and twice in the right hip.   The medical examiner determined that the fatal shot was the “loose contact” shot behind the left ear since that bullet penetrated the brain;  this shot was probably the final shot..."

    - See more at:

    That evil bastard murderer should have been executed decades ago.

  41. Anon above, do u think Charles Manson should have been executed?

  42. Limpbaugh1:39 PM

    Hatred for the media undoubtedly compounded the MHP incident. The guy wouldn't have confronted her if he didn't recognize who she was. He would have kept his racism to himself. I would be tempted to pull off George Will's wig if I saw him, myself. I don't see what anyone could have against MHP if it wasn't based in racism though. The best commentators at MSNBC are the ones who don't cover the areas that the execs want them to lie about. Foreign affairs is one such area. Step over the line and you'll be fired. With Ed Schultz it might have been the TTP. With Phil Donahue it was Iraq. Jesse Ventura was paid not to do a show that he was scheduled to host because he was against the Iraq War. Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur are others who stepped over lines. Lies of omission are more tolerable from hosts who don't cover the areas that they are supposed to lie about at all. David Corn is an example of a propagandist who does. Rachel Maddow is the first to raise her hand when the execs want the hosts to lie. Chris Matthews is the second. And that's just because he isn't as smart as Maddow. The media is full of personalities who should be charged with war crime propaganda. I dislike some of the same people that the wingnuts dislike, but for different reasons. Unfortunately, their hatred is often misplaced.

  43. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Yes. Manson should have been executed along with the rest of the evil creatures who carried out his orders to torture and murder many people, including a very pregnant woman, and received the death penalty.

  44. James Bold1:45 PM

    "do u think Charles Manson should have been executed?"

    I'm not Anonymous, but I think Manson should have stopped wasting oxygen 40 years ago.

    See, Field, White people have a sense of justice which transcends race.  Most Black people only have a sense of tribal identity.

  45. The more you concede to blacks the more they will demand. They can not be satisfied.

  46. "I can make the society which lets you pretend you're civilized and have the thrill of sitting at the helm of a machine flying at 540 MPH and 30,000 feet."

    Really James? YOU are responsible for creating airplanes? C'mon now, now you're just taking credit for someone else's work.

    "You mean, like acquiring US patents? Let's see you do that one, then I'll come up with something else."

    Shouldn't be much of a problem if I was interested in such. Let's see you land a 600,000 lb. aircraft on a slippery runway with winds gusting up to 40 kts. Do that and then I can talk to you.

  47. That's it James? Ha! I thought you were capable of mentally teleporting yourself to another planet or something. Looks like your idea of being somehow special doesn't hold water. You can't do ANYTHING I can't do or any of the blahs here. I know how badly you need to feel special just because you were born a few shades lighter than I was but it just ain't so. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. The sooner you come to terms with reality the sooner you can lose your mental illness known as racism but it's a free country so you can continue to be such.

  48. "White people have a sense of justice which transcends race. Most Black people only have a sense of tribal identity."

    Historically your first sentence isn't true and you prove you are guilty of the second. Irony is lost on you pal.

  49. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Funny this alleged Melissa Perry attack has gotten so little liberal media coverage. Must be because they suspect a hoax.

  50. Paranoid white male4:03 PM

    You know black people don't wanna fight any one white unless they outnumber the white by at least 5 to 1. Black people are cowards that way.

    Puleeze, white boys don't roll without a lynch mob. They can't leave the house without 10 other guys with assault rifles. Talk about cowardly. White boys are the most paranoid people on the planet.

  51. Makes sense. After her recent foot-in-mouth incidents, like saying the term "hard word" is reserved only for slaves, and other complete horseshit, I reckon she feels the need to tell a make-believe story. She's the lightest thing I've ever seen try to earn that "black" cred.

    But y'all go ahead and eat it up. Ask what's-his-face, the one who got suspended recently, how well those fabrications do in the long run.

  52. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Fuck white people. That is all.

  53. James Bold4:41 PM

    "Really James? YOU are responsible for creating airplanes?"

    CluelessX is clueless.  For all their long histories of civilization and empires, neither China nor India invented science nor spawned an industrial revolution.  That had to wait for the dispassionate, logical mind of European man, forged as individuals fighting against the forces of nature.  It is a way of thinking that is not natural to any other race, though North Asians do it fairly well.

    Europeans—my people—made the society which invented chemistry, analytical metallurgy, fluid dynamics, the internal combustion engine and everything else required for powered flight.  West Africans couldn't so much as invent the wheel.  The only reason you're able to fly a 600,000 lb machine is because White men made it possible and then graciously let you.  You have yet to acknowledge your debt to them.

    "you're just taking credit for someone else's work."

    You are so funny.  When some BLACK person (even if he's maybe 1/8 Black) does something, like being a particularly good administrator for processing, storing and distributing stored blood (none of which advances he invented, just refined), YOU don't hesitate to take credit.  But when I say the society created by White people did something, you're all "you didn't do that" even when that wasn't a claim.  Even when something is stated or not-stated plain as day, you can't properly understand the plain English.

    There is something wrong with your brain, that it makes such elementary mistakes.  Maybe you can fly an airliner... but chimpanzees have been taught to drive cars too.

    "Let's see you land a 600,000 lb. aircraft on a slippery runway with winds gusting up to 40 kts."

    Have someone pay for the training and I'll be happy to.  Sounds like fun.  But I'm too old and my sight isn't good enough to take it up as a new career, so there's no way I'm paying for it myself.

  54. The Ministry of Truth4:43 PM

    "Funny this alleged Melissa Perry attack has gotten so little liberal media coverage. Must be because they suspect a hoax."

    No, must be because there were no serious consequences, thankfully. A man acting a little creepy and then running away when confronted isn't exactly front-page news.

    Chances are, he's a harmless, albeit hateful, nutter who talks big but would never have done anything violent. But you never know. A small percentage of the nutters out there aren't so harmless, and those guys do make the news.

  55. Burfict5:09 PM

    Do you blacks enjoy being looked on as retarded little children, constantly needing pats on the head, by the left?

  56. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Josh said,
    She's the lightest thing I've ever seen try to earn that "black" cred.

    What about Rachel Anne Dolezal or Shaun King?

    I believe Ms. Perry was almost attacked. There are lots of nuts in this world and she is a visible target for nuts.

    I resent, however, Field's implied assertion in this blog post that violent attacks due to racial hatred are unique or even common to black people from white people. The FBI statistics don't support that assertion.

    But, that is his shtick on this blog. Whites bad. Blacks good. I do think he is too smart to actually believe that. His regulars...not so much.

  57. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Funny this alleged Melissa Perry attack has gotten so little liberal media coverage. Must be because they suspect a hoax."

    Most likely, it never happened.

  58. field negro said...
    James, what is your patent number? ..........

    I think you meant prison number, Field.

  59. RIP Maurice White!! :(

  60. The Ministry of Truth6:39 PM

    Today in bigotry:

    Marco Rubio has decided to go a bit Trumpish.

    In response to a speech about religious tolerance given by Obama at a mosque in Baltimore, here's how Rubio responded:

    "'I’m tired of being divided against each other for political reasons like this president’s done,' Rubio said. 'Always pitting people against each other. Always.'

    'Look at today – he gave a speech at a mosque,' Rubio continued. 'Oh, you know, basically implying that America is discriminating against Muslims. Of course there’s going to be discrimination in America of every kind. But the bigger issue is radical Islam. And by the way, radical Islam poses a threat to Muslims themselves.'

    'But again, it’s this constant pitting people against each other — that I can’t stand that. It’s hurting our country badly,' Rubio said."

    Now it's "divisive" to even admit that discrimination against Muslims exists and may be increasing. Please note that he's not saying that Obama had made inflammatory remarks in his speech, or had offered impractical or unjust solutions to address anti-Muslim bigotry.

    No, Rubio has decreed that nobody is allowed to so much as broach the subject, because according to him, Islamophobia is not a real problem.

    (Trump, of course, scrambled to offer a "me too" response -- because what the hell, Marco, everyone knows The Donald is the Hater-In-Chief. You can't out-hate Trump!)

  61. MOT, thanks for that info about Mr. Thirsty (AKA Marco Rubio)

    What a dope!

    "field negro said...
    James, what is your patent number? ..........

    I think you meant prison number, Field."


  62. Anonymous6:59 PM

    FBI statistics show 60% of all religious hate crimes are against Jews compared to 15% against Muslims, Truth.

  63. The Blacks7:15 PM

    Do you blacks enjoy being looked on as retarded little children, constantly needing pats on the head, by the left?
    No but we also don't enjoy being stereotypes as thugs, welfare recipients, slavish voters and apes by racist righties either. But hey at least we know the truth about ourselves and don't need affirmation.

  64. "There is something wrong with your brain, that it makes such elementary mistakes."

    Really James? Kind of like you when you imply others are tribalistic but yet make the most tribalistic statements and assertions? Really? And then go on to brag about patents you can't seem to name unless someone gives you $100,000 and yet there's something wrong with someone else's brain? You are certainly a piece of work but hey we like having you around because you are living proof there is no such thing as white supremacy.

  65. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous The Ministry of Truth said...
    Now it's "divisive" to even admit that discrimination against Muslims exists and may be increasing.

    Americans have been remarkably tolerant of Muslims in the wake of the many attacks against American citizens in the name of Allah by people we welcomed to our country. To continuously falsely impugn the character of his own countrymen like Obama does is perhaps the worst aspect of his character.

    As Muslims are scrambling to come over, Islamophobia can't be that bad. It is obviously a great thing for those Muslims who are able to move here. Please explain why is it a good for the current population to import Muslims into America?

    Muslims do not assimilate into any of the countries they move to. They are less immigrants than they are colonists.

    Everywhere on earth there are Muslim communities, they are in violent conflict with all other groups - Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists. When there are no other religions around, they start on each other (Sunni vs Shia).

    One can readily understand why its good for them to come here. Their countries are violent repressive shit holes, not because of geography or circumstance, but because of them. Why do we want to bring that here? Why would we give away and ruin the country we are leaving our children?

  66. Soooo Obama speaks at a mosque that has terrorist ties and is under investigation. A mosque in which women are segregated, beaten and forced into servitude. And The Ministry of Truth wants to attack Marco Rubio and cry bigotry?????

    That's a leftwinger for you.

  67. James Bold8:16 PM

    "James, what is your patent number? ..........

    I think you meant prison number, Field."

    Blacks always project their faults and vices onto Whitey.

    "we also don't enjoy being stereotypes as thugs, welfare recipients, slavish voters and apes by racist righties either"

    Then stop fulfilling the stereotypes.  Getting your illegitimacy rate back down to the "crisis" level that had Daniel Patrick Moynihan ringing alarm bells in the 60's would be a good start.  And by all means, SNITCH on your criminals, even if they're fambly!

    "Kind of like you when you imply others are tribalistic but yet make the most tribalistic statements and assertions?"

    You mean, like thinking the death penalty is appropriate for both Black and White murderers?  The only reason I want "tribal" separation from Blacks is because of your tribalism; you view all others as hostile, even as prey.  Mexicans, Orientals, Semites... everyone sees you that way.  Even Muslims.  How does that feel, to be viewed as subhuman by people whose culture has centered around warring on camelback for most of the last 1400 years?

    "And then go on to brag about patents you can't seem to name unless someone gives you $100,000"

    That's the ante for this poker game.  I gave you 2:1 odds, so quit complaining.

  68. "Blacks always project their faults and vices onto Whitey."

    That really goes both ways sir.

    "Then stop fulfilling the stereotypes."

    Most people aren't. The vast majority of blah people are honest hard working folk but of course there are a few bad apples just like in the white community but ever sonce we arrived on these shores we have been portrayed at villains. The same was true for Italians and the Irish but since sometime in the 50's or so they became white so that stopped but it never stopped for us.

    "The only reason I want "tribal" separation from Blacks is because of your tribalism; you view all others as hostile, even as prey. Mexicans, Orientals, Semites... everyone sees you that way. Even Muslims. How does that feel, to be viewed as subhuman by people whose culture has centered around warring on camelback for most of the last 1400 years?"

    Are you serious? Of course we've been looked at as savages is because that's the image you and people like you have been showing so of course it's going to stick in peoples' minds. White people here have been responsible for some of the most horrific acts in history but their image has always been as good folk. Whites have lynched, shot, burned alive, castrated, stabbed and all type of inhuman acts but yet never been painted as savages. We know your game James and it doesn't work here. On the other sites you visit such as your boy Jared Taylor you may be able to convince those other racists that stereotypes are true but you can't tell me, an intelligent fully informed blah man who is all too much your equal or better that I am some kind of sub human species. That shit doesn't work here James but keep on if it makes you feel better.

  69. "That's the ante for this poker game. I gave you 2:1 odds, so quit complaining."

    No complaining, I just see the game you're playing. You don't have any patents nor can you prove it. Let me know if you ever find someone dumb enough to bet you $100,000 to prove anything you say. I know for sure no blah person is dumb enough to fall for that.

  70. The Ministry of Truth12:39 AM

    "FBI statistics show 60% of all religious hate crimes are against Jews compared to 15% against Muslims, Truth."

    Yes. But there are a couple important points to make about that.

    First, those numbers from 2014 (the last year of available data) likely undercount hate crimes against Muslims. Muslims tend not to trust the authorities, due to all of our insanely over-reactive post-9/11 anti-terror policies, and so are less likely than Jews to report hate crimes against them.

    Second, that same report indicated that hate crimes against Muslims rose by 14% in 2014. The number of hate crimes targeting Jews, meanwhile, fell slightly, by about 2.5%.

    Bigotry against most other groups is falling, or at least holding steady, but every indicator suggests Islamophobia is getting worse, not better.

  71. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Truth, do you have any statistics to back up your statements? Just because you make up things, facts don't support your 'feelings'.

    4x as many hate crimes are committed against Jews than Muslims, yet Obama accuses this Nation, of being Islamophobic WHEN IT JUST ISN’T TRUE!

    I would argue, given the fact that we are in a war with Islamic Muslim fundamentalists, who are launching terror attacks against innocent civilians around the globe, that we have shown incredible tolerance towards Muslims in this country.

  72. Anonymous11:42 AM

    We need more hate crimes against Muslims. A lot more, and much more hateful. Let's all commit to getting some real progress in 2016!

  73. "What about Rachel Anne Dolezal"

    Her original white skin is 2 shades darker than MHP's fair ass. But none of that shit matters. Black folks have been letting the one-drop light-skinneds rule the roost anyway. That's what ya get when you decide to judge "black" based on ideology. Just look at those college campuses. It's always the light-skinneds who are the most militant. Either the light-skinned fools, or the chicks with the silkiest, smoothest, newest hair weaves. Never the naturals or the darker brothers, though. They play the background. Or they finance the endeavors of the light-skinned and hair-hats.

    I suppose this is whitey's fault somehow, though. After all, if a black person stubs his toe in the middle of the night getting up to take a piss, it's whitey's fault. Because when kings and queens in Africa, y'all could defy gravity and float to the bathroom -- but after 400 years of oppression...

  74. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Josh, you often make good points even though your posts are usually antagonistic. The above post is an exception, nonsensical, and just plain dumb.

  75. James Bold2:23 PM


    "The vast majority of blah people are honest hard working folk"

    Truth:  54.6% of all Black households were receiving means-tested welfare in 2012.  For Black households with children, this number skyrockets to 81.5%.  3/5 of White households with children live off the welfare teat, but less than 1/5 of Black households do.

    So much for "hard-working".  Whitey makes, Blackie takes.

    "of course there are a few bad apples"

    Look at the clown who thinks four out of five is "a few"!

    "Of course we've been looked at as savages is because that's the image you and people like you have been showing"

    Really?  It's not the image Black people have been quite deliberately projecting?  Do you think there was even one White kid in that classroom?  You must have flown to another planet by accident.

    "White people here have been responsible for some of the most horrific acts in history"

    While any incidents of White cannibal generals are lost in the mists of time, we have Blacks doing it on camera in the 21st century.  Idi Amin admitted tasting human flesh.

    "Whites have lynched, shot, burned alive, castrated, stabbed and all type of inhuman acts but yet never been painted as savages."

    Mostly to put sufficient fear into criminal predators that they leave White people alone.  On the other hand, I can find you more than 200 examples of Black people shooting others just from last month in Chicago.  Black mother Mitchelle Blair scalded her son Stephen Berry to death in Detroit, and Black woman Mona Nelson kidnapped (White) 12-yr-old Jonathon Foster in order to burn him to death with a welding torch.  You don't do this to criminals, you do it to total innocents.  THAT is why you are called savages.

    "We know your game James and it doesn't work here."

    Your game is evasion and denial, but all I have to do is name names to prove that you're pushing a load of un-composted manure.

    "You don't have any patents nor can you prove it."

    Evasion and denial, anything to avoid having to put up or shut up.  What a pussy.  All you'd have to do to totally humiliate me is to go retain a Vegas lawyer and put the onus on me to carry out my end, then have him give you a letter under his signature if I failed.  This would cost you a few hundred bucks, tops.  You won't, because your mouth is the only part of you that truly works.

  76. James Bold2:25 PM

    "First, those numbers from 2014 (the last year of available data) likely undercount hate crimes against Muslims. Muslims tend not to trust the authorities"

    Muslims have done many hoax hate crimes against themselves (including this mosque arson), and this clown thinks they're too afraid to run to the authorities!  Both PilotX and MoT must be posting from Bizarro World, because they sure don't live in THIS one.

    "Obama accuses this Nation, of being Islamophobic WHEN IT JUST ISN’T TRUE!"

    The USA is islamo-realist.  We know that Muslims are the only source of jihad terrorism in this country, from San Bernardino and Ft. Hood to 9/11.  If the government and media lost their power to slander and bully the truth-tellers, Muslims would be well-advised to go home to the Dar al Islam.  No Americans want them here.

  77. James Bold2:26 PM

    "First, those numbers from 2014 (the last year of available data) likely undercount hate crimes against Muslims. Muslims tend not to trust the authorities"

    Muslims have done many hoax hate crimes against themselves (including this mosque arson), and this clown thinks they're too afraid to run to the authorities!  Both PilotX and MoT must be posting from Bizarro World, because they sure don't live in THIS one.

    "Obama accuses this Nation, of being Islamophobic WHEN IT JUST ISN’T TRUE!"

    The USA is islamo-realist.  We know that Muslims are the only source of jihad terrorism in this country, from San Bernardino and Ft. Hood to 9/11.  If the government and media lost their power to slander and bully the truth-tellers, Muslims would be well-advised to go home to the Dar al Islam.  No Americans want them here.

  78. Curious Observer6:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    No complaining, I just see the game you're playing. You don't have any patents nor can you prove it. Let me know if you ever find someone dumb enough to bet you $100,000 to prove anything you say. I know for sure no blah person is dumb enough to fall for that.

    Uhhh... If he has no patents and can't prove that he does then why wouldn't you bet him $100,000 to prove it? That seems like an easy win to me. It is only a dumb bet if you know he can prove it.

  79. Curious Observer6:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    Of course we've been looked at as savages is because that's the image you and people like you have been showing so of course it's going to stick in peoples' minds.

    Are you serious?

    Do you see a zebra and say "There is a lion!"
    Do you look at a picture of Richard Nixon and say "There is a fine, honest politician!"
    Do you look at a street gang (white, black, hispanic or asian) sporting pistols and throwing up gang signs and call them a "wholesome, constructive community organization"? No! You do not. You call it like you see it. So do other people.

    And also... quit lumping yourself in with others that have earned the title unless you did something to deserve it.
