Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A sad state of affairs.

Image result for chicago 1968 political violence american  image  "Jeffrey Bouley @thedeaconblue 5 minutes ago
That moment you look out at your nation and realize: Not only is "Idiocracy" now a documentary, "The Walking Dead" has become a utopian tale."
That quote from twitter pretty much sums up the state of the American political scene in 2016.
A spokesperson for the leading candidate in the republican primary for president just declared that riots are not necessarily a bad thing, another one said that peaceful protesters had the violence that they experienced coming to them, and the candidate himself is threatening to riot with his peeps if things don't go his way at the republican convention. The same candidate promises to pay his supporters legal fees when they angrily assault people.  (He lied about saying it, but what else is new?)
There was supposed to be a debate on FOX VIEWS, but trump backed out, so without the show poor FOX had to cancel.  He (trump) thinks that we have had enough debating.  Honestly, I am surprised that he didn't do this sooner. I mean, let's face it, it's not like he has anything to say in the first place. ("It's gonna be huuge.") 
Finally, to get away from politics for a little bit. I would like to bring your attention to an article I read from my man David Love.
"Why is that when black people are killed, either the story is ignored, or at best, it gets only second or third-tier coverage?
The news last week coming out of Wilkinsburg, Pa. (Allegheny County adjacent to Pittsburgh) is heartbreaking and shocking to the conscience. A team of two gunmen gunned down and killed five people, including a pregnant woman, and seriously wounded two others at a backyard cookout. The death of the fetus was ruled as a homicide, which raised the death toll to six. One of the victims was shot 50 times, and one of the attackers even used an AK-47 rifle to shoot his victims in the head. By all accounts, this was a military-style operation.

Drugs were not ruled out as a possible motive. Although we might not know the whole story, this much is certain: The victims were black, no white folks were involved, and apparently this was not the work of ISIS. So, in other words, keep moving, nothing to see here.

And it is not that the ambush-style mass murder was not covered in the media but rather that it was covered in a manner that is customary when black lives are at stake — or should we say, when black deaths are involved.

Even in a nation that, far too often, is accustomed to mass shootings, these mass shootings still make front page news. However, no one seems to care about the murder of poor black people, and so the story is buried." [More here]

And let me preempt the racist argument that the shooters might have been black right now: That is beside the point. The  shooters could have been little green men from Mars; the point is that their victims were poor and black, and so no one cares. 

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Dog bites man / Man bites dog.

    Blacks slaughter each other unrelentingly, day after day after day, all across the USA. People are jaded. White people, despite what they say, do not care. Thanks to the Internet ("Wurl Stah!") everyone can finally see you all for what you really are: a race of violent, impulsive, unintelligent, childlike thugs.

    No, black lives truly do not matter. Sorry.

  2. StillaPanther211:02 PM

    I find fault in the African Americans that can get on TV to place our story on front street. Recently the AAs have been racing to the TVs to tell how much they love and support Hillary Clinton. How many times must AA be told by the majority inaction that we are worthless to them. Now is not the time, us AAs MUST entertain and produce income for the whites . NCAA basketball generates bags of money. The income producers (the Black males) get a hat, T shirt and exposure on TV. Surely you want your homies to see you. So six dead AA getting zipped means nothing. This killing could be a catalyst to demonstrate that we care about each other- after all we do have BLM . Brother Field I must thank you because you do your part. If only we have one hundred you.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I am a black man and a former Panther, too. I am appalled by all the terrible violence in our communities; that is why I am supporting the only man that can turn things around in the 'hood ....

    Donald Trump. Yep. He's The Man. He's got the brains, he's got the street smarts, and best of all, he's got compassion. Donald loves ALL people - black, white, brown, yellow or red. He will make this country a place that is safe for my little boy, De'Quon'Tray'Various, and my little girl, Astra'Zeneca to ride their tricycles down the streets without some saggy pants cornrow head thug with a Uzi blowing them away.

    Vote Trump. Make The Hood Great Again.

  4. James Bold11:36 PM

    Hey, what happened to the "DIGITAL BLACKFACE ALERT!" comment?  It was funny.

    Any form of cluelessness about satire... FUNNY!

  5. Field, what part of dehumanization do we not get? Our lives do not nor have they ever mattered. Was this story carried by the local blah newspaper? Forgive me I forgot the name but Pittsburgh has one of the nation's oldest blah newspapers in the nation and this is why blah press is still needed to this day. So to answer your question all you have to do is answer the question that is posed to blah people everyday, why do you guys need BET?

  6. Ah, after a quick internet search it is the New Pittsburgh Courier. Here is a quote from John Sengstacke who owned the famous Chicago Defender.

    "The Courier had a great history. The loss would not only be a big loss for the city of Pittsburgh, but a devastating loss for the entire country. The Black press is the only true voice Black people have. I've worked tireless to make sure that it is heard loud and clear throughout this country.
    — John H. Sengstacke[4]
    Mr. Sengstacke's words are as true today as when he made them in I believe 1966.

  7. @PX, the Pittsburgh story is why I REALLY miss MHP.

  8. Had this horrific slaughter taken place in an exclusive neighborhood in Westchester, NY, Highland Park, TX, Grosse Pointe, MI or Potomac, MD, the media reaction, and therefore the reaction of the public, would have been much different. As the victims would have been viewed through a different lens.

    The lack of national media attention on the incident in Wilkinsburg, PA can be linked to the same reasons government officials in Flint, Michigan took more than a year to acknowledge that the municipal water supply was poisoned with toxic levels of lead.

    Both communities are marginalized by concentrated poverty, lack of adequate employment opportunities, deteriorating infrastructure caused by years of inadequate investment by the state and federal government and it's certainly no coincidence that both communities exist in states governed by hyper-conservative Republican state legislatures who model their approach to urban communities off of extremist "model legislation" created by the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - a think-tank of Ayn Rand-ian anti-government-zealot policy-makers who worship a "starve the beast" model of government that leaves economically-disadvantaged communities with large populations of people of color left to fend for themselves.

    The worship / fear of the NRA was a factor in the Wilkinsburg killings as well, since the extremist Republican Pennsylvania state legislature passed Act 192 (Google it) back in 2014, which made it easier for the NRA to sue small municipalities like Wilkinsburg for passing basic sensible gun control ordinances and laws like preventing people from carrying weapons on their person or in cars without a gun license, or prohibiting the purchase of certain kinds of ammunition for weapons frequently used in violent acts - like the 7.62mm shells fired from the assault rifle wielded by one of the gunmen last Wednesday night.

    The apathy toward this kind of violence is certainly aided by the kind of narrow-minded deep-seated racial prejudice typified by the first reader comment, which as you well know Field, is so common to trolls intoxicated and liberated by the anonymity of the Internet as a shield for the sharing of simplistic, intentionally hurtful bigotry - which masks a much deeper sense of inadequacy, anger and self loathing, which some choose to satiate by wallowing in pointless juvenile stereotypes.

    The reasons for people ignoring Wilkinsburg are legion - the root cause is not.

  9. Field, not sure if you planted this article to make a point but that you have. Today is the anniversary of the first blah newspaper.

    March 16

    1827—The first Black-owned and operated newspaper in America begins publishing. It was Freedom’s Journal. It published weekly in New York City from 1827 to 1829. Editors John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish declared as their mission: “We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us.”


  10. The FieldNegro said...
    The victims were black, no white folks were involved, and apparently this was not the work of ISIS. So, in other words, keep moving, nothing to see here.
    the point is that their victims were poor and black, and so no one cares.

    How does your party benefit from reporting on Black on Black crime?

  11. Anonymous4:20 AM

    "The death of the fetus was ruled a homicide, which raised the death toll to six ..."

    I hate to say it, but I think the bros who committed these shootings were actually robots sent from the future to slay the leader of the Black Resistance, De'Quan Connor (the fetus who was killed).

    After they were done shooting, one of them was heard to say, "I'll be black ..."

  12. James Bold5:40 AM

    So where is the Black Lives Matter (bowel) movement in all of this?

    Supposedly, everybody in the 'hood knows everyone else's bidness.  There have to be quite a few people who know what the cookout victims were up to and who the shooters are.  However... "no snitching".  Where are the New Black Panthers with a reward for bringing the killers in?  Where are the Black Lives Matter demonstrators demanding that the shooters be identified and brought to justice?


    The only time a Black life "matters" to you is when it can be used to attack justice and civilization.

    1. Wow James, we didn't know you cared so much about the blah community.
      BTW, who are you backing for President?

  13. Yisheng7:54 AM

    Great Black history fact, PX!

  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Field said, "And let me preempt the racist argument that the shooters might have been black right now: That is beside the point. The shooters could have been little green men from Mars; the point is that their victims were poor and black, and so NO ONE CARES."

    Few people care about the poor underclass and that indifference has nothing to do with race and everything to do with "those low class people aren't like me". If this mass assassination had happened at a rural West Virginia BBQ with poor, white people the story wouldn't have received more than a blip on the news either.

  15. The Ministry of Truth11:25 AM

    It is being reported that the city of Cleveland is stocking up on riot gear in preparation for the Republican National Catastrophe, er, I mean Convention. It'll be Team Brooks Brothers versus Team Camo and Trucker Hats smashing each other with folding chairs. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!

    Meanwhile, Ben Carson has given Trump the crappiest, least enthusiastic endorsement in the history of endorsements:

    "'The way I look at it, even if Donald Trump turns out not to be such a great president, which I don’t think is the case, I think he’s going to surround himself with really good people,' Carson said in a phone interview Monday with Newsmax, apparently rationalizing his decision in real time. 'But even if he didn’t, we’re only looking at four years, as opposed to multiple generations and perhaps the loss of the American dream forever.'”

    Bwahahaha! Okay, Ben. I'm sure people are gonna rush right out and vote for The Donald, based on your "how bad can it really be, guys?" reasoning.

  16. The Ministry of Truth11:49 AM

    With regards to the news media reporting on crime in the black community (and other issues of interest to black people), my interpretation of that subject fits in with the way I see American race relations generally.

    If I had to sum up the racial divide in the U.S. today, I'd say it all boils down to this: An awful lot of non-black Americans like to pretend the black community is literally a separate country from theirs. They wish it were a separate country (because they don't want to deal with the many problems associated with black poverty), so they act as though it is one.

    So if an event like this bloodbath in Pennsylvania occurs, and only black people were involved, well, that's somehow not U.S. national news. It's a dispatch from the distant nation of Blackistan, which is, of course, only of peripheral interest to Real Americans. And anyway, everyone knows that shooting each other is the national pastime of the nation of Blackistan; nothing newsworthy there.

    Here's where I have to disagree with you, though, Field. It does matter to the news media whether the shooters were black. Because if they weren't, and especially if they were white, then it's not just an event in a foreign nation. If the citizens of Real America were involved, then it becomes an international incident! John Kerry might have to go negotiate with the Blackistani delegation. It's a big headache. And that will put the story onto the front page.

  17. Y'all racist as fuck.

  18. Holy Jesus Stacey Dash is a moron! Watching her on Faux News and dear god, she is the poster child for Trump voters.

  19. The Trump Revolution Will Be Televised....

    It will not be easy. There's a lot of people out there who don't want to see America great again.They don't want to see a united America. A strong middle class. Donald J. Trump is battling the forces of evil. If it takes rioting to stop paid leftwing thugs, so be it. If it takes rioting to stop Republicans from stealing the nomination, so be it.

    The silent majority is awake and will no longer be pushed around.

    1. The silent majority wants to elect Trump? Was this the same silent majority that Nixon spoke of? Not a good track record.

  20. James Bold1:02 PM

    "If I had to sum up the racial divide in the U.S. today, I'd say it all boils down to this: An awful lot of non-black Americans like to pretend the black community is literally a separate country from theirs."

    It's the anti-racist religion:  Blacks are sacred objects and may not be criticized, even when they kill each other.  Criticizing Blacks is racist, which is the most deadly of sins.

    "It does matter to the news media whether the shooters were black. Because if they weren't, and especially if they were white, then it's not just an event in a foreign nation."

    No, it's blasphemy.  That's why the reaction against George Zimmerman (who is on the order of 1/8 Black himself, probably as much as or more than Melissa Harris-Perry) was so intense and vicious, to the point of naming an octoroon a "White Hispanic" to deny him any claim to victim status protection.

  21. Teh stupid1:18 PM

    It's the anti-racist religion: Blacks are sacred objects and may not be criticized, even when they kill each other. Criticizing Blacks is racist, which is the most deadly of sins.
    Well well well our resident racist who spends his entire life criticizing teh blacks whines bout not being able to criticize teh blacks. James Bitch is exhibit A for showing us how stooooooopid racists are. His lack of self awareness is astounding. Don't worry too much about James, he is so stoooopid he will probably drown in a heavy rain.

  22. James Bitch1:22 PM

    James, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out starting your so called race war? This is how we know you're full of shit, you spend all of your time here. You are one lazy assed hateful bigot, not even motivated enough to get off your fat ass to do something productive. Sad but totally expected.

  23. The Ministry of Truth1:29 PM

    In yet another interesting GOP development, Ted Cruz has added Frank Gaffney to his team of national security advisors. In case anyone does not know who Gaffney is, he's possibly the chief Islamophobe conspiracy-monger in America. (It's a toss-up for the title between him and that nasty witch Pam Geller.)

    SPLC extremist file on Frank Gaffney.

    Just another reminder that both of the leading Republican candidates are awful hatemongers. Donald Trump is simply the louder and more forthright in his hate-mongering, while Cruz prefers a more subtle form of ethno-religious divisiveness.

  24. Just not enough racism2:04 PM

    Blacks are sacred objects and may not be criticized,
    Really asshole? You have literally thousands of websites dedicated to criticizing teh blacks, thousands of hateful comments on every blog (just like here), hate groups that exist just to hate teh blacks and still this is not enough for you? What else do you want, a prime time show called Nigger in which white people yell nigger for an hour every night? We can't even have civil discussions here because of the assholes like you who do nothing but criticize us.
    What in the entire fuck?

  25. ART always follows reality!

  26. splc? Anyone who disagrees with liberal thought is an extremist to them. What a joke.

    Frank Gaffney speaks the truth. That is why the left hates him.

  27. The Fixer4:05 PM

    Frank Gaffney speaks racism. That is why the left hates him.


  28. The right has no brains4:14 PM

    "Gaffney's main argument is that Muslims are trying to impose Sharia, Islamic religious law, on America. This is not happening. "There is simply no evidence that US judges are encountering Sharia law, becoming enraptured with it, and tossing out their statute books," Amanda Taub wrote for Vox in 2014. But the argument has led to unnecessary, unconstitutional, and discriminatory bans on Sharia in seven states.
    Gaffney argues that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the federal government and has called for a new version of the House Un-American Activities Committee, the inquisition into communism in the 1950s, to examine and "root out" its activities.
    Gaffney said in 2009 that Obama "not only identifies with Muslims, but actually may still be one himself."
    Gaffney was key to the conspiracy theory that Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton who worked closely with the then-secretary of state, was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood."

    Paranoid and delusional, typical conservative. No wonder our insane Trump supporter backs Gaffney.

  29. AhmerikaIsComingApart4:15 PM

    If I had to sum up the racial divide in the U.S. today, I'd say it all boils down to this: An awful lot of non-black Americans like to pretend the black community is literally a separate country from theirs. They wish it were a separate country (because they don't want to deal with the many problems associated with black poverty), so they act as though it is one

    That is a much deeper, insightful comment than it appears on the surface. I would have to agree that the majority of whites pretend that "blackistan" doesn't exist, and seek to minimize their interaction or involvement, let alone "interest" in what happens "over there". The only time whites care about "Blackistan" is when blacks are seen as "invading" "White space" and/or funding requests for addressing many of the issues in the underclass black community hit their pocketbooks, and they will rally to protest against funding/support. Otherwise, they will continue to retreat further from "public space" into "whites-only" private space, which they can control - what is going on with the Trump rallies, where blacks are either denied entrance, and/or removed before they've done anything "disruptive" is an example.

    Going along this path of pretending "blackistan" doesn't exist, you will see an increase in the decline of applications to schools that support an active "blactivist" community, etc. I think we will have reached the apex when "membership only" shopping malls come into play, where only "membership paying" whites will be allowed in, and "membership fees" will be suitably high (perhaps offset by reduced wholesale costs of goods sold inside. Think of an upscale whites-only Costco, but it's your local, now-dying mall.

    As far as the gulf between "blackistan" and non-black America, for those that harbor some Django-type fantasies, I would caution that this appears to be the direction things are going:

  30. Anonymous4:15 PM

  31. James Bold4:35 PM

    "James, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out starting your so called race war?"

    Oh, no.  You don't get it.  The race war started long before I was born (Shelley vs. Kraemer was 1948); you finish wearing out your welcome, exhaust the last dregs of forebearance in American society, and then the race war is recognized for what it is and finished off swiftly, brutally and completely.

    "Really asshole? You have literally thousands of websites dedicated to criticizing teh blacks, thousands of hateful comments on every blog (just like here), hate groups that exist just to hate teh blacks and still this is not enough for you? What else do you want, a prime time show called Nigger in which white people yell nigger for an hour every night?"

    How about a mainstream media that actually describes the race of criminals and their victims rather than trying to avoid "stereotyping"?  It's funny that the truth that the lügenpresse will not speak is on WSHH every hour of every day.  The Internet will be their death, and yours.

    "We can't even have civil discussions here because of the assholes like you who do nothing but criticize us."

    You cannot handle constructive criticism?  Apparently not.  To you, any negativity from outside your tribe isn't helpful, it's "enemy action".  This is child-like behavior.  If you could only get rid of your devil half, that might be tolerable.

    "The only time whites care about "Blackistan" is when blacks are seen as "invading" "White space" and/or funding requests for addressing many of the issues in the underclass black community hit their pocketbooks, and they will rally to protest against funding/support."

    White people didn't create those problems, so why are they a White responsibility?  Why can't Blacks work their own jobs, pay their own taxes, and fix up their own communities?  Why isn't Haiti a tropical paradise?  It was the richest territory in the Americas... before 1804.

    "I think we will have reached the apex when "membership only" shopping malls come into play, where only "membership paying" whites will be allowed in, and "membership fees" will be suitably high"

    That idea is obviously ready to go mainstream.  Imagine a developer buying a dead mall for almost nothing, putting a fence around it, and adding millions of dollars of economic activity to the local economy... by subtracting the thugs and criminals who killed it in the first place.

    The chain of causation is crime creates poverty.

  32. Yisheng4:45 PM

    Or is it that poverty creates crime?

    Geez what social miscreant and all around dumb ass, the ONE time I accidentally read something from Field's Chief whooteemoo, it's the dumbest statement in the history of sociology!!

  33. The Fixer5:29 PM

    Frank Gaffney speaks the truth. That is why the left hates him.


  34. Amanda Taub?? Talk about paranoid and delusional!

    "Gaffney's main argument is that Muslims are trying to impose Sharia, Islamic religious law, on America''

    Muslim leaders are in fact trying to do just that. In some areas, such as lending and property ownership, they have succeed.

    ''''Gaffney said in 2009 that Obama "not only identifies with Muslims, but actually may still be one himself."''

    True statement.

    ''Gaffney was key to the conspiracy theory that Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton who worked closely with the then-secretary of state, was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood."''

    Huma does havr connections to the brotherhood.

    Here i thought there was some kind of proof Gaffney is some kind of Islamophobe conspiracy-monger.

  35. Quotes: tiny little jimmy fucking bold.

    "How about a mainstream media that actually describes the race of criminals and their victims rather than trying to avoid "stereotyping"?"

    ..and while we are at it, let's list the colour of their eyes, the colour of the underpants, whether they were right or left handed, and most importantly their religion. That would be interesting - I'll bet 99% of violent crime in America is conducted by christians.

    " This is child-like behavior.[sic] "

    Yeah, a bit ike coming to a website about racism every single fucking day, and squealing exactly the same fucking complaints ad fucking nauseum at the other contributors. Like a spoilt kid .

    You don;t like black people - we get it already. Tomorrow you will come here and tell us again that you don't like black people. Then the fucking day after that, you'll be back to tell us why you don;t like black people. If anything you are even more tedious and repetitive than Josh (!!!!!) ...and that's saying something - I thought he was the king of boredom.

    "White people didn't create those problems, so why are they a White responsibility?

    Fuck me sideways. Is this guy serious?

    "Why can't Blacks work their own jobs, pay their own taxes, and fix up their own communities?"

    Given the opportunity they do.


    "Why isn't Haiti a tropical paradise? It was the richest territory in the Americas... before 1804."

    Mmmm, I think it might have something to do with the slave society that existed in Haiti from 1492 to 1804, which is considered the most vicious in global history. Yes you can make money if you make people work 16 hours a day seven days a week without pay. But even so, the wealth created was not available to the proletariat.


    "The chain of causation is crime creates poverty."

    Riiiiiiight, so how do you explain the recent fall in American living standards at the same time as a dramatic drop in crime? Mmmmmmmm?

    Your argument (as is almost invariably the case with you people) doesn't hold water.

    Try to think through your arguments in future, and if you could make your posts less skull-crushingly tedious that would also be appreciated.

  36. Quote: Make America Shit Again

    "Here i thought there was some kind of proof Gaffney is some kind of Islamophobe conspiracy-monger.

    He is.

    By the way son, if I could offer some free advice, your debating style - such as it is - needs work. You need to give us some back up to yor thoughts. Just saying "true statement" doesn't make it true.

    For instance, provide us with some evidence that Huma has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood..

    That's how this whole debating thing works, see...


  37. “Hillary won the Confederacy”

    Gotta love those Bernie supporters.

    Playing the race card against the candidate that Blacks voted for.

  38. The Ministry of Truth6:58 PM

    "Mmmm, I think it might have something to do with the slave society that existed in Haiti from 1492 to 1804, which is considered the most vicious in global history. Yes you can make money if you make people work 16 hours a day seven days a week without pay. But even so, the wealth created was not available to the proletariat."

    It also might have something to do with the fact that after the revolution, the former slaves of Haiti were forced to pay France reparations for the loss of the slaves' value as property. It's common knowledge that Haiti's slaves freed themselves through a revolution. What's not so well known is that in order to avoid France returning and re-enslaving them, Haitians had to agree to pay these reparations/bribes. How much money are we talking about? Oh, $21 billion or so, in today's dollars! Haiti was paying that off until 1947, by the way.

    And that's not all. For much of the 19th century, the slave-owning nations -- which controlled basically the whole Western Hemisphere -- collectively put Haiti on a trade embargo, devastating their economy.

    So unlike much of the Caribbean, Haiti's impoverishment was not a result of lingering unintentional effects of slavery, after it ended, or unfavorable geography or climate. France, and allied nations, deliberately made Haiti poor.

    Why did they do this? To teach the Haitians a lesson, and to send a message to black slaves everywhere: Don't bother revolting, or we will ruin you economically. You will not escape poverty.

    This is the main reason why Haiti is the poorest country in the hemisphere. They had a lot of help.

  39. jeggs7:02 PM

    It seems that black lives only matter if a white person takes them.

  40. Ministry of Truth7:20 PM

    "For instance, provide us with some evidence that Huma has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.."

    She does, but only in the stupidest possible sense. It's one of those six-degrees-of-separation things. As in, she's related to a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's in the Muslim Brotherhood. By this logic, we're all members of ISIS.

    In other words, it's a lie that only sounds plausible to idiot wingnuts.

    It's in the same dumb/dishonest category as "Obama is close personal friends with left-wing radical/terrorist Bill Ayers!" (By "close personal friends" they meant "served on a committee together one time and barely knew each other.")

  41. James Bold is an old bitch7:47 PM

    Why can't Blacks work their own jobs, pay their own taxes, and fix up their own communities?
    Uh, everyone here has a job except you James. Yawn, start your so-called revolution already jeez. Everyday you threaten, promise and warn about your little fucking imaginary war. You idiots are the simplest and laziest racists ever. For the last time James, get off your lazy unemployed ass and start your little "revolution" or else STFU already. How about 24 hours buttercup because you say it started in 1948 so let's say you go ahead and finish it or are you guys somehow too dumb or lazy to go about it? 68 years huh? We all know your geriatric ass won't do anything. Blah blah blah blah. You are a sad and worthless piece of shit James. Pathetic and I personally dare you to get your "war" going. I dare you bitch.

  42. James isn't bold but an old bitch8:00 PM

    "The United States Supreme Court held "[T]he restrictive racially-based restrictive covenants are not, on their face, invalid under the Fourteenth Amendment." However, while private parties may voluntarily abide by the terms of such a restrictive covenant, they may not seek judicial enforcement of such a covenant because enforcement by the courts would constitute state action. Since such state action would necessarily be discriminatory, the enforcement of a racially based restrictive covenant in a state court would violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment."

    So let's see if we an understand James' thought process, because the Supreme Court held that the 14th Amendment applied to ALL Americans he believes this was the start of a "race war"?????? Holy fuck, this guy is more delusional than I ever imagined. No wonder he can find any sane individuals to join his little war. Who wants to bet that a year from now that moron will still be doing his pathetic keyboard warrior thing while sitting in the same old dirty diapers? Just pathetic.

  43. The Fixer ™8:04 PM

    Frank Gaffney speaks racism. That is why the left hates him.


  44. Colonel Hazard8:36 PM

    Bippity boppity boo!!!

  45. Anonymous9:49 PM

    This is downright amazing. James is upset teh blacks have equal rights. Does anyone believe this guy?

  46. James Bold9:50 PM

    "Or is it that poverty creates crime?"

    I know your little bigoted brain isn't capable of handling contrary facts well, but White people don't turn criminal just because the economy turned bad.  That was true after the 1939 crash, and it's true after the 2008 crash.  In the Great Depression the crime rate in some big cities went down.

    "Geez what social miscreant and all around dumb ass, the ONE time I accidentally read something from Field's Chief whooteemoo, it's the dumbest statement in the history of sociology!!"

    When responding to Yisheng I always know I'm rebutting one of the most narrow-minded, dogmatic, ineducable minds ever trained to write grammatical English.  But I get to use lots of fancy adjectives, so it all works out.  And for lagniappe, I get TPC...

    "..and while we are at it, let's list the colour of their eyes, the colour of the underpants, whether they were right or left handed, and most importantly their religion."

    I'm sure it's projection that TPC thinks that nobody changes their underpants (bit of a "tell" there), but handedness is significant if a wanted criminal is still loose and religion is HIGHLY significant for certain crimes and behaviors... such as if someone shouted "Allahu akbar!" while shooting up a New York deli or beheading a co-worker.

    "a bit ike coming to a website about racism every single fucking day"

    You just don't like it when I talk about your racism.  So maybe you should, you know, stop being racist against White people?

    "Fuck me sideways. Is this guy serious?"

    If your blindness wasn't so commonplace I would be shocked at it.  Yes, it is true:  White people do not make Black people bear 78% of their children out of wedlock, send them to school literally years behind their White age-mates, get into violent crime in their teens and stab someone over a rib or kill each other over a pork chop.  That is all on the Black "community" and "culture"... unless maybe it's in your genes and far more resistant to change than either of the above.

    Or are you arguing that White people control everything Black people do, so Blacks have no agency?  If that's true, why haven't you all gone to Liberia already?

    "Given the opportunity they do."

    Given Head Start, Affirmative Action and free everything, Blacks in America still have 8x the murder rate of people classified as "White" (which includes the majority of Hispanics).  Blacks had all kinds of auto-company jobs in Flint, but all they succeeded in doing was being such lousy workers they drove the plants to Tennessee and points south and turning the city into a wasteland, created "food deserts", etc.  Same story as Detroit.

    "I think it might have something to do with the slave society that existed in Haiti from 1492 to 1804, which is considered the most vicious in global history."

    Ireland had the Potato Famine during which wiped out almost 1/4 of the population.  Many Irish were transported to colonies as slaves during pre-Revolutionary times.  I find no reference to slaves starving in Haiti pre-1804, but I do find notes that starvation was a problem post-earthquake.  Oddly, Japan didn't let anyone starve after the 2011 quake.  It's almost like... Japanese are better people than Haitians.

  47. James Bold9:52 PM

    "the wealth created was not available to the proletariat."

    So if they labored half as hard they could have been half as rich.  Instead, the whole place went to hell.  Funny how that works.  After beating the French once they could have called Paris' bluff and said "bring it".  Instead, they caved.  Just like you will.

    "so how do you explain the recent fall in American living standards at the same time as a dramatic drop in crime? Mmmmmmmm?"

    Can't you grasp elementary logic?  If A implies B, it means that not-B implies not-A; it does NOT mean that B implies A, because B could also be implied by other things.  Just because crime destroys wealth doesn't mean other things can't also.  Dustbowl Oklahoma?  Drought destroyed wealth.

    I guess I shouldn't expect reasoning ability from a cow.

    "because the Supreme Court held that the 14th Amendment applied to ALL Americans he believes this was the start of a "race war"??????"

    It started the Black invasion of White neighborhoods and White flight.  If you were so all-fired wonderful why didn't you create neighborhoods that White people clamored to move into?  Nope, you create "the hood" wherever you go.  All you have to do is look at 4600 Labadie Avenue today.

  48. James Bold9:59 PM

    Wait, how did I miss this... TPC noted falling incomes and standards of living post-2008, along with falling crime rates... and this forum somehow STILL thinks that poverty causes crime, when their own statements show it could not!

    I keep having trouble tracking just how jaw-droppingly dumb you all are, both as individuals and in the aggregate.

  49. James is not Bold10:05 PM

    "These are not cases, as has been suggested, in which the States have merely abstained from action, leaving private individuals free to impose such discriminations as they see fit. Rather, these are cases in which the States have made available to such individuals the full coercive power of government to deny petitioners, on the grounds of race or color, the enjoyment of property rights…"

    Please explain James how the Supreme Court ruling the 14th Amnedment included ALL Americans was somehow a race war? Take all the time you need.

  50. James is not Bold10:10 PM

    Ha! 4600 Labadie Ave huh? I can sit here and name several white hellholes in Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, ect that I wouldn't ever want to set foot in but there are also many neighborhoods and retreats frequented by teh blacks that are amazing.

    The class and wealth of ny fellow teh blacks that frequent the Inkwell make many workingclass and poor white areas look like the third world (not that hard to do). You shold take a vaca to the Inkwell, it may change your perception of teh blacks James. You need an attitude adjustment sir.

  51. "...everyone can finally see you all for what you really are: a race of violent, impulsive, unintelligent, childlike thugs."

    Riiiight. There are some parents in Connecticut and Colorado who would beg to disagree with you.

    You sir, are nothing but a Loof! (That's a backwards fool.)

    Speaking of "tell", the lagniappe reference tells me that James might be from Louisiana. A good friend of David Duke no doubt.

    "Uh, everyone here has a job except you James. Yawn, start your so-called revolution already jeez. Everyday you threaten, promise and warn about your little fucking imaginary war. You idiots are the simplest and laziest racists ever. For the last time James, get off your lazy unemployed ass and start your little "revolution" or else STFU already. How about 24 hours buttercup because you say it started in 1948 so let's say you go ahead and finish it or are you guys somehow too dumb or lazy to go about it? 68 years huh? We all know your geriatric ass won't do anything. Blah blah blah blah. You are a sad and worthless piece of shit James. Pathetic and I personally dare you to get your "war" going. I dare you bitch."

    What he said. :)

  52. James Bold11:25 PM

    "Riiiight. There are some parents in Connecticut and Colorado who would beg to disagree with you."

    So tell me... whose typical racial behavior defines the norm against which those events stand out as aberrant?  One thing we do know:  school violence like this beating is essentially unknown in White society.

    "You sir, are nothing but a Loof! (That's a backwards fool.)"

    Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

    "the lagniappe reference tells me that James might be from Louisiana."

    Wait a minute here.  I use "moolie" and you say I'm Italian.  I use "lagniappe" and you say I'm a Cajun.  Can you make up your mind before I have a full-blown identity crisis?

    "A good friend of David Duke no doubt."

    Never met the man, nor ever expect to.  But thanks for the bit of humor on this St. Paddy's Day, it goes well with green beer.  Cheers!

    (I told you I come here for the laughs.  Try believing me sometime.)

  53. "the lagniappe reference tells me that James might be from Louisiana"

    I don't know man, the address he used is in St. Louis and trust me the whites there are quite special. I drove through there to show my wife where I went to school and she was shocked at how backwards and redneckish (is that a word) the white folks there were. She commented to the effect that they should be ashamed of themselves for considering themselves superior to anyone but I digress.

    Hey James, are you saying that you are upset that you don't have the right to tell me where I can and can't live? That's why you are so upset and want to start a race war? Aw man, if you are telling the truth about living in an upscale neighborhood and I find out where it is I will move in right next door to you just to piss you off. Now that would be some great shit and I would post here everynight about how red you'll get seeing me and my beautiful wife cruise around in your neighborhood with the top down in my new sportscar. Now I don't like playing keeping up with the Jones' but it would be a pleasure one upping you in every aspect of your life with such ease. Then again that of course presupposes you don't live in the STL area because been there done that and don't need another t-shirt. You are a special guy James.

  54. Uh, airline captains routinely buy million dollar homes, I'm guessing you don't know too many airline pilots James.
    I don't know those two guys so why should I be ashamed. Are you ashamed of all the crimes of whites?
    Well, seeing that all of my initial flight instructors were blah, the pioneers who fought for the right for me to become a pilot were blah I owe them much more credit than some random white person whom you feel did something for me.
    You still didn't answer my questions, do you feel that by virtue of your skin color you have the right to dictate where I live?
    BTW, don't worry about how I finance my purchases. When I find out where you live you'll have a new neighbor.

  55. But seriously, how do you consider a Supreme court case that codifies the 14th Amendment applies to all Americans and as you say was decided before you were born was an act of some racial war? Feel free to explain in as much detail as you feel necessary.

  56. I feel compelled to mention that after the 2011 earthquake, the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) immediately began distributing blankets, food, care packages, and making damn site anyone in their territories was taken care of. I'd be much more impressed if the Crips and Bloods did the same whenever something bad happened in the hood.

  57. James sure brags a lot. I used to thing that he was somewhat legit when he spoke of his wealth. Now...I am not so sure. :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Makes Me Puke11:38 PM

    I don't have the time or inclination to read all that is posted on this blog, but I have noticed no one wants to mention Jessica Chambers.

    Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum, (the list goes on forever), seem to have vanished.

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