Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A shooting in Arizona, and "trainspotting" in Philadelphia.

Image result for police images mesa arizona badge Tonight, once again, I have to do a blog post about someone in authority taking the life of a fellow citizen.

Let's go to what is becoming one of the most regressive states in the union: Arizona.

"PHOENIX — A Texas man fatally shot by a Mesa police officer in January was heard begging for his life moments before his death, according to a police report released Tuesday morning.

A witness and a transcription of officer video footage describe ****** saying “Please don’t shoot me” and “Please don’t shoot,” just before an officer later identified as Philip "Mitch" Brailsford unloaded his service weapon.

Brailsford has been charged with second-degree murder and was terminated from the Police Department.

On Tuesday, the Mesa Police Department released the police report, 911 calls and other material from its investigation of Brailsford's shooting of ******, who was unarmed, at a hotel in January.

Just wow. I redacted the name of the victim because to make a point.

Raise your hands if you thought that the victim was black.

Well he wasn't, and honestly, it really shouldn't matter.  His rights as a human being and as a citizen were violated, and he lost his life as a result.

"Shaver, 26, died after being shot in a hallway outside his room at a Mesa La Quinta Inn & Suites on Jan. 18. Brailsford was charged with one count of second-degree murder in a direct complaint by the County Attorney's Office on March 4.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery said body-camera footage obtained from the officer was used in his office's review of the case. The fatal shooting was the result of unjustified deadly force, Montgomery said.

The county attorney's complaint stated Brailsford was "manifesting an extreme indifference to human life recklessly causing the death of another."

Shaver's widow, Laney Sweet, said earlier this month that she had grown more and more frustrated by the lack of details made available to the public, including the circumstances surrounding her husband's death, two months after it occurred. They are the parents of two young girls."

This might be a good time to quote that famous poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller. "First They Came."

Finally, two train related incidents happened recently here in Philadelphia that has me seeing both the good and the bad in humanity.

The bad had to do with these out of control kids and their abhorrent and despicable behavior on the elevated train. Their behavior was sad on so many levels. Obviously they are living in an environment tat is not healthy.

I saw their mother and step-father tonight on the evening news, and they were actually blaming the behavior of their little hooligans on the guy filming them.

Look, Philly is a tough town with a lot of tough people. But these little guys are starting way too young.

Now the good:

"Two subway riders on Wednesday prevented an apparently suicidal man from jumping in front of a train on SEPTA's Broad Street Line.

Heather Redfern, a SEPTA spokeswoman, said the incident, which unfolded about 9:30 a.m. at the Race-Vine Station, delayed southbound service for 15 minutes until police could respond.
Police went to the station after they received a call that a person was threatening to jump in front of a train.

When they arrived, they found two people restraining the man on the platform, Redfern said.
Police took the man to a hospital for evaluation."

Nice. And, to be fair, here in Philly we tend to do stuff like this. It just never gets noticed cause we have such a bad rep. You know, booing Santa and all.  When you do stuff like that the rest of the country tends to view you in a bad light.

But hey, that was a long time ago. We are working on making ourselves better. I guess we can start by having a long talk with the parents of those children from the elevated train. 

*Pic from pinterest.


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM


  2. Anonymous10:24 PM


  3. Anonymous10:24 PM


  4. Anonymous10:24 PM


  5. Anonymous10:24 PM


  6. Anonymous10:25 PM


  7. Anonymous10:25 PM


  8. Anonymous10:25 PM


  9. Anonymous10:26 PM


  10. Anonymous10:26 PM


    I WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:28 PM

    The expected chimpout in Minneapolis isn't going to happen, it looks like. Guess it's still too cold up there for a bongo party.

    This summer? Oh Baby. Shit gonna be hotter than Trump's wife.

  12. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I am a Blackman and I live in Mineanopliolis. Shit man the poice pig's they kille'd Jamar Clark. The shot him dead on the street's like a dog. We ain't gon to take it no more. We demanding Justice For Jamar. We going 2 riot in nessessery. Figt The Pwoewer!

    Black Live's Mater!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous10:34 PM




  14. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Damn, Field, why you let all these trolls post on here? They makin a monkey outta you!

  15. Secret Scrotum10:47 PM

    White boys just jealous their peckers are microscopic.

  16. Lance Cockstrong10:54 PM

    I was rubbing my dick with an old VHS copy of Ghost Dad earlier today when it hit me. Why doesn't every black person in America get a gun and start shooting any white motherfucker they see? Maybe then whitey will know that blacks aren't to be fucked with. Fuck the white race.

  17. The Real Lance Cockstrong10:59 PM

    Grow a dick then maybe you could count to 11.

  18. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Ha ha ha, I love it! Wall-to-wall "MUH DIK" comments! You guys really are retarded!

  19. Comment sections can be like bathroom walls.

    Anon@10:36, writing a comment commenting on your own comments makes u a sockpuppet.;)

    The grownups aren't up yet.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The Real Lance Cockstrong8:05 AM

    @Field Negro 7:03 AM -

    Respectfully Field I dare say that in habitually not responding to the few thoughtful comments, only the cockroaches that come up for air, you encourage this sort of behavior.

  22. My next door neighbor when we lived in Philadelphia's Mt. Airy section was a plain clothes cop. He had a moonlighting business putting up aluminum siding. One day while working on siding he spotted smoke coming from a building down the street. He put his ladder up to a second story window and rescued 2 children from the fire. He's white the children were black. The Mt. Airy neighborhood we lived in was integrated.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. The Real Lance, u might be on to something.

    Yes Jim, Mt Airy is still a very lovely neighborhood. Blacks,whites,Gays,straight folks,all living side by side.

  25. The problem with those kids is that they are gonna meet up with some real tough kids and it won't end well. Ha! But seriously, people only do what they can get away with and I bet that train didn't go through some of the rougher parts of Philly cause one of those real Philly folks woulda snatched those kids and their momma up.
    I knew the guy shot in Arizona wasn't blah because other than my sister and Tyson Chandler there are no folks in zona.

    Hey PC, if you're around I'll be in London on the 3rd through the 4th. Gotta grab a pint and some fish and chips.

  26. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The Real Lance Cockstrong said...

    @Field Negro 7:03 AM -

    ...only the cockroaches that come up for air...
    8:05 AM

    Ugh! No! Please don't call anybody cockroaches!!! Ugh! That's I think the most terrible thing you can be called!!! Gives me the willies just imagining a cockroach!!!!!

    Specially the huge flying ones we have here in the tropics! o mai gat! Eeeeekkk!

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Hey check this out!!!

    Wow! All whypipo!!! um hummm! xD

  28. Anonymous2:57 PM

    OMG! Another one!!!

    What is it with wypipo and egg hunts??? The Easter Bunny doesn't like that!!!x(

  29. The Real Lance Cockstrong3:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Simmons3:27 PM

    Obama had an egg hunt. Funny how he is either black or white, depending on what narrative needs to be forced.

  31. This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.

  32. The Fixer ™5:43 PM

    This place proves that whites can indeed be racist.


  33. Yisheng6:34 PM

    Po whypipo lady got fired from her job for posting stupid racist $hit on her station's Facebook page.


  34. Anonymous3:34 AM

    @ Shitstain - -

    Telling the truth about black, um, behavior is considered "racist", unfortunately. But people are waking up. And soon nobody will be afraid to speak out.

    We have a lot to say. And you ain't gonna like it. Too bad! : D

  35. Anonymous9:33 AM

    *yawning* Yeah I know, I know, the big bad redneck is coming to get me.*eye-roll*

  36. The Real Lance Cockstrong8:14 PM

    I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.
