Monday, March 28, 2016

Are we all Victor Frankenstein?

Image result for rise of trump image*There is an interesting debate going on in political circles and in the media as well as the pundit class about who is responsible for the rise of Donald trump. Apparently "decent Americans" still can't believe that they created this misogynistic, self-centered, xenophobe.  They are now collectively trying to figure out how the monster grew so much.

Of course we all know that they all should take some blame. When Donald trump was running around with his racist and preposterous rant that the president of the United States is not a citizen, some people chose to ignore the racist implications, and others chose to embrace and buy into his screeds.

Had the GOP disavowed and condemned trump then, they probably would not be having this trump problem within their party now. Sadly,  condemning trump when he was on his  mission of hate would not have done much good, as many among the republican base thought that he (trump) was on to something.

The president said as much a few days ago, and he was spot on.

“I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate, for example,” the president added. “I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that?’ or ‘Why don’t you question whether I’m American, or whether I‘m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart?’ ... So what you’re seeing within the Republican Party is, to some degree, all of those efforts over a course of time creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.” [Source]

So trump is their monster, and he is one that they (and the rest of us) have to live with, for better or for worse.

Finally, here is another case of a citizen just trying to get her work on, only to be falsely imprisoned by a SEPTA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority) police officer.

"ON CHRISTMAS DAY two years ago, Muibat Williamson, a neurology nurse at Einstein Medical Center, received a concussion and a set of handcuffs for the holiday when a SEPTA cop allegedly rammed her head into an ATM machine and detained her for trying to file a complaint against him over an encounter the two had at Dunkin' Donuts in Suburban Station, according to court documents.
This year, Williamson is giving that former SEPTA police officer, Douglas Ioven, a Christmas present of his own in return - a civil lawsuit.

"What did I do to this man for him to treat me like this?" Williamson said in an interview. "Every time since then when I see the police, I still remember that day and I back away from them."
Williamson, 54, a native of Nigeria who moved to the U.S. in 1982, said when she ended her 12-hour shift at Einstein around 8 a.m. on Dec. 25, 2013, she headed to the Dunkin' Donuts at Suburban Station to get a coffee for her train ride home to Prospect Park, Delaware County.

According to the lawsuit, which was filed Dec. 11 in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, Ioven cut in front of Williamson in the Dunkin' Donuts line and then stepped on her foot. Williamson said when she asked the officer for an apology, he refused.

"He said 'I will not apologize' and I said 'But, you're a policeman!' " Williamson recalled. "A gentle lady in line said to us 'This is Christmas, let's have a nice day,' and I said 'OK.' "

However, when Ioven left, Williamson said that same "gentle lady" urged her to file a complaint.

"The woman said 'You don't know what he's doing to other people. He looks like a bully,' " Williamson said.

When she went to file the complaint at SEPTA police's Suburban Station office, Ioven saw her knocking and ran over, she said. When he asked what she was doing, Williamson told him.
"I said 'I'm going to report you' and he said 'Get the f--- out of this place or I will cuff you,'" Williamson said. "I didn't listen. Then, he put the coffee and donuts down, and I ran and he ran after me."

Williamson said she tried to run back to where there were other people to witness the alleged attack, but she was first cornered near an ATM, into which Ioven allegedly rammed her head.
"He put my head in like POW!" Williamson said. "I said 'OK, I need to save my life. My life is in danger.' "

Williamson said three other SEPTA cops arrived on scene. A supervisor took her to file a report against Ioven, she said.

According to her suit, Williamson suffered a concussion, headaches, a hand injury, a cervical sprain and emotional trauma as a result of the incident. She is seeking more than $50,000 from Ioven and SEPTA, which is also named as a defendant in the suit.

Andrew Busch, SEPTA spokesman, said he could not comment on pending litigation. He did, however confirm that SEPTA dismissed Ioven in March 2014, following an internal investigation" [Source]

Unlike the police officers in New York, Mr. Ioven was dismissed, and he was convicted of false imprisonment, today. All the other charges against him were dismissed.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Trump is a response to the leftist shit that dominates this country's rhetoric. I don't think Trump can win the general election, but this nurse with a BS and MS will vote for him if the nominee.

  2. No justice, no peace10:57 PM

    Trump is the antidote to the poison of cultural Marxism.

    Y'all pushed it way too far.

    Here come dem chickens!

  3. The Nigerian Nightmare10:59 PM

    "What did I do to this man for him to treat me like this?

    I'm guessing TNB.

    I believe the cop.

  4. Trump is his own sick thing, but the conditions he is exploiting have been under construction since Nixon and Reagan. Masses of exploited citizens being financially screwed by a class of ruling billionaires have never been very reliably intelligent voters, or even citizens, for that matter. They tend to be easily riled into states from which very bad things (Trump for example)seem like very good ideas. That being said, fuck all of those idiots. The rest of us who have been screwed all along at the same time don't want to deal with how much worse everything will get because of your ignorant tantrum. Whose fault is he? His. Why do we have to hear about him every day? Because the Republican party couldn't keep itself from courting racists and bigots to win elections or keep itself from screwing those same racists and bigots over and over after those elections until they finally couldn't stand it any more and fell for a carnival barker like Trump who tells them that their racism and bigotry are actually patriotism and things to be proud of. And the party, who have been claiming that 1)those people don't exist, and 2)they have everything under control,couldn't do a damn thing to stop them, just as we have been warning them for 30 years. Yawn. I can't wait for this to be over, it's just stupid and ugly.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. It appears a net 9 million people have lost their private health plans, thanks to Obamacare.


  6. The Ministry of Truth11:57 PM

    Not sure I would have filed a grievance against the cop because he cut in line and stepped on her shoe. That seems a little minor. But she was within her rights to do so.

    Anyway, Mr Angry Cop doesn't want to have her complaint affect his career, so he assaults her ... which is good for his career? Doesn't make sense.

    It could be this nice Nigerian lady doesn't understand our cops. I'm willing to bet the cops in her country of origin are more likely than ours to solicit bribes (Nigeria has a ridiculous culture of corruption), but maybe they aren't as likely as ours to smash your head into an ATM when they receive minor criticism.

  7. The Ministry of Truth12:15 AM

    Here is an insane story I saw today:

    Judge Overturns Death Sentence Because Prosecutor Compared Black Defendant To King Kong

    The headline actually makes me want to laugh, because it is so absurdly over the top as to be unbelievable. The subject matter of the article, however, is anything but funny.

    Besides "King Kong," the prosecutor referred to the defendant as “a monster,” a “caveman,” and a “beast of burden," and made a point of informing an all-white South Carolina jury that the defendant had had sex with a white female guard while in jail.

    Apparently, this prosecutor is known for his ridiculous, often unethical, courtroom antics, and he has sent 28 people to death row. His nickname is "Death Penalty" Donnie.

  8. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Not capitalizing 'Trump' ... ouch, that's gotta hurt!

    Those billionaire tycoons just HATE it when obscure bloggers won't capitalize their names. It really tears them up, I tell you.

    Keep up the Good Fight, Brother field. You're doing the Lord's work ...

  9. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Wherever niggers are, there will be problems. Violence, intimidation, fear - niggers do nothing but create strife.

    (Now watch that fucking retard 'fhe fixer' to come in and change the word 'niggers' to 'whootemoos' ... so predictable, LOL.)

  10. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Check out the new video of an uppity Brillo-headed shegro campus employee intimidating a white student for wearing dreadlocks. Perfect example of black thuggery - anytime you gain sufficient numbers or are put into a position of authority, you instantly become little Idi Amins. And you wonder why people everywhere hate you ....

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    How they're voting in the Mexican primary:

  12. The Trumpenstein monster. The good Dr evidently salvaged its hands, and it's... whatever... from an adolescent boy, and it's brain from a racist old landlord.

  13. Blah, blah, blah.

    The left just can't stand the fact we will soon have a president that speaks the truth and will put America first. The left doesn't want America to be great again.

    The left will continue to support a president who legacy is built on lies and hatred. The left will line up and vote for a lying corrupt candidate (hillary) who will continue us on obama's path of destruction. This is how uch they hate their country.


    Virtually every promise the president made on behalf of his “reform” law has been broken.

  14. ''The president said as much a few days ago, and he was spot on.

    “I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate, for example,” the president added. “I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that?’ or ‘Why don’t you question whether I’m American, or whether I‘m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart?’''

    obama is the one who has divided us by race, class and religion. obama is the most divisive president in our history. obama's words and policies have lead to black mob attacks and increased racial violence towards whites. It will be obama who will leave our country more divided. Leave the word more dangerous.

    obama is the failure that Republicans warned of.

    Donald J. Trump will be the uniter obama promised he would be. Donald J. Trump will make America great again. No matter how much hate and resistance he gets from the left.

  15. Yisheng10:44 AM

    The think the larger question (pun intended) is why are so many phallicly challenged men so damn callous and insecure?

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Obama was certainly the one to prompt questions of his birth certificate by refusing to release it for four years, spending hundreds of thousands on legal fees to prevent anyone from accessing it in the process.


    He also claimed to be born in Kenya in the author bio published with his first book.

    So yes, Obama is the one who started the whole birth certificate sideshow.

  17. Trump has already won.

  18. Progressive Morality11:49 AM

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo led a trade delegation to Communist Cuba last April, but will boycott North Carolina over Tranny Bathrooms.

  19. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Trump is saying out loud what republicans have been whispering amongest themselves, is it really that surprising 50% of the GOP is for a racist bully..... Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!!!!

  20. Progressive Morality12:00 PM

    Murders up 84% in Chicago; In other news, ACLU, Obama crack down on Chicago PD for "racism".

  21. "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!!!!"

    I never do. It's my base.

  22. Actually Brick, I won as well. A nice bit of change from a friend who I told that Americans were so dumb that we would actually consider trump a serious candidate for president.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. President Enemy12:53 PM

    field negro said...
    Actually Brick, I won as well. A nice bit of change from a friend who I told that Americans were so dumb that we would actually consider trump a serious candidate for president.

    Your friend is an idiot to bet against the dumbness of a country that elected Barack Obama twice.

  25. Blacks are up to nine times more likely than whites to resist arrest—which can lead to police shootings.

  26. "Blacks are up to nine times more likely than whites to resist arrest..."

    Mmmmmmm, I wonder why that might be....?

  27. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Because blacks are violent?

  28. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Only in a Banana Republic are political figures charged with crimes for nonsense reasons.

    Thanks, democrats.

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Crackers got small dick's that's Y the hate Black People so much. Ha ha. Faggits.

  30. Jimmy3:20 PM

    Yisheng said...
    The think the larger question (pun intended) is why are so many phallicly challenged men so damn callous and insecure?

    The think? Gee, you're dumb. Why are blah women sooooo stoopid? Why can't they be smart like Asians?

  31. An average of five recent polls [Fox, Quinnipiac, CNN, Monmouth Morning Consult] shows that Trump's favourability rating among Republican women is at -42%. Among all women it is at -71%. Women represent 51% of voters, but at the last three Presidential elections an average of four million more women voted than men.

    Among all men Trumps ratings are at -31%.

    These are historically bad numbers.

  32. The Ministry of Truth5:41 PM

    @ Purple Cow

    The Trumpkins don't care. They live in a parallel fantasy universe in which ignorant, racist white people like them are the majority. They are going to be crying in November, when their bubble bursts and it turns out they will have to try and get along with people who don't look like them.

    Maybe that will be the silver lining of the Trump candidacy: a reality check for his followers.

  33. Nah, they will just double down.

  34. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Dunno why blacks care about Trump, I haven't heard him say anything that they'd care about as a people.

    It seems to me that as the only anti-open borders guy, they'd be in favor of him just to improve the job market at the low end. Go figure.

  35. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

  36. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Anonymous 2:31am = racist asshole
