Saturday, March 12, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Dude, why are u pulling down my pants?

*Pic from 


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "Trump is forcing me to attack his supporters! My hate is good hate! I'm willing to kill all of you in the name of Love!"

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "Bernie supporters cry out in pain as they attack you."

  3. "Man, what the hell? We showed up for the Tom Brady look-alike contest and some angry black people gave us these Trump t-shirts. Let us go!"

  4. Not thinking things through8:59 PM

    Clueless brainwashed Bernie Bros: "Death to the White Race!"

  5. Ironymous9:01 PM

    Oh the irony of the 1% shutting down the most democratic candidate since Andrew Jackson with the forces of "social justice"!

  6. Typical leftwinger- Hate ok for me but not for thee...

  7. The "lightskinnededed" version of Black Lives Matters.

  8. Stop the hate? Sorry son, we won't be having any of that! And by the way, George Soros is making me attack you so don't blame me or Trump!

  9. The Ministry of Truth10:52 PM

    Bra 1: What do a Trump supporter and a bottle of beer have in common?

    Bra 2: I dunno, bra, what do a Trump supporter and a bottle of beer have in common?

    Bra 1: Both empty from the neck up.

  10. The Ministry of Truth10:53 PM

    Bra 1: What's the difference between Helen Keller and a Trump supporter?

    Bra 2: I dunno, bra, what is the difference between Helen Keller and a Trump supporter?

    Bra 1: She got famous for not being able to read.

  11. The Ministry of Truth10:54 PM

    Bra 1: Why did the Trump supporter with 9 kids decide it was finally time for a vasectomy?

    Bra 2: I dunno, bra, why did the Trump supporter with 9 kids decide it was finally time for a vasectomy?

    Bra 1: Because he heard that 1 in 10 children born in the U.S. is Mexican, and he couldn't take the chance.

  12. The Ministry of Truth10:54 PM

    Bra 1: Why did the Trump supporter cross the road?

    Bra 2: I dunno, bra, why did the Trump supporter cross the road?

    Bra 1: He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken.

  13. Wesley R10:59 PM

    Chi Town said- I shut em down, shut em down, shut em, shut em, down!!!- Public Enemy

  14. Chicago Roy1:21 AM

    "The fact that Donald Trump is provocative does not excuse us left-wing crybullies rioting in the streets"

  15. 2 Arrested In Crowd of Toothless Inbreds at Trump Rally.

  16. White guy with dental problems1:39 AM

    @Whitey's Conspiracy: Why do you hate white people so much?

  17. Anonymous3:27 AM

    @ WC -

    Again with the "toothless inbreds"! Jesus, do you niggers have a talent for anything except rape and basketball? You certainly don't have any originality, that's for sure.

    Now tell us about "muh dik". That's always a hit on this site. LOL

  18. Anonymous3:28 AM

    @ Ministry of Truth -

    I kek'd. :D

  19. Anonymous3:31 AM

    "RACIST" -







  20. Ha ha, Whitey by a LONG shot, ROTFL!!!

    @3:27, wasaah matter gooky boy, your teenie tiny little feelies hurt??

  21. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Again with the "toothless inbreds"! Jesus, do you niggers have a talent for anything except rape and basketball?
    That's better than incest and monster truck driving. Go fuck your mother/aunt a few more times.

  22. Anonymous4:17 AM

    @3:27, wasaah matter gooky boy, your teenie tiny little feelies hurt??
    Yep, he doesn't like when we mention his micro penis. That's why he hates the brothers. Sad.

  23. Anonymous4:23 AM

    @ Anon 4:15 -

    No, that's OK, I usually just pay your mom ten bucks to wear an Aunt Jemima costume (complete with doo rag) and tell me I'm the bestest Massa on da whole plantation. She even lets me break out the whip now and then. ;)

  24. Limpbaugh4:26 AM


  25. Anonymous4:31 AM


  26. @4:23, gookymoos we NOT slave owners in America!

  27. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I Chinese. I no rike niggaz! Dey smell bad. Dey stupid. Dey no tip when eat at my restaurant.

    Chinese own Amelika soon. Den we take care of niggaz.

  28. Anonymous4:55 AM

    DAF alert!!!!!

    The racists are out tonite. Then again they're always out.

  29. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Me Mexican. Me no like niggaz (mayates) either. They dumb. They loco. They try to fuck Mexican girl.

    Is OK. Mexicans own America soon. Then we gonna see who fuck who.

  30. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I'm Jewish. I hate niggaz, too. They're dumb. They always ask for money. They try to rape Jewish women.

    It's O.K., though. We Jews own America. As long as the goyim don't rise up we'll be O.K.

  31. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I am a Martian. We are an advanced interstellar species. We hate niggaz, too. They are unintelligent. They are odiferous. They enjoy being anally probed too much.

    It's O.K. We will take over Earth soon. Then we will take care of all problems.

  32. Anonymous5:03 AM


  33. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I see both those Berniefags have their mouths positioned perfectly for black dick.

    Cucks, LOL.

  34. ""2 Arrested In Crowd of Toothless Inbreds at Trump Rally.""

    Damn black lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the black community.

  35. The Ministry of Truth, why are bras talking to each other? Do you think that's normal?

    Did you mean brah?

    Typical low IQ Democrat voter.

  36. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

  37. Frank Bruni of the NY Times has a good analysis of Trump's pathology;

    And Ross Douthat (conservative columnist same place) adds some insights:

  38. The Fixer1:50 PM

    Damn white lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the white community.


  39. The Fixer2:08 PM

    Damn black lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the black community.


  40. The Fixer ™2:19 PM

    Damn white lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the white community.


  41. I think Josh is racist, and here's the evidence to support my claim.

    He comes here fucking week-in week-out, fucking month-in fucking month-out, to tell us exactly the same shit, over and over and over and over and over and over a-fucking-gain.

    What is his motivation? Does he want to make us better human beings? No, clearly not. Does he want to educate us? No, obviously not, otherwise he wouldn’t keep on repeating himself ad nauseum.

    No, Josh’s motivation is that he gets off sexually on abusing black folks.

    Like most racists Josh is angry and embittered. His life didn’t turn out as he had hoped. So all he has left now is to rail against the inequeties that he imagines have damaged his life. One of those iniqueties are of course black folks. Coming here and abusing black folks is all he has left, it’s the only thing that gives his sorry life meaning.

    So you ask how we can prove you are a racist? I’ll tell you. If someone could summon up the guts to read all your stupifyingly dull and repetitive posts on this website, do you think that person would find a single positive thing you have said about black people? Even one? I doubt it.

    But suppose, that person got ‘lucky’ and found one or perhaps two positive things you had let slip out. What do you think the ratio of negative stereotyping insults you have posted here to those positive things might be? Mmmmmmmm?

    200:1? 500:1? 1000:1? 10000:1?

    Who knows, but I think the point is made.

    Other minor points

    1. Josh regularly uses those dog-whistle racist phrases like “dindu Nuffin’ – which he copies from white supremacist sites like the Daily Stormer.

    2. Josh thinks when two black men stand up at a Trump rally and voice their opposition, they are ”bullying” Trump.

    3. Josh thinks that white people are objectively more intelligent than black people.

  42. There's a spelling mistake in that last post. You can have it as a free gift, nazi boys.

  43. The Fix is in3:45 PM

    Damn black lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the black community.


  44. Lt. Commander Johnson4:15 PM

    Heh. You ignorant Yisheng/Queen Cunt.

    Let's us just have an IQ test, with the field as a scorer.

    Ten questions. I'll let you go first.

    I would prefer American History, but you can suggest another.

    I will wipe your ass. If I lose, I apologize.

  45. OK. Since she/is/what is gone, you're invited, stinking cow.

  46. How can we be the most handsome of all humanity while looking like a tribe of albino monkeys?????

  47. Tarzan5:37 PM

    Who the fuck looks likes an albino monkey?

    Who the fuck looks like an ape?

    Whoopi Goldberg? Sharpton?

  48. Wesley R6:06 PM

    @Tarzan 5:37pm

    Answer- Trump

  49. Tarzan6:39 PM

    Um. Just which type of an ape does Trump look like....Orangutan? Apes, as to Whoopi, Sharpton...Jesse Jackscrotum?

    Do you know why the Negroes didn't invent chairs? Forks? Spoons? And they squatted, They ate with and crapped with their hands.

  50. Saying Racist Things Not Racist, Say Racists

    "Racists have claimed that making unashamedly racist statements is definitely not racist, and anyone who accuses them of being racist is a racist.

    Referring to all refugees as criminals, scroungers and jihadis is the highest form of patriotism and anyone objecting to the use of such language deserves to be hanged, according to non-racist Simon Williams.

    “Lefties shout ‘racist’ to try to stifle the debate about which pest migrants most resemble,” he said.

    “Describing migrants as cockroaches or vermin is no more racist than setting fire to the bins outside a mosque.

    “And everyone knows that mosques aren’t a race, they’re a building so it can’t be racist.”

    Mr Williams went on to highlight the numerous attacks he has suffered at the hands of people who don’t share his views.

    “I suffer constant attacks because I’m not afraid to say what I think,” he said.

    “The other day I went on the Guardian website to point out that decent dinosaurs weren’t wiped out by an asteroid but by EU freedom of movement rules that led to an intolerable strain being placed on their infrastructure by Eastern European cavemen.

    “My post was deleted by a moderator because it didn’t abide by their community standards.

    “I just don’t feel safe anymore.”"


  51. Anonymous7:31 PM


  52. Anonymous7:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Saying Racist Things Not Racist, Say Racists

    Pursuing racist policies against whites not racist, says racist Purple Cow.

  53. White Man's Burden8:01 PM

    Where does all this anti-Trump hysteria come from?

    Whenever a white person gets uppity and denies that Whites exist to only serve the interests of non-whites, it seems to trigger an instinctive and aggressive reaction from the privileged classes because they realize the threat to their position if a sufficient number of Whites awoke to this fact.

  54. Anonymous8:04 PM

    CNN is giving the guy who rushed Trump yesterday airtime to describe how and why he did it. I'm sure that won't entice more people to do it.

    That's right. Leftist thugs are treated like heroes.

    Trump supporters don't deserve the right to assemble or even to suggest that their interests are valid.

  55. ctrl+halt+del8:15 PM

    Trio chumps trump @ trailer trash bash

  56. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Paid thugs shut down a peaceful assembly with political violence, media cheers..

  57. Democrats and liberals and progressives and communists and Alinskyites never shut the fuck up for a nanosecond about race, all while accusing those who never talk about race of being racists. Maybe I’d believe that their true motives were anti-racist if they were to, oh, stop shitting on white people for half a second.

  58. White Man's Burden said...
    Whenever a white person gets uppity and denies that Whites exist to only serve the interests of non-whites, it seems to trigger an instinctive and aggressive reaction from the privileged classes....

    To my knowledge Trump has never uttered a word implying it’s great to be white; he simply doesn’t seem to feel a need to apologize for it, either. He doesn’t even seem to comprehend why race might matter. But modern American culture and taboos have tilted so lopsidedly in an anti-white direction, merely refusing to feel guilty for being white is depicted as the vilest and most violent form of racial bigotry imaginable.

  59. Ctrl+halt+del@8:15 is the leader.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous8:43 PM

    field negro said...
    Ctrl+halt+del@8:15 is the leader.

    "trailer trash" is so funny.

    Racial slurs are great!

  62. Lance Cockstrong8:54 PM

    Damn, will somebody please pick the brambles out of my ass? Actually, give me a minute. It feels kind of nice.

  63. LMMFAO... all that nonsense you typed, and the closest you have to saying I've said something racist here is that I said "dindu nuffin."

    I know that you UK blacks pretend to be "down" for the American blacks, the king of planet Earth's blacks, but you really have no fucking idea about the phrase at all, do you? Know your meme, you awkward old fucker. It's embarrassing. "Dindu nuffin" has fuck-all to do with race and everything to do with a person who completely skirts 100% of responsibility and blames every fucking thing on the planet on somebody else. Obviously "dindu nuffin" fits situations like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, who supposedly were "good boys" and "dindu nuffin" to nobody -- except try to murder other human beings before being put down. But "dindu nuffin" applies to anyone of any race, so long as they stupidly lay off all blame at someone else's feet.

    This isn't embarrassing for you at all? You ramble on incessantly about my racism and the very best you can do is pointing out that I said "dindu nuffin"? And, no, I don't count a lie about me somehow believing that all whites are objectively more intelligent than blacks, since I have argued against that very premise on this very blog numerous times. And the fucked up part is that you have read my posts doing such, but you're such a dishonest cunt, needing to play identity politics, that you'll flat-out pretend reality isn't real so long as it suits your obsessive trolling.

    I could see if you were still a kid. But you're damn near a fucking senior citizen. Is this really not embarrassing for you, bruv? What sort of grown man acts like this?

  64. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Democrats hate White People. I blame Marxism.

  65. "He comes here fucking week-in week-out, fucking month-in fucking month-out, to tell us exactly the same shit, over and over and over and over and over and over a-fucking-gain.

    What is his motivation? Does he want to make us better human beings? No, clearly not. Does he want to educate us? No, obviously not, otherwise he wouldn’t keep on repeating himself ad nauseum.

    No, Josh’s motivation is that he gets off sexually on abusing black folks."

    Isn't that the same M.O. of all the other trolls also? Doesn't that describe James Bold, Kinky and all the others?

  66. George Soros9:10 PM

    Like Sanders, Clinton says Trump is responsible for leftist mobs at his rallies.

    Democrats have no shame.

  67. HA!@getting off sexually on abusing black folks.

    That's the funniest thing i've heard all day!!!!!!

  68. You left the Asian half breed off that list , PX.

  69. The Fixer ™10:37 PM

    Damn white lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the white community.


  70. WTF is it with you black folks here who obsess over sex and genitals? It's the weirdest shit.

    I mean, hey, go ahead and cuss and fuss and moan and bellyache at dem meany whites who are just using negative stereotypes against you cuz day wacists. Meanwhile, do your best to actually embrace these negative stereotypes, rather than rejecting them by acting differently. That'll change perceptions.

    Be the stereotype! Then blame everyone else for using them.

  71. You know who10:45 PM

    Damn black lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the black community.

  72. You Know Who ™12:07 AM

    Damn white lies matter movement always causing trouble. Maybe they should be protesting for better dental care and against incest that plagues the white community.


  73. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Be the stereotype! Then blame everyone else for using them.

    Because assholes just HAVE to use stereotypes. Especially if they have weak minds.

  74. Gots Me Some Purple Drank1:08 PM

    Hey! What' that little TM for??? You gonna use it to make some money, like ever-loving Trayvon's Momma & baby-daddy did? Ain't it that time now abouts'? May mights they will invite Jessica Chambers to the wake?

  75. Yep. Like I said: Blame other people for using them.

    There's a reason there isn't a stereotype about those Asians being bad at math or those Italians being bad cooks. Just like there's a reason for there being a stereotype about the Irish being prone to drinking or the English having bad teeth.

    As a person with Irish heritage, if I'm pissed that people are calling me a drunkard, I might thumb their fucking eye by not getting drunk and acting a fool. Then if they wanna use that stereotype, it doesn't apply to me so I don't really give a fuck. But not black folks around here. Oh, hell no. They want their cake but don't want anyone to see them eating it. They want to embrace, wholly and unequivocally, the worst possible stereotypes there are, and then want to cry "dat's wacist!" when people point it out. Can't have it both ways; at least not always. American media may bend over backwards to treat blacks like retarded children, but not everyone else will. So folks are just going to have to shout "dat's wacist," but I'll be fucked if I'm going to live in a world where a person can literally embrace and run with every negative stereotype and then not be called on it. If you don't want to be called on it, act differently! If you don't want James calling you a moron, stop presenting yourself as a moron. You can't be the stereotype and then rail against its usage.

    What sort of special ed class do motherfuckers think we live in?
