Monday, March 14, 2016

Missing Chris, and the Chinese strike back

Image result for chris christie images         I wonder if all the people who took issue with president Obama missing Nancy Reagan's funeral have an issue with Chris Christie missing the funeral of that New Jersey state trooper who tragically lost his life, recently?

"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is skipping the funeral of 31-year-old New Jersey State Trooper Sean Cullen, who was killed in the line duty after being accidentally hit by a motorist last Monday. The governor, who recently became a surrogate for Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, will instead be spending the day campaigning for Trump out-of-state. (Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno is scheduled to attend the funeral.)

Christie’s office and the Trump campaign did not respond to The Daily Beast’s requests for comment.
"We are focused on honoring our fallen brother today, and quite frankly we did not expect someone who has consistently shown disdain for law enforcement to pay his respects to the Cullen & State Police family," Christopher Burgos, president of the State Troopers Fraternal Association of New Jersey, told The Daily Beast in a statement. "May Sean rest in peace. A wonderful family, tragic. [The governor's] decision making is predicated on selfish political opportunism, that much is clear." [Source]

Poor Chris Christie, and to think that just a few years ago he was the rising star in the republican party and was measuring the drapes at 1600 Pennsylvania, Avenue.

I tried not to write about you know who tonight, I really did. And believe me, it's hard, because there is so much that I could be writing about.  But one story in particular is so scary and funny at the same time that I feel compelled to post it.

"An editorial published Monday in the China government-controlled Global Times argues even if Donald Trump isn’t elected president, his ascendance has “opened a Pandora’s Box” for America by exposing both alarming fissures in U.S. society and some of the inherent risks in democracy in general.

“Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, a heavy lesson for Western democracy,” the editorial says. “Now, most analysts believe the US election system will stop Trump from being president eventually. The process will be scary but not dangerous.” That is to say, one supposes, we may come close to the edge of a Trump presidency but will not necessarily fall.

Trump’s rise was not anticipated by most analysts and observers. At the beginning of the election, Trump, a rich, narcissist and inflammatory candidate, was only treated as an underdog. His job was basically to act as a clown to attract more voters’ attention to the GOP. However, knocking down most other promising candidates, the clown is now the biggest dark horse.

[…] Big-mouthed, anti-traditional, abusively forthright, he is a perfect populist that could easily provoke the public. Despite candidates’ promises, Americans know elections cannot really change their lives. Then, why not support Trump and vent their spleen?

The rise of a racist in the US political arena worries the whole world. Usually, the tempo of the evolution of US politics can be predicted, while Trump’s ascent indicates all possibilities and unpredictability.
Washington Post‘s Simone Denyer noted that the editorial argues that the unpredictability of democracy is to blame for many of America’s ills, such as income and racial inequality. Denyer writes:
The inherent instability of the democratic system is classic Communist Party propaganda and an argument that resonates with many people here: Indeed, it is one of the pillars of the party’s legitimacy in many people’s eyes.

Democracy is a mess – just look at India – and sometimes violent – viz. the Arab Spring. China’s history before the Communist Party came to power was equally messy. Only strong, purposeful and benevolent one-party rule can guarantee stability.

Of course, there are a couple of glaring lacunae in that argument: The most obvious being the tyranny and mass insanity unleashed by Mao Zedong, who killed tens of millions of his own people, (as indeed Stalin did in the Soviet Union). But hey, that bit of history is officially glossed over here.

The paper may have a point in that the rise of Trump — as well as that of Bernie Sanders — is arguably a reaction to the capture of American politics by big business and lobbyists, and the failure of globalization to deliver economic benefits to the middle class.

But it also ignores the fact that democratic “reactions” can often offer a (long and winding) path to democratic solutions, while dictatorships almost always end in chaos." [Source]
That's right, the Chinese state controlled paper is running editorials about the dangers of having a democracy because guessed it, Donald trump.

I told you it was both funny and scary at the same time.

*Pic from



  1. "Responsibility" is not a word that exists in black people's vocabulary.

  2. The Real Lance Cockstrong10:01 PM

    Everybody needs to know about muh dik!!!

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Are you black? And gay? And do you live in the Philly area?

    Then try!

    Yes, the #1 source for anonymous gay sex created ESPECIALLY for black men!

    Try it today! You'll be amazed!

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    @ Anon 10:16 -

    Ha ha! You know Field clicked that shit in like two seconds.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    China's scared of Trump! He's gonna kick ass!!!

  6. Christie missed his opportunity in 2012 as did Bobby Jindal. Ted Cruz will never have a shot but Rubio should have a decent political future (maybe not in the WH but somewhere). The gop is now experiencing their chickens coming home to roost which was as predictable as it is entertaining. Starting with the southern strategy and the courting of the likes of Goldwater, Reagan and Palin this was inevitable. Maybe one day they can return to being a centrist and sane party.
    MTP showed a graph of the country becoming even more polarized in the future with the left and the right moving further into their entrenched camps. Like the old saying it's both a blessing and a curse to live in exciting times.

    Wilson '16!

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    No one can stop The God Emperor Trump now.

  8. The Fixer ™10:48 PM

    "Responsibility" is not a word that exists in conservative's vocabulary.


  9. Anonymous10:53 PM

    @ Jenkum Pilot -

    No one cares about any of those cucks you're jabbering about. They're all jokes. They were all puppets to begin with. Hell, half of them are gay, too.

    The God Emperor is coming. No amount of SJW BLM scum can stop Him. He's all that matters now.

  10. Anonymous10:58 PM

    @ Fixer-

    'Responsibility' is not a word 90% of niggers are even familiar with. Check out the crime rates, disease rates, dropout rates, etc. etc. in your cum-yoon-teez if you don't believe me.

  11. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Looks like there's been yet ANOTHER violent Spring Break chimpout, this time in Miami Beach. (That's 'beach', not bee-yotch.)

    Why is it every time more than five blacks get together a damn riot breaks out?

  12. Pistol Pete Maravich11:20 PM

    Anon, that's called basketball.

    Used to be, anyway.

  13. Limpbaugh11:40 PM

    If Mussolini ran against Hitler one of them would win. We are heading toward that type of scenario.

  14. Lt. Commander Johnson11:42 PM


    What's wrong cow crap? Don't want to play military history any more?

    I have lots more for you, homie.

    Name your poison.

  15. We've all got a front seat to the implosion of the whooteemoo. Watch for more mass shootings and suicides in the coming years after the Dems win the WH and they start to realize that their days in America, are literally and figuratively, numbered!!

  16. Limpbaugh11:51 PM

    I don't think presidents have ever gone to former first lady funerals. Current first ladies might. Speaking of not going to funerals, Anthony Scalia died on a gift luxury trip that was a bribe. And it wasn't the only one.

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson11:55 PM

    "Limpbaugh said...
    If Mussolini ran against Hitler one of them would win. We are heading toward that type of scenario.

    11:40 PM"

    Right, If a piece of toilet paper had "run" against a turd, who wins that epic battle?

    Lemme guess...the turd, because the paper & the turd both sink! But, the turd goes first!

    Guess what we are! The commode, which will be stopped up for the next 4 to 8 years, and the plunger or the snake & plumbers waiting for the American people.

  18. Guess Whoote, Slimy Bitch12:15 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. The Ministry of Truth12:18 AM

    As I've said before, I don't think New Jersey is Chris Christie's priority anymore. Jersey's voters already dislike him, so Trump is his lifeboat. He's hoping that by some miracle there will be a Trump presidential administration, and he can have a job in it. Maybe even VP!

    And, yeah, it is pretty funny Beijing now has a cautionary tale for its citizens: Don't ask for democracy -- you might get a Trump!

    Of course, Beijing's arguments are wrong. Racial inequality is a relic of the age of empire, not a result of democracy. And income inequality is caused by too much capitalism and high-level corruption; democracy is innocent of that one as well.

    As for Hitler, the idea that he was elected democratically is an often repeated claim, but historically inaccurate. Germany was a very weak, fragile, fledgling democracy in the early thirties, having been put in place after WWI. It wasn't hard for Hitler to subvert it.

    His thugs were engaged in open warfare with communists in the streets. He'd send them to threaten or beat up anyone he didn't agree with. Real democracy can't exactly function without proper rule of law. Then the same thugs burned down the legislature; claimed leftie terrorists did it; and convinced enough people to declare martial law to restore public order, with himself as the enforcer.

    I'd describe Hitler's rise to power as a slow-motion coup, aided by a horrific German economy. He never got a majority if the vote to support his rule of the country.

  20. stillaPanther21:16 AM

    Maybe his presidency run can serve as a catharsis for the country. Too much racial animus has percolated over the last fifty plus years. I can empathize with the majority. I too have been on this social journey with them for the last sixty plus years.

    Prior to the seventies there were no(few?) Blacks, Mexicans or others in their literature- school books, magazines, pictures or any other form of communication. The scant mention of others were usually negative of funny. (Today, I have a collection of my people in various visual artifacts that shows the disdain of my fellow country man). The transition of peace within the race has been mainly at the behest of the government. I am sure that the majority of the majority had hopes that some day my people would act like the people that had run America for centuries.

    Staring out with a defected race was a challenge that may have been too much to achieve the standards that were acceptable to the majority. There are some bright spots, but I am thinking that until we have a culture outside of yours that we can appreciate, we may never come up to the bar the majority have in place.

    I find it funny that people of the majority can yell "go back to Africa"- that shows that they don't see us as Americans. I will postulate that we don't have ANY relationship with Africa, therefor we are generational orphans. Made in America.

    Maybe Mr. Trump will offer a mirror for my people to once again start a movement for self love. Because when Mr. Trump gets in office he will let us know that the romance is over. I look forward to that day. Self love will bring strength to a lost people. Power to the people.

  21. You Know Who ™1:30 AM

    'Responsibility' is not a word 90% of conservatives are even familiar with.


  22. The Real Lance Cockstrong1:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Doper1:39 AM

    I've heard Yisheng enjoys licking the shit from fat white male ass.

  24. I hope that Trump uses that gold plated bidet on his plane. Otherwise Christie could end up with a nasty case of pinkeye.

  25. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Yisheng -

    When you get dressed in the morning, do you put your blonde hair weave and your blue contacts on before you apply the skin-lightening cream, or after?

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson thinks I've got nothing more interesting to do at 5 a.m. than discuss his idiotic views on military history.!

    What an idiot.

  27. In other words, i got schooled once again and i'm all butthurt now....

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. ''I wonder if all the people who took issue with president Obama missing Nancy Reagan's funeral have an issue with Chris Christie missing the funeral of that New Jersey state trooper who tragically lost his life, recently?'

    There goes the left and their false equivalences.

    ""I tried not to write about you know who tonight, I really did. And believe me, it's hard, because""

    Because it's so hard for field to control his sexual urges and obsessions.

    I get it. hillary is a piss poor candidate and Donald J. Trump will do what the left hates the most-make America great again. So the only thing field has is lies and China. Good luck with that.

  30. You can always tell a thread overrun with trump supporters.
    Let's see now.... delete......

  31. What the Chinese don't know is that there is already only one party in this country--the Plutocratic Party, controlled by corporations and billionaires. It has two wings, of course, tinted slightly different shades of green, for variety. The Democratic shade is against overtly starving the poor and elderly, a fact important to keep in mind, and also basically admits the fact of global warming. Given a choice, this is the sane way to go, until somehow the corporate grip can be loosened on the country. The Sanders-led revolution is dedicated to loosening that grip, and good luck to them all.

  32. Yisheng8:45 AM

    Is anyone else going to miss having the smartest, finest, most beautiful and classy first lady EVER in the white house, after the next election?

  33. Quote:Make America even shittier than it already is

    "In other words, i got schooled once again and i'm all butthurt now...."

    Translation: I have absolutely nothing useful to say, so I guess I better make some shit up to keep up appearances.

  34. field negro said...
    You can always tell a thread overrun with trump supporters.
    Let's see now.... delete......

    You can't delete the truth away...No matter how hard you try.

  35. @Yisheng:
    Also, the only first lady EVER with two Ivy League degrees! And yet so down to earth...

  36. 'Is anyone else going to miss having the smartest, finest, most beautiful and classy first lady EVER in the white house, after the next election?"

    Yeah but we're about to have the First dude and I bet the parties he's gonna throw when Hildog is out of town will be historic.

  37. Lt. commander my ass1:36 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson thinks I've got nothing more interesting to do at 5 a.m. than discuss his idiotic views on military history.!

    Are you sure? That sounds awesome! He is a Lt. Commander in the U.S. armed forces after all.

  38. Jimmy2:28 PM

    When will we get a front row seat at yishengcow's junior college graduation? NEVER!!! HA!!

    Can we blame yishengcow for being so angry and racist? You're not the one that has to clean the whooteemoo's toilet. She is.

  39. Yisheng3:04 PM

    Lol at PX's "First Dude" comment.

  40. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Yisheng = nigger

  41. Anonymous11:13 AM

    lilac = cunt

  42. Micro dic assassin = how did Asians survive evolution6:46 PM

    @2:22 and 11:13,

    Mosquito cum swallowing ass, with a grasshopper dic.

  43. Lilac pr9:15 PM

    It's scary because those are the big interests,the corporation talking! Yes, they are realizing that the little person is getting tired if their squeeze!

  44. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

    lilac = cunt

  45. شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بالقصيم شركة نقل عفش بتبوك شركة نقل عفش بابها شركة نقل عفش بنجران شركة نقل عفش بحائل شركة نقل عفش بالظهران شركة نقل عفش بالكويت
