Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Open thread Tuesday.

Image result for field negro imagesGive me your thoughts on tonight's primary races......


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Michigan has a lower black population than the Southern states. Hillary has a problem with white voters because she concentrates on identity politics not improving lives for all Americans. She will have a problem in the general elections with white voters, in my opinion, because she doesn't have a message for ALL Americans.

    A good economy raises all boats.

    Trump won both states and it isn't a surprise. Politically correct speech that squelches all speech is soon to be dead. Thank god. Will he be a good president? Who knows. I think he will win, however.

  2. This white redneck from Alabama hears Trump plagiarizing the late George C. Wallace. As a kid, "Guvnah Wallace" was my hero, but there comes a time to grow up. Governor Wallace died with blood on his hands. It's only a matter of time before Trump will have the same legacy. I may not see it in my lifetime, but, we have to change, we have to. I too want to raise all boats, but we have to make sure everybody's boat is sea worthy. I long to see the day at a white southern family reunion where the elderly Uncle says "they all........." is shunned.

  3. Anonymous10:49 PM



  4. Anonymous10:58 PM

    @ Paul Sams-

    The talk of "raising all boats" is just flowery rhetoric. Some boats are battleships, some are yachts, and some are just leaky rafts made out of twigs and driftwood. We can't raise blacks to our level, and we never will. 90% of them seem to fall into the retarded range IQ-wise, and they will never be able to compete in the 21st century. Hell, they had a hard enough time making it through the 20th ...

    TRUMP '16!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Man Im black and I scared too see what's hapeing in are County. Racicm is alive end well. Trump gotto be stoped. But how. He seem's too grow stonger every day.

    At least all us Black Men have big huge dick's that all the white Woman want. Ha ha.

    -A Black Colege Gradate

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Man Im black and I scared too see what's hapeing in are County. Racicm is alive end well. Trump gotto be stoped. But how. He seem's too grow stonger every day.

    At least all us Black Men have big huge dick's that all the white Woman want. Ha ha.

    -A Black Colege Gradate

    11:00 PM

    Asshole. Do you enjoy being a jerk? Why do you come here to antagonize people?

  7. Green Eggs and Sams11:40 PM

    Paul Sams said...
    Governor Wallace died with blood on his hands...I long to see the day at a white southern family reunion where the elderly Uncle says "they all........." is shunned.

    Governor Wallace died with a bullet in his spine.

    I long to see the day racial panderers are shunned and everyone is judged as individuals.

    White guilt is so 1963. 2016 is the year we move beyond the tired old narrative. The democrats have promoted racial acrimony for 50 years in the cause of identity politics, now identity politics is going to steamroll them.

    Viva Trump!

  8. I long to see the day when a mid-level manager in a mid-level company can accurately quote FBI crime statistics on Facebook and not be fired.

  9. The Ministry of Truth11:47 PM



    Lilac, the teacher who did this is black himself.

    It's unclear whether he's one of those screwed-up black men who hates black females (internalized racism), or if he's more of an equal-opportunity bastard who is abusive to everyone.

    Either way, the school should fire him.

  10. Anonymous11:51 PM

    @ Anonymous The Ministry of Truth:

    He's one of those wise black men who hates black females (personal experience)

  11. I'm not going to join the chorus of people who unfairly criticized Bernie Sanders for trying to express where he thought white Americans have racial blind spots during the CNN debate the other night; there's plenty of black Americans with racial blind spots too though some of us don't like to admit it.

    In the 60's when Trump was acting like a buffoonish clown in school and preparing to ride daddy's coattails around the Vietnam draft and right towards his inherited "success", Bernie was standing up for cilvil rights in Chicago and elsewhere and making his bones as a progressive.

    My take on Bernie's upset win in Michigan is that a lot of Democratic primary voters don't like Hillary's attempt to scoop up "Super Delegates", or her unfairly (and falsely) suggesting Bernie didn't support the auto bailout that Republicans like Romney opposed in oder to put the beat-down on unions - bad tactical choice by Hillary to assume that Michigan primary voters were idiots. She paid for it.

  12. Anonymous12:57 AM

    LOL @ that retarded white boy @ 11:00 trying to sound black. At least put SOME effort into it. Christ.

  13. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Here's the real scoop on Melissa Harris-Perry.


  14. Anonymous1:53 AM

    And another


    You're welcome.

  15. Anonymous2:06 AM

    I am not at all surprised that Bernie won in Michigan. The state has lost a lot of manufacturing jobs, the home foreclosure rate one of the highest in the country and people realize that Bernie is in this for THEM! Hillary unfortunately says whatever she thinks will make voters choose her, but in the end is a politician to advance herself. So Bernie's message and his integrity resonant with people. I am predicting he will do pretty well in Illinois as well, despite it being HRC's home state, for the same reason.

    The other factor that I believe has some impact on the votes, of those who are diligent about following current events, is the deal the FBI made with her IT guy. Seems like common sense that where there is a need for immunity, there must be a crime(s). And as a voter, why pick the candidate that may not be able to run the finish? The super delegates will no doubt vote based on the outcome of the trial, if indeed the May projection is a reality.

  16. Cotchery3:51 AM

    In all seriousness, why do blacks have such disdain for Bernie Sanders?

  17. Anonymous5:24 AM

    to 3:51

    I've wondered that myself. Here is one group that support him. Love their Berniemobile!


  18. Anonymous5:30 AM


    Direct link to a vehicle shot.

  19. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Blacks do not have "disdain" for Bernie. Blacks who are more left leaning love him. But,like most liberals, he suffers from another kind of "racial blind spot" that us hard for him to get a grip on. (See his comments about "the ghetto", for instance)


  20. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Anon@12:57, it didn't need any effort, I am guessing it is just that dumb.

    Another miserable trump supporter trying to live its life through the Donald.:)



    All the polls were wrong.

    Conversations with friends and relatives ("low information voters") tell me that 30 years of Republicans' demonizing Hillary have taken their toll. I worry that their staying home in November could elect Trump, or whatever genius the Republicans fix up as substitute. Cruz is even scarier. Better demagogic than demented.

    Still, a 73 y/o socialist Jew would have it rough in the general election. More bigots to deal with! More dog whistles!

  22. Not one single opinion poll gave Sanders a snowball's chance in hell last night. Not a single one. The smallest lead Clinton had in any poll was 5%. Many had her winning by 20+%.

    So two questions;

    1. Are the polls in the other rust belt states of Ohio and Illinois equally wrong? If so, we met yet live in interesting times.

    2. Early analysis suggests that Sanders has now started to make inroads into that African American vote in the North. Now there are no upcoming votes in the deep south is this a potential problem for Clinton?

  23. Quote anonymous yesterday

    ”Bullshit. Blacks care nothing for liberal tenets like "equality" or "fairness" beyond how it gets them more gibs.

    Only white people are foolish enough to believe in principles that run counter to their own interests.

    Blacks are not liberals.”

    Go back and read the article I linked to, dipshit. The empirical evidence is right there if you could be arsed to read it.


  24. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Bernie was standing up for civil rights in Chicago and elsewhere and making his bones as a progressive.

    Because he was an unemployable numbskull. He never even had a steady paycheck until he was 40, and he got that by getting elected to public office by spouting bullshit.

  25. Kim Jong-un10:20 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "1. Are the polls in the other rust belt states of Ohio and Illinois equally wrong?"

    Pollsters found to have been using manifestly depraved Bayesian methods.

  26. Limpbaugh10:37 AM

    Hillary Clinton is winning states that will vote Republican in the general election. The electoral votes will go to Trump. Little Marco is the candidate who offends me the most. I think he might be ignorant more than lying. He says 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault and Iran is allied with ISIS even though Iran's army is fighting ISIS in Iraq. I noticed he has been practicing delivering his memorized speeches with more emotion since Chris Christie exposed him. In a group that includes psychopaths, racists, and corporate whores, Little Marco stands out as the most disgusting. I am glad to see him do bad in the primaries, but I hope he gets discredited enough to lose his senate seat.

  27. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Early analysis suggests that Sanders has now started to make inroads into that African American vote in the North"

    Across the first 19 states to vote or caucus, the correlation between Bernie’s share of the two candidate vote versus Hillary and the percentage of the state’s population that was black in 2014 is a remarkable r = -0.87.


    That correlation held again yesterday in Mississippi and Michigan.

  28. Anonymous10:42 AM


    1. 9/11 was Clinton's fault.
    2. Marco is not running for reelection to his Senate seat.

  29. "That correlation held again yesterday in Mississippi and Michigan."

    Not in Michigan it didn't.

  30. Anonymous11:34 AM

    ...being a golf pro while Black:


    Yeah,now lets see what punishment they hand down to this one! And keep it firmly in mind so things can be adjusted when a black pro is found in the same situation!

    Lex non a rege est violanda!

  31. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...

    Lilac, the teacher who did this is black himself.

    It's unclear whether he's one of those screwed-up black men who hates black females (internalized racism), or if he's more of an equal-opportunity bastard who is abusive to everyone.

    Either way, the school should fire him.

    11:47 PM

    Be he black or be he white,that is NOT the way to teach, and if teaching is the vocation he chose, then he's in the wrong profession.

    Being "equal opportunity" does not equate to being an "abusive bastard". I don't see where you get that.

    He wins the house negro of the year award and should be on Fields side bar!

  32. Anonymous12:05 PM

    @ Limpbaugh

    You speak like Trump, you fucking dumbass.

  33. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Not in Michigan it didn't."

    Yes it did. Michigan is about half as black as your average southern state:


  34. Anonymous1:06 PM

    At least all us Black Men have big huge dick's that all the white Woman want. Ha ha.

    -A Black Colege Gradate

    Some do. But the black and white women also like stiff white dongs, fragrant scrotums, and tangy buttholes like those of Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum.

  35. "Yes it did. Michigan is about half as black as your average southern state:"

    You're missing the point.

    Michigan is by a long way the most heavily African-American populated state Sanders has won, 14.2% of the total population is black, that’s more than double any other state.

    Sanders lost to Clinton among black voters in Michigan but by much less than he lost to her among black voters in any other states. So what I’m saying is, this may be a sign that Sanders will get more support from black voters north of the M-D line.

    Almost all the previous states (where black voter intentions have been large enough to measure in exit polls) were in the Southeast and the Southwest. In those southern states Clinton led Sanders among black Democrats voters by an average of 54% . Clinton’s lead in Michigan among black voters is 35%. This may or may not prove to be significant in states similar to Michigan which are coming up very soon.

    We will see.

  36. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    You're missing the point.

    Michigan is by a long way the most heavily African-American populated state Sanders has won, 14.2% of the total population is black, that’s more than double any other state--

    Yes, and he barely won. The correlation still stands.

  37. Kim Jong-un2:26 PM

    "In those southern states Clinton led Sanders among black Democrats voters by an average of 54%. Clinton’s lead in Michigan among black voters is 35%."

    DPRK electoral polling systems lauded for 100% predictive accuracy and sound Frequentist methods.

  38. I thought Sanders was honest until he started talking about how whites don’t know what it’s like to be poor, live in the ghetto or be targeted due to their race. His campaign website also explicitly talks about Mike Brown as a victim of white supremacy as opposed to his own sociopathy and low impulse control.

  39. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Are blacks not voting for Sanders because he is Brooklyn Jewish? Or because his voters are mostly white? Interesting how CNN and MSNBC never get around to discussing why Blacks favor Hillary to such a large degree.

    The Clinton campaign made damn sure Anderson Cooper asked Sanders about his Jewishness in the Michigan debate. In the heavily Muslim areas of Michigan, that was obviously worth something to Hillary. It was such an obvious Clinton dirty trick, I fully expected it, spoke about it prior – told friends she would get it in somehow but only in Michigan – and hell if it didn’t happen.

    I note she did not mention her one Jewish grandparent, or whoever it was, that she constantly talked about when she ran for Senate in New York.

  40. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Marco Rubio truly represents the American Dream!

    Your father comes from Cuba, becomes a bartender; you become a senator, run for president and then become a bartender.

  41. Anonymous5:19 PM

    There articles all over about how Bernie won in Michigan. It was way bigger than race, as anyone from Michigan knows, because the state has been hard hit economically. From the Detroit Free Press:


  42. "Yes, and he barely won. The correlation still stands."

    It does not. You are clearly an idiot.


    Some interesting analysis on what went wrong with the polling.

    1. Pollsters underestimated how many young people would vote, and their level of support for Sanders. They expected less than 25% of Democratic voters would be under 30 years of age, in fact more than half were under 30. Young Democrat voters are massively more pro Sanders than pro Clinton. Sanders won 81% of voters aged 18 to 29 - pollsters had expected 66%.

    2. One polling organisation that predicted a 37% Clinton win only searched for respondents by landline telephones. Less than 45% of Americans under 30 have access to a landline.

    3. Pollsters underestimated African American support for Sanders. He won 28% of African American votes, polling organisations had expect less than 20%.

    4. Pollsters underestimated how many independents would vote and the level other support for Sanders. They expected 12% of voters to be independents, in fact they constituted 27%. Pollsters had expected them to favour Sanders by 38%, in fact it was 43%.

  43. Sorry, forgot my source


  44. http://www.ibtimes.com/bernie-sanders-wins-big-michigan-muslims-political-pundits-cant-quite-believe-it-2333030

  45. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Yes, and he barely won. The correlation still stands."
    It does not. You are clearly an idiot.

    Why can't black people, even half black people, understand statistics?

    You obviously don't know what "correlation" means.

    "He won 28% of African American votes"

    Wow, a whole 28%. You don't say.

    What's 28% of the 14% of the vote that is AA? I'll help you, it's 4%. The black vote that went to Bernie accounted for 4% of the voting pool.

    Bernie consistently does well in states where the AA percentage of the population is near or below the US average (13%).

    And Bernie did well well with the Muslim vote because Hillary is so keen on bombing Muslim countries.

  46. ESPN fires Mike Ditka for criticizing Obama:

    Mike Ditka will be replaced as a panelist on ESPN's Sunday NFL Countdown, it has been revealed.

    The announcement came less than a week after Ditka, both a former player and coach for the Chicago Bears, revealed he believed Barack Obama was the worst president 'we've ever had'.
    Ditka, who has been a main panelist for the ESPN show since 2006, said Obama was a 'fine man' but not a leader when he went on WABC'S The Bernie & Sid Show last Thursday.
    'He would be great to play golf with,' Ditka continued.

    'He's not a leader. This country needs leadership. It needs direction. It needs somebody that steps up front.'


  47. @PR, you know d*mn well they aren't going to do anything to that screeching wench! And she would be talking PLENTY 'ish had that been Serena!

  48. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Kayleigh McEnany won the nomination for Trump. She is, a Modern Dy Trojan Horse, by far the most visually appealing commentator to a moderate conservative male [young, old, interracial] that internally leads towards FoxNews, but rationalizes his balance by watching CNN. She offers thoughtful, measured, well planned responses to Democratic commentators that makes Trump appear to be a deep thinker. Meanwhile, CNN offers middle aged men and women, that lack mass appeal, while offering their 'outrage' over the offensiveness of Trump. Additionally, the bloggers echo the sentiments of the unattractive.

    Trump doubles down on the Sexy Ploy - More Kayleigh, More Melania, More niceties with Megan Kelly, while forcing the Gays - Lemon and Cooper A, to play nice- More hate from ugly Glenn Beck, ugly CNN talking heads, even the attractive minorities do not get the facetime of Trump's #1 Spokeskiller Kayleigh.

    I think Trump is unfit for the Presidency, but the people have been effectively manipulated by their own insecurities. The Democrats will lose without a radical substance strategy that constantly attacks and the news media decides to balance the visual manipulation.

    If Kayleigh is not shown and Fox uses only Oreilly, Krauthammer, Hannity; Trump loses.

    Megan Kelly and Kayleigh deliver the White House to Trump without him offering anything of Substance.

    We have been Trumped! Don't believe me just watch..

  49. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Sanders is a liberal of the Subaru, coffee shop, and bike path variety. I can't see that there's anything in him that speaks to blacks.

  50. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    @PR, you know d*mn well they aren't going to do anything to that screeching wench! And she would be talking PLENTY 'ish had that been Serena!

    7:30 PM

    For sure! But there's a lot of people with their eye on that situation ;) We'll see...

  51. Tennis Balls8:32 PM

    You have to be retarded to think Serena Williams doesn't have steroids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She looks like Mike Tyson in a dress.

  52. Why do you blacks even care about primaries? You're all going to vote for Hillary in the primary, and whoever the Democrat is in the general election.

  53. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Asian Success in America proves that White Privilege is a Lie.

  54. Histrionics Major8:57 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck white people. Fuck 'em!

  55. Anonymous9:07 PM

    white ppl invented hugs and electricity
    and they have pretty hair
    that's gotta count for something

  56. Anonymous9:15 PM

    yishengcow done went for thirds at the all you can eat stupid buffay.MMMMM stupid is good yishengcow's brain says.

    Sponsors have dropped her and she will be suspended. So maybe you or any other fat, jealous, racist blah women on here can point out any double standards... I won't hold my breath.

    And remember yishengcow, you will never be smart like Asians.

  57. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Statewide, 30% of black women voted for Bernie in Michigan, per exit polls.

    Hillary's urban numbers in Michigan were a decrease from the south:

    "Wayne County, which includes the city of Detroit, is about 40 percent black. Clinton won about 60 percent of the vote there."...."In earlier primaries, she won 71 percent of the vote in Fulton County (Atlanta), 82 percent in Jefferson County (Birmingham, Alabama), 80 percent in Shelby County (Memphis). "


  58. Tennis Balls, u do realize that she has been tested numerous times, right?

    Anon@7:50, that was funny and on point.

  59. OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    For sure! But there's a lot of people with their eye on that situation ;) We'll see...

    So it turns out that the screeching wench can't beat Serena even on steroids, ROTFL!!!!

    They should ban her flat ass for life for all that screaming she does while playing!
