Saturday, May 07, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: What a country!  

*Pic from


  1. These people look NOTHING like my former classmates at Georgetown. Thankfully, whooteemoos don't make it past the admissions committee.

  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Lemme take a selfie!

  3. Trump: "You see these people? These are the people for whom I'll make America great again.

    "As for you other people, you're not great, and I will treat you badly, so that you won't become great."

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Our next president!

  5. Dr. Wheautremeaux10:10 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    These people look NOTHING like my former classmates at Georgetown. Thankfully, whooteemoos don't make it past the admissions committee.

    Yes, it's great that they are discriminated against, we certainly don't want their type at Georgetown.

    Thankfully, they let blacks in even when they are intellectually challenged miscreants such as yourself.

  6. The Ministry of Truth10:33 PM

    The original audience of Wrestlemania 23 witness the unveiling of the updated, 2016 version of the billionaire douchebag villain character from Wrestlemania 23.

  7. babycakes10:37 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    These people look NOTHING like my former classmates at Georgetown. Thankfully, whooteemoos don't make it past the admissions committee.

    Haha, cuz they're poor, right? STOOPID FUCKING POORS

  8. Washington Subway Falling Apart Due to Anti-white Discrimination:

    Citing a botched response to a fire on Thursday, the Federal Transit Administration issued a series of emergency directives and threatened to shut down all or parts of the nation’s second-busiest subway.

    Ninety-seven percent of the bus and train operators at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority are black, with only six white women out of more than 3,000 drivers, according to Metro documents — a lack of diversity at one of the region’s largest employers that has led to an acknowledgment of failure in affirmative-action documents and spawned a series of lawsuits.

    The homogeneity, interviews with dozens of current and former Metro workers indicated, is a proxy to a clubby culture of favoritism in which merit has little to do with promotions, and accountability, such as noting safety violations, is a career death knell. In typical examples, court and Metro records show, a black man who spent eight years in prison for dealing PCP was promoted to a high-level management position soon after his release, and whites in the same positions as blacks with far less seniority are inexplicably paid less.

    “When the accident happened in 2009, I called a supervisor and said, ‘Is this the one we all dreaded?’ The way workers do their jobs, we all knew it was a matter of time. … The inept get promoted, and the capable get buried.

    It is a culture in which a white male engineer near completion of a Ph.D. was passed over for a management position in favor of a black man who was barely literate, multiple staffers said.

    Metro’s affirmative-action plan notes that the 1.4 percent of its bus and train operators who are Hispanic and the 25 percent who are female of any race are “less than reasonably expected.” It does not make note of the 1.5 percent who are white.

  9. Anonymous10:55 PM

    "The Bell Curve" -- it's the single most useful book for understanding how America works.

  10. babycakes said...

    Haha, cuz they're racists, right? STOOPID FUCKING RACISTS

    There. And yes, I didn't have ONE single racial incident while I was a student at Georgetown.

  11. Anonymous11:22 PM

    You are a racial incident. And a piece of human shit. I'll bet everyone who has ever had anything to do with hates your guts.

  12. "Who are all of these losers and creeps, and why are they all staring at me?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Trump: "I love loses and creeps".

    Thanks for the idea Doug! ;)

  14. Pookums said:
    I am a racial incident. And a piece of human shit. Everyone who has ever had anything to do with ME hates MY guts.

    Pookums,I know it must be hard that you spend so much negative energy, the only type you have, on this blog with no improvement in your own life. And I know that someone in the world must love you, even though you behave like the most unloved and ignored person in the universe. Find a good therapist and a support system, and get the obvious help that you need.


  15. Trump: "Whoa hold up, wait a minute, can I get security up here?"

    Security: "Yes sir, what's the problem Mr. Trump?"

    Trump: "Front and center, to the right of the white guy in the black shirt wearing a black hat, just above the white guy in the red shirt, is that a black guy with a camera?"

    Security: "Um, yeah, I think so sir."

    Trump: "Well what the Hell am I paying you people for? How the @$#! did he get in here?"

    Security: "Sorry sir, he must've slipped in, we'll take care of it right away sir."

    Trump: "How am I supposed to make America great again with a black guy in the crowd?"

    Security: "We've got units approaching the floor now sir, stand by."

    Trump: "You're supposed to be ex-NYPD and you let a black guy with a camera in here? He's like 20 feet from me! You're fired!"

    Security: "Take it easy Mr. Trump, units are on the way..."

    Trump: "Units my ass! My daughter's in the building! This is a total disaster! You're all fired!!"

    Security: "Actually you just fired us sir."

    Trump: "Well you're fired again! Loser! Security? Security!"

  16. Notice there's no mexican flags flying. No American flags being burned. No violence.

    This is what real hope and change looks like. Hope and change is bring everyone together and making America great again. Hope and change is dividing America by race, class, religion and legal status like obama has done.

    obama is the most polarizing president in history bu purpose. Donald J. Trump will be the most unifying president in history.

  17. leota28:37 AM

    "They aren't very bright, but luckily no one is trying to block the stupid people who support me from voting."

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM

    If they blocked stupid people from voting Obama would have never been elected.

  19. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Yishengcow's former classmates at Georgetown were all Asian and smarter than she. Thankfully, they could all depend or yishengcow to clean their toilets.

  20. Help United America. Trump 2016 said...
    No violence.

    You mean outside of ol' whooteemoos sucker punching young Black men, and Trump's security feeling up pretty reporters?

  21. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Is that a relative of Yisheng I see in the crowd?

  22. "Hope and change is bring everyone together and making America great again. Hope and change is dividing America by race, class, religion and legal status like obama has done. "

    Hi. Could someone translate this sentence into English for me, please?


  23. Sure PC!!

    Wa wawa wawaaaaa wa waaaa wa wa wa wa waaaaaaah!

    Is that better?

  24. Oh wait, that's not English is it?

  25. Negro Translator12:20 PM

    "Hope and change is bring everyone together and making America great again. Hope and change is dividing America by race, class, religion and legal status like obama has done. "

    You're welcome negropean.

  26. Love what culturegeist did. The leader.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. ctrl+halt+del4:42 PM


    Here's Ivanka as a baby on a bear skin rug. Isn't she cute?

    Here's Ivanka in her school uniform. Go to the head of the class.

    Here's Ivanka in her French maid Halloween costume when she was 16. Drop something?

    Here's Ivanka on a bear skin rug on her 21st birthday. I know, cute right?

    Here's me with Ivanka and Melanie on our honeymoon. Silly me. I forgot to get second room so we all slept in same bed, nice and cozy.

    Here's me giving Ivanka a spanking.

    And here's Ivanka spanking me... she said I've been a bad boy.

  29. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Bernie, is that you?

  30. Anonymous5:59 PM

    field negro said...
    Love what culturegeist did. The leader.

    I'll bet you do.

    Why, against all evidence to the contrary, do you promote the idea that Donald Trumps is racist, or that because he gives voice to the interests of poor and middle class white people what he proposes doesn't apply equally to the interests of poor and middle class black people?

    There are more and more black folk who are listening to Trump's words directly and not through the filter of his enemies. These are the people who will come together with their fellow citizens to put an end to the globalist pillaging of America and put our government back to working for the people.

    You can remain a prisoner of the fears you project on reality, or you can join with other people ready and willing to build a better country for everyone. It's going to happen. The sooner you get on board, the more say you'll have on where we go.

  31. "Anonymous Negro Translator said...
    "Hope and change is bring everyone together and making America great again. Hope and change is dividing America by race, class, religion and legal status like obama has done. "

    Hi. Could someone translate this sentence into English for me, please?


  32. Anonymous8:37 PM

    "The Bell Curve" -- it's the single most useful book for understanding how America works
    Sure, if you're an asshole.

  33. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Why, against all evidence to the contrary, do you promote the idea that Donald Trumps is racist, or that because he gives voice to the interests of poor and middle class white people what he proposes doesn't apply equally to the interests of poor and middle class black people?"

    Good point, but a waste of time. Mr. Field wears the same brand of goggles as 'Paul Kersey' of SBPDL fame. That's why it's fun to read these blogs, but really their only use is to gauge the thinking of a small part of the political web writers.

  34. "Good point, but a waste of time. Mr. Field wears the same brand of goggles as 'Paul Kersey' of SBPDL fame."


    What a disservice to his people.

  35. Anonymous1:01 AM

    "Why, against all evidence to the contrary, do you promote the idea that Donald Trumps is racist, or that because he gives voice to the interests of poor and middle class white people what he proposes doesn't apply equally to the interests of poor and middle class black people?"

    Just because you prefer to ignore the racist remarks and actions by Trump doesn't mean everyone else is blind to the evidence. Most racists don't know their racists. Case in point.

  36. Anon@5:59, I have this wonderful antique bell here in my hometown that I would love to sell u.
    It has a slight crack on the side, but I can give it to u for a steal.

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  38. Anonymous9:32 AM

    "Just because you prefer to ignore the racist remarks and actions by Trump doesn't mean everyone else is blind to the evidence. Most racists don't know their racists. Case in point."

    You know, I'm just not seeing it. I just read through a half dozen Trump speech transcripts, and controlling the southern border via a wall appears to be the extent of it given the culture and race difference between Mexico and most of the US.

    The other bits of racism might be improving the vetting of entrants from the Middle East and the general look of the audience, neither of which is a particularly strong indicator.

    Maybe you're just a better mind reader than I am. You never know.

    Mind you, this is coming from a candidate who just stands there and wings it for an hour. Rather than a carefully prepared speech written by a committee, he just meanders on without notes. You'd think it would be hard to hide bad tendencies in your thinking given the circumstances.

    One thought that occurred to me is that one reason black voters might not think of Trump as being of advantage to them is that middle and upper class blacks actually benefit from the current system (and they don't much care what happens to their working class and below brethren). It's obvious the effect that 20+ million relatively unskilled workers have had at the bottom end, but if you've already got yours, it's A-OK.

    If Trump has a problem, it's that he doesn't bring a fully formed government mafia with him into office. It's hard to run an imperial system by yourself. That by itself might doom his Presidency.

  39. What do you mean there's no diversity? We have many people of Color. White, Off White, Ivory, French Vanilla, cream...

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