Saturday, May 21, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: I know in my heart that Under Bernie we will have free babysitting.

* Pic from  


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Nursing mom: Aaaaaaaaaaooowww! This little sucker just bit my nipple!!!

  2. Dysgenic Diana9:11 PM

    I got no baby daddy! I need the government to be my husband! Bernie will make you pay for my poor choices! Yay Bernie!

  3. No vicious personal attack on the top 1% ever fed a hungry transgender:

  4. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Mom: "I'm a fervent supporter of Bernie. I'm also dumb, clueless, and/or selfish to bring an infant, who should be sleeping in his crib by 7 PM, to a late night political rally."

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Why are liberals so ugly?

  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Being ugly makes you liberal.

  7. Yes I am a College Student, Yes I am a African American, Yes I am a Common Sense Republican, and Yes I support Donald Trump.

  8. Feminism is Cancer:

  9. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "Why are liberals so ugly?"

    How many ugly shitlib women would want to lock down the borders tighter than Trump if blue eyed blonde haired women were being imported?

  10. 450 out of 452 Suicide Attacks in 2015 Were Committed by Muslims.

    One of the remaining two attacks was carried out by the Kurdish underground. The other was perpetrated by a woman supporter of a leftist group in Turkey.

  11. Juanita Broaddrick10:27 PM

    Imagine, for a moment, if the media used the same rape allegation standard for Bill Clinton that they use for frat boys and lacrosse teams.

  12. HouseAnglo10:30 PM

    Just thank the good Lord that the kid isn't 5 years old.


  13. The Trumpening10:37 PM

    Andrew Sullivan:

    For the white working class, having had their morals roundly mocked, their religion deemed primitive, and their economic prospects decimated, now find their very gender and race, indeed the very way they talk about reality, described as a kind of problem for the nation to overcome. This is just one aspect of what Trump has masterfully signaled as “political correctness” run amok, or what might be better described as the newly rigid progressive passion for racial and sexual equality of outcome, rather than the liberal aspiration to mere equality of opportunity.

    Much of the newly energized left has come to see the white working class not as allies but primarily as bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes, thereby condemning those often at the near-bottom rung of the economy to the bottom rung of the culture as well. A struggling white man in the heartland is now told to “check his privilege” by students at Ivy League colleges.

  14. Lance Cockstrong10:51 PM

    Hey Butt Trumpet ... you want it? ... you can't have it ...

  15. Lance Cockstrong11:04 PM

    Butt Trumpet's Ivanka wet dream ...

  16. I knew she liked em young but damn!

  17. Lilacpr2000, the leader.

    "The trumpeting", the first part of the last paragraph u quoted from, happens to be true.

    So there is that.

  18. LOL @PR, I like that one the best too!!

  19. Damn, sweetie, I can't hold my iPhone up for a picture and hold you up at the same time. Here, hold onto this for a while...

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous6:21 AM

    She's 10,000x prettier than Yisheng will ever be.

  21. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Yisheng = KoKo The Gorilla

    (except w/ a bad attitude)

  22. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Michelle Obama has a bigger dick than Field!

  23. Trump has reconfigured the presidential race so that it's not so much about Republican versus Democrat as it is about Whole Foods. Go to Whole Foods sometime. Study the shoppers there closely. Can you imagine a single one of them voting for Trump? Of course not! So the election can be looked at along demographic lines between Kroger shoppers and people willing to cross the threshold of a Whole Foods.

    I will even go so far as to say that the Bernie supporters who don't ever go to Whole Foods will vote for Trump and the ones that do will hold their nose and vote for Hillary. Meanwhile the Romney Republicans, because they go to Whole Food, will vote for Hillary. Elections have been simplified, thanks to Trump.

  24. The Trumpening11:34 AM

    field negro said...
    "The trumpeting", the first part of the last paragraph u quoted from, happens to be true.

    Much of the newly energized left has come to see the white working class not as allies but primarily as bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes, thereby condemning those often at the near-bottom rung of the economy to the bottom rung of the culture as well.

    So Field, you admit that the Left is primarily animated by a classist and racist disdain for poor whites. You and your ilk believe that any concerns of working class whites can be dismissed because they are all "bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes".

    And reviling an entire class of people is different than, say, blaming poor blacks for the sociopathy exhibited by a minority segment of the black population how?

    What do we do with all these problem people?

    For the white working class, having had their morals roundly mocked, their religion deemed primitive, and their economic prospects decimated, now find their very gender and race, indeed the very way they talk about reality, described as a kind of problem for the nation to overcome.

    How fascist is that?

    It would seem that your political opinions are driven by:

    1. An inate hatred of white people
    2. A desire to associate yourself with the opinions of the elite

    One can see this clearly in the words of bitter parvenus like Yisheng, but perhaps your views are more nuanced. I kind of doubt it though.

  25. Answering the first part of your question: Yes. Most (not all) of them, and they have been programmed to think that way: I am poor and uneducated, but at least I am white, so I am better than that black guy.

  26. See what Pitts says about MLK's speech in 1965 at the end of the Selma to Mongomery march.

    Still true today. "Eating Jim Crow".

  27. John Durant12:01 PM

    The whole "Trump is literally Hitler" angle just isn't very effective, on par with "Obama is a Kenyan socialist."

  28. Feel the Bern12:10 PM

    The richest woman in Venezuela is Hugo Chavez's daughter:

    Meanwhile, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world is suffering extreme scarcity of basics, such as rice, soap and medicines. The electricity gets turned off four hours each day and complainers go to jail:


  29. @Trumpening:
    "newly energized left"
    "Newly" being the main part of the phrase. Being a poor white person myself, and a life long liberal, I have been in the god damn trenches trying to do battle with the Republican assholes who have economically torn up the livelihoods of poor people (no matter their color or identity) since Ronald the fuck Reagan began the crusade in 1980.
    Also, Andrew Sullivan? Really? The man who brought his conservatism from the UK and set out looking for noble Torries over here and is just sure he is gonna find one some day? The man who keeps stumbling upon right wing atrocities and coming to the newly minted conclusions that liberals have known for fact for thirty years, without ever admitting that liberals were right all along? The man who looks at Liberalism as an inconvenient impediment to his invitation to be on teevee? That Andrew Sullivan?

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. The Ministry of Truth1:42 PM

    "The whole 'Trump is literally Hitler' angle just isn't very effective, on par with "Obama is a Kenyan socialist."

    Trump isn't "literally" Hitler; he isn't planning world conquest.

    But he is a sort of mini-Hitler. People are calling him this because he is, in fact, running the fascist playbook: lying his arse off that the country is naturally great but is being kept from greatness by an assortment of foreign enemies (hostile nations outside the country and traitorous minorities inside the country).

    Trump/Hitler: We don't need to change anything about ourselves; the "bad guys" just need to stop screwing us.

    So the Hitler comparison is partly accurate.

    Accusations that Obama is a Kenyan socialist, on the other hand, are 100% laughable bullshit. Obama is an American citizen since birth. And he's nowhere close to a socialist; he is a moderate center-left politician. The people making these claims are either liars or have no idea what socialism actually is.

  31. The Trumpening5:16 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "But he is a sort of mini-Hitler. People are calling him this because he is, in fact, running the fascist playbook: lying his arse off that the country is naturally great but is being kept from greatness by an assortment of foreign enemies (hostile nations outside the country and traitorous minorities inside the country)"

    No he isn't. He is saying that working folks are being betrayed by a globalist elite, the same thing you have been saying for years. But because Trump says it, and Trump threatens your team, you call him Hitler and throw your support to the war mongering candidate of Wall Street. The only thing she offers you is her zealous commitment to waging a war on whites and males. I guess for you, your identity politics trumps your economic principles.

  32. Anonymous6:33 PM

    field negro said...
    Most (not all) of them, and they have been programmed to think that way

    In what way have blacks been programmed to think?

    Who is doing the programming?

  33. Anonymous6:45 PM

    :) thanks Field and Yisheng! I do wish the elections were over so we could all get back to peace and love again...xD

  34. plabian9:22 PM

    racism is so bad
    pleases don't be a racism
    racism is like worse than being a black
    it's really bad

  35. Diversity Kills9:32 PM

    National Security Advisor Susan Rice says the presence of too many "white, male, and Yale" staffers is posing a threat to the security of America.

    Meanwhile, National Security Advisor Susan Rice lied about a white male ambassador murdered by terrorists on her watch.


  36. Very happy because presented with the information that is so very helpful thanks.

  37. Stupidity Kills2:31 AM

    Susan Rice is right.
