Wednesday, May 04, 2016

It's the R word, stupid.

Image result for racist trump supporters images"It’s all over but the crying, which will also be fun to watch, but even after all these many months of Donald Trump vanquishing foe after foe, the media still doesn’t get it. They still bang on about this anger at “the establishment,” and as a result, they are giving Hillary Clinton bad advice already. During CNN’s coverage of the Indiana primary Tuesday night, liberal commentator and Bernie Sanders supporter Van Jones became just the latest pundit to misdiagnose the Trump phenomenon, and connect it to Bernie Sanders. There is a similarity, but not the one Jones identifies:

The same rebellion is happening in the country in both parties. The reason Hillary is still fighting is the reason that Trump won. There is a big, big discontent in this country and tonight for Bernie Sanders and we can say the same thing about Bernie, he shouldn’t be here either. I just don’t think that people get it yet. You got people sitting on a white hot stove in their houses right now and they are mad… I do think (Hillary) has got to, tonight, show that she’s got the message from both parties, the message from the Republicans, they’re mad and hurting, the message from the Democrats, they’re mad and hurting.
Jones is so close to being right, he even calls the anger “white hot,” but he just misses the absolutely crucial key to Hillary Clinton’s eventual defeat of Trump.

Since this race began, I have been predicting Trump’s victory. Just hours after he delivered his Mexican Rapists announcement speech, I predicted he would rocket to the top of the polls and stay there, and in my very first Mediaite column in over a year, predicted Trump’s victory in the 17-candidate field to a tee. I say this not just to brag (although I am doing that), but to try and get my media colleagues to understand that they need to listen to why Trump is winning, they need to stop ignoring it.

But first, allow me to rebut their ongoing theory of the case which is that this is all just a rebellion against “establishment politics” and “anger at Washington.” That argument held some water against dynastic sleepwalker Jeb Bush or Gang of Eight-er Marco Rubio, but most of the other candidates were not part of the establishment. But the greatest proof against this theory was demonstrated Tuesday night:
Ted Cruz, whatever else you think of him, is the most anti-establishment figure there is, and he was standing onstage with a high-powered, wealthy CEO who has never held public office, yet Trump managed to beat them all.

The reason is crystal clear, and always has been: it’s the racism, stupid. More broadly, though, it’s the racism’s kissin’ cousin, white male resentment, which isn’t just for white males. Trump has been forgiven every possible deviation from conservative orthodoxy and simple human decency because he has remained rock-steady about fighting the dirty Mexicans, the evil Muslims, and the uppity criminal blacks and their liberal allies. In his desperation, Ted Cruz actually managed to pick the only kind of hate that doesn’t sell so well anymore.

Van is onto something about Bernie Sanders, though it isn’t some general anger at Washington, either. Sanders’ largely white liberal support comes from a different strain of white resentment, a more patronizing one. While they all pay lip service to having the “right” positions on black issues, their overarching theory is that what’s good for everyone is especially good for black people, and if they’d only listen, they would get that. This is essentially what Bernie said at the beginning of his campaign, and what his campaign is still saying now. Yes, he was pressured into rolling out a racial justice platform, but even in that document, pivoted to his broader economic policies. Ask him today what needs to be done first, and his answer will be to overturn Citizens United and end economic inequality. "[Read more]

This author nails my sentiments about the current political season.

Pundits and those in the chattering class like to dance around the real reason for the rise of Donald, but no matter how they try they can't escape the reality. Just look at the majority of his supporters and listen to what they are saying.

And look, I get it. Angry working class whites who feel that they are entitled to god jobs and a Ozzie &  Harriet existence in America, cannot understand why they are losing everything, and Donald trump, with his Make America White Great Again brand, could not have come at a better time.



  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Field: "Trump be racist. Lordy, Lordy. Da white man be racist. Everyone be racist."

    You are a one trick, broke down, carnival pony, Field.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      And you're an assclown. Don't you have a sister to hit on Cleetus?

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    At the same time media types are astonished that maybe, just maybe the white population has discovered they can play the multicultural identify politics too! Decade after decade of being told they all have silver spoons and golden parachutes to float down on as well as being the cause of all the insidious evil in the world they are fed up. Ted Cruz anti-establishment? Really? He went to all the "proper" Ivey schools, cut his teeth on Bush II 2000 campaign, argued in front of the Supreme Court and got loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank to fund a Senate run. They didn't warn up to his presidential aspirations simply because he had not done his time in the Senate. Jumping in front of the line is considered bad form unless your historic and deeply tanned.

  3. Yes, "it's the racism, stupid," a reality that never escaped blacks in general, only the Ben Carsons of the world, those blacks who're supporting the Republican party, even after Trump won the blessing of the KKK.

    Blacks like Carson prefer white love to black love, and are not ashamed to have their actions reveal their hearts.

    If I saw him coming in my direction, I'd cross the street.

  4. Anonymous12:04 AM

    The racism industry is going out of business.

    Get used to it.

    Trump is the man.

  5. Funny, for months repubs have been bragging about how "diverse" their candidates were which proved their inclusiveness but shockingly the Republican candidate is a white male. I guess in 4 or 8 years we get to play this game again huh? They'll find key token women and people of color and we get to hear about how inclusive they are as a party while ignoring the reality of them eventually ending up with just another old white guy to front their party.

  6. Feel the Bern12:17 AM

    The candidate in the race most like GWB and Cheney is in fact Hillary Clinton.

  7. Corey "My People" Lewandowski12:20 AM

    I'm looking forward to liberal legal scholars like the Field Negro defending President Trump's vast discretionary enforcement powers and battery of executive orders.

  8. Anonymous12:23 AM

    PilotX said...
    Funny, for months repubs have been bragging about how "diverse" their candidates were which proved their inclusiveness but shockingly the Republican candidate is a white male

    To idiots like PilotX, "diversity" means "not white male". He's not smart enough to grasp that there can be actual diversity of ideas among people, not just colors.

  9. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Ozzie & Harriet? What are you smoking, nigger?

    And what the hell is a 'god job'? Don't have enough rev'runs in the hood?

  10. Hail the Trumpenreich12:39 AM

    Andrew Sullivan writing in NY Magazine 5/2:

    For the white working class, having had their morals roundly mocked, their religion deemed primitive, and their economic prospects decimated, now find their very gender and race, indeed the very way they talk about reality, described as a kind of problem for the nation to overcome. This is just one aspect of what Trump has masterfully signaled as “political correctness” run amok, or what might be better described as the newly rigid progressive passion for racial and sexual equality of outcome, rather than the liberal aspiration to mere equality of opportunity.

    Much of the newly energized left has come to see the white working class not as allies but primarily as bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes, thereby condemning those often at the near-bottom rung of the economy to the bottom rung of the culture as well. A struggling white man in the heartland is now told to “check his privilege” by students at Ivy League colleges. Even if you agree that the privilege exists, it’s hard not to empathize with the object of this disdain. These working-class communities, already alienated, hear — how can they not? — the glib and easy dismissals of “white straight men” as the ultimate source of all our woes. They smell the condescension and the broad generalizations about them — all of which would be repellent if directed at racial minorities — and see themselves, in Hoffer’s words, “disinherited and injured by an unjust order of things.”

    And so they wait, and they steam, and they lash out. This was part of the emotional force of the tea party: not just the advancement of racial minorities, gays, and women but the simultaneous demonization of the white working-class world, its culture and way of life. Obama never intended this [LOL! He sure as fuck did. Can you say ‘bitter clingers’?], but he became a symbol to many of this cultural marginalization. The Black Lives Matter left stoked the fires still further; so did the gay left, for whom the word magnanimity seems unknown, even in the wake of stunning successes.

  11. Anonymous12:44 AM

    @ Anon 12:23 -

    People like Jenkum Pilot are stupid enough to believe everything they see on t.v., so what do you expect? He sees black and brown and yellow and white people smiling and getting along and solving crimes together on scripted shows on the idiot box, so he expects real life to be the same. 'Diversity of ideas'? He probably thinks that's the new Kanye West album, LOL.

  12. "To idiots like PilotX, "diversity" means "not white male". He's not smart enough to grasp that there can be actual diversity of ideas among people, not just colors."

    Uh, yeah sure. Great, another straw man argument. Ok let's examine this premise. I was obviously talking about the Republican Party so please help an idiot like myself understand where the diversity lies among its many similar looking members. All are conservative, all believe global warming is a hoax, all believe Reagan was the greatest President ever, all believe tax cuts are always good, all think the government is too intrusive, all think there should be little to no gun where exactly does this diversity exist?

  13. "'Diversity of ideas'? He probably thinks that's the new Kanye West album, LOL."

    You should quit your job and do comedy full time. Please, do.


  14. @Hail the Trumpenreich: "And so they wait, and they steam, and they lash out. This was part of the emotional force of the tea party: not just the advancement of racial minorities, gays, and women but the simultaneous demonization of the white working-class world, its culture and way of life."

    Poor misunderstood "bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes." When they're attacked for their antiquated beliefs, they cry foul, and refer to themselves as the real victims in this morality play.

    Well, you brought it on yourself. And the country will continue to move forward out of the darkness into a brighter day, a more enlightened one, as Donald Trump won't be elected to save the day--that is, to return the country to its Dark Ages with the pretense of making it great again.

    It wasn't great then, but it just might be, when those standing in the way of that greatness--the bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes--are repudiated by the majority of its people.

  15. Peak Negro1:03 AM

    The Shadow Don't Know Shit.

    The progressive tyranny is coming to an end.

  16. "It wasn't great then, but it just might be, when those standing in the way of that greatness--the bigots, misogynists, racists, and homophobes--are repudiated by the majority of its people."

    Clap, clap, clap...........

  17. Anonymous1:25 AM

    'Bigots, misogynists, racists and homophobes' ... Just wait until the Chinese rule the earth, you'll finally learn what those things are.

    You want to know what your future holds for your kind? Watch the movie 'Roots' backwards.

  18. "You want to know what your future holds for your kind? Watch the movie 'Roots' backwards."

    Nah, I prefer Black Caesar

  19. And now you too can watch it.

  20. Peak Negro said...
    The Shadow Don't Know Shit.

    The progressive tyranny is coming to an end.

    True, I "don't know shit," but someone has to have a degree in excrement, and feces, and I'm glad it's you.

  21. James Bold2:26 AM

    This is too funny.  Field, whose whole weltanschauüng revolves around what's good for him and his race... is outraged that White people are starting to organize around what's good for themselves and the White race.  Well, what did you expect?

    Did you really expect hate crimes like the otherwise-inexplicable murder of a middle-aged plumber asleep in his own house by a Black man to go forever without some kind of a defensive reaction?  If White people marched in the streets to have such criminals put away for life and such scum kept out of White neighborhoods by law, you'd be the first on the fainting couch.  Sundown towns!  Jim Crow!  But that's exactly what would have prevented Jahkim McGhee from being in position to murder Anthony Guglielmo.

    "Angry working class whites who feel that they are entitled to god jobs and a Ozzie & Harriet existence in America, cannot understand why they are losing everything"

    They understand EXACTLY why all the jobs their teenagers used to have are now taken by brown people who speak bad or no English.  They understand exactly why the foreclosed house next door is now occupied by people who drink all the time, come and go and make noise at all hours, and have boomer cars which share their bad taste in entertainment with a vast unwilling audience.

    The TEA Party was the first noticeable wave of the backlash, but the R-jerseys of the Uniparty were able to co-opt it and defeat any move to reform.  This did not relieve the pressure.  Trump is the face of the second, more radical wave of the backlash.  He didn't start it, he's just riding it.  You have a choice here.  You can either let Trump take away most of your un-earned and illegitimate advantages, get Shitiqua's 12 felonious brats and her gang-tatted boyfriends out of the once-peaceful suburbs, and relieve that pressure... or you can raise the heat in that boiling pot for another 4-8 years.

    You can try to keep that lid on until it explodes.  If you think Trump is bad, you certainly won't like what you're going to get if that happens.

  22. The "white race" is a misnomer.

    Blacks are vindicated. Native Americans are having the last laugh. And Mexicans are dancing around their sombreros.

    Poor, poor, white folks. Sad, but they brought it upon themselves.

  23. The CEO of Qatar Airlines says The Donald is all smoke and mirrors and doesn't really believe we should ban Muslims. He has The Don is just doing it to appease the right wingers. Is dude that transparent?

  24. StillaPanther23:39 AM

    Bro. Pilot, you are in "rare" form tonight-- (keep smoking them).

  25. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I hate to say it but I think Trump is going to beat Hillary come November, 2016.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hate to say it but I think Trump is going to beat Hillary come November, 2016.

    Frankly, the country is long overdue for a thrashing, as the previous near-disastrous super-recession that Republicans ushered in during Bush's era, wasn't enough of penance.

  27. America is faced with a choice between their two most widely disliked politicians of the last 40 years. A probably corrupt machine politician who takes money from Wall Street against a billionaire born into fabulous wealth who is attempting to pass himself off as a an anti-establishment outsider (!)

    Well done, you guys! Great job!!

    Doncha just love Democracy?

  28. Noooooo racism? Really?

    Can't be because obama's trickle down big government policies have resulted in the one of the weakest recoveries on record.Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!

    Can't be because obama is the only president in history to never have a year of at least 3.0% economic growth? Nooooooo!

    Can't be because obama's record of economic growth is the worst for a two term president? Nooooooo!

    Can't be because poverty rates are still near historic highs? Nooooooo!

    Can't be because the middle class continues to die has obama takes the crown of outsourcer in chief? Noooooooo!

    Can't be because income inequality has grown more under obama than any two term president in modern history? Noooooo!

    It's RACISM!!!!!! How dare white people expect their president to look out for all Americans first and promote polices that would result in everyone being able to get jobs?

    Keep thinking that and Donald J. Trump's victory over crooked hillary will be yuge!

  29. No shock that field would agree with Tommy (i'm to scared to use my real name) Christopher. Moonbats often think alike.

    "Just look at the majority of his supporters and listen to what they are saying."

    Hell, just look at the majority of hillary's supporters and what they are saying.

    See the mexican flags flying. see the American flags burning. see the millions in damages they caused. See the trump supports attack by gangs.

    That tells us everything we need to know about hillary and her supporters.

  30. "Can't be because obama's trickle down big government policies have resulted in the one of the weakest recoveries on record.Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

    Actually no.

    America's problem is the same as everyone else's. Global capitalism's profits are falling, this in turn leads to a drop in investment which leads to a drop in productivity and thus a recession, as we have experienced from 2008 to the present day (variously described by economists as ‘The Great Depression’, ‘The Long Depression’ or ‘The Epic Depression’).

    Now conventional economic wisdom holds the way economies get out of a recession (or large negative demand shock, as economists call them) is that lower demand lowers output and employment. Workers have to cut their wages, and firms follow with price cuts. This fall in inflation leads central banks to cut real interest rates, this restores demand, and hey presto employment and output rise to pre-recession levels.

    However, this hasn't worked, we have had near zero interest rates throughout the developed world and the world's economies remain in deep trouble. Nobody knows for sure why this is. Not Obama, not The Fed, not the OECD, not the ECB and certainly not Donald Trump.

    There are two rival theories currently being debated in an attempt to explain the problem. The Keynsians (Stieglitz, Brad DeLong, Krugman etc) on the one hand and the Marxists (Roberts, Rasmus, Sheikh etc) on the other.

    To cut a very long story short, the Keynsian view is that the crash of 2008 was caused by a lack of demand which lead to a crisis of investment, and that the continuing depression we are experiencing is caused by the Austerity policies of many of the western world’s capitalists governments who are waiting patiently for the magic confidence fairy to return. “If you take away government spending, where is growth going to come from?” they say.

    The Marxist response is, to say the crash was caused by a lack of demand is a bit like saying “it’s sunny outside because the sun is shinning” – technically correct, but an analysis that teaches us nothing. In short, the Keynsians are describing a symptom rather than the cause.

    Why was there a lack of demand? The crisis, the Marxists say, was caused by a global crisis of capitalist profitability, which in turn has lead to the lack of investment and the ensuing fall.

    So that's a simplified precis of the debate, either the governments of the western world did not spend enough money to boost the economy post crash, or global capitalism is structurally fucked. One thing's for sure we will know who is right within three years.

    Certainly blaming Obama for a crisis he didn't cause, and that nobody else knows how to fix either, is about as worthwhile a pastime as hoping that the hopeless fuckwit Trump who inherited a fortune and blew it, might know how to solve the problem. Don't hold your breath.

  31. Who's blaming obama for a crisis he didn't cause?

    This is obama's recovery. His policies. His weak results. Isn't it high time you on the left and obama himself own it?

  32. Yisheng10:36 AM

    I guess the whooteemoos are looking forward to free overalls for life and subsidized doublewide trailers with a Trump win 2016.

  33. Anonymous10:44 AM

    You mean whooteemoos are going to get free stuff from the government like black people do? I bet big ass Barackisha and buck toof Marquise is gone be so jealous.

  34. Anonymous12:04 PM

    British universities lose grip on world university rankings 'because they are forced to focus on diversity:

    When switch from idealizing excellence to worshiping black people, you can't expect to survive as anything worthwhile.

  35. Bill Noe the Science Hoe12:13 PM

    Fun Fact: 49.1% of Democrats believe astrology is scientific.

    What idiots!

  36. Hate Rules12:33 PM

    Only 44% of working age Americans have full time jobs.

    30 million adult Americans are either unemployed or severely underemployed.

    The United States is down 15 million jobs due to offshoring to foreign countries.

    All of the net American job creation of the last 7 years has gone to immigrants.

    The Obama administration will go to any length, including breaking the law, to import as many foreign immigrant workers as possible.

    Democrats hate Americans almost as much as they love Abortion. Sick bastards

  37. Choose Life12:52 PM

    People will vote for a corrupt, serial-lying, rape enabling, misanthropic war monger who has reaped billions of dollars selling US policy decisions over Trump.

    That's how much they hate him and the people he represents.

    It's pure racist and class hatred of working class whites.

    It was never about equality or fairness, it was always about destroying a culturally and economically marginalized people to satisfy a sick bloodlust.

    You know who the real racists are. So do we.

  38. Not about the election, just about racism; maybe on-topic after all.

    So I'm about to make a trip to D.C. and as an artist am interested in the MLK Memorial, and how the Chinese sculptor made a face that looks as much like Ving Rhames as Dr. King. Took a tour of MLK statues around the world via Google Image and something came up I hadn't figured on--a lot of images of defaced or mocked. (probably cleaned up now, but everybody has a smart phone these days). I was surprised but I'm sure Field wouldn't be. Signs of the times (sigh).

    P.S. Best likeness, I thought, was on a college campus in Tampa. Features are close, but the bust is lifeless. Can't win! At least King HAS a monument on the Mall (and St. Reagan doesn't!)

  39. Many jobs were shipped overseas during Republican administrations, do Republicans hate Americans? Seeing how many Americans are killed by guns Republicans fight all forms of regulation and ally themselves with the NRA, pretty obvious Republicans like dead Americans.

  40. Willard Romney and two Bushes refuse to support Trump. Something is afoot.

  41. Hate Rules1:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    Many jobs were shipped overseas during Republican administrations, do Republicans hate Americans?

    Yes, the ones who allowed corporations to export jobs while joining with Democrats to provide cheap labor to their big business donors certainly did hate Americans.

    But Trump has destroyed that Republican Party.

    The crony capitalists are now all Democrats. Trump has said very clearly that American economic and immigration policies will be structured to benefit Americans. The neocons are in the process of going back to the Democrat party they came from as Trump has told them the days of sending Americans to die in the Middle East for Israel are over.

    So when you pull the lever for Hillary, know that you are voting for everything you say you are against.

  42. Livin' in the BRA1:20 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    At least "King HAS a monument on the Mall (and St. Reagan doesn't!)"

    In America, it's easy to tell who rules over you.

  43. Anonymous1:55 PM

    PilotX said...

    Willard Romney and two Bushes refuse to support Trump. Something is afoot.

    1:06 PM

    Nothing but politiking! At this point he doesn't need their support, so they can play it safe and stay on the fence. It's a club, Trump doesn't care, and actually it wouldn't look good being as Jeb lost to Trump, family and all that ya know...

    So what it does show is that Willard and the Bushes are cronies,real tight! xD

  44. Conservative White people are so used to blaming black people for all of America's problems that they have never been able to accept that they and their way of thinking is the real problem.

    Their religion is primitive and exploitative. Those sundown towns and communities they live in are not natural but enforced by their hatred. What's worse. They engage in the same sexual behaviors they condemn others for, only they want to keep everyone in a Dark Age of ignorance, secrecy and false hatred based on religion and the falsest sort of morality.

    Ain't nobody got time for that.

  45. Anonymous1:59 PM

    "So when you pull the lever for Hillary, know that you are voting for everything you say you are against"

    Of course, but policy was never the central issue.

    A lot of these Hillary voters are based on the notion that they dislike Trump voters. In the end, it's all tribal.

    That's my main hope for Trump. If the founding population of the US can build up a more organized special interest group, we can all deal as (somewhat) equals. The net result will be compromises based on coalitions. In a diverse world, it's the best you can hope for.

  46. James Bold2:08 PM

    "Global capitalism's profits are falling, this in turn leads to a drop in investment which leads to a drop in productivity"

    Good little sheep, baa-ing the party line in perfect harmony.

    The problem isn't capitalism, but globalism and banksterism.  The globalists are using their arbitrage to undercut local industry in the West and skimming most of the margin for themselves.  This extracts capital mostly from the West.  Western businesses can't compete with imports that can be made cheaper at any time to put them out of business.  Zero interest rates don't matter because they can't pay back loans, and with their employees increasingly out of work their customer base is shrinking.  It doesn't matter how much money the Fed prints, the globalists have engineered a situation where there are no qualified borrowers.  The printed funds pump up the banks' balance sheets and make them look flush, and justify the banksters' huge compensation packages.  Meanwhile the real economy is bled dry.

    "Now conventional economic wisdom holds the way economies get out of a recession (or large negative demand shock, as economists call them) is that lower demand lowers output and employment."

    The conventional wisdom leads to the banksters foreclosing on all the unpayable loans and owning everything.  That is what they're after.

    "we have had near zero interest rates throughout the developed world and the world's economies remain in deep trouble."

    Returns to savers went to zero.  No money came back into the economy, so demand shrank.  This is not hard to understand, unless you have the brains of a cow (of any color).

    "Many jobs were shipped overseas during Republican administrations, do Republicans hate Americans?"

    Globalists hate Americans, along with almost all nations.

    "Those sundown towns and communities they live in are not natural but enforced by their hatred."

    The all-White communities and sundown towns kept your pathologies at a safe distance.  Thanks to your enthusiastic support for the thugs in Fergadishu a couple years ago, they're re-learning WHY those laws and towns existed in the first place.  They'll conclude it was a really good idea.

    They don't wish to do you any harm.  They just don't want to deal with you any more, and the more you protest, demand and destroy the more you harden their resolve.

  47. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    ...In the end, it's all tribal.

    That's my main hope for Trump. If the founding population of the US can build up a more organized special interest group, we can all deal as (somewhat) equals.

    The net result will be compromises based on coalitions. In a diverse world, it's the best you can hope for.

    1:59 PM

    I agree. Although I'm not sure who you mean as the "founding population". Because they for sure aren't around any more, and it's common knowledge on whose backs,blood,sweat and tears the nations wealth was built. So perhaps you meant that as inclusive of all who have 'founded' the nation,dunno, but either way I do agree, and it is my sincere hope that he will be able to take on the task and accomplish and succeed at it. Because it's kinda helter skelter right now. As I see it anyway. My uneducated opinion. Which is why I don't like to opine on political matters but...I do anyway :)

    Over here we're all just swimming to keep our heads above water right now, and I don't know if that will change for the better or get worse! As it is, a great number of professionals have left the island and are now working in the states. And since we don't have the power to vote for the POTUS it doesn't/can't be of importance to us, 'cos there's really nothing we can do about it ;)

    But ce la vie...

  48. Yisheng2:25 PM

    Loosen my bra said.....
    In America, it's easy to tell who rules over you.

    Why don't you focus on who's ruling over your portion sizes, porky!


    "Trump has told them the days of sending Americans to die in the Middle East for Israel are over."

    Not so sure that is true. He was in full pander mode at AIPAC. That doesn't sit well with me.

    "So when you pull the lever for Hillary, know that you are voting for everything you say you are against."

    Not so much, I truest her to appoint SC justices who are more attuned to my point of view than any Republican appointee. Presidents will come and go but SC justices will affect us for the rest of our lives. Hilldog isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but she is light years ahead in her views than any and all Republican candidates especially Trump who is a sexist at best and a racist at worst but I suspect he isn't racist but is accepting them for their votes. Trump's negatives outweigh Hill's.

  50. Reality Check2:46 PM

    ilacpr2000 said...
    I agree. Although I'm not sure who you mean as the "founding population". Because they for sure aren't around any more, and it's common knowledge on whose backs,blood,sweat and tears the nations wealth was built.

    1. Native peoples did not found America. America was a vast, sparsely populated wilderness inhabited by cruel and primitive cultures. There was nothing here except tribal confederations engaged in continuous genocidal warfare. No tribe held any territory for more than a few decades before they were driven off by another tribe.

    2. Slave labor did not create America's wealth, no more than did the labor of horses and oxen. Look around and see how much of the America of 1860 is still around.

  51. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The 'founding population' is obviously Anglo-America. Since then, we've had two additional tsunamis of immigration, the first occurring in the late 19th and early 20th C. with a denouement in laws like the Immigration Act of 1924, the second is the current one from Mexico/Central America and to some degree Asia.

    It doesn't look to me like the second one will result in any kind of integration or slow down in numbers, the (mostly) Mexicans are self-organizing at a fast enough clip to pull off a form of colonization. I doubt that Trump and the movement he might represent have the mojo to slow this down.

    Blacks are playing a sort of bit part in this, so it's probably not a great topic for this blog. Why they would vote in favor of a pro-massive immigration party of any kind is a mystery to me, but then a lot of people don't vote in their own self-interest. Maybe it's enough to see Euro-Americans get a comeuppance.

  52. Ricky Retardo4:40 PM

    "Maybe it's enough to see Euro-Americans get a comeuppance."

    Blacks are fine with the ship going down, as long as the white man drowns first.

    I really think this is the motivating factor behind most of those who support mass third world immigration. This would include blacks and self-hating whites, and of course the architects of this policy, Jews.

    Hispanics on the other hand favor mass immigration because they are racist and want America to be majority-Hispanic, disregarding the fact that should that happen, things would start to look just like the home country did.

    Jews know that the New America will be a poorer, weaker, more divided polity, but figure they'll never again have to worry about credible rivals when it comes to running things. As far as most other non-white groups are concerned, I really don't think they have put enough thought into just how much they stand to lose after white America has been dismantled.

    Think Brazil with snow. That's the plan.

  53. I personally like Mexicans. Love Mexican food and watching Club America play soccer. The more Mexicans the better.

    Sadly,though, I think that more Mexicans are leaving than.coming in.
    Here in Philly we have lots of illegal Eastern Europeans, I welcome them as well. Even though I don't like Ukrainian food.

    Sorry for rambling.I am just trying to get my inner trump on

    BTW, I think we should start a movement to get O on Mt.Rushmore.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. field negro said...
    I personally like Mexicans. Love Mexican food and watching Club America play soccer. The more Mexicans the better.

    There are planes leaving from Philadelphia to Mexico City daily. If airfare is a stretch for you, I'm sure we could raise some donations. Put me down for $100, as long as it's a one way ticket.

  56. Anonymous4:54 PM

    This blog is so racist and stupid it is not surprising there are only 5-6 regulars. Pilot and Y-whatsername post such drivel it is interesting only to them.

    Other than Lilac, few have anything intelligent to say, including FN. Too bad. I would like to read a blog with an intelligent POV. I won't even bother asking for suggestions.

  57. We have to get an airport named after barack first. My guess is it's going to be O'Hare/Obama Int'l. That will P.O. A lot of RWers but hell if I have to hear them refer to Bush and Reagan they can handle Obama. Though I already dig that ATL, BWI and MSY are already named after brothas and I make sure to let the passengers know.

  58. Livin' in the BRA5:03 PM

    Great suggestion PilotX. Lets name all the airports after negroes, and replace all the Presidents on our currency with illiterate black women.

  59. And to your point, I have many good friends that are of Mexican ancestry and I know the stories of how their parents or grandparents came to Chicago. I couldn't in good conscious cast a vote for Trump. Hopefully Illinois won't be in play so I can vote for none of the above but if it's close I'll have to hold my nose and go back to the clintons.

  60. Former four-division world champion boxer Adrien Broner announced his intention to vote for Donald Trump as the next president of the United States:

    "Everything he's saying is crazy, but everything he's saying is correct."

  61. Anonymous5:13 PM

    "The Bell Curve" is the single most useful book for understanding how America works.

  62. Yisheng5:50 PM

    I don't have a problem with Mexicans either. I'd just like to know what makes them "White" when some of them are 50 shades darker than me.

    IMHO there are 4 races, Black, White Brown, and Whooteemoo.

  63. George Zimmerman6:34 PM

    Yisheng said...
    I don't have a problem with Mexicans either. I'd just like to know what makes them "White" when some of them are 50 shades darker than me

    Just ask the Department of Justice.

    Mexicans are "White" when they commit a crime against a black person.

    Mexicans are "Hispanic" when they are the victim of crime perpetrated by a white or black person.

    That's right, to the DOJ, Hispanics are listed as a hate crime victim category but not as a perpetrator category. Offenders can only be white, black, Indian/Eskimo, or Asian, so despite the fact that Hispanics are the second largest group in the country, as offenders they are lumped in with whites, which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.

    Our government be like that.

  64. Van Jones knows damn well that the "R" stands for racism, he's trying to keep his Tubmans rolling in!

  65. Lt. Commander Johnson6:58 PM

    I used to hunt regularly in South Texas. The Javelinas were some of the stinking, worm-infested, creatures I ever saw, or smelled.

    I used to pop them, just for the fun.

    Now, you couldn't just let them lay there...they were considered a "waste animal".

    We would chunk them in the back of the truck, take them into Harlingen, look for a bunch of illegal immigrants, and tell them to make some wormy burritos.

    They were most thankful.

  66. "If airfare is a stretch for you, I'm sure we could raise some donations. Put me down for $100, as long as it's a one way ticket."

    Not a stretch wingnut, been to Cancun a few times and I had a wonderful time.

    Never been to Mexico City, though. I hope to visit one day. I suspect that it's like being in Denver (altitude) with better food.

    Oh, and send that $100. I promise to put it to good use.

  67. Travis10:09 PM

    "Oh, and send that $100. I promise to put it to good use."

    One less lying, ungrateful immigrant would be the best use. You'd think you would be chomping at the bit to get out of this oppressive hellhole.

    What a poser....

  68. @Travis said...
    "Oh, and send that $100. I promise to put it to good use."

    One less lying, ungrateful immigrant would be the best use. You'd think you would be chomping at the bit to get out of this oppressive hellhole.

    What a poser....

    10:09 PM

    Don't you think you're being a bit too hard on yourself? Why would you call yourself a "lying, ungrateful immigrant"?

    I know it's an "oppressive hellhole," but you're welcome to stay?

  69. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I disagree with Anonymous @ 4:54. Lilac says a lot of stupid shit. Almost as much as that dumb bitch Yisheng. In fact, both Yisheng and lilacpr are dumbass pieces of shit who say mostly dumb bullshit. Fuck them.

  70. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "The Bell Curve" is the single most useful book for understanding how America works.

    Sure, if you're an asshole.

  71. Can totally relate, Mr. Field, about the need to pursue other interests.

    Also very much in agreement with posters citing your invaluable contribution to the political and social conversation.

    Not to mention, the FN Blog has brought together a variety of thought-provoking perspectives. And equally enlightening (when engaged in respected discourse) is the contrast between conservative and progressive viewpoints.

    On a humorous note, it eventually seems Anon et al will be in need of new stomping grounds. Whatever will they do once the lights are out...

  72. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Yisheng and her ilk need to give blumpkins to grizzled old dudes in portapotties.
