Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Willie Lynch playbook.

Image result for trump images pastors         I don't care if there was an actual Willie Lynch letter, I believe that the basic premise of the so called letter is true: That you can better control blacks by dividing them.

Here is how one writer from the island of St. Vincent describes how the Willie Lynch control over black folks works.

 "The gruesome period of slavery was stained with the blood, sweat, and the tears of the Negro race. I speak of the period of African slavery. During this time of history, Western owners of African slaves saw an escalation of slave insurrection which was becoming a common problem; as a result, the slave owners were using stringent measures to gain a handle on the situation; measures that made the slaves less productive, such as amputation of body parts or death. These measures were designed to discourage the dangerous and costly occurrences, such as revolts, sabotage, etc.

This was a dark period in black history and this era saw the rise of a slave owner whose personification was constructed of pure hate for the black race and an uncanny desire to protect and maximize the profitability of his investment (slave and the other benefits of owning a plantation). This man was William Lynch but he is better known as Willie Lynch. In desperation for a solution, the slave owner Willie Lynch stumbled upon a solution. This plan was instrumental in dismantling the unity and common goal of freedom that lent cohesiveness and secrecy to the plans and execution of the actions of rebellion and sabotage by the enslaved blacks.

Lynch went about sowing the seeds of distrust and betrayal as he created an atmosphere of disunity among the enslaved. He took advantage of every difference he found among the community and he used them to his benefit but to the African captives’ detriment. Lynch used simple and insignificant differences to divide the community; he put the tall negro against the short negro, the light skinned negro against the dark skinned negro, the negro who worked in the house against the negro that worked in the field; the male against the female; as a result, total chaos ensued on the plantations among the Africans.

The masters developed new method of punishment to complement the brutal order that was prevalent. Therefore, acts of disloyalty were not only punished with amputations, castration, death, etc. that was common; but other subtle means of punishment were implemented. The enslaved that were considered disloyal to their masters and his management system were also punished with demotion, they were sold to plantations that were more cruel than the one on which they lived, while the slaves who betrayed the movement to gain freedom and better treatment were rewarded with a promotion.

As a result, this system saw field slaves who betrayed the cause of freedom given cushy assignments in the master’s house; these slaves were not willing to trade their new life of ease for anything; while the enslaved that worked in the house or in some other position of ease, who were believed to have been disloyal to their masters but loyal to the cause of freedom, were banished to the agonizing toil and maltreatment of the field, they were separated from their family or sold to plantations with a greater level of cruelty.
Because of the total lack of trust that became prevalent within the Negro community, the black captives lost sight of the big picture of freedom, a right they once had and wanted again; if not for themselves but for their children. Unfortunately, the state of disunity and betrayal that existed in the community was instrumental in changing the objective into one that saw the enslaved community becoming preoccupied with attaining a life of ease for themselves rather than freedom they once held dear. As a result of the prevalence of betrayal that existed, It became dangerous even to be seen consulting together, for to be so seen was an opportunity for some desperate slave to fabricate a story to attain for him or herself a life of ease.

When Willie Lynch saw the effectiveness of sowing seeds of division, divisiveness and betrayal among the enslaved and the fruitfulness such had, he became the champion of the control of the enslaved race; as a result, during 1712, William Lynch went on a tour of the Caribbean, North America, Central America and Europe, teaching the art of that which worked well for him. " [Source]

Whether you believe the stories about Willie Lynch or not, what you can't deny is that there are a lot of Willie Lynch type tactics being used against people of color today.

J Edger Hoover used it during the peak of the civil rights struggle, various police departments across the country used it against the Black Panther party, and fast forward to modern times where we can see conservative media outlets like FOX VIEWS using it effectively as well. "See our Negroes (ahem ahem, Charles Payne; Harris Faulkner) they are not like you other Negroes.". 

And let's not forget Donald trump. The man who wants to use Willie Lynch style tactics to punch his ticket into the White House.

"In this election, Donald Trump has used a grieving black father’s loss to try to pit black voters against Mexican immigrants. He employs black spokespeople to tell black voters that immigrants are taking their jobs. He tweets false crime statistics as a ploy to get black people to talk about “black-on-black” crime and distract from the hate crimes at his rallies.

He deploys female supporters to undermine other women on TV by criticizing—of all things—their breast size. When a reporter grilled him on his treatment of women, he rallied women to viciously attack that woman.
Then, when his campaign manager manhandled a reporter, Trump 1) sent women out as “grab-gate truthers” to insist it never happened, and 2) dispatched women to—predictably—blame the victim and insinuate that she deserved it.
Mr. “I’ll be the best thing that ever happened to women” (yes, he actually said that) is fond of employing rape metaphors in service of his xenophobia (re: China). All the while, he openly cavorts with actual, convicted rapists. So obsessed with rape as idiom, he’s unconcerned with rape as fact.

this election, this career beauty pageant owner will facilitate women slut-shaming, fat-shaming and all-around body-shaming one another. That’s made easier in a year when “There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women” comes from the mouth of even a Hillary Clinton surrogate.

The Queens, N.Y., native, who won the majority of his state’s Hispanic primary voters last month, will appeal to chasms among Hispanics: of income, citizenship status, national origin and exiles vs. immigrants (“Nothing against immigrants, but my parents were exiles. And the exile experience is different than the immigrant experience,” Marco Rubio has said). Trump will employ a strategy, as candidly described by one senator, “to divide and conquer the people ... on assistance,” to get them “to look down at” each other.

This is how Trump—a man who wants to ban Muslims from the country—got the leader of the Nation of Islam to say about him, “I like what I'm looking at,” on the strength of Trump’s giving the most anti-Semitic speech of any presidential candidate since David Duke (who, not coincidentally, has endorsed Trump).
That’s the 2016 presumptive GOP presidential nominee’s path to victory: getting enough people like Louis Farrakhan to make common cause with people like David Duke. If that sounds preposterous, consider that the Nation of Islam and Nazis have famously played footsie together before.

Trump knows all of this.

He also knows that history is replete with minority groups used as foils—Chinese and Mexican immigrants as strikebreakers on the railroads, and black workers as a “labor reserve” in the North, having fled the Jim Crow South, where black people served as the original cheap labor: free. "[More]

Somebody has been doing his homework. Now let's see if you Negroes have been doing yours.

*Pic from




  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Do you actually think most white people give a damn about black's paranoid insecurities? Here is a news flash, Field. Most white Americans give zero thought to blacks as a group. We owe blacks nothing and we don't care what blacks think. It's true. Not trying to be mean, just keeping it real.

  2. Lynchberg9:57 PM

    "I don't care if there was an actual Willie Lynch letter, I believe that the basic premise of the so called letter is true: That you can better control blacks by dividing them"

    Of course you don't care if there was an actual letter, you're a Leftist and facts don't matter.

    It is also true that you can control Americans better by dividing them. In whose interests are blacks kept angry and white kept guilty?

  3. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I'd like to give a shout out to Kayla Johnson at DePaul University for doing such an outstanding job of reinforcing stereotypes about blacks being savages, out of control, unable to control themselves, etc while being exposed as a spoiled, pampered entitled brat. Blacktivists like Kayla are making Trump possible. Way to go!

    Hey Kayla and your pal Edward - "you" don't get to decide and arbitrate what is hate speech. You and your pals displays of your own ignorance and intolerance is making the upcoming festivities possible. Kudos.

  4. Lynch went about sowing the seeds of distrust and betrayal as he created an atmosphere of disunity among the enslaved. He took advantage of every difference he found among the community and he used them to his benefit but to the African captives’ detriment. Lynch used simple and insignificant differences to divide the community; he put the tall negro against the short negro, the light skinned negro against the dark skinned negro, the negro who worked in the house against the negro that worked in the field; the male against the female; as a result, total chaos ensued on the plantations among the Africans.

    Wow, that Lynch guy sure did a lot.

    How crazy do you have to be believe divisions among blacks today were created by a guy 300 years ago?

    Field Negro Crazy.

  5. Anonymous10:06 PM

    "I don't care if there was an actual Willie Lynch letter"

    There wasn't. It was a hoax, published in 1970.

    More racism porn.

  6. Ironymous10:09 PM

    Field posts about how blacks tear each other down one day after posting a tear down of Clarence Thomas.

    Go figure.

  7. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Whether you believe the stories about Willie Lynch or not, what you can't deny is that there are a lot of Willie Lynch type tactics being used against people of color today."

    Which is why blacks vote 95% for one party. Old Willie needs to step up his game.

  8. Clarence Thomas was traded years ago.

    You obviously have no power in the white race or u would have known that.;)

  9. Anonymous10:28 PM

    You know what is truly reprehensible? Using a made-up boogeyman from 300 years ago to scare black people into staying on the Democrat plantation.

    You are terrified that some black people are going to recognize that uncontrolled mass third world immigration is not going to make their lives better and vote for Trump. So you tell them that Trump is Willie Lynch.

    You're not a field negro, you're a slave catcher.

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson10:34 PM

    Do they still make Nat Turner a hero in public Schools....chopping off heads, raping white women, and the like?

    PLEASE try justifying his crap, I will double-bust you backwards.

  11. Trump didn't win a majority of Hispanic voters in NY or anywhere else. He only won a majority of Republican Hispanic voters in NYC; that is majority of a minority. About 54% of 22% or about 12% of the total Hispanic primary vote in NYC.

  12. Should Have Whooped That Boy11:46 PM

    C'mon you pieces of shit....I have a plethora of Nat Turner shit to give you!!!!

    NasTSsty's Stuffs!

  13. Roderick12:09 AM

    If Donald Trump is pissing off criminal illegals and their enablers to the point they riot, he's my guy. This needed to happen.

  14. Trump was a protege of Roy Cohn, so that kind of tactic is right up his alley. I've been preaching unity for my entire adult life. Who do you think benefits (and laughs at us) when we fight among ourselves over stupid bullshit? When will we start to recognize the bait, and stop taking it? My view is that it is hard, but worth it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "Who do you think benefits (and laughs at us) when we fight among ourselves over stupid bullshit?"

    What do blacks disagree about? You all vote exactly the same way.

  16. Maisie Williams12:30 AM

    feminism is so super important cause of all the sexisms
    it's like racism but for ladies!

  17. teh stupid1:36 AM

    Do you actually think most white people give a damn about black's paranoid insecurities? Here is a news flash, Field. Most white Americans give zero thought to blacks as a group.

    Says the dumb asshole who posts on a negro blog every night. Racists certainly are stoooopid.

  18. Anonymous1:46 AM

    The link to the Vice article provided some insight. That George Lincoln Rockwell sounds a lot like our racist trolls here, especially James Bitch.

    "One result of this oafish marketing was that Rockwell recruited exceptionally inept personnel, attracting hordes of Nazis he admitted were "unbelievably stupid." And yet he persisted in shooting for the lowest common denominator's lowest common denominator. The ANP mocked the anti-segregation Freedom Riders with a VW van dubbed the "Hate Bus." Some ANP picketers wore Groucho Marx glasses and rubber noses in their protests."

    I think we have the lowest of the lowest common denominators right here.

  19. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Do you actually think most white people give a damn about black's paranoid insecurities? Here is a news flash, Field. Most white Americans give zero thought to blacks as a group.
    Posting this is like someone posting stupid shit on their ex's page every night saying that they're not thinking about them. So stupid. "See I'm over you, you hear me? I said I'm over you."
    You certainly have some mentally stunted individuals here Field. You need to step your troll game up just a bit.

  20. Gonna Have Some Ribs Tonite2:56 AM

    LOL. Nat Turner calling:

    Did we give those honkies some shit, or what????

    *rope drops*

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson3:12 AM

    "I don't care if there was an actual Willie Lynch letter, I believe that the basic premise of the so called letter is true: That you can better control blacks by dividing them."

    I'd love to see you lead-off with your opening defense, with this crap, field.

  22. This Is So Stupid3:40 AM

    Willie Lynch my white ass.

    Let's talk some REAL SHIT:

    Yes, I'll say it for you....she was a whore, who got on the crack by a negro, and paid the price.

    But again...why do black men seem to prefer white women so much?

    Doesn't say much for you black hoochies.

    Can you say "Charles Wade", Black Lives Matter???

  23. What Anon@1:51 said👌

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Lt. Commander Johnson8:24 AM

    Funny, how a Defense Lawyer always depends upon the Prosecution's argument to defend his client.

    It's like that retarded Jack McCoy on the show Law & Order, jumping up and down, screaming "I Object!", but never saying just what the hell he is objecting about.

    And the judges let him get away with it.

  26. Paranoid black man8:51 AM

    Oh lawdy, lawdy. Field you ain't done to bring out Willie Lynch to scare us negros back on the plantation. We be knowing better than to vote for trump. I will bes voting for hillary no matter if she thinks i is a super predator..

  27. Al Sharpton8:55 AM

    Hell, wanna go all Willie Lynch on us, why leave out that poor Tawana Browley? (BTW...she was smeared with shit, supposedly....whose shit was that?)

  28. Yisheng10:05 AM

    Interesting that a post about Willie Lynch attracts whooteemoos like stank on $hit.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson10:18 AM

    Well Queenie, Lynch didn't exist. Sort of, like you.

  30. Lt. Commander Johnson10:31 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. HouseAnglo11:05 AM

    "Most white Americans give zero thought to blacks as a group."

    That's pretty much true. Any white American who doesn't live in an urban area is pretty much oblivious to blacks, although you tend to keep your Spidey senses up if you are around them on a trip.

    To the extent that a blog like this is operating on both cylinders, I'd say it mostly an outgrowth of the current media fascination with blacks. Sports + TV ads are pretty hard to avoid and the currently ginned up BLM controversies have stirred up the ant hill. I expect it'll all die off and we can get back to business as usual in a year or two.

    The future is hard to foretell, though. Who could have guessed that given all the problems in the world, the President and the media elite would have picked bathroom gender as the great issue of the day? Go figure.

  32. Whooteemoo aggression doesn't repudiate the fact that Black women are THE most educated group in America!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Speaking of Lynch, America owes its greatness to slaves.

    People that think the Lynch story is a myth tend to be the same "types" that think the Holocaust only killed 10 Jews.

  35. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    People that think the Lynch story is a myth tend to be the same "types" that think the Holocaust only killed 10 Jews

    No, people that think the Lynch story is a myth tend to be people who can read. The letter has been definitively proven a hoax:

  36. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Fuck white men.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No, people that think the Lynch story is a myth tend to be people who can read. The letter has been definitively proven a hoax:

    I'm not arguing whether the letter is a myth or not, and frankly I don't give a shit. My point relates to how the practice of slavery was significantly influenced by Lynch. That the whooteemoo slave owner couldn't read/write is moot. He damn sure could talk and put his words into action.

  39. Limpbaugh12:01 PM

    Religion is another example. I believe the Nietzche explanation for religion. At first, the strongest man led the tribe. Then the tribe with the bigest army ruled. Then old men invented religion so they could have power. People who participate in Willie Lynch techniques often don't realize it. A good example of the Willie Lynch power of religion was the S.C. church members forgiving Dylan Roof.

  40. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Trump’s RCP composite polling average today is 43%. Yet, only 4% of likely voters in the Harvard Class of 2016 are going to vote for him.

    You can talk about how Trump supporters are all toothless hillbillies, but when those just finishing their initiation to the ruling elite are so far removed from the masses something is seriously wrong.

    This differential between Trump’s support from the general public and his minuscule support from the current graduating class of a school that is more than any other the choke point to the real levers of power should be scandal in and of itself, and a lot of people should be trying to figure out why the interests of America's elite have diverged so far from the interests of the people.

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I'm not arguing whether the letter is a myth or not, and frankly I don't give a shit. My point relates to how the practice of slavery was significantly influenced by Lynch.

    How could the practice of slavery be significantly influenced by someone who did not exist?

    The letter was written more than a century after slavery was abolished. It is fiction, and no slave owner ever read it.

    Come on, girl.

  42. Limpbaugh said...
    A good example of the Willie Lynch power of religion was the S.C. church members forgiving Dylan Roof.

    Or Davey Blackburn forgiving the three animals who killed his pregnant wife Amanda in a home invasion:

  43. Loretta Lynch12:24 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Speaking of Lynch, America owes its greatness to slaves.

    Don't forget donkeys and oxen, they did a lot to Make America Great too!

  44. Yīshēng said...
    I'm not arguing whether the letter is a myth or not, and frankly I don't give a shit.

    Ignorance is the most ugly thing when worn with pride

    'Alik Shahadah

  45. @12:15 girls are under 18, so try showing some f**king respect when you communicate.

    You've proven you're an idiot, try not to add disrespectful to that title too.

  46. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    @12:15 girls are under 18, so try showing some f**king respect when you communicate

    I should have used "bitch".

    Respect is earned, it's not a right to be demanded.

    Start making comments that aren't idiotic and insulting and you might start getting some respect.

  47. Jimmy Miniscus1:40 PM

    The way this FBI investigation has been dragged out, with slow but continuous leaks that show ever clearer how Hillary has broken the law, destroyed evidence, and lied about everything, do you think Obama has decided to sabotage her campaign to succeed him? The State Department IG report released Monday, the Terry McAullife story that came out yesterday, the tying of the Clinton Foundation into campaign financing law violations, all of this is looking very bad for Hillary. Obama could have shut this down or finished it up a long time ago, but he hasn't. Maybe he want to be the unrivaled president emeritus of the Democrat party, and to hell with the Clintons.

  48. @1:10, yes Bitch would have been more appropriate and here's why:

    B - Boss, I've had a successful business for almost 3 years now.

    I - Incredible, The skies the limit for where my career is heading!

    T - Transformative, I aim to transform STEM education for women and underpresented minorities.

    C - Clear, God's vision and plan for my life has NEVER been more obvious than it is now.

    H - Home, is where the heart is, I'm so very blessed to have a loving and supportive family and friends.


  49. The myth of William Lynch.

    Field could have saved all his words by saying Trump is doing what the left has been doing since the 1990's.

  50. Get em, Doc. Love how u stand up to the racist trolls who frequent the site.You deserve a medal.🤗

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The Fixer4:42 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    @1:10, yes Bitch would have been more appropriate and here's why:

    B - Black, I've used it to stay in college for almost 35 years now.

    I - Imbecilic, There is nothing to stupid for for me say!

    T - Tedious, I never learn from experience or grow in my opinions.

    C - Crude, My vulgarity and lack of control has NEVER been more obvious than it is now.

    H - Hateful, I resent deeply the success of others more talented than I and revel in the struggles of those less fortunate than I have been.


  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Anonymous The Fixer said...
    I - Imbecilic, There is nothing [to] stupid for for me say!

    To - a preposition

    Too - In addition, also

    Two - the number of teeth you have, meth addition is a mutha!


  55. Why thank you Field, I aim to slay at every opportunity!! ;)

  56. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Black women are the group that is MOST likely to riot at weave stores and Mickey D'S.

    Black women will never be smart and classy like Asian women.

  57. Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  58. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I wish i could. White peoples sex taste like raspberry ice cream

  59. Lt. Commander Johnson6:35 PM

    "Blogger Yīshēng said...
    @1:10, yes Bitch would have been more appropriate and here's why:

    B - Boss, I've had a successful business for almost 3 years now.

    I - Incredible, The skies the limit for where my career is heading!"

    Um...MS. Umpteen's "THE SKY IS THE LIMIT"....not "skies".

    Can't be excused as a typo. Simply ignorance.

  60. @6:35 people excuse typos around here ALL the time.

    But for slugs like you, it's just something REAL special about catching an error by a person like me who not only out educates you by 4 COLLEGE degrees, but has an overall great life that you will never EVER experience. So catching meaningless errors makes you feel all tingly inside, LOL!!!

    Or maybe that tingle you feel is an STD?

    Get you some Flagyl girl!

  61. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Yisheng = cunt

  62. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    @6:35 people excuse typos around here ALL the time.

    But you didn't.

  63. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Um...MS. Umpteen's "THE SKY IS THE LIMIT"....not "skies".

    Can't be excused as a typo. Simply ignorance.

    Queen busted again. What a waste of free tuition.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Um...MS. Umpteen's "THE SKY IS THE LIMIT"....not "skies".

    Can't be excused as a typo. Simply ignorance.

    Queen busted again. What a waste of free tuition.


    The lead whooteemoo busted again, talking to itself.

  65. Lt. Commander Johnson8:51 PM

    I didn't post that, Queenie.

    I was just the original poster who proved your knowledge of the English Language was poorly lacking.

  66. Lt. Commander Johnson8:54 PM

    Amazing how field "cleans up" for you.

    It's very noticeable.

  67. @8:54, maybe it's because Field realizes that in the course of a day, what I do matters to the lives of others, while all people like you do is eat, shit, and pollute the air with CO2.

  68. It was a dirty business defending Megyn Kelly, of all people, from the likes of Trump online, but I did it.

    She deserves criticism for many of her views, but not simply because female.

    Politics makes strange bedfellows.

  69. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What do blacks disagree about? You all vote exactly the same way.

    12:27 AM

    No we don't.

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