Sunday, July 17, 2016

A nation divided?

Image result for baton rouge police shooting images“I know we’re about to enter a couple of weeks of political conventions where our political rhetoric tends to be more overheated than usual. And that is why it is so important that everyone regardless of race, or political party, or profession, regardless of what organizations you are a part of, everyone right now focus on words and actions that unite this country rather than divide it further. We don’t need inflammatory rhetoric. We don’t need careless accusations thrown around to score political points, or advance an agenda. We need to temper our words and open our hearts. All of us.”

"I condemn, in the strongest sense of the word, the attack on law enforcement in Baton Rouge.  For the second time in two weeks, police officers who put their lives on the line for ours every day were doing their job when they were killed in a cowardly and reprehensible assault.  These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop.  

"We may not yet know the motives for this attack, but I want to be clear:  there is no justification for violence against law enforcement.  None.  These attacks are the work of cowards who speak for no one.  They right no wrongs.  They advance no causes.  The officers in Baton Rouge; the officers in Dallas – they were our fellow Americans, part of our community, part of our country, with people who loved and needed them, and who need us now – all of us – to be at our best.
"Today, on the Lord’s day, all of us stand united in prayer with the people of Baton Rouge, with the police officers who’ve been wounded, and with the grieving families of the fallen.  May God bless them all."
~President Obama~ 
President Obama just had a news conference, but he doesn't have a clue. Our country is a divided crime scene, and it will only get worse!"'
~Tweet from candidate trump~ 
"A divided crime scene", huh ?
I guess this is why we will continue to hear rhetoric like this, and this.  
Thank goodness there are still some adults left in the room.  
*Pic from



    I say no. If the rest of us have to deal with open carry idiots so do GOP convention goers. Sometimes we reap what we sow.

  2. Well, at least these guys are picking on people who can defend themselves. We need this same outrage from everyone when a classroom full of 5 year olds or a church full of 80 year old women are gunned down. Ok, maybe shooting a cop is cowardly but shooting kids and old ladies is 1000X more cowardly. IJS

  3. Check out this story about Paul Ryan taking a selfie with hundreds of Capitol Hill inters. Guess what? Yep, they're all white. What a great speaker.......

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM



  5. Little Bitch10:45 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  6. Mr. Trump also says that everything is going wrong and we're losing at everything.

    I remain more optimistic, Every era has its challenges.

  7. "inters.

    interns" Yeah, that.

  8. Which America do you want to live in?

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous1:46 AM

    I have to give Field some backanded credit. After Obama got elected, I briefly allowed myself to indulge in hope that the racial divide would get better. Field, in so many words, say "fat chance," and he has turned out to be correct.

    He was Cassandra, the Greek prophet of doom who was correct, but hated through the millennia for it. I've also been Cassandra (not with Obama, but otherwise on some things), and am familiar with making a negative prediction while hoping it didn't come true, yet when it did come true feeling that mixture of sadness and vindication.

    I am genuinely surprised, and in a big way, that Obama's legacy will be the most poisonous racial climate since the late 1960s. I never thought that his election would solve our problems, but I really did think that things would get better. But no, they got worse.

    I will still do what I have always done, and treat black people just as I treat anyone else in my individual interactions. But my group view, well, it's gone backwards to a major degree. I am intensely saddened and disappointed by this, but I am above all a realist, and that's the reality.

    It seems pretty clear that we've got a big chunk of black militants and liberals who -- God only knows why -- seem to want to run this country into the ditch and ignite a second civil war. As a white man who is no stranger to guns and gun owners, all I can say to them is "Be careful what you wish for."

    Those mass killings you've seen are sheer amateur hour, committed by mental defectives of one kind or another. There are another 60 to 70 million gun owners, maybe 20 million of whom really know what they are doing, and are largely white. They are armed to the god damned teeth, and that's putting it mildly.

    Myself, I have eight guns including one of those AR-15s your politicians love to hate. I have 7,300 rounds of ammo for all of the guns, including 2,000 for the AR-15. Between now and the election (if there is even one), that 2,000 will become 10,000, not to mention the re-loading supplies.

    I am moving 250 miles out of the city. It's not to some remote bunker getting ready for the Final Battle, but we'll be equipped if, to use the acronym that my gunner friends favor, the SHTF. Where we're going, you can be sure that a) the police will be on our side, and b) there'll be no shortage of food.

    If liberals and blacks and whoever else wants Civil War 2, it sure as hell won't be something I ever wanted. But I guarantee you, neither I nor those who I know will be your victims.

  10. Anonymous1:51 AM

    And you can have Philadelphia, Chicago, Oakland, Washington, Memphis, New Orleans, and all the rest of your ghetto shitholes. If the SHTF, you will find yourselves penned in behind barbed wire. You will NOT win this. You lack the brains, the money, and the organizational skill to pull it off.

  11. Anon: Can you out shoot a hellfire missile? Hint: there's nobody in the drone to kill.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Limpbaugh2:17 AM

    The Baton Rouge cops are out of contro1. There are videos of them doing things like beating up peaceful women protesters. Someday there might not be video evidence of what they do. There are efforts to get remotely controlled switches to turn off cell phones.

  13. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots3:15 AM

    It will get worse if Trump is elected. Please, vote Hillary! She will get the job done!

  14. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Mr. Negro, why not link to Shaun King's article about a coup if Trump is elected?

    Doug in Oakland, you know that on the second day of the revolution both sides will have Hellfire missiles. The same goes for every other type of military hardware.

  15. Anonymous8:24 AM

    "It will get worse if Trump is elected. Please, vote Hillary! She will get the job done!"

    Depends on what you mean by "job". She is certainly proficient in corruption and lying.

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The last thing anyone is worried about is some "call of duty" wannabe who thinks he'll be a hero. I tell you what, anon: Leave government and society to grown ups, and we'll leave your mom's bagel pizza's alone. SFS

  17. James Bold10:56 AM

    The week after a Hellfire missile is used on an American defending his home and people from our Minority Occupation Government, a truck bomb will blow up the factory which makes Hellfire missiles.  Or maybe it will be a hijacked Predator drone firing a Hellfire itself.

    Twenty million men take high-powered rifles into the woods every fall going after deer.  They can hit targets with an accuracy of inches at 200 yards.  Even going after 1 million of them with Hellfires costs $115 billion in missiles, plus the drones.  The US government cannot afford to fight the American people; even if it can keep its pols and generals alive, it can't pay enough to win.

    On the other hand, put 100 Crips with Glocks against 10 deer hunters with Winchesters and Brownings.  The Crips would be dead before they could get within effective range.  The only way you can win this game is not to play, but you're not bright enough to realize that.

  18. Off today's topic but on the blog's major theme:

    There's a strong correlation between gun ownership and "racial resentment."

    Showing that it's all about asking the right questions.

  19. Cleveland, home of the Republican Convention. And Tamir Rice's memorial.

    The polliceman was never charged. Charley Pierce doesn't want us to forget.

  20. Gotta dig Charlie Pierce. That cop never should have been hired at a major metropolitan police dept. He had a long history of problems and never should have been a cop.

  21. Where is Mia Love? They ignore her like she has the cooties or something. What happened?

  22. "Since the election of Barack Obama, the Republicans have been more serious about trying to showcase the diversity within the Republican Party," he told the Salt Lake Tribune.

    "And Mia Love is potentially the poster child for diversity in the party," he added.

    She "is poised to become an important symbol for the GOP as the party seeks to broaden its appeal among blacks and other minorities, who typically vote overwhelmingly Democratic," noted the Christian Science Monitor.

    The Washington Post added: "A party threatened with electoral extinction among African Americans and immigrants now has someone to brag about in Washington.

    "Love's compelling personal story is an oasis. She's not just a black face in what's often described as a party full of angry old white men. She's a path forward," it said.

    Eh, not so much huh. Is she even attending the convention this year? This would be the perfect year for a woman of color to speak andtry to mute some of what the orange one is saying but hey I guess he name implies her status. Ha!

  23. James Bold1:56 PM

    Mia Love is virtue-signalling for cuckservatives.

  24. So Roger Ailes is being fired by the Murdochs...

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Limpbaugh3:27 PM

    I have been telling people that Obama, Hillary, and others in our government supported ISIS for quite some time. And I have been telling people that the mainstream media was lying about it. The three main "conspiracy theories" I have been telling people are true, are that 9/11 was an inside job, Obama supported ISIS, and that Reagan made a deal with Ayatollah Khomeini to not release the American hostages in Iran. One is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a proven fact. Two more to go.... And the release of the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report is the start of the conspirators pointing fingers at each other. 9/11 families will start suing Saudi Arabia and hopefully Saudi Arabia will start naming their American conspirator partners. Even John Lehman, who was on the PNAC (new Pearl Harbor) Committee before he was appointed to the 9/11 Commission came out for releasing the 28 pages. They are scared and they want Saudi Arabia to be the patsy. But Saudi Arabia didn't schedule war games with fake radar blips on 9/11, tell NORAD to stand down, rush off the crime scene evidence steal, get the media to hush up about Building 7, or make NIST lie.

  26. Anonymous3:34 PM

    James Bold is virtue-signalling for cuckservatives.


  27. Ummmmmmm, if you didn't know by now the GOP is anti-gay something is wrong with you.

  28. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Doug in Oakland, you know that on the second day of the revolution both sides will have Hellfire missiles. The same goes for every other type of military hardware.

    Definitely true. Vast swaths of the U.S. military will give Hillary Clinton the finger on the day she orders them to attack American gun owners.

  29. Have you ever met anyone in the military? And no, your video games don't count.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. "Definitely true. Vast swaths of the U.S. military will give Hillary Clinton the finger on the day she orders them to attack American gun owners."

    And you know this how, exactly?

  31. "And you know this how, exactly?"

    Why the fuck would any American President order the military to attack fellow citizens? Isn't it illegal for the military to operate on American soil anyway? Jeezus, the tin foil hatters are out.

  32. Anonymous12:21 PM

    The nutcases are out every day in the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Memphis, Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston, capping each others' black asses.
