Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Comforter-in-Chief" once again.

Image result for obama speech dallas images \ I just watched the president give a moving and inspiring tribute to those five fallen officers in Dallas, and I must say that if he wanted to be our "comforter in chief" he was successful. Also--- even though I am no fan of his policies--- former president George W.  Bush should be given credit for giving a moving and well written tribute that was perfect for the moment as well.

Poor Obama. He had to walk a thin line between supporting the police and supporting the protestors who believe that police departments should get rid of their bad actors, and that they should do a better job of training all of the officers who are now on the force. He invoked the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, as well as the names of  the officers who tragically lost their lives during the march.

I was thinking about president Obama's speech--- and some of the things he said about having an open dialogue with each other--- when  I saw the story of the police in Minnesota walking  out on the WNBA team because the players wore shirts supporting both the officers and the protestors. I gotta tell you, this is not how we have a dialogue with each other and share our differences so that we can find common ground.

The police officers in Minnesota are doing  the exact opposite of what we should be doing as country, and what our leader asked us to do today. Instead of engaging, they are going to their corners. Taking their balls and going home if you will. Dialogue only works when there are two sides communicating, or when they are at least trying to communicate with each other.

I give the young ladies of the Lynx all the credit in the world for being socially conscious and trying to raise awareness with this issue.

"Members of the reigning WNBA champions wore the black-and-white shirts during warm-ups before a game Saturday against the Dallas Wings.
"Change starts with us. Justice & accountability," the front of the shirts said. On the back, the T-shirts showed the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two African-American men killed by police last week. It also displayed the Dallas Police Department emblem and the phrase, "Black Lives Matter."
If the police in Minnesota are offended by what I read is on that shirt, then president Obama's job is going to be much tougher than he could ever have imagined.  
Finally, did y'all hear about the dishwasher at Yale University who got fired for smashing a racist themed stained-glass window?
Check this out:
 "A black Yale University dishwasher has resigned after he said he smashed a “racist, very degrading” stained-glass window at the school that depicted slaves picking cotton.
Corey Menafee, 38, told the New Haven Independent that he used a broomstick last month to break the windowpane in a residential dining hall, amid a nationwide debate over racist symbols on college campuses.
“It’s 2016; I shouldn’t have to come to work and see things like that,” Menafee told the newspaper, adding: “I just said, ‘That thing’s coming down today. I’m tired of it.’ I put myself in a position to do it, and did it.”
The windowpane was displayed in a dining hall at Calhoun College, which has been at the center of a debate about race.

Menafee was set to appear in court Tuesday for a misdemeanor charge of reckless endangerment and a felony charge of criminal mischief, according to the Independent." [Source]

You white folks reading this are like: [In my best white person voice] What the hell was he thinking? Why would he go off like that on a silly window? It's just a window.

To white folks it's just a window, but to black folks.... sometimes you just get tired of being tired.

Look, I am not saying that it's right what the brother did. (As an officer of the court I cannot condone someone allegedly breaking the law.) But as a black man living in America, I can certainly understand why he did it. 

*Pic from nytimes.com







  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I support the security officers who resigned. Why should they be disrespected by these idiot ball players? They don't have to take being abused in a private sector security job even if they must take black lives matter shit in their jobs as police officers.You just don't get it. Police and many regular, reasonable, whites are sick to death of the hateful rhetoric and violence of these black racist groups.Obama is the divider-in-chief and his legacy is evident.....A more divided country than in the last decade.Fuck Obama and fuck black lives matter.

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    No one has done more to inflame racial tensions these past 7 1/2 years than Barack Obama. He has used his bully pulpit to criticize the just and legal shootings of black thugs like as Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin and involved the justice department involved they don't belong in order to politicize police killings. The murder of the cops in Dallas were a direct result of his toxic rhetoric and politics.

    Apart from the racist murdering shooter no one is more responsible for those injured and dead officers than Barack Obama. The fact that he would hijack the eulogy to further criticize the police is disgusting.

  3. ctrl+halt+del9:28 PM

    "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions," Bush said.

    They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and as such this statement is well intentioned. As mentioned in yesterdays post when will we stop with this type of divisive rhetoric and approach our philosophical differences as a unified citizenry?

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    The saddest part is the false police shooting narrative that blacks are more likely to be shot than other racial groups; a Harvard Professor's study disproves the Black Lives Matter narrative - no racial bias in police shootings, study by a black Harvard Professor, Roland G. Fryer Jr. New York Times yesterday.

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Until the philosophy that holds one race superior and another inferior,is discredited and abandoned.Until the color of a man's skin has no significance as the color of his eyes,AINT SHIT GONNA CHANGE! Emperor Ras Tafari,with a lil' of my own opinion sprinkled in!!

  6. James Bold10:43 PM

    Here is the NYT piece referenced by Anonymous Coward at 10:18


    "Black and Hispanic police officers are MORE likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers."


    Black Lives Matter was asked for reactions to the 4 children shot in 3 days in Chicago, but had not responded by press time:


    Yeah, we got your number.  Your hypocrisy is so thick it takes a chainsaw to cut it.  Soon it'll take hard-rock mining equipment... just before it all falls apart because NOBODY but NOBODY believes it or gives a damn about you any more.

  7. Obama was damned if he did and damned if he didn't, but he still at least tried. And sadly, sometimes that's all you can do is just try, without anything like hope that the people having the problem are going to listen to you at all. The best of the cops know that. They know they're gonna get shit on for trying, and they do it anyway. The worst of the cops just don't care at all, and then there's the vast majority of them who are neither the best nor the worst, and what you get from them depends on the circumstances. Maybe we need to rethink the job we ask them to do, as nobody seems to be very happy with it the way it is. It would be good if we could at least agree on that much, but I won't hold my breath for that to happen.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    A memorial service should NOT have been the venue for Obama to discuss general POLICE department racism, lecture and chastise police officers and white people, and especially eulogize Sterling a career criminal and talk MORE about this felon than about any of the five dead officers. You really are fucking clueless fn.

  9. I get brotha's actions with the window. It should have been taken down long ago and placed somewhere it could be used as an educational piece.

  10. Lol, ain't nobody got time for that, "as an officer of the court," namby-pamby half stepping.

    You know as well as I do that there's a big difference between white man's laws and justice.

    What that brotha did to the window was just.

  11. James Bold12:16 AM

    "Obama was damned if he did and damned if he didn't, but he still at least tried."

    He should have said that Skip Gates "behaved stupidly".  That was the first, but hardly the worst, of his deliberate decisions that led to damnation.  Every last one was a complete un-forced error... unless it was his intent to destroy America.  In that case, it was all part of the plan.

  12. James Bold12:20 AM

    "What that brotha did to the window was just."

    So destroying precious (and beautiful) historical artifacts depicting HISTORICAL FACT is okay because you've now decided they're "racist"?

    Get the fuck out of my country, you cunt.  And you can take responsibility for the $22 trillion in debt run up on your worthless asses with you.

  13. Anonymous1:20 AM

    James Bold, I imagine the above commentators are also members of this country. If you don't like that and their opinions, you can get the fuck out of our country, and take your worthless shit for brains with you. Dumbass.

  14. StillaPanther21:36 AM

    Being a thug does not merit a death sentence. If that was so.... when are you going to ask the police to start killing all these white heroin users. Why can't white people insert whites at the conclusion of police misconduct. Would there be an outcry if two Black police officers kill a 10 year old white boy after 2 sec of coming upon him with a toy weapon. This day mmay come. Then maybe you can share some of the pain of having the ones that suppose to protect- killing one of your own. The police is not the executioner, his job is to arrest,,,, not KILL.

    Now about President Obama destroying America. If he can do that, your country must be weak as water. I would be embarrass to even say something stupid like that. Maybe hiding behind the keyboard, you feel a sense that you can hurt a people. Sadly, I have been reading this blog for 10 years and I have not read anything that would evoke hurt. Remember, I lived through the time where we were ridiculed daily.

    Power to the People (with fist in air).

  15. James Bold2:16 AM

    "I imagine the above commentators are also members of this country."

    Once we lived in kingdoms, ruled by kings.

    Then we lived in empires, ruled by emperors.

    Now we live in countries.... <ba-dum-KUSH!>

    There's no such thing as a "member" here.  There are Americans, and then there are "citizens of the United States of America" which includes a lot of Muslims and others who should be elsewhere.  Ex-slaves and their descendants are only citizens because the Fourteenth Amendment was shoved down the throat of much of the country at gunpoint.  Maybe 1% of those ex-slaves think and act like Americans, and none should ever have been granted the status.

    "you can get the fuck out of our country, and take your worthless shit for brains with you."

    Yet every time Americans try to get away from you ("white flight"), you follow.  Funny, isn't it?  It's like... you are totally incapable of independent existence.

    It's time for your worthless shit-for-brains selves to get back to Africa.  When TSHTF, Africa won't be an option any more.

    "Would there be an outcry if two Black police officers kill a 10 year old white boy after 2 sec of coming upon him with a toy weapon."

    There's scarcely been an outcry when Dillon Taylor was killed within seconds of police coming on him... when he had NOTHING that even looked like a weapon.  If you're too dumb to work within the system, go fuck yourself.

    "Now about President Obama destroying America. If he can do that, your country must be weak as water."

    It is.  It's been undermined and subverted by (((Communists))) for at least a century.&nbp; They've gotten into all the power structures.  What they don't understand is that the power structures can be overthrown... and what YOU don't understand is that every shred of moral status you have disappears in the process, and you become vermin to be hunted down.

    "I lived through the time where we were ridiculed daily."

    Those who ridiculed you told you why, but you learned nothing.  Time for your failure to be properly penalized.

  16. Anonymous2:22 AM

    There was nothing even remotely "comforting" about Obama's remarks.

  17. I felt comforted. I live in a country with folks like some of the people posting above and that's scary.😕

    I am scared now. I mean, what if stupidity is contagious?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I'm scared, too. People killing police officers in cold blood. People shooting up police stations. People are threatening the police in my town. A white woman allegedly shot by a black man in Missouri last week while driving a car allegedly due to retaliation for police shootings.

    It is a dangerous time and it isn't right or fair for you to criticize police and not the black people threatening others, including white people and white police, for their skin color alone. The danger nor the fear is one sided.

  20. Lance Cockstrong8:44 AM

    Nothing to be scared about ... Fritz is just blowing smoke out his bloviating blowhard blowhole as usual ... Do what you want with me, just leave my pigs alone ok Fritz?

  21. These cops seem a bit thin skinned. Their feelings get hurt a bit too easily for my tastes. You're supposed to be these tough defenders of democracy but a few women wearing t-shirts sends you home crying. Really? You're the persons we send to confront maniacs with guns? I think some folks need a self check.

    On another note, on our cable station we're gonna have an RNC channel with coverage of the convention. And here I thought we already had Comedy Central.

  22. People of color don't scare me. James Bold and people who think and talk like he does *do* scare me.

    I'll be glad when pale-skinned people are no longer in charge. Call it a sanguine attitude if you like, but I really don't care. These days, I'd be happy to sit back and watch the world burn.

  23. This hatred has been here ever since Europeans arrived from Europe. The President has nothing to do with this. The palest of supposedly humanity and the darkest of humanity weren't meant to live on the same lands. When free labor was provided, everything was A-OK. Have had to get up off a couple nickle and dimes we made for you that you had to pay in return for our labor, no matter how low, shit hasn't been the same since.

    Maybe you should have moved or should move back to Europe. Move to Alaska and live among the Polar Bears. Go to Iceland. Go somewhere.

    Youtube says we're the original natives. That means for you to go back wherever home is. Do it quickly, before you kill all of us. You're some mean MAMA JAMAS and ugly as fuck too.

  24. Anonymous4:57 PM

    ...and Jesus said "blessed be the poor"

    And the crowd said "Oh no Jesus, ALL people are blessed."

  25. I'm not scared, in fact I'm a little bored. This ain't my first rodeo.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. No, yous must keep learn to do this sir qnc jelly gamat

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson11:06 PM

    Uh huh. I can live in Mississippi, and drive down the MLK Blvd., that exists in most cities.

    If I don't like their windows, and pictures...can I shoot them down?

    You people are so hypocritical, it's not even funny.

  28. "On another note, on our cable station we're gonna have an RNC channel with coverage of the convention. And here I thought we already had Comedy Central."

    He will be here all week folks. Remember to tip the waitress. :)

  29. James Bold11:22 PM

    "People of color don't scare me. James Bold and people who think and talk like he does *do* scare me."

    You would have died of fright had you lived in America between 1655 and 1960.

    "I'll be glad when pale-skinned people are no longer in charge."

    No you won't.  You aren't living in S. Africa or Zimbabwe or Liberia or Haiti, where "pale-skinned people are no longer in charge." You aren't living in Bodymore (Baltimore), Detoilet (Detroit), or any of the other places in the USA where Blacks have taken over political control.  Black people are FLEEING those places, because they're now hellholes.  Black people flock to the places where White people are in charge, because THINGS WORK THERE.

    And then they bitch and moan about the controls on their stupid behaviors required to KEEP things working.  You are too stupid to see yourselves as the problem.  Some Africans are smarter than you; they want White rule again, because it worked.

    "These days, I'd be happy to sit back and watch the world burn."

    You don't have to wait; you could attend a vigil for a slain rapper and watch a bunch of people get shot.  That's the world you'll be living in under Black rule.

    I'll be happy to remove you to some part of the world where pale-skinned people are not only not in charge, they're as rare as hen's teeth.  Go now, beat the rush... and then you never have to worry about people who think and talk like me ever again.

    You'd have to worry about people who think and talk like YOU.  If that didn't scare you a lot more, you'd already be gone.

  30. James, just curious, have u ever been to any of those countries u just mentioned?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. James Bold3:32 PM

    "James, just curious, have u ever been to any of those countries u just mentioned?"

    No, of course not.  Partly because Black people do things like turning this Liberia of the 1970's into this Liberia of 2009 (like the transformation of Detroit into Detoilet... and yes I've been there).  But also because Black countries are not for me.  Arguably all the Blacks on Hispaniola should be returned to Africa and at least the Haiti portion returned to any surviving Caribes, but that's a small issue.

    Just as Black countries are not for me, White countries are not for you.  Even you regard Killadelphia as a place to make your retirement money and leave.  Blacks don't like White law, they don't like White culture, they don't like White architecture... why on earth would any Blacks want to stay in the USA?

    Oh, right.  The USA gives them the best deal they can get anywhere on earth... especially compared to Black countries like Haiti, Liberia, Zimbabwe, S. Africa, and, yes, Jamaica.  Your erstwhile-countryman-turned-mass-murderer, Colin Ferguson, should have quit while he was ahead.  Then again, 3 hots and a cot might be better than anything he could manage on his own in either country.

    Are YOU going to pay reparations to the families who lost husbands, fathers and breadwinners to Colin Ferguson?  How many lifetimes would you have to work to pay off that debt?

  33. "You white folks reading this are like: [In my best white person voice] What the hell was he thinking? Why would he go off like that on a silly window? It's just a window."

    This white guy is wondering at what point such a window (or painting) would constitute evidence of a harassing, "hostile work environment", in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, among other protections.

  34. James Bold6:11 PM

    This White guy is wondering why we let emotionally-incontinent Blacks work around precious historical artifacts, any of which they might decide at any time is "racist" and needs to be destroyed.

    It's bad enough that the Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed by the Taliban.  We should not let such things happen here.  "Diversity" means erasing history; we can wash our own dishes.

  35. Where did I suggest that we should let such things happen here, huh? I happen to agree w/ PilotX about taking down those items and turning them into educational pieces. That's why I asked my question about possible legal methods of removing the offensive items. FWIW, I also agree w/ you about the crime against humanity of destroying the ancient Buddhas.

    If you could turn off your bold font, put down your straw men arguments, and paint w/ a slightly less-broad brush, you might recognize that those Buddhas were destroyed by authoritarian fanatics who corrupted an ancient religion to their liking, declared anyone who disagreed an apostate, and destroyed priceless artifacts while convinced of their own self-righteousness.

    "Diversity" does NOT mean "erasing history"--it means learning and honoring/acknowledging the rest of it, however painful and discomforting it may be, and not only the history that white supremacists approve.

  36. James Bold12:21 AM

    "Where did I suggest that we should let such things happen here, huh?"

    How do you know what's going to be deemed "offensive" and "oppressive" tomorrow?

    How do you stay ahead of the ever-more-insane criteria and demands?  Because if you don't, it WILL happen again... and if you DO, you destroy everything that the left claims to find "offensive".  Needless to say, nobody else's claims of offense will be given heed.

    "I happen to agree w/ PilotX about taking down those items and turning them into educational pieces."

    So you want to erase them from their context, leaving only that which cannot possibly offend anyone... meaning, it's sterile and lifeless.  What happens when the very stones of buildings are deemed "offensive" because some Black labor allegedly went into the process somewhere?  Do you remove historical buildings to museums so as not to "offend"?

    I find you libtards and your demands for the erasure of everything you don't like from the public sphere to be offensive.  Do not offend me to my face.

    "destroyed by ... fanatics who corrupted [the entire notion of tolerance], declared anyone who disagreed a [racist], and destroyed priceless artifacts while convinced of their own self-righteousness."

    Just like Corey Menafee.

    ""Diversity" does NOT mean "erasing history""

    So what is removing it from its context, either by destruction or hiding it away in a museum of things we're supposed to be ashamed of now?

    And I'll keep my bold font.  I like it.  Until you're ready to come out against the Corey Menafees of this world and demand they be punished severely and all their sympathizers banned from the vicinity of such historic jewels, you can put up with a little extra BLACK on your screen.

  37. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "I can certainly understand why he did it."

    You should, it's because of lying race baiters like you.
