Thursday, July 28, 2016

Open thread Wednesday.

I need ya'll to tell me what you think of Obama's speech, and other happenings in the political arena today.


  1. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots12:48 AM

    I can't wait for 8 years of Hillary after 8 wonderful years of Obama!

  2. Good points and uplifting compared to the other party. Of course he will be accused of division and negativity by the other side but that's expected. Overall good speech and we will miss him.
    Biden good em good too.

  3. He made an important point that even as the appearance of the country changes, the nuts and bolts of it remain true. America is still America, slowly, sometimes painfully getting better from the founding to now and to the future. Gonna miss him as president, I have to say.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit2:03 AM

    As good as Hillary might be, I don't believe she will reach the heights that Obama achieved.

  5. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Hopefully things will return to normal once Obama is out of office.

  6. "Normal"? Ok then.🤔

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Obama: the only politician my foreign-born wife ever wanted to hear speak. She caught all his speeches. This was no different.

    He didn't mention Congrsss at all, not wanting to appear negative, I guess. If he had he could have emphasized how important it is to elect down-ticket Democrats. But I hesitate to second-guess his judgment.

    He could have mentioned the block-everything-he-asks-for meeting which took place while he was repeating the Oath in 08, which morphed into McConnell's "one-term president" posture, which then morphed into the shut-down-the-gumment Tea Party Congress, all of which prevented him from doing much at all besides health care. They even prevented him from closing Guantanamo, barring the transfer of prisoners here.

    No, he didn't want to appear to be "blaming" Congress or going negative. That's our cool, mellow Hawaiian president. Maybe that speech will come later, but he won't have as big an audience.

    And after all he was beating the drum for Hillary, and using all his snark on The Donald.

    It was as brilliant speech as ever.

    Another subject: Did anyone else comment on the Mothers of the Movement two nights ago? That was a real goose-bumps moment. And the most haunting moment of the Convention for me.

  9. Limpbaugh2:08 PM

    The DNC stole my vote.

  10. Obama might be the best President we've had in the last 50 years. Of course that's not saying much, but still.

  11. limbaugh4:53 PM

    Tim Kaine was the DNC chair before Debbie Wasserman Schultz. He recommended her to succeed him. She was co-chair of Hillary's campaign at the time, in 2008. He is being rewarded for helping to set up the election fix. He is a piece of shit.

  12. The Ministry of Truth6:21 PM

    Hillary actually makes MY dick shrink. It's even smaller than the usual 2 inches.

  13. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Judge Mo'Dolla!

  14. Anonymous3:25 AM

    How often should I wash my pole?
