Monday, August 22, 2016

Donald's new and (not so) improved Negro outreach.

Image result for trump african american images"Trump polls 1-2% among blacks. In '64 Goldwater got 6% after voting no on the Civil Rights Act. In '68 segregationist George Wallace won 3%."

Larry Sabato posted the above little tidbit on twitter, and I have no reason to believe that it's not true. This is because he happens to be a well respected pollster. 
Those are pathetic numbers by any standard, his buddy David Duke would probably do better.

The thing is, though, given how trump has decided to kick off his African American outreach, this is not surprising. His idiotic monolithic view of African Americans is proof positive of just how out of touch he and his team is when it comes to black people. (Someone please tell Donald that we are not in the seventies anymore. He needs to stop watching those cartoonish black Blaxploitation flicks. "Imma get you sucker. You jive turkey". ) 

Brianna Kielar over at CNN is quickly becoming my favorite journalist, because she has been calling out these frauds from the trump camp of late. 

"It might not even be outreach to African-American voters,” Keilar said, noting that Trump’s appeals to Black voters have been delivered to “overwhelmingly white” crowds. “Why doesn’t he talk to an audience of Black voters or go to a community that is at least 10% African-American? He hasn’t been doing that,” Keilar said.
“If you were advising a candidate who is trying to, say, reach out to women, would you go to a room of men to deliver that message?” Keilar asked.
Spicer repeatedly refused to answer." [Source]
Donald failed on so many levels with this so called African American "outreach". The way he casually asked us "what we have to lose". The way he implied that all of us live in poverty and that our lives are filled with one form of pathology after another.  The way he cavalierly and superciliously suggested that we are distinct and separate from other Americans was kind of scary to watch.
His white supremacist friends would be proud.
*Image taken from 


  1. Well put. Just shows these people don't get around.

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

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  3. John Rivers10:43 PM

    A journalist is how a billionaire manufactures an opinion.

  4. There is a well worn advisory against believing your own PR, and this is a similar situation. Except that it for the most part isn't even Trump's own PR, he's borrowing it from Breitbart and the rest of the echo chamber. If all you hear and say about minorities all day is how inferior and substandard they and their lives and communities are, you might not even notice how outrageously you are insulting them when you speak to them as if all of that horse shit were true.
    As such, I can't really say whether as a human being he actually believes this stuff, but as a candidate, I would say that he behaves as if he did, so as a potential president what difference would it make?
    That is, a campaign is a long job interview, and he has completely flunked the section on understanding nonwhite constituencies. If he didn't need any of their votes in order to win, I could almost call it a strategy, but he's not Nixon or Reagan, and this is not 1968 or 1980, and he (or anyone) does in fact need those votes to win the job of representing them and their interests.
    So perhaps getting your intel from Breitbart isn't such a winning strategy after all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM

    One of my favorite journalists, George Curry passed the other day. We lost a good one.


    1. Good people. I met him a few times. Last time I spoke to him he said keep blogging as FN no matter who it offends. I will always remember him for that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Check this

    and this

    These fools are getting more emboldened by the day. WTF is going on? Is this residual backlash against Barack or is Trump and his ilk reawakening this bullshit? At least the racists in Houston had the balls to protest in in blah neighborhood in front of the NAACP headquarters. We all know they were there to start some shit, better to just ignore these fools instead of counter protests and such. It would have been funny if nobody paid them any attention.



  7. Orange is the new black12:07 AM

    Trump is polling 14% among blacks today.

    He'll probably wind up getting over 20%.

    It's a new world, Field. Don't get left behind on the Plantation.

  8. All black, all the time12:10 AM

    PX: "One of my favorite journalists, George Curry passed the other day."

    Let me guess, what made him one of your favorites was that he was black.

    It must suck to be so racially insular.

  9. Anonymous1:37 AM

    "Let me guess, what made him one of your favorites was that he was black."

    Not at all. But hey you have to try to shoehorn me into your little idea of what makes me tick I guess.

    "It must suck to be so racially insular."

    Let's not start to compare lives, I bet mine is so much better than yours.


  10. Anonymous1:37 AM

    "Trump is polling 14% among blacks today."

    Mind sharing where you got this info?

  11. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "I love dick!"

    - Field Negro

  12. Anonymous2:24 AM

    The only reason Big D. is "reaching out" to blacks is to prove to WHITES he isn't racist. Because white people worry about that shit; being called racist is to white people what being called sellout is to blacks.

    Oh well ... in eighty days he can drop the mask. And then America will be made great again!

  13. Romney in a landslide3:47 AM

    Trump will get 41% of teh blacks vote.

  14. StillaPanther28:01 AM

    RIP. George Curry was a needed entity in our knowledge stream. Rarely do African Americans '"get" the other side to issues that affect us. I will always remember the views he pushed for the Kemba Smith case. He also was a staunch opponent to the crooked justice system. He wrote what was not covered in the white press.

    The Journal Guide, Norfolk, Va., was where I first read his columns..., long before he was a 'go to guy" in the white world.

  15. It really seems like he's not actually playing to African Americans, who are well beyond his grasp by now.

    There are a lot of white suburban voters who are offended by how bad he's been with minorities, and by saying things to reach out to African Americans, he might bring some of them into the fold.

    I guess.

    I really don't know what he's doing, but still I guess...

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    There's a lot more going on in the world than crap about Donald Trump. The Olympics happened. There are thousands of Syrian refuges in Greece. The police are shooting deaf, unarmed white people now.

    Let Donald Trump go and let's hear about the rest of the world.

  17. false 110:30 AM

    "Let Donald Trump go and let's hear about the rest of the world."


    Field, you've become an unpaid volunteer in in Trump's dog and pony show.

  18. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots12:10 PM

    Trump knows he is going to lose in November. It's sad and pathetic to see such a sad and pathetic candidate with no hope, except that it's Trump, so it's not that bad! Hahahahahaha!!! Go Hillary!

  19. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit12:27 PM

    It's a sad day when even racists like Barry Goldwater and George Wallace are historically more popular amongst African-Americans than Trump. 1960's race politics were vastly different than they are now, but there are some similarities. Maybe Trump should have run as a third party candidate like Wallace did.

  20. Lance Cockstrong12:41 PM

    Trump and his stupid supporters are just bitter and jealous that they have tiny peckers. Actually, all white boys are lacking in that department.

  21. Lance Cockstrong12:45 PM

    I feel bad for white boys and their tiny dicks. Have fun with your loser candidate.

  22. The Washington Compost12:47 PM

    But of course black supremacy is totally fine and acceptable. In fact, if you don't believe in black supremacy and Afrocentrism as the absolute truth, than you are raciss. Oh, you negroes...

  23. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Gary Johnson 2016

    The ONLY candidate worth voting for this November.

  24. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Climate change is such a dumb issue. Dems still have to give it lip service but no one cares about it.


  25. Some blogger/journalist pointed out that "What have you got to lose?" doesn't sound especially racist to WHITE TRUMP SUPPORTERS who happen to overhear this supposed message to blacks. In other words, he said it to sound "welcoming and inclusive" or at least less like a white supremacist than some of his followers.

    So if you're a white who's been tempted to vote for Trump but have found the racism makes you... squeamish, you can say, "See! He welcomes po' darkies with no educashun, too! Not racist at all."

    It's also a way of attacking Obama, the implication being that Trump will be better for "the blacks" than even Obama, who failed at everything and wasn't born here anyway.

  26. teh stupid1:44 PM

    Climate change is such a dumb issue.
    Only for dumb people.

  27. Truth be told: No one can stand to look at the sucker but WHITE people. He's a serious 'UGH" to me. I'm going to forego voting this time; the world will still spin.

  28. Anonymous2:49 PM

    @anotherbozo: What is a "white supremacist"?

  29. Oregon Pride2:53 PM

    The black race is a joke. I'm so glad there aren't many black people where I live. And the ones who are black act normal and speak normal.

  30. Crooked Hillary promises to shut down press that is in opposition to her once she is elected.

    Brietbart singled out.

  31. Predictably Chauncey de Vega said it and saw it better than I did:

    "Of course, the real audience for such untruths and smears are his racist white base and the "decent" Republicans who prefer that their white supremacy be presented in a "polite" and "nice" way."

    @anonymous @ 2:49: Google it.

  32. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "white supremacy" means wanting the same considerations of your interests as everyone else?

  33. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Is "white supremacy" noticing how blacks really feel about white people?

  34. Anonymous3:40 PM

    White supremacy is a joke. White people are inferior to black people in just about everything: Sports, dancing, singing, physical attractiveness, , strength, etc.

  35. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Progressive's heads are exploding trying to define Trump's offer to help African-Americans as typical Hitler behavior.

  36. The Washington Post is a rag. Why does anyone even read that piece of shit publication? Why do people take that pathetic excuse for a news source seriously? Fuck the Washington Post.

  37. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I can't wait for Kanye, Mark Cuban, and Curt Schilling to run for office.

  38. Black soup premesis6:00 PM

    23AndMe data (400k+ people):

    US Blacks: 73% African, 24% Euro, 1% Amerind
    US Whites: 98.6% Euro, 0.2% African, 0.2% Amerind

    Y'alls a quarter white on average.

    Since blacks hate white people, does that mean you hate a quarter of yourself?

  39. Pimple Popper6:13 PM

    So you're saying that 1/4 of blacks in America have blood sullied by Eurotrash? Damn...

  40. Lance Cockstrong7:11 PM

    My mouth has been sullied by the white man's semen.

  41. The most transparent never7:12 PM

    Today’s blockbuster report from the Associated Press about Hillary Clinton’s meetings with Clinton Foundation donors during her time as Secretary of State contained the following nugget: “The AP sought Clinton’s calendar and schedules three years ago, but delays led the AP to sue the State Department last year in federal court for those materials and other records.”

    Three years ago.

  42. More Than Half of the Non-Governmental-Employee People Hillary Met With Personally Donated to the Clinton Financial Wellness Fund:


  43. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots7:17 PM

    It's going to be a Hillary landslide in November! I can't wait! Go Hillary!

  44. "Y'alls a quarter white on average."

    Yes, that's a metric of how many white rapists there were in American history,

  45. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit7:22 PM

    George Wallace at least made amends with black people later in his life. Trump will never do anything like that. Ever.

  46. A quarter white? You mean from the menu at Boston Market?

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Yisheng's husband7:45 PM

    My bitch loves it when I piss and shit in her mouth.

  48. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I'm going to kill myself tonight, and I blame black people.

  49. Bay Stater7:52 PM

    Trump is about as racist as most black people I've encountered in real life and online, so...

  50. Disillusioned Gen-Xer7:59 PM

    Fuck Generation Z. Generation Z ain't shit.

  51. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Gary Johnson is the ONLY candidate worth your vote this November.

  52. Little Bitch9:21 PM

    The B-I-B-L-E. Yes that's the book for me.

  53. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Fuck God. Fuck Allah. Fuck Jesus. Fuck Muhammad. Fuck you.

  54. Lance Cockstrong1:45 AM

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  55. Anonymous1:48 AM

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  56. Anonymous1:49 AM

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  57. Anonymous1:51 AM

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  58. There is a hole in the asylum fence again.
