Wednesday, August 03, 2016

The narcissistic coward.

Image result for purple heart image"Something very nice just happened to me. A man came up to me and handed me his Purple Heart," Trump told supporters at a campaign event here. "I said to him, 'Is that like the real one or is that a copy?' And he said, 'That's my real Purple Heart. I have such confidence in you.

And I said, 'Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," Trump said. 'This was much easier.”'

Mr trump, if you wanted one so much you could have went off to war and earned one like so many brave men and women, but instead.....

"Back in 1968, at the age of 22, Donald J. Trump seemed the picture of health.
He stood 6 feet 2 inches with an athletic build; had played football, tennis and squash; and was taking up golf. His medical history was unblemished, aside from a routine appendectomy when he was 10.
But after he graduated from college in the spring of 1968, making him eligible to be drafted and sent to Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that would change his path: bone spurs in his heels.
The diagnosis resulted in a coveted 1-Y medical deferment that fall, exempting him from military service as the United States was undertaking huge troop deployments to Southeast Asia, inducting about 300,000 men into the military that year.
The deferment was one of five Mr. Trump received during Vietnam. The others were for education.
His experience during the era is drawing new scrutiny after the Muslim American parents of a soldier who was killed in Iraq publicly questioned whether Mr. Trump had ever sacrificed for his country. In an emotional speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, the soldier’s father, Khizr Khan, directly addressed Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, saying, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”
Mr. Trump’s public statements about his draft experience sometimes conflict with his Selective Service records, and he is often hazy in recalling details.
In an interview with The New York Times last month, Mr. Trump said the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact on him. He said he had visited a doctor who provided him a letter for draft officials, who granted him the medical exemption. He could not remember the doctor’s name.
“I had a doctor that gave me a letter — a very strong letter on the heels,” Mr. Trump said in the interview."

I get really pissed off when I think of the pampered connected trump doing everything in his powers to get out of serving his country.  And now he has the audacity to question whether others are patriots because of their religion, where they were born, or how they look.

This stuff is personal to my family, because we have experienced the sting and the hurt of true sacrifice and bravery.

 Mr Khan was right, trump should have given the medal back to that gentleman, and he should have told him in no uncertain terms that he does not deserve it.  

Of course we know that he couldn't do that, because in his narcissistic and self-centered world, only self matters.  Everything else, including his country-- and the brave souls who gave their lives to protect it- comes second.  



  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Trump 2016

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Dumb ass 9:35 PM 2016

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Syrian government using chemical weapons again on Syrian people. Will Obama draw a line in the sand and start bombing Libya? Wait, he's already bombing Libya. That'll teach Assad.

    It's a good thing Obama has been ending all these wars. Hillary will continue the tradition of ending wars for the next eight years.

  4. Fair and Balanced10:22 PM

    The Obama administration was exposed today for having airlifted $400 million in cash to secure the release of American hostages taken by Iran, but Donald Trump accepted a gift from a Vietnam vet even though he didn't serve in the military.


  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    In 2012, women voted Democrat for "free" birth control, "for the gays" and because the dark days of the first Obama administration were characterized by a horrific War on Women.

    It sounded idiotic then, it's much worse now coming from Hillary.

  6. Anonymous10:34 PM

    A violent, vegetarian boy scout has murder one woman and wounded six people in London. No word on the motive but police say it has nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. Stay tuned!

  7. I love the cognitive dissonance coming from the cucks and media. If they are so confident in a Trump loss, why are they so out of breath? Why are there these obviously coordinated hit pieces that come out every day in every major media outlet?

    If this were in the bag, there would no reason to lie so recklessly. They are shooting their wad three months early.

  8. Maybe Donald suffers from affluenza. He seem to have all the symptoms.

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    CNN has its priorities in order:

  10. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots11:01 PM

    I Love Hillary! Can't wait for her to be my President!

  11. I will refrain, out of human decency, from wishing for Donald Trump to get his wish. Does he even know what a purple heart is?

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. computer expert11:28 PM

    I love the cognitive dissonance coming from the cucks and media. If they are so confident in a Trump loss, why are they so out of breath? Why are there these obviously coordinated hit pieces that come out every day in every major media outlet?

    I've never seen anything like the full-on sophist blitzkrieg being launched at Trump right now. There's circling the wagon, and then there's an Operation Barbarossa-style orgasm of negative media coverage. Every single mainstream outlet, from the vanguard publications to the landmark newspaper organs, has launched multiple attacks on Trump in the last 72 hours, all of which are carbon copies of one another.

    It's easy to see this was planned in advance. The undue media hysteria over bugface khan and his slugwife started kicking off before the DNC even ended, and has now hit an (((overreaction))) fever pitch of apoplectic character assassinations of the Donald. It's an outright phalanx wall of negative coverage, a million bullshit hit pieces launched in pure Talmudic tradition.

    The polls are cooked so it's hard to tell, but this comical level of naked media collusion and overt propaganda will be poison to normal people fed up with the status quo; these people have obviously always been Trump's backbone of support. As I said way back in February, Trump's supporters are locked in. That said, I believe this media spree is aimed to scare off independents and women. I'm not sure whether or not that will succeed.

    Regardless, this unrelenting attack is having a unifying effect on Trump's base of support in true Turchin fashion. It's now, more plainly than ever, us versus (((them))), and they are shooting every gun they have.

  13. Anonymous11:33 PM

    It was to be expected. It's an unprecedented onslaught because Donald Trump is an unprecedented threat to pretty much all powerful elements in the United States and Western world. Pretty much every single politician, lobbyist and think tanker in Washington, pretty much everyone in the media and entertainment industry in New York and Los Angeles, pretty much everyone in finance from Hong Kong to Wall Street is heavily invested in three things Donald Trump opposes strongly - government-business "partnerships" (crony capitalism), mass immigration and the acceptance of Islam as a good thing. Those are articles of faith, core principles, not some B.S. that's approved as being up for debate, stuff that 'reasonable people can disagree on'. If you or I say what Trump says in public, we're professionally and socially done, marked for annihilation, and that applies to pretty much everyone who isn't independently wealthy in a significant way or so poor he's got nothing to lose. No Presidential nominee for a major party has ever opposed the pillars of the economic, social and political establishment in such glaring and open fashion.

    They can't just beat him, they need to destroy him so nobody gets the idea that you can challenge them so brazenly and get away with it.

  14. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The lying and fear-mongering in the media has reached levels that would make the DPRK and Pravda blush. Hillary has to know no one believes a word that comes out of her mouth anymore. Her only shot at winning is to gaslight Trump.

    I have never been so appalled by the people who rule this country. Watching what they are doing makes me physically ill.

    God help us all.


    One of the side effects of diversity is plummeting levels of trust. In short, paranoia runs wild in precisely the environment we've created through population movement and mass media. Everyone is certain that everyone else is cheating, and of course one side effect is that this licenses people to cheat more. Ironically a Trump win would be the one outcome that would be immune to suspicion of cheating, since everyone knows the establishment hates him.

  16. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit12:17 AM

    It's sad that Trump is a candidate for POTUS after the classy Presidency of Obama. Trump can only hope to be 1/100th as good as Barack was/is. I feel sorry for Trump supporters.

  17. Dr. Napoleon12:50 AM

    Mind control and manipulation often works subliminally on its victims. It is INTENDED to demoralize, intimidate and make you throw in the towel. Trump supporters need to stand strong in the face of these mighty gales of propaganda.

  18. To typical low-information voters, this election is being framed as "who's the most unacceptable".

    We need to be aware how literally EVERYTHING is spun now. All news is basically a lie in 2016.

    When you see a headline, your gut reaction should be, "How are they lying to me?" Don't spread memes without finding the lie first.

  19. So it seems the folks in Kansas have had enough of Brownback's experiment. Maybe there is hope.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Dr. Napoleon1:04 AM

    Scientific psychology has examined, in detail, the pressure you feel from the media to CONFORM. Please see:

  21. "I mean, if we have all of these nukes, why can't we use them?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous1:36 AM

    "I mean, if we have all of these nukes, why can't we use them?"

    More false memes. You are a puppet.

  23. Anonymous1:37 AM

    A racist used to be someone who hated blacks. Now it is someone hated by blacks or by the people who do the hating on their behalf.

  24. At least I'm not an anonymous troll with a tinfoil hat on.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Fuck it.

    Trump 2016

  26. limpbaugh2:08 AM

    Morning Joe covered Republicans mad about Trump's medal incident. Are the same Republicans who made fun of John Kerry's purple heart medals really appalled by Trump awkwardly accepting one from a veteran? Or are they just protecting the establishment? Here's a clue. The network is owned by Comcast:

  27. James Bold2:13 AM

    "Every single mainstream outlet, from the vanguard publications to the landmark newspaper organs, has launched multiple attacks on Trump in the last 72 hours, all of which are carbon copies of one another."

    Welcome to Journolist 2.0.  The public is on to it, and it won't work... except to discredit the enemedia in the eyes of those who still took it seriously.

  28. As usual, Field, you are Incontrovertible.

    but let Trump continue to make gaffes, display his grotesque vanity, show the unsure what he's made of. Fiat lux, bitches.

  29. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "At least I'm not an anonymous troll with a tinfoil hat on."

    Are you sure you aren't anonymous?

    I don't visualize you wearing a "tinfoil hat". More like an over weight, overwrought, disingenuous white progressive with difficulty keeping your world view in order. Oh, and sporting worn out Birkenstocks and a Tijuana horse blanket too small to cover your girth.

    I'm with Her, as long as I'm not paying.

  30. Seven hundred years ago an English friar named William of Ockham gave his name to the traditional Western prejudice that the simplest feasible explanation is most likely to be true.

    Six and a half centuries later we went to the moon.

    Lately, however, we haven’t really felt all that inclined to figure out how the world works. It’s more important to demonstrate our mastery of socially preferred locutions.

    For example, one pressing public-policy question of the day is: What are the main causes of Muslim terrorism? Now, an Ockhamite might surmise that one useful answer is:


    But the respectable answer in 2016 isn’t supposed to be anything that blunt. In particular, any acceptable explanation must include the six-syllable word “Islamophobia.”

    Logically, Islamophobia sounds like it would be an effect of Islamic terrorism rather than a cause.

    But logic hasn’t been the goal in 21st-century America. Status is. Repeating the word “Islamophobia” demonstrates that you have been to college, or at least that you watch talking heads on TV who have been to college.

    And that’s what really counts.

    In summary, Trump has been able to galvanize American politics by telling so many unfashionable truths because the reigning dogmas of our day are smart in form yet stupid in content.

  31. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I love seeing white women dating/marrying outside of their race. They always look so much happier and more free.

  32. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Except for the black eyes and the lack of child support.

  33. Trump 2016

  34. "So it seems the folks in Kansas have had enough of Brownback's experiment. Maybe there is hope."

    Maybe Kansas is returning to it's roots. It used to be a leading liberal bastion. Reality has a way of bursting even the toughest bubbles. Hopefully the idea of trickle down economics will die a horrible death.

  35. I find it a little interesting that there is a comment about Occam's razor in a thread full of fabrications dreamt up in support of bogus ideology.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous2:49 PM

    @ Doug in Oakland: This blog's raison d'etre is to promulgate fabrications dreamt up in support of bogus ideology. It's why you come here.

  37. Actually, I don't. I sort of lost my taste for recreational lies and insanity when I stopped getting high.

    " don't visualize you wearing a "tinfoil hat". More like an over weight, overwrought, disingenuous white progressive with difficulty keeping your world view in order. Oh, and sporting worn out Birkenstocks and a Tijuana horse blanket too small to cover your girth."

    Not really overweight at 190 for my six feet in height, and not really a Birkenstocks kind of guy, I like my Hi-Point Alpine Stars a little better. They've been sort of retired since my stroke, as I can't ride any more without the use of my left foot, but they have been well worn from the racing I did when I was younger.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Doug in Oakland said...

    "I sort of lost my taste for recreational lies and insanity when I stopped getting high."

    Maybe you should go back to getting high. Being sober doesn't seem to be working.

    I'm with long as I'm not in Benghazi.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Trump can't help himself. Tells another lie about seeing the Iranian money exchange.

  41. James Bold6:04 PM

    "I sort of lost my taste for recreational lies and insanity when I stopped getting high."

    Why do you like the lie of equality so much, Doug?  Jamaica and Haiti have every geographical asset they need to be tropical paradises, as good as Hawaii.  What they lack is White people.  Field himself could practice in Kingstown, but he's in Philadelphia instead.  What makes Philly better than Kingstown?  Well, it's still mostly run by White people.

    If all races are equal, the failures are blameworthy for having everything the successes used, and blowing it anyway.  Such failure is contemptible.  Only if they are inherently inferior are they not responsible for their situations.

  42. criminal enterprise7:01 PM

    Democrats rigged their entire primary and an FBI investigation to ensure a Hillary win against Sanders.

  43. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Whites hoard all the magic dirt. Damn you whitey! If only I could get some magic dirt all my problems would be solved. It's systemic and institutional white privilege. We must pass legislation that guarantees access to magic dirt for all peoples.

    Together we are a stronger collective! I'm with long as she's got the magic dirt.

  44. James: Who says they are better? You? And I should accept your values why? So I can be just like you? Excuse me if I would prefer being eaten by rats...

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. "I'm with long as I'm not in Benghazi."

    Pretty sure you won't be. You will be safe and sound in your American home watching FOX News and listening to Rush.

  46. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Mr. Negro, I don't get FOX news (I can barely afford basic cable). I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh either. I do listen to a local entertainment personality. I would not characterize his content as political. More like homespun.

    I'm not a republican or democrat. I would like both parties to crash and burn. Alas, most people need to have political heroes...hence Hillary. It's sad and is indicative of the poor education Americans receive.

    I don't view Trump as a hero, but he represents a middle finger to the political establishment. The same could be said for Bernie to a much smaller degree.

  47. James Bold12:48 AM

    "James: Who says they are better?"

    Well, Dougie-boy, maybe you can show me a sub-Saharan African who has won a Nobel prize for anything except literature or "peace", which are the affirmative-action categories?  Can you show me the calligraphy of the native languages of Kenya, or the soaring architecture of the cathedrals of Gabon?

    India was ruled by monarchs of one kind or another until the British took it over, but the Indians turned out to have a remarkable aptitude for parliamentary democracy once they saw how to do it.  Just how well is democratic government working in Zimbabwe and Uganda?  They had the same example to work from.  Are they evil, destroying such institutions in favor of despotism... or just unable?

    Do you really think Indians aren't better at democracy than Ugandans and Zimbabweans?

    "And I should accept your values why?"

    Your problem isn't the answers.  It's that your too bigoted, too blind or too dumb to even consider the questions.

    "Excuse me if I would prefer being eaten by rats..."

    You may wind up being eaten by dindus if they get to your altitude in Oakland after the next big quake.  I console myself with the thought that someone as willfully blind as you has earned it.
