Friday, September 30, 2016

"Dirty old men"?

Image result for giuliani trump images   Just when you thought that this election season couldn't get any more creepy and salacious, it has.

You have, for instance, three guys who have nine wives between them, lecturing us about infidelity and threatening to bring up Bubba's past indiscretions.  One of them (Rudy Giulliani) even married his cousin for crying out loud. (A real trump supporter if there ever was one.)

Donald's little fingers turned to twitter fingers last night, he let go with a not so lucid rant about sex tapes, lies, and other various things.

But hey, at least Alicia Machado is over 18 years old.

"While he was talking about women he does and does not find attractive (as one does), he brought up Paris Hilton.
“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton,” he said. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?”"[Link]
Yo Donald, WTF man?! SHE WAS TWELVE!
“Well, at 12, I wasn’t interested…I’ve never been into that … but she was beautiful,” said Trump."
 I think I will take a shower now.
*Pic from



  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Uh, nothing new here because ... Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.

  2. When he was losing his shit about those supposed "sex tapes", he failed to mention that he was in one of his own (neither of them are "sex tapes"):

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Yisheng is a genius11:49 PM

    Orange anus is every Whooteemoos fantasy. Including sex with the under aged children of their "friends".

    And he's an unfaithful ho'.

  4. Unlike Bill Clinton, Donald Trump or Rudy Giuliani have never raped a woman.

    Unlike Hillary Clinton, their wives have not attacked and demeaned women their husbands had sexually abused.

    You are the moral cretin, Field.

    1. So why isvtrump due in court 10/14/2016 to answer statutory rape charges of a minor?

  5. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Trump is doing his level best to lose this election, but, so far, his adoring and fawning fans won't allow him to.

  6. The disease of democracy is imperial decay - the broadening of the decision process, from a single executive to universal-suffrage.

  7. Electing Hillary to attack Russia is the only way we can keep Trump from starting World War III.

  8. North Shore Brother12:53 AM

    Kind of odd to see a black guy in favor of slavery, but then again, I've never understood progressives: They're too intelligent and nuanced for me.

  9. Democrat voter fraud efforts in high gear:

  10. The Real Yisheng1:40 AM

    I want a whooteemoo to take me and give it to me rough! Rudy Giuliani will do nicely!

  11. Cupito1:57 AM

    Paris Hilton isn't even remotely attractive. She has a weird face. Then again, Trump is married to Melania, so he must really like unattractive white women. And of course most female Trump supporters are ugly.

  12. lilac is a dumbass2:04 AM

    The ONLY reason people think highly of Rudy Giuliani is because he just happened to be NYC mayor during 9/11. Anyone in that position would have received praise. It just happened to be Giuliani. What a fraud and a phony.

  13. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I am going to put on a gorilla suit and hand out bananas at the next Black Lives Matter protest in my town.

    Should be fun. :D

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    yisheng said...bixnood

  15. Juanita B, are u sure about that? You do know that you cannot force yourself on a woman even if she is your wife, right?

  16. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "Unlike Bill Clinton, Donald Trump or Rudy Giuliani have never raped a woman."

    Exactly what I was thinking.

    However, it could be that Mr. Field Negro is outraged at people getting married at all, given the 72% illegitimacy rate of US blacks.

  17. @12:04. Orange anus RAPED HIS WIFE, HER words in their divorce.

    And given how tempermental he is, it's 100% believable!! Melanie wouldn't complain because she needed a green card. And wants to keep it!

  18. Limpbaugh11:25 AM

    Did Trump get a blow job from Machadoor or Hilton?

  19. David Horowitz11:34 AM

    The National Museum of African American History and Culture? Sounds boring as hell.

  20. David Horowitz11:35 AM

    The National Museum of African American History and Culture? Sounds useless as hell.

    1. Until of course you consider that African men, women and children kidnapped from their homeland and transported over 4,000 - 5,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean chained in the holds of ships paid for by European bankers were brought to the Jamestown plantation, er, uh Colony in Virginia as early as 1619 to grow the crops that fed the first settlers; and grew the tobacco they hoped to ship back to England.

      Then there's also the myriad contributions across the centuries by African-Americans to art, science, music, Democracy, entertainment, cuisine and human rights. But what would a "useless" little wanna-be provocateur who's ignorant of basic American history like you know about that?

      Anyway welcome to America Mr. Horowitz, black folk have been in this country more than a century before it became a country, and certainly longer than your ancestors arrived here. Glad to have you aboard, I'll mark off your ignorant totally-off topic question as part of the freedoms we enjoy here in America, which include not only freedom of speech, but freedom of religion - which you of all people should appreciate.

      Maybe try visiting the museum before callously dismissing the contributions of an entire race of people, some of whom, including men like Crispus Attucks, Ishmael Titus and Dempsey Reed, fought in the Revolutionary War to defend your right to be here long before your ancestors stepped foot on this land.

  21. Yisheng = nigger11:36 AM

    This really drives homes the point that Trump isn't really a conservative (or a Republican), but an opportunist. His supporters are the dregs of society.

  22. Now that it's been confirmed that Trump did in fact appear in a softcore porn Playboy video in 2000, he's pretty much sealed the public perception of him as a greedy, delusional sleazebag.

    Field nailed it, not only is The Donald a lying tax-dodging racist, he's a pervy old man too.

  23. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Making stuff up about Trump to cover for the raping, grifting, murdering Clintons.

    You people are a piece of work.

    1. Well I don't know about "you people" or anything, but no one made Trump spray champagne on a limo with the Playboy logo on it while surrounded by smiling Playmates - the VHS title produced by Playboy is called "Video Centerfold" by the way.

      Presidential? Not so much.

  24. lilac is a dumbass12:08 PM

    Trump is basically just a dirty old man. We have had enough of those types in the White House.

  25. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Trump supporters are the dregs of society. And that's a FACT.

  26. The Ministry of Truth12:22 PM

    James Deplorable & Lt. Commander Johnson >>>>>>>>>> Yisheng, lilac, and Lance "Muh dik" Cockstrong


    Well, let's see if it works.

  28. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Alicia Machado story was a year-long project by the Clinton campaign:

    She gets her celebrity back, and Hillary gets a fake smear hit on Trump that keeps us from thinking about the issues hinging on this election.

    This has to be the most ridiculous distraction yet.

    Ms. Machado recently was awarded US citizenship so she can vote for Hillary. This despite:
    1. She was accused of abetting a murder
    2. She threatened a judge with murder
    3. She had sex on national TV while engaged to someone else
    4. When it was revealed the father of her daughter was a famous drug lord, the person who revealed it was murdered.

    Donald has been accused of being "mean" to Ms. Machado, despite video evidence to the contrary:

    This is what we are supposed to consider when electing our President? Do you realize how stupid the media thinks you are?

  29. Anonymous1:32 PM

    culturegeist said...
    Well I don't know about "you people" or anything, but no one made Trump spray champagne on a limo with the Playboy logo on it while surrounded by smiling Playmates

    I don't think most men would require too much coercion to do the same. What's your point? It seems to be all in fun.

    Honestly, how does this compare to:

    1. Compromising national security by conducting State Department business on a private email server.
    2. Failing to turn over all emails when she left the position as required by law.
    3. Deleting 33,000 emails before being forced to hand over the records. Printing out the ones she didn't delete instead of transferring them electronically, to make searching harder.
    4. Permanently wiping the server with software designed to make recovery impossible AFTER congress had subpoenaed it.
    5. Repeatedly lying about all of the above.
    6. Accepting donations to her private foundation on the order of several hundred million dollars or more from foreign governments and multi-national corporations with whom she was brokering State Department deals worth tens of billions of dollars.
    7. Accepting speaking fees from foreign governments and multi-national corporations for herself and her husband to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars.

    Is that "presidential"? God help us all if we put these criminals back in the White House.

    You can speculate all you want about what Trump might do, but we don't have to guess with the Clintons.

    1. Trump is not "most men" Anonymous, he's running for the highest office in the land, thus he's held to higher standards. Colin Powell, who served as Sec of State from 1/20/01 to 1/26/05 used a personal email account for govt business - where was the Republican outrage about that icon of the Bush administration's war in Iraq?

      You do raise some valid points about representatives from foreign governments having access to the Sec of State, but let's remember, the Clinton Foundation channeled millions of dollars around the close to fight disease, hunger and starvation - efforts which are complex and require cooperation with members of foreign governments.

      Finally let me just say that the recent revelations by the NY Times, after obtaining Trump's 1995 tax returns, make clear that he hasn't paid federal taxes in at least 18 years.

      What that tells us is that as far as Trump's foundation is concerned, we really don't know who he's beholden to (aside from Putin) or where his numerous foreign business ties are linked to in terms of how his foreign policy decisions might affect his business interests around the globe - we just don't know.

      As far as the speaking fees you mention we do know that members (plural) of Trump's campaign have clear and questionable ties to Russsian interests.

      That's the guy you want to lead this nation? Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave.

      Seriously, I respect your observations Anonymous, thought I might not agree with all of them, but I think you've drunk too deeply of the toxic Kool-Aid about the Clintons brewed by right wing media interests. I mean really, after over $100 million in taxpayer money being spent on a fruitless far-ranging witch hunts of the Clintons (remember Whitewater? Millions in taxpayer money fruitlessly wasted and spent on a crappy land deal??) are you really suggesting that a bunch of emails sent to a server is evidence of some kind of conspiracy?

      C'mon dude. It's a "crime" when HRC does it but not Powell? By the way, Google how many of those emails were duplicates. Trump appeared in a $&@?-in porno dude, that troubles me more than how a former Sec of State accessed emails.

  30. the GOP1:39 PM

    Is that "presidential"? God help us all if we put these criminals back in the White House.

    You can speculate all you want about what Trump might do, but we don't have to guess with the Clintons.
    If all you say is true then why didn't the GOP nominate a sane and mainstream candidate who would have easily won? What is wrong with them?

  31. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Donald Trump is sane, and he is less tainted by political corruption than any nominee for a major party in my lifetime. He's a billionaire who doesn't need a government sinecure to make himself rich.

    Most of what you think he said or did is distorted by an establishment media who is working overtime to protect the globalist order. Maybe he said a mean thing to someone 20 years ago, but maybe not. Maybe he cheats on his taxes, but probably not since he has been audited for 15 years straight without any issues and I doubt the Obama IRS would not let us know. Maybe he is an opportunist in over his head, but maybe he is a non-politician who actually wants to help his country get back on solid ground.

    In the mean time, instead of debating about whether unrestrained mass third world immigration is good for the majority of Americans, or if changing laws to incentivize keeping jobs in the US is doable, or whether we want eternal war in the Middle East, we are fixated on the feelings of a formerly overweight Venezuelan beauty queen with a sordid past.


    Is Trump the ideal candidate? Of course not. But he is the only hope to really shake things up and disrupt the strangling of the middle class by the oligarchs. We know nothing will change with the Clintons, and the subversion of the rule of law and the diminishment of working class American economic prospects will only continue. Trump cannot be worse, and quite possibly could be better.

    The choice is clear. Don't let the circus distract you from what is real.

  32. The orange anus hurts2:33 PM

    There's nothin' like pleading the 5th dozens of times to keep from admitting to adultery:

    This is THE most NONPRESIDENTAL candidate in US history!!! And his "get a green card my ANY means necessary wife" is not fit to be FLOTUS, the nipple showing "model" who lied about having a college degree!!!

    ONLY an entitled, whimpy, arrogant dumbass like orange anus would question the adultery of a competitor's husband when he's a straight up ho' himself!!

  33. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Giuliani was really hot back then.

  34. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That's why Yisheng wants him.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. You're missing the goddamn point. Go ahead and lie all day about the Clintons, as you've been doing for 25 years and she's still going to win. The point is that in an election with more women voters than men, Trump has gone out of his way to call a gorgeous woman fat over and over in the past five days. That's so stupid on its face that one has to wonder how he can dress himself or wipe his butt.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The orange anus hurts said...
    "There's nothin' like pleading the 5th dozens of times to keep from admitting to adultery:"

    Not even pleading the fifth regarding your handling of government emails, even after you were granted immunity?:

    How does pleading the fifth regarding one's sexual behavior compare to pleading the fifth over compromising national security for personal gain? Didn't we learn during the last Clinton administration that private sexual matters don't matter and we should just Move On?

    The Trump story is another false equivalency designed to deflect from Hillary's real crimes.

    You are a joke.

  38. Anonymous3:07 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    he point is that in an election with more women voters than men, Trump has gone out of his way to call a gorgeous woman fat over and over in the past five days

    No, he certainly has not "gone out of his way to call a gorgeous woman fat over and over in the past five days", nor is there a shred of evidence that he ever did.

    If Hillary is going to win only because she has a vagina, what does that say about American democracy? If we have to elect a woman now, why does it have to be the worst woman in the country?

  39. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I hope this doesn't distract anyone from Alicia Machado's pain:

    The Complete A To Z Of Nations Destroyed By Hillary Clinton's "Hubris":

  40. Hillary caught on tape calling Bernie supporters losers who live in their parents basements:

  41. Just ask any woman, if you know one, what she thinks about what Trump has been saying. They call this politics.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Which Hillary insult group do you belong to?

    1. Deplorable

    2. Taco Bowl

    3. Basement Dweller

    4. Super Predator

  43. The orange anus hurts3:39 PM

    Which orange anus group do you belong to:

    1. Rapist

    2. Fat Pig

    3. Husband/ho'

  44. Anonymous3:54 PM


    Daddy issues.

    If you didn't hate yourself so much, you wouldn't feel compelled to lie for Mommy.

  45. Flashback: when an "investigator" was hired to "keep an eye on" Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey (from "No One Left to Lie" to by C Hitchens):

  46. Yeah. Dirty old men. Remember one of those now-defunct sidebars (like the Killadephia Meter), you had for years about Lark Voorhies?

    What happened to that? Did she get too old for you?

  47. The problem our country faces is not just a criminal candidate, but a criminal party:

    1. Same party that's made repressing the votes of American citizens a cornerstone of their election strategy?

      There's a "criminal party" in America alright.

  48. Steve5:03 PM

    The U.S. put out a $2 million reward on Mexican narco cartel Sicario who seems to be father of her child. How did Alicia Machado become citizen?

  49. The orange anus hurts5:07 PM

    Anonymous Steve said...
    How did Alicia Machado become citizen?

    Not the same way mrs. orange anus did, by sucking the d**k of a millionaire!

  50. Many don't appreciate sick Hillary's health issues. She used to be smart. Evil, but smart. Today she's shrill and frail. Total decline.

  51. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "Not the same way mrs. orange anus did, by sucking the d**k of a millionaire!"

    You mean by marrying a US citizen.

    Unlike you, Donald can get his dick sucked without paying for it.

  52. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes, and Faggots5:13 PM

    I can't wait to call Hillary President! It will be one of the great moments in American history to call a woman our leader! Go Hillary!

  53. Puerto Rican food is nasty shit5:38 PM

    Trump has pretty poor taste in women. I mean Melania and Paris Hilton? Yeah, a person could do a whole lot better than that. They are like lowest common denominator-type women.

  54. The orange anus hurts5:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    .... Donald can get his dick sucked without paying for it.

    And that makes YOU jealous, huh?

  55. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:02 PM

    " Puerto Rican food is nasty shit said...
    Trump has pretty poor taste in women. I mean Melania and Paris Hilton? Yeah, a person could do a whole lot better than that. They are like lowest common denominator-type women.

    5:38 PM"

    Sorta makes you wonder why black guys take up with those blonde white girls, instead of those Lowland Gorilla-types like the mother on the old show, "Good Times", doesn't it?

    Go figure.

  56. Badass Gen Xer6:05 PM

    Fuck the Baby Boomers.
    Fuck Generation Z.
    Worthless pieces of shit.

  57. Anonymous6:15 PM

    southernval said...
    So why isvtrump due in court 10/14/2016 to answer statutory rape charges of a minor?

    Because the dems play dirty politics.

  58. Bubba, leader of the albino alligators6:17 PM

    Actually, makes you wonder why white guys take up with those beautiful black girls, instead of those Homely cracka types like the mother on the old show, "All in the family", doesn't it?

  59. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:38 PM

    Um...just WHO the hell are you referring to, albino??

    Name us a few. I'll bet I can beat you.

    Bunker's wife? Who was sick enuff to pick up with her?

    Again, when you can't answer a question, you attack.

    Which beautiful black girls & white men are you referring to???

  60. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "That's why Yisheng wants him"

    The best she can hope for is humping his leg.

  61. Bunker's wife? Who was sick enuff to pick up with her?

    That would be William H. Putch, he was an actor and a director.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Trump understands that the USA has no legitimate national interests in either Syria or Ukraine.

    Hillary wants to send our children to die for globalism.

  63. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Serious question:

    Why do black people burn their household garbage in the yard?

    Do they like the smell of burning plastic?

    Is it cultural?

  64. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Doug said...

    "That's so stupid on its face that one has to wonder how he can dress himself or wipe his butt."

    Doug is speaking from experience. You can smell him coming before you see him.

  65. "Hillary caught on tape calling Bernie supporters losers who live in their parents basements:"

    Typical trump supporter; they get caught up in the headlines without reading the entire article.

    "Is that "presidential"? God help us all if we put these criminals back in the White House."

    The trumpets are getting desperate again.

  66. Ha ha, #LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes is trending on twitter!!

  67. Keep trying, little troll. Maybe someone will care what you say some day.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Rolling Stone?

    The magazine that's about to get sued out of business over its fake stories?

    Give me a break.

  69. Anonymous10:19 AM

    culturegeist said...
    "Colin Powell, who served as Sec of State from 1/20/01 to 1/26/05 used a personal email account for govt business"

    But didn't send classified material, lie about it, neglect to hand over the emails, then permanently delete them.
    "You do raise some valid points about representatives from foreign governments having access to the Sec of State,"

    But Trump sprayed some champagne on a limo! WTF???
    "but let's remember, the Clinton Foundation channeled millions of dollars around the close to fight disease, hunger and starvation - efforts which are complex and require cooperation with members of foreign governments."

    No they didn't. They actually helped their cronies profit obscenely during the Haiti earthquake relief efforts. They give much less than 10% to "charity", and almost all of that small amount is into personal projects. The Clinton Foundation is there to fund their personal business costs, peddle influence and offer jobs to people in their circle. It's on several charity "watch lists" as being sketchy. In any event, selling US policy decisions for cash is treason of the highest order.
    "Finally let me just say that the recent revelations by the NY Times, after obtaining Trump's 1995 tax returns, make clear that he hasn't paid federal taxes in at least 18 years."

    No it doesn't. The only data is from 1995. It shows he lost almost a billion dollars that year and was able to make quite a comeback.

  70. Anonymous12:36 AM

    LEAKED NEWS!!! The video Donald Trump Does Not Want You To See. Must Watch! Donald Trump tried to ban this video! But Trump Can't Hide THIS Anymore!'t-Want-You-To-Know (Best Viewed on PC or Mac)
