Sunday, September 04, 2016

Making sure the race stays close.

Image result for clinton trump imagesI think the following article from Jonathan Allen is on point and answers to some degree a question that I have been asking this entire political season: Why does the main stream media ignore the multiple trump scandals and focus like a laser on Hilary's e-mails?

"The  reporter's job is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" — a credo that, humorously, was originally written as a smear of the self-righteous nature of journalists. And so the justification for going after a public figure increases in proportion to his or her stature. The bigger the figure, the looser the restraints.

After a quarter of a century on the national stage, there's no more comfortable political figure to afflict than Hillary Clinton. And she's in for a lot of affliction over the next year and half.

That's generally a good way for reporters to go about their business. After all, the more power a person wants in our republic, the more voters should know about her or him. But it's also an essential frame for thinking about the long-toxic relationship between the Clintons and the media, why the coverage of Hillary Clinton differs from coverage of other candidates for the presidency, and whether that difference encourages distortions that will ultimately affect the presidential race.

The Clinton rules are driven by reporters' and editors' desire to score the ultimate prize in contemporary journalism: the scoop that brings down Hillary Clinton and her family's political empire. At least in that way, Republicans and the media have a common interest.

I understand these dynamics well, having co-written a book that demonstrated how Bill and Hillary Clinton used Hillary's time at State to build the family political operation and set up for their fourth presidential campaign. That is to say, I've done a lot of research about the Clintons' relationship with the media, and experienced it firsthand. As an author, I felt that I owed it to myself and the reader to report, investigate, and write with the same mix of curiosity, skepticism, rigor, and compassion that I would use with any other subject. I wanted to sell books, of course. But the easier way to do that — proven over time — is to write as though the Clintons are the purest form of evil. The same holds for daily reporting. Want to drive traffic to a website? Write something nasty about a Clinton, particularly Hillary." [ Read more]

If you listen to and watch some in the political chattering class you would think that Hillary's sloppiness with her e-mails and ignorance about her e-mail server is the same as being a bigot, a liar, or flat out sociopath. I can assure you field hands that it is not.

What we are witnessing now is probably the most shameful period in American journalism, where the candidacy of a man who is probably the most dangerous to ever run for the office of president is being normalized,

There are, of course, exceptions. Good for Soledad O'Brien for calling out her colleagues today.

It would have been nice if they heard her. But sadly, we know that they won't. What she is saying just doesn't fit the corporate media agenda.

They have to make this thing a horse race. It's the only way the public will stay engaged and watch their stations to drive up those precious advertising dollars. I mean let's face it, a presidential election only comes around once every four years

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I love how you juxtapose a picture of Hillzebub looking all friendly and relaxed with a pic of Trump snarling and looking psychotic. Just like every mainstream news outlet in the country does.

    You really can't think for yourself, can you?

  2. Anonymous11:56 PM

    When I was a stewardess back in the early 90's I had a layover in NYC once. Had a few hours to kill, so me and my friend, this Asian chick named Soo Yin, went looking around the city for awhile. After wandering for a bit we wind up smack dab in front of Trump Tower, and who should we run into but The Donald himself. He gave us a wink and we were starstruck - he looked right at us! I of course got wet and Soo Yin must have too, because Mr. Trump waved us into his limo and we went in without hesitation.

    Once inside, DT said, "Are you lovely ladies enjoying the view?" We said yes, then DT said, "You know, that building back there isn't the ONLY tower I'm famous for ..." He unzipped his slacks and produced the most massive cock I've ever seen in my life. Fifteen inches, easy. Needless to say, Soo Yin and I descended on it like hungry cats fighting over a fat, juicy tuna! We slurped it up and down, and it only seemed to get harder. Suddenly, I pulled my panties down and hopped on top of it - it was sheer ecstasy! I rode that cock until my body was racked with orgasms, then Soo Yin did the same. She rode and howled like an alleycat, jabbering in Mandarin the whole time, then pulled off just in time for Mr. Trump to produce a geyser of hot cum like an oil well! We licked it up with aplomb, of course.

    Always the gentleman, he dropped us off back at JFK just in time for our flight and bid us adieu. This is what I will always remember about Donald Trump: he is a REAL man, and he knows how to satisfy people, give them what they want. That is why I and millions of other women will be voting for him this November. I suggest you do, too.

  3. Field you are so funny: "The media is giving Trump a pass and hammering Hillary!"

    I'll bet all the girls down at the junior high school think you are the bomb!

  4. Obama should think big. Set up a foundation and get Michelle appointed as Secretary of State. It'd be worth billions.

  5. Why does the main stream media ignore the multiple trump scandals and focus like a laser on Hilary's emails?

    Why? White male privilege that's why!

  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Obama just wants to retire to the nearest bathhouse. Make some speeches, write a few more autobiographies, rake in the dough.

    He doesn't want to rule the world. Relax, big fella.

  7. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Yisheng, you without a doubt the dumbest black cunt I've ever seen. Stop posting and go raid the fridge.

  8. Really, the media as it now exists, with the news sections of media companies responsible for holding up their end of the bottom line, is exactly what any bright sixth grader could have told you it would be.
    News media is enshrined in the first amendment for a reason, and that function is incompatible with the elevation of profit.
    It was seen as a public service, part of the deal broadcast companies made when we allowed them to use the public's airwaves to make money.
    I recently heard a podcast where Jessica Yellin talked about the producers of the news shows, and how they only answer to ratings and money, and don't give a rat's ass whether what they produce is helpful, informative, or even true.
    In my opinion, LBJ proved once and for all that a president's personal character is beside the point so long as it doesn't affect their job performance. I might not get along with Hillary on a personal level (although the people who work for and with her seem to like her a lot) but she won't appoint a supreme court justice specifically to overturn Roe v Wade, as Trump has sworn he would.
    She also won't appoint thousands of Republicans to positions in government, who would then do what Republicans do to government when they get the chance, and leave the mess and damage to us to clean up for the next decade like they did last time.
    She won't run her mouth and destroy the stability of international markets and alliances because someone pissed her off on twitter.
    In short, she can actually do the job. I want someone to be able to to that job.
    And for all of you who support Trump because he will "tear it down and start over", you are being played. He won't tear a damn thing down because he can't (never mind the fact that he never wanted to to begin with). The presidency is a hard job. It's not like being a CEO. If it was that easy to do whatever you want as president, W would have succeeded in privatizing social security. He failed because he didn't know how. Had LBJ wanted that, it would have happened, because he knew how to make it happen. Trump can't even run a campaign, which is only the job interview. Yes, he's an awful, awful person, but anyone who wants the presidency bad enough to get within reach of it is going to have personality defects, so I don't care what he is. I care what he would do. There apparently isn't any money in covering that story, so you have to know how to find it yourself, which isn't that hard, really.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. IQ is real12:47 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    "Why? White male privilege that's why!"

    Find me a white male who had the privilege of going to college 40 years on taxpayer money to try to get a medical degree even though he was too dumb to be a doctor.

    There is no such thing as white privilege.

    You are the privileged one. And you're too fucking dumb to know it.

  10. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:39 AM

    "White Male Privilege".

    Guess why? We got the money!

    You stupid whore. Put those balls back on your chin.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    "Really, the media as it now exists, with the news sections of media companies responsible for holding up their end of the bottom line, is exactly what any bright sixth grader could have told you it would be."

    Doug flunked sixth grade. Since then he and his mother have lived off the public teat. Having never paid taxes or contributed to society in any way Doug now graces this echo chamber with ultra-liberal boilerplate. No Doug, boilerplate is not the furnace in the basement.

    The media actively and unabashedly supports and campaigns on Hillary's behalf. You have a severe problem with cognition. This past Friday the "transcripts" of Hillary's "interview" with the FBI were released. Interesting time to release that information.

    Of all the interesting information released, Hillary has never been able to grasp the classification system of US information. She does not know what "confidential", "secret" or "top secret" mean. That alone is reason to disqualify her for any position in the government. The fact that she has served as a senator and secretary of state is downright scary.

    Don't blame me Doug, read it for yourself. She used "I don't understand" or "I don't know" over two dozen time when "interviewed".
    Your cognition is dissonant. Don't get upset Doug, Hillary will be erected. Our future will be full of favelas. Favelas as far as the eye can see. No Doug, favelas are not a type of burrito.

  12. All the insults in the world won't change the facts, wingnut.

    You will learn one day that the world is not one large FOX television studio.

  13. "What we are witnessing now is probably the most shameful period in American journalism, where the candidacy of a man who is probably the most dangerous to ever run for the office of president is being normalized."


  14. I see Mr. Trump flipped out on Senator Jeff Flake today for not endorsing him.

    How is this not a problem for people? The fact that he can never ever take the high road should be a problem. Just say you will be everyone's President and hope to win over the doubtful eventually. C'mon! How can an adult not understand that not everyone is going to like them?

  15. Matt Lauer is a donor to the Clinton Foundation. Yet, he will be a moderator during the first Hillary-Trump debate. Think he'll be biased?

  16. Martha Raddatz had President Barack Obama as a guest at her wedding. Yet, she will be a moderator during a Hillary-Trump debate. Think she'll be biased?

  17. When applying to college, Whites are penalized 230 SAT points, Asians 280, & Hispanics 45.

    Why? Black privilege that's why!

  18. Chris Wallace works for FOX VIEWS. Nuff said!

  19. Chris Wallace on getting Trump to answer one of the four "gotcha" questions he had prepared graphics for during the Republican debate he moderated:

    "Do I take a certain pleasure when I open the gate and he decides to walk down the path and I've got the bear trap at the end of the path? Yeah. Sure."

  20. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Blacks are openly saying they will support Trump yet polls come back with 0% black support. Polls are coming out 60% female voters. Even the NY Times itself said polling is a bit odd now. Trump is saying the election is rigged if he loses, but he has proof that the DNC rigged the primaries. Clinton's side is spreading rumors of Russians manipulating voting machines for Trump. If she is such a lock, why even spread that worry? If she is so certain, why give the Libertarians even 1/10th the coverage the are getting now? If she is such a lock, why did Rick Wilson purposefully run a Mormon in Utah?

    There is a shy Tory effect going on because you get beat if you show any support for Trump in polite society. At least a 3% effect, and that percent alone is a difference maker in the swing Rust Belt.

    1. I agree with this. You always have to give trump about 2% more on the polling.

      Still not sure it's enough though.😕

    2. I agree with this. You always have to give trump about 2% more on the polling.

      Still not sure it's enough though.😕

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. field negro said...
    All the insults in the world won't change the fact:

    1) That underachieving whooteemoos envy high achieving, successful Blacks, especially Black women.

    2) That the penis envy of whooteemoos makes them envious of Black women married to the "average" Black man.

    3) That whooteemoos stalk Black websites because they're too cowardly to confront a Black person in real life.

    4) That the stalking poison of whooteemoos have infected a jealous, weak, lonely, middle aged Black woman. I see you LA-Audio the "transgender" "Field negro".

    5) That whooteemoos would rather pick boggars and type on their computer than interact with people in real life.

    6) That the stalking whooteemoo could have earned a degree in the years spent sucking the remnants of stool out of my ass almost every day. But stupid can't be changed or fixed.

    7) That stalking whooteemoos are a drain on mental health services funded by Medicaid

    8) That whooteemoos will never have anything better to do than stalk people who post on Black blogs.

    9) That whooteemoos would eat a double decker trump shit sandwich if they thought it would put him in the White house.

    10) That a Trump shit sandwich is an upgrade from the ones they eat from their parents/cousins every night.

  23. Yīshēng said...
    1) That underachieving whooteemoos envy high achieving, successful Blacks, especially Black women.

    I have heard of this person called "Oprah", but I have never personally met a high-achieving, successful black woman. Have you?

    1. This has to be the single dumbest comment ever in a comments section.

      I guess u have never heard of Condy Rice, Loretta Lynch, and a host of others.

      You are Cleary not very smart.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Let's all just hope Clinton doesn't get Gored!

  25. Hillary's sloppiness with her e-mails and ignorance about her e-mail server is the same as being a bigot, a liar, or flat out sociopath. I can assure you field hands that it is not."

    You left out womanizing ho'. ONLY a White man AKA Trump, scould get away with having OPENLY cheated on his firt two wives and have the 3rd have her nipples on the cover of a magazine, and he STILL be considered a serious contender for President.

  26. I'm with Her! And Yishrag!

  27. You know it Fīshthēng! Trump is a scumbag!

    I owe you a cigar!

  28. I'd take a bullet for Her!

  29. Hillary will crush Trump like a barbell you accidentally drop on your neck!

  30. Hillary always tried not to lie and "cheat"!

  31. Trump probably exploits women! Scum!

  32. Hillary is going laugh her way past Trump as though he were a 12 year-old rape victim!

  33. Trump should be fired by his supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior”!

  34. Trump is such a lowlife he'd probably lie to Congress!

  35. Lying to Congress is a crime!

  36. So is desgtroying evidence! Trump would probably do that too!

  37. He'd probably steal and destroy clasified documents from the National Archive to cover up his negligence leading up to 9/11 too! What a traitorous piece of filth!

  38. Michael Tracey3:11 PM

    @Field: Is your reality so blinkered that you really believe the media is on a mendacious crusade to take down HRC?

    Notice how anything which might beleaguer the Clintons and depress their popularity is always someone else's fault. Right out of the 1990's playbook

  39. Yisheng: You're forgetting Newton Leroy Gingrich, who was busy cheating on his (first or second?) wife in a very public fashion while trying to impeach Bill Clinton for a blowjob.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. dinthebeast said...
    Yisheng: You're forgetting Newton Leroy Gingrich, who was busy cheating on his (first or second?) wife in a very public fashion while trying to impeach Bill Clinton for a blowjob.

    My fav is the antihomosexual Rethug that got caught playing footsies in a public men's restroom, LOL!!

  41. Anonymous4:13 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The fact that people like Yisheng are allowed to vote proves America is a failed concept.

  43. Henny6:53 PM

    why is Hillary like a vampire?

    neither one of them can quit coffin

  44. Hillary is too sick to be President:


    She is never going to make it to November.

  45. Sikapedia7:03 PM

    The Russians make Hillary cough.

  46. If Hillary was a man, the election would have been over after the FIRST dumb comment Trump made!

  47. If Hillary was a man, Bill couldn't have married her and you wouldn't even know her name.

  48. Harambe8:49 PM

    We need a Trump because we need a foreign-policy based on our INTERESTS, not our VALUES. Who cares about fag marriage in The Gambia?

  49. Anonymous8:51 PM

    White boys are pussies.

  50. Stop this crazy bitch8:57 PM

    Hillary Clinton threatened to wage war against Russia over cyber security issues this week at the American Legion Convention.

    Hillary Clinton: “You’ve seen the reports. Russia’s hacked into a lot of things, China’s hacked into a lot of things. Russia even hacked into the Democratic National Committee. Maybe even some state election systems? So we gotta step up our game. Make sure we are well defended and make sure we are able to take the fight to those who go after us. As president I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.“

  51. IQ is real9:10 PM


    I'm a big time millionaire with many HOT wives (who are laughing at you), this internet commenting thing is a hobby.

  52. John Rivers9:13 PM

    There's no such thing as White Supremacy.

    That's just something people who hate Whites say.

  53. "You will learn one day that the world is not one large FOX television studio."

    No they won't.

  54. Bake the damn cake9:18 PM

    Civil Rights means that Christians are forced to bake wedding cakes for gay weddings but liberal store owners can ban your guns.

  55. "I'm a big time millionaire with many HOT wives (who are laughing at you).."

    And very small hands,

  56. Bill Clinton paid $18 million for being a "honorary chancellor" of a for-profit college:

  57. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes9:54 PM

    Uh huh why do so many black males make hook-ups with white women? Especially the blondes.

    I have a neighbor, who is a natural blonde, BTW, and she tells me she won't go alone into a restaurant where the way rude and others are female and black.

    She says they are peculiarly rude and obnoxious.

    The black guys...they try to get her name & number all the time.

    Go figure....huh?

  58. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes10:07 PM

    BTW...why do about 80% of the commercials today, feature a black man with a white woman?

    I can't think of a damned one that's reverse.

  59. Yisheng's Husband10:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes10:41 PM people are swinnging from the trees to make a post....but, when I ask a few questions, the jungle becomes silent.

    What's wrong, Cheeta?

  61. Perhaps you're not worth replying to. Try again maybe, but make sense this time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  63. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  64. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes2:28 AM

    "Perhaps you're not worth replying to. Try again maybe, but make sense this time.

    -Doug in Oakland

    12:12 AM"

    How so, it didn't "make sense"

    It was perfectly logical question.

    Why won't you answer it?

    No one will on this sewerage blog.

    Never had, never will.

    There's your "try again".

  65. Another swing, another miss. There there, dear, it'll be all right. Just calm down and take your meds and everything will be fine.

    -Doug in Oakland

  66. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes4:11 AM

    But. You still won't answer the question.

    So that makes you right?

    That's why I don't let blacks out in traffic.

    1. Tarzan, where is Jane?

      You better keep an eye on her.

      I think this is the cause of all your angst: No Jane😏

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Dude, for the millionth time, I'm not black. And you should really take your meds, as you are hallucinating some shit about swinging from trees and fictional cats. But it will be OK. Just let the nice lady give you an injection and sit down to eat your dinner with a spoon.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous3:25 AM

    "I have heard of this person called "Oprah", but I have never personally met a high-achieving, successful black woman. Have you?"

    Of course they exist, it's just that they are always (or so close to always that 'always' is a good word) political appointees or elected officials.

    I suppose it's one of the main reasons you are not allowed to shrink the size of government, it's the primary affirmative action concept in the country.

  69. "high-achieving, successful black woman."
    Check the staff at Highland Hospital.

    -Doug in Oaklkand
