Friday, September 02, 2016

The "I Love The Negro" tour continues.

Image result for trump in philly imagesThere was a presidential candidate in North Philly today, and it was the one who waited for the 70th year of his life to find out that he could actually talk to black people and view them as equals.

I am sure that young Donald didn't view us as equals when he stood silent next to his daddy while he called us the n word back in the day. ("I don't rent to n*****s)

The Pennsylvania republican party found about 14 black republicans to do a photo op with Mr. Bobby Pin and sit there and pretend that they were actually discussing anything of substance that can benefit the black community.

For his next trick the republican nominee will be in a black church in Detroit tomorrow. This is his next stop on the "I Love The Negro" tour.

There is one little problem, though.

"Donald Trump is trying to flip the script on his miniscule support among minorities, but will need to memorize his lines for an upcoming appearance.
The candidate’s visit to a largely black church in Detroit will see him participate in a pre-written question and answer session with the pastor, according to documents seen by The New York Times.
Trump’s Saturday trip to Great Faith Ministries is not on his current schedule, and the canned conversation between the GOP nominee and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson is not open to the public or media."

Hmmm,  a" pre-written" Q & A. If only Donald knew how to just talk to black people.

It must be hard for a guy who only saw blacks folks in passing while they drove him and tended to him in one way or another his entire life.

"So Reverend, how about those Lions, huh?"

*Screen shot from


  1. Oregon Pride10:54 PM

    Why are blacks such whiny, ungrateful, dimwitted dindu nuffins?

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "There is one little problem, though."

    Let me guess...he's a damn honkey.

    Seriously, Mr. Negro you have more than "one little problem" with Mr. Trump. Hell, for starters you have a problem with his magic hairpin.

    I can only imagine the scandal if he has a hang nail.

    Yet you completely ignore the corruption that oozes from Clinton and her minions. Oh well, everyone has a role to play in her organization and you're doing your best.

    Carry on, carry over, carry through.

  3. To be fair, blacks will probably do better under Trump than Hillary.

  4. Go Pack Go11:11 PM

    Blacks aren't smart enough to vote for Trump. They will continue sucking at the teat of the Democrats.

  5. Well, one should ask the people of Atlantic City how well they benefited when Trump had casinos. Understand some people may praise him for sticking to the banks, but the workers didn't fair so well. One has to think of the number of employees who lost their jobs when his casinos went under. Sub-contractors were never paid for some didn't have items such as pianos or other tangibles returned.

    Most black people aren't going to vote for Trump because they haven't forgotten his role in the Central Park Five case or how Trump and his father refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. They are going to vote for a man who insulted them and then say to vote for me. I liken to someone asking me for a favor to help him or her with lifting boxes, but tell me that I look tired.

    Trump isn't interested in the better good of this Country. He has even his own supporters if one listened to his speeches. He doesn't think his supporters aren't smart and says it in every possible way and they are not listening. If he tells a crowd of people that they are going to support him even if he shot someone on 5th Ave, what his is saying to people to whom he speaks?

  6. Maybe his new handlers didn't think too much of his last two performances and figured they needed to lock this one down to improve on his 0 to 2% favorability with black people.
    Doesn't say anything good about his opinion of black people's ability to see through another insult to their intelligence, or perhaps he's not smart enough to realize that he is insulting their intelligence. Either way, they're not going to vote for him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Black women are going to vote for Trump en masse. The sisters crave a REAL man, not some downlow half-breed faggot like Barry or some fat old white lady wearing a diaper.

    Just you wait.

  8. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I was in a steam bath in New York a few years ago, and who should walk right by me? Donald Trump. The stories are real ... the man is YUUUUUUUGE. Dick like you wouldn't believe.

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson6:08 AM

    That's gay. Buy yourself a hot-tub.

  10. Yeesh, your comment threads certainly bring the roaches out of the woodwork. If Trump's own antics aren't enough to repel any decent person from voting for him, his supporters will certainly do it.

    An unscripted question-and-answer session would have been really interesting. Trump could be asked what he thinks of his father's KKK ties, about his history of rental discrimination, and so on.

  11. Nate Silver of 531 says that Trump has a 25% chance of winning. We need to get that much lower, so that all the go-along-to-get-along Republicans up for re-election get axed too. You know, the ones privatizing education and prisons and trying like hell to supress black and latino votes through I.D. demands, polling place closings and every other known form of bureaucratic criminality. Check out this latest diabolical scheme, whose popularity is growing from state to state:

    If in doubt, just vote against anyone with (R) next to his/her name. Whatever you think of the alternatives, these lockstep troopers are NOT your friends. (I'm in NYC and aside from our police force--which needs WORK--our elected representatives are not the problem.)

  12. I meant Nate Silver of 538.

  13. Infidel, the troll repellant factory hasn't come up with something strong enough for the trumpets as yet.

  14. Shout out to my alma mater for trying to right a wrong from slavery.

    Is the orange man in a blonde wig, going to the church of that fake Kappa?

  15. James Bold10:19 AM

    And as usual, the NAPAs don't get it.  Trump's talk to the Africoon-American preachers is outreach to the Goodwhites who could never vote for a "racist".  It is about pulling more White votes from Hitlery.  Whites are something like 75% of eligible voters, and if Whites voted as a bloc as Blacks do Republicans would rule.

    But your obsession that everything is always about you remains funny.

  16. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "It is about pulling more White votes from Hitlery."

    ... or 'Hillary'. It would make the point in a more listenable fashion. H/T to Derbyshire for 'Goodwhite' which is the first time I ran into the term.

    In any case, I think that's a spot-on observation and probably true.

    It's funny how blacks (and Armenians for that matter) tend to vote in a tribal and self-interested manner, but there's an outrage if Anglo-America is groping towards the same thing. It bugs me not a whit if blacks feel the need to stick together even if the reasons can be somewhat bogus at times.

    It's all a natural kind of ecological response to power and limited resources. In the long run, I think that diversity will tend to tear apart a country if it lacks a strong shared philosophical core, but it's sure interesting to watch.

  17. Anotherbozo: I guess they figure they can't win a fair election, and losing isn't an option for them, so cheating is all they have left. It would be sad, if they weren't so destructive.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Just like his buddy Bill O'Reilly just found out we can use forks and not yell "more iced tea m'fer" in public. These guys are amazing but that's what you get when a segment of society doesn't know any blah folks and only knows us through cheap stereotypes. From what I understand the next generation won't be as narrowminded as the older Fox news crowd.

    In other news you hear about the negro Trump supporter who claimed to have a degree and says he was a Kappa? Wow.


  20. If you're in Chicago check this place out. I can attest to the fact that it is really good. Try what you like but if I could make a suggestion it would be the cake batter with caramel, black berries, strawberries, nuts and whipped cream. Unless you're on a diet then skip the whipped cream. This also has nothing to do with the fact sista is fine and my sister's soror.

  21. Looks like North Cackalaky is still tripping with the voting rights issue. These fools don't give up. Now let's just see if the court slaps them like they should.

  22. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Whats up with all the White Trash on the comments... nobody is going over to their hate sites to talk about white people get a life Trolls.

  23. James Bitch is a dumbass4:03 PM

    But your obsession that everything is always about you remains funny.

    James is way too fucking stupid to see the irony of his post. Who obsessed dumbass? Ha! Maybe the inbreeding affects his mental capacity.

  24. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Whats up with all the White Trash on the comments...
    get used to it, low life white trash have nothing better to do. It's not like they have jobs or anything.

  25. James Bold4:47 PM

    "... or 'Hillary'."

    No, she's the one who has legions of brownshirts doing actual physical violence to peaceful people going to the rallies of her opponent.  That's Hitlerian, earning the label.

    And Dougie spouts cluelessly:

    "I guess they figure they can't win a fair election"

    "Fair" in Dougie's lexicon must mean "Dems can vote the graveyards, non-residents and non-citizens, but nobody's allowed to stop them let alone do the same back to them."

    Fraudulent or illegal votes absolutely MUST be suppressed or the system falls apart.  If the majority cannot win at the ballot box, they will turn to the cartridge box... and they shoot a hell of a lot better than you do.

  26. Anonymous5:14 PM

    The day Trump made African-American activists protest his continued attempt to help African-Americans.


  27. The only confirmed fraudulent votes cast found by a several million dollar investigation by a prominent law firm hired to find evidence to support voter ID laws were fourteen votes all cast by Republicans. If your own attack dogs can't find any crime to lie about, why do you believe anyone else is stupid enough to swallow your cover story for why you need to cheat to win elections?
    If any Republican actually believed there were any real voter fraud, I might take them a little more seriously (but not much, because they are still wrong) but the obvious mendacity about their sheer terror at the changing demographics of the country is mostly hilarious, a little annoying, and to a lesser extent, somewhat dangerous.
    It won't matter in 20 years anyway, but until then, just keep on fucking that chicken if you want, and I hope it makes you happy and fulfilled.

    -Doug in Oakland

  28. Anonymous9:00 PM

    How about no one showing up to hear the Bozo? Why even attend the farce? Let the reverend Chikkenwings that invited him sit there with him

  29. Yeah, 187 was so popular here that we haven't elected a republican to statewide office in more than a decade. Also, everyone except the native tribes in the US are here because of immigration. So what you're really saying is "We got ours and fuck everyone else", which is what we've been saying all along about each new group of immigrants, and get this: It never works. Immigrants are who we are. We can shit on each new group of them and try to blame them for our problems like we have in the past, or we can grow the fuck up and deal with our own problems and admit that immigration helps the economy and the society as a whole.
    And none of that has anything to do with non existent voter fraud, unless you're listening to Fox, Drudge, and Breitbart.
    Maybe you should go have tea with Robert Mercer, perhaps he'll hire you to do some things for him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker9:53 PM

    In Chicago, people I know told me about friends of theirs who had moved out of the city... and their names remained on the rolls, and were duly signed off as having voted in the next election.
    People I know told me about friends......what are you a fucking teenaged girl? Really James? You really have to be the single dumbest mother fucker in the history of the internet. I guess somebody had to replace Bill so you're it. Jeeesus fucking Christ, somebody I know told me about a friend.............HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Just kill yourself James because you will probably drown the next time it rains anyway. Holy fuck, no evidence just somebody told him. What do you expect from the guy who used a 10th grader's research paper as evidence of one of his points. Just fucking dumb!

  31. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker10:00 PM

    In Chicago, people I know told me about friends of theirs who had moved out of the city... and their names remained on the rolls, and were duly signed off as having voted in the next election.

    And what the fuck is being signed off as having voted in the next election? Really? Is it some kind of letter that informs you that you have voted? Really? How come no one else has heard of this? How did they find out they were "signed off"? And you expect us to believe your bullshit? You are truly the dumbest mother fucker to grace planet earth! How do you even breathe being so dumb? Dear god don't impregnate your sister because we can't bear anymore dumbasses of your caliber. Slingblade was a genius compared to you.

  32. In California we can check online to see if they actually tabulated our mail in votes, but that isn't what he's lying about because you have to enter your ballot number to find out.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. James Bold10:56 PM

    "187 was so popular here that we haven't elected a republican to statewide office in more than a decade."

    You have that backwards.  "The overturning of 187, which was wildly popular with the voters, kept in place the welfare magnet which the Marxists used to `elect a new people'.  As a consequence the tax-payers of California were outnumbered and outvoted by the tax-eaters, and the doom of the state was sealed."

    "everyone except the native tribes in the US are here because of immigration."

    Wrong.  The original human occupants of the Americas were the Solutreans, who hailed from what is now Brittany in France.  The occupants discovered by Columbus were later invaders whose ancestors came over the Bering land bridge from Asia.  Modern Europeans displaced those invaders in turn.  There wasn't actual immigration until governments allowed entry of foreign peoples without warfare.  There were no such governments until Europeans ruled.

    I'm expecting the refusal to control immigration to devolve to warfare again.

    "In California we can check online to see if they actually tabulated our mail in votes"

    In American polling places, people who are physically present can look at the list of names being checked by the poll workers and see which names have been signed off as having voted.  I doubt that California is part of America any longer.

  34. You mean because we're doing so much better economically than the rest of the country? Nope, we're still in and willing to share our prosperity.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. James Bold9:49 AM

    "You mean because we're doing so much better economically than the rest of the country?"

    You mean Silicon Valley is doing so much better.  Talked to any pecan or pistachio farmers lately?  You know, the ones whose trees are dying because their water was cut off?

    "Nope, we're still in and willing to share our prosperity."

    Silicon Valley can decamp to Texas or Nevada and leave California with nothing.  That is, if TX or NV are dumb enough to encourage an influx of Californians and their insane politics.  Colorado has found out what that does, to their chagrin.

    The "minorities" in SV are overwhelmingly Chinese and S. Asian.  Tell me what the Black people of California have done for it, besides playing games with balls and making Compton the poster city for gang crime?

  36. Well, there's the music, for one. And even that's a little bullshit; people don't contribute by groups, remember? Rugged something something. And you really are wronger than usual about 187. The backlash against it has shut Republicans out of statewide office for more than a decade. We used to elect them to statewide office quite a bit, Nixon, Reagan, Wilson, Schwarzenegger. Not any more.
    Gee, I guess pissing off immigrants in a state where they make up a third of the population isn't a very smart electoral strategy. You may wish they would all just go away, but they won't. More of them are always on the way, just as it has been since we stole the continent to begin with, and America wouldn't be America if they didn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. James Bold5:56 PM

    "And you really are wronger than usual about 187. The backlash against it has shut Republicans out of statewide office for more than a decade."

    You have that backwards.  It was the welfare benefits, used by the Dimocraps to elect a new people, that changed the population of voters.  Among the facts you are trying to bury is that 75.2% of Mexican-Americans agreed that there were too many immigrants.

    But revisionist history is what lefists do.  The truth is your enemy.

    "I guess pissing off immigrants in a state where they make up a third of the population isn't a very smart electoral strategy. You may wish they would all just go away, but they won't. More of them are always on the way"

    Except when the government actually ENFORCES immigration law, as Eisenhower (I'm sure you remember him) did in Operation Wetback.  A couple hundred thousand were caught and deported, but something like 1.5 MILLION pulled up stakes by themselves.

    There are a lot of illegal immigrants here, all of whom are deportable.  There are quite a few "legal" immigrants who are violating terms of the law, such as being public charges.  They can be offered the choice to go to jail or go home.  Imagine how much better SF's housing crisis would be if hundreds of thousands of immigrants were back in their home countries!  Californians—REAL Californians, not anyone who managed to get to LAX or across the fence—would be ecstatic.

  38. James Bitch is a dumbass9:12 PM

    James Bitch, the single dumbest human being on the earth. Living proof inbreeding is a bad thing. Hey Bitch, somebody told me that a friend of theirs saw Big Foot so now I guess it's ok for your dumb ass to believe it. Stupid asshole!

  39. Actually, James, we like immigrants here. It's sort of who we are. And you can leave off the re-education of California history if you want. I've been here 55 years, and am Californian by birth, by nature, and by choice. I know you want us to be different than we really are really bad to prop up your disgusting hate, but we don't care what you think.
    Throwing people out won't help anything. It would fuck things up royally. Maybe try taking responsibility for your own problems for once, blaming them on people you've never met won't help anything. But there I go again. You don't want to help anything, that's what the right is all about. Scream about how nothing can work, and then work real hard to get elected so you can break it and prove yourself right. Sounds kinda stupid to me, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Sounds kinda stupid to me
    If James is nothing else he is one stupid mother fucker. He probably heard about the history of California from a friend so he can take it as gospel truth or he seems like the type to believe anything he sees on youtube. He does tend to post youtube videos as proof often so I guess you can tell the type of intellect you're dealing with. Don't waste your time Doug, people that stupid can't comprehend anything more than basic thoughts such as breathing. Keep trying to educate him and he may suffocate.

  41. James Bold7:25 PM

    "we like immigrants here. It's sort of who we are."

    Let me explain something to you, short-timer:  California isn't "you" any more, it's "them" now.  I have known a number of ex-Californians and immigration and taxes (closely related) are always among the reasons they left.

    The Chinese are very ethnocentric.  If they got full control of CA (which wouldn't be hard with fully open borders) all the Blacks and Mexicans would be on their way out very quickly.  If you want California to remain "tolerant", you have to be intolerant enough of the people who'd screw that up to keep it that way.

    "Throwing people out won't help anything. It would fuck things up royally."

    Really?  Maybe you should ask Kate Steinle and the Bologna family about that.  Oops, you can't; they were murdered by people who should have been thrown out.  And do I really need to remind you of the delta smelt and other endangered species that used to be just fine before immigration made the state's population explode?

    Throwing out all the illegals would certainly help California's schools.  Before the immigration disaster of 1965 it was a national leader; today it ranks 40th out of 50.  But you're a short-timer, you don't care about the future you're not going to live to see.

    "If James is nothing else he is one stupid mother fucker."

    It always entertains me to see someone who obviously doesn't understand what he just read call someone else stupid.  It's part of the show that never ends, here at FN.

  42. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Whew, James is one dumb mother fucker. No need for him to provide proof of voter fraud which is a felony he takes the word of a friend who heard from somebody. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about this fucking moron I don't know what to tell you. Doug, you're wasting your time, this guy is as dumb as a rock which is why he feels the need to search the internet and regurgitate bullshit to feel better about himself. It's sad in a way but he chooses to spend his time posting dumb shit instead of educating himself. Then again he would probably flunk out of 6th grade. James Bitch is a fucking fool and actually I think he knows it.

  43. Dude, California schools are worse off than they were when I attended them because of proposition 13, a Republican anti-tax initiative that made our budget a laughingstock for decades. It was so bad that they passed a law making it a crime for the legislature to fail to have a budget in place by the June deadline, and they responded by not doing it until October.
    Fortunately, Jerry Brown found a way around prop 13 by using the same initiative system that passed it to raise a couple of taxes to help pay for the running of the schools. I agree that the schools aren't as good now as when I got lucky and attended them, but immigrants have nothing to do with that, and if you knew anything about California, you'd know that. You probably wouldn't admit it, because you can't let reality interfere with your twisted view of society, but reality doesn't care whether you believe it or not, and neither do I.
    As for kicking the immigrants out tanking the state's economy, who do you propose would pick the central valley's produce if not for immigrant labor? See also: Georgia crops left to rot in the fields after anti-immigrant labor law passed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. James Bold7:17 PM

    "California schools are worse off than they were when I attended them because of proposition 13"

    Without Prop 13, it would be much easier to rid areas of Blacks and Mexicans.  Just start the gentrification process and they'd be forced to move by the increased taxes.

    "I agree that the schools aren't as good now as when I got lucky and attended them, but immigrants have nothing to do with that"

    Really?  Is there a home-grown driver for the replacement of academics by ESL?  Tell me your explanation for this, it's gotta be good.

    "As for kicking the immigrants out tanking the state's economy, who do you propose would pick the central valley's produce if not for immigrant labor?"

    Who picks Australia's wine grapes without Mexico right across a convenient border?  Turns out, Australia mechanized.  Pretty soon robots will be more than good enough to compete with fair-priced stoop labor.  The sensor suite you can put on a robot can do a far better job of determining e.g. ripeness than anything a human can do.  And best of all, the robot will never forget to wash its hands after taking a shit and start an outbreak of E. Coli.

    "See also: Georgia crops left to rot in the fields after anti-immigrant labor law passed."

    Steve Sailer regularly lampoons those sob stories.  Roughly 10% of all those crops are not economically harvestable, and the growers use them to keep their supply of cheap labor up.  Ask yourself, when you read any such articles, did you notice any shortage of the same crop in the supermarket or even higher prices?  That's how you know the issue is bogus.

    Soon robots are going to be good enough to make the labor issue go away, and we'll have instead the issue of what all these people do.  I want them back in Mexico.  If you like them so much, you can go to Mexico too.

  45. Anonymous12:35 AM

    James Bitch is the dumbest fuck on the entire planet! Just kill yourself dumbass, one less stupid fucking sisterfucking hillbilly. Bet your inbred forehead is so big I can show a movie on it. Now run along and buy your mom some meth like a good boy.

  46. James Bold9:33 AM

    In 47 words, you used "fuck" twice, variants of "dumb" twice and two incest references.  That is about what I expect from the intellectual limitations of Africans-in-America.  I'd call you pathetic, if I still considered you human.  Fortunately I'm past that, and don't worry myself about you beyond avoiding you and your pathologies.  Posting here is for entertainment.

  47. Anonymous10:29 PM

    James, why do you smell like your mother's asshole?

  48. James Bitch is one dumb mother fucker10:30 PM

    No James, you post here because you are a moron with no life. Talk about pathetic. Gonna start your race war any time soon or just talk about it pussy. Get a job loser.

  49. Anonymous12:36 AM

    James has a microscopic dick.
