Saturday, October 08, 2016


Image result for IMAGE WOMEN TRUMP

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: One more story like this and I tell the world about your little secret.

*Pic from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mr. Grab a pu$$y: Honey, I think you're hot!!!

    Ivanka: Yes Daddy, I'm hot for you too!

  3. Limpbaugh10:05 PM

    "And don't go smoking a cigar after this speech. You never know where they've been".

  4. This campaign better not fuck up my inheritance, Daddy!

  5. Daddy, not again...

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Ivanka: Okay daddy seriously, you really need to stop with the whole "If she wasn't my daughter-thing", it's nasty!

    Trump: I never said that. Obama wasn't born in America, did you know that?

    Ivanka: And what is with you perving out on Paris Hilton when she was 12??? OMG!

    Trump: I didn't know she was 12, she walked into the room and she was hot. What do you want from me? You know how I roll.

    Ivanka: How could you say those gross things on that tape about a married woman when Melania was pregnant??

    Trump: C'mon that's nothing! You shoulda heard the ?!$@ I said about your mother Ivana when she was pregnant with you.

    Ivanka: Daddy!

    Trump: I'm the Republican presidential candidate, I can do whatever I want. Come sit on daddy's lap like Putin does.

    Ivanka: Daddy!!

    Trump: Who's your daddy?

    Ivanka: You're such a pig.

    Trump: Obama is an ISIS operative, believe me.

  7. Anonymous2:43 AM

    "You don't REALLY like niggers, do you Daddy?"

    "No, but I need average folks to not think I'm racist, so I'll pretend to like those dumb, smelly apes for the next couple of months. Then the boat rides begin ..."

    "Oh, Daddy, you're the BEST. I'm moving to Harlem once it's clean!"

  8. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Yisheng, poor, fat, lonely Yisheng ...

    You've always dreamed of a white man grabbing your p*$$y, haven't you? Be honest, girl!

  9. Reese S. McKee6:36 AM

    I know it was you. Keep your hands off my spray tan you old fart

  10. Lance Cockstrong7:32 AM

    Oh Daddy!! ... You are such a slut!!! ... But I shaved my pussy for you anyway ♥♥♥

  11. Ms Agee Nation7:52 AM

    Wanted to be a "Playboy" only made it to a "Hustler"

  12. Helena Handbasket7:53 AM

    You are a rapist Daddy ... They should send you back to Mexico ...

  13. Ivanka: "I want a million bucks a month starting next week, or 'our little secret' once stay secret for very much longer."

  14. "Really, Dad!! Forget small hands. With each one of these senseless revelations, it's as though your IQ is even smaller than your hands."

  15. Yisheng is a Genius10:15 AM

    Hey Daddy, we're doubling down to support our next failed presidental candidate, the P*ssy Grabber in Chief Whooteemoo!!

  16. DQAE is a genius10:19 AM

    Are the p*ssy grabber's hands even big enough to grab the boobs he's so fond of???

  17. That's "make America great again", daddy, not "make America grope again", and besides, Arnie said he's not voting for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Oddly, NBC didn't think their Trump Tapes were that big a deal while paying you 7 figures per episode for 10 years.

  19. Anonymous2:25 PM

    DQAE is a genius said...
    Are the p*ssy grabber's hands even big enough to grab the boobs he's so fond of???

    Just when you think you've seen how degenerate Yisheng, is, she gives you a deeper look into her character.

    And it's not a pretty sight.

  20. Election 20162:55 PM

    Middle Eastern countries in flames, ISIS wading through rivers of blood, migrant swarms, deleted emails, billion dollar bribes and war posturing with Russia.

    Yes, but did you hear Trump said pussy!?

  21. Don't take a stroll through the ghetto in a clown suit:

  22. Yisheng is a genius3:44 PM

    Donald "grab a p*ssy" Trump and his followers, are the epitome of what's WRONG with this misogynist, racist, and religiously intolerant country!

  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    No one ever wants to grab Yisheng's pussy :(

  24. Ministry of Truth4:19 PM

    INTERNAL STRATEGY DOCUMENTS and emails among Clinton staffers shed light on friendly and highly useful relationships between the campaign and various members of the U.S. media, as well as the campaign’s strategies for manipulating those relationships.

    At times, Clinton’s campaign staff not only internally drafted the stories they wanted published but even specified what should be quoted “on background” and what should be described as “on the record.”

    One January 2015 strategy document – designed to plant stories on Clinton’s decision-making process about whether to run for president – singled out reporter Maggie Haberman, then of Politico, now covering the election for the New York Times, as a “friendly journalist” who has “teed up” stories for them in the past and “never disappointed” them.

  25. Yisheng is a genius4:25 PM

    Donald "grab a p*ssy" Trump and his followers, are the epitome of what's WRONG with this misogynist, racist, and religiously intolerant country!

  26. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Not now sweet, we only do THAT in private.


  27. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Don't take a stroll through the ghetto in a clown suit

    You should know, clown.

  28. Hakim4:34 PM

    Kaine is such a douche, it is unthinkable that he was selected as VP. It makes no sense. Why not Cory Booker?

    Until you learn that Kaine was the old DNC Chair. And that Kaine stepped aside early as DNC Chair and recommended Debby Wasserman Schultz as his successor. And Debs then used her position to clear the path of ascension for Hillary. Kaine getting VP is just the completion of the quid pro quo.

    What is amazing is that Hillary might have actually kept her word to Kaine. That is the most implausible thing about this scenario.

  29. Big Hands Club5:03 PM

    If white men like Trump, had bigger hands would they be more secure?

  30. Reese s is the leader with Doug In Oakland @1:54 in second.

  31. Limpbaugh@10:05 gets an honorable mention.

  32. Hands up, Don't Scoop courtesy of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, LOL:

  33. Because some Jew wants to sell more Chunky Monkey?

  34. ONLY in America can a Whooteemoo (with small hands) Presidential candidate get away with calling his own daughter a hot piece of ass.

  35. DQAE is a genius7:47 PM

    Grab a p*ssy is a dirty muthf*cker, meeting with Bill Clinton's accusers before the debate.

    He seriously miscalculated, because a woman that could stand by her man the way Hillary did, can't be easily shaken by this pathetic diversion!

  36. Toupe Fiasco needs to STFU!!!!

  37. Anonymous10:41 PM

    How did my diaphragm get in there???

  38. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Wow, Trump brought out the pimp hand tonight. Hillary got knocked the fuck out.

  39. Trump showed his supporters that he can push through any attack. No President since Roosevelt has shown such composure under attack!

  40. Trump killed it tonight. Media have their work cut out for them

  41. Maybe we should have shelled out for a third moderator.

  42. Pilot x's half brother11:35 PM

    To recap: the GOP nominee chided Goldman Sachs, denounced the Iraq/Libya wars, reprimanded the Gulf States, and called for detente w/ Russia.

  43. Let's do this11:44 PM

    The establishment seems pretty shook over Trump's "you'd be in prison" line.

    If he'd go after Hillary, who wouldn't he go after?

  44. white people should be a little more black and black people should be a little more white

  45. Put your competitor in prison? Sounds like Hitler to me, (Kanye shrug).

    And the reason Toupe Fiasco got away with sexually assaulting women/being a p*ssy grabber is due to White Privilege.

  46. Abraham Lincoln11:56 PM


  47. Yīshēng is a moron12:00 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    And the reason Toupe Fiasco got away with sexually assaulting women/being a p*ssy grabber is due to White Privilege.

    Did Bill Clinton have "white privilege"? Because he's the one who actually grabbed him some pussy.

  48. Hillary is going to jail12:02 AM

    Trump took on the media complex, GOP establishment, Hillary and two biased moderators. Still came out on top.

    Stunning victory.

  49. Polls and other people with common sense (and who aren't p*ssy grabbing deplorables) AGREE that President Hillary Clinton win the debate!!

    Luckily, Toupe Fiasco did well enough to keep Pence from the top of the ticket, Pence would have been a real challenge for President Hillary Clinton.

  50. Alright, who won the debate?

    Emperor Trump.......96%
    Prisoner 1012..........00%
    Russian Hackers.....04%

  51. DQAE is a genius12:12 AM

    P*ssy grabber's own daughter brushed him off at the end.

    So p*ssy grabbers talk about grabbing p*ssy in the lockeroom, probably while debating who has the smallest "hands"!!

    Dirty ol' man!!!

  52. DQAE is a genius12:14 AM

    Only in America can a rich white man sexually assault women by grabbing their p*ssies and still be a contender for president.

    White privilege.

  53. Bernie Sanders12:17 AM

    Hillary got grabbed by the pussy tonight!

  54. It's over12:23 AM

    "Because you'd be in jail."

    The single most devastating line in any Presidential debate ever.

  55. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The DNC put child rapist Lena Dunham on the stage, yet somehow think they have the moral authority to condemn Trump.

  56. P*ssy Grabber with small hands12:26 AM

    @12;17, I'm sure she only felt his pinky given the small hands.

  57. CNN poll has Hillary beating the stage stalker in the debate by 20 points.

  58. Anonymous12:39 AM

    field negro said...
    CNN poll has Hillary beating the stage stalker in the debate by 20 points.

    Keep shilling, Field. No one believes you, even your wife.

  59. President Donald Motherfucker Trump12:40 AM

    Not only is Hillary going to jail, but Bill is going down too!

    No justice, no peace!

  60. Abraham Lincoln saved the Union. Hillary couldn't save four Americans.

  61. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Pray for a Trump victory unless you want war with Russia.

  62. He's going to grab the wrong woman and get an entire facial reconstruction, hopefully for the better, when she tries to punch his orange lights out. He looks like a dumb orange dinosaur. The whites are going to back in the White's House, Yippy Yi Yay!!!!! The slaughterers of the world will be back in charge. It'll be fun watching fat, white turtles climbing the airplane steps, holding onto the banister for dear life so they don't do the Gerald Ford. No more brown beauty bouncing u the steps of Air Force #1. I'm going to miss that. The handsome, brown masculine beauty of President Barack Obama. Damn!!!!
