Saturday, November 12, 2016


Image result for trump white house MLK bust images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: (Trump thinking) I swear Obama put this MLK bust behind me on purposes. Not funny.


  1. Lance Cockstrong8:58 PM


  2. Lilacpr9:11 PM

    I am the president of the United States, I am the president of the United States, I am the president of the United States, I am the president of the United States...

  3. Where's the bathroom, I think I'm gonna be sick!!

  4. Lilacpr9:45 PM

    Ivankaaa! Marlaaa! Melaniaaa! H-E-L-PPP...I...Helppp...I think I need... heeeeelppp...hurryyyy...I got no strength to talk...I got no strength to yelll...I can't even

  5. DQAE is a dumbass10:04 PM

    I hope Yisheng gets deported to Somalia.

  6. @LOL PR what's that, the baby Mama call for help from the Baby Daddy in Chief?

  7. Oh fuck, this is scary...

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Exterminate the vermin10:59 PM

    "I hope you all enjoyed the broadcast tonight of the dual executions of the traitors Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Tomorrow we continue with the staffs of the Washington Post, New York Times and NBC. I will not renege on my promise to Make America Great Again. Let the Potomac flow red with the blood of our enemies. Amen."

  9. Anonymous11:01 PM

    DQAE is a dumbass said...
    I hope Yisheng gets deported to Somalia.

    Ha! Let's see Yisheng try to live in a non-white country! Who would support her?

  10. Next POTUS
    P - Pu$$y grabbing
    O - Obnoxious
    T - Thin Skinned
    U - Unqualified
    S - Sociopath

  11. Lilacpr11:54 PM

    Exterminate the vermin said...

    "I hope you all enjoyed the broadcast tonight of the dual executions of the traitors Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Tomorrow we continue with the staffs of the Washington Post, New York Times and NBC. I will not renege on my promise to Make America Great Again. Let the Potomac flow red with the blood of our enemies. Amen."

    10:59 PM

    and I almost forgot, the entire staff of CNN national and international! Let's see now...did I leave anybody out??? Oh yeah, I think that smarty pants blogger called the Field Negro needs a little visit from "the orange one" as he calls me...buaaahahahahahahaaaa

  12. Lance Cockstrong11:56 PM

    Damn Pedro dragged his pinga in my taco bowl ...

  13. Anonymous7:00 AM

    >) )<
    / /

    Bitch, please.

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    ( (>
    / \

    Who the fuck needs niggers?

    ....or democrats?

  15. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I wish I was Peter North.

    I would drown Yisheng in creamy white cum.

    And get paid for it.


  16. Anonymous7:08 AM


    Splish splash I was takin a bath ...

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    You ask: What are these mysterious symbols you post, Wise Asian Man?

    I say: See the movie "Arrival." It's even better than "Peter North's Best Cumshots: Volume 3."

  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    A reminder: When the aliens land in 2017, they will be taking the blacks back to their home sphere to toil in the mines. Blacks' low IQ and high tolerance for heat makes them a vital tool for the aliens.

    Then the Eurasian master race will assume its rightful position as rulers of this planet.



  19. Anonymous7:22 AM



    5 ... 4 ... 3 ...2 ...

    Where are you going to be ... on Arrival Day?

  20. We dodged a bullet by electing Trump. Hillary wanted NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. The woman who would likely have been Secretary of Defense under Hillary favored direct military intervention in Syria and called for spending $3 billion on military assistance for Ukraine. These maniacs would have marched us right inot war with Russia:

    The woman expected to run the Pentagon under Hillary Clinton said she would direct U.S. troops to push President Bashar al-Assad’s forces out of southern Syria and would send more American boots to fight the Islamic State in the region. Michele Flournoy, formerly the third-ranking civilian in the Pentagon under President Barack Obama, called for “limited military coercion” to help remove Assad from power in Syria, including a “no bombing” zone over parts of Syria held by U.S.-backed rebels. Flournoy, and several of her colleagues at the Center for New American Security, or CNAS, have been making the case for sending more American troops into combat against ISIS and the Assad regime than the Obama administration has been willing to commit.

    We were that close to electing this madwoman who would have set the world on fire.

  21. Field, check out this article by the great Ishmael Reed:

  22. Bitch ass stalkers eat shitdogs10:44 AM

    @7:16, c*m from a thread d*ck muthafucka like you is like a drop from a facet of stupidity.

    And your "creamy" is actually chlamydia.



    First amendment my vile stakers ASS!!

  23. Yisheng = nigger10:47 AM

    The Democrats will destroy the Republicans in 2018, and then again in 2020.

  24. Alexandr11:00 AM

    Anti-Americanism is over. Not because it was wrong, but because it has achieved its objective. That aspect of America that we all hated has been overthrown by a revolution started by the American people. We have unchained America from the oppressive rule of the globalist elite. America is once again the land of the free.

    Now the European ruling elite can no longer be accused as being too pro-American. It should be accused of being what it is (and what America was): The corrupt, perverted greedy gang of banksters that is actively destroying the cultures, traditions and identities of the peoples it rules.

    We must Drain the European Swamp next. Enough of Holland, Merkel and the rot in Brussels. Europe for Europeans.

    Soros and his sect should be publically judged for their attempted genocide of the European peoples. We need Nuremberg Trials for Liberalism, the last totalitarian political ideology of Modernity. Let us close this era of history with terrible justice.

  25. Field's unicorn-KKK-fairy-tale narrative still seems to sell among blacks, but the rest of the country is no longer moved by such nonsense.

    The sooner blacks join the reality-based community, the better it will be for you. Don't wait too long.

  26. "The last groan of white nationalism." Reed's jibes with my analysis, too.

    Excellent op-ed by an old classmate, Nell Irwin Painter, in the NY Times:

  27. Winning!11:49 AM

    anotherbozo said...
    "The last groan of white nationalism." Reed's jibes with my analysis, too.

    Your analysis, bozo? The clown who is always wrong about everything? At what point do you just STFU and look around at what is actually happening?

    It's not the last groan, but the first stirring. Things will never be the same. Except you. You will always be a clown.

  28. The "first stirring"? These people are so delusional the even attempting to argue with them is pointless.

  29. PeteInAz1:00 PM

    "Oh Shit"

    "Now What??"

  30. Winning!1:06 PM

    field negro said...
    The "first stirring"? These people are so delusional that even attempting to argue with them is pointless.

    Because you always lose.

    Because you are the one who is delusional.

    I live in the here and now.

    Where you live it's always 1963.

    Guess who will own the future.

  31. Lance Cockstrong1:11 PM

    I haven't felt this sick since Pedro dragged his pinga in my taco bowl ...

  32. Lance Cockstrong1:14 PM

    I haven't felt this sick since I watched Fat Jesus Christie devour 12 White Castle Crave Crates ... Crates and all ...

  33. ctrl+halt+del1:17 PM

    Auguste Rodents, "The Stinker."

  34. I haven't had to shake hands with a darkie since 1989.

  35. Yes, the Trumpers will turn on Trump when he betrays them, but they won't make much of a stink about it. They never do. And when his presidency goes down in flames, just like W's did, they will do what they always do and deny they ever voted for him or supported him.
    This is our job now. To not allow them to flush this one down the memory hole like they did with W, when all of the sudden everyone but the 27% dead-ender crazies grabbed Gadsden flags, stupid hats, and tea bags and proclaimed themselves "independents" who had never even heard of this Bush fellow everyone seems to be ranting about. Nope. Not this time. You did this, and you are going to fucking own it fucking forever.

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I can't do this

  37. O'Gurl4:04 PM

    I know they don't actually expect me to work...I've got golfing to do...I've got scams to complete. Pence get to work I'm outta here!

  38. ctrl+halt+del4:11 PM

    "Get Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken on the phone...NOW!"

  39. dinthebeast said...
    Yes, the Trumpers will turn on Trump when he betrays them, but they won't make much of a stink about it. They never do. And when his presidency goes down in flames, just like W's did, they will do what they always do and deny they ever voted for him or supported him.

    Thanks for the prediction, Doug. You were so spot-on about everything else.

  40. The face you make, when you've lied on your resume' and get the job.

  41. O'Gurl8:02 PM true.

  42. The Doctor@9:35 PM, is the winner!

    Ultramag@5:53 , a very close second. :)

    O' Gurl & Ctrl+Alt are tied for third.

  43. field negro said...
    The Doctor@9:35 PM, is the winner!

    Thanks Field!! :)

    I'd also like to thank all the whooteemoos on Field Negro for voting for Trump and affording me the opportunity to crack jokes at will, LOL!!

    I'd like to thank my career mentor/former Bush appointee, for being one of the many Trump voting supporters of my future Physician/Scientist career!

    Lastly, I'd like to thank the Trump voting Physicians and Scientists in the red state I LOVE calling home, for promising to NOT cut Ryan White funding for people living with HIV/AIDS.

    And as I wave good bye as only a pageant girl can, I retreat back to my Neuroscience review!

  44. Anonymous2:21 AM

    My deal with Hillary just went south.
