Friday, November 04, 2016

George Wallace 2016.

Image result for george wallace imagesThe following editorial ---from a man I respect--- is very apropos, because it's just days before we vote for the next president of these divided states of America. 

"Some people get angry when I and others compare Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to George Wallace. What they’re forgetting, or perhaps never knew if they’re too young, is that Wallace didn’t run for president in 1964, 1968, 1972, and 1976 as a segregationist, though he was one; he ran as a populist defender of blue-collar workers against elitism and an intrusive federal government.
“I am in this race,” Wallace said in a Fourth of July speech in 1964, “because I believe the American people have been pushed around long enough and that they, like you and I, are fed up with the continuing trend toward a socialist state which now subjects the individual to the dictates of an all-powerful central government.”

What’s somewhat astonishing about Trump’s seemingly unwavering appeal to the same demographic that supported Wallace is that he has none of Wallace’s common-man bona fides. Trump was born into a rich family that gave him everything he needed to succeed, including millions of dollars to establish his own real estate business. Wallace was born dirt poor into a family of farmers in Clio, Ala., where he played with black kids as a child.

The first time I was supposed to meet Wallace, I didn’t. Or rather, I wouldn’t. It was 1972. I was home from my freshman year at a college in Kansas and had a summer job in the audiology lab at Spain Rehabilitation Center in Birmingham. Wallace was brought there for therapy after being paralyzed by a gunman in an assassination attempt in May in Laurel, Md.

Wallace was also fitted with a hearing aid in the audiology lab, but I didn’t see him there. As his stay at Spain neared an end, however, someone came up with the idea of holding a reception so all the hospital workers could meet the governor personally. I wasn’t the only black employee who had to do some soul-searching about being cordial to the man who had stood in the door of the University of Alabama in a vain attempt to keep it segregated.

I didn’t have to worry about any retribution from a boss who might not like my doing anything that reflected poorly on him. But I went to the reception area anyway, mostly out of curiosity to see what Wallace looked like. I got into the long line; but with only about a dozen people between me and Wallace, I stepped out. He kept shaking hands. I walked away.

It wasn’t too many years later that I did meet Wallace, more than once, as a reporter for United Press International in the 1980s covering events where he was the speaker. I remember him cupping a hand around his deaf ear when he was asked a question he didn’t want to answer. I don’t remember shaking his hand. With a notebook and a pen in mine, I probably never did.

Despite the two men’s different backgrounds, it’s easy to see why Trump appeals to the same type of voters as Wallace. Wallace had a knack for expressing the frustrations of white, mostly working-class men who saw themselves as victims of an intrusive government that they felt was forcing them to be more open-minded about people and ideas that they didn’t like. Trump’s midnight tweets may lack the bite of a Wallace stump speech, but they achieve the same goal.

Wallace rallies, like Trump’s, often became violent when demonstrators who didn’t drink his Kool-Aid showed up. Trump followers, like Wallace’s, praise him for being politically incorrect and telling it like it is, no matter who might be offended. Wallace enjoyed the support of church people, just as the religious right has jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon based on his claim to be pro-life.

Wallace never became president. But in 1968, like Trump today, he made a lot of people nervous. As an independent, Wallace won 10 million votes, 13 percent of all those cast, and carried Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. He ran as a Democrat in 1972 and won the Maryland and Michigan primaries, but his campaigning ended the day he was shot. With Wallace confined to a wheelchair, his 1976 campaign fizzled.

Trump is going to do better than Wallace, if the polls are right, and that is disturbing to me. Trump reminds me of Wallace. But at least Wallace, speaking at the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s former church, Dexter Avenue Baptist in Montgomery, apologized in 1979 for his racist politics. “I have learned what suffering means,” he said. “In a way that was impossible, I think I can understand something of the pain. … I know I contributed to that pain, and I can only ask your forgiveness.” [More here]

I agree with you Mr. Jackson, sorry is not a word that you will ever hear from Donald trump. As a result, George Wallace might have actually been a better man ---than trump is today--- when he died. 


  1. Yisheng = nigger9:16 PM

    Trump will never ever own up to his BS, nor will he ever apologize for his racism and bigotry, and inciting it amongst his supporters. Who would ever have thought that George Wallace would become a better person than Donald Trump?

  2. Lt. Commander Johnson9:17 PM

    Field, that's an honest post.

    I appreciate you for it.

    God Bless.

  3. Trump is intellectually incapable of seeing beyond his own limited worldview; and thus concepts like forgiveness, contrition or meaningful self-reflection are alien to hm.

    Despite his past Wallace might indeed be the better man, there's certainly no indication that he was ever called to appear in federal court to answer charges that he had sex with a 13-year-old girl.

  4. The Ministry of Truth9:48 PM

    Wallace was probably a better man. It's entirely possible that he wasn't personally all that racist but was merely willing to use racism to try and get elected. And, by the end of his life, he was deeply ashamed of having done this.

    By contrast, the evidence of Trump's life before politics suggests he is really, genuinely bigoted. He might be amping it up for electoral benefit at his rallies and on social media, but there is a real core of racism there. As for feeling regret or shame, no chance of that. Trump is a malignant narcissist, and I don't believe he's capable of feeling those emotions. Anything that could ever go wrong is always some other "loser's" fault, never Donald's.

  5. Stalkers eat shit sandwiches10:07 PM

    @9:16, FUCK YOU BITCH!!

  6. Lance Cockstrong10:25 PM

    Yisheng, you need to learn some damn respect. See if anyone sticks up for you when the deplorables come calling.

  7. Datz Wasict10:27 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    GREAT post!!

    You've got the retard demo pleased, Field.

    So there's that.

  8. DQAE is a dumbass10:34 PM

    Yisheng is definitely a retard. She also craves micro dicked white boys.

  9. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Is Trump George Wallace now? I thought he was Hitler.

  10. Sick fucks10:39 PM

    WTF is wrong with white boys? Jesus, another baby raped and killed. 10 months old and these assholes only mention Jessica Chambers. What about Emmleigh Barringer?

    Sick fucks.

  11. Once again those f**king white males are showing their TRUE COLORS and fighting to maintain a country where laws apply even to the powerful.

    1. Russian operative10:49 PM

      And all the while hiding their tax returns so they don't have to disclose their ties to Russia. Yeah, real attempt to keep those laws intact.

  12. The way to safeguard democracy is to wait until after an election to decide whether a candidate used prior offices to commit federal crimes.

  13. Sorry, Trump! It's not a "criminal investigation." It's just a probe they're conducting on the suspicion that crimes have been committed.

  14. My God, if Trump passed his five point ethics plan he'd be most important POTUS since Washington.

  15. F*ck the deplorables10:48 PM

    @10:34, NO ONE craves picodicjed white BOYS like your pappy!


  16. F*ck the deplorables10:51 PM

    @10:46, Trumps 5 point plan for his Trumpanzees:

    1) Grab pussy.
    2) Grab pussy.
    3) Grab pussy.
    4) Grab pussy.
    5) Grab more pussies.

  17. An idiotic Trumpette10:51 PM

    We all know Trump is the most honest and trust worthy person around so we don't need to see his tax returns.

  18. F*ck deplorables10:53 PM

    Anonymous Lance Suckscockstrong said...
    Yisheng, you need to learn some damn respect. See if anyone sticks up for you when the deplorables come calling.

    Not worried, those 30 minute Trac phone plans don't last long.


  19. Get you asses in check whooteemoos:

  20. Remember when Trump deleted over 33,000 Emails because he committed Treason against his country and tried hiding it?

    -Drugged in Oakland

  21. Remember when Trump lied to the FBI 39 times but somehow didn't go to jail?

    -Drugged in Oakland

  22. Remember when Trump spent over $100 million of his own money (so far) running for POTUS instead of taking bribes from Wall Street?

    -Drugged in Oakland

  23. DQAE is a dumbass11:32 PM

    LOL Yisheng. Even micro dicked white boys are packing more than your husband. Do you both cry after sex?

  24. F*ck bitchass stalkers11:37 PM

    @11:32, do you still cry while you piss, I heard from your brother in the STD clinic that gonorrhea is a dick burning bitch. Like your mammy!!

  25. Anonymous11:46 PM

    @11:32, judging by Yisheng's response, I guess the answer to your question is "yes".

  26. Remember when Trump said he would end illegal immigration and help raise the wages of America's poorest people?

    -Drugged in Oakland

  27. DQAE is a dumbass11:49 PM

    Yisheng is an expert on STD's. From years and years of experience.

  28. I'm with Hillary11:50 PM

    Look, you people that believe America should have borders just aren't as decent as corporatist warmongers in bed with the deep state.

  29. Pilot X's half brother11:59 PM

    Remember when Hillary sent classified info about Greek debt to Chelsea, whose husband ran a fund trading in Greek bonds?

  30. A new day is dawning:

    Come be part of it.

  31. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Remember when Trump released his tax returns?

  32. A stupid Trump voter12:06 AM

    Remember when intelligent voters wanted to see a candidate's tax returns so they knew if there was a conflict of interest?

  33. Trump voters are pretty stupid12:08 AM

    Remember when we wanted to know what Trump is hiding by not disclosing his taxes? Or at least the smart voter.

  34. Derek Carr fan12:11 AM

    Hey Yisheng, have you ever fantasized about sleeping with a white guy? You should try it sometime. You'll love it!

    1. Average white guy12:13 AM

      Nah because white guys fantasize about raping babies it seems. That's just sick.


  35. Yisheng is an expert on STD's. From years and years of experience.

    I'm not an expert yet but you're right, my first foray into infectious diseases (ID) was my high school science project on tuberculosis. So I' have been in the ID game for years and years, minus my cancer research phase.

    But there is very likely a fellowship in Infectious Diseases in my future, so between now and then, I'll continue to see people like you in the STD clinic for a while.

  36. @12:11, I'll pass on using tweezers in the bedroom.

  37. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes12:31 AM

    Even I would say this post is getting "sick".

  38. George Wallace never advocated torture or war crimes, so there's that.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Super Intelligent Voter12:37 AM

    "Remember when intelligent voters wanted to see a candidate's tax returns so they knew if there was a conflict of interest?"

    There is nothing of interest in Trumps tax returns. He has been audited multiple times. If he had committed some tax crimes we would have heard about it.

  40. George Wallace never illegally attacked Libya and turned it into a terrorist run hell hole, so there's that.

    -Drugged in Oakland

  41. George Wallace never sold State Department access to foreign governments and multi-national corporations, so there's that.

    -Drugged in Oakland

  42. George Wallace never compromised national security in order to cover up corruption, so there's that.

    -Drugged in Oakland

  43. George Wallace never destroyed evidence subpoenaed by Congress, so there's that.

    -Drugged in Oakland

  44. James Deplorable12:51 AM

    All of these words, to say what?

    "Despite the two men’s different backgrounds, it’s easy to see why Trump appeals to the same type of voters as Wallace. Wallace had a knack for expressing the frustrations of white, mostly working-class men who saw themselves as victims of an intrusive government that they felt was forcing them to be more open-minded about people and ideas that they didn’t like. Trump’s midnight tweets may lack the bite of a Wallace stump speech, but they achieve the same goal."

    Why didn't you just say "anything White working-class men want or like is rayciss, because privilege"?  That's what you meant, after all.  I mean, it's not like White men get passed over for jobs and promotions to push "diversity", get fired for saying things that someone decides after the fact are "offensive" while offending them is a freebie...

    Oh, wait... yes they do.

    And this now extends to destruction of 153,000 ballots in Broward County, FL by the Black Democrat Supervisor of Elections.

    "Wallace rallies, like Trump’s, often became violent when demonstrators who didn’t drink his Kool-Aid showed up."

    And the left has tolerated non-leftists trying to hijack its own paid-for spaces since... never.  You fuckers won't even leave people alone outside opposition rallies.

    "Trump followers, like Wallace’s, praise him for being politically incorrect and telling it like it is, no matter who might be offended."

    You DO prize ideological conformity over truth, don't you?  That's probably why Hillary is now losing Macomb county, Michigan.  I think Theodore Dalrymple said it well:

    "In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

    America is fed up with you.  If Trump gets the win he's earned, you'll at least be able to plan your exit in peace.  If Hitlery "wins" through fraud, all bets are off.

    1. James is a weirdo2:31 AM

      Oh great the super genius James took a break from practicing math problems to spew his brand of stupidity. Hey James, see any Hillary signs yet because she's gonna win.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahHahaahahhahhahahahahahahahA. Whoo.

    2. James the moron2:51 AM

      Talk about not leaving people alone you idiotic hypocrite, you spew your uninvited ignorance here everyday so........and I guess in your ignorant view Clinton needs to cheat to win huh? You are one dumb mother fucker. And I guess if Trump wins you are gonna somehow deport all of us negroes. Well here's what's gonna happen, Clinton will won by legal means and moronic assholes like you won't do a goddamned thing you coward. Tell you what dipshit, why don't you come back here Wednesday and explain why your dumbassed candidate didn't win. You know most college educated whites support Clinton so we now understand why you back him, you are VERY uneducated. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahaha!

  45. George Wallace never threatened to start World War III as revenge for revealing his criminality, so there's that.

    -Drugged in Oakland

    1. Lt. Commander Trump2:34 AM

      Yeah but Trump did say he would start a war with Iran if they flipped off our sailors.

  46. It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    But there is very likely a fellowship in Infectious Diseases in my future

    There are certainly lots of infectious diseases in your future, but fellowships are not given to retards, even if they are black and female.

    You will never be a doctor.

  47. Does Alex Jones pay you idiots for this?

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Yisheng = nigger1:44 AM

    George Wallace is better than Trump, but were Wallace supporters better than Trump supporters? That's a pretty good question.


    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson1:54 AM

    Hey, Dougie...should I play Derek Carr or Phillip Rivers this weekend? I have both...on my roster in Fantasy Football.

  51. An intelligent voter2:28 AM

    Really intelligent voters don't assume there's nothing of interest in someone's tax returns until they actually see them. The IRS won't disclose Russian ties. But that's just intelligent voters.

  52. The Donald2:37 AM

    I won't disclose my taxes because obviously I'm hiding something but my supporters are too dumb to realize that. These are the same idiots who are gonna pay me to watch my tv network after I lose.

  53. James is a mitch3:08 AM

    "If Trump gets the win he's earned, you'll at least be able to plan your exit in peace. If Hitlery "wins" through fraud, all bets are off."

    So what does that mean James? You have some illusion of 13,000,000 citizens packing up and leaving huh? You really are a dumb fuck. Oh if Trump loses then you'll finally start that race war you've been promising us for over a year? Well we're tired of you promising us a race war and all we get is stupid posts. Stop being a mitch and start it of you're so fucking bad. Do something if you're not a mitch.

    1. James Depussy3:10 AM

      James is the biggest mitch around. And he's stupid too.

  54. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:48 AM

    Uh, what's a "mitch"

    Kimda like a hanging whiteemoo?

    Youse guys confuse me. I call you a nigger, you jump around like a troop of monkeys.

    You call me these "secret" names......well, that's ok!

  55. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Doug said...

    "George Wallace never advocated torture or war crimes, so there's that."

    Ah yes, poor George's only failing.

  56. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Mitch said...

    You have some illusion of 13,000,000 citizens packing up and leaving huh?

    Nah. We'll start with the most violent dindus and move on from there. I daresay none of these criminals would be "citizens".

  57. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Watch this and see if you are still eager to pull that lever for the billionaires who hate you:

  58. Clinton Foundation admits it took $1 million from Qatar while HRC was Sec. of State, without telling the Obama administration:

  59. Puerto Rican food sucks ass12:40 PM

    Looking forward to basking in the glow of a Hillary Presidency next week. I hope they show every sobbing Trump supporter next Tuesday night.

  60. Hillary campaign chairman involved in bizarre ceremonies where black people are humiliated:

  61. @1:02, you're correct for once!!

    Physician/Scientists ARE different from Doctors. ;)

  62. Derek Carr fan1:31 PM

    Don't lie, Yisheng. You fantasize about white guys every day. It's what smart women do.

  63. Gish. Gallop. Repeat.

    -Doug in Oakland

  64. James Deplorable3:02 PM

    "Talk about not leaving people alone you idiotic hypocrite"

    Says the clown who either lives in a White neighborhood or wants to, went to integrated schools, etc.  Why don't you just leave White people alone?  And stop culturally appropriating our inventions like computers and the Internet while you're at it.

    "And I guess if Trump wins you are gonna somehow deport all of us negroes."

    Nobody's going to spend the money for that when bullets are cheaper, easier and more certain (our pregnant women and 9-yr-old girls are deadlier than your homeboys).  Those of you who get out will do it on your own.

    "You have some illusion of 13,000,000 citizens packing up and leaving huh?"

    The Tutsis left Rwanda, but they went nowhere except away.

    Nobody wants you.  You're not even welcome in most of Africa.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Yeah you need children and pregnant women because "men" like you are too cowardly to do anything. Ha! You are such a joke. Only 80 year old women, a classroom full of kids or babies need to fear weirdos like James.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahaha!

  65. James is unwanted3:41 PM

    You're not wanted except in your dilapidated trailer.

  66. Anonymous3:53 PM

    So does that mean James the mitch will finally start his race war with an army of pregnant women and 9 year old girls? So after Tuesday we no longer have to read his idiotic drivel! Sweet!

  67. James is fucking stupid5:32 PM

    Sweet, James gave us some redneck videos to laugh at. An inbred pregnant girl pregnant with her brother's baby shooting an rxtrememly loud assault rifle next to her unborn child. Must be kin to James because that seems like something his dumb ass would do. Fucking retarded white people.

  68. Mensa6:20 PM

    Do people with high IQ's normally search youtube for videos featuring pregnant women in bikinis shooting assault rifles?

  69. James Deplorable7:08 PM

    "So does that mean James the mitch will finally start his race war"

    First, you and the left have to finish Fergusonizing all the police.  Once they HAVE to let Black criminals go unhindered, they're just going to sit it out.  They not going to interfere with Whitey doing the policing himself.

    This has a ways to go yet, and will be put on hold or even rolled back during a Trump administration.  But that's okay.  Here's what you still don't understand:

    "They were icy -- willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate."

    "with an army of pregnant women and 9 year old girls?"

    Oh, no.  They're the ones we're going to taunt you with.  The real marksmen will be in blinds 200 yards away, and your heads will explode before the sounds of the rifle shots even reach you.

    Ever seen what a 30.06 bullet does to a deer?  Deer hunters have a lot of 30.06 ammo.  Know the difference between a 'scoped deer rifle and a sniper rifle?  Damn little.

    "An inbred pregnant girl pregnant with her brother's baby shooting an rxtrememly loud assault rifle next to her unborn child."

    And you wouldn't dare tangle with any of them, not even after the EBT cards stop working and you're starving.  THAT is what the cops are protecting YOU from.  When the cops stand down....

  70. James, I think you are becoming more unhinged every day. Does your psychiatrist notice the difference?

  71. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Yawn, dude your grandpappy was talking about this so called race war you keep promising. Blah blah blah. Wake me up when you and your army of 9 year girls rises up so I can slap you and send you home crying. You are sooooooo scary James you big tough keyboard warrior you.

  72. Even I can shoot better than James, and I'm left handed and right eyed and a stroke victim besides...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      James can't afford a gun or bullets. Even if he could he'd shoot his dumb ass in the foot.

  73. I have several Liberal Friends Switching to Vote for Trump after seeing their side carry out an Assassination Attempt an how well Trump handled it


    -Doug in Oakland

  75. It wasn't an assassination attempt, no gun was found. Someone just yelled "gun!" and the Secret Service did what they do. More of a drama queen Trumpstunt to try and save his failed campaign by garnering some of the martyr points shown manifesting above than anything real.

    -Doug in Oakland

  76. James Deplorable1:46 AM

    "James, I think you are becoming more unhinged every day."

    What are your qualifications to make psychological appraisals?  I note that you're so incompetent, you can't even fix your blog's comment time-stamping to include the year and day .

    "Does your psychiatrist notice the difference?"

    Projection from someone who requires psychiatric montoring, and assumes everyone does.  You don't have to be crazy to be ready to kill marauding barbarians; you have to be crazy NOT to.

    Quoth Dougieboy:

    "Even I can shoot better than James, and I'm left handed and right eyed and a stroke victim besides..."

    How many squirrels have you picked off of tree branches this year, Dougie?  My .177 hasn't been used quite as much in the last 12 months, but I've nailed more than a few.  That's what I mostly shoot with, so as not to bother the neighbors.  OTOH I'm going to empty my carry weapon and my carry magazines for target practice just to clear out the old ammo.  Have I mentioned lately that I'm armed whenever I leave the house?  Try to mess with me if you want; it could be your last living act.  I practice the Mozambique drill:  two center-of-mass followed by one to the head.

    1. James is a mitch8:41 AM

      Yes we know you are a punk bitch who can't fight so he has to carry a gun everywhere he goes. So macho James. And we all know you won't do a damned thing but post stupid shit here all day because I guess you figured out 2+2 finally. blah blah blah guns guns guns.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha gasp.

  77. James Deplorable1:42 PM

    "Yes we know you are a punk bitch who can't fight"

    "Six on one, that's nigger fun."  We know how you "fight".  Whining rayciss when Whitey refuses to be the victim is all you have left.  Suck it.

    1. James is weird but it's not his fault2:36 PM

      We know a Black President drove you crazy. You can't help it.

  78. James is a weirdo2:34 PM

    No bitch shooting up a classroom full of kids is fun for you deranged white boys. A church full of old people will do in a pinch for you crazy eyed confederate flag flying types which you seem to be. A violent racist is all you are when you tried so hard to be some smart inventor with a high IQ who reads math books for fun. We all knew you'd show your real identity sooner or later because you crazy violent prone idiots just can't help yourselves can you? Funny thing is the gun nut who talks about shooting people acts like a 10 year old with the "I know you are but what am I" routine.
    150 IQ beahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahha! whoo hahahahahahahahahahahha!

  79. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!3:38 PM

    Fuck these nazi assed bitch made white supremacists. Trump will lose and they wpn't do a goddamned thing as usual. Just ask James' bitch ass. He is such a pussy that Trump might even grab him.

  80. Get real6:12 PM

    We all know why James is here, he's looking for a date. As a gay male prostitute he enjoys servicing the brothers and he got hooked. Maybe one day James you'll find your true love.

  81. I don't shoot squirrels, James. Nor do I torture cats, or people, for that matter. My favorite rifle is my model 70 .243, although my model 94 .32 special is kind of fun. I'm actually more of a shotgun guy, as the only critter I've ever wanted to shoot and eat was a pheasant, and I liked working with the dog to get them. Haven't done any of that since my stroke, but I can still shoot OK, meaning better than you.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. James smells like some guy's ass12:25 AM

      A blind monkey can shoot better than James. Probably do math better too. And definitely smells better.

  82. James Deplorable8:59 AM

    "I don't shoot squirrels, James."

    I don't have the option.  They would destroy too many things, both in outbuildings and the house, if I didn't get rid of them with the only means available.  They're as bad as mice, which wind up in my traps a half-dozen at a crack.

    "Nor do I torture cats, or people, for that matter."

    Torturing cats... I have one who has been trying to kill me for more than ten years now, sitting on my chest at night to try to crush me.  I have been trying to rub her ears, chin and butt bald for just as long.  She's too light to kill me that way, and her fur grows too fast for my work to bear fruit.  It looks like we are stuck in this battle until one of us dies of old age.

    At least she shuts up when her ears are rubbed.  She can be mighty loud otherwise.

  83. James is definitely a weirdo12:30 AM

    Ewwwww, you rub your cat's butt until it goes bald? We knew you were a weirdo but damn.

  84. James Deplorable3:52 AM

    Thank you for proving that googles cannot understand jokes or sarcasm; you are just too stupid.  Phrases including "her fur grows too fast for my work to bear fruit" go right past you.  Dumbshit.

  85. James is super weird4:19 AM

    Uh yeah, you just keep rubbing animal ass there genius. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaha!

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