Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Treating racism like we treat terror.

MORE DISCLAIMERSThe Field Negro education series continues.

The following essay was written by Michel Harriot for the Root.

 "As soon as America caught wind of the makeshift bombs that exploded in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota this weekend, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio quickly assembled the media and held a press conference, pleading for calm while authorities investigated the incidents. Along with the usual fear and outrage came calls from the conservative right side of the aisle for him and other politicians to immediately condemn the attacks on American citizens and brand the episodes with the infamous “ism” that pigeonholes every one of these occurrences as an act of hate.

I—on the other hand—wondered what the argument would sound like if this country were as sensitive to racism as it is to the country’s collective clutching of pearls about the horrific acts of terrorism that took place this weekend. Testing this argument does not require the stretching of false equivalencies or the bending of opinion. In fact, this might be the laziest piece of satire ever written, because all it requires is replacing the word “racism” with “terrorism,” and voilà! There you have it—a theoretical mad lib that answers the question, “What if we treated racism like we treat terrorism?

Maybe we should look at these apparent acts of terror with the sober objectivity the rest of America applies to police killings and other kinds of violent attacks. Shouldn’t we apply the same caution to the bombings, stabbings and mass shootings that we do to the videos of police shooting unarmed black men and women? When black people attribute state violence to prejudice, many citizens (pronounced “wyt pee-pull”) practice a subdued reluctance to say the word “racism.” Shouldn’t we apply this tactic across the board?

In short—why does everything have to be about terrorism?

Let me make this clear: It is tragic when innocent Minnesotans just trying to get home become victims of random acts of violence, whether walking through a mall or reaching for their license and registration. We should also be appalled when citizens who are minding their own business, standing on the corner in New York City, trying to catch a train or (and I’m just pulling this example out of thin air) selling a few loose cigarettes, find themselves suddenly on the ground unable to breathe because of the actions of a single person with hate in his heart and a history of violence.

But the larger question is, why are we so quick to brand this as terrorism? If we are a country of laws and procedures, shouldn’t we wait for a lengthy investigation, a grand jury and our 200-year-old justice system before we jump to conclusions? We should wait for the evidence to come in before we point fingers all willy-nilly at the accused. A protocol has been established, and the worst thing we can do is deny people their due process and convict them in the court of public opinion.
Why do you people always want to play the “terror card”?

Not everything is about terror. The grainy surveillance footage and cellphone videos don’t always tell the complete story. Perhaps there are other explanations. Maybe the perpetrators of these atrocities weren’t acting out of hate. Maybe they feared for their lives. After all, we weren’t there, so we really can’t say what happened. We can’t just accuse people of being terrorists until we have a thorough examination of the facts.

Before we talk about terrorism, maybe we should discuss the things that kill people randomly on street corners and at train stations. Why aren’t we having a conversation about New Yorker-on-New Yorker crime? If you look at the statistics, New Yorkers are far more likely to be killed by another New Yorker than a Muslim extremist. Why won’t the mainstream media talk about this?

Have you ever been to New Jersey? In 2015, 361 New Jerseyans fell victim to homicide. Almost all of them were killed by other people from New Jersey. We need to take a look at solving this epidemic before we approach terrorism in the state. That’s just logic. Maybe the people of New Jersey should focus on their own community before complaining about terrorist activity.

I hope the president doesn’t inject himself into this argument. The last thing we need is the leader of the free world uttering the phrase “radical Islamic extremism” from his bully pulpit. Using the same logic applied to Black Lives Matter and other organizations, it must mean he hates all Muslims. Even though white terrorists have killed more Americans than the Islamic State group and al-Qaida in the last 10 years. Even though the average American is 58 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. So please cease the anti-Islamic rhetoric. Shame on you.

And for heaven’s sake (and by “heaven” we mean the one with the angelic Caucasian Christians, not the one with 77 virgins or Tupac ’n ’em), please don’t argue that there is a difference between the Muslims who commit violence against Americans and the others who practice a religion of peace and love. There is no room for nuance in a discussion about terror. According to the rules established by police unions, Fox News and Chick-fil-A, speaking out against terrorism automatically means you are anti-Islam. In fact, whenever there is a bombing or mass killing, there is a procedure that we should follow to ensure that these kinds of events don’t take place again:
  1. Put the suspect on paid administrative leave.
  2. Conduct an extensive investigation behind closed doors.
  3. Make sure the suspect is defended by a system whose best interest is to exonerate him or her.
  4. Announce that a top secret grand jury, or an internal investigation, found no evidence of wrongdoing.
  5. Let the suspect go.
  6. Pay the victims millions of dollars with taxpayers’ money.
We know this method—as practiced by law-enforcement agencies around the United States—works flawlessly. If all else fails, there is one sure way to put an end to these incidents. You don’t have to actually do anything. Simply make this announcement after every attack:

“We need to have a conversation about terrorism.”[More here]


  1. Yisheng = nigger8:52 PM

    To many Trump supporters, anybody who isn't white and male and Christian has a good chance of being a terrorist. White people are allowed to get away with violence and murder. No one else.

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Talk about white privilege, take over federal property with aitomatic weapons or point high powered rifles and get away scot free. Be blah and sell loose squares and it's the death penalty. WTF?

  3. Wesley R9:39 PM


    Have you ever been on the website Gun Violence Archive? Right now in this country there have been over 12 thousand gun murders and 47 thousand shootings so far THIS YEAR. To one of your points, How many people in this country have the terrorist killed this year?

  4. Puerto Rican food sucks ass9:48 PM

    There is nothing scarier than a white man with a gun.

  5. Well, people often say BLM is a terrorist group, and they aren't wrong.

    1. Eric Jackassobus1:40 AM

      Yeah cause they take over government lands with guns........wait a sec....

  6. "White people are allowed to get away with violence and murder. No one else."
    That's rich coming from a n*gga wench like you.


  7. Anonymous11:29 PM

    I—on the other hand—wondered what the argument would sound like if this country were as sensitive to racism as it is to the country’s collective clutching of pearls about the horrific acts of terrorism that took place this weekend.

    This is retarded.

  8. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Have you ever been on the website Gun Violence Archive? Right now in this country there have been over 12 thousand gun murders and 47 thousand shootings so far THIS YEAR. To one of your points, How many people in this country have the terrorist killed this year

    You are right Wesley, black people are more dangerous than terrorists. However, black people are American citizens and aren't going anywhere, while terrorists come from the ranks of the Muslims the Democrats are shipping into our country, and we can do something about that. President Trump will take care of the terrorists, but you negroes are going to need to get your shit together on your own.

    America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black person problem. If there were no blacks in America, the murder rate would be about the same as that in Europe. Conversely, if there were no whites, the murder rate would be about the same as in Africa.

  9. Anonymous12:00 AM

    I've been reading the comments here and elsewhere. Now that I know blacks are so racist against whites, I will never support the civil rights movement again. I grew up admiring MLK but I guess that was a lie. My parents taught me to treat everyone as equals regardless of race. But I guess that's foolish. Thanks for opening a white guy's eyes. What a disappointment!

    1. Anonymous1:39 AM

      Who gives a fuck what you do anon 12:00. Now carry your dumb ass somewhere else and maybe somebody will give a fuck.

    2. Anon@12:00 is lying. I guarantee u it did not support MLK.

      Probably called him a Communist.

  10. Well, let's see: Terrorism works because so many people are so terrified of it that they change their behavior and opinions, which is its goal.
    Racism works because so many people are so terrified of changing their behavior and opinions that they refuse to examine them no matter how damaging they are to their own and other people's lives. Kind of like drug addiction that way, really, and also like drug addicts, racists tend to get defensive when confronted with their racism, rather than admit they have a problem and accept help with it, again, because they fear what would become of their way of life in its absence. It's damn hard to see what the other side would look like without having lived there, so their fear is somewhat understandable.
    As for conflating the two, it kind of works as a mental exercise, but as long as those folks who participate in the upkeep of both racism and the irrational fear of terrorists continue to construct their view of the world out of the propaganda served to them daily by those with a large political and financial interest in keeping them afraid of both terrorists and brown people, I don't think it will have much of an effect on them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Black people scare a lot of other people, and often for good reason. Every time I walk past one of you people I'm not sure if I will be assaulted or not. Of course, if I cross the street people will just scream racism at me. Black thugs are one of the biggest groups of domestic terrorists this country has.

    1. Eric Jackassobus1:42 AM

      Because there are so many Black thugs pointing guns at federal law enforcement officers with no repercussions........wait a sec.....

  12. Lance Cockstrong12:58 AM

    It's funny seeing that thing called Yisheng call other people wenches. It takes one to know one.

  13. Puerto Rican food sucks ass1:07 AM

    Whites are the biggest racists and the biggest terrorists in this country. One of the reasons the USA has had a long history of violence and racism is because white people have been in charge the whole time. Fortunately, that time will be coming to an end soon. Trump and his supporters can fight against it all they want, but ultimately it will be a losing battle for them.

  14. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Anyone who cries about racism is a pussy.

    1. Anonymous1:43 AM

      Like Eric Jackassobus. White boys are pussies.

  15. Anonymous7:09 AM

    God in Heaven, when will it end? Two more cops were just savagely executed, this time in Iowa, of all places. When does it stop? When do blacks get their fill of innocent human blood? More lives extinguished, more families ripped apart. Shameful.

    P.S. - Wonder if the shooter saw Birth Of A Nation this weekend?

  16. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Doug, you lost me at "Well, let's see".

    Break out that old text book from high school English. You know, the classes you failed. Look up rhetoric and learn it.

  17. @12:58, are you willing to admit to being transgender yet? Or are you just continuing to live the lesbian lifestyle?

    Do you wish you had a penis? I can't be the only one around here that finds it strange that a woman has pretended to be a man for the last what, 3-4 years.

    Just remember that unless you have your uterus/vagina removed, you'll still need yearly pap smears. Especially if you continue to supplement your income by being a ho'.

  18. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What's wrong with lesbians?

  19. Curtis Scoon10:17 AM

    Trump is going to get the highest percentage of the black vote by any Republican in generations.

    Don't get caught holding Hillary's dick.

    Jump on that Trump train!

  20. sillybill11:01 AM

    It was a white man. Try checking the news before you spout bs.

  21. Anonymous12:03 PM


    'It was a white man. Try checking the news before you spout bs."

    C'mon, you know these racist assholes and conservatives don't care about facts. Just check out what the smartest among them posts. He has a 150 IQ and doesn't know the difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud. Maybe white males are really inferior afterall?

  22. James is a weirdo12:07 PM

    Oh it gets even better.


    One of James' buddies I bet. Another stupid racist asshole.

  23. "He has a 150 IQ and doesn't know the difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud."

    I do.

    "Voter fraud" is the way democrats win tight elections. It consists of busing around thousands of voters from district to district to cast multiple votes, casting ballots for dead people, using forged ballots, intercepting and altering mail in ballots, altering machine tallies, and allowing non-citizens to vote.

    "Voter registration fraud" is one of the ways democrats facilitate voter fraud. It includes registering people not eligible to vote, multiple registrations for individuals, and the use of fake names or the names of dead people to obtain additional ballots.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      And this has been proven right? Oh that's right vote fraud is a Republican myth. You are almost as dumb as James. There are a lot of dumb white boys here. WTF.

    2. Zombie voter4:05 PM

      The zombie voter myth is as false and longlived as the conservative intellectual myth.

  24. As a liberal atheist I know that anyone voting for Trump is not a true Christian, which should make me like them though it does not.

    As a committed non-interventionist I know that anyone voting for Trump is not a true believer in endless war, which should make me like them though it does not.

    As someone who professes to care about the Middle Class, I know that anyone voting for Trump is not a true globalist, which should make me like them though it does not.

    Maybe I hate Trump supporters because I am just a hardcore partisan hack who hates what he is told to hate.

  25. It is time to indict the DOJ:


    Perter Kadzik of the DOJ sent an email to Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta on May 19, 2015 tipping him off that congress would be subpoenaing Hillary's State Department emails.

    Peter Kadzik was just named last week to head the DOJ's investigation of the emails just found on Anthony Winer's laptop.

  26. Anonymous said...
    What's wrong with lesbians?

    You should ask yourself that since that's the ONLY thing you referenced from my post.

  27. Anonymous2:47 PM

    What is smaller: a white man's brain, or a white man's dick?

  28. THE most corrupt act of ANY government official in the past 25 years was the authorization of the invasion into Iraq based on lies.

    So you deplorables can kiss Clinton's a$$!

  29. DQAE is a dumbass3:07 PM

    Blacks have been kissing Hillary's ass for awhile now. Just look at the percentage that will be voting for her next Tuesday.

  30. Oregon Pride3:27 PM

    No white person has ever caused as much destruction as your average brown terrorist. No white person has ever caused as much fear as your average black thug.

  31. Puerto Rican food sucks ass3:44 PM

    I wonder how many Trump supporters will have committed suicide by this time next week.

  32. Oregon Asshole3:47 PM

    Have they caught the white terrorist who shot the two cops? Maybe he's related to the couple who shot the cops in Nevada. White males are the biggest group of terrorists on the planet.

  33. Yisheng = nigger4:04 PM

    Trump and his supporters make it seem like he will make life better for people of color. They are delusional and dangerous.

  34. THE most corrupt act of ANY government official in the past 25 years was the authorization of the invasion into Iraq based on lies.

    So you deplorables can kiss Clinton's a$$!

    Hillary was on the intelligence commmitte and voted for war in Iraq.

    Trump opposed the war at the time and has criticized Bush for going into Iraq.

    A vote for Hillary is a vote for war.


  35. Derek Carr fan4:09 PM

    I always come here for the laughs that black people and their bullshit gives me. Today is no different. That's what black people are best for: reminding oneself to be happy you aren't black. LOL!!!

    1. Superior brother6:02 PM

      And the idiot white assholes who post here make me thankful I'm not a dumbassed little dicked white boy.

  36. Black people have made it unsafe to talk about race and racism. If a white person even mentions black people they will be branded a racist. The Left has made blacks untouchables and elevated them to the status of gods. Anybody who dares disagrees with that sentiment is a racist piece of shit. Your race is a joke.

    1. Superior brother6:07 PM

      Idiot racists like Eric Jackassobus post racist bullshit and wonder why they get called racists. I swear all of you trailer parkers are some of the fucking dumbest assholes on the planet. Normal white people like Doug should be ashamed of you morons. No wonder you feel the need to TRY to feel superior to another race becuse you imbeciles are worthless pieces of white trash that even your own kind disawows. Now go crawl back to whatever inbred cesspool you crawled out of.

  37. B*cth slap a dense librarian with an encyclopedia and a dildo5:27 PM

    "Trump and his supporters make it seem like he will make life better for people of color. They are delusional and dangerous."

    Yo DUMBO, NO ONE gives a rat's about your opinion until you post as


    And it looks like the whooteemoos have struck again in Mississippi, burning a church and spray painting Vote PussyGrabber/Trump.

    ONLY in America can a White male candidate get away with grabbing pussies and STILL be a candidate for POTUS!!

  38. "And it looks like the whooteemoos have struck again in Mississippi, burning a church and spray painting Vote PussyGrabber/Trump"

    You would believe that, it was done by the Hillary campaign for sheboons like you.

    This is obviously a false flag attempt at getting out the black vote. No Trump supporter would deface a church with "Vote for Trump".

    1. the kkk can suck my dickkk6:11 PM

      Yeah because the backwards assed inbred white boys are too dumb to spell vote so yeah I guess it is a false flag. Make America dumb again.

    2. Make America Dumb Again6:12 PM

      Yeah, Trumpettes are pretty fucking stupid.

  39. Was there a casting call for a spot on Infowars or something?

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Anonymous12:07 AM

      Yeah, the stupid was pretty thick here.

  40. James Deplorable9:51 PM

    I followed Field's link and laughed so hard I couldn't write anything for almost a day.  Besides cherry-picking his cutoff at 10 years to conveniently keep the thousands of 9/11 fatalities out of the accounting, his own reference shows 320 jihadists (a majority of whom were foreign-born) to just 182 non-jihadists; it's a good thing he published in March when he did, because in June the Orlando Pulse massacre would have upended his statistics for at least another decade, maybe 2.  What fraction of the USA follows the pedophile prophet again?  Maybe 1%?  Yet more than 60% of the attackers are butt-raisers.  From this, Field concludes... something about White people being the problem.

    Though we DO have Black people claiming to suffer from PTSD from what goes on in the hood.  Apparently, the 'hood has terrorism without terrorists.  Gang shoot-ups are officially NOT terrorism.  662 murders in Shitcongo alone in 2016 vs. 48 fatalities from supposed right-wing extremists over ten years, yet he wants people to be paranoid over the latter.

    TOO. DAMN. FUNNY!  Even funnier is that the googles here take it at face value.

    "I—on the other hand—wondered what the argument would sound like if this country were as sensitive to racism as it is to the country’s collective clutching of pearls about the horrific acts of terrorism that took place this weekend."

    We already know, at least when the racism is Black-on-White.  The victims of the racist beatings of innocent Whites after BLM rallies, people terrorized after mobs blocked highways, the "Beat Whitey Nights" at various state fairs well before anyone beyond Florida had ever heard the name Trayvon Martin... all of that racism was swept under the carpet.  Because "turrible legacy ob slabery".  Or something.

    The public, having long been fed up with your whining about racism as you collectively go about being violently racist, is not going to give you a pass any more.  You are the only ones who have shootings at "Stop da bilence" rallies... or have cause for those rallies in the first place.  Those who don't wear blinkers already know that it's not "society", it's your nature.  The fault is not in your stars, but in yourselves.  Time for you to leave White society.

  41. James Deplorable3:36 AM

    Dougie-boy is virtue signalling again, I see.

    "Racism works because so many people are so terrified of changing their behavior and opinions that they refuse to examine them no matter how damaging they are to their own and other people's lives."

    "Racism" works because naïveté doesn't.  People can be brainwashed into not being "racist" (denying that there are any significant racial differences), but for most of them this does not survive experience.  The saying in Africa is "What's the difference between a tourist and a racist?  About three weeks."  Note that I don't say it's a joke.  Southerners are "racist" because hundreds of years of experience allow them to recognize bullshit when they hear it.  "Anti-racism" is a luxury available mostly to people living without, or with only carefully-selected, non-Asian minorities.  Nobody else can afford it, not even Mexicans.

    The (((Bolsheviks))) pushed "blank-slate theory" which held that everyone could be made into the selfless New Soviet Man.  This worked no better than Lysenkoism, though scientists were purged to labor camps and even executed for saying so.  The version made by the (((Marxists))) of the Frankfurt School for Western societies is "paint-job theory", aka "evolution stopped inside the dermis and above the neck."  I note that the Africans here don't believe it; none of them claim oneness with White people, not even the chief half-White herself.

    The funniest part, if you appreciate hypocrisy as the homage vice pays to virtue, is that rich leftists will live and send their children to school in the whitest environments they can afford, with a few hand-picked Persons of Color included and cultivated so they can claim to be Verifiably Not Racist.  Never would they risk their kids or themselves in an actual minority-majority neighborhood or school; those are DANGEROUS not to mention dirty, dysfunctional and anti-intellectual!  But you will never get them to admit what makes a "bad" neighborhood or school, even though they know it only too well.  They are Politically Correct, and PC makes war on noticing those things that everybody can see.

    But Dougie is far from the most retarded commenter here:

    "Whites are the biggest racists and the biggest terrorists in this country. One of the reasons the USA has had a long history of violence and racism is because white people have been in charge the whole time."

    This clown has the luxury of saying this because White people value freedom of speech (even for lies) and frown on shooting the likes of him unless they're caught in the act of assault, robbery or rape.  Various African-infested countries trade the title for world's most murderous (Jamaica held it for a while), and the winner in the USA always owes it to its Africans, but this dumbass doesn't notice it any more than a fish notices water.  Not that he wouldn't leave a Black 'hood for a White one in a second, no siree!  It's just that Black people murdering each other over the last pork chop is Whitey's fault, because his head would explode if he ever tried to think otherwise.  It's Whitey's juju, never him.

    "I guarantee u it did not support MLK.

    Probably called him a Communist."

    Michael Scott King WAS a communist.  It's time to call a spade an African-American.

  42. James Deplorable3:38 AM

    "Oh that's right vote fraud is a Republican myth."

    More that came across my screen in just the last few days.  The NAACP (Negroes Are Always Causing Problems) files suit over privately-initiated purges of invalid voter-roll entries:


    Very much non-White woman (Rosa Maria Ortega, obviously not a Republican) jailed on charges of multiple voting:


    GOP alleges voter fraud in Broward county (where are the Democrat charges of voter fraud?):


    "Trump and his supporters make it seem like he will make life better for people of color."

    I'm going to let you in on a secret:  Trump knows that Black people don't want jobs, they want free shit (whether it comes from the government, charity or theft).  Trump is appealing to believers in Paint-Job Theory who hope against hope that if we give jobs to Black people they will finally act White.

    "They are delusional and dangerous."

    They're only dangerous to your gravy train.  Come to think of it, you SHOULD be afraid!

    "Black people have made it unsafe to talk about race and racism."

    Africoons don't have that kind of power, or the brains to use it if they did.  It's a certain (((tribe))) which owns most of the media that uses them as shock troops and takes offense on their behalf.
