Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Captain America?

Image result for barry arnold imagesSo I read the following story today, and after reading it I just want to remind you Negroes to be careful in donald trump's America.

Sadly, there are a lot of deplorables out there.

"A Georgia fire captain was arrested for allegedly spewing racial slurs and threatening to kill a black couple while waving his gun. But one year later, charges against the veteran firefighter were inexplicably dropped.

A judge quietly dismissed the case against Barry Arnold—a 2014 Savannah Firefighter of the Year— in September after the government failed to prosecute, online court records show.

The 42-year-old father of three faced several misdemeanors for allegedly threatening to shoot Marquist Curtis and his fiancée, Amber Phillips, at a Savannah Applebee’s one Friday night in October 2015. He was originally charged with pointing a gun at another, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness.

The incident remains under investigation, according to the Chatham County district attorney’s office, though no new charges have been filed. A spokeswoman told The Daily Beast the case is open and declined to comment further.

Still, Curtis and his supporters remain skeptical that prosecutor Meg Heap will again pursue charges against the city employee.

“We just want justice. No more, no less,” Curtis told The Daily Beast. “They’re trying to put what he did on hold.”

Curtis said the Savannah prosecutor’s office— the same that handled the jailhouse death of black college student Mathew Ajibade — never informed him they were dropping charges against Arnold. Instead, he found out through his attorney. “Nobody’s contacted us,” he said.

On the night of the encounter, Arnold was dining with his family when he became belligerent toward their waitress and called her a “nigger,” according to a police report. Then Arnold allegedly told his wife, “I don’t know how you like these niggers” and “I don’t know how they are just allowed to walk around.”

Despite Arnold’s tirades against African Americans, a staff member seated Curtis and Phillips at a booth next to him. Employees also continued to serve Arnold alcohol, Curtis claims. “He’s saying, ‘I got those black ass ribs just like those niggers,’” Curtis told The Daily Beast. “He looked over at my fiancée and said ‘I can’t stand those niggers.’”

“It really felt like he wanted us to hear him,” Curtis said, adding that he confronted Arnold when he called Phillips a “black bitch.”

When Curtis asked Arnold what his problem was, Arnold tried to kick him and tackled him into a table, injuring Curtis’s eye. That’s when Curtis and Phillips decided to leave, and Arnold allegedly followed them outside. As the couple walked to their vehicle, Arnold allegedly grabbed a gun from his own vehicle and pointed it at them.

Around the same time, Applebee’s staff locked the doors so the couple couldn’t get back inside, Curtis says.

“He’s walking over with his gun and badge, saying, ‘I’ve got the right to kill you niggers,’” Curtis told The Daily Beast.

A police report mirrors Curtis’s version of events.

Around 9:48 p.m., Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police responded to a call about a person with a gun at an Applebee’s on Abercorn Street.

According to the report, cops cuffed Arnold after he refused to comply with orders to spread his feet for a search. The arresting officer could smell the odor of alcohol on Arnold and noticed his speech was slightly slurred.

When the officer asked Arnold what happened, he allegedly replied that he “was attacked” because Curtis thought he used the “N word.”

Curtis told police that Arnold announced he was going to kill him and continued spewing the “N word” while waving his black semiautomatic pistol. A crowd began to form around the trio in the parking lot.

In his report, the police officer noted Curtis’s right eye was swollen and bloodshot, but he didn’t detect any odor of alcohol while speaking to Curtis and his fiancee.

Two bystanders corroborated Arnold’s bigoted outburst, including one woman who said she was seated next to Arnold and witnessed him calling Curtis the “N word” multiple times until Curtis eventually approached him. She said she attempted to separate the men.

The Applebee’s waitress, who did not return messages left by The Daily Beast, told police Arnold was angry over the chain’s service and began yelling the “N word” at her, so she ignored him, according to the report.

Will Claiborne, an attorney for Curtis, said both Applebee’s and the DA’s office has refused to allow him access to surveillance video of the frightening encounter.

This month, Claiborne’s firm released a YouTube video titled “How racist do you have to be to get kicked out of an Applebee’s?”

The footage, which includes a rundown of the incident, provides contact information for prosecutor Meg Heap and asks callers to demand she charge Arnold with felony aggravated assault. The video also includes numbers for Applebee’s.  

Heap’s office said it dismissed Arnold’s misdemeanor charges in state court but is investigating possible felony charges in superior court.

Meanwhile, a representative for Applebee’s said the priority of the restaurant was to ensure the safety of guests and employees.

“We have turned the video over to the police at the time of the incident. It rests solely in the authorities hands at this time,” said Neal Musmanno, director of operations at Apple American Group, which owns and operates hundreds of Applebee’s restaurants."

When racists become embolden like this it makes it tough for all of us.

Anyway here is an UPDATE about this story, and it's  a bit of good news. It seems that pressure from The Daily Beast has forced the hands of the authorities in Georgia to finally act on this sad matter.

Editor's Note: A Georgia firefighter was indicted Wednesday for allegedly spewing racial slurs and aiming a handgun at a black couple at an Applebee’s last year.

The announcement came hours after The Daily Beast revealed initial misdemeanor charges against former Savannah fire captain Barry Arnold were quietly dropped.

Arnold is charged with felony aggravated assault for pointing his weapon at Marquist Curtis and Amber Phillips in the parking lot, following a bigoted tirade inside the restaurant where he allegedly called his waitress a “nigger.” [Source]


So what did he do when he was called to a fire in the home of a black family? Let it burn?

Hopefully this jerk will get everything he deserves.


  1. The Ministry of Truth9:34 PM

    "So what did he do when he was called to a fire in the home of a black family? Let it burn?"

    Could be. Sounds like he'd have a lot in common with that Kentucky fire chief a couple years back who showed up at a car accident south of Louisville between a car with white passengers and one with black passengers. He took the white ones to the hospital, but left the black ones at the crash site, saying, "We Ain't Taking No Niggers Here!"

    Horrible. Apparently, Jim Crow didn't end in Bullitt County, KY.

  2. Yisheng is a genius9:42 PM

    Honestly, when I hear the word "nigger", my brain immediately translates the word to "I'm too big of a ignorant dumbass to say anything else".

    Then I laugh, shurge, and go back to whatever I was previously doing.

    So who's as excited as I am to see the movie Hidden Figures?

  3. Lilacpr10:26 PM

    This happened last year? So what does Trump have to do with it? and all the other deaths of Black persons at the hands of authorities during past years, what does Trump have to do with that? He wasn't even running for office at those times, so now it was his fault anyway??? xD

    *shaking my head*

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "So who's as excited as I am to see the movie Hidden Figures?"

    Definitely me.


  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "He wasn't even running for office at those times, so now it was his fault anyway??? xD'

    Nope, not his fault but he is emboldening these types. His chief of staff gave a platform to a known white supremacist. It's going to get worse before it gets better but we've been here before so no worries right?


  6. Lilacpr10:37 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "He wasn't even running for office at those times, so now it was his fault anyway??? xD'

    Nope, not his fault but he is emboldening these types. His chief of staff gave a platform to a known white supremacist. It's going to get worse before it gets better but we've been here before so no worries right?


    10:33 PM

    I'll just call you "The Prophet of Doomsday" from now on :D

    Myself, I think I'll wait and see...

  7. James Deplorable11:12 PM

    So Feeled...

    a. makes a HUGE deal about a drunk and disorderly firefighter who never actually fired at anyone, but

    b. ignores the Black-on-Black murders in Chicago going at better than 2 per day, while

    c. pooh-poohing any mention of brutal black-on-White murders like the burning murder of Dorthy Dow by 4 apes.

    Now who could have emboldened the 4 apes who ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE IN PERHAPS THE MOST CRUEL AND SADISTIC FASHION POSSIBLE?  Could it be... Obama?

    With the string of TNB like that, I am inclined to give firefighters a pass if they express antipathy towards you for committing it, and prosecutors for sweeping such incidents under the rug after giving the perp a talking-to.  You complain about "too many Black men in prison", so to be consistent you can't demand that this guy be punished any more harshly than one of yours.

    That is, unless you're just another racist.

    See why the word doesn't sting any more?

    1. Can you make the text a bit bolder? I can't hear you!

  8. "I'll just call you "The Prophet of Doomsday" from now on :D"

    you sure can, just look at the number of hate crimes since he began his campaign. I don't need someone to tell me what I'm seeing isn't really shit when it looks and smells like shit. By the time you figure out who we're dealing with it'll be too late.

  9. The real Captain America

  10. Yisheng = nigger1:01 AM

    Sad to see a firefighter being racist. They are too good for that nonsense.

  11. Lance Cockstrong1:10 AM

    He is a bad white man with a small dick, though it wouldn't be a tragedy by any means if he let Yisheng's house burn down with her inside.

  12. I generally have a lot of respect for firefighters, the ones I've seen here in Oakland do a bang-up job, and I fought on a couple of forest fires myself when I was young, by far the hardest, most physically demanding work I've ever done. But I imagine that even among professionals who really have to come through when it counts there are gonna be some racist assholes, and also some who become racist assholes when alcohol takes the brakes off a little. And alcohol (and being an asshole) seems to promote really bad gun etiquette (by the NRA standards I was taught as a child) so I have to question the wisdom of combining the two.
    Sadly, it seems like more and more these days you need a media platform to get anything like justice when your case is inconvenient, and I have to question whether the shaming approach will continue to work at all for much longer.

    Off topic, but there goes the air and water and low-lying coastal real estate.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Puerto Rican food sucks ass2:02 AM

    I also have a lot of respect for firefighters. I wouldn't let his asshole taint their reputation.

  14. The Ministry of Truth2:12 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Oregon Pride2:17 AM

    The funny thing is that most black people would let a white person burn to death in their own house.

  16. Guy yelling slurs and threatening = be careful in Trump's America!

    Blacks beating the holy shit out of whites who voted for/supported Trump = total media blackout, because pretending it isn't happening means it isn't happening.
    (2 of thousands of examples!)

    It's not blacks who need to be careful in Trump's America. It's whites. Every crybaby in this nation now has their inbuilt justification for attacking white people.

  17. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Poor guy has negro fatigue. The whole country has negro fatigue.

    1. Serbia is beautiful this time of year. That might cure your "Negro fatigue."

      OR, there is always a NASCAR event or your local WalMart.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    doug the beast croaked...

    "and I fought on a couple of forest fires myself when I was young, by far the hardest, most physically demanding work I've ever done."

    I remember when I was the King of Prussia.

  19. Anonymous7:12 AM

    yisheng burped...

    "Then I laugh, shurge, and go back to whatever I was previously doing."

    Stuffing your face with fried chicken?

    1. Says the overweight troll.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "...I just want to remind you Negroes to be careful in donald trump's America."
    As if we were safe under Obama's America!

  21. The Ministry of Truth9:41 AM

    So Donald Trump has extended an invitation to "Duterte Harry" to visit the White House when he becomes president. Trump spoke to the Philippine president in a phone conversation, in which he said that President Duterte was handling his nation's crime problem "the right way."

    For anyone who does not know, the way Duterte is handling crime in the Philippines is by announcing a vigilante free-for-all in which the general public, and dirty cops, can simply murder alleged career criminals (or just people they don't like, probably) without consequence. Thousands of so-called "bad guys" have been murdered so far.

    Trump says, "Law and order must be restored." It nice to know how he thinks that could be accomplished.

  22. Coming from a STRONGLY connected military family, I think all these military appointments are going to scare the shit out of all of our friends and foes alike, because NO ONE knows what could happen next. Of course, Trump doesn't either so I guess we'll ALL be scared shitless!!

    And I think we need to start a petition to make Petraeus get his seemingly unemployable mistress a job, it's rich that he can be considered for a top level position after being a ho' and breaking laws, but his ho' a former major, can't find a job!!

  23. I also hope all the poor Whooteemoos are getting their feeble minds right for the next military conflict they're going to be in REAL soon. But at least they'll have jobs, right?

    MAGA, Make America Go (to war) Again!!

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson10:38 AM

    Hey, Queenie...maybe we should get Monica Lewinsky a Ambassadorship job? She can obviously blow her way through the White House...why not the world?

  25. Gin and Tacos has a more subtle story on the racism front. Seems Trevor Noah's attempt to have a civilized discussion with racist Tomi Lahren. It drew some strong responses from black writers:

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson11:01 AM

    You like to show pics of white, and semi-white men accused of crimes.

    Here is something you NEVER post:

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Gin and Tacos has a more subtle story on the racism front. Seems Trevor Noah's attempt to have a civilized discussion with racist Tomi Lahren. It drew some strong responses from black writers.

    Standing with Aryan Barbie is NEVER going to go over well with the educated black community. EVER.

  29. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...

    For anyone who does not know, the way Duterte is handling crime in the Philippines is by announcing a vigilante free-for-all in which the general public, and dirty cops, can simply murder alleged career criminals (or just people they don't like, probably) without consequence. Thousands of so-called "bad guys" have been murdered so far.

    9:41 AM

    Hmmm...isn't that exactly what was happening on the streets here? Garner, Gray,etc...

  30. Anonymous1:06 PM

    yisheng is a lying, ignorant and extraordinarily ugly sheboon. Have another bucket of KFC yisheng.

  31. Anonymous1:08 PM

    What's wrong with Walmart?

  32. Anonymous1:12 PM

    For negro fatigue? Little or no contact with negroes helps but the only cure is negro repatriation.

    I've heard Zimbabwe is beautiful this time of year. And it's for negroes. All of Africa is for negroes.

  33. field negro said...
    Serbia is beautiful this time of year. That might cure your "Negro fatigue."

    So much talk of "negro fatigue", yet on a Black blog EVERY fucking day.

    Thank you Field, for giving these Whooteemoos a purpose in life!

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson2:56 PM

    Hey! Thanks for giving me the idea of eating me some KFC!

    I don't particularly like their chicken, but I do like their potatoes & gravy and cole slaw.

  35. Yisheng is a genius3:19 PM

    Eating fried foods regularly not only makes people overweight, it's time consuming to cook. And quite frankly, the taste is just ok.

    Baked is the way to go, since you can multitask while dinner is cooking! And it's MUCH healthier especially when you remove the skin as I do. ��

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson4:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Yisheng is a genius5:02 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Aw, baby Queenie....the last time you removed the skin, was from an uncircumcised dick.

    Sounds like what you do before you suck an uncircumcised d*ck.

    And thanks for the reminder not to EVER respond again to you lame ass d*ckheads!

  38. RIP John Glenn, the primary motivation for my old high school goal of becoming a Pilot/Astronaut and for my winning an appointment to a military academy.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson5:10 PM

    Well, that was a smart come-back, Queenie!

    Wanna bet? Which of us has the most balls on our chin?

  40. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes5:15 PM

    You are a total lying sack of shit, Queenie. You claim all sorts of "Degrees" from all types of colleges, now you want to claim an appointment to a military institution. Which one?

  41. I was taught (by my boss, a chef born in Tehran) to saute it, myself. Garlic butter, herbs, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, white wine, and some correction of the seasoning.

    Oh, and KOP, my dad worked for the US Forest Service for thirty years, and got me on the roster for summer firefighting jobs in Six Rivers National Forest in the late seventies. The largest fire I worked was near Pilot Rock (the one in northern California, not the one in San Bernardino county.)

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Now Doug, ALL of that sounds absolutely delicious!! But I gotta ask, what kinds of herbs? I've been experimenting with Indian herbs, turmeric, curry, ect. to great results according to my family.

  43. "You are a total lying sack of shit, Queenie."

    Military academy. Five masters degrees, which required a minimum of five lesser degrees, and multiple PhDs. Years spent in researching. Years spent in development. And all this while having three bastard babies with three different men.

    Very rich backstory. A 10th-grade dropout, dependent on welfare, who cannot even use Google correctly doesn't have the same ring...

  44. James Deplorable7:03 PM

    I get the sense that Yīshēng's degrees have about as much reality as Eleesha Long's "Trump supporters threw rocks at me!" hate hoax.

    And why should they?  Black people are so used to lying to each other, they assume everyone is lying about everything.  But you notice that they won't bet that someone is lying.  That would mean they actually believe what they say.  They don't.

    And they wonder why anything they're involved with turns to shit.  THAT is where the stupid comes in.  They cannot connect the cause (lying about everything, hustling all the time, stealing whatever's loose) with the effects.

  45. The Ministry of Truth7:05 PM

    "Hmmm...isn't that exactly what was happening on the streets here? Garner, Gray,etc..."

    No. Not even close.

    Cops screwing up and facing no accountability is a serious problem facing our nation -- an injustice we are finding it very hard to fix, because we don't really want to acknowledge it. But most of these (not all) are the result of bad judgments about use of force in making an arrest, or wrongful self-defense decisions, by cops with strong prejudice, poor qualifications, or the wrong temperament for doing their jobs. And you're talking numbers of roughly 100 unjustified killings of unarmed black men annually.

    If the "Duterte Plan" were in force in America, there'd be tens of thousands of deliberately targeted black men every year, murdered in cold blood and broad daylight by both rotten cops and regular civilian racists alike. This would amount to bringing back lynching. That innocent couple threatened by the crazy, gun-waving fireman in this story? They'd be dead now. After he shot them, the fireman would stick a cardboard sign on each of their chests reading "drug dealer" and his actions would be considered a public service.

    This is what is happening in the Philippines right now, albeit without any racial component to the killings, since the Philippines is basically mono-racial.

    Things can actually get worse than they are now.

  46. Here's a good question.

    That fire in Oakland was at a place known to be frequented by members of the LGBTQ community.

    Does Oakland have any "Captain America's" at their firehouses?

    And who else thinks Petraus will NOT be confirmed?

  47. "Standing with Aryan Barbie is NEVER going to go over well with the educated black community. EVER."

    "Aryan Barbie". Classic! :)

    "What's wrong with Walmart?"

    Nothing. Nothing at all......

  48. Wally World has unbeatable prices on household items and their Christmas decorative options rival Michael's.

  49. James Deplorable11:58 PM

    "If the "Duterte Plan" were in force in America, there'd be tens of thousands of deliberately targeted black men every year, murdered in cold blood and broad daylight by both rotten cops and regular civilian racists alike."

    What you're afraid of is that when your baybeez perpetrated gang assaults on White girls minding their own business you'd face overwhelming deadly force against the whole coonmunity to make sure you NEVER DID IT AGAIN.  The only thing that prevents this from happening every time there's a Steve Utash or Anne Pressly or Jonathon Foster is the police.  Take the police away, and you're dead.

  50. Yisheng: The herbs varied, usually whipped into the garlic butter by the prep staff. I tend to just use some basil these days, but don't really always do the whole white wine thing. Garlic, butter, and lemon oil works pretty well for me.
    As for the OFD, I've always found them to be effective and professional, but who knows? They're a big outfit. The city government has a balancing act to perform: we like our creative community, but the rents here are out of reach of most creative types, so they get used as sort of the shock troops of gentrification: they are willing to live in converted commercial space for the affordability and the opportunity to do the kind of things landlords frown upon, and in the process they make neighborhoods out of industrial wastelands, only to get priced out of the areas they were the anchor for. So the city isn't always very strict about the adherence to building codes, as they get rising property values out of the deal. I've spent a couple of decades living among other musicians and artists in warehouse space we converted ourselves, and as many of us work construction, we mostly had safe, livable spaces. That is not always the case with creative types, and there are many sub-code spaces being lived in around here. The problems happen when those spaces get used for public events without permits or inspections. Those inspectors may seem like hard asses, but they know what they're doing and should be listened to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Lilacpr12:23 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...

    Wally World has unbeatable prices on household items and their Christmas decorative options rival Michael's.

    9:31 PM

    and they can offer these "unbeatable prices" precisely because the keep their salaries low :)
