Monday, December 19, 2016

Does your president-elect use the N-word?

Image result for n word imagesI just read that there is an alleged tape of of herr trump using the N- word a few years back while he was living his celebrity life.

This, of course, is not a big deal to trumpsters. In fact, I suspect that it would have gotten him more votes in certain quarters if live footage of him dropping the N- bomb were to be revealed. "I love that trump guy. He is not politically correct. He tells it likes it is."    

Anyway, you always have to consider the source, and in this case the source is none other than Tom Arnold. I loved the guy in True Lies, but I am not sure if he is the most trustworthy fellow out there

 "In the wake of the infamous Access Hollywood “grab ’em by the pussy” hot mic moment that nearly tanked President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign in October, there were reports that outtakes from Trump’s old show The Apprentice held even more embarrassing material, such as the real estate mogul using racial slurs and making extremely offensive remarks.

In fact, with producer Mark Burnett threatening to sue anyone who released any leaked video footage, you had folks like billionaire Mark Cuban offering to cover the $5 million legal penalty. Alas, nothing extremely damaging ever got released from Trump’s time as Apprentice host. But, it appears that at least one person says the footage exists and that he actually has it.

Last week, comedian and actor Tom Arnold told a radio show in Seattle that he has “the outtakes to The Apprentice where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever…I have that.”
And if you were wondering if Arnold was joking, he told host Dori Monson that the main reason he hasn’t released anything is because of the “$5 million confidentiality agreement” that will hit the editors and associate producer who sent out the tape.  

However, that didn’t stop him from saying what is in the show’s outtakes.
Hundreds of people have seen these. It was sort of a Christmas video they put together. He wasn’t going to be President of the United States. It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children. Oh, this is so funny, this is this guy.
Tom Arnold is friends with the new host of The Celebrity Apprentice, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The two starred in the 1994 blockbuster True Lies. He also told the show that Schwarzenegger’s agent wanted him to release the tape in an effort to help Hillary Clinton.

For his part, Arnold doesn’t think the tape’s release would’ve hurt Trump in the end, saying that he thinks it would have made people like him more for being “politically incorrect.” [Source]

Sadly, like trump's tax returns and his medical records, we will probably never see trump going all KKK  on video anytime soon. Now, more than ever, he will be protected, and if there is such a video out there, it will be guarded over like the man himself.

Speaking of guarded, there is talk out there that Herr trump is will be bringing in his own private security force to Washington when he becomes president. I guess he will need them along with the Secret Service to go after the nasty press that he hates so much.

 "President-elect Donald Trump has continued employing a private security and intelligence team at his victory rallies, and he is expected to keep at least some members of the team after he becomes president, according to people familiar with the plans.

The arrangement represents a major break from tradition. All modern presidents and presidents-elect have entrusted their personal security entirely to the Secret Service, and their event security mostly to local law enforcement, according to presidential security experts and Secret Service sources.  

But Trump — who puts a premium on loyalty and has demonstrated great interest in having forceful security at his events — has opted to maintain an aggressive and unprecedented private security force, led by Keith Schiller, a retired New York City cop and Navy veteran who started working for Trump in 1999 as a part-time bodyguard, eventually rising to become his head of security.

Security officials warn that employing private security personnel heightens risks for the president-elect and his team, as well as for protesters, dozens of whom have alleged racial profiling, undue force or aggression at the hands of Trump’s security, with at least 10 joining a trio of lawsuits now pending against Trump, his campaign or its security.

“It’s playing with fire,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a former Secret Service agent who worked on President Barack Obama’s protective detail during his 2012 reelection campaign. Having a private security team working events with Secret Service “increases the Service’s liability, it creates greater confusion and it creates greater risk,” Wackrow said." [Source]

I don't think that trump worries too much about the confusion and chaos that he is creating with these moves. I think he knows exactly what he is doing and he has a master plan in place

*Pic from


  1. President Donald Motherfucker Trump10:38 PM

    Hey bigots, there's only ONE race--the race to escape Muslim suicide drivers.

    1. If Hillary would've won... I'm not so sure you wouldn't have found a truck of your own to drive through a crowd of celebrators.

  2. So... Ron Paul, who did not run, received more electoral votes than Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin.

    2016 is the gift that keeps on giving

  3. I just so OVER the word nigger. And ape, and all the other words related to simians.

    Absolutely NOTHING in my blessed life changes when whooteemoos use these words. NOTHING!!

  4. I don't know if I can call it a master plan. Maybe a massa plan or a mastur plan. Trump can barely read, his planning abilities don't seem too masterful, most of the time. He bankrupted a fucking casino.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. All the casinos are bankrupt in NJ. Nothing to see here.

  5. Lucy Montrose said...
    If Hillary would've won... I'm not so sure you wouldn't have found a truck of your own to drive through a crowd of celebrators.

    Um...that never happened, fascist. The Washington Times is not a credible source. No Muslim refugee would ever betray the kindness of his host country by killing a truck driver and then driving the truck through a Christmas celebration.

    Fuck you, racist bigot! Check your privilege!

    1. Hi, Rapefugee. Gud Jul.

      Why for you call me fascist and racist? I know I'm not, so those don't bother me. But you don't come off as too much a champion of democracy yourself.

      I suspected you might be the type to drive a truck through a crowd of your opponents for two reasons: your hate and anger.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    I just so OVER the word nigger. And ape, and all the other words related to simians.

    You're right Yisheng, that kind of dehumanization is so yesterday. But whooteemoo, cracker, and trailer trash are still pretty cool and acceptable in polite company. At least we have one demographic that we are allowed to belittle and denigrate.

    Ha ha ha, I hate poor white people! Fuck those deplorables! Hooray for their diminished economic prospects and increasing mortality rates!

    So there's that.

    1. Well, when you keep on voting for the people who keep flushing your economic prospects down the toilet, in spite of everyone's attempt to convince you otherwise... we're gonna start losing sympathy for you. God helps those who help themselves, after all.

      Fight the real enemy: online applications, applicant tracking systems, and HR people who outsource their thinking to algorithms.

  7. @Lucy Montrose
    I suspected you might be the type to apologize for someone from a hostile culture driving a truck through a crowd of your people for two reasons: your frustration and ignorance.

    Your ignorance is a result of your being betrayed by those who should have transmitted your culture to you in a coherant and confident manner.

    Your frustration is a result of you not having a man to master you.

    1. Don't need a man to master me. Don't want one. I'm my own master.

      I feel sorry for you, you'd rather be mastered than loved. Such a sad way to look at relationships.

    2. Not frustrated at all. I got my culture transmitted to me just fine. I've got no problem with Muslims... as long as they aren't assholes. Assholery doesn't pick religions.

  8. Anonymous12:58 AM

    MTV's racist "white men video" was a viral hit. That's all the left sells - hatred. No other message. No vision. No life. A cult of death.

    1. Because it was funny. You might check out the "racist glasses" one too.

      The left sells life worth living. Life that's about more than just survival... love, beauty, kindness, compassion, and the adventure of knowing there are so many varieties of people to know.

  9. The Trumpening1:02 AM

    Monotheism is anathema for tyrants, it's an old story.

    The new Totalitarians, aka the Globalists, have repackaged polytheism as multiculturalism and billed it as a boon to the West's insouciant peoples.

    But things have gotten so bad, we are insouciant no more.

    1. How about non-theism?

      Because I don't need a god to affirm my inherent human dignity.

  10. Rapefugee1:07 AM

    Lucy Montrose said...
    Don't need a man to master me. Don't want one. I'm my own master.

    I knew it.

    No woman is happy until she has found a man worth submitting to and has born his children.

    Your unhappiness manifests itself in destructive political thoughts and hysterical resentments.

    Stop living a lie. Embrace the truth, and you shall find contentment and peace.

    1. Let me guess... not having too much luck in the dating game, are we?

      And no wonder. You don't believe in love-- just dominance and procreation.

  11. OK Field, I suspect that at least 3 people here are the same troll-- Rapefugee, Proglodyte, and DonaldMFingT. (Maybe Donna Faceberg too.)

    And they are either a fan of Anders Breivik, or are him himself, having just been given internet privileges from jail. The sentiments about relationships are remarkably similar.

  12. Rapefugee1:17 AM

    I love to dominate and procreate, yes. Does not every man?

    What is best in life? To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. - Conan the Barbarian

    1. You just admitted that the only way you'll ever get laid is to rape.

      And no, actually only a tiny subset of men like to do this. Most men like friendship and love.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Rapefugee1:24 AM

    I've had more women than you've had hot baths.

    And nothing about dominating and procreating precludes friendship and love.

    1. Um... dominating someone tends to make them dislike and hate you. As does forcing unwanted pregnancy on them.

  15. Never Forget1:25 AM

    Why do people hate jews again?

  16. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Conservative fantasy: shooting a Muslim terrorist.

    Liberal fantasy: Protecting a Muslim accused of being a terrorist.

    1. My fantasy: you working as a Walmart greeter for a Muslim manager.

  17. Rapefugee1:37 AM

    Lucy Montrose said...
    Um... dominating someone tends to make them dislike and hate you. As does forcing unwanted pregnancy on them

    Oh, you'd want it Lucy. But you'd have to beg.

    1. Nope. I like to save my begs for really special things.

  18. Anonymous1:39 AM

    The Plan:
    1. Import Millions of Muslims
    2. Install Police State for our "Protection"
    3. Exempt Muslims from Police State because "Islamophobia"

  19. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Hillary loses twice as many Electors as Trump despite:

    -SNL skit
    -Celeb videos
    -Russia Fake News
    -1000's nasty letters
    -MSM bias

  20. Lance Cockstrong1:43 AM

    I like my girls like my African economies.


    1. Now you're just being a troll.


  21. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Leftists aren't loony cultists, not at all:

  22. Lucy,u might be right, we do get quite a few stormfront and SBPDL Nazi rejects here. Can't explain it. But don't feed them too much, or they will become fixated on u.

    Just ask the Doc.😑

  23. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Trump may have said the n-word. The Horror! The Horror!

    What's worse is he may have thought the n-word. Can't have that, only state sanctioned and approved thought allowed.

    Of course one may wonder what's the big deal. People that nag all the time will probably be called "naggers".

  24. James Deplorable8:55 AM

    "I just so OVER the word nigger. And ape, and all the other words related to simians.

    Absolutely NOTHING in my blessed life changes when whooteemoos use these words. NOTHING!!"

    Now you know how we've come to feel about "racist".  And congratulations on finally growing up, however temporary that turns out to be.

  25. LOL @ Field!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    OMFG! Donnie Drumofuck called Obama the N-word right here in front of gawd and everyone. I seen it on the internet so it must be true. Right, right wing morons?

    Secret Service sez the head of Drumpf's personal goon squad is too freaking slow to react in an emergency, plus he gets in the way. Ringing endorsement, what?

  27. Anonymous said...
    Hillary loses twice as many Electors as Trump because:

    uneducated voters

    triple teaming from wingnuts, FBI and Russia

    18 solid months of rightwing propaganda

    35 straight years of wingnut investigations and unproven allegations

    voter suppression efforts all over America (Drumpf thanked Blacks for not coming out to vote. Proof positive that vs worked as intended)

    Theree Anon, I fix tit for you.


  28. Gotta love Mike. He gives no quarters to a right-wingnut.🙄

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Field, it doesn't take more than one lesson dealing with rwnj to understand, if you give them an inch they consider that capitulation and they will essentially take everything.

    There is no honor in these people. Back in the early 70s you could find decency in the party of R. Since Raygun it has been winner take all, screw the means. Rules were made for Libs.

  31. Rapefugee. wingnuts are the only group I know that whenever there is a mass shooting of Gays or Blacks are shot multiple times in the back, they run to the scene and make sure the gun is okay. Maybe see if the gun needs assistance or backup. Gotta keep those priorities straight. But then, guns don't kill people, do they?

  32. "But then, guns don't kill people, do they?"

    No, for the most part it's blacks:

    Today blacks are about 13 percent of the population and continue to be responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. Between 1976 and 2005 blacks com­mitted more than half of all murders in the United States. The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement.

    1. Hi Rapefugee. You of the million names. Good to see you again.

      Based on how many links you post from the Moonie Times, I'll hazard a guess that you work for them. After all, your job probably demands you sell/promote your company every chance you get.

  33. mike from Iowa's mom11:20 AM

    field negro said...
    Gotta love Mike. He gives no quarters to a right-wingnut.

    The only quarters mike gives are feeding the 25 cent midget porn viewing booths at the back of the dildo store. I don't even go down in the basement where he lives anymore.

  34. My last word on this subject so as not to hijack the thread-

    The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement.

    Racial profiling is alive and well in America.
    One wonders how the rates of white committing white color crime would be skewed if any of the Wall Street thugs and bankers had to do time for their criminal activities that ruined our economy under dumbass dubya?


  35. "wingnuts.....they run to the scene and make sure the gun is okay. "

    THIS line is funny as hell, rotfl!

  36. I will no longer belittle wingnuts by referring to them as wingnuts. From here on out they are Russian American Communists-RAC for short.

  37. George Soros12:18 PM

    "One wonders how the rates of white committing white color crime would be skewed if any of the Wall Street thugs and bankers had to do time for their criminal activities that ruined our economy under dumbass dubya?"

    Those were Jews and almost all Democrats.

  38. Tough crowd. I'm guessing George Soreass wouldn't join in singing Kumbaya around any campfire that didn't have a burning cross and saintly looking white sheet guys with white hoods. Amirite?

  39. ps don't give me this bullshit Dems are the KKK. Dems were and RAC took possession in the 1910's. Southern Dems had control and then became the modern RAC party back in the mid-late 60's.

  40. What is best in life? To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. - Conan the Barbarian

    Want a truly revolting thespian experience with Arnold Schnoggenhogger, find and watch "Hercules In Ney York" if you can gut the pain to your eyes and ears. Hercules makes Snowgrift Snookie's famous word salad palatable.

  41. After saying in 2008 that, "for the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country," Michelle Obama, after spending 8 years in the White House, has declared to Oprah that Trump's election marks the end of "hope" for America and, as such, was an extremely "painful" experience for her to endure on November 8th.

    31 days.

    1. More than half the country found Nov. 8th painful.

      What makes you so happy? What are you looking forward to doing?

  42. Rapefugee's life is going nowhere and he wants all the rest of us peons to feel his pain and we will-in spades. We should all be like his fearless Drumpfuck who, along with millions of bucks of loans from his racist old man. pulled himself up by hid Gucci bootstraps and made a freaking sideshow of irresponsibilities of his life. I should have a purple heart. My personal Vietnam was navigating STDs in my younger days. Suck it up, sweathog.

    Drumpf is such a nasty, revenge minded fuck face he can't even use the other H-word- nice.

    1. We will never feel his particular pain. Why? Because we have real friends and loved one, and he doesn't.

  43. "After saying in 2008 that, "for the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country," Michelle Obama, after spending 8 years in the White House, has declared to Oprah that Trump's election marks the end of "hope" for America and, as such, was an extremely "painful" experience for her to endure on November 8th.

    31 days."

    31 days until all hell breaks loose.

    Oh wait, it already has. The orange devil is loose.

    BTW, Mrs. O is the greatest FL this country has ever had. Period. End. Of. Story.

  44. Of course he's saying it. And why wouldn't he? Make him an ablist, too, not just racist! LOL MUH OPPREZZEN!

    I'm amazed that someone who claims to be a damn lawyer, of all professions, doesn't have a more critical mind when it comes to this shit. Do you hate white people so much? Are you such a progressive?

    Just like all of those supposed women he abused came out as he was getting popular, and went completely away when he won, now we see a game to take away his emerging black support.

    Jim Brown claimed to admire the president. Ray Lewis said Trump actually listened and was enthusiastic about helping. These things aren't part of the Trump-is-a-racist narrative. He's supposed to hate blacks, not invite them to sit with him. Marc Lamont (Big Dummy) Hill's indignation and disgust isn't enough to shame some black people into holding Trump as the enemy. So, what do we get? "Trump says nigger, ya know!"

    LMFAO! It's so transparent. From the Comey and Russia shit and Stein's recount to trying to smear Banon as a white supremacist based on hearsay from over a decade ago -- it's laughable the lengths to which you people go to malign Trump. And what's even funnier about it is that if a quarter of this were aimed at Obama, before the man even took fucking office, you'd be dragging a chair outside to stand in the street and scream whites are racists.

    Seriously. What would you lot here have to say to thousands of white people calling for the assassination of Obama via the public platform of Twitter? It's okay for Trump, though. Orange Hitler deserves it apparently.

    That "orange devil" has already done more for the black community than Obama did in eight fucking years.

    1. Some day, you are going to be disabled too, Josh. It comes with old age.

  45. Mike: You're suggesting that they run somewhere, even toward a distressed gun? Good luck with that one.

    Lucy: Work? You think that they work? Well, some would see wingnut welfare as work, but don't count me among them. Regnery Publishing has a special program for producing content that makes it easier for the labor-challenged to cash in without putting themselves out too much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Yisheng is a genius2:42 PM

    Everybody LOVES FLOTUS!

    Except uneducated, male whooteemoos.

    Or basically nobody.

  47. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Moochelle Obama is the biggest parasite this country has ever seen.

  48. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Yisheng loves Moochelle because, just like her, she was admitted to schools way above her intellectual level, resented the school, her peers, and white society for putting her there, and then was a complete failure in her profession.

    1. Are you successful in your profession, Anon?

  49. Porter3:07 PM

    The modern definition of "refugee" is someone who wants to live somewhere else.

    Keep taking them in and soon enough the refugee is you.

    1. But what if I like them being here?

  50. Don't forget plain old stupid incompetence: On his phone call with Erdogan, Trump sang the praises of his Turkish business partners in Istanbul. Now Erdogan has jailed the entire family as leverage toward the extradition of Fethullah Gulen (who Erdogan is blaming the whole "coup" on) from Pennsylvania.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Nigel3:10 PM

    Terrible news from Berlin but no surprise. Events like these will be the Merkel legacy.

  52. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Doug in Oakland is a genius in international business and foreign affairs.

  53. Walt Wright3:17 PM

    Right vs Left today is about genuine, organic community vs neverending ideological warfare.

    The far left (egalitarian socialist multikult) is an attempt to purge all human relationships of normal social interaction.

    SJWs demand all personal, commercial, and familial relationships be suborned to politics. This is sick and anti-social.

    1. That's funny... the left says something similar about the right. About how the right first puts you through a worthiness test, before they love you... got to see if you fit into their tribe first.

      Proud to be an SJW, because we move society forward.

  54. Anonymous3:19 PM

    @Porter: Just imagine the genocidal, unbelievable, insane hatred which makes people think "we must bring the Third World to Europe, no matter what"

  55. So the emergency managers who poisoned Flint's water are being charged with felonies.

    I wonder how it will shake out when the degradation of drinking water hits mostly white communities after Trump guts the EPA?

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. @Doug: About effin' time. They deserve it.

  56. Anonymous3:56 PM

    @Doug: The water will be fine once white people are back in charge.

  57. Tell that to the gorgon just appointed to run the EPA.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. So the Ignoramus in chief tweeted AFTER the Chinese missile issue was resolved..


  59. Winning!4:30 PM

    Obama lost to the Chinese again.

    That's going to change with President Trump.


  60. Not my Potus Drumpfuck will be impeachable as soon as he swears to uphold the constitution ( just before he wipes his ass with it). His posse contacted the Kuwaiti Embassy and suggested they move their annual party from the 4 Seasons Hotel complex to Drumpf's rathole close to the WH. It was moved post haste. Another violation of the laws of this nation that RAC-wingnuts won't bother to enforce. It will also be a violation of the emolument clause which is a higher crime than BC's lying about sex and one more crime than HRC has ever been indicted, tried and convicted of.

    Enough RAC-wingnuts have admitted the Benghazi hearings were just to drive HRC's poll numbers down during the election season. Our own government interfered in out election. Fucking traitors, all!

  61. So the governor of WV blames everyone EXCEPT the people taking drugs, for why the state leads the nation in overdose deaths.

    But Black people are at fault for high gun violence? GTFOH!!

    Problem is that as of 2015, there are FAR more OD deaths than those due to gun violence.

    PS- it ain't crack and it ain't Black.

  62. Anonymous said...
    @Doug: The water will be fine once white people are back in charge.

    3:56 PM

    Sorry, Sport,but I have to correct you some more. The water for wealthy whites will be just fine regardless of whose in power. The rest of us are screwed pooches because RAC-wingnuts only work for the wealthy whites. They are wholly owned subsidiaries of Make The Wealthy Whites Even Wealthier. The rest have to catch as catch can.

  63. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "The rest have to catch as catch can."

    I'll bet you catch a lot.


    Drumpfuck's OMB pick spoke at a John Birch Society meeting. Of Course he did. Drumpfuck's pick for interior decorator spoke to a white supremacyst group. Of course he did. But,but,but we're not racists. Libs and Blacks are the racists. Bwahahahahahaha!

  65. Hail the Trumpenreich5:26 PM

    No mike, we are the 'racists'. And you are the losers. Bwahahahahahaha!

  66. The Trumpening5:26 PM

    Yesterday was the 18th anniversary of President Clinton's impeachment:

    At least we won't have to do that again, thanks to Trump's victory.

  67. A new congressional investigation has determined that the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in order to further its climate change agenda, according to a new report that alleges the administration ordered top officials to obstruct Congress in order to forward this agenda.

    A top DoE scientist who liaised with Congress on the matter was fired by the Obama administration for being too forthright with lawmakers, according to the report, which provides an in-depth look at the White House’s efforts to ensure senior staffers toe the administration’s line.

    The report additionally discovered efforts by the Obama administration to censor the information given to Congress, interfering with the body’s ability to perform critical oversight work.

    Thank God the American people have risen up and thrown these criminal ideologues out of power.

    The Trump administration will bring back honesty and reason to government, along with a respect for the scientific truth and a willingness to accept conclusions whether or not they conform to an agenda.

    31 days.

  68. Trumpening, your lack of proportionality is showing. Most of the evidence amassed about Clinton was lies and made up shit, with Independent prosecutor misconduct apparent to anyone with a brain-RAC-wingnuts excluded. Bill Clinton didn't stand around with his finger up your ass when hijackers hijacked planes (with plenty of advanced warning) and devasted right wing America's fever dreams of being tough on terrorists. The Potus and his administration ignored numerous warnings about Bin Ladens plans to strike and did nothing to keep America safe because.......? Talk about impeachable offenses. No, I guess we won't since there isn't a crime important enough to prosecute if a RAC-wingut commits it. There is not a crime too miniscule not to be prosecuted if a Dem does it. Karma-Kismet is a bitch. Your side will find out soon enough.

  69. Hail the Trumpenreich said...
    No mike, we are the 'racists'. And you are the losers. Bwahahahahahaha!

    5:26 PM

    Uh, your side of mighty tighty whitey RAC-wingnuts lost two elections to a Black Democrat of all things. Makes you racist and losers, too. If not for the help of the entire RAC-wingnut government and the FBI and the Russians, you'd be whining in yer beer that you lost to the most qualified Potus candidate and female ever.

    This right wing stain on US history will always be stained by treasonous nutjobs with help from one of America's greatest enemies to steal another election and set up another attempt to destroy the longest serving democracy ever. Good luck.

  70. Apologies to Field, but can you believe the hypocrisy of Drumpf and his grifter offspring?

    The Center for Public Integrity is reporting, "A new Texas nonprofit led by Donald Trump’s grown sons is offering access to the freshly-minted president during inauguration weekend — all in exchange for million-dollar donations to unnamed “conservation” charities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity. And the donors’ identities may never be known.

    All during the election we heard constant nutjob lies about HRC selling access to the WH through the Clinton foundation. If chutzpah was a word in RAC-wingnut land you would use it here. (Thanks Molly Ivins. Gawd how we miss you)

  71. Hail the Trumpenreich6:27 PM

    You can call us 'racist' all you want, loser. That game is over. No one but loser white progs cares about 'racist' anymore; even most blacks get it now too. Dogs bark, progs say racist, we don't take it personally.

    The future belongs to people who think outside the confining framework that defines everything in terms of race and gender. Instead, it's going to be the people who can and can't, who will and won't, who do and don't.

    You are stuck in a deep mental rut of pure partisanism, where the evil of the other team is self-evident and any evidence of crimes by your side is all "lies". You project your petty hatreds on your betters. You're a sad joke of man with nothing real in his life. We are not laughing with you, we are laughing at you.


    1. "The future belongs to people who think outside the confining framework that defines everything in terms of race and gender. Instead, it's going to be the people who can and can't, who will and won't, who do and don't."

      But liberals already think like that. In fact, we have a bigger sense of human possibilities than conservatives. It's the righties who want us to color within our gender lines, and make babies instead of culture. Never mind the pretty words... look at the ACTIONS.

      And I'm sorry, but you dudes ain't my betters.

  72. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Progs: We are changing immigration laws to be Good, not to replace you.

    Whites: Ok, that's cool.

    Progs: Diversity is necessary. We can't impose any immigration restrictions because that would be racist.

    Whites: Ok, but things are kind of getting out of hand.

    Progs: Ha-ha! Whites are gonna be a hated minority and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Ha-ha!!!

    Whites: Oh. Well then, we're fascists now.

    Progs: Wait..wwwhat?

  73. "What would you lot here have to say to thousands of white people calling for the assassination of Obama via the public platform of Twitter?"

    Please provide a link as proof that thousands of people are on twitter calling for the assassination of Herr trump.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait.....

    I suspect it won't be forthcoming. Just more "fake news" from right-wingnut land.

  74. Sinator Mitchie McCTurtle has got that N-word down pat. No,no, a thousand times no-no select committee that would prove (unless stacked with the willfully blind and ignorant RAC-winguts)what McConnell has stated was Russian interference in our electoral process. Not important enough to have a select committee. Now if only they could tie it to HRC and Benghazi there would be a thousand select committees formed in an hour. Treason isn't enough of a crime to rate a serious investigation into serious right wing criminal acts. Who knew?

    HTT- white cops essentially murder unarmed blacks, not because of racism, but what? Public service? Trying to make friends? Target practice? What? This right wing outreach to Blacks for votes?

  75. You needn't bother trying to answer. I know. It was Obama's fault for trying to take away guns.

  76. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What's the matter Field, too lazy to Google your way out of your bubble?

    1. New York Post-- another unreliable source.

  77. You can call us 'racist' all you want, loser. Thanks, I will, racist.


    You lost me at hello.

    The Post????

    Again, no fake news, please.

  79. “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. And, by the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said at a Wilmington, North Carolina, rally.

    “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is — I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what: That will be a horrible day.”

  80. Anonymous9:11 PM

    What's wrong with "grifter offspring"?

  81. There are literally hundreds of news stories about this online, though I thought the Miami Herald seemed like one you wouldn't suspect of being "fake news." Though I bet you'll have something to say in your training, Jeb Bush or Rubio or something.

    Also, do a quick Twitter search of the hashtags #AssassinateTrump and #AssassinateObama and look how it's about 500:1 in favor of hatred against Trump. America, 66% white, which means 66% racist to progressives, yet not ONE RIOT in eight fucking years because of Obama. Trump's not even sworn in yet and we've had about two dozen full-blown riots, thousands of death threats, hundreds of cases of assaults on Trump supporters, many documented on video, and about 90% of those "hate crimes" reported by Hillary supporters have turned out to be hoaxes, with another 9.9% bereft entirely of evidence of any wrongdoing.

    A white guy punches a black guy and some idiot tells a Mexican to "get out of [his] country," and you morons act like the KKK is back with a membership of 50 million. Yet it's YOUR side acting like hateful lunatics, and you're so insulated in your bubble that you don't even know it's happening. Your white masters are hiding it from you.

  82. Anonymous9:32 PM

    field negro said...
    The Post????

    Bubble boy.

  83. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Lucy Montrose said...
    But what if I like them being here?

    This is why women should never have been allowed to vote.

    1. You might make one seriously wonder if under-21s should have been allowed to vote.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Oh, shit. I didn't read it until after I posted the above. I'll be damned if you didn't just call someone's link "fake news." LMFAO!

    You see, Lance, buddy, this is why I don't like playing the progressive game of "show me a link." As a skeptic, I understand the logical principle of a burden of proof better than many do. However, with political ideologues, you're not looking for evidence or proof of anything. You're solely looking to play a game of "I don't believe your news" whereby you're going to call everything to come your way "fake." Sadly, as Field's demonstrating perfectly, he doesn't even have his own agency. His white masters have created the term "fake news," and Vox or Buzzfeed or Slate or whomever else is filling the bubble with air is telling him what to say, what to copy-paste, and without hesitation, we see the result. Report about a flood of Twitter death threats, and it's dismissed as "fake news."

    Well, you dishonest fuckers, all you need to do--if you're brave enough to step outside of your bubbles--is visit fucking Twitter and do a hashtag search of #AssassinateTrump and related terms. (For a fun exercise, how about trying one of #KillallWhitePeople and variations, so we can see who the real fucking racists in America are.) I know you won't do this, however. It's not allowed. You house nigs can a-be goinz outsyy. Massa mie get upset!

    1. All about sources, Josh.
      Namely, unreliable ones like Washington Times and NYPost.

  85. "All about sources, Josh"

    As I said--and as you're all SCARED SHITLESS TO DO, because you won't be able to lie your way out of it--if you don't like the sources, simply GO TO FUCKING TWITTER and look up the hashtag.

    You can also type in "Hashtag finder" in Google or Bing and find dozen of sources that allow you to search the tags. These sources are incapable of bias per se; they're simply going to show you the hashtags.

    If it's "all about sources," how about going to the fucking MAIN SOURCE?

    I understand that progressive ideologues exist in the tightest bubble in the history of the planet. For fuck's sake, even Christian creationists absorb the source information and figure out ways to posit counter-arguments. All you lunatics do is decry the "sources" provided so you can basically stomp your feet and shout, "NO! I dismiss your source, therefore your claim is invalid."

    It's not invalid. It's objective fucking reality that Twitter was bombarded with calls to assassinate Trump before and after he won, and it's reality that Twitter is constantly bombarded with black people calling for the deaths of white people, the raping of white women, etc, at about a clip that's at least 500:1 >inverse.

    (To sate my curiosity: How can verifiable screen-shots from real Twitter users be "fake news," regardless of who's printing it anyway?)

    Here are just a very few since BLM became all the rage:

    Now just imagine, if you will--and if you're willing to be at least partially honest--how many Chicken Littles we'd have runnin' around proclaiming that the sky is falling if even 1/1000th of this volume of tweets had whites calling blacks apes or niggers, much less threatening their lives.

    Media omit these things from you. And rather than going to alternative media sources for an actual picture of reality, you're all, for whatever reason(s), content to let your white corporate masters lie to you about reality.

    Just like I asked Field, and I'll pose it as an open question to all: Do you hate white people that much? So strong is your hatred for whites--or perhaps just a different ideology--that you'd willingly whore away your intellect, be lied to habitually, just so you can keep painting the other side your enemy?

    The other side isn't your enemy. Corporate media, with its globalist interests and MO of lying to you, is your enemy. Until which point you people decide to open your eyes and think for yourselves, you're going to keep losing ground and power until you're the laughing stock ideological radicals of America, the new "hippies."

    Let's not forget, it's bigger than Trump-Hillary. 39 Republican governors, hundreds more Congresspeople, from town councils to judges -- Democrats have lost more ground in the past couple years than any political party in the history of the civilized world. And what are your white corporate masters telling you? It's racism. It's misogyny. It's Islamaphobia. It's white supremacy.

    You owe it to yourself to question these things you hold so tightly as truths. I'm not a Republican. I'm not a conservative. I'm a skeptic. Questioning your masters and rejecting their fictional narratives doesn't make you a Republican or a conservative. It just makes you honest.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nope. The other side IS my enemy.

      Again, though, please provide a link that says that there have been thousands of threats to assassinate trump.

      Not twitter where the same person might tweet 100 times.

      Thank you.

  86. You've been sourced three separate times. Each time you have denied the source and have moved the goal posts. You have a new excuse why it's not true each time, even now creating yet another conspiracy in the process, which is being preemptively constructed to ultimately say that it's Trump supporters doing it. LOL

    In other words, you're religious. You're going to refuse to let it be true.

    1) Who wants to play that stupid, childish game with you?
    2) Who the fuck do you think is too stupid to see the game in the first place?

  87. In other words, you can't do it.

    In the REAL world we only believe in REAL news.

    But thanks for playing.

  88. James Deplorable9:07 AM

    Here we have the epitome of the Disingenuous White Liberal:

    "The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population."

    The people arrested for such crimes are the ones matching the descriptions reported by victims or other witnesses.  Police don't go out and arrest a Black guy for a crime with a White perp.

    "Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement."

    Because they're the ones caught at it.  But what does Mike conclude?

    "Racial profiling is alive and well in America."

    It's not that "Black people are more criminal", but "SOCIETY IS RESPONSIBLE!"

    What a maroon!

    Of course, the obvious solution is to separate Black people into their own countries where White racial discrimination is eliminated from their lives.  We can see the results of this in Zimbabwe, Liberia, Haiti... oh, wait.

    "One wonders how the rates of white committing white color crime would be skewed if any of the Wall Street thugs and bankers had to do time for their criminal activities that ruined our economy under dumbass dubya?"

    The Swiss bank accounts of African leaders of poverty-ridden countries suggest that there is no "global impunity disparity", just local ones.

  89. "In other words, you can't do it."

    It's been done for you three times. At this point, per the way you've framed it, you're basically forcing someone to prove a negative.

    Your average visitor here may have a double-digit IQ and not be able to suss out the tactic here. I assure you I can.

    What you're blatantly saying is that "Twitter death threats don't count." And why don't they count? Never mind that these are verified users, verified by TWITTER, and their actions can be traced back to prove they're not just trolls, you're taking a purely ideological (and losing) position that tweeted death threats don't count as death threats because, hypothetically--not even theoretically because they're fucking VERIFIED and there goes the theory!--the "same person" can make hundreds of tweets.

    Well, genius, look at the impossible standard you're setting simply so you can continue to live the lie that liberals are tolerant. Per the very standard you're creating, there is NO WAY AT ALL to levy a death threat against a president that will be viable.

    - Twitter doesn't count because the same person could hypothetically tweet numerous times

    Gives way to, using the same logic:

    - Written/mailed death threats don't count because the same person could be sending them
    - Phoned death threats don't count because the same people could be calling
    - Videotaped live death threats don't count because the people could be using CGI

    By the standard you're creating, all avenues by which to deliver a death threat to POTUS have been ideologically blocked off so you can continue living in defiance of reality.

    It's also ironic. Your platform is reliant entirely on social media. Yet when people let their true voice be heard via social media, you're creating an Alex Jones-level conspiracy theory to say that it's not true.

    There's intellectually dishonest, and then there's making James look like a fucking prophet. BE the stereotype!

  90. James Deplorable2:50 AM

    "I wonder how it will shake out when the degradation of drinking water hits mostly white communities after Trump guts the EPA?"

    Not gonna happen.  White people have a secret weapon:  they pay their water bills.  Black people just can't figure that out.

    "A new congressional investigation has determined that the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy"

    Links to read on that:

    Anon @6:41 PM:  BWAHAHAHA!  Good one!

    "white cops essentially murder unarmed blacks"

    No they don't, liar.  White cops shoot Whites readily, but hesitate to shoot Blacks.  As usual, you live in a delusion which precisely reverses reality.

    "But liberals already think like that. In fact, we have a bigger sense of human possibilities than conservatives."

    You libtards are missing the moral dimensions of sanctity, morality and authority.  It is YOUR human measures which are missing.

    "It's the righties who want us to color within our gender lines, and make babies instead of culture."

    Without babies to carry it on, there IS no culture.  Of course, you'd rather see Western culture eliminated by genocide of the only race which could create it.

    "(To sate my curiosity: How can verifiable screen-shots from real Twitter users be "fake news," regardless of who's printing it anyway?)"

    Josh, you're talking about the mental defectives who are the only ones capable of creating cargo cults.  Whatever displeases them is simply ruled out of existence, like the skyrocketing murder rate of Chimpcongo.

    "Nope. The other side IS my enemy."

    Glad to have you admit it.  Also glad Philly is a long way from me, so I don't have a moral imperative to act on it.  Got your airline tickets yet?  Now's a good time.
