Friday, December 30, 2016

The Joseph Goebbels effect.

Image result for goebbels propagANDA     I don't rely on traditional news outlets for my news anymore. Their normalization of trump and his racism was the last straw for me.

My news now comes from social media, bloggers who I trust, and citizen journalists.

Now, more than ever, it is important to understand where your news is coming from and how it is being manipulated. Donald trump and his incoming administration are pros at controlling the news cycle and spreading propaganda, and we will see in the coming years just how devious ad nefarious they can be when it comes to the First Amendment. 

The following article written by Jay Rosen for PressThink is important  and goes directly to what I am referring to.

"How bad is it? Pretty bad.

For a free press as a check on power this is the darkest time in American history since World War I, when there was massive censorship and suppression of dissent. I say this because so many things are happening at once to disarm and disable serious journalism, or to push it out of the frame. Most of these are well known, but it helps to put them all together. Here is my list:

1. An economic crisis in (most) news companies, leaving the occupation of journalism in a weakened state, especially at the state and local level, where newsrooms have been decimated by the decline of the newspaper business. The digital money is going to Google and Facebook, but they do not have newsrooms.

2. A low-trust environment for most institutions and their leaders, the same ones who are regularly featured in the news.

3. A broken and outdated model in political journalism, which tries to connect to the public through “inside” or access reporting about a class whose legitimacy is itself eroding. And since almost everyone got the result wrong in 2016, responsibility for this massive error is evenly distributed across the press, which means that no one is responsible for fixing what is broken.

4. An organized movement on the political right to discredit mainstream journalism, which stretches from Steve Bannon in the White House to Trump’s army of online trolls, with Breitbart, Drudge Report, talk radio and Fox opinion hosts mediating between the two, while the “alt reality” fringe feels newly emboldened. Its latest tactic is to shout down as “fake news” any work of reporting that conflicts with its worldview, leaving the term useless as a fraud alert. “Over the years, we’ve effectively brainwashed the core of our audience to distrust anything that they disagree with,” said John Ziegler, a conservative radio host, to a New York Times reporter. “Because the gatekeepers have lost all credibility in the minds of consumers, I don’t see how you reverse it.” In fact, no one knows how to fix this.

5. The rapid escalation of this drive-to-discredit as Trump gained traction with the electorate. Since 1970 it has grown from questioning the motives of people covering a Republican president in the speeches of Spiro Agnew, to countering liberal spin with the personalities at Fox News, to mistrusting all of the mainstream (or “drive-by”) media with Rush Limbaugh, and now to a place beyond that. Sean Hannity — who is probably closer to Trump than any other media figure — recently said on air: “Until members of the media come clean about colluding with the Clinton campaign and admit that they knowingly broke every ethical standard they are supposed to uphold, they should not have the privilege, they should not have the responsibility of covering the president on behalf of you, the American people.” In other words, the mainstream press should not be allowed to cover Trump. A few years ago that was a bridge too far. Now it’s a plausible test of poisoned waters.

6. After the debacle of 2016, trust in the news media as an institution feels lower than ever in living memory, while popular anger reaches an all-time high. The resentment is coming from the left, the right and what remains of the center. Pew Research Center: “Only about two-in-ten Americans (22%) trust the information they get from local news organizations a lot, whether online or offline, and 18% say the same of national organizations.” Gallup in September of this year: “Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14% from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years.”

7. A homogeneity and coastal concentration in American newsrooms that can be described in many ways — lack of diversity is the most common, with disagreements on what kind of diversity is most desired — leaving the press ill-prepared to take creative action across a cultural divide. The situation was summed up in the most quotable line written by a journalist about Trump’s candidacy: “The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.” (Salena Zito in The Atlantic.)

8. A figure in power who got there in part by whipping up hatred against the press, and who shows no signs of ending that abusive practice… coupled with a disturbing pattern in which Trump broadcasts through his Twitter feed outrageously false statements, the press reacts by trying to “check” them, and the resulting furor works to his advantage by casting journalists in the role of petty but hateful antagonist, with Trump as the man who takes the heat and “tells it like it is.”

9. The emergence of an authoritarian political style in which trashing the norms of American democracy (as when he cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election, or suggested prosecution of his opponent) works to Trump’s advantage with a huge portion of his supporters, while failing to alarm the rest. This is especially troublesome because norms of democracy are what give the press its place in public life and representative government; if these can be broken without penalty that means the press can be shoved aside and not much will happen.

10. The increasingly dim prospect that there will be a fact-based debate to which journalists can usefully contribute when the leader of the free world feels free to broadcast transparently false or ignorant claims… coupled with the full flowering of the “we make our own reality” attitude (circa 2004) into a kind of performance art that simultaneously kicks up hatred of anyone trying to be evidence-based and liberates the speech of powerful actors from even the most minimal factual constraints.
11. An advanced stage of culture war, political polarization and asymmetrical mistrust of the press in which, instead of leading to greater public awareness and a gradual movement toward reform, sensational revelations, hard-hitting investigations and exposés of corruption are consumed as fuel in an accelerating political divide. In other words, Watergate-style journalism increasingly enflames and polarizes, rather than informing and alerting the public. The more damning and irrefutable the findings are, the more likely is this furious reaction, especially when Trump launches attacks on the journalists and news organizations doing the digging.
12. The success of “verification in reverse,” a method on the march, in which a knowing political actor takes facts that have been nailed down, and introduces doubt about them, which then releases energy (controversy, resistance, ready-to-hate news coverage) which in turn helps power a movement among those who wanted the established facts repealed, as it were. This is how Trump launched his political career. He became a birther. Wherever it succeeds, verification-in-reverse is a triumph over the craft of journalism, which has to be pro-verification or it may as well exit the stage.

13. Amusing ourselves to death, as Neil Postman’s 1985 book put it, in which the logic of entertainment overtakes adjacent but nominally distinct spheres that are supposed to be governed by their own logic, as when newsworthiness and the requirements of political debate are subordinated to entertainment values by media companies obeying commercial imperatives, while claiming a public service mantle. For journalists, this is the import of Jeff Zucker’s reign at CNN, and one of the lessons of Trump’s career as a “reality TV” star.

14. A shift in the power-to-inform toward a single platform and attention-economy colossus: Facebook, a creature of the tech industry that feels no native commitment to journalism… that wants to avoid responsibility for editing because editing does not scale… that easily surfaces demand for false stories about real events… and that is slowly taking charge of the day-to-day relationship with users of the news system, especially on mobile devices, which is where the growth is.
15. A proven model — proven, that is, by billionaire Peter Thiel — for bankrupting news companies and driving them out of business by using the court system and jury trials, which can leverage public disgust for The Media  (see no. 6 above) into jury awards that defendants cannot possibly pay. As yet there is no known counter to this strategy. The fact that it worked once has an intimidating effect.

16. A crisis of representation around covering Trump in which it is not clear that anyone can reliably tell us what his positions are, or explain his reasons for holding them, because he feels free to contradict advisers, spokespeople, surrogates, and previous statements he made. As Esquire’s Charles Pierce put it to me: “Nobody speaks for the prez-elect, not even himself.” I list this because the press is not good at abandoning rituals and routines when they cease to make sense. Every interview with Kellyanne Conway or Reince Priebus is premised on a claim to represent the man in power. This claim may be false. But journalists need people to interview! So they will continue to do it, even though they may be misinforming the public. They may even realize this and be unable to shift course. What I’m trying to point out is that existing methods for “holding power to account” rest on assumptions about how it will behave. A man in power untroubled by contradictions and comfortable in the confusion he creates cannot be held accountable by normal means.
17. Weak leadership and a thin institutional structure in the American press, which is not accustomed to organizing itself to fight back or act assertively in any coordinated way, as with the White House Correspondents Association, currently failing even to get a meeting with the Trump transition team, but still planning to yuck it up with him at the WHCA dinner in the spring of 2017. In many ways the press resembles a “herd of independent minds,” with no one responsible for the beast as a whole, and no easy way to fix broken practices, or re-direct effort. Collaboration is on the rise in journalism, and that’s a good a thing. But while it’s easy to act against the press, it’s almost impossible for the press as a whole to deliberate and act in reply. And even if it could miraculously discover the will to do so, this would probably give new ammunition to political enemies of the press. Remaining a “herd of independent minds,” politically weak, is thus the safest course. Which is not to say it will work.
So that is what I mean by “winter is coming.” All those things 1-17 are happening at once, and strengthening one another. The combined effect is chilling.

The common elements: Low trust all around, an emboldened and nationalist right wing that treats the press as natural enemy, the bill coming due for decades of coasting on a model in political reporting that worked well for “junkies” but failed to engage the rest of us, the strange and disorientating fact that reality itself seems to have become a weaker force in politics, the appeal of the “strong man” and his propaganda within an atmosphere of radical doubt, the difficulty of applying standard methods of journalism to a figure in power who is not trying to represent reality but to substitute himself for it as a show of strength, the unsuitability of prior routine as professionals in journalism try to confront these confusing conditions, a damaged economic base, weak institutional structure and newsroom mono-culture that hinders any creative response, and a dawning recognition that freedom of the press is a fragile state, not a constitutional certainty.

Are there any bright signs? Yes, a few.

18. When you ask about specific news brands (as against The Media) the trust picture looks better.

19. I quote New York Times columnist Jim Rutenberg: “In the weeks since the election, magazines like The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Vanity Fair; newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post; and nonprofits like NPR and ProPublica have been reporting big boosts in subscription rates or donations.” The Guardian and Mother Jones are benefitting, too.

20. According to news industry analyst Ken Doctor, the Washington Post will add more than 60 journalists in the coming year. The Post is making money again. And its leadership believes that “investigative and deeper enterprise stories are good for the brand and the business”— not an expense that has to be subsidized by lighter fare, but a means to sustainability in themselves. That’s significant.
21. As the scope of the emergency dawns, it is possible that journalists in the U.S. will be inspired to do a better job and change what needs changing. Talent (and tips) could flood in as a slumbering public for serious news awakens.

22. Facing the same kind of hostility in multiple countries where similar conditions are found, journalists may discover a new level of international cooperation that helps them cope with the threat to their occupation. There’s already an global movement for fact-checking in journalism. Maybe another one will emerge around the realization that fact-checking is not enough.

23. In the U.S., the Constitution remains firmly in place, hard to alter. First Amendment protections are real and among the strongest in the world. There are no signs that prior restraint or overt government censorship are on the horizon— though self-censorship is another matter.

What not to do…

24. Don’t recruit Trump loyalists into the news and opinion space (Jeffrey Lord of CNN is the model) as a gaudy show of balance. This will not save you. Conservative, red state, working class and rural American voices may deserve special recruitment, but if they have integrity these people are just as likely to be critical of Trump. 
25. Don’t settle for accusation-driven over evidence-based reporting, just to avoid drawing flak from Trump’s press-hating supporters or demonstrate how even-handed you are.
26. Don’t make it all about access to the President and his aides, or preserving the routines of White House reporting, as the press corps is currently doing— mostly out of habit. A Trump presidency is likely to be constructed on a propaganda model in which fomenting confusion is not a drag on the Administration’s agenda but a sign that it’s working. Access to such a machinery could wind up enlisting the press in a misinformation campaign.  Here, I am getting ahead of the story because we don’t really know what a Trump White House will be like. And I am not saying that access to the president and his top advisors is unimportant or a dirty word. Rather, it should not be the organizing principle for journalists who are preparing to cover Trump. "

It's more like trump will be covering them. He already started, 


  1. Gerbils- he seemed nice.

  2. Lilacpr1:01 PM

    I say it's time to stop blaming the parties, the media, the voters, the division in the US, etc.,etc., and start addressing the problems that need to be fixed!

    Poverty,racism, education, homelessness,joblessness, mental health, crime.

    If these problems are not addressed and solved,there's no way America will be considered great.

  3. The Trumpening1:02 PM

    "An organized movement on the political right to discredit mainstream journalism"

    The people who control mainstream journalism are the ones who discredited it.

    This piece makes some salient points about the state of modern journalism, but then concludes by doubling down on insularity and narrative control. They have failed to learn the real lesson of 2016 - that they took it way too far, and now everyone sees the game.

    They overplayed their hand because they became disconnected from reality. Journalists today are very non-diverse - mostly white, increasingly female, and all from upper class America. Reporters used to be guys from blue-collar families who learned their craft on their beat and who were familiar with the lives of average people. Today they are the sons and daughters of doctors, lawyers and CEOs who go to left wing journalism schools and right to newsrooms. There is little class and no political diversity.

    They never saw Trump coming. They lied to us with their adjusted polls and their wish-splaining predictions. They skewed their coverage so hard covering for Hillary and attacking Trump that even the most naive voter could see how fake it all has become.

    No one is listening to them anymore. Sure, the NYT and Washington Post will still sell newspapers to the faithful. Progs will still lap up ABC/NBC/CBN/CNN/MSNBC nightly fairy tales. Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter will still censor non-prog voices and feed agitprop to low-information youngsters. The Atlantic, New Republic and Salon will ramp up the production of racism porn. For the fringe types like you, Media Matters and Think Progress will continue to churn out talking points. But all of this output will increasingly be stuck in an ever-shrinking intellectual circle-jerk.

    Now that more than half of America has caught on, there is no going back to business as usual. Progs still own the culture and the media, but pieces like this give me hope that they'll continue to self-destruct.

  4. Breaking News: State Department expels 20 Nigerian diplomats after John Podesta fails to receive $1 million wire transfer from nephew of General Okezi.

  5. So, I assume we have a pretty solid gauge of how 2017 is going to go for the whiner contingent of the black community:

    Continue, in perpetuity, to ignore criminal elements among blacks, bastard children, dropouts, drugs, etc.

    Spend the entire year thinking up cute ways to call Trump Hitler.

    Man o black folks sure do know how to effect change for the better! Why, the global examples all throughout history have been amazing.

    The list is practically limitless; I know I'll be up against the character limit here as I painstakingly illustrate the examples of black folks fixing their own problems, at any time in history, over the expanse of the entire globe.

    Examples include:

    And those are just a few!

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Thanks Josh, you douche.

  7. The Ministry of Truth4:03 PM

    We find ourselves in this nasty place because of a general, long-term degradation of democracy in the U.S.

    The collapse of / assault on the free press, which Jay Rosen has detailed here, is a big part of that. Another major cause is the wholesale rejection of democratic norms by the Republican Party since the 1990s. This was summed up nicely in a recent article in The NY Times.

    Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy?

    The article is behind the Times paywall, which only allows 10 free articles/month. You can get around this restriction by setting your browser to private mode before clicking the article link, or by subscribing to the Times (obviously).

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The New York Times is Fake News. The "free" press is 90% owned by oligarchs pushing propaganda on the masses.

    Take advice from (((Jay Rosen))) at your own peril.

  9. Most political reporters are morons, nearly as bad as sports reporters. Mostly they are ugly cheerleaders for their side, rather than analysts.

    A decent political reporter would actually go out and talk to people that aren’t exactly like him. Apparently this no longer happens.

  10. So whose interest is served by fomenting a distrust in the media, and to what ends? (Hint: follow the money.)
    When the broadcast spectrum was divided up, a deal was struck with the companies who wanted to use it: You get to use the airwaves to make money for yourselves, but in return you have to provide a service to the public, who as citizens of the land underneath those airwaves, sort of own them. Thus was born the daily newscasts on the networks, and the weekly "public interest" programs,which did not make big profits for the networks on which they were presented. TV news was a trusted source of information (and a tool of the government to quickly disseminate information in an emergency) right up to the point where, in the wake of the demise of the fairness doctrine, news departments in broadcast companies were expected to make their own money, in direct defiance of both the first amendment, and the deal by which they had acquired legal access to the airwaves.
    So it's not surprising that cable news, which did not require the use of those airwaves (except for between repeater stations), and was therefore free of any "public benefit" constraints contained in the deal, found its rise in the '80s during the Reagan presidency.
    I seriously do not advocate for state run media, but like every other area of our "capitalist" economy, sensible regulation leads to better function, and if we continue to ask our newsrooms to make their own profits, we will continue to receive information tailored to the making of money, rather than the edification of news consumers.
    That a wealthy shyster such as Donald Trump has figured out how to use this situation to his advantage is unsurprising. That's what rich people do.
    How to fix it? One way would be to stop believing the lies that get published and demand better programming, thus leveraging the "market approach" favored by the Reagan administration to incentivize higher quality journalism instead of colorful lies that reinforce our prejudices.
    That seems about as likely to occur as Republicans suddenly growing thumbs and climbing down out of the stupid tree, so perhaps we need to acquire better information sifting skills ourselves, or else just get used to a country that operates on lies and settles into a glide path of deterioration.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Funny how all these white, female reporters suddenly have such foreign sounding and masculine names I can't pronounce them. Several people on here have swallowed the Drumpfuck facts don't matter Blarney Stone.

    The only fact needed is this time around, wingnuts will have damaged America and American institutions and credibility so bad no amount of Dems will be able to save Her. Debt has already doubled just on word of massive taxcuts for the wealthy. Don't worry. Fucking moron wingnuts will just blame Obama and tax and spend libs just like always. America, we hardly knew ye!

  12. Anonymous4:57 PM

    #BLAXIT 2017

  13. The Trumpening5:00 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "So whose interest is served by fomenting a distrust in the media, and to what ends? (Hint: follow the money.)"

    As usual, you can see that there is a problem but have it completely ass-backwards.

    Try this question: Whose interest is served by an ideologically uniform, lying media owned by a handeful of corporations, and to what ends? (Hint: follow the money.)

    Donald Trump won despite a media that was united against him. Even Fox worked to derail his candidacy. National Review devoted an entire issue to stopping him. What Trump figured out was how to go around the media, by using Twitter, but not agreeing to taped interviews (that could be edited), and by speaking to voters directly through daily campaign rallies. He was so easily able to manipulate the media because he knew they were frothing at the mouth to try to destroy him and would leap at any bait he tossed out.

    "How to fix it? One way would be to stop believing the lies that get published and demand better programming"

    We already stopped beleiving their lies. It's not going to be fixed as long as you progressives keep paying these motherfuckers to lie to you. But you won't, because that's what you want them to do. That's why you are going to keep losing.

  14. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Moron from Iowa chortled...

    "Debt has already doubled just on word of massive taxcuts for the wealthy."

    So much stupid in this one little sentence.

  15. Here is The Best Potus Ever attempting to 'splain Presidential stuff to Donnie dumbass Drumpfuck on a level Drumpf can comprehend.

    Anon is another right wing moron with no idea about economics. Raygun proved taxcuts don't stimulate the economy. Dumbass dubya proved it in spades so the third time is going to be a charm, right? Bwahahahahaha

  16. I don't rely on traditional news outlets for my news anymore. Their normalization of trump and his racism was the last straw for me.


    I decided earlier this month that I will rarely watch/read ANYTHING from the national news outlets.

    My time is VERY precious and I've got plenty to do with my loved ones and in my very rewarding and fulfilling career in research/healthcare.

  17. As long as writers make money, and websites make money, fake news won't stop. It's exhausting.

    Josh your comments get worse every month. Why so much more paranoid and delusional this week?Talking ridiculous shit here, but you are big pussy in public aren't you? Public pussy! I'm sure you will be just as ridiculous in 2017. Dale?

  18. More lies from right wing media. They deliberately misinterpret a new law to rouse the rabble in their party. SOP for lying POS nutjobs.

    An op-ed written by California state Assembly member Travis Allen in the Washington Examiner is getting a lot of traction in the Wingnut-O-Sphere today, perhaps because the headline of said op-ed is “California Legalizes Child Prostitution.”

    The bill in question does not arrest and imprison minor sex workers. It attempts to get them help to get out of the business, but wingnuts can't pass any oppotunity to lie. Former Illinois congressPOS Walsh has an editorial out claiming Obama IS a secret Muslim, which is why he hates Israel. There really ought to be a bounty on these sick fuck liars.

  19. "Josh your comments get worse every month."

    Yeah. My attempts to prompt substance from you low-IQ regurgitators of your white masters' commands fail miserably. And will continue to fail because there isn't a progressive individual here intelligent enough to offer substance. Your ring leader here is a plagiarist, and the most articulate guy working for the cause is white. LOL

    As I've witnessed since coming here, me merely saying that white people aren't the only problem affecting black people has gotten me called a racist relentlessly. Okay. Fuck it. So, let's get rid of the filter and tell the truth, fuck your feelings. Nothing changed. Just more insults against my character. Just more cries of racism. Now, let's take the gloves off. Let's tell the truth about the people like Field in America:

    They willfully ignore every bit of chaos that blacks themselves cause. Instead of addressing anything that might help to uplift the black community--like spreading STD awareness or the idea of birth control or the idea of education--he instead--y'all instead--spend your free time spinning the great American fiction that all black problems are a result of white people. And I accurately point out a total and complete lack of black people fixing their own problems.

    It's true. Blacks don't fix their own problems. Never have. Whitey has to come save Narlins. Whitey has to change the systems. Whitey has to fund the schools. Whitey, this explain-all evil entity which is supposedly hated, is simultaneously and ironically expected to be the savior of blacks.

    Do you care to rebut any of this? No. CAN you rebut any of this? Hell no. So, what do you do? Make a character attack.

    I don't mind ad hominems. On this blog, it's a low-class logical fallacy. We're talking about habitual straw-men and appeals to populous and probability, and the favored anecdotal fallacy (based on personal lies), and conjunction and masked-man and affirmation and bare assertion and arguments from ignorance, and the list goes on. So an ad hominem, attacking me instead of the argument presented, is light-weight shit.

    It's what I expect. It's ALL I expect. Just like colleges don't expect blacks to be as smart as whites, and that's why they give blacks free SAT points and a drastically different scale of admittance criteria, I have also had to change my expectations over the months here.

    There's a reason for the progression in my candor and language, and it ain't got a flippin' thing to do with Trump. I'm trying as hard as I can to place the ball on the tee, and you folks still can't figure out how to swing a bat.

    Which makes James further look like a prophet. His theory: Black people are too intellectually dull and lazy to understand context, substance, nuance, point-counter-point debating, etc. And how do people prove him wrong? By continually acting exactly how he predicts they'll act.

    But racism.

  20. So Josh, basically what you and Delorable are saying is you don't fancy Black people. Is that right?

    Ben and Jerry's new ice cream flavor just in time for the coronation of Putin as king of Russia America- Im Peach Mint.

    I swear some people take the long way around the barn to say what they think.

    Screwdy Rudy slimed his way onto Fake News and called US intelligence agencies incompetent and politicized. Claims they have no proof Russia hacked the election and then turned around and blamed Obama for allowing it to go on and not doing anything about the hacking that didn't happen. I'm sure J and J can decipher wingnut speak.

    Rudy claimed about 9 days before the election his friends in the NY office of the unpoliticized FBI had damning evidence on Clinton that could turn the election around. Former SOH Tom Delay made similar claims over a year ago thet the FBI was set to indict HRC. I wonder how come only rewingnuts have access to incompetent intelligence from incompetent intelligence agencies they swear is gospel?


    From the mouths of babes.

  22. "is you don't fancy Black people. Is that right?"

    Obviously. I mean, like, DUH!

    - Facts are racist.

    - Telling blacks to attempt to solve their own problems is racist.

    - Arguing with someone because they're black, instead of simply deferring to them out of a sense of social justice, is racist.

    - Pointing out that the progressives here--most of whom are black--are too stupid to process information properly (case in point: You) is racist.

    - Suggesting white supremacy is a boogeyman and a crutch of the willing-victim black contingent is racist.

    So, yeah, DUH! I'm obviously secretly calling you all niggers and claiming blacks are subhumans. I mean that's, like, literally what I just said -- LITERALLY!


    Also, the LA Times were among the first to report that blacks received free SAT points, just for being black, and other reports have shown how being a minority weights heavily in favor of admission, like Harvard out-and-out fucking admitting it. Why is Scalia the bad guy for pointing out what everyone knows? Some blacks are pushed into schools for which they're unqualified. Those dumb-ass black students at Yale are not smart enough to be in Yale. And saying Bush was stupid doesn't change the fact that many of Yale's black students aren't even smart enough to be high-school graduates. Yet because they're black they benefited from social promotion since primary school, and free SAT scores and a softer grading curve for entering advanced universities.

    (Why? Because every time America attempts to teach black children the same information white children learn, you morons get on your protest superhero suits and cry cultural bias! So, we have to dumb educational standards down. Then the effect of that is to make blacks look unqualified for colleges. Shit. Cultural bias again! Whitey at work again! So, to balance that out, YET AGAIN, colleges had to start adding make-believe SAT points to black students' tests so that they could qualify for secondary educations. This isn't made-up shit; it's common knowledge that blacks scream "cultural bias" every time blacks are held to the educational standards of whites and Asians. And then blacks turn around and demand money for schools, which are no longer schools but rather daycare centers for single mothers.)

    These are facts. Free SAT points are one of dozens of different ongoing reparation packages being paid to blacks in America. But instead of being thankful for these unearned gifts, you'll instead call someone racist for pointing them out.

    But racism.

  23. But blacks and Hispanics are not the only ones receiving unfair advantages. A contributor at The Amherst Student points out that recruited athletes get a bonus of 200 points, while legacy students receive a bonus of 160 points. So basically, blacks, Hispanics, athletes and legacy students are all afforded extra points as per superficial factors that have nothing whatsoever to do with actual academic merit and achievement.

    Not all athletes are Blacks. Not all legacy students are Black or Hispanic.

    You have a very bad attitude towards fellow Americans. I suspect they are any number of POC out there smarter than you ever dreamed of being. What makes you think you're so special? Skin color?

  24. "Not all athletes are Blacks."

    Exactly. Lacross, water polo, baseball, ect. Many more white students are getting athletic scholarships.

  25. A bit lengthy but pretty enlightening. The blonde woman reminds me of a certain long winded poster here. Ha!

  26. And in other news, there were more Black students accepted to medical school in 2016 than in the history of AMCAS!!!

  27. Affirmative Action Jackson10:11 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
    And in other news, there were more Black students accepted to medical school in 2016 than in the history of AMCAS!!!

    Affirmative Action!

    That's why I will never go to a black doctor. They might be well-qualified, but since I know they all benefit from AA, there is a strong chance a black doctor does not know what they are doing.

  28. PilotX said...

    Nothing illustrates the lameness of PilotX as much as his embrace of a fake holiday invented by the FBI.

  29. Of course athletes need to be shoved into schools, especially if we're talking about football and basketball, and in many cases women's volleyball. These sports make the schools a ton of money, and it's like covering an entire loaf of bread with one pat of butter when you pad SAT scores to shimmy in there some "academic" achievements instead of the school chewing through its entire budget of X amount of scholarships for athletes.

    Collegiate sports and the way they treat students is another topic entirely. How does it relate to blacks? It doesn't. One student, only because of their skin color, is receiving free points. The other is receiving free points so the universities can game the NCAA rules and make more money. They're both cruddy as fuck, but they're completely different topics.

    Legacies are also about money. More often than not legacy students' parents and grandparents and uncles, etc, who went to that school are donors of that school. Giving a legacy a leg-up on getting into that school is a great way for said school to keep padding its coffers with money. Again, it's cruddy, but it's different than giving someone free points just because of their skin color.

    Tweaking legacy admissions is also stupid and corrupt. And it just goes to show how American universities are, by and large, nothing but miniature corporations. They cheat the system to make money. They rig their admissions to ensure their donors are satisfied. And in the case of blacks, they create phony diversity quotas to keep groups like CS1950 from popping up every year. Look at how much fucking money Mizzou lost because of millionaire black kids pretending to be slaves! There football team couldn't recruit, even among blacks, and was horrific in the SEC!
    "Many more white students are getting athletic scholarships."

    It's not as simple as you're trying to make it sound. Schools have a limited number of scholarships they're allowed to give out, per NCAA rules. Proportionately speaking, blacks and whites receive the same number of scholarships based on percentage of the student body racial makeup. Also, consider the proportionality of the sport. Water polo, for example, might have one or two students who made it on an athletic scholarship - per decade. Now, take a D1 football or basketball team; nearly every person on it, black, white, whatever, is on an athletic scholarship (which means blacks got nearly 500 SAT points for being a double whammy. LOL).

    Men also still get a lot more scholarships than women, even though there are a lot more women in college. Why? Let's not play dumb here. It's because, outside of women's volleyball, which is on ESPN, women's sports don't make money. Even the Huskies and their record-setting NCAAW basketball run is something America doesn't give a fuck about. But wait 'til March Madness gets here for NCAAM! Holy shit!

    Follow the money. It's cruddy. The system needs to change. But it's an entirely different situation than giving someone preferred placement because of their skin colors. Blacks fought against whites doing it, and now blacks seem to be thrilled at the idea, not of equality but revenge.

    Your turn to do it. Enabled by whites. LOL

  30. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Putin never called me a cracker.

  31. President Ratfucker12:05 AM

    These sanctions on Russia are just like everything else Obama has done. They are puny, they are ineffectual, they are self-serving, and they are designed to demonize domestic opponents.

  32. @PX, no one knows Nia better then me!!!

    I'm curious, how much do you celebrate Kwanza as in do you also participate in Kwanza rituals??

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    The AMA gave Blacks a half-assed apology for racist treatment in medicine. (2008) Maybe Blacks are on to something.

  35. Pilot X- any truth to the rumor you had an affair with a sheep and never told anyone?

  36. The new Goebbels-James O'Keefe plans to infiltrate fake news sites ABC, NBC etc.

  37. I appreciate your stance coming from a disappointed, disgusted Black independent journalist and journalism educator. However to abandon the mainstream media is not the solution. Social media, bloggers and citizen journalists are getting their information from, hopefully, a variety of mainstream media sources. Trust me, as an independent photojournalist journalist of colorI never had the resources to cover the stories I wanted to work on or did work on.

    Is mainstream media in trouble? Yes. Is it working in getting better? Yes. Does it need a hell of a lot of help? Yes. But abandoning it is not the answer. Making the institution accountable is the answer. Demanding diversity, which is what we do in the organizations I belong to.

    Media messed up. They have too much attention to a figure they didn't take seriously, but one of us took it seriously. Not even the candidate. And what the polls can't tell you is those people who will lie to your face, or be ashamed to admit their racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic ideals in person but when they get behind that curtain they let it rip. They live among us in plain sight but we couldn't see them with the veil on, but the voting booth saw them. So it's not entirely media's fault.

    Now going forward we need to hold media accountable. Demand great journalism again. Demand that everyone's stories be told. Demand that those that represent this coountrybhave a seat at the journalism table. Instead of writing comments on social media and in blogs, write the media companies, in an actual letter, explaining what you expect. Make them stronger in order to defeat this new administration because a collective media industry is much stronger than the social media posts, individual bloggers and the citizen journalists can be. Not that you stop supporting them but we cannot give up on journalism and media altogether. If we do then "they" win. It's exactly what they want to see, it go away. And if they come for the institutions, they damn sure will come for the individuals and then we will be left with nothing except fox news and breitbart.

    Journalism has learned its lessson and so have we the public. The uprise in the attacked media is a start but we can't let that momentum wain. With your subscription, demand representation. Demand that, like the Washington Post, entities hire more journalists, diverse journalists to do the job of reporting the stories. And go after this incoming administration like no other before! There was a great article on about how we should not be afraid of this incoming president but how he should be afraid of the media. But guess what? He already is. He is afraid, scared and insecure. Report on that! Make media do their job! We have to be All In or we will never have fair reporting again in this country.

  38. The Trumpening12:55 PM

    g the professor said...
    "And go after this incoming administration like no other before! There was a great article on about how we should not be afraid of this incoming president but how he should be afraid of the media. But guess what? He already is. He is afraid, scared and insecure. Report on that! Make media do their job! We have to be All In or we will never have fair reporting again in this country."

    Your solution to lack of media credibility due to a perceived abandonment of objectivity is to "go after this incoming administration like no other before" and to be "All In" on making the story be Trump's fear of the media. (Oh, and btw, hire more non-white reporters like me). Really? That's their job?

    And you push this solution in the name of "fair reporting" (!) You still don't get it. The more you "go after" one side while covering for the other, the less people are going to bother believing anything you say. The less they believe you, the less relevant your product becomes. Eventually you'll be a barista of color.

    Among more than half the country now, if the Washington Post reports the sun will come up tomorrow in the east, we'll look for a an alternate source for confirmation. You can go after him all you want, all you will do is push your side deeper into a bubble. Good.

  39. Barack Obama is first president in US history to be at war every single day of his two terms.

    And he got a peace prize.

  40. Is mainstream media in trouble? Yes. Is it working in getting better? Yes. Does it need a hell of a lot of help? Yes. But abandoning it is not the answer. Making the institution accountable is the answer. Demanding diversity, which is what we do in the organizations I belong to.

    1) Looks like all MSM is interested in is normalizing racism.

    2) EVERYONE has their own "lane". Let the journalism folks sort their stuff out. Of course the problem is that so many Black folks sell out for those big checks in journalism including my cousin who's an executive at Fox.

    3) Diversity is a bad word now so demanding something we were NEVER in danger of having in the first place, is just a BIG waste of time IMHO.

    4) Seminars, meetings, thinking tank groups, HUGE wastes of time. Go to your own community or a community in need and just DO something is a MUCH better solution for what ails minority communities. Volunteering in an urban elementary school classroom would be even better, still one of the most rewarding things I've ever done!

    I'm so VERY fortunate, that I can cater my career in what ever direction I want while maintaining my integrity, earning a good living, and improving the lives of the poor/misfortunate.

  41. arack Obama is first president in US history to be at war every single day of his two terms.

    And he got a peace prize.

    Don't forget right wing nut jobs made sure Obama was at war every fucking day, not only with America's sworn enemies, but the ones overseas as well. Fuck rethuglicans.

  42. Three rw blowhards have come to the conclusion that hard right bloviators have done considerable damage to America by disseminating garbage. John Ziegler, Charlie Sykes and goofy Glen Beck appear to be ashamed of their roles in dumbing down America's public.


  44. Sorry, Mike, but that won't work a'tall.

    For over a decade most of the non-progressive world has been saying "The most effective way to fight terrorism requires Muslims to call out Muslims," and that has been met universally on the left, outside of Bill Maher, as racism. LOL

    You also need something tangible to fight, in terms of "white people calling out white racists." What are we talking about here? A white person who calls black people niggers? A white boss who won't hire blacks? A white institution not allowing blacks in? A white cop reacting differently to blacks?

    Or all we talking about the NEW "racism" that spoiled privileged blacks of today talk about? Like tan Band-Aids, not enough blacks on Game of Thrones, "white" shampoo, microaggressions like asking someone where they're from (which is more of a crime against syntax), and black people feeling like they're being treated differently*.

    *That one can be explained as merely projection. Black chick, let's call her Shirley (or probably Sharkeesha...) grows up being told that white people hate her. She grows up being told that whites will never accept her because of her skin color. Every single negative thing that EVER happens to her, she's told that it's because she's black in a white supremacist country. Well, that's how "where are you from?" becomes "you don't belong here, nigger," because poor Sharke-- umm, Shirley, is merely projecting her own insecurities upon white people, manifesting racism where there isn't racism.

    That's how asking a black man to pay for his alcoholic beverages at 10a.m. becomes racism.

    Look, whites can do a lot to change in America. It's true. BUT SO CAN BLACKS! For starters, you can stop looking at white people to bolster your self-esteem.

  45. mike from iowa said...
    Don't forget right wing nut jobs made sure Obama was at war every fucking day, not only with America's sworn enemies, but the ones overseas as well. Fuck rethuglicans.

    Of course, they already know this!

  46. Trumpening: I'm saying to my fellow journalists to do their jobs when I say go after them like no other. They are not now. Going after them like no other means doing the job not being overly unbalanced in the other direction. It means doing the jobs that they are not doing now. They let too much slide and then report on the wrong things. But we will get it together and if you still don't think we are credible then so be it, maybe you never have and nothing was ever going to change that. And while there is nothing wrong with being a barista of color, they may actually make more and have better benefits than some independent journalists I know, I won't be one of them. Sorry to disappoint those who look forward to journalism's demise, but I'm not/we're not going anywhere if I can do my part to help. But I don't get it? Ok, I don't get where you are coming from.

    Yisheng: I'm not sure how many Black folks you know besides your cousin who has sold out and is making BIG MONEY in journalism but please let me know of some more. The actual journalists I know, of all races, are not making big checks and many have left the profession because they can't support themselves. It's even worse in the Black Press. Which leads me to the question, how many subscriptions do you have to Black owned newspapers or media for that matter? I'm sure in the community work you do there is some kind of publication trying to make a difference in that community. I hope you are working with them to make a difference. We don't have to support MSM but we do need to support some kind of media.

    Before you condemn the meetings and seminars and such that I and my colleagues attend, why not ask what we are doing? See I have been working in my community since 1996. My community has been all over the country from Harlem, Brooklyn, Chicago, Oakland and in between to help kids tell their stories. I've also done stories about Cuba after traveling there twice (and believe me, we do not want a media system like theirs). I have run summer programs in Harlem way before it was "cute" to be there. So I can go to those meetings, seminars and think tanks in order to help, guide and teach others how to do the work, just like my fellow journalists. We train the next generation in those seminars, meetings and conferences. And yes it is an honor and source of great pleasure to be able to do the kind of work I do.

  47. Which leads me to the question, how many subscriptions do you have to Black owned newspapers or media for that matter? I'm sure in the community work you do there is some kind of publication trying to make a difference in that community. I hope you are working with them to make a difference. We don't have to support MSM but we do need to support some kind of media.

    Do you have a subscription/menbership to the NMA, the National Medical Association? What about NoBCHE, the National Association of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers? What about NSBE, the National Society of Black Engineers? I'm a member/subscriber of all 3, but there isn't ANY reason why you should be because you're not in the medical/science profession.

    So your question to me about Black media is moot.

    The better question would have been to ask if I am involved with organizations that work to better the lives of Black people. Then the answer would be an emphatic yes!

  48. BTW, I go to national/international meetings and seminars in my field all the time, and find them useful but not nearly as useful as getting into neighborhoods where the help is needed most.

  49. Anonymous2:12 PM

    "Do you have a subscription/menbership to the NMA, the National Medical Association? What about NoBCHE, the National Association of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers? What about NSBE, the National Society of Black Engineers?"

    Everything is first and foremost about being black.


  50. Not only is almost every hate crime these days a hoax, but literally everything the media produces about "racism" is fake:

    The subjects of a TV documentary series about the Ku Klux Klan abruptly canceled last week by A&E allege to Variety that significant portions of what was filmed were fabricated by the producers.

    Some KKK leaders divulged that they were paid hundreds of dollars in cash each day of filming to compel them on camera to distort the facts of their lives to fit the documentary’s predetermined narrative: tension between Klan members and relatives of theirs who wanted to get out of the Klan.

    The findings are based on an exclusive Variety investigation based on interviews with over two dozen individuals in and around the KKK who cooperated with the documentary in at least six U.S. states.

    This is why Trump was elected. Keep it up, prog media.

  51. The media would be doing their jobs if they 1) hadn't given Trump a fucking billion dollars in free air time during the primaries, 2) gave more than a half-hour's coverage of actual policies and issues during the whole election (like maybe telling some of those special white working class snowflakes that they would be losing their health insurance under Republican policies), and 3) stop fucking lying on the air just because some Republican gorgon told you they wouldn't come back on your show if you called them on their bullshit.
    They will never do anything like this as long as their bosses prioritize the making of money over the delivery of accurate news.
    And it wouldn't hurt if they let an actual liberal not in the employ of the networks onscreen to make chutney out of the right wing lies that they pump out by the ton every damn day. But that will never happen either, because then they have to scurry back to their both-siderism (BS) spider holes and do damage control to the narrative that is making the networks so much money, and far worse, face the reality that they have been wrong the whole time and liberals have been right.
    The media have an opportunity to restore some credibility to themselves (among those people still not addicted to lies and insanity) by telling the truth about the damage the Ryan budget will cause, and the real world effects of taking health insurance away from thirty million American citizens, the degradation in the quality of the air and water back to 1970's levels, and all of the other harm we know is going to happen, right now, before it happens. That way we can look at them and say yes, they were objectively right in the information they gave us about these major, important stories, so maybe we can trust them a little more.
    I don't really see that happening, though, as there still remains much more profit to be had in trying instead to expand the market for lies and insanity, with the added bonus for them that the overhead is much lower.

    -Doug in Oakland

  52. Field, I know this site isn't primarily for us of the paler complexions but it's posts like this that keep me coming back. Excellent article, very convincing, very thorough, very educational, very concerning.

    BTW friends insisted that I read Ta-nehisi Coates' cover essay on Obama in the Jan. Atlantic. Even if you think you've got all you need to know on Obama, it's worthwhile. It's about a lot more than just Obama, e.g., the future of the country.

    Happy New Year. My hope is that you'll have a lot less trouble to discuss in 2017, though I'm afraid that won't be the case.

  53. dinthebeast said...
    The media would be doing their jobs if they 1) hadn't given Trump a fucking billion dollars in free air time during the primaries..


    I've lost almost ALL respect for ALL media because of this FACT.

  54. Some of the media did their jobs. There were clear and precise reports on Drumpf not paying his bills, not paying his taxes, Drumpf calling out the MSM at his rallies and siccing his crowds of vipers on them. There were stories about private run prisons, white militias in the South patrolling desert for drugs and immigrants of which they found neither. Vogue had an excellent article on Drumpf and gaslighting which brought that term to many American's attention. Then there are numerous blogs that dealt with all kinds of unfavorable reports on both candidates.

  55. Mike: I agree that the information is out there. I spend a chunk of each day harvesting it. Very few people in this country do anything like that. Believe it or not the commenters here are actually better informed than the great majority of (especially Trump) voters.
    That is why I believe the mainstream media remains important, even when I don't watch it myself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. But Yisheng it isn't moot if you are a consumer of media, but I have my answer. And no I am not a member of those organizations however if I had a comment, complaint or suggestion for them then I would.

  57. Doug in Oakland, yes they gave a lot of FREE time to the republican candidate. I hate to make generalizations but some of broadcast has become entertainment instead of news. Sadly.

    Yisheng Losing all respect for all media? Hove you seen the work that Mother Jones does? Have you seen the magnificent storytelling that MediaStorm does? There are so many others that do great work but get drowned out and will certainly get pushed out if we all give up on all media, but that's your choice.

    And to the person who commented Anonymously "Everything is first and foremost about being black." YES! Black all day, all the time forever.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Regardless of your opinions and positions. Move in whatever way you believe will make a difference!

  58. But Yisheng it isn't moot if you are a consumer of media, but I have my answer. And no I am not a member of those organizations however if I had a comment, complaint or suggestion for them then I would.

    I'd certainly consider a Black version of CNN.

    Also, don't make assumptions based on a person not answering a question. You could be wrong.

  59. "So your question to me about Black media is moot."

    This is embarrassing. You supposedly have multiple STEM degrees. You're forever here bragging about your intellectual prowess and attributing it to your race. Yet you don't even know what "moot" means. :/

    I can't make fun of you; that's how sad it is.

    You're using "moot" to say, essentially, "I'm smarter than you and am subscribed to scientific sources, so your point about black media is pointless." That's not what "moot" means.

    A "moot" point is a DEBATABLE point; e.g. if we're arguing about how effective Trump would be, based on his political leanings, it's a moot point. Moot essentially means there is no final decision; it's debatable. You're using it as an objectively final decision.

    Seriously, Yishag. If ever your IQ has measured over triple digits, it's because you added 30 points to it in post.

  60. There are so many others that do great work but get drowned out and will certainly get pushed out if we all give up on all media, but that's your choice.

    Besides Fieldnegro, I like the Root and quite frankly, Black Twitter is EVERYTHING!!!

  61. @ G Professor, here's a GREAT question, how do you define "media"? I think media is anything that's a source of verbal/visual or written information. So IMHO that's the Root, Field's blog, and all those Black intellectuals on Twitter dropping knowledge on a daily basis.

    Growing up, what I thought of as media was exclusively print or TV news. But these days, the definition of media clearly needs to be redefined because it's so broad these days.

    And I should have qualified my point about losing respect of all media, I'm specifically referring to MSM/White media more so after the election of Trump. Because as Public Enemy once said, "Can't trust it"!!!!

  62. The Trumpening5:41 PM

    The cognitive dissonance here is stunning.

    "Trump got free air time from the media"

    "The media need to attack Trump more"

    Trump got so much publicity because the media was hysterically attacking him 24/7. You are blaming your media for the loss, when your media was doing everything it could to ensure a Clinton victory.

    They were so over the top, nothing they said mattered anymore. Everyone just assumed it was lies. Instead of trying to address the very serious allegations against Hillary, they closed ranks and tried to cover it up, leading everyone to assume there must be something to hide.

    It' not rocket science. The prog media overplayed its hand, and now the game has changed.

  63. "Besides Fieldnegro, I like the Root and quite frankly, Black Twitter is EVERYTHING!!!"

    But it's all just a "moot" point, right?

    LMFAO. Stupid-ass negress.


    Amazing how many fucked up people believed rumors about a woman and totally ignored facts about Drumpf.

  65. A Harvard multi-series research project, based on a detailed content analysis of the presidential election coverage, has linked media coverage with the rise of Donald Trump as well as Hillary Clinton’s plunge in likability. The study took into account five television networks – ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News – and five leading newspapers – the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and USA Today.

  66. Amazing how many fucked up people believed rumors about a woman and totally ignored facts about Drumpf.

    Not so amazing at all when thought of in the context of how misogynist society is today.

    The fact that Trump could even be a contender against an Ivy League, highly educated and experienced woman tells you just how jacked up the US REALLY is when it comes to gender relations.

    Like I said before, that leader of the free world statement is complete and utter bullshut, you can't lead a muthaf**kin thing when you've designated roughly half of your citizens as incapable/incompetent.

  67. @7:50, I went from reading/watching all of those on that list daily until November 2016, to ONLY watching Don Lemon and Joy Reid a couple times/week.

    In fact, CNN used to be on "in the background" at least 5 hours/day but not anymore or EVER again in my house. And I know many other people who feel the EXACT same way.

  68. James Deplorable8:24 PM

    "I don't rely on traditional news outlets for my news anymore. Their normalization of trump and his racism was the last straw for me."

    You mean the "traditional news outlets" which are so steeped in PC principles they do everything possible to conceal the fact that the "teens" in the 9-state mall riots last weekend were mostly Black?

    You think THEY are "normalizing racism"?

    I'm sure you're not (quite) stupid enough to believe that, but your Black readers sure are.  If you wanted to improve race relations you'd do your best to disabuse them of such nonsense.  Instead, here you are inflaming tensions.  Here's hoping you get burned by them.  You deserve no less.

    "10. The increasingly dim prospect that there will be a fact-based debate to which journalists can usefully contribute when the leader of the free world feels free to broadcast transparently false or ignorant claims…"

    You idiots think we have forgotten the Killian documents and "Fake but accurate"?  The press has been purveying fake news since the 1930's, when Walter Duranty was singing the praises of Josef Stalin while millions starved to death in the Ukraine.  The press has NOTHING to contribute until it makes full confessions, contrition AND REPARATIONS.  Reparations start with abandoning all "style guides" which demand suppression of news to support The Narrative, and confession of every time The Narrative was promoted at the expense of truth in the past along with full apologies to everyone libelled to support the various frauds being promoted.

    Would full coverage of the overwhelmingly Black complexion of the 9-state mall riots expiate the press's guilt?  Far from it, but until the press does it, it is not the least bit serious about telling the truth.

    "journalists need people to interview!"

    When "journalists" (esp. those who are "journolists") feel free to lie, the public does not need THEM.

    "17. Weak leadership and a thin institutional structure in the American press, which is not accustomed to organizing itself to fight back or act assertively in any coordinated way"

    The presstitutes had no difficulty coordinating attacks on their chosen targets, coming out with the same talking points on the same days as if they'd all agreed to them on Son of Journolist.  Which is probably not true; their talking points were dictated from above.

    24-26 are risibly hypocritical.  The presstitutes have been in the can for Hitlery since she declared, have raised point-and-sputter to an art form and have been unapologetic conduits for propaganda for the last 80 years.  That is why nobody trusts them and #FakeNews is trending everywhere.

  69. James Deplorable8:31 PM

    "Making the institution accountable is the answer. Demanding diversity, which is what we do in the organizations I belong to."

    I agree.  All news organizations must henceforth employ not less than 50% conservatives, and discard any and all "style guides" and "editorial guidelines" which slant or censor actual news.

    Among other implications, when Blacks rob, rape, riot or flash-mob, the news should describe them as Black.  It should also censure anyone who uses or demands the use of the passive voice for deliberate human acts, e.g. "shots rang out".

    "Media messed up. They have too much attention to a figure they didn't take seriously, but one of us took it seriously. Not even the candidate."

    You are so stupid, you think your misdeeds only go back to coverage of the PeOTUS.  They go back AT LEAST 3/4 of a century, when so many were Communists—as you would describe yourselves today, if you were honest.  We're done with that.

    "what the polls can't tell you is those people who will lie to your face, or be ashamed to admit their racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic ideals"

    All those shaming words you just used?  We're done with them, and anyone who uses them.  They, and you, are in the compactor truck heading to the trashheap of history.

    "Demand that those that represent this coountrybhave a seat at the journalism table. Instead of writing comments on social media and in blogs, write the media companies, in an actual letter, explaining what you expect."

    I don't expect them to do anything other than what their (((owners))) tell them to do, while they can remain in business.  Which is why they're going out of business... but you're too stupid to see that.

    "Before you condemn the meetings and seminars and such that I and my colleagues attend, why not ask what we are doing?"

    You're blaming Whitey for the actions and dysfunctions of Black people, which only Black people can change.  And that's why you need to fuck off.

    "(like maybe telling some of those special white working class snowflakes that they would be losing their health insurance under Republican policies) "

    As opposed to losing their plans, doctors and finally their homes under the mandated insurance of Obamacare, which was a 100% Demon-rat policy?  You can't just wish the last 8 years away.

    "They will never do anything like this as long as their bosses prioritize the making of money over the delivery of accurate news."

    Their bosses prioritized supporting The Narrative over anything resembling actual news.  This is why we get BS like the church with "TRUMP" painted on it burning and being blamed on Whitey... when the arsonist was himself Black.  And this happens over and over, and the media ALWAYS go with The Narrative until the evidence comes out, at which point the story is buried.

    The Lying Liberal Media has worn out its welcome.  Spend your own money on trying to save it, if you're dumb enough.

    "And to the person who commented Anonymously "Everything is first and foremost about being black." YES! Black all day, all the time forever."


    but you want support from Whitey.  No, you DEMAND it.

    Just wait until Whitey tells you "no".  Don't make him have to get too emphatic about it.  There are a bunch of examples from the 20th century that should make you take the hint sooner, not later.

  70. Found on twitter:

    Dan Gillmor ‏@dangillmor 28 Dec 2016

    Journalists: Your headlines are all that many people read. It doesn't help to put Trump's lies in headline and "correct" them lower down.
    259 replies 4,923 retweets 8,288 likes

    -Doug in Oakland

  71. Meanwhile, back at the barn, the animals all died waiting for JD to deliver the goods. I warned you about taking the long way around the barn to say anything. Your would be audience wandered off in search of sustenance or died of sheer boredumb.

  72. James Deplorable2:36 AM

    Yes.  That is precisely right.

    When the EBT cards stop working, you are going to die waiting for the food to arrive.

    That is so appropriate for you.  You hate Whitey, but you'll literally die if he stops feeding you.

    Which is WHY he should stop feeding you.

  73. James Dedumbass9:22 PM

    When the EBT cards stop working, you are going to die waiting for the food to arrive.

    I won't. I'll be fine but like millions of whites like you you and your family will. And I won't shed a tear. And stop fucking farm animals in 2017!

  74. Anonymous1:10 AM

    "Here, I am getting ahead of the story because we don’t really know what a Trump White House will be like."

    Perhaps the TV show The Man in the High Castle, which is based on Philip K. Dick's story of post-War USA in which the Axis Powers won WW2, offers a cautionary view of life under the Trump Regime:

    Creators of The Man in the High Castle: there are 'deeply disturbing' parallels

    The Man in the Trump Towers might even be a more appropriate name for this TV program.

  75. "Nothing illustrates the lameness of PilotX as much as his embrace of a fake holiday invented by the FBI."

    Nothing illustrates the lameness of trolls as much as trying to tell a grown assed Black man how to live. Maybe I should celebrate a holiday based on the birth of the son of an invisible deity that just happens to coincide with the winter solstice? Yeah, ok. I'm good, my holiday is as real as any other and besides, it lasts 7 days. Beat that!

  76. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Field, I stopped relying on traditional news outlets long ago. Sorry, the demise of journalism is because they have become a brand rather than news outlets. They don't provide facts anymore and rarely is there any actual journalism or reporting. It is what is trending.

  77. Name one moment in the entire albino existence they have been peaceful their evil will be the death of their entire recessive genetic subhuman race

  78. "Name one moment in the entire albino existence they have been peaceful"

    You're still alive. White people, who are still 200 million of the 330-million population of the USA, allow you to close down their malls without consequence. They allow you to suck off the welfare teat, having millions of ignorant bastard babies every year without consequence. They allow black males to rape ONE HUNDRED WHITE WOMEN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY without consequence. They allow you to drag down our aggregate IQ, to drive up our aggregate gun violence and violent crime, and to tip the scales--literally--on obesity numbers without consequence. They allow you, time and again, to call them all evil and to wish for their genocide in public without consequence.

    You haven't been culled out of existence like the overpopulation of foxes. That, my friend, is about as peaceful as one can get! White people haven't carpet-bombed the ghettos (although blacks themselves have given them that aesthetic by simply living there). White people haven't exterminated blacks, despite how violent and stupid and dependent they have become in the aggregate.

    You cannot get MORE peaceful than that! You are allowed to live in your squalor, pop out more kids whitey cares for, and come spew your hatred against them, and nothing fucking happens to you. In fact, we treat you like retarded, harmless children (huge mistake) and allow you to double and triple-down on whatever it is you're doing. Peaceful!

    That's the sorta peace that would make Gandhi say, "Hold up, Kwavanjeneai Hotep; don't make me have to slap a nigga!"

  79. James Deplorable9:44 PM

    "Name one moment in the entire albino existence they have been peaceful"

    Shorter Josh:  "We haven't tied you to tree branches and fed you feet-first into tree chippers yet."

    We haven't even shot your rioters out of hand, or banned you from the shopping malls and schools you've rendered unfit for human use.

    We're still waiting for YOU to be peaceful, and the only thing keeping the tree-chippers from being fired up is the fast-fading hope that someday you will.  When that hope is gone... well, it'll be too late for you to have regrets.

  80. I can't would have been sufficient

    1. Your last name wouldn't be Roof because you're quite similar in psychosis but then again most albinos are

  81. James Deplorable1:03 PM

    Still projecting your own pathologies onto Whitey.

