Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"Failing pile of garbage"?

  Image result for buzzfeed image Isn't it ironic that the guy who built his entire political career on lies about the current president is outraged about this Buzzfeed story? 

Herr trump was in rare form today. This was his first press conference since July, and he was particularly combative with some members of the press. (He actually called Buzzfeed a "failing pile of garbage.") 

Of course, as is always the case with Mr Orangehair, there were lies upon lies during his presser:

 "In his first press conference since July, President-elect Donald Trump repeated some false and misleading claims on jobs, health care and his tax returns:

• Trump falsely claimed that there are “96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get [one].” There are roughly 96 million people not in the labor force, but that includes retirees, students and others who don’t want jobs. Only 5.5 million of them want work.

• Trump said that “you learn very little” from a tax return. But experts told us there’s plenty of information to be gleaned from tax returns — such as potential conflicts of interest, charitable giving habits and effective tax rates.

• Trump claimed that “some states” have seen health insurance coverage on the Affordable Care Act exchanges increase by 100%. Only Arizona has an average increase that high, and 84% with marketplace coverage in 2016 received tax credits to purchase insurance.

• Trump continues to oversimplify the rise of the Islamic State by blaming President Obama for “leaving at the wrong time” from Iraq. President George W. Bush set the withdrawal date. More important, there were numerous factors in the rise of the terrorist group.

 Trump claimed that “nobody even talked about it” when hacked emails showed that Hillary Clinton’s campaign got debate questions in advance. Actually, there was plenty of press coverage when it was revealed that former CNN contributor Donna Brazile shared questions with Clinton’s campaign.
Trump hasn’t held a press conference since July 27, 2016, during the Democratic National Convention. The purpose was to discuss how he would arrange to handle his business affairs while he is president. Trump will take the oath of office on Jan. 20.

But the Republican president-elect was asked a variety of questions on a host of issues, including Russian hacking, the Affordable Care Act and his Cabinet appointments. In several cases, Trump repeated some of the same claims that he had made during the campaign." [Source]

Just trump being trump.

And yet, he is accusing CNN of spreading fake news (CNN denies it), and he is trying to blur the lines between truth and reality, and run a divide and conquer game on the American press.

Sadly, so far, it seems to be working.

*Pic from


  1. Wow, I bet those stacks of paper really contained documents he signed ceding control of his bullshit businesses to Uday and Qusay.
    Fucking liar. If we can't look at them, why did you bring them out? To remind us what paper looks like? I almost got offended about what kind of idiots he thinks we are, then I remembered his supporters, and the "do not touch" rule started to make sense. Can't have them chewing on them and wiping their asses with them in public, bad optics.
    So CNN (who are admittedly awful) is spreading fake news, he can't tell whether he's in Nazi Germany or not, and Steve the fuck Bannon is his special advisor or some such horse shit? Not even Donald Trump can be that stupid. I've been wrong about that before, but this time he's got to display some brainwave activity, or else we get to stand him in the corner and water him twice a day.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Lilacpr11:36 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    ...or else we get to stand him in the corner and water him twice a day.

    You can't do that he's a millionaire...;)

  3. Lilacpr11:36 PM

    And he's orange,plants are green ;)

  4. Anonymous11:45 PM

    He should be careful who he picks fights with, the intelligence community and the press aren't the best to have as enemies. But my biggest problem is that after 8 years of a graceful and thoughtful CIC we get this guy basically mocking the office.


  5. National fucking disgrace.

  6. The Ministry of Truth12:55 AM

    Trump's crooked and his plans for letting his sons run his.real estate empire will do nothing to reduce the crookedness.

    But no one cares.

    Trump lies flagrantly and reflexively, about matters both grave and trivial.

    But no one cares.

    It is frightening to think how catastrophically this malevolent clown will have to screw up the country before people start to care. How bad must things get before Middle America is forced to concede that they behaved like irresponsible dicks in voting for this sociopathic boob as a middle finger to whomever they happen to resent (urbanites, brown people, "Washington," whatever)? Does everything literally have to be on fire before they decide to behave like grown-ups again?

  7. Field,

    Thanks for honoring the Rockettes. I guess not one has volunteered to date, right?

    Support your local unions, folks.


    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous2:56 AM

    "Support your local unions, folks."

    Today is another scary day in which we see how Trump will treat the country and the press. He also told us we will never see his tax returns, that right there should concern all of us. He HAS to be hiding something.


  10. Anonymous3:04 AM

    He doesn't think anyone but the press cares about his tax returns? Really?

  11. The Ministry of Truth4:45 AM

    His tax returns don't matter, because he says so.

    Also, Trump being Putin's bitch is a positive, according to him:

    "'If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks, that is called an asset, not a liability,' Trump said. 'Do you honestly believe that Hillary would be tougher on Putin than me? Give me a break.'”

    Sadly, the Trumpkins really don't care that what comes out of his mouth never makes any kind of sense. They just don't care. They cheer their hero for bravely standing up to "elites" (i.e., people who know stuff) by declaring independence from facts and empirical evidence and basic logic.

    And that's why our country is in such a bad place.


    Lyin' Ryan claimed he couldn't find 2.5 billion for high risk insurance pools last fall, knowing it would force insurance premiums to rise near election time.

    Ryan now wants to cut 23 billion from food stamps because the wealthy need more taxcuts to stimulate their bank accounts offshore.

    Lilacpr- you can spray tan plants orange, you know. That solves the color problem.

    Flying Junior- I guess not one has volunteered to date, right? If I was rich, 40 years younger and healthy, I'd date all the Rockettes at once.

  13. If you spell Republicans backwards it is almost identical to Adolf Hitler's given name. Snacilbuper vs Shickelgruber.

  14. People think Trump's so damn outlandish. He takes it too easy on people, if you ask me. He's not pointing out that blacks only graduate high school 8% more than full-on retards with severe learning disabilities. He's not pointing out that of all blacks murdered only less than 1% are murdered by police while over 95% are murdered by blacks, and the hypocrisy and stupidity of focusing on the 1%. He takes it easy on people, especially blacks.

    Why y'all give him such a hard time is beyond me.

    But fuck Trump. He can take care of himself. The piss won't stick to him. He'll bash all the haters like he bashed CNN. CNN IS spreading fake news. It's what they do. It's what all mainstream media outlets do. Why so butthurt that he calls it out?

    Your white corporate masters can also take care of themselves.

  15. Reburglekcihs is almost identical to Republicans, people.

    I guess we now know why you're closer to retard graduate levels than anyone else in society. lol

  16. People think Trump's so damn outlandish. He takes it too easy on people, if you ask me.

    Nobody asked you. You done already jumped the shark. Enjoy La La land.

  17. Being labeled "Putin's bitch" seems appropriate for a guy that vehemently questioned President Obama's birth certificate.

  18. Today, the Guardian reported:

    Senator John McCain passed documents to the FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself.

    That will serve Drumpf right for saying McCain wasn't a hero because he got caught and held captive. Drumpf prolly figures he could have improved the "Hanoi Hilton" and made McCain's stay like a real vacation for non-hero POWs. Of course he would have billed the POWs for staying there. Top rztes and all, doncha know.

  19. So it seems that the IG is looking at the feebies, for whatever that's worth:

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Just call him...Goldshower!

    You can bet videos of Trump in various activities hookers are going to be all over the internet shortly...

    If the Russians got him...So did everyone else.

  21. Yisheng is a genius5:26 PM

    Drumpf prolly figures he could have improved the "Hanoi Hilton" and made McCain's stay like a real vacation for non-hero POWs. Of course he would have billed the POWs for staying there. Top rztes and all, doncha know.

    This is one of thousands of reasons I feel the POTUS should have served in the military.

  22. Lance Cockstrong5:48 PM

    "CNN Admittedly Awful"? How so? I have always found them to be quite reasonable and informative.


    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Lance Cockstrong11:08 PM

    That is rather humorous but is that it? A 2010 Jon Stewart video? Ok whatever, watch The Daily Show instead.

  25. It wasn't so much the humor as the journalistic malpractice that I put the video up to highlight.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Lance Cockstrong8:34 AM

    A handful of random clips from a comedy show is all you have? Yeah they should push back harder at times but journalistic malpractice? I have to respectfully disagree with you there Doug. I think overall they do a fair amount of pushback, our esteemed host's nemesis Don Lemon in particular.

  27. Lance, check out Sargon of Akkad's newest video on YouTube. He does a good job of exposing how CNN lies. And while he only gives a single example for each category, you can then search per said category and find example after example after example of CNN being one of the most dishonest news corporations on the planet. From cutting people off mid-sentence who were speaking anti-Hillary rhetoric and setting up fake interviews with their own cameramen to intentionally pushing news that they know is unverified and even having the audacity to tell people to go there for the facts, CNN's list of lies and deceptions is quite lengthy.

    Same goes for all mainstream media outlets. But CNN has sunk to new lows since Trump won the Republican nomination.

  28. James Deplorable11:53 AM

    "He does a good job of exposing how CNN lies."

    What makes you think he cares?  Anyone who says "Hands Up Don't Shoot" or "Trayvon Martin was murdered" or "White racism is what's holding Black people down" doesn't care about lies.  Lies are their friends; possibly their only friends.

    Truth certainly IS toxic to the blackimal.

  29. Perhaps we could say, and why not? that what the Trump team is doing to CNN is wrong. They are not, in fact, BuzzFeed, so using BuzzFeed's behavior as a reason to dismiss them as "fake news" is yet another lie they are using to support their propaganda efforts.
    That said, it is not a valid reason to all of the sudden start liking CNN, merely because they are on the receiving end of the same right wing bullshit we liberals have been the focus of since, oh, forever.
    It would be an example of the same infinite reprogrammability displayed by the Republican base who will cheerfully contradict what they so fervently held as truth last week if Rush, Sean, or Matt tells them so, up to and including voting for people who want to take their health insurance from them and let them sicken and die.
    Lies and insanity are not OK just because they are "our" lies and insanity.

    -Doug in Oakland

  30. Lance Cockstrong8:07 PM

    Yeah that's very cute too. So let's say for argument's sake they took the black chick's statement out of context. To what end? And let's say it was no accident that Chris Collins's satellite feed got cut off. You wouldn't hear those same talking points anywhere else including from CNN's very own Trumpettes? Van Jones' whitelash comments and apology tour after the fact? Ok fine. CNN is full of shit, Sargon of Akkad is the genuine article. Julian Assange always tells the truth. Until he doesn't. Being a skeptic is easy, it doesn't make you a prophet.

  31. Reducing arguments to absurdity doesn't make them any more compelling either.

    Sargon is at least objective. That in no way means infallibility. It just means objectivity. CNN has for too long done these things in massive amounts which show they are not objective. Political partisans do not have objectivity. I'm sure many are still actually capable of it; it's just that narrative replaces fact when you're partisan, so objectivity becomes antiquated and useless, when the goal is to stay on narrative to effect change. Not sinister, usually; just ends-justify-the-means well-meaning people believing that the narrative is far more important than facts. Very quick example: Rolling Stone lying article about VA campus rape, and the progressive take wasn't "For shame, madam; you lie!" but rather, "Doesn't matter if it's a lie; it highlights rape culture!" Narrative!


    Okay, one or two sat feeds cutting out -- coincidence! Oops! But you can find dozens of examples of CNN having these "problems," and only when someone's speaking against Hillary or Obama. The same with their phony interviews. They've also set up in the same parking lot and pretended to have a sat feed from across the country, and I believe CNN was the network that faked getting gassed in the Middle East with a phony backdrop! LOL

    Van Jones' "apology tour" -- if that's what you inferred from it, I won't break your balls. What I inferred: Because of the backlash from accusing Trump voters (1/2 of America) of racism, they made him go out to show that not all whites are racists. And, believe me, only CNN would draw this level of speculation from me regarding this level of intent. They've earned it!

    "Until he doesn't." So far, he hasn't. It's been over ten years since I was studying logic, so the exact fallacy fails me at the moment, but I believe it's in the neighborhood of an appeal to possibility; i.e. "If someone can go wrong, it will go wrong." Yes, ANY human can lie*. Does that mean they will? So far, Assange is the ONLY honest player in the whole fiasco. Everybody else has proven lies on their record. And not just some toddler-level fibs, but some Frost Giant whoppers.

    *My 2nd-year finals essay in Evo-Bio was actually about humans evolving the ability to speak through mistake, and it only being advantageous because communication = the ability to lie = the advantage of getting more resources and more sex. Lying and humanity go hand in hand; it's very much advantageous in an evolutionary context. However, Assange's track record has been spotless.

    This is like choosing between two restaurants, A and B. A has had, in its past, hundreds of incidents of poisoning its patrons. B, however, has operated for over a decade with a clean bill of health. Lance takes out Mrs. Cuckstrong and baby Cucklettes to go eat one night. And because B recently added something new to the menu Cuckman doesn't like, he's going to insist it's poison, with no evidence, and instead take the Cucklettes and the misses to eat at A.

    To each their own. Don't forget to tip your waiter! I, however, will be enjoying the clean, safe meals at B. And if I don't like the newest menu items, I'll stick with one of the old favorites.

  32. Lance Cockstrong11:04 AM

    Objective? How do you know? He won't even show his face. Some skeptic. Your skepticism appears to be rather selective. Assange has his agenda like everyone else. But if you want to believe Assange and Sargon of Akkad are pure beings, a salud.

    I will agree that CNN bending over to accommodate every fart that blows out Trump's ass was bullshit. Also Chris Cuomo's bizarre declaration that only certified media are allowed to read Wikileaks. The bogus interview with the cameraman, no idea what they were thinking about there but that was called out immediately by Don Lemon so I will put that in the no harm no foul category. But I watch them regularly and these are atypical and insignificant.

    Is this fake news?

  33. "He won't even show his face."

    Oh, Lance, damn. Dude has literally hundreds of videos on YouTube where he shows his face. You don't see it in ONE, and you extrapolate that to mean he never does.

    Sad. You can break my balls and present things as if I'm not a real skeptic. Whatever. But you don't have a single grain in your body that leads you to skepticism. You are, at this juncture in your life, a partisan asshat.

    "Assange has his agenda like everyone else."

    What's his agenda, then? Y'all don't know. You just want to do what white corporate media tells you, by pushing the lie of Russian hacking, and so Assange is suddenly the bad guy.

    And anything that shamelessly promotes a government policy is probably fake news.
