Thursday, January 05, 2017

The Geechie Band?

Image result for taLLADEGA marching band images"Back during slavery, when Black people like me talked to the slaves, they didn't kill 'em, they sent some old house Negro along behind him to undo what he said. You have to read the history of slavery to understand this. There were two kinds of Negroes. There was that old house Negro and the field Negro

And the house Negro always looked out for his master. When the field Negroes got too much out of line, he held them back in check. He put 'em back on the plantation. The house Negro could afford to do that because he lived better than the field Negro. He ate better, he dressed better, and he lived in a better house. He lived right up next to his master - in the attic or the basement. He ate the same food his master ate and wore his same clothes. And he could talk just like his master - good diction. And he loved his master more than his master loved himself. That's why he didn't want his master hurt. If the master got sick, he'd say, "What's the matter, boss, we sick?""

It's safe to say that--- to stay with the Malcolm X metaphor--- the trump inauguration is sick. They are struggling to find talent  to perform, and, as a result, they are looking everywhere to find someone (anyone) to perform for Herr trump.  

Enter the Talladega College president and his administration, who by ordering the school's marching band to play for master trump's inauguration, will be ensuring that the band plays the role of good House Negroes on inauguration day.

"The decision follows several days of controversy after the Talladega Marching Tornadoes initially accepted an invitation to perform on January 20, with critics saying the move amounts to support for President-elect Donald Trump. Trump made comments during the presidential campaign that were widely viewed as disparaging to people of color and immigrants.
    Talladega College President Billy C. Hawkins announced the final decision in a statement, noting that the "lessons students can learn from this experience cannot be taught in a classroom."
    "We respect and appreciate how our students and alumni feel about our participation in this parade," said Hawkins. "As many of those who chose to participate in the parade have said, we feel the inauguration of a new president is not a political event but a civil ceremony celebrating the transfer of power."

    Supporters of the trip argued that the experience would benefit the band -- and be a source of pride for the relatively unknown school."

    I am not sure how selling out to perform for the inauguration of a man who has disparaged African Americans, women, and immigrants, would be a "source of pride" to the young people who will be performing. Sadly, given the relationship between colleges and their bands, the students (who are more than likely all on scholarships) will have no say in whether they can go and play or not. 

    This is why I am ripping the college president and the powers that be, and not the students. They are educators; they should know better, and they certainly should know their history. 

    As Adolph Caesar's character, Sgt Waters, said in that classic scene from  A Soldier's Story, "The day of the geechie is gone."      

    *Pic from


    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I disagree with you. Is disagreeing allowed by SJW?

      The student musicians are playing in support for the office of the President. They are participating in history.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Songs they should perform:
      "Strange Fruit"
      Pussy Riot's "Make America Great Again"
      And as an ode to Mrs. Obama and an f-u to Melaninless Drumpf, "La negra tiene Tumbao."

      Would you be upset if they performed any of these three as a total troll of the troll?

    3. Disclosure: I am a white man.

      I lived in Talladega County for about 15 years. We moved closer to Birmingham for medical reasons. I think it is a shame that their band will perform at the Inauguration. Sadly, the white population of Alabama are mostly "Trump People." The City of Talladega has been declining for years since most of it's industry was textiles. Talladega College has helped the economy of Talladega and Talladega County for years. I am saddened the School has decided to send the band to the inauguration.

    4. Seems like AG nominee from Aladamnbama, Sessions, lied his ass off to congress about his qualifications as a former prostitutor. Claims to have personally handled cases when all he did was sign off on them and had other attorneys do the work. This whole incoming clusterfuck of lies can't do anything but lie. Pants on fire will be retired for Drumpf on fire.

    5. Field, as a descendant of Geechies, I'm rather peeved AND offended at this post title.

    6. James Deplorable9:13 PM

      I'm sure that you would rather have a rap group consisting of Brittany Covington, Tanishia Covington, Jordan Hill and Tesfaye Cooper performing at Hitlery's nomination.

      They could re-enact their torture of a mentally-impaired White man for the amusement of the audience.

      Because we all know that such things do not disgust or repel you.  They amuse you.

    7. Four black failed abortions kidnap a retarded white guy, only because he's white, and torture him on Facebook Live, cutting his fucking head open and abusing him, and we see their politically-driven reasoning behind it. And we see with your blog what feeds into their barbarism. With all the actual problems in the world, especially the criminality and idiocy within the black community, you'd rather fear-monger and stoke anger and hatred toward Trump than dealing with anything actually realistic.

      Yeah, Field, fight the good fight! While your people are out there kidnapping retarded people because of their skin color, there's a college out there somewhere whose band may be playing the Trump inauguration.


      And let's not pretend that if four white guys did this to a retarded black you wouldn't be posting about it three days a week for two years. A fucking black guy was asked to pay for his drinks in advance and you busted a gut trying to get the news out there.

      I know my advice isn't wanted, nor will it be taken, but I'm offering regardless: If you want to misdirect from the subhuman members of your own race in America, of which there seems to be a limitless supply, at least scale the stories. At least find a white guy who assaulted a black guy or something, when you want to ignore the atrocities committed by blacks on the daily. Going with these softball non-issue stories against Trump makes you seem like little more than a step-'n-fetch houseboy for your white masters at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc.

      I know the goal is to create a world narrative wherein these things don't exist; the aim is to lay foundations for a universe where Trump is the world's biggest issue and blacks are just victims. But get fucking real.

      Fucking kidnapping. Torture. But college!

      But racism...

    8. Wesley R9:21 PM

      Josh, those weren't Black People, those were Niggers. They do more damage to The Black Community than the House Negroes that Field talks about in his post.

    9. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Wesley R speaks the truth

    10. Lots of things do damage to the black community.

      Like regularly engaging white trash on a blog about black empowerment.

    11. Funny, Josh...I've seen no defense offered here or elsewhere for these criminals. I've seen support for the charging of them under hate crimes statues. What I have seen is attempts to smear an entire race for the acts of a few, again and again, with the accusers having one thing in common, pale skin. The common factor for the accused, yellow/brown/black skin.

      So you trolls just enjoy the ride, as you sail into the sunset, your hero is in a prison hospital, helter skelter isn't coming.

      1. Josh and James are gay lovers11:00 PM

        Thank you. Not ONE person I know has had anything but disgust for this act unlike Steve Bannon's site which praised the flying of the confederate flag after 9 people were murdered in cold blood. James and Josh are just fucking racist trolls who want to somehow equate what 4 goofballs did to the entire negro race. Did either of you assholes have anything to say after the shooting in Charleston? And fuck you especially James because you justify shooting negroes in the back for registering people to vote. Maybe we should torture you two for being racist assholes. Jesus, but we should have seen this coming.

    12. The Ministry of Truth9:29 PM

      "Songs they should perform:
      'Strange Fruit'
      Pussy Riot's 'Make America Great Again'
      And as an ode to Mrs. Obama and an f-u to Melaninless Drumpf, 'La negra tiene Tumbao.'"

      I'll recommend Henry Rollins' "Liar" and the O'Jays' "For the Love of Money" for Trump, and Green Day's "American Idiot" for his supporters.

    13. Snow White and his one dwarf finally slithered in. Feeling a little indignant the world didn't stop revolving at your command , fellas? Iz yer butthurt better or worse than yer butthurt from yesterday? You rant and rage about a few despicable blacks beating a white guy. I think we get it, your butthurt. Good fer you.

    14. Anonymous10:33 PM

    15. If all black people have to answer for the behavior of four people, do all white people (or all Republicans) have to answer for the poor people Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are gearing up to kill?
      Their stories won't be as much of a lurid spectacle as the torture video(I assume, I haven't watched it myself, or any other torture, really, who watches shit like that?), but there will be a lot more than one of them.
      They could probably be made TV friendly, though, interviews with the relatives who knew something was wrong but had no options to try and do something about it, stuff like that. Tens of thousands of them.
      Still want to talk about who is culpable for what? Oh that's right, you don't believe it's real, or if it is, those aren't really human beings being killed, they're "those people" we should have gotten rid of anyway.
      Except they're not. Most of them will be poor white people, like me, only living in places without the resources I have, like Highland Hospital, to keep them alive even when they're broke.
      Pathetic, stupid, unnecessary deaths. In the richest country on the planet. Because of vindictive Republicans and their BS enablers.
      Pure, stupid evil, in the service of enriching the already obscenely wealthy by pandering to made up bullshit fears and prejudices.

      I don't have much to say about the marching band. As a musician, I wouldn't do it, but if I was a college student and my other option was dropping out, I might feel like I had to. If so, I'd probably try to sneak something into my playing to express how I felt about the situation, so it would come down to how good that playing actually was whether I got in trouble for it or not.

      -Doug in Oakland

    16. James and Josh need tampons11:05 PM

      Is Josh Snow White or is James? Josh is more ladylike but James does crave attention too. Two teen age girls showing their tits to get attention. And to think they think they're sooooo smart. Two dumbfucks from the trailers. Too bad they can't get the football team captain to take them out so we wouldn't have to read their bullshit.

    17. Anonymous11:13 PM

      Quick questions for our resident racist teen age girls. 1. Did the INDIVIDUALS who committed the crime get arrested and charged? 2. Was the crime publicized? 3. What else do you want to see done beyond those responsible punished?

    18. "If all black people have to answer for the behavior of four people, do all white people (or all Republicans) have to answer for the poor people Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are gearing up to kill?"

      1) Nobody, at least that I see, is telling black person B that they "need to answer" for black person A. What I see are a couple people, myself included, pointing out--accurately so; objectively so!--that people like Field ignore, bury and excuse these stories because they don't fit into the narrative here. Field touts himself as a fair-minded, non-racist individual who is worried about race relations. It therefore stands to reason, at least if we're to pretend to think logically, that these sorts of racial-motivated crimes would draw his ire and he'd speak out against them. He doesn't, though; he pretends they don't exist. Instead of saying that blacks shouldn't be shooting white babies in the face because they're white, or pointing to a potential link between those acts and the rhetoric of someone like the New Black Panthers, he outright ignores those stories and instead focuses on a few white guys on a bus singing a racist song, pretending that the latter is the worse by omission. But let Sarah Palin's target map be linked to a shooting. Holy fuck, the indignation is endless...

      2) Apparently you (a) don't live in the world, or (b) have the same ideological issues as Field. WTF are you babbling about? It's never-fucking-ended, the way ALL WHITE PEOPLE are held to account for the actions of one or a few white people. WTF? I know white guys like you feel this enormous sense of shame for the way you were born, but you don't have to be dishonest about it. When that maniac racist Roof killed those innocent people, publications from sea to shining sea blamed that on America's white PEOPLE -- not person, PEOPLE! From MTV and their "2017 New Year's Resolutions for White Guys" to college students berating and harassing people for simply being white, white people of today are not only held to account for the worst whites in society, but also in history! It's also never-fucking-ending, the bullshit white people today have to hear about white slave owners or white government that put in place the Jim Crow laws. Have you even watched TV or read a newspaper in the past ten years?

      This shit that one black person has to answer for all black people is a false MEME. Y'all cannot show instances of it happening, unless you dig back in history over a century.

      "I've seen no defense offered here or elsewhere for these criminals"

      My point is: I've seen no word about them! As I've said already, Field touts himself as X, Y and Z. But that's ONLY the case when the races are reversed. This is the guy who lifted Brown to sainthood and perpetuated the hands-up-don't-shoot narrative along with liberal media. I'm not calling out black people for ignoring this story. I'm calling out Field.

      You fucking collectivists victims cannot separate these things in your head. You're intellectually incapable of doing so. It's like that Zarna Joshi who was asked to stop shouting in front of politicians. "You like shouting over WOMEN," she yelled! No, dumb cunt. I'm shouting over YOU; you are not "women," you are an individual. So when I call Field to account for his blatant ignoring of ALL THESE STORIES, I'm not talking to black people. Field isn't black people. Field is Field.

      Why some people cannot bring themselves to this way of thinking is beyond me.

    19. TMoT: I've got one: Can't You Tell by Aimee Mann:

      "Isn't anybody going to stop me?
      I don't want this job
      I don't want this job, my god
      Can't you tell
      I'm unwell"

      -Doug in Oakland

    20. James Deplorable1:46 AM

      "Josh, those weren't Black People, those were Niggers."

      So White people have permission to call niggers "niggers" now?  Granted by you?


      "Lots of things do damage to the black community."

      Like hysterically denying the dysfunction and crimes everyone can see with their own two eyes.

      "What I have seen is attempts to smear an entire race for the acts of a few, again and again"

      While Feeled uses the term "White privilege" without irony.

      "the accusers having one thing in common, pale skin."

      The only race which actually appreciates justice.  You don't, which is why you should be removed from the borders of the USA and never allowed to return.

      "If all black people have to answer for the behavior of four people, do all white people (or all Republicans) have to answer for the poor people Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are gearing up to kill?"

      FFS, you idiot.  You've been expecting all White Americans to answer for the behavior of a small fraction of south-of-the-Mason-Dixon-line folks who lived as much as 4 centuries before they were born (while you ignore Arabs who did far more and worse centuries before AND after).  Can Whites expect all living Blacks to be responsible for these Black racists alive today?  Fuck, yeah.  Your own rules say we can, so suck it up.

      "1. Did the INDIVIDUALS who committed the crime get arrested and charged? 2. Was the crime publicized? 3. What else do you want to see done beyond those responsible punished?"

      1.  They were only charged with HATE CRIMES after a massive public outcry.
      2.  They were stupid enough to publicize their crime themselves.  Big media outlets failed to cover it until they were forced to by social media pressure.  Those media are still making excuses for the perps.
      3.  I want to see the enablers of Black Lives Matter forced to testify and reveal their financiers and handlers.  I want that trail pursued to the top, and criminal and civil penalties levied to burn out that cancer forever.  Not one conspirator or dollar should remain free.

      "It's also never-fucking-ending, the bullshit white people today have to hear about white slave owners or white government that put in place the Jim Crow laws."

      Did anything like this torture of a mentally-impaired White man occur under Jim Crow?  Did anything like the 9-state mall riots happen when Blacks were refused entry?  Were there ANYTHING like the 2016 murder statistics happening when there were no "cibil rites" laws to weaponize Black pathologies to destroy social peace and order?

      Jim Crow has been justified by what happened in its absence.  Blacks are not fit for civilization.

    21. The Ministry of Truth3:30 AM

      TMoT: I've got one: Can't You Tell by Aimee Mann:

      Nice one!

      While they are at it, the band should probably play "Old Man Trump," a song Woodie Guthrie wrote back in 1950 about Fred Trump, Donald's racist dad. (Yes, the family's rottenness is multi-generational).

      They should do this mainly because it will really piss Donald off.

      "I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate
      He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
      When he drawed that color line
      Here at his Beach Haven family project

      Beach Haven ain't my home!
      No, I just can't pay this rent!
      My money's down the drain,
      And my soul is badly bent!
      Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
      Where no black folks come to roam,
      No, no, Old Man Trump!
      Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

      I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both
      Welcoming you here to Beach Haven
      To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place
      To have your kids raised up in.

      Beach Haven ain't my home!
      No, I just can't pay this rent!
      My money's down the drain,
      And my soul is badly bent!
      Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
      Where no black folks come to roam,
      No, no, Old Man Trump!
      Old Beach Haven ain't my home!"

    22. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes7:45 AM

      Yeah, we've got your "geechie" shit. I never even heard that term until hearing it in the movie "A Soldier's Story"

      I still don't know exactly what it is supposed to mean.

      Sorta like a white person saying "nigger-lover"?


    23. The Ministry of Truth7:45 AM

      Yet more swamp-filling going on, courtesy of Donald. It looks like this:

      Three years ago, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering having her office join the lawsuit against Trump University.

      The Trump Foundation bribed Pam Bondi with an illegal $25,000 contribution to her campaign fund.

      Pam Bondi's office did not join the lawsuit. "No action necessary."

      Trump is now hiring Pam Bondi for a White House position.

    24. Lt. Commander Johnson7:56 AM

      As far as "filling up the swamps" go, I assure you we are almost on empty.

      Bring it on. The gators and loggerheads are said to prefer dark meat.

      Racist bastards.

    25. One marching band question. Since Aladamnbama is a wingnut stronghold like Michigan, did Aladamnbama legislate the marching band cannot play Louie, louie because of offensive lyrics-like the state of Michigan did? What morons these wingnuts be.


    26. Like hysterically denying the dysfunction and crimes everyone can see with their own two eyes.

      Some one or two of the posters here see Blacks committing crimes everywhere they look. They are obsessed with Blacks. Maybe they are jealous and wish they were born Black. If you feel discriminated against because cops basically only shoot unarmed Blacks in the back, take that up with the cops. Don't lay all your white privileged guilt on POC.

      What good does it do to rail about Blacks shooting other Blacks when the only answers your side has is to buy even more guns and refuse to recognize the availability of guns is part of the problem?

    27. James, James, James...I'm whiter and more European than your confused ass, so don't pull that only race that appreciates justice shit. Saying American non-Hispanic white race appreciates justice is laughable...Enron, Nixon, S&L Crisis, 2008 Wall Street Crisis, Vietnam, Iraq, numerous interventions throughout the Western Hemisphere since the 1800's, and so forth, all disprove your thesis. Now why don't you and Josh go back to your Westboro Baptist Church Bible Study meeting, and wonder why YOU feel safe in a "white" church when people in "black" churches, mosques, Sikh temples, Buddhist temples and all the synagogues (all over the world) have to fear violence in what should be a peaceful place.

    28. Josh and James share a tampon2:03 PM

      I guess James and Josh are responsible when a white guy, it's always a white guy, shoots up a classroom full of KIDS! Or even blows up a building full of KIDS! Now that's some sick shit but we already know how sick these types are by the number of babies white guys rape. Baby raping and kid murdering. Makes us negroes look good by comparison. And notice they never have anything to say about baby raping and kid killing do they? Sick fucks.


      -Doug in Oakland

    30. This is too juicy to let go of. High school senior paints a picture which was chosen to be hung in congress and won the top award, but wingnuts felt it hurt police and Duncan Hunter, an ex-Marine personally removed the painting and returned it to congressperson who displayed it. Then he claims it isn't censorship.

    31. Anonymous3:18 PM

      white privilege is code for black failure...

    32. And (some) white folks call black success affirmative action. See how that works?😌

    33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    34. The Ministry of Truth3:41 PM

      "This is too juicy to let go of. High school senior paints a picture which was chosen to be hung in congress and won the top award, but wingnuts felt it hurt police and Duncan Hunter, an ex-Marine personally removed the painting and returned it to congressperson who displayed it. Then he claims it isn't censorship."

      Okay that is a bit funny. Mostly what's funny is the congressman's heroic tough-guy statement, which makes removing an unguarded painting from a wall sound equivalent to running into a hail of heavy machine-gun fire while storming a fortified enemy position.

      Calm down, Rambo.

      "'I was angry,' Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told 'I’ve seen the press [reporting] on this for about a week or so. … I’m in the Marine Corps. If you want it done, just call us.'"

      Into the valley of death, rode the six hundred ...

    35. Millions of whites would love to fail up to the standards of the best Potus ever and his beautiful family. Pure class. Take the high road. No wonder so many privileged whites hate Obamas.

    36. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Will the Chicago 4 be invited to the White House by Obama?

      All 4 of those miserable creatures could be Obama's sons.


    37. All 4 of those miserable creatures could be Obama's sons.

      More likely your woods colts, AnyMoose. Their behavior reflects your attitudes towards others. They act like privileged white boys.

    38. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Don't worry moron from iowa, they won't serve much (if any) time at Negro University.


      -Doug in Oakland

    40. Re: Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman seemed to have got there first. This quote of hers goes deep. Karl Marx would have identified. "I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

    41. Anon@5:23, I am quite sure that those low- lifes will not be invited to this WH.

      But will trump invite these guys?

    42. Anonymous1:00 AM

      Anonymous said...
      Will the Chicago 4 be invited to the White House by Obama?

      All 4 of those miserable creatures could be Obama's sons.

      Word. He'd probably give them a medal.

    43. James Deplorable8:30 AM

      "Some one or two of the posters here see Blacks committing crimes everywhere they look."

      Has it ever occurred to you to STOP committing crimes everywhere we look?  That would stop us from seeing them.  It would also remove most of our objections to your presence.

      That must be too difficult for you.  Sort of like pulling up your pants, putting trash in receptacles, getting married before having babies....

      "They are obsessed with Blacks. Maybe they are jealous and wish they were born Black."

      I have moved far, far away from any concentration of Blacks.  I still see Blacks doing their typical Black things regardless, and read about local Black crimes in the newspaper.  If you don't want White people expressing concerns, why don't YOU just stay away from US?  You know, segregate?

      I forget who wrote it, but someone once observed that Black people just love being Black.  Since you coons always project, you think everyone would.  You're wrong.  The idea of being Black horrifies most everyone else, just as the idea of acting White repulses you.  Segregation is the obvious answer, except that not even you can stand being with your kind and want to get away.  That blatant broken-ness marks you as a failed race which needs to be kicked out.

      "If you feel discriminated against because cops basically only shoot unarmed Blacks in the back, take that up with the cops. Don't lay all your white privileged guilt on POC."

      In NYC in 2011, some 44% of criminal perps killed by police were White despite Whites being only 3% of criminal shooters and ZERO PERCENT of shooters AT police.  Blacks were only 22% of criminals killed by police despite being 67% of shooters AT police.

      You get things completely backwards time after time.  Are you really NOT understanding why you're despised and hated, and deserve to be?

      "What good does it do to rail about Blacks shooting other Blacks when the only answers your side has is to buy even more guns and refuse to recognize the availability of guns is part of the problem?"

      I carry a gun almost all the time.  None of my guns have caused a problem for anyone, except maybe certain members of the coonmunity who would have loved to assault or rob me.  Since you view being unable to assault or rob as a problem, you are incompatible with civilization and need to go.

      "I guess James and Josh are responsible when a white guy, it's always a white guy, shoots up a classroom full of KIDS!"

      Tell us how many incidents and fatalities there have been over the last 10 years.

      Now tell us how many school shootings there have been in Black schools, and how many Black schools have metal detectors at every entrance to prevent such things from happening AGAIN.

      "Baby raping and kid murdering. Makes us negroes look good by comparison."

      Jumping up and down, ooking "WHITEY DOES IT TOO!"... trying to distract from the 795 homicides in Chicago alone last year, with 36 "death investigations" still open.  How absolutely typical.

      If it wasn't for you googles and yahoos and skittles, the USA would have a crime rate lower than Finland.  Yeah, the occasional Whitey will do something... but without you, it would be so seldom we wouldn't need to lock our doors anymore.

      You all need to go.

      "Word. He'd probably give them a medal."

      Obutthole gave HIMSELF the Distinguished Public Service medal.  He's just another African dictator, putting on a bunch of shiny bling which means exactly nothing.  He's reverting to type, just like you.

    44. James, what kind of gun do u carry? And why do you need it since blacks are not anywhere close to u? Are u saying that u need your gun to protect u from whites as well?

      "The Chicago 4"? Gotta love America. :)

    45. James Deplorable6:12 PM

      "James, what kind of gun do u carry?"

      What's it to ya?

      "And why do you need it since blacks are not anywhere close to u?"

      Quoting myself from 2 comments up, "I still see Blacks doing their typical Black things regardless, and read about local Black crimes in the newspaper."

      Perhaps you should do what the chilluns in Detoilet have also failed to do, Field:  learn to read.

    46. Lt. Commander Johnson3:43 AM

      Uh huh. Ovomit was in office in May 2016 when this article was published by

      The cock-sucking English Daily Mail published it.

      Blogger field negro said...Anon@5:23, I am quite sure that those low- lifes will not be invited to this WH.

      What did Obama say? What was the outcome of these allegations?

      * crickets *

      I didn't think so.

      But will trump invite these guys?
