Saturday, February 04, 2017


Image result for bowling ball green image

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Thanks for all of your concerns, but I am still here.

*Pic from


  1. Remember, even heavenhas a wall, a gate, and there's extreme vetting to get in.

  2. "Won't be okay till landing in the U-S-A..."

  3. "Feeling as green as my nearly revoked green card."

  4. Berkley artist's rendition of the typical right-wing face as Robert Reich claimed the Berkley riots were a Republican hoax.

  5. "I'm a victim of the Bowling Green Massacre" :-)

  6. I was A homoerotic form of entertainment that albinos love

  7. League meets on Saturday night...

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Manifest Density10:22 PM

    His royal imperial tragedy's nominee for Council of Economic Advisors.

  9. 5th February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  10. James Bold's gurlfriend Josh8:38 AM

    James Bold's intellectual equal.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  11. Josh's boyfriend James8:43 AM

    At least Josh is showing her true colors. After years of lying she exposed (ha, exposed herself) herself as a typical racist conservatroll. Shocking huh? The next honest conservative will be the first.

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Nice grouping........

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Pussy Grabber training aid.

  14. Veni, vidi, vomito!

    As an aside

  15. Veni, vidi, vomito!

    As an aside

  16. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Trump's top advisor.

  17. The Donald's twitter account9:06 AM

    Gee, even after a furious tweet spree the travel ban has been upheld.

  18. Mark Smeraldi9:08 AM

    Strengthen your pussy grab with this amazing device. Operators are standing by...

  19. Anonymous9:19 AM

    How Chump came up with Bannon as his advisor.
    "Take the skinheads Bowling".


  20. Humorous to no end how "science" isn't a real thing when speaking about genetics. It's real when right-wingers wanna say climate change isn't happening. Then it's enough indignation to fill a fleet of dump trucks: "Flat-earther morons! Learn science!" But when it comes to things like biological sex chromosomes, and here specifically the idea of culture being genetic, folks want not only to say science has no place in the conversation but they want to label racist every person who broaches the topic.

    No matter where you put a group of the cervidae family (deer, elk, moose, antelope), it's going to eat plant material; it's going to eat foliage. It's going to be a mild-mannered animal. It's going to be susceptible to carnivorous animals. It's always going to create the same sort of habitats. A pack of deer you take from Russia and place in South Carolina will act the same in their new home. Their offspring will act the same. They're not going to become carnivores there. They're not going to become top predators there. They're going to remain deer.

    This is what we know about life because of natural selection being a universal principle, the mechanism by which evolution is possible.

    But apply this to people, suddenly, "I KNEW IT! U WAYCIS!" But there's not one single person on this blog who can tell me why natural selection doesn't apply to humans! Not one. Not one of you mentally defective bastards can explain why 99.999% of all species on the planet are susceptible to the framework and limitations of natural selection, but not PEOPLE!

    Just as taking a deer from A and putting it in B doesn't change how the deer react on a fundamental level, neither does it change when you take a human population from A and place it in B. Unless, of course, some sort of speciation occurs (branching out into subspecies, for example).

    This is why we see what we do on the world map. Similar cultures pop up all over the globe based on subspecies designations (colloquially: race), and it does not vary. It. Does. Not. Vary. It varies individual to individual. Nothing is universal to every single organism within the group. But it does not vary for the GROUP.

    If you take the Caucasoid and throw it in Antarctica, it will build a first-world type of community. We see the proof of this.

    If you take the Negroid and throw it into the first-world, it will build a third-world type of community. We see the proof of this.

    It's not racism. It's simply life. We. Evolved. Differently. We weren't created in a factory. We're not all the same. We build different sorts of societies and always have.

    That's the nice way to say it.

    The blunt way, the IDGAF way: Your asses wouldn't be able to come online and smear whites as racists without white people providing those tools for you. To quote your lord god king Obama, "You didn't build that."

    1. Josh is a tiresome bitch10:54 AM

      Gee, should have known by the length of the post it was Josh exposing herself again. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah say something racist to get attention blah blah blah blah say something racist so James will eat her pussy blah blah blah blah blah and finally flash tits. It just never gets old does it?

  21. Winning!10:48 AM

    By indiscriminately attacking Trump, even when he does the right thing, the pseudoleft is elevating him and self-destructing.

    Good times ahead.

    1. Losing!10:56 AM

      4 out of 5 federal judges agree, Trump has lost his fucking mind.

  22. Lilacpr10:52 AM

    A green bowling ball? I realize it must be an inside joke or something from the news, but I have NO idea! Whatsoever! LOL I guess I'm reallly out of the loop as I don't watch TV, and just get some news feeds on my FB page.

    Can anybody clue me in? Thanks! :)

  23. How trump will look when the country continues to reject everything about him.

  24. How trump will look when the country continues to reject everything about him.

  25. Winning!11:44 AM

    What the Left sees: Activist liberal judges thwarting the fascist President.

    What America sees: Liberals going to the mat to keep the flow of terrorists on full blast.

  26. Brigade Fifteen11:55 AM

    "How Chump came up with Bannon as his advisor.
    'Take the skinheads Bowling'."

    Ha, good obscure reference, Pilot! Here's the original song, for anyone interested.

    I only wish the current dickheads in the White House could be mellowed out by merely taking them bowling.

  27. Brigade Fifteen12:01 PM

    "A green bowling ball? I realize it must be an inside joke or something from the news, but I have NO idea! Whatsoever! LOL I guess I'm reallly out of the loop as I don't watch TV, and just get some news feeds on my FB page."

    It's a green bowling ball, which is a jokey reference to the "Bowling Green Massacre."

    If you haven't heard, the Bowling Green Massacre is a fake terrorist attack invented by one of Trump's designated liars in order to terrify Americans into accepting his hateful Muslim ban. Because that's how the federal government rolls now, just shamelessly fabricating major historical events to get their way.


  28. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Brigade Fifteen sounds like a fifteen year-old girl.

    1. The Fixer1:44 PM

      Josh sounds like a fifteen year-old girl.

      There, fixed it.

  29. Lance Cockstrong12:54 PM

    "Pussy Grabber training aid"

    That's a good one. I vote for that.

  30. Lilacpr1:17 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...

    It's a green bowling ball, which is a jokey reference to the "Bowling Green Massacre."

    12:01 PM


    Thanks! No I hadn't heard, I kinda have disconnected myself from the political side of things, cos' I have enough to deal with over here believe me :)

    But OMG! They better start checking their facts cos' lol, I mean really!!! It never happened? Wow! cray-cray, betcha she's now FIRED!!! xD

  31. Two judges in San Francisco denied the government’s emergency motion to lift the temporary injunction ordered on Feb. 3 by judge James Robart in Seattle. A reply from the Trump administration is now due on Monday (Feb. 6). For now, citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries, as well as vetted refugees approved for resettlement, are allowed into the US.

    Too bad, so sad. Drumpfy got his widdle orange fingers slapped in court, again. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  32. Drumpf is charitable to the extreme. He gives Putin extremely great head.

  33. Brigade Fifteen1:31 PM

    "But OMG! They better start checking their facts cos' lol, I mean really!!! It never happened? Wow! cray-cray, betcha she's now FIRED!!! xD"

    If only. Kellyanne will be fired if she tells the truth.

    We're only about two weeks into Trump's presidency and she's already telling whoppers that size, so just imagine how outrageous the lying is going to get. Fact-checker ratings like "Four Pinocchios" and "Pants on Fire" won't cover it.

  34. mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf is charitable to the extreme. He gives Putin extremely great head.

    1:30 PM Delete

    He gives Putin extremely good head FOR FREE. Now that is charitable.

    Fixed for free for me.

  35. Caption for bowling ball:

    The difference between Drumpf and radical Muslim terrorists is the terrorists are wanted.

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson2:18 PM

    Green ball says:

    I should have known better when I got that free invitation to a gay bath house in San Francisco....

  37. As Molly Ivins said (about Ross Perot):
    "Guys who have made a lot of money in business tend to have a very hard time working in a system of checks and balances."

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Per Josh @10:45am.....
    The blunt way, the IDGAF way: Your asses wouldn't be able to come online and smear whites as racists without white people providing those tools for you. To quote your lord god king Obama, "You didn't build that."


    Interestingly, it can be noted the essence of your genetic/cultural question could be found in the hundreds of facts being extolled throughout Black History Month. Or yet, even beyond black history, the other ethnic groups of inventors, scientists, etc., who indeed contributed the tools and resources to enhance quality of life.

    Though your post may be factual on it's face, once again, the missing nuance and clarity renders the argument incomplete because history also shows negroid and other mixed groups coming together to build wealth, further the environment and elevate societal standards.

    Also, since the FN blog draws from diverse experiences and viewpoints (black, white, hispanic, progressive, conservative, etc.) quite a mischaracterization concluding all progressives, especially POC, deem the white majority as racist. OTOH, totally dishonest expecting POC and other minority groups to not call out a segment of the population that would rather craft policies setting the gains of civil rights back 50 years.

    Here's my promise to bloggers such as Josh: In the event the hard core left mistates information or even blatantly lies about Trump administration proposals that could actually benefit all citizens, I will speak out against the lies.

    And yes, we all had a hand in building America.

    1. Our girl Josh needs attention5:50 PM

      Josh isn't interested in honest debate, she just yells things to get attention. Right now she's a racist and wanna bet next week it's "why am I being called a racist, whah whah whah". I bet if you ignore her she'll go away.

  39. Brigade Fifteen2:58 PM

    "Guys who have made a lot of money in business tend to have a very hard time working in a system of checks and balances.

    -Doug in Oakland"

    I think it's not only about having a lot of money. It's also about the differing nature of business and government. Businesses are hierarchical -- they're basically all dictatorships. The CEO is God. Government isn't supposed to work like that in a democracy.

    Republicans are always repeating the nonsensical mantra that government "should be run like a business," which seems to simply be code for "should be run for the benefit of rich people." The hierarchical nature of businesses is one of many reasons this is not a great idea, and why CEOs are likely to do a crappy job if made into government officials.

    That said, you could grab any one of about 90% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and they'd still do a better job than Trump as president. There's a lot wrong with the bozo in the White House beyond his lack of government experience.

    1. Yet outside conservative/liberterian constituents, those on the left generally scoff at the notion of a business person or Fortune 500 CEO as president. Barring conflicts of interest, in your opinion, which CEO would be viewed as a viable presidential candidate in the future?

  40. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "Businesses are hierarchical"

    All human institutions are hierarchical.

  41. Brigafe Fifteen3:23 PM

    They are all more "viable" than your average politician, as long as long as we are talking about the Fortune 500 CEOs that are white and male, or course.

  42. Donald Hump3:23 PM

    Rich and poor people love the same things: Cheese as a meal, taxidermy, day drinking, eating pigeons, and drinking games.

  43. Really hard to imagine tiny hands/tiny dick orange baby Drumpf as a ruthless, let alone successful, businessman. 2 weeks in the gentle meat grinder and this POS is toast already. Bwahahahahaha!

  44. "Though your post may be factual on it's face, once again, the missing nuance and clarity renders the argument incomplete because history also shows negroid and other mixed groups coming together to build wealth, further the environment and elevate societal standards."

    Not sure if the DNC emailed people their word for the month: "Nuance."

    Not disputing this anyway; didn't dispute it. Just putting it in its proper context. It wasn't white people who traveled to a civilized, advanced Africa and pitched in sporadically to the point we learn about a few success stories in the history books. Only on opposite day...

    Despite Field's best attempts to lie his ass off, I've always said blacks in Americans are every bit the Americans as anyone else. That's why you don't see me calling anyone "African American" or any other type of "Special American." But let's not kid ourselves for the sake of making people feel good. Some races are capable of constructing good societies, some are not. Sure, a few members of the group acclimate well enough to another culture, as I plainly stated in my post. But when it comes to the group, you just don't see it. And while I understand a lot of people don't want this floating around for whatever reasons, it's important we not suppress shit for the sake of feels.

    I bring this up now because I'm confused as to why people call it racism. But I brought it up originally a long time ago here to illustrate my opinion about how better to teach some children in America. Instead of teaching them, "Whitey's holding you down! That's why we're poor!" maybe you should be teaching them, "Your parents--well, your mama, 'cause daddy's not home--have acted horribly with money and education, and now you're at a disadvantage. You have to try harder than most people to achieve success. It won't feel fair. But we cannot adjust the entire world to create some magic pill for your situation. You must try hard and do well in school. You must wait until financially stable to have children. You must work. You must avoid breaking the law. Do these things and be better with money and life choices than your mother. Do these things and your family won't suffer."

    Ironically, the blacks on this blog who claim to be successful often talk about their fathers, and often talk about their education. They were raised in stable homes and educated themselves. But when it comes time to spread a message to black youth in America, WTF do they say? "Whitey b holdin' you down!!" I think this is despicable.

    Teach real science in classrooms, not just enough to make the globalists happy. And let's use that information to be realists instead of crybaby ass victims who blame whitey for their own failings.

    Short and slower people have to try harder to get into the NBA. In a system that isn't communist, that family of group B deer just won't do as well as group A on the whole. It isn't A holding B down, FFS.

  45. Brigade Fifteen4:05 PM

    "Yet outside conservative/liberterian constituents, those on the left generally scoff at the notion of a business person or Fortune 500 CEO as president. Barring conflicts of interest, in your opinion, which CEO would be viewed as a viable presidential candidate in the future?"

    Given that I am a liberal, I do scoff at the idea of picking a CEO as a presidential candidate. I don't think this is a typically good idea, although there could always be an exception.

    If you twist my arm and force me to pick a "least bad" option, I'm going with Warren Buffett -- fantastically rich but actually gives a crap about people who aren't. That's pretty predictable, I know, but there you go.

    Unfortunately, there are, in fact, some CEO-as-presidential-candidate rumblings on the horizon for Democrats. Names that have been floated include Facebook president Mark Zuckerberg, Chicago hotel heir J. B. Pritzker, and hedge fund manager Tom Steyer. I'm not remotely excited about any of those suggestions.

  46. Educated negro5:53 PM

    Ironically, the blacks on this blog who claim to be successful often talk about their fathers, and often talk about their education. They were raised in stable homes and educated themselves. But when it comes time to spread a message to black youth in America, WTF do they say? "Whitey b holdin' you down!!" I think this is despicable.

    Josh, you have no fucking clue as to what we tell our youth. Sooooo. you can STFU about which you have no clue.

  47. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Just like James and Josh tell young whites the reason they're poor and uneducated is because them darkies got everything. Reality is white trash like James and Josh are just fucking dumb and it's their own fault.

  48. Wingnut dick shun airy-nuance-what whitey wingnuts creates when he knocks up Mom's Mom and she poops out girl whitey wingnuts. Regular feature of inbred inbreds.

  49. Yisheng is a genius6:40 PM

    The look on Nipples' face when PEEOTUS comes upstairs from the oval office.

  50. Anonymous6:43 PM

    CNN had an interesting story about a poor town in Kentucky and what their citizens think of the recent Presidential election.


  51. " But there's not one single person on this blog who can tell me why natural selection doesn't apply to humans! Not one. Not one of you mentally defective bastards can explain why 99.999% of all species on the planet are susceptible to the framework and limitations of natural selection, but not PEOPLE! "

    Hey folks, Josh is just SO intelligent isn't he? I think we can all agree that as a white man, his life might be a clusterfuck but he's just so much cleverer than us people - we can only just stand in awe.

    I mean the fact that he knows fuck all about shit that we know lots about is totally fucking irrelevant.Because the shit that he cuts and pastes about - sorry - that should have read - knows about, sounds kind of "sciency". ...and nothing sounds smarter than sciency shit.

  52. "Not one of you mentally defective bastards can explain..."

    As I was saying...

  53. Fuck-that is easy, Josh 2 Smart. Because we are. with the exception of wingnuts, exceptional. Just ask Drumpf and Snowgrift Snoozie, the Wasilla tor-tilla.

  54. "I mean the fact that he knows fuck all about shit that we know lots about is totally fucking irrelevant.Because the shit that he cuts and pastes about - sorry - that should have read - knows about, sounds kind of "sciency". ...and nothing sounds smarter than sciency shit."

    Well I guess a blog about politics and such is the perfect place to ask questions about geneology? I guess a more appropriate question is who cares?

  55. And let me guess, Josh's question pertains somehow to white supremacy? Just a guess here.

  56. Bill High the Science Guy8:30 PM

    " But there's not one single person on this blog who can tell me why natural selection doesn't apply to humans! Not one. Not one of you mentally defective bastards can explain why 99.999% of all species on the planet are susceptible to the framework and limitations of natural selection, but not PEOPLE! "

    Sort of does but in some ways doesn't. For example, a long time ago bad eyesight would be a severe limitation to a human type animal or a better example would be someone who lost the use of their legs. In the past we would have been easy pickings for a predator but in the modern day we just wear eye glasses or contact lenses. For the example of the person who doesn't have the use of their legs well they just get a wheel chair and roll on. The simple terms of natural selection don't apply to humans because there aren't too many animals above us on the food chain. How do you think an idiot like James can survive from day to day? Natural selection doesn't apply the same way to humans as it does to other animals.

  57. Darwin8:52 PM

    "Natural selection doesn't apply the same way to humans as it does to other animals."

    For that, Yisheng is very, very, happy.

  58. O/T Atlanta is on fire running up the score. God bless them. Looks like the highest scoring Super Bowl for a while. Hope NE catches up.

    Ga-Ga-Oo-La-La I love you too Lady Gaga!

  59. Go Falcons!8:58 PM

    I don't know about you but I'm so excited for the Terrorist Ban. Make America Great Again!

  60. Go Falcons!9:00 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    Hope NE catches up.

    Falcons would have to choke like Hillary. Not gonna happen!

  61. Brady and Drumpf are buddies ergo Putin and the FBI will prolly assissimurder all the Falcons to allow Drumpf to be the hero.

  62. Like Schwarzenegger famously said, "Game ovah!"

    Oh well. If only elected officials presented the same message of diversity and inclusion as the NFL publicity machine. Like the U.S. Army, they lead the way in integration. We're all Americans. God love Houston.

    But all I am saying...

    Oh never mind. There is a reason to watch! NE recovers fumble! Three touchdowns and two more turnovers. It's anybody's guess.

  63. This game will come down to the wire.

    Matty Ice is not so clutch.

  64. Massacre?! What Massacre?!

  65. "Well I guess a blog about politics and such is the perfect place to ask questions about geneology [sic]?"

    This blog was about Field using random articles to paint America as a white supremacist nation under Obama. These days he posts ONLY about Trump. But you know yourself, from being a long-time member, that this wasn't always the topic here. It used to be an indictment against whites as a whole, so a genetic argument fits PERFECTLY in with that.

    The problem is Dunning-Kruger renders you all incapable of viewing it through a wide-angle lens. E.g.: The common black progressive take is such: White people are racists en masse, operating a supremacist system, and that's why blacks cannot get ahead. Enter a possible genetic alternative: Perhaps it's that black people will NEVER do as well as whites in the aggregate because blacks are a race of the third-world, and thus the answer is MORE personal responsibility and LESS blaming whitey, because whitey's done every fucking thing whitey can do, and your problems continue to get progressively worse each generation.

    This is the perfect venue to speak about genetics. It's just y'all don't wanna entertain the idea that you're to blame for your own failures, so you shout "DAT'S WAYCIS" and "DAT'S WHYTE SUPREMMISSY!"

    "I guess a more appropriate question is who cares?"

    Help me understand the total lack of self-awareness. Who cares? How about the dozen people who fly off the fucking handle responding to every word I write? How's that for a start. Someone obviously cares. Many of you obviously care a great fucking deal and want to chase me out of your echo chamber very, very badly.

    If I were simply wrong, you could provide counter arguments and deal with me that way. Notice that's not the tact taken by any of you. It's just "DAT'S WAYCIS" and "Josh fucks animals" and "muh penis" and other insults, begging me to leave!

    "Josh's question pertains somehow to white supremacy? Just a guess here."

    That's how it's taken. That's the only way y'all are capable of viewing it, while preaching to me about "nuance." LOL The facepalm is STRONG; the LULZ keep giving! Praise KEK!

    When it's pointed out that some races demonstrate a capability to build cooperative, functional, advanced societies, and other races are still inhabiting the stone age (bereft help from advanced societies), people choose to read that as a supremacist argument. That's precisely why America is not allowed to teach that the out-of-Africa theory has been completely debunked. It will make some people angry and hurt their feels to learn that, despite believing all this time they were the original people, they're actually not, and by a margin of well over 200,000 years they're not. It's the same reason we can't teach accurate world history or accurate evolution (though, to be fair, the hardline moronic conservatives stand in the way of that one more than progressives, because Jesus and all).

    I don't blame you per se. You see racism in it because that's all you're capable of seeing. Flying Junior, for instance, reads every day Random begging and pleading for the entire extinction of white people, and doesn't say a word. I point out that black people have never created an advanced society in history, and my views are supposedly extreme and dangerous and why Dylan Roof murdered blacks.

    How convenient.

    1. Jeez Josh get a life11:31 PM

      Holy fuck, does this little bitch really expect any sane individual to read all of that gibberish? Josh really needs a boyfriend. Maybe James will show up and they can have some racist sex.

  66. - Reads every post, responds to every post at least four times
    - Claims no one reads posts, as post is being read for response

    1. Josh is a stupid girl10:43 AM

      Says something racist and then claims she isn't racist.

  67. Josh is a silly girl10:57 AM

    Says stupid shit to get attention, flash tits rinse and repeat!

  68. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I don't know what all the complaining is about the naked pictures of Mrs. Carter and her pregnancy just made my gun store sales go up this weekend. I own a small gun shop outside of Wake County in North Carolina. A group of men came in from some farm family in Zebulon all black and bought about a bunch of guns for their wives. I saw some of the ladies too all very beautiful girls. I asked them about taking classes to use the guns but it turns out that these pretty black ladies knew how to shoot already. I am from "up north" .One of the men in the family told me it was different down south. He told me that pretty girls down here grow up knowing how to shoot and they own guns and pack and carry. I have never seen anything like this. Then I heard them talking about how the Beyonce pictures had them worried for their women's safety and they were taking them all to target practice and going to make them carry guns all the time now. Thanks Beyonce! Down south you are going to have all the light pretty girls down here making me rich with high sales for my guns shop. God is good. The next day another group of family members came in. A week ago I did not know how I was going to pay the lease for this shop now I am set for another 9 months

  69. Anonymous8:33 AM

    ammo for my bowling ball mortar???
