Monday, February 20, 2017

Stay away from "shiny objects".

To quote Uncle Joe Biden, this Russian story with the trump administration is "kind of a big deal".

Now comes word that the president's lawyer, Michael Cohen, hand delivered a peace plan for Russia and Ukraine to former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. and in it he outlined a plan to ease the sanctions against Russia. It's scary stuff. From all accounts the twitter in chief did not even know about this "plan".

Throw in the fact that James Comey, the FBI director, delivered a classified briefing to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Friday, and now there is a call for a bipartisan investigation into the administration's Russian problem.

Still don't think it's a "big deal"?

Well on Friday that same Senate Intelligence Committeee sent letters to a dozen agencies and individuals and they directed them to preserve records related to the investigation of Russia trying to influence the 2016 elections.  (In other words, do not delete the e-mails.)

I am hoping that we won't continue to get caught up with the "shiny object" strategy of Herr trump. His constant screeching and twitter outbursts about things such as crowd sizes and who is--- or isn't showing him love shouldn't let us lose sight of the real serious issues facing his administration.

They are issues that could derail this presidency and put the I word on the table.

It's President's Day, so it's a good time to remind ourselves that not all presidents are created equal, and that some of them, history will now show, were not even meant for the job.


  1. "Still don't think it's a "big deal"?"


    I think you people are just traumatized. You are working your way through the Seven Stages of Grief:

    1. Shock or Disbelief - What? Hillary lost? Nate Silver said she had a 98% chance of winning!
    2. Denial - Recount! Pennsylavania! Wisconsin! Michigan! Ohio! Florida!
    3. Anger - The Russians did it!
    4. Bargaining - We can impeach him! We can get him committed as mentally incompetent!
    5. Guilt - This happened because I didn't post enough anti-Trump stuff on Field Negro.
    6. Depression - My dream of crushing poor white people and making America a Mexican and Muslim country are dead.
    7. Acceptance and Hope - Trump is my President, and we really can Make America Great Again.

    You are at Stage 4.

    1. Redneck@10:54 PM, i think the second part of #4 is where your 7 stages will end.😏

  2. Y'all ain't the only crazy ones:

    According to the New York Post, the Dalton School canceled its annual skating party, “Dalton on Ice,” because “parents refused to send their kids in protest of the president.”

    This because the Trump Oganization still manages Central Park’s Wollman Rink that renovated 25 years ago.

    Tuition for 2016-17 in Grades K-12 at the Dalton School is $44,640.

    The parent characterized Dalton as “definitely a progressive school,” and said “it’s a very diverse community.” …… “How difficult is it to find an alternative venue without the controversy and ickiness attached to it?”

    “Ickiness” is an illuminating word that helps us understand the latest stage of Ruling Class ideological evolution: Dalton parents fear that their children would be exposed to ritual pollution and thus risk losing their Brahmin caste status and drift down toward the horrors of Deplorableness.

    To Dalton parents, whose children have nowhere to go except down, declining social mobility due to growing religious / status purity taboos is a feature, not a bug.

  3. Plagiarizing Elizabeth Kubler Ross is just foul!! And typical!!


  4. Does the 40th year sophomore really not know what plagiarism is?

    You be the judge.

  5. Thanks, Yisheng. I was just going to post the word "asshole," but you put it all together better than I could.

  6. Mr. Rational2:34 AM

    This. Is. Fucking. HILARIOUS!

  7. Brigade Fifteen4:00 AM

    "WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's 40% job approval rating about one month into his presidency is 21 percentage points below the historical average rating for elected presidents in mid-February (61%). It is also 11 points below the lowest mid-February reading for any other president."

    Agent Orange, off to a booming start.

    How long until literally everyone but the denizens of Stormfront and 4Chan hates his guts?

  8. Just wondering when that moron from iowa gets his 2 cents worth in.You know its coming and it will be absolutely brilliant because he gets in all wingnut heads and they can't help it. Wait for it.........wait for it......wait.....

  9. Drumpf is making America great-

    1. Unprecedented levels of ongoing civic engagement.
    2. Millions of Americans now know who their state and federal representatives are without having to google.
    3. Millions of Americans are exercising more. They’re holding signs and marching every week.
    4. Alec Baldwin is great again. Everyone’s forgotten he’s kind of a jerk.
    5. The Postal Service is enjoying the influx cash due to stamps purchased by millions of people for letter and postcard campaigns.
    6. Likewise, the pharmaceutical industry is enjoying record growth in sales of anti-depressants.
    7. Millions of Americans now know how to call their elected officials and know exactly what to say to be effective.
    8. Footage of town hall meetings is now entertaining.
    9. Tens of millions of people are now correctly spelling words like emoluments, narcissist, fascist, misogynist, holocaust and cognitive dissonance.
    10. Everyone knows more about the rise of Hitler than they did last year.
    11. Everyone knows more about legislation, branches of power and how checks and balances work.
    12. Marginalized groups are experiencing a surge in white allies.
    13. White people in record numbers have just learned that racism is not dead. (See #6)
    14. White people in record numbers also finally understand that Obamacare IS the Affordable Care Act.
    15. Stephen Colbert’s “Late Night” finally gained the elusive #1 spot in late night talk shows, and Seth Meyers is finding his footing as today’s Jon Stewart.
    16. “Mike Pence” has donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood since Nov. 9th.
    17. Melissa FREAKING McCarthy.
    18. Travel ban protesters put $24 million into ACLU coffers in just 48 hours, enabling them to hire 200 more attorneys. Lawyers are now heroes.
    19. As people seek veracity in their news sources, respected news outlets are happily reporting a substantial increase in subscriptions, a boon to a struggling industry vital to our democracy.
    20. Live streaming court cases and congressional sessions are now as popular as the Kardashians.
    21. Massive cleanup of facebook friend lists.
    22. People are reading classic literature again. Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” increased by 10,000% after the inauguration. (Yes, that is true. 10,000%. 9th grade Lit teachers all over the country are now rock stars.)
    23. More than ever before, Americans are aware that education is important. Like, super important.
    24. Now, more than anytime in history, everyone believes that anyone can be President. Seriously, anyone.
    – Susan Keller

    1. Yeah they let a stoopid monkey be BNIC.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM


  10. My representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NYC) was on CNN this morning and was absolutely eloquent on what a big deal this is and why it must be investigated. He's introduced a resolution (or something) to probe deeper into the problem. If Republicans had any spine there would be impeachment in the works already, but they're getting the regressive policies and sold-out cabinet they want and it's Christmas, why spoil all the fun?

    Nadler and Al Franken and Maxine Waters and Elijah Cummings and John Lewis--a few reasons we can't trash Congress as a whole. There are some who really try to serve the people, and God bless them.

  11. Nadler used to look like he couldn't fit in the Holland tunnel. Even then he was a favorite Congressman of mine. Love to have him represent me in iowa.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson9:30 AM

    Queenie says:

    "Dr. Wheautremeaux said...
    Does the 40th year sophomore really not know what plagiarism is?

    You be the judge.

    11:17 PM"

    Remember Joe Biden? He should have been toast because of his plagiarism.

    Instead, Obama picks him as Vice Prez.

    That nasty lying whore, Warren, lies about being an, she's the mouth-piece for the Dems.

    Gimme a break.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson9:47 AM

    field says:

    Well on Friday that same Senate Intelligence Committeee sent letters to a dozen agencies and individuals and they directed them to preserve records related to the investigation of Russia trying to influence the 2016 elections. (In other words, do not delete the e-mails.)

    Uh, huh. THAT strategy works every time, doesn't it? Remember the hildabeast and her emails.

    To quote my best buddy, Queenie, "bwaaahaaahaa"

    (or, whoever the bitch claims to be today)

  14. Lt. Commander Johnson10:06 AM for your viewing pleasure, is a squeak about "Uncle Joe's plagiarism.. for those of you who are too young to remember, or just being stoopid.

    Well on Friday that same Senate Intelligence Committeee sent letters to a dozen agencies and individuals and they directed them to preserve records related to the investigation of Russia trying to influence the 2016 elections. (In other words, do not delete the e-mails.)

    Well on Friday that same Senate Intelligence Committeee sent letters to a dozen agencies and individuals and they directed them to preserve records related to the investigation of Russia trying to influence the 2016 elections. (In other words, do not delete the e-mails.)

    BTW...I think this is one reason Biden chose not to run for President, against Trump. Plus the fact, he knew making enemies of the Clintons, might significantly shorten his life-span.

  15. Rioting breaks out in Sweden yesterday.. Trump was right again.

    Hey Media, please apologize to our President for your very fake news.

  16. Nothing takes Sweden out of the news like a riot and some torched cars.

  17. Bay Area restaurants register with an organization dedicated to opposing ICE so they can keep paying their metics less than minimum wage. So brave!

    Immigrants make the America you live in great if you can afford to drop $63.23 at a cafe for lunch. Upper class white progressives are parasites.

    They want to exterminate any whites who could displace them. They want to rule as aristocrats over a billion swarthy metics

    The unnecessary luxury services that parasitic upper class progs use are depressed in price, because the labor pool is inflated.

    If you take shit work with a big company, you'll find that the same jobs pay *more* where there are fewer immigrants. Even though the cost of living in the places with fewer immigrants is lower.

    Different effects of immigration on different classes let the upper classes pull up the ladder and reinforce their position.

    If you oppose something that hurts the class you're in, or that people you care about are in, you're a disgusting fascist who isn't fit to hold a white-collar job. This is why corporate America is so full of gulag-worshiping communists desperate not to incur the wrath of the elite.


    Impeach Precedent Bannon.

  19. Slightly OT but I just thought of this and want to share:

    The Word of the Week is:


    = "Lying Leader"

    It takes the feminine article: "Die" Lügenführer. This is for the Spicer Effect.

  20. Another self-fullfiilling wingnut prophecy. Beat the hornet's best and start a riot. Too bad so sad that this riot isn't an act of Muslim terrorism. No matter how many wingnuts hope and pray for more terrorist attacks to claim we told you so. POS. That is all you wingnuts are. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  21. 11:17 PM" hat nasty lying whore, Warren, lies about being an, she's the mouth-piece for the Dems

    Prove she lied about being Indian. You know what? You can't do it. That makes you the liar.

    Drumpfuck lied about everything during the campaign and now thanks to Russia and the FBI the liar is in the WH for a short period of time.

  22. I bet James O'keefe is in Sweden dressed as a black pimp paying immigrants to start a riot so he can video it and make them famous. Sure, that has to be what is going on over there.

  23. Lt. Commander Johnson11:53 AM

    Prove Warren lied about being of Indian ancestry?

    I don't have to. No tribe claimed her as "one their own". Those folks get really serious about that stuff.

    I don't need any other proof.

    Even the apes wouldn't claim your slimy ass.

  24. James Bold11:53 AM

    "Prove she lied about being Indian. You know what? You can't do it."

    Mandingo from Iowa is obviously too stupid to use search engines, because if you type "Elizabeth Warren not indian" into one you get this right up at the top of your results:

    "Warren has only claimed to be 1/32 Native American–which has been debunked–and even if she actually was, Warren does not have any ancestors listed on Cherokee tribe rolls that are necessary to become an official member of Cherokee Nation."

    You can't even run a decent-sized city, but you think you made everything here and should own it all.  Yeah, you "made" a few things... about the way a horse "makes" a planted field by pulling the plow.  Like the horse, you are obsolete farm equipment.

  25. Lt. Commander Johnson11:58 AM

    BTW, Purple sure to keep that "wall meter" running, for all of our edification and enjoyment.

    You'll regret it. But, too late.

  26. Dipshit bald guy, Warren never claimed to belong to a tribe. Many Americans have Native American blood and are not part of some official tribe. You need to get out of Mommy's basement and learn a few things. Warren also said the story of her ancestry was passed down. She never claimed there were gold plated scrolls showing her ancestry. You wingnuts like to parse everything to suit yer narrow minded narrative.

  27. Terrible what is happening in Tokyo as we speak.

    Oh Noes they say he's got to go go go Godzilla!

  28. Fauxcohontas1:39 PM

    Warren knew an easy way to success in academia is to get classified as non-white, so she did it.

    She was dishonest and should have lost her job over it.

    But she's on the right team, so it's ok.

  29. Brigade Fifteen1:46 PM

    Terrible what is happening in Tokyo as we speak.

    Hahaha! This barely qualifies as satire. Trump actually appears to write major government policy on the fly, based on whatever dumb thing he last saw on Fox or the latest breathless Alex Jones fantasy tweeted to him by a dysfunctional loser Trumpkin fanboy.

    Someone should show him "The Walking Dead" and see what he proposes to do about the "zombie apocalypse problem facing our nation" at his next press conference. Hilarity will ensue. We might get a whole new government department dedicated to fighting the undead.

    And speaking of low-budget Japanese monster movies, now I badly want to see a metropolis-smashing "Trumpzilla" set to this music. That metaphor perfectly captures who our president is: A giant, rage-filled prehistoric life form only capable of destroying everything in its path. A mindless menace threatening all humanity.

  30. Liberalism is a nightmare1:51 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Another self-fullfiilling wingnut prophecy.

    Liberals howl when Trump exposes the nightmare of what's going on in Sweden because they need to keep the public ignorant about the end effects of what they are advocating.

    Events quickly show Trump to be correct.

    Liberals immediately blame Trump for the end effects of what they are advocating.

  31. Bald guy, you want to auger with Pocohontas? Here she is in all her 35 foot tall glory. Made out of wood and located on the eastern edge of Pocohontas, iowa on US Hiway 3. Stop and insult her to yer hearts delight, fella.

    Anonymous Liberalism is a nightmare said. I'd say the riots were more in response to Drumpfuck lying about terror attacks in Sweden. So it is Drumpfuck's fault.

  32. Fauxcahontas sez ahit again.

    The legitimacy of Warren’s claims to Native American heritage has certainly been challenged by many critics, and it is true that while Warren was at U. Penn. Law School she put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American) in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools, and that Harvard Law School at one time promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member. But specific evidence that she gained her position at Harvard (at least in part) through her claims to Native American heritage is lacking. Warren denied applying for special consideration as a person of Native American heritage during her career, and when the matter was examined in 2012 in response to Brown’s claims, people with whom Warren had worked similarly denied her ancestral background’s factoring into the professional opportunities afforded her:

    From Snopes where the most accurate factchecks come from. BTW Pokey Jr, prove she used her heritage to gain that job at Harvard. You can't do it and you'd play hell in court trying to prove hearsay.

  33. Geez I forgot-Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  34. Except it wasn't a "peace plan", it was more of a "let's see how hard and long we can suck Putin's dick" plan:
    Lift all sanctions? Check.
    Recognize Crimea as legitimately Russian? Check.
    Do nothing at all about the annexation of Eastern Ukraine? Check.
    Clear the way for the half-trillion dollar ExxonMobil oil deal? Check.
    Turn the US presidency into a Russian testicle cozy? Check.

    So today we wait and see whether Sessions will drop the prosecution of Dmitry Firtash, and signal that the coup was successful and complete.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Doug wants war with Russia.


  36. mike from iowa said...
    From Snopes where the most accurate factchecks come from.

    Actually, Snopes has zero credibility:

    A investigation found that’s founders, former husband and wife David and Barbara Mikkelson, are embroiled in a lengthy and bitter legal dispute in the wake of their divorce.

    Barbara Mikkelson accuses her ex-husband of embezzlement while David claims she took millions from their joint accounts and bought property in Las Vegas.

    He has since remarried to a former escort and porn actress who is one of the site’s staff members

    Her day-off activities she said on another blog were: “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.'”

    “That’s what I did on my day “on,” too,” she added.

    David Mikkelson told the the Daily Mail that Snopes does not have a “standardized procedure” for fact-checking “since the nature of this material can vary widely.”

    He said the process of fact-checking “‘involves multiple stages of editorial oversight, so no output is the result of a single person’s discretion.”

    Snopes has no formal requirements for fact-checkers, he told the London paper, because the variety of the work “would be difficult to encompass in any single blanket set of standards.”

    Mikkelson has denied that Snopes takes any political position, but the Daily Mail noted his new wife ran for U.S. congress in Hawaii as a Libertarian in 2004.

    During the campaign she handed out “Re-Defeat Bush” cards and condoms stamped with the slogan “Don’t get screwed again.”

    “Let’s face it, I am an unlikely candidate. I fully admit that I am a courtesan,” she wrote on her campaign website.

    And this is who Facebook uses as their "official" fact checker.

  37. 21st February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  38. Ah. The plan is to ease sanctions and hopefully avoid a war with two nations whose populations make ours look pitiful, and who have more nukes.

    How scary! Much prefer Clinton's plan: Goad Russia into war...because Russia's a "white" nation.

  39. Interesting Marxist analysis on the continuing rise of inequality in capitalist nations, particularly in relation to Thomas Piketty's new work on the subject..

  40. Chugman3:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Interesting Marxist analysis on the continuing rise of inequality in capitalist nations,

    Actual analysis: Mass immigration is lowering wages in developed capatalist societies, and increasing the wealth of wage payers.

  41. Someone made a google extension changing the word "white" to "black" on Salon:

    Illuminating, no?

    Just like the New York Times (Carlos Slim) and the Washington Post (Jeff Bezos), Salon is another operation that exists to further the views of it's two billionaire owners, John Warnock and Bill Hambrecht. Salon is a money-losing venture. In fact, Salon has never made any money. Why would two businessmen continue to finance Salon and pay the salaries of the staffers, if the advertising revenue cannot support them? They must agree with the site’s message and content, because I can’t think of any other reason two successful individuals would throw money at a continuous loser.

    The Left's views are shaped to promote the interests of billionaires.

  42. Brigade Fifteen3:41 PM

    "Actual analysis: Mass immigration is lowering wages in developed capatalist societies, and increasing the wealth of wage payers."

    No, actual economic analysis indicates that instantly deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants from the US -- which would result in huge amounts of harm, including to their AMERICAN CITIZEN friends and family members -- would result in a puny 8% raise for the lowest-paid American workers and leave tons of jobs unfilled.

    Illegal immigration isn't even close to the primary driver of income inequality, so stop pretending you care about poor people, Nazi.

  43. Reality-Based Redneck4:02 PM

    Good luck with that Field.

    We'll be waiting for you down here at Stage 7.

  44. Chugman4:07 PM

    "Illegal immigration isn't even close to the primary driver of income inequality,"

    Right. There is NO correllation with increasing the supply of labor with the price the wage payers have to meet.

    Bringing in 50 million workers has absolutely NO effect on the labor market.

    The fact that wages have been stagnant over the past 40 years when the US has had historically high immigration levels is just a coincidence.

  45. Good news- Milo'Nambla" Yippy Skippy resigned form dead Breitbart fake news.

    Chugman- as far back as I can remember wingnuts have fought increasing the minimum wage because of the phony idea that it costs jobs. That has been debunked every time the minimum has been raised, which ain't often with wingnuts in charge of congress.

    Fake News Update sez shit again- your point was? I will take Snopes over any and all right wing fake noise outlet fake fact checkers any day and a dozen times on Sunday. You didn't refute anything about Warren, now did you?

  46. Chugman5:22 PM

    "That has been debunked every time the minimum has been raised,"

    No it has not, just the opposite:

  47. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Elizabeth Warren is not a Cherokee indian.

  48. Lance Cockstrong5:31 PM

    Jesus Christ Christie had the same surgery as Nadler. Didn't do a damn thing for Fat Jesus ... he is still a fat slob ...

  49. Chugman, you're position is not a theory, it is a scam.

    nonymous said...
    Elizabeth Warren is not a Cherokee indian.

    5:23 PM

    Warren never claimed to be a Cherokee Indian. She said she had Cherokee and Delaware blood. I, however, can claim to be a Cherokee Brave and am not part of any recognized Indian tribe.


    Putin threatens US with nuclear war if voters choose HRC. Sure sounds like wingnuts claim that HRC wants a war id bullshit as usual.

  51. The Real Lance Cockstrong6:44 PM

    Ignore the troll above.
    Anyway, Butt Trumpet and his micro-dick white boy supporters are causing havoc in this country the likes of which we haven't seen in awhile. They must be stopped at all costs.

  52. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit6:49 PM

    I seriously fear for the future of this country. tr**p and friends are going to be the real downfall of America, not Islam or immigrants, or any other imaginary boogeyman conjured up by the reich-wing.

  53. Lt. Commander Johnson6:54 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Dipshit bald guy, Warren never claimed to belong to a tribe. Many Americans have Native American blood and are not part of some official tribe. You need to get out of Mommy's basement and learn a few things. Warren also said the story of her ancestry was passed down. She never claimed there were gold plated scrolls showing her ancestry. You wingnuts like to parse everything to suit yer narrow minded narrative.

    12:54 PM

    Oh, I suck-ass Dems call for a parsing penalty, every time the lying flag is thrown.

    Lord have mercy. You catch Queenie in a down-right blatant lie, and she can only say it's YOUR fault.

    It is to puke.

  54. Porter6:58 PM

    Hey Mike from shithole Iowa, what kind of kiddie porn do you like jerking off to the most?

  55. James Bold7:00 PM

    Doug shows all the signs of being an old-school Communist tool

    "Recognize Crimea as legitimately Russian? Check."

    Crimea IS Russian.  Khrushchev transferred it to Ukraine... when Ukraine was a Soviet satrapy.  It's populated by ethnic Russians and is Russia's main Black Sea port.  For some reason Dougie thinks Khrushchev's act was perfect and beyond question... hmmm... "useful idiot", check!

    "Do nothing at all about the annexation of Eastern Ukraine? Check."

    Eastern Ukraine is ethnically and linguistically Russian anyway.  Besides, after the Soros color revolution in Kiev the Ukrainian government has no legitimacy.

    "Clear the way for the half-trillion dollar ExxonMobil oil deal? Check."

    Dougie would rather prop up world oil prices to the benefit of the Islamists in Riyadh.

    "Lift all sanctions? Check."

    Somebody's going to trade with Russia.  Why shouldn't it be us?  All the nonsense about Russia hacking the election is BS... not that you could smell it, since you can't get away from your own.

    "Turn the US presidency into a Russian testicle cozy? Check."

    You know, between the left saying that Russia hacked Trump into the WH, and then saying that Trump has to be impeached before he starts a nuclear war with Russia, I'm convinced that there is nothing at all "progressive" about today's American left except their state of dementia.  You should not be allowed to make any decisions more important than what to have for lunch.

  56. Lt. Commander Johnson7:01 PM

    Oh, and thanks, PC.

    I'm saving all these updates...I'll be more than happy to shove them down your gullet, once the wall starts building.

    Trump says he's hiring 10K more ICE agents, and 5K more for Border Patrol.

    This guy isn't joking.

  57. lilac's daddy is a little bitch7:03 PM

    I had a great Not My President Day yesterday!l

  58. Josh is one dumb girl7:05 PM

    We can't investigate any ties to Russia because that means war. We are only picking on them because they are a white nation. Says the dumbest person on the planet.

  59. Scott Pruitt's server7:07 PM

    Let's see what we find in Scott Pruitt's e-mail communication with the oil industry. Only in Trump world is the EPA chief is a shill for the fossil fuel industry.

  60. Lt. Commander Johnson7:14 PM

    Hey! Bust Pruitt's ass, if he did anything wrong. No problem by me! Funny, you don't see any Conservaties crying in their Wheaties about anyone who has been canned.

    How many times do I have to say all appointees by Trump NOW!

    Not later. Let him get on with draining the swamp.

    BTW...give it up with Gorsuch.

    Speak now; or forever hold your peace.

    1. Lt. Commander Dumb Ass7:48 PM

      Fuck you Lt. Commander, no one gives a shit what you think.


    The most corrupt Potus administrations dating back to I am a crook Nixon. The worst was Nixon, followed by Raygun and dumbass dubya. The best, of course, is has Obamaness- O indictments, 0 convictions, o prison sentences.

    Queenie-Not later. Let him get on with draining the swamp.

    When exactly does the draining start. He has packed the swamp full of crooks from Wall Street and big banks- the ones he claimed he was gonna take on, remember?

  62. Breitbart's ghost7:31 PM

    Why do conservatives hate free speech? Milo got fired from Breitbart. What is going on.

  63. Commandeered Queenie-what blatant lie is stuck in yer gizzard this time?

  64. Porker- is the animal husbandry business not working out so good. You should realize you'll have a hard time knocking up boars and barrows because they are male-like you are alleged to be. They might like your affections. Keep at it, Ace.

  65. Lt. Commander Johnson7:42 PM

    "14 PM
    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    Queenie-Not later. Let him get on with draining the swamp.

    When exactly does the draining start. He has packed the swamp full of crooks from Wall Street and big banks- the ones he claimed he was gonna take on, remember?"

    7:29 PM"

    You just wait, Queenie. Once those leakers from the left-over Obama "administration" are exposed, he's gonna bust some asses.

  66. Yisheng is a retard8:06 PM

    No one gives a shit what black people think.

  67. You just wait, Queenie. Once those leakers from the left-over Obama "administration" are exposed, he's gonna bust some asses.

    With that tiny dick? Bust some asses? ROTFLMAO!
    You were funnier trying to indict Warren for being an Indian.

    1. Yisheng is a genius12:15 AM

      @8:29, Bawhahahhaahhahahhaaa!!

      I can't believe we have the resident DUMB ASS thinking we're the same person!


  68. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit8:34 PM

    We can only hope tr**p gets impeached. Of course then we get President Pence. We have to figure out how to get rid of both.

  69. MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN. Rethuglican party of White America.


    This rotten apple didn't fall to far from the tree.


  71. The Fixer8:40 PM

    No one gives a shit what white assholes think.



    Drumpf/Russia Dossier spelt in plain English. Enjoy reading.

  73. James Bold12:51 AM

    I can't believe that Mandingo from Iowa takes an unsigned, undated, unsourced document full of gross errors (like that Wikileaks is run by Russia) seriously, or expects anyone else to.  Nobody could be that dumb.

    Oh, wait, yes I can.  He obviously does, and is.

    1. James Bitch is an idiot3:27 AM

      Says the asshole who used a 10th grader's research paper as factual document. STFU you moron.

      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahHHahHahahahahaha!

  74. James is a bitch3:34 AM

    Yeah, James' dumb ass thought we forgot about that. Shouldn't his bitch ass be out fighting some race war? Oh that's right, he's a keyboard warrior just like the other trailer park supremacists.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahaha!

  75. Bald guy, why do you hate America so much? Why do you love Putin so much? Bwahahahahahaha!

  76. James Bold11:55 PM

    "Bald guy"

    I have a full head of hair, TYVM.  How many Black men are bald, either naturally or by shaving?  Why do you hate bald people?

    "why do you hate America so much?

    I love America.  I hate Africans-in-America, because you do things like turn "the Paris of the Midwest" into a bankrupt, burned-out shithole.

    "Why do you love Putin so much?"

    He loves his own White people, and that sets off your inner chimp SO satisfyingly.  He's no threat to America or Americans, and by providing an example of throwing out misbehaving Africans he makes you worry that we'll do the same.  I hope your nightmares come true.

  77. James Bitch9:24 AM

    Wow, such insight James. I wonder if your trailer park full of inbred whites is the Paris of the south. Ha!

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  78. James is Josh's bitch5:25 PM

    James has sex with Josh in his outhouse.
