Friday, March 17, 2017

Andrew Jackson had better hair.

Image result for andrews jackson images    Tonight's "stay woke" essay is brought to you by Jamelle Bouie.

"On Wednesday, President Trump paid a visit to Andrew Jackson’s grave in Nashville, Tennessee, to lay a wreath and pay his respects. Trump isn’t the first president to visit Jackson’s Hermitage estate: He joins Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan on the list of chief executives who made the trek to the Hermitage. But Trump’s visit—coming as it does to the spiritual home of a president whose racial ideology formed the backbone of his populism—arrives with a certain resonance.  

Trump, who hung a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office, sees himself in the seventh president of the United States. A populist crusader against entrenched elites; a democratizer who will bring government back to the people. “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” said Trump in his inaugural address, in language that his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, praised as “very Jacksonian.” This is the most familiar vision of Jackson, heavily indebted to the mythmaking of the Democratic Party, which claims him as its founder next to Thomas Jefferson. In this popular narrative of the party, Jefferson embodied equality, autonomy, and economic opportunity, whereas Jackson stood for democracy and its expansion. Under his presidency, the United renounced its property requirements for voting, opening the franchise to all white men. Defenders of Jackson acknowledge his racial exclusivity but see it as separate from a broader embrace of the principle of democratic participation.

 That’s one view of Jackson. There is another. That perspective sees Jackson in a different tradition. Not of democracy, but of white supremacy. This Jackson was a planter who built his wealth and influence with the stolen labor of more than 200 enslaved Africans. He forced Native Americans off their land in a campaign of removal that claimed thousands of lives in service of white expansion and
Jacksonian democracy, in other words, was a racial democracy built on a foundation of ethnic cleansing, committed to race hierarchy and enslavement. And while Jackson rejected the nullification theories of his vice president, John C. Calhoun, he all but embraced the South Carolinian’s view that slavery—and racial caste more broadly—was “the best guarantee to equality among the whites.”
Along with that racial ideology, he brought ceaseless condemnation of elite corruption and a profoundly anti-government philosophy that contributed to the panic of 1837, a crushing depression that lasted more than a half-decade." [More]
Sounds familiar? It certainly does to me.
I have to do something here that I rarely do: Give  trump credit for finally getting something right.


  1. Brigade Fifteen10:41 PM

    Andrew Jackson also introduced the "spoils system" for hiring in the executive branch (i.e., firing experienced staff and replacing them with individuals chosen based on political allegiance to the presidents, rather than merit). Ironically, he did this with the claimed goal of fighting corruption (draining the swamp?), which he believed resulted from civil servants having excessively long tenure in their jobs. But he actually presided over a decline in public ethics.

    He was also economically illiterate, and stupidly dismantled the central banking system, thereby guaranteeing the 19th century American economy was a roller coaster of booms and busts.

    Gosh, a guy who appoints incompetent, unqualified boobs to positions in the federal bureaucracy and dismantles essential governmental agencies for no good reason ... who does that sound like? Surely nobody we know.

  2. Sounds like President Bannon's kind of guy. On another note Jackson's ranking among historians is falling and add to that the campaign to get his racist ass of the twenty. There is hope, resist.

  3. Here are the latest C-SPAN Presidential rankings which has Barack coming in at a respectable #12. Wanna hazard a guess where The Donald will fall? Let's put our predictions out there 56 days into his Presidency and revisit it annually. Ha! I'm going with 40.

    Jackson fell from 13 to 18.

  4. Twenty Dollar Bill11:18 PM





  5. PilotX said...
    "Jackson fell from 13 to 18."

    Which of course tells you that the "rankings" are based on current politcal fashion and not any actual historical record.

    History will record Barack Obama's only accomplishment as being (half) black.

    1. White male Affirmative Action Jackson1:12 AM

      Stupid comment. Do you even know the criteria by which they were judged? Typical stupid troll.

  6. Just like President Trump said: there is so much hatred in the Democrat party. They truly Hate this Country and its Citizens

  7. Anonymous11:56 PM

    So happy that Harriet Tubman will be replacing Jackson on the 20 dollar bill.

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  9. Jackson was a bigger prick than Trump. Trump is way too stupid to think up the kind of atrocities Jackson's slimy ass pioneered in America.
    No wonder the bastard president worships him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Bigly Smalls1:33 AM

    The problem for The Resistance is that it is composed of stupid people who think they are smart people, parochial bigots who consider themselves open-minded cosmopolitans, and meritocrats who really didn’t merit anything except contempt. They refuse to see that their hero Obama left in his miserable wake a country on the verge of being torn apart, and a teetering legacy built of wishes and fraud that is collapsing before our eyes. When Trump is done, it will be like The One had never even been there. History will label Obama “The Zero” – zero accomplishments, zero achievements, zero return on America’s eight-year investment in fake hope and change for the worse.

    All that will remain of President Obama’s reign, besides a few cheesy biographies straining to place him up there with those real presidents on Mt. Rushmore, will be the lingering stench of his utter failure.

  11. J Danver1:46 AM

    The Social Justice Warrior left worships the self as a god.

    Misgendering is blasphemy. Lèse-majesté

  12. Lance Cockstrong3:28 AM

    They are both limp-dicked, micro-dicked white boys.

  13. I would piss on Andrew Jackson's grave.

  14. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” said Trump in his inaugural address,

    Drumpf has taken particular delight in singling out the poors and elderly and savaged them with a gusto rarely seen in politics-except by other wingnuts savaging the least among us.

    Thanks for the all day chuckle, Field. "Jackson had better hair."


  15. Obama is already the strongest Potus ever. He had to drag a majority wingnut congress (both Houses) every step up the ladder because they offered nothing but obstruction and criticism for 8 straight fucking years.

    Drumpf and majority wingnut congress are proving, hopefully for the very last time, they cannot govern, they don't know how and have they no clews. They will also, for the last time hopefully, destroy the economy that was in good shape when wingnuts stole the last election-hopefully for the last time. Winguts = fucking morons!

  16. Brigade Fifteen9:25 AM

    "The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” said Trump in his inaugural address."

    He was talking about the downtrodden, oppressed billionaire community. Hedge fund managers, defense contractors, and oil execs have been neglected for far too long. FINALLY, Trump will look after their interests for a change.

    A breath of fresh air, that Trump. Always standing up for the regular (0.0001 percenter) guy.

  17. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Is this right?



    Thanks whitey racist wingnuts. For all you do this middle finger's for you.

  19. Brigade Fifteen11:54 AM


    Great. Just a reminder that this guy was involved in the bogus Paula Jones case against Bill Clinton back in the '90s. He's a rather slimy character.

    "Jones' Supreme Court victory was due in part to the work of George Conway III, a Republican lawyer who is married to Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway. When Jones' case first became public in May 1994, Conway was a 30-something lawyer at the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group. Conway penned an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times arguing that Clinton was relying on dubious legal arguments. 'In a case involving his private conduct, a President should be treated like any private citizen,' he wrote. 'The rule of law requires no more—and no less.'

    The op-ed brought Conway to the attention of Jones' lawyers, Gilbert Davis and Joseph Cammarata. (Cammarata now represents seven women accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault and other charges.) Subsequently, Conway spent several years quietly working pro-bono with Jones' legal team and a group of other conservative lawyers. This crew ultimately exposed Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and sparked impeachment proceedings against the president."

  20. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Meanwhile, the Donald and Angela Merkel have an awkward first date.

    Twitter Lights Up After 'Too Embarrassing to Watch' Trump-Merkel Press Conference

    The Donald was always the charmer!

  21. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Meanwhile, The Donald and Angela Merkel have an awkward first date.

    Twitter Lights Up After 'Too Embarrassing to Watch' Trump-Merkel Press Conference

    The Donald has always been the charming ladies' man!

  22. Brigade Fifteen12:07 PM


    Thanks whitey racist wingnuts. For all you do this middle finger's for you."

    That second graph is interesting. Republicans have had growing "worry" about race relations -- but only up to the 2016 elections and then after that, their worry plateaus. Meanwhile, Democrats' worry continues to grow after that election.

    My interpretation?

    To Republicans, anxiety about race relations is really just fear that ethnic minorities are getting cranky and will probably start rioting or committing more crime. But now, they're more relaxed on account of thinking Big Daddy Savior Trump will bitchslap all the uppity brown people back into line.

    Whereas to Democrats, anxiety about race relations is fear of racism against minorities, which will only have increased with Trump's election.

  23. James Bold1:13 PM

    Mandingo from Iowa shows the power of Black delusion:

    "Obama is already the strongest Potus ever. He had to drag a majority wingnut congress (both Houses) every step up the ladder because they offered nothing but obstruction and criticism for 8 straight fucking years."

    Reality:  In 2008, Obama started with a 60-vote Senate supermajority thanks to the fraudulent election of Al Franken.  This was reduced to 59 with the death of Teddy Kennedy, forcing legislative shenanigans to pass Obamacare.  Zero had a majority in the House also.

    It was Zero's grossly unpopular actions like Obamacare which lost D's the Senate, completely flipped the numbers in the House, and have created all-Republican state governments across the USA.

    And to think, he could have prevented at least half of that by just keeping his damn mouth shut about Trayvon Martin.  What a maroon.

  24. Obama turned NASA into a political operation tasked with fighting the weather and making Muslims feel better about their lack of contributions to science. As a result, we have to pay Putin to give us a ride to our space station.

    Now that Trump is President, NASA will go back to being a space agency:

    It's good to have adults back in charge.

  25. The bald guy starts out lying again and then misrepresents as well. Obama wasn't Potus until 2009 and had 4 months with enough votes that wingnuts couldn't filibuster.

    And wingnuts like the bald guy hate being reminded Trayvon Martin was murdered premeditatedly by a lying POS who will reap what he sowed.

    Obamacare is wildly popular now that public has seen through all the wingnutlies about death panels etc.

  26. Wingnuts continually claim fraud this and crooked, criminal that and even with the power of the US congress helping them they never prove any wrongdoing. Absolutely fucking amazing. 35 years of constant harassment and HRC still hasn't been charged with or convicted of a single fucking crime. Wait till racist Jeff Sessions railroads her. I'm still waiting for Sessions to be kicked out of Justice for perjury. That is a provable crime and it is on tape. But Obama did it.

  27. Drumpf is back in Florida wasting another three million tax payer bucks so he can golf- remember he accused Obama of too much golf. Drumpd has wasted more money in less than 2 months in office on vacation expenses than GOAT Obama did in a full year. Fiscal conservatives-riiiiiiiight!

  28. Brigade Fifteen2:45 PM

    "Obama turned NASA into a political operation tasked with fighting the weather and making Muslims feel better about their lack of contributions to science. As a result, we have to pay Putin to give us a ride to our space station."

    Man, you guys are unbelievable. Literally everything is some kind of laughable anti-white conspiracy in your minds. I'm busting a gut over here laughing at your idea that the US is hitching rides into space because somehow liberals were too nice to Muslims. WTF? How many times were you dropped on your head and how much lead paint did you eat as a child for this to even begin to make any sense to you?

    We don't have a manned space program right now because the space shuttles reached the end of their working lives and Congress never bothered to spend the right amount of money on the right programs to develop a replacement for them. There was always some new weapons system or tax cut demanded by Republicans that had greater priority. Because, see, here's the thing: Republicans hate science; they don't value it at all.

    Why There's No Replacement for the Space Shuttle

    Ultimately, what will likely happen to solve the problem is that tech wizard Elon Musk will end up selling space vehicles he's built to Uncle Sam at a very tasty profit.

  29. 18th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  30. Anyone who would marry Zombie Spice must be one gross motherfucker. How does he keep himself from vomiting long enough to impregnate her?

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. Anonymous4:41 PM

    And all the other ones that visited the turds grave,Teddy,Frankie,Lyndie,and Ronnie were all vehement racists!

  32. Anonymous4:50 PM

    At what point are Trump voters gonna admit this shit isn't working? 57 days and sooooo much bullshit.


  33. James is kinda dumb4:57 PM

    As it happens, I've got 2 mechanical engineering projects going right now.

    And no, I do not have a degree in mechanical engineering.
    Joke of the day. James thinks he's an engineer.

  34. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahaha5:05 PM

    Jesus, you'd think James would be too busy writing his autobiography, looking through math books for errors, betting people on the internet he is an inventor, leading engineering projects and leading his extermination of the negro race to post stupid shit here. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm starting to believe he makes shit up. Nah.



    Drumpf Brown Shirts want liberal genocide. We're not racist. POC make us this way. Whitey wingnuts- nice guys. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  36. Brigade Fifteen7:12 PM


    Drumpf Brown Shirts want liberal genocide. We're not racist. POC make us this way. Whitey wingnuts- nice guys. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

    I already linked to that video a few days ago. The people at that Trump rally are frightening. Some of America's absolute worst citizens.

  37. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I doubt Trump ever chastised a very young child, who probably never heard of skin color, for racism or accused a very young child of being a racist. Anyone who would do that is beyond the beyond.

    The jury is still out on Trump, but how is downtown Philly doing these days in the murder stats compared to last year, or the year before, or the year before? What number of dead black men killed by other black men is acceptable to you, Field?

  38. Puerto Rican women are ugly and their food is shit7:27 PM

    A despicable human visits the grave of another despicable human.

  39. Brigade of Fifteen Year-Olds said...
    "I'm busting a gut over here laughing at your idea that the US is hitching rides into space because somehow liberals were too nice to Muslims. WTF?

    Charles Bolden, Obama's choice to head NASA, said on July 6, 2009:

    "When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things," Bolden said in the interview which aired last week. "One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

    Here is a report from Mr. Bolden again, on June 26, 2013:

    Bolden also wrote that Obama's 2014 budget request for NASA would support seven new Earth Science missions set to launch through 2020, including the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2).

    Obama's 2011 NASA budget shut down NASA's five-year effort to return astronauts to the moon, and killed the agency's space shuttle replacement — the Orion crew vehicle:

    The budget request, released today, would scrap NASA's Constellation program to build the Orion spacecraft and Ares rockets for new manned moon missions — a $9 billion investment to date

    So yes, moron, Obama's NASA was focussed on Muslim outreach and Climate Change. He killed the replacement to the space shuttle, and consequently we have to pay the Russians to take us to our space station.

    These are facts. Grow the fuck up and break out of your liberal bubble. Alternatively, you should just shut the fuck up.

  40. Anonymous8:22 PM

    What number of dead black men killed by other black men is acceptable to you, Field?
    What number of dead white men killed by other white men is acceptable to you asshole?

  41. Here's yer Orion space shuttle. NASA's 1st Manned Flight of Orion Space Capsule May Slip to 2023

    There are 2 shuttle replacements built by private industries being tested.

  42. Yawn, just another dumb assed conservative8:26 PM

    So yes, moron, Obama's NASA was focussed on Muslim outreach and Climate Change.
    Uh not really, NASA climatologists study study the climate of our planet and their data goes to multiple sources such as the National Weather Service. I guess you can dumb your argument down but hey that's what idiot conservatives do live in a shallow bubble.

  43. - NASA is extending its contract with Russia's space agency to transport U.S. ... it appears very unlikely Congress will provide the funding it's requesting to develop a domestic replacement for the mothballed space shuttle, NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. said Wednesday. ...


    The GOAT Obama had nothing to do with it.

  44. Brigade Fifteen8:33 PM

    "third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

    From this comment -- that the NASA director wanted to "engage with Muslim nations" -- you draw the conclusion that this somehow caused the space shuttle to not be replaced? How? What the hell would one thing have to do with the other?

    "Obama's 2011 NASA budget shut down NASA's five-year effort to return astronauts to the moon, and killed the agency's space shuttle replacement — the Orion crew vehicle:"

    Obama cancelled that one particular program because it was badly managed and overrun on cost and just generally fucked up. The Orion crew module itself was not actually cancelled, though, only the vehicle that would have carried it into space. Orion is still going forward, as the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, which will be carried into space by this new rocket:

    Space Launch System

    Together, they will serve as a space shuttle replacement -- assuming that program, too, doesn't fail and get cancelled.

    The point, though, is that Congress did not spend enough money, over decades, such as was necessary to guarantee a replacement in time for the ending of the space shuttle program. This long predates Obama and there was nothing he could do to fix all the underfunding and screw-ups that had already occurred by the time he became president.

    Again, from the article I included earlier:

    "According to Hale, NASA should have been developing a second-generation space shuttle in the 1980s, long before the disastrous loss of the shuttle Columbia and President George W. Bush's unveiling in 2004 of a new vision that laid the foundation for the shuttles' retirement."

  45. If Obama hadn't killed the shuttle replacement, we'd have something now.

    But we don't, because for him climate change and Muslim's feelings were more important than having a space program that could actually go to space.

    Thank God for President Trump.

  46. Savor every moment Drumpf lasts in the WH because he won't be there long. He has fucked up everything he has ever touched because like the majority of you Magats he is a fucking moron with no knowledge of how a government works, no social skills or diplomatic skills, doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut (all the time hopefully) and has already made America the laughing stock of the rest of the world. It only took two months. People want to ditch Drumpf and put Merkel in the WH.

  47. Anonymous9:45 PM

    But we don't, because for him climate change and Muslim's feelings were more important than having a space program that could actually go to space.
    Because dumbfucks that don't understand science don't believe we need climate research. Go play in traffic troll.

  48. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Climate change is so yesterday.

  49. mike from iowa said...
    Savor every moment Drumpf lasts in the WH because he won't be there long.

    Yes, those 8 years are going to fly by.

  50. Todd G.10:25 PM

    Dumbass white boys

  51. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Climate change is so yesterday.
    to dumbasses

  52. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  53. Lt. Commander Johnson5:08 PM

    I don't get the "hair thing". You constantly cricize the hair of white folks.

    Have you no comments about the "hair" of black folks? For instance, why do black folks straighten their nappy hair? Why do folks like OBJ "blonde" the top?

    What a hypocrite.

  54. James Bold6:05 PM

    "Obama wasn't Potus until 2009"


    You're not fooling anyone but yourself and your fellow monkeys.

    "And wingnuts like the bald guy hate being reminded Trayvon Martin was murdered premeditatedly by a lying POS"

    First, the Sanford PD decided that your BS narrative was BS.

    Second, a jury of Zimmerman's peers decided that your BS narrative was BS.

    Obama's DOJ, under Eric Holder, decided that your BS narrative was BS and refused to file a civil-rights case.

    That's because the eye-witness and injury evidence proved that your thug was pounding the neighborhood watchman's head into the ground when he was righteously shot in self-defense.

    You're not fooling anyone but yourself and your fellow monkeys.

    "Obamacare is wildly popular now that public has seen through all the wingnutlies"

    Wildly popular among hood rats who have no jobs.  In other words, Your People.

    "Literally everything is some kind of laughable anti-white conspiracy in your minds."

    Such is the word from the horse's ass.  From the horse's mouth, Obama's NASA chief Charles Bolden was quoted thusly in 2010:  "and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."

    But at least you got the EOL of the Shuttle program right, so you're not completely gone.  Just 99%.

    "The people at that Trump rally are frightening. Some of America's absolute worst citizens."

    Be glad you have Trump holding their excesses in check... for now.

    Be VERY afraid of what will happen if you manage to overthrow him.  You will get Literally Worse Than Hitler.  You will get the worst of Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung, with you already self-designated as the wreckers by your shenanigans in Ferguson and Baltimore (and Detroit, Chicago, Newark, St. Louis, and EVERYWHERE else you've infested).

    "People want to ditch Drumpf and put Merkel in the WH."

    Even the Germans are sick of Merkel and want her out.

    Germany has had a taste of Africa, and is learning very quickly that the old racists of the American south were right all along.

  55. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:50 PM

    What? Don't leave out the Dutch Boers!

    Racists, my ass.

  56. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes5:58 PM

    As far as white folk's hair goes....why do all you black boys want to get them some blonde girls?

    Funnier, why don't you nappy-headed black women object to it? You want to straighten your nappy hair, too.

    Weird, huh?
