Saturday, March 04, 2017


Image result for kellyanne conway couch imagesFr     

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: (I wish I could take credit for this.) "Where is Frederick Douglass?"  

*Pic from


  1. Home training? What home training? We're the fucking party of god!

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. ctrl+halt+del8:58 PM

    Smellyanne proves that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

  3. I guess it is true. I throw myself on a sofa in front of lusty Black men and even they don't want me.

  4. Just wait until all those dumb, fucking liberals see how many brothers visited the WH tonight!

  5. "Fuck. There's not enough white balance adjust on Earth to make this come out right. Just smile..."

    "During her attempt to take a historical photo, Obama's phone taps interfered with Kellyanne's electronics and the people showed up blurry in the photo."

  6. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes11:27 PM

    Ya know, I get why you negro women hate Conway...she might be ugly, most white men wouldn't touch her....but, you know how your Mandingos get. They would screw a white woman, especially blonde, before you, any damn day of the week.


  7. Lance Cockstrong12:29 AM

    Did someone say witch hunt? ...

  8. Lance Cockstrong12:30 AM

    Oh shit ... I took a selfie by mistake ... damn I'm ugly ...

  9. Lance Cockstrong12:49 AM

    Smile say ... President Blacksploitation ...

  10. 5th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  11. Brigade Fifteen7:38 AM

    Trump: I have called you all here today to compete for the position of White House shoe shine boy/girl. Because of my background in reality TV, we will be doing this "elimination style" over the next 22 weeks for a national audience, and I will be using my "you're fired" catchphrase.

  12. Brigade Fifteen7:45 AM

    Kellyanne: Watch this! I bet you that everyone will be so obsessed with my dumb shoes on the couch that they will momentarily forget that the president is a psychologically unstable racist with unfeasible economic and national security plans and unsavory ties to Vladimir Putin.

  13. Stoopid wingnuts-have you given Drumpf enough chances, yet? If chances were lives and Drumpf was a cat-Drumpf would be a very dead cat by now.

  14. Took Drumpf to the vet,yesterday and had him Twitter neutered.


  15. Tar Sands-Lard of the Grapes ejaculated another flat out lie. Got a whole room full of Mandingos and ain't a one of them laid a glove on Conweasel. I have it on good authority that all white women (especially this one) look like Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms in drag to the average Black man. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  16. Ready for her p**** grab.

  17. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Whoa,they say once you go black,,Hey honey turn this way so I can get a good picture!!!

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    I guess it is true. I throw myself on a sofa in front of lusty Black men and even they don't want me.

    9:07 PM


    So because they are black men, they are supposed to jump her right there and then? and because they are black men they are automaticlly "lusty" and what's that supposed to mean "even" they don't want her?

    You hypocrite

  19. Cory Lewdandlusty-former Drumpf campaign manager sez Obama tapped Session's senate office when he met with Russian ambassador. Of course he offers zero proof-that is a thing with wingnuts-never offer proof.

    OOOOOOOOOOOOO how's yer color vision? I will explain the post to you using crayons and stick figures, don't take it too personally. You seem to have trouble figuring stuff out. On second thought, you CAN figure it out.

  20. Lookee-josh 2 emart sez Obama's taps-plural, so I guess he has irrefutable proof of multiple taps, let alone one or none.

    I'm dying of curiosity as to how josh can tie wiretaps into evolutionary biology. Were the first known taps white or black? Or albino? Or harlequin?


    But House committee to investigate anyway. Where were they when Drumpf's campaign needed to be investigated? Partisan bullshit.

  22. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Kellyanne simulates the secret fantasy for many White people (women and men alike: on their knees in a room full of Black dudes. ;-)


    How Drumpf gets his news. Hillary-ous!

  24. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "I've got jungle fever…like a bitch in heat." "All of these handsome dark chocolate men have me screaming for a Cadbury Bar!" "Let m tease them and show them what's in between my legs…after all everybody knows that all black men want white women…" "I may look like a busted bitch to white men but to black men I look like Cinderella."

  25. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "How can I possibly contain myself. I'm a bitch in heat. Let me open my legs with a come hither squat so that these Mandingos can fantasy about my ugly poor white trashy ass!"

  26. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "Line up "N _ _ _ _ s" oops I mean "boys."
    I'm on my knees and ready to give you what I do best!"

  27. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Take a number…I'll do all of you…
    Maxwell House coffee ain't the only thing that's "good til the last drop!"

  28. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Disgraced Obama wiretapped Trump Tower and still couldn't find a link to Russia.

    Obama is going to jail.


    Former Drumpf campaign manager admits communicating with Assange and wikileaks during the campaign, Drumpf and his whole administration is going to jail.

  30. Kriston Capps ✔ @kristoncapps
    Here's the screengrab of Roger Stone admitting the Trump campaign colluded with Asange and Wikileaks (I know, real stunner)
    11:28 PM - 4 Mar 2017

    Say goodnight, Donnie Dummy.

  31. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Obama is going to jail.

  32. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Obama. Is going. To jail.

  33. Brigade Fifteen1:12 AM

    Trump. Is going. To a secured mental facility.

  34. I'm going to get some much Saturday night live coverage and they have to use a girl

  35. Let's get presidential I got Viagra

  36. LC @12:49 AM the leader, random @4:07 AM is second.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. "let alone one or none."

    Well, Mike, while you were busy being a worthless low-IQ pawn for liberal progressives and white corporate media, there was a little case a few years ago of Obama tapping Angela Merkle's phone. lol Motherfucker is famous for spying! Y'all cry Russia this and Russia that. Obama's every fucking thing y'all claim to hate about Putin.

    Where dafuq have you been? Oh, I get it, though; trust me. Obama's the fucking OG dindu of the black crew. Everything this worthless bastard did wrong in his presidency, you lot pretend it never happened. You have created for yourselves an entirely separate world. You choose to reside there, then blame the other side for being the ones to create it.

    Donald Trump was tapped. This is objective reality. They went to court TWICE to make sure he was tapped! The first time, they could not get it under criminal law, because there was not enough evidence for it. So, to scheme the system, they used that godawful Bush Patriot Act to cry "national security" and got the tap. And after months and months of getting nothing, they kept the tap going anyway.

    Did Obama himself sign a direct order to do this? We don't know...yet. Did Obama know about it? Stop playing fucking stupid. Just because you're a fucking retard who barely grasps the English language doesn't mean the rest of us are. POTUS is the chief law-enforcement officer in the United States. An extremely popular presidential candidate's phone is being tapped by the government. Are you seriously going to suggest Obama DIDN'T know and that Obama dindu NUFFIN!?

    If so, understand how retarded that makes Obama.

    Those are you only two choices here:

    1) Obama knew about the tap and approved of it
    2) Obama was so fucking inept at being president that he hadn't a clue

    Can't have it both ways, Buckwheat. Pick one.

    Besides, you're one of the ass-ignorant motherfuckers here who REFUSES to wait for evidence before claiming Russia hacked the presidential election. So when the fuck has your stupid ass ever required evidence to meet a burden?

    You bastards are too predictable for your own good.

    1. Josh smokes poles2:43 AM

      You are the predicatable one sweety. You flash your tits for attention everyday. Now go swallow James' seed you pole smoker.

    2. Joshanne Conway2:45 AM

      I wonder what "alternative" site aJosh gets her news. Breitbart? Yeah probably some idiotic conservative aige with zero credibility. At least she has her talking points down.

  39. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Kellyanne simulates the secret fantasy for many White people (women and men alike: on their knees in a room full of Black dudes. ;-)

    Yeah right!

  40. Apologies, Mike. I also forgot that Obama tapped James Rosen too, en route to prosecuting the most journalists of all presidents COMBINED.

