Saturday, March 11, 2017


Image result for trump redneck images

I need  a caption for this pic.

Example: I am ready willing and able Mr. President. Just say the word.

*Pic from


  1. "Put the gun away."

  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Poster Boy for the White Master Race.


  3. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "I am here to serve as a racial and class stereotype for you to mock in order to reinforce your feeelings of moral and intellectual superiority. Please feel free to denigrate my heritage and assign to me vile beliefs and base motives so that you can discount my interests and deny my very humanity without feeling any embarassment or guilt. Your unexamined right to hate is all that is important."

  4. "I know by performing this pose, some dyed-in-the-wool social justice progressive will caption this photo with bigoted stereotypes. I'm ready!"

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    @ 11:26, 11:30

    Yeah, stop stereotyping White Boys!

    Donald Trump needs to issue an Executive Order to create mandatory Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings to protect all the White Male Snowflakes of America.

    Forget the Muslims, deported immigrants, or minorities killed by cops, it's actually the Oppressed White Males who are the new Black.


  6. OK Mr. President, if you don't tell them I took the plug out of my 870, I won't either.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "The coffin was the trap, the coffin was the solution."

  8. Anonymous1:25 AM

    “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

  9. Anonymous1:35 AM

    “Remember the first rule of gunfighting … have a gun.”

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson4:03 AM could have shown a guy sporting a shotgun, or a nasty "assault" rifle".

    Why did you choose the pic with the shotgun? I don't see any Confederate Flags, in the background.

    Is this a man we should Google Pics to beware of him?

  11. ctrl+halt+del8:28 AM

    Bizarro Precedent Trump. Can't we all just get along?

  12. Lance Cockstrong9:36 AM

    Buy Ivanka's shit !!! ... OR ELSE !!! ...

  13. WTF iz that? Gotta be one of the resident ghetto busters on this site.

  14. Brigade Fifteen11:00 AM

    Trump's nominee to head the newly created Department of Patriotism, Jesus, and Euro-American Culture

  15. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Gosh, one would think it is somehow inappropriate to advocate for one's own interests . Well if you are white it is increasingly apparent it is. Mock what you fear. If enough of those guys wake up it may not end well for the baiters.

  16. Lance Cockstrong12:53 PM

    Butt Trumpet's little green men preparing to invade California ...

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Ah sleep wit this,eat wit it,piss wit it,and goshdarnit,caint wait ta use it !!!

  18. ctrl+halt+del2:55 PM

    More likely to ...use drugs, rape a woman, be a terrorist, vote for precedent trump.

  19. Brigade Fifteen2:58 PM

    "Ah sleep wit this,eat wit it,piss wit it,and goshdarnit,caint wait ta use it !!!"

    You forget "have sex with it." That's why they call 'em ammosexuals.

    Must be inconvenient when his pecker gets stuck in the ejection port.

  20. Anonymous3:13 PM

    If you want to get all scary scary, then at least have the right picture. Make my day, fuckers.

  21. Anymoose- did you have a particular pic in mind? Because it ain't showing.

  22. Here is yer ammosexual.


  23. Brigade Fifteen4:09 PM

    "Here is yer ammosexual."

    See, I knew it! They say their guns are just for personal protection or to "preserve liberty" (lol), but when they're all alone late at night with their special nickel-plated 9mm friend ...

  24. Brigade Fifteen4:31 PM

    Speaking of the head of the Department of Patriotism, Jesus, and Euro-American Culture, that could be racist Congressman Steve King.

    He just recently tweeted out this support for horrible Islamophobic Dutch politician Geert Wilders: "Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

    To King, and probably a lot of Trumpkins, "restoring our civilization" clearly just means "making the nasty brown people go away." Shameful that member of the federal legislature thinks this is perfectly okay to make a public announcement like this.

  25. Trump's first choice for Sec Def. At least he doesn't have ties to Russia.

  26. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

    How is that not true?

    If you flooded Jamaica with Russian immigrants to the point the current Jamaican population became a minority, what would that do to Jamaican culture and society? Would it be the same country with different faces, or would it be something radically different?

    Would the Jamaicans have the right to say, Russians have Russia, we only have Jamaica. A few immigrants who come here and adopt are ways are fine, but we don't want to be pushed aside. We want for our children to live as Jamaicans and carry on the tradtions we inherited from out ancestors.

    Does that make them Jamaican Supremecists, or just a people like any other who want to preserve their way of life?

  27. Jamaica appears to be a small homogenous society. Why would Russkies want to immigrate there, unless it would be to take over and make it a Commie commune?

    Whitey ass wingnuts are desperate to be relevant again. Since America has never been all white or kristian there is no need for whitey to demand supremacy in America.

    How well did "we were here first" work out for Native Americans and the first Mexican settlers? You are supposed to be accepting of other people-your lord and saviour prolly taught you that. That doesn't mean they have to turn white to suit you.

  28. You'll get yer civilization restored millions of years after the fact-through fossil records. America is still a work in progress- no matter how hard wingnuts work at making it fail. We keep changing or we will fail. Whitey wingnut supporters are old and dying off. Too bad,so sad.

  29. Anonymous6:12 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    How well did "we were here first" work out for Native Americans and the first Mexican settlers?

    There were no "first Mexican settlers", idiot. There were a few Spanish settlers in what today is the Southwest US, but Mexico didn't exit until 1813. Nobody lived in Texas, so they imported gringo immigrants. How'd that work out for them?

    About as well as for the Native Amercans who were displaced by English settlers.

    Now progressives want the same thing to happen to us, and they promote it with historical lies and a false air of inevitabilty.

    Fifty years ago, this was a 90% European, 10% African country that was 98% Christian. This has changed by design. Ask the French what it's like living with 20 million Muslims.

    You are an utter idiot whose opinions all stem from a deep anti-white racism. As more people wake up, the malevolence of this dispossesion will become common knowledge and the people behind these lies will be exposed for what they are.

  30. Puerto Rican women are ugly and their food is shit6:37 PM

    Josh and James' future love child.

  31. Just proves I have foresight and vision. How else could I possibly know Mexicans lived in America before it was America. They also were all over California.

    Funny you should call Americans from 50 years ago-Europeans. Religion does not matter since our government does not choose a religion. You can be what you want to be-you just can't force it on anyone else.

    Vision and foresight. I got 'em.

  32. You got the lies part right. You are pinning them on the wrong side. Your side is making up fanciful stuff of America being white and religious. It ain't necessarily so. It is demonstrably untrue.

  33. Lance Cockstrong6:57 PM

    My butt buddy.

  34. 12th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0

  35. Brigade Fifteen @11:00 is the winner.

    Lance C @9:36 is second.

  36. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Presenting the new Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News!!!!


    Putin banned Bharara from going to Russia and the Amb wants Drumpf to free mobsters convicted by Bharara's US attorney's office.

  38. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Don't fear white men with a gun. Black men are overwhelmingly killed by another black men with a gun.

  39. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Get out of my house nigger!!

  40. Anonymous9:41 AM

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  41. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't fear white men with a gun. Black men are overwhelmingly killed by another black men with a gun.
    6:00 PM

