Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hair jokes and an uppity reporter.

Image result for bill o'reilly crAZY images    Today was a tough day for black women in America. It was so bad that even a certain former presidential candidate had to weigh in.

First, Bill O'Reilly tried to diss a sitting congresswoman from California by comparing her wig to  the iconic coif of the "hardest working man in show business". Needless to say that black folks did not feel good about it.

"O'Reilly was asked for his thoughts on Waters' comments. He instead discussed her appearance.
"I didn't hear a word she said. I was looking at the James Brown wig," he said, referencing the late soul singer.
While two of the Fox & Friends cohosts joined in on O'Reilly's comments, Ainsley Earnhardt cut in to say she had to defend Waters.

"You can't go after a woman's looks," she said. "I think she's very attractive."

O'Reilly replied, "I didn't say she wasn't attractive... I love James Brown, but it's the same hair."
He later went on to invite Waters, who has been in Congress since 1991, on his own show." [Source]

How is this for irony? Bill O'Reilly is a big supporter of Donald trump, and he is making fun of this woman's wig. Seriously?

He has been getting a lot of heat so he apologized later today. I honestly don't even know why he bothered. The "alleged" wife beater has a long history of saying racist and derogatory things towards blacks.

This might explain why he is so popular with the FOX VIEWS crowd.

"As I have said many times, I respect Congresswoman Maxine Waters for being sincere in her beliefs," he said. "I said that again today on Fox & Friends calling her 'old school.' Unfortunately, I also made a jest about her hair which was dumb. I apologize."

Don't apologize Bill, you said exactly what you wanted to say, and you thought it was funny, as did millions of your fans.

Then there was April Ryan, who asked one too many questions of one Sean Spicer today, and it caused him to finally let his true feelings for the "uppity" black reporter, show.

"I'm sorry that disgusts you. You're shaking your head,” he said.

When Ryan pivoted to ask about Condoleezza Rice’s meeting with the president this week, Spicer responded by saying, “It.'s interesting that you ask those two questions back to back. On the one hand, you say, what are we doing to improve our image and here he is meeting somebody that hasn't been a big supporter.” He added, “It seems like you're hell bent on trying to make sure whatever image you want to tell about this White House stays.”'

As she protested, Spicer said, “I’m sorry, please stop shaking your head again.” '

To quote Ryan herself: "Lawd!!" 

Sadly, these folks are becoming a bit unhinged. I suspect that Sean will  let the n- word slip before this thing is over.

"I've been here for 20 years, since 1997, the second term of Bill Clinton,” Ryan told MSNBC’s Katy Tur afterwards. “We've never seen anything like this before. And my question was simple. How do you change the perception problem basically? I don't know verbatim what I said, but that was the impetus and the crux of my question. And it went off into this Russian dressing, no shaking my head or whatever.”

“'I understand what Sean is doing,” Ryan said, “Sean is being the White House press secretary talking about and trying to make this administration look better than what it does right now. Unfortunately, I was roadkill today.”'

Oh no my sister, you are "roadkill" every day.  You need to remember that fact when you are standing in the way of those republican men.

*Pic from yahoo.com




  1. Spicy is trying to plug the dam with his finger and we all know that sooner or later that dam is gonna break. How long do you think he's gonna last?

  2. Brigade Fifteen10:58 PM

    I suspect that a lot of people feel the joke about Maxine Waters is fair game, on account of literally everybody making fun of Donald Trump's coiffure.

    Now, maybe part of this is a gendered double standard -- that it's somehow fair to knock a man's appearance but not a woman's, because of the belief that women care more about their appearance or are valued more for it.

    But, let's be real, there isn't much of a comparison between the two. Trump does have an absolutely preposterous hairstyle, one that belongs to nobody else, while Maxine Waters' hair isn't all that out of the ordinary. That makes this come off a little racist, and people are even more readily going to make that assumption about motives, given O'Reilly's long history of snide, bigoted remarks.

  3. Maxine Waters actually does have the same hair as James Brown:


  4. Oh no! Bill O'Reilly didn't just say that about a woman...it was a BLACK WOMAN! GET HIM!!!!

  5. BillO has no room to talk about anyone else's looks. He's one ugly motherfucker. And why does anyone take him seriously about anything? He's so blisteringly stupid that he thought Jebus made the tides work.

    It does seem like the MAGAts are starting to realize that the wheels are coming off, and really getting jumpy about it.
    I gotta wonder what they thought would happen? Truthfully, 36% is pretty good for a bunch of incompetent hucksters who all of the sudden had to start running the US government without bothering to bone up on it.
    Whether any of them have the brains to realize they would be more successful if they took any of it seriously we may never know. They will act like they are the very, very best to ever deign to do their jobs right up until it blows up in their faces. That's what Republicans do. Then when it does, they'll try to blame it on the Democrats in general, and Obama in specific. That's all they have. They can't govern, so when they get their turn, they just go "Government bad!" and wreck as much of it as they can, knowing that fixing the damage will impede the next Democratic administration's agenda.
    Meanwhile China, India, and Germany will take the lead in the future economy by grabbing market share in clean energy technology, while the Republicans sit there with their thumbs up their butts mumbling about climate change being a hoax as Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas burn in the winter.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Loserville11:37 PM

    And Doug will still be Doug.

  7. "as Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas burn in the winter."

    Because those evil Republicans drive SUVs and use electricity! AAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGG!

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Lawdy, lawdy11:56 PM

    April D. Ryan is, shall we say, not one of the brighter lights of the rather dim White House press pool. She was one of the few people in the world actually impressed by Rachel Maddow's Trump-taxes debacle -- she eagerly seized on the (silly) idea that because Trump's income in 2005 was only $250 million (before a $100 million write-down), that means he's clearly not a billionaire 12 years later.

    She had previously covered herself in glory by getting into a public spat with her former friend Omarosa Manigault and then claiming that Omarosa had "intimidated" her.

    So obviously, she's agenda-free.

    While Spicer was trying to mansplain to her something her female brain just couldn't grasp, she kept shaking her head to refuse the mansplanation before he could manclude his pungent, musky manswer, and he told her to stop womanshaking her head -- a vicious, sexist pre-emptive shejection of Sean Spicer's Personal Truth -- and that her femmegenda was obvious.

    This then caused some shemotional poutrage from the usual sispects.

    The deal is, women aren't equal if they can't be treated as a man would be.

  9. Brigade Fifteen11:56 PM

    "It does seem like the MAGAts are starting to realize that the wheels are coming off, and really getting jumpy about it.
    I gotta wonder what they thought would happen? Truthfully, 36% is pretty good for a bunch of incompetent hucksters who all of the sudden had to start running the US government without bothering to bone up on it."

    I dunno. I think part of it is that many people are really sold on this mythology that if you've got a lot of money, then you know all about how to make the economy better. But this is silly nonsense. Lots of business leaders know how to succeed in their narrow little industry -- and that's about it. They have no idea about how to enact overall economic policy, and know less still about how to run other, non-economic aspects of government.

    Put bluntly, there is just no reason to believe a CEO with no experience in the public sector will have any clue how to govern. Like, there's no evidence for this at all.

    On top of that, Trump isn't even all that successful as a legit businessman! He's a dude who's good at a) inheriting gobs of cash and b) scamming people. Great businessmen don't go bankrupt over and over again, become reality TV stars, and run cheap flim-flam operations like Trump University.

    Fran Lebowitz described Trump like this: "He’s a poor person’s idea of a rich person. They see him. They think, ‘If I were rich, I’d have a fabulous tie like that. Why are my ties not made of 400 acres of polyester?’ All that stuff he shows you in his house—the gold faucets—if you won the lottery, that’s what you’d buy.”

    So Trump's not a super-genius. He does not have a really good brain. He's ... kind of a boob.

    On top of that, right-wing media has been encouraging this nasty, Trumpian hate politics over a period of years that scapegoats people as parasites and suggests that if someone would just "get" those bad people and punish them, then everything would be sunshine and happiness. Again, I think there is a genuine belief in this ugly suggestion that if Big Daddy Trump would only deliver a spanking to the "bad people," then somehow everything would get better.

    It's all despicable and wrong, but here we are.

  10. Anonymous12:17 AM

    "It's all despicable and wrong, but here we are."

    You are such a ninny.

    I'll bet you've never gotten laid.

  11. Yisheng is a genius12:35 AM

    I honestly think Black women need to stop giving f*ck what weak white men think.

  12. Brigade Fifteen1:19 AM

    "I honestly think Black women need to stop giving f*ck what weak white men think."

    I kinda doubt Maxine Waters, at least, does care what Bilge O'Racist thinks of her hair. I mean, is it likely that she truly had a great opinion of him before, but it's all ruined now?

    April Ryan, on the other hand, has to deal with obnoxious Spicey on a regular basis as part of her job, so that can't be great. Then again, she's hardly alone. Most of the Washington press corp probably want to shove Spicey's head in the toilet and give him a swirly. He might end up being the first White House press secretary to require Secret Service protection to stop him from getting his ass kicked by reporters.

  13. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots1:21 AM

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  14. My Asshole Itches4:43 AM

    Democrat 2020

  15. Next news conference all reporters should start shaking their heads.

    Meanwhile this is a hilarious Trump piece that draws blood:


  16. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I wish I had FOX news. All I get is the Communist News Network.

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The Thing spewed...

    "I honestly think Black women need to stop giving f*ck what weak white men think."

    I agree, now STFU!

  18. I mind the time -about 2011 when wingnuts lied their way back into control of congress and said they were going to clean the swamp. Their first victim was Maxine Waters and they Benghazied the shit out of her on ethics charges they couldn't prove. I guess the widdle whitey wingnuts boy'z club is still butthurt because she beat the whole cabal singlehandedly. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  19. Anymoose sez I watched CNN and didn't learn much and now I want to waste my life watching Fake News so I won't learn anything ever.

    Shuddup, mfi. At least I'll get to see a wardrobe malfunction at Fake News.

    Shuddup, Anymoose- who wants to see Orally's hairy ass?

  20. More good news for California- http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/03/29/felony-charges-planned-parenthood-film/99767988/

    Daleiden and partner escaped prosecution in Texas for falsifying videos of PP selling baby parts. California has them on 15 felony counts. Maybe PP will get justice.

  21. I don't listen to much Sean Spicer, but has he said "you people" yet? Just asking for a friend. ;)

  22. "April Ryan, on the other hand, has to deal with obnoxious Spicey on a regular basis as part of her job, so that can't be great."

    No, she does NOT have to deal with her role in insidiously normalizing a racist fat white boy.

    She CHOOSES to keep a job where she's regularly belittled and EVERYONE else in the room instead of sticking up for her by walking out, thinks she should "get over it". I say FUCK THAT, if you don't like being treated like you're barely human, get another fucking job. But my sympathy you will NOT have!!

    I'm OVER, assisting in ANY way, white racists in making me feel like an outsider in a country MY ancestors built! 2-3 years from now when her blood pressure is high (if it isn't already) and she's prediabetic (if she isn't already), she'll ask herself why she risked her health and wasted time in her life that she'll NEVER get back.

    There is NO HONOR is subjecting yourself to daily abuse at the hands of an illiterate, fat, racist, white boy for a paycheck, when you don't have to.

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Sean Spicer is trump's lap dancer but he doesn't have the moves or talent to entice. I can only take in a few minutes of his blathering before I hit the mute button. April Ryan has more patience than me. I'd love one of these black women to wait outside for him and give him a good ass whooping. Ever since I read that spicer used to be the WH Easter bunny for the egg hunt - I see bunny ears on him whenever he stands at the podium. He's the type of little weasel that nobody likes. I'm a white woman and have actually wished to be black many times in recent years. I'm embarrassed by white assholes and their fake, condescending bullshit. Just about everything that's wrong with our govt has a pasty, old white man behind it. My race has effed over just about every culture and color out there. I see karma coming.

  24. Sean Spicer was a cockroach in his previous life. April Ryan has my respect. I don't have any idea what it's like to be a black woman in America but at least they can look in the mirror without shame. As I stated above, karma is coming and it's possible the white machine may be sputtering towards a breakdown. If I could choos one person to eliminate right now - it would be a hard choice between McConnell and trump.


  25. There is NO HONOR is subjecting yourself to daily abuse at the hands of an illiterate, fat, racist, white boy for a paycheck, when you don't have to.

    Au contraire, me olde piglet. Ms Ryan has done this for many years, she is good at her job and this type of job isn't just for anybody.

    Racist whiteys don't have to act or talk racist to her or anyone else. That is not Precedential decorum and is totally unacceptable to all except other white racists. Obama-the GOAT Potus- never allowed his anger to show any hint of racism even when away from the bright lights of Washington, DC.

    Somrday I would love to see Obama talk about white republicans in the same manner they talked about our first Black Potus.

  26. Agree with you Mike from Iowa - the fat, POS now in the WH is the product of racist, old and pasty white guys who've been in power far too long - I'm fed up with all of them. Obama was my president. This loser is not. Those asshole republicans STILL want to polish the turd who's committed treason. That is a fact and eff all these so called investigations. By the time these assholes get past their white handicap, we'll all be the same color when this country is attacked. That's where we're heading.

  27. @Sharon: Is a white woman full of self-loathing and hatred for her race a racist?

    1. LOL Julia - nice try! Self loathing? Not sure where you saw that in my comments. Perhaps I struck a nerve with you? As in - how dare I make any negative comments about white men or women when I'm just as white? Please! Try being a black woman in this country. We just elected a racist POS to the WH. Am I perfect? Nope! But, at least I will say out loud what many of us keep hidden. Racism on both sides but at the end of the day, who's life is harder!?

  28. "Au contraire, me olde piglet. Ms Ryan has done this for many years, she is good at her job and this type of job isn't just for anybody."

    Piglet? Tread carefully with the name calling Mike.

    White men, even those who are/pretend to be well intended, don't need to do much to get the full strength of my pissivity with the fact that so many of YOU are swallowing your balls, instead of keeping PEEOTUS and his minions in check.


  29. Democrats are triggered beyond belief because of how Devin Nunes confirmed the truth: Obama Surveilled Trump.

    I wonder how they'll take it when Obama is indicted?

  30. There is a certain, white, privileged male personality that is associated with authority. They may be accustomed to giving out orders and having them followed. They might micro-manage believing that no one else at the office can do anything as well as they can or even right at all. Yet for all of their bluster and bravado they remain essentially insecure, constantly putting down others to build themselves up, harboring resentments and feelings of insecurity because their underlings show ease, power and competency. These are the kind of guys that accumulate power. God help you if you have to work for one.

    So O'Reilly in his heart agrees with Waters, but he can never admit that. He would sound like an idiot if he attempted to debate her passionate speech. So he dismisses her out-of-hand with a rude remark, essentially trying to rob her of her humanity.

    Spicer likes to think of himself as a man of authority and power. But working for a corrupt and ridiculous president, what moral authority can he possibly use to battle the truth? So it irks him that he is forced to allow a back and forth with liberal reporters who are out to get him. He is even less willing to talk to women. And you guessed it, a black woman? Can't we just get her the hell out of here?

  31. It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said. I certainly meant no offense to you.

    It is getting hard to figure out which characters are which with all the extra posters joining in. I will attempt to do better in the future.

    The Lone Ranger said...
    Democrats are triggered beyond belief because of how Devin Nunes confirmed the truth: Obama Surveilled Trump.

    I wonder how they'll take it when Obama is indicted?

    Exactly what proof do you have, kemo sabe? Or are you the tonto-fool?

  32. Day 6 and Obama still not indicted. Too bad, so sad. Hatrian's wall ain't been built. Obamacare hasn't been repealed and/or replaced. ISIS hasn't been defeated and there still is no plan to defeat them.

    I am so tired of winning I gotta tell you.

  33. Yisheng is a genius is the same person as It's Yisheng, Stalking Bitches.

    It should be easy to tell who's posting as other people by the stupidity of what's said by our resident stalkers, when they pretend to be others. So maybe the typos in the 11:42 post should have tipped me off that perhaps it wasn't the real Mike? Banning these muthafuckers would solve this problem though, not for what they say, but for pretending to be others.

    What happens when they use my username to post the child prom they indulge in? QTNA!!

  34. Lilacpr2:06 PM

    It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...

    ...the full strength of my pissivity...

    12:52 PM

    xD Pissivity? Did you just make up that word Yisheng??? LOL! I love it!

  35. Brigade Fifteen2:25 PM

    "I don't listen to much Sean Spicer, but has he said 'you people' yet? Just asking for a friend. ;)"

    No, but an Indian-American woman, who was born in New York, met Spicey out in public when he was off the clock and taunted him for working for a fascist. He responded by telling her that America is great because we (presumably white folks) "allow her" to live here.

    So, basically, he proved he is a fascist just like his boss.

  36. Brigade Fifteen2:31 PM

    "She CHOOSES to keep a job where she's regularly belittled and EVERYONE else in the room instead of sticking up for her by walking out, thinks she should "get over it". I say FUCK THAT, if you don't like being treated like you're barely human, get another fucking job. But my sympathy you will NOT have!!"

    The other reporters should stick up for April Ryan. But again, this is not just about her. When one of them is being abused, the Washington press corps all need to stand up for that person. They are letting Spicey and Trump divide and conquer them at these farcical press conferences, and that is not smart.

  37. The child prom they indulge in? Now I am really confused.

    Someone posted as me for awhile. I knew it wasn't me. I don't know how the rest could tell. I do not pretend anything. Looks like the honeymoon is over.
    ps every word of my handle is 100% true. I am named mike and I have lived no where but iowa. This will be true until the day I die. I do not pretend!

  38. Wingnuts are blaming the house intel committee's failures on Dems. Of course they will. Numbnuts Nunes has revealed classified info and needs an ethics investigation so wingnuts are trying to change the narrative and deflect blame.

    Oh what a clusterfuck we weave when wingnuts can't govern because of stoopidity. Sad.

  39. Maxine Waters is A black woman, singular. NOT black WOMEN.

    You collectivist cucks are something fucking else, I tell ya.

    Say something about ONE black person, and you all flock together and feign butthurt. Boo fucking hoo. We're sick of you lot crying and pitching fits over nothing. Yesterday it was bitching about hoop earrings being cultural appropriation, as if every single aspect of your lives isn't appropriated from Europid Caucasoid culture, from English to the Internet you use to gripe. We don't fucking whine about it.

    The bitch is wearing a James Brown wig, for fuck's sake! That's not her real fucking hair. Y'all act like we don't know WTF black people's hair looks like. You. Have. No. Secrets. We fucking know!

    She's too old and too busy defrauding taxpayers to even have the shit stitched into her naps like normal black girls. It's a flat-out wig.

    It IS funny! She's wearing a fucking James Brown wig. Looks just the fuck like him!

    Did he step on her good foot? Good god!

    Living in America!

    1. Sounds like you're a bit jealous of her. She didn't vote herself into office- she was elected by voters unlike the Cheeto in the WH. Why so angry over her hair? I'd prefer looking at her's instead of the hair on that crazy Russian bitch trump with his orange comb over. Lol

  40. James Bold3:06 PM

    "I'm OVER, assisting in ANY way, white racists in making me feel like an outsider in a country MY ancestors built!"

    Your ancestors "built" America the same way horses and oxen did:  dumb muscle.

    Europe was built by Europeans:  fortresses, cathedrals, massive cities with water and sewer systems.  Africa (what there was of it, pre-colonization) was built by Africans:  mud huts, kraals made of tree branches, bathing in cow piss and blowing into their assholes to make them give milk.  Whoops, that's Africa to this day!

    Really, if you believe your own shit you should go MAGA:  Make Africa Great Again.

    "There is NO HONOR is subjecting yourself to daily abuse at the hands of an illiterate, fat, racist, white boy for a paycheck, when you don't have to."

    Yet you follow the White boy everywhere he goes, even when he's trying to get away from you.  If you believed the shit you say, you'd be in Africa already.  You are a hypocrite and a liar.

    "Try being a black woman in this country."

    Please, try being a Black woman in Africa if you hate us so much.  Isn't it funny that, for all the severe and varied forms of racism you say America visits upon you, Africans are doing everything they can to get IN?

    And you know what we MAGAts are doing?  We are consuming the rotting corpse of the Great Society zombie which has been shambling along in utter failure for decades.  We will leave only its bones and turn it into more of us.

    1. Damn - you're one angry white dude aren't you? Calm down before you have a freaking stroke!! Rotting corpses? Holy hell! Lol

  41. "There is a certain, white, privileged male personality that is associated with authority."

    The fucking humanities at play, once again.

    Someone told a fucking joke. And here you are crying about 'privilege.'

    I have a $100 reward going, and I'll hold it in escrow for anyone interested, if anyone can name ONE demonstrable, objective area of this so-called "white privilege." The best you lot can cry about is not enough black people on Game of Thrones or "white" shampoo at hotels. LOL

    It doesn't fucking exist, and I defy all of you here to prove just ONE instance of it. Just one.

    1. Republicans in senate and congress for starters. Mostly old white men. They have a few tokens here and there because the color thing.....

  42. Hank Johnson3:31 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    So O'Reilly in his heart agrees with Waters

    No one "agrees" with Waters; her statement are nonesensical. I'm sure she has no idea what she is saying.

    The fact that someone like this is a representative shows just how flawed democracy is.

  43. Brigade Fifteen3:35 PM

    Spicey responds:

    "'April is a tough reporter that knows how to throw it out and take it back,' Spicer told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt. 'I think it’s frankly demeaning for some folks to say that she can’t take it. We went back and forth. I disagreed with the angle and the way that she was coming at the question, but that’s what we do. We go back and forth, and I don’t treat one person different than the next. I go at her the same way that I would go at Peter Alexander or Jonathan Karl or Glenn Thrush from the New York Times.'”

    See, guys! Spicey is a dick to everyone, so it's okay.

    Now we can all debate about whether Spicey is meaner and more insulting to April Ryan because she is black, but how about this instead: Maybe Spicey should just stop being a dick to everyone?

    Problem solved.

  44. julia3:39 PM

    Sharon said...
    "LOL Julia - nice try! Self loathing? Not sure where you saw that in my comments"

    Quote Sharon @11:41 AM: I don't have any idea what it's like to be a black woman in America but at least they can look in the mirror without shame.


  45. julia3:49 PM

    And maybe because you are a WHITE woman who feels compelled to disparage WHITE people in every comment you post!

    Here's a tip: Black people don't respect you because you hate your own race. Your groveling about "white privilege" doesn't mean they feel any kindred with you. I bet most feel a little queasy reading your comments.

    You hate your people because you don't have a man to take care of you. The government is your husband. You project your private resentments onto society as a whole instead of recognizing your experiences aren't universal. It's sad, but inexcusable.

  46. Julia - and again, I was referencing the white majority in our government and throughout our society. The white thing is real. Problem is being white is not an accomplishment- but, when it comes to you, that may not apply. If you believe I'm ashamed of being white, you missed my point. Im ashamed of those who're white and racist but deny it and counter punch anyone that even suggests there is an imbalance in favor of white. I also stated that I'm not perfect. I struggle with my own prejudices and they are deeply ingrained as so many others in this society - both black and white. If we refuse to acknowledge the obvious, we'll never move on or improve the racial divide.

  47. Julia - your comments would be funny if not so sad. I certainly don't hate my race. Your comments only confirm how viscous racists can be. The fact that I'm willing to acknowledge the injustice perpetuated upon others because of color or culture doesn't reflect groveling or a need to have a man take care of me.... btw... where the hell did that one come from?? Lol. So now my problem is that I need a man to take care of me?? Hahahaha.. but, I bet you're a devoted little woman, aren't you? Lol

  48. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Josh, you are a douchebag, but you are still by far my favorite commentator here.

  49. Josh and the bald guy. Tsk tsk. One can't tell one black person from another. The other can't tell a European from a Norseman from a Mongol from an Egyptian.

  50. "anyone that even suggests there is an imbalance in favor of white."

    Prove. It.

    Holy fucking shit. This is the thing about identity politics that has driven so many into Trump's camp: you people just say whatever the fuck you want, and hope someone believes it.

    Prove it.

    There are NO HEIGHTS in America to which someone nonwhite cannot climb, and this is evidenced by Supreme Court Justices, doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, scientists, politicians all the way up to the President, generals and admirals, and on the list goes. WTF are you folks babbling about?

    It's not the fault of white people that 3/4 of black children born are bastards whose mothers are unfit and on welfare. A decade or so ago (and it might still be going on) we were still dealing in America with the conspiracy theories of "white people are sterilizing blacks!" LMFAO! We see how much truth was in that.

    Blacks breed via an R-selection model, whereby females spit out numerous bastards that aren't cared for the same way K-selection parents have offspring. We see this everywhere blacks densely populate.

    White people don't hinder this; we enable it. Who the fuck else is keeping these babies alive and the mothers in weave and Sky vodka?


    And white people are to blame for this "imbalance"? No. Blacks have had multiple generations to get aboard the successful middle-class train:

    - Graduate high school
    - No babies before married and financially able
    - No criminal activities

    And how many actually follow that model? Ironically enough, the successful black people who visit this blog DID follow that model! Maybe unwittingly, but nevertheless they followed it. And when it's time to preach to their brothers and sisters, do they focus on education and hard work and being good citizens? FUCK NO! Being a strong-armed thug is "keepin' it real, yo!" That's how you become a "real nigga, son!" They just blame whitey, when they know themselves success is about personal responsibility.

    America has proven for the past few decades that its white majority will vote for black politicians, will watch black movies, will root for black sports, etc. The issue is that the majority of blacks don't wanna do shit save live their bush lifestyles and then expect white people to uplift them.

    Fuck off. The first world is here, whenever folks feel like joining.

  51. Ain't Josh a hoot when he skips his meds?


  52. Hey PR, waving wildly!!

    mike from iowa said...
    The child prom they indulge in? Now I am really confused.

    Don't be, racists are known for being on the outskirts of civil society being a pedophile too, isn't such a stretch.

    And yes, when they're allowed to post as other people, they could also post something very detrimental to the person who normally uses a certain username.

  53. NY Times5:47 PM

    I wonder how long James' book will be on our best seller list.

  54. Holy smokes! Josh - take your meds!

    1. Josh is a girl5:52 PM

      Don't worry Sharon, our little Josh just acts out for attention. She just flashes her tits for the effect.

  55. Inquiring minds5:48 PM

    Hey Josh, where do you get your news?

  56. James' 150 IQ5:55 PM

    Hey James, how are those "engineering" projects going?

  57. Josh and James sitting in a tree5:58 PM

    Hey James, not to give you relationship advice or anything but looks like your woman Josh is not getting enough attention and showing her tits to other people. Better get on that Dog.

  58. Hey James, how are those "engineering" projects going?

    Probably better than Yisheng's attempt to be a doctor, just sayin'.

  59. James' neglected woman Josh6:03 PM

    Hey James, take Josh to a ritzy restaurant near your trailer park. Maybe a Waffle House.

  60. Josh and James' groomsman6:08 PM

    Maybe it's Josh's fault. Maybe she isn't blowing James as regularly as she used to. I bet James feels cheated licking her asshole and all. So sad, this couple was so cute together.��

  61. James' math teacher6:11 PM

    James is spending so much time here he's neglecting all the poor mathbooks in need of correcting.


  62. Josh, you are losing touch with reality again, you need to take your meds again.

    Those tablets the nice young man in the white coat gave you. They are In the chest of drawers next to your bed, in the yellow plastic tube marked 'WEDNESDAY'

    Good luck.

  63. Brigade Fifteen7:10 PM

    Ivanka is now an official White House employee.

    I'm wondering when 11-year-old Barron will get a government department of his own. It's probably only a matter of time.

  64. ROTFL @ Purple Cow!!!

  65. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Hey Field, check out American Airlines twitter feed from a couple hours ago. I guess they couldn't let Delta one up them so they have a nice ad with a few sista pilots. My girl Mika is representing!


  66. PilotX's Boss8:55 PM

    Can't wait until the first black female pilot crashes into a terminal.

    Good thing planes pretty much fly themselves today.

    1. Pilot X's boss' boss9:17 PM

      Seeing that almost all fatal crashes are caused by white guys you might be waiting a while.

  67. James' 150 IQ9:20 PM


    National Society of Black Engineers expecting over 10,000 people for their convention. Well we know James won't be there because he doesn't have an engineering degree or any degree for that matter. Do any if these racist trolls on this site have a degree?

    1. James' imaginary book9:22 PM

      Hey James, you should go and show off your 150 IQ and maybe sell a few copies of your book.


  68. PilotX's Boss9:21 PM

    Seeing that almost all pilots are white guys shows Pilot X just might not understand statisitcs.

    1. Pilot X's boss' boss9:23 PM

      I'm sure he does.

    2. Numbers guy9:27 PM

      Statistically speaking almost all of the stupid racist trolls here live in trailer parks.

  69. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Maybe you can explain statistics to James. His dumb ass can't even understand what 100% means. Nah, that's like trying to get Josh to stop flashing her tits.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. James' 150 IQ said...
    National Society of Black Engineers expecting over 10,000 people for their convention.

    My kid is there with all the other beautiful, future Black women Engineers!

  72. Anonymous Pilot X's boss' boss said...
    Seeing that almost all fatal crashes are caused by white guys you might be waiting a while.

    Totally oblivious to a white boy too stupid to major in a STEM field.

  73. Well, 30 separate trolls making ad hominems. About what one could predict from the folks who brought us such smash hits as Somalia.

    Now, anyone have a provable example of this so-called "white privilege"?

    I'm still waiting...

    But, by all means, continue to prove James correct in your quest to throw out never-ending spam against character. It's beautifully ironic, and you lot are too ignorant to even see it.

  74. Well Josh,

    How about we turn this around? You just document one example of a super-mean, insecure, authoritarian black boss who treats his subordinates like shit just to cover up for his own feelings of inadequacy.

    I think for clarity we can simply leave women out of this discussion. Believe me brother, I have encountered women with authority issues. She was white.

    Am I right? If there is a black boss in the picture, generally he or she is super-cool and respects the people working below him or her for the good of the organization.

    It just doesn't exist the concept of black privilege. Can we agree on that? If you have never seen an example of white privilege...

    Oh for fuck's sake! I'm just kidding. Nobody is stupid enough to not believe in white privilege unless you have a four-year-old son!

    The most obvious example of white privilege is when you get pulled over by the cops.

    Don't you ever wonder why every company you ever worked for only has 2% or less black employees?

    That was actually a joke. Love you babe!

  75. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  76. James Bold12:49 AM

    "Damn - you're one angry white dude aren't you? Calm down before you have a freaking stroke!!"

    There!  Right there!  You made me laugh again!

    "Rotting corpses? Holy hell!"

    I talk about the failed Great Society and all you can think about is yourself.

    Hmmm, maybe you're right.  Maybe you WILL be the rotting corpse, ridden with maggots... but I suspect that much waste will be avoided, and you'll be dog food, fish meal or slop for pigs to be exported to China.  The Chinese will eat anything, and if they can ship us baby formula tainted with melamine we can certainly ship them dindu-fed pork.

    "She didn't vote herself into office- she was elected by voters"

    Voters like the ones who put an illiterate onto the Detroit Board of Education.  You forced people to officially forget why Blacks weren't allowed to vote, but Blacks keep reminding us.

    "Julia - and again, I was referencing the white majority in our government and throughout our society. The white thing is real. Problem is being white is not an accomplishment"

    Being White is something that (((certain people))) want to erase, because of deep-seated hatreds and the realization that it is the only remaining threat to them.

    Being White is a heritage and a birthright.  Being Black... means that anything you have beyond living in mud huts and bathing in cow piss is owed to someone else.

    "The other can't tell a European from a Norseman from a Mongol from an Egyptian."

    Modern Egyptians are Arabs.  Ancient Egyptian royalty was European.  Black people had no role in Egypt except to debase its founding race and bring it down.

    "Hey James, how are those "engineering" projects going?"

    One on hold due to laziness (I don't need to deliver until January), the one for the book more or less complete conceptually, the last waiting on specific dimensions to be covered.

    "Hey James, take Josh to a ritzy restaurant near your trailer park."

    Josh can buy his own Jaegerschnitzel (which is what I had the other day).

    "I'm wondering when 11-year-old Barron will get a government department of his own."

    He couldn't do worse than Valerie Jarett or Eric Holder, and it would be good training for him.

    "National Society of Black Engineers expecting over 10,000 people for their convention."

    Out of 1.55 million engineers in the US out of 6.2 million scientists & engineers, you can muster a whole 10,000 Black engineers.

    That makes Black engineers about 0.6% of the US engineer population, compared to 12.4% of the total US population.  In other words... insignificant, and immediately replaceable by the nearly 1 million Indians already here... if we needed to.

    White people don't need you.  For anything.

    "Hey James, you should go and show off your 150 IQ and maybe sell a few copies of your book."

    I have to finish it first (I'm already writing scenes for book 2).  I admit that laughing at you morons takes time away from that.

    1. James' literary agent6:07 AM

      Yeah James because people with 150 IQ's can only do one thing at a time.
      Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahaha!

  77. Post-mortem on your idea that white privilege does not exist, Josh.

    Mega-racist Troll, James states:

    Being White is a heritage and a birthright.

    I guess I can bow out now. Maybe you guys can work it out between yourselves.

    1. Josh and James aren't too bright8:53 AM

      Josh and James aren't too bright.

  78. James Bold1:51 AM

    "Mega-racist Troll, James states:

    Being White is a heritage and a birthright."

    Birthright (evolution) isn't a private law.  It's a natural advantage, like the 4x calories that the lactose-tolerant can extract from cattle herds over those who cannot drink milk and have to slaughter for meat.  It's so funny to see you clowns claim to be superior because your melanin connects you to "cosmic knowledge" but deny that you've been beaten in totally basic ways when it's so obvious.

    I bought 2 pounds of sharp cheddar last evening.  You can call that racist if you like.  I'll just laugh harder.

  79. James is a genius, bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!12:02 PM

    No your dumb ass got 2 pounds of government cheese.

  80. James' mom5:03 PM

    No, James doesn't have an IQ of 150. He's kinda dumb.

  81. James Bold11:45 PM

    Man, some dindu is showing how old AND stupid he is.  "Government cheese" hasn't existed since the Reagan administration sold off the inventory in the warehouses that held "food reserves", but were in practice used as free aging facilities for cheese companies.

    Joke of the era, slightly updated:

    Two niggers rob a woman who's just left a government food distribution center.  After outpacing her and zigging through some alleys to lose her, they open the bag to see what they got.

    It turns out to be cheese.

    Devonte asks, "What kind of cheese is dat?"

    Shitavious says, "Nacho cheese!"

    Devonte says "How you know dat?"

    Shitavious:  "Da woman say `Dat's nacho cheese!  Dat's nacho cheese!'"

    Notice that it was the 1980's, so they didn't rape her.

  82. Vinny5:27 AM

    If you and your other cartoon characters can't stand the heat, Field, then get out the kitchen. Snowflakes.
