Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mar-a-Lago once again.

Image result for trump obama trips cost image  Just look at the graph to your left of this post. Can you imagine if former president Obama spent damn near every weekend of his presidency jetting off to South Florida (and playing golf) on the taxpayer's dime? There would be cries for impeachment and FOX VIEWS would have two or three prime time shows dedicated to those trips.

Instead, even with his seventh straight weekend at a trump branded property---- which is costing us millions-- there is no outrage. Not from the "American people", or, for that matter, the American press.   

Trump was at Mar-a-Lago again this weekend, and that was three more million dollars of our money being spent so that this clown can work on his tan and do whatever he does to his hair.

Maybe he went down there to make sure that all the foreign workers working for him had their proper work permits.  I mean it would be kind of embarrassing if he is trying to crack down on foreign workers coming into this country if his own foreign workers were here illegally.

We honestly don't even know what he is doing down  there besides playing golf, since the White House seems to be giving us different readouts than what the pool reporters are getting.

Instead of cutting vital programs to the poor and elderly, you would think that he would cut back on his trips South and send some time in Washington where the voters sent him. Some of the vast amounts of money we are paying for these trips could go towards helping to alleviate some of the pain from the budget cuts that he is planning to make.

This is what Aaaron Rupar wrote for Think Progress:

"Trump’s repeated trips to Trump-branded properties aren’t just problematic because they embody how he’s profiting off the presidency and breaking campaign promises. They also represent Trump’s selective austerity when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars. 
As Quartz reported on Friday, after this weekend, Trump will have already spent about $16.5 million on trips to Mar-a-Lago. For that amount, Meals on Wheels could feed 5,967 seniors for a year and after school programs could feed 114,583 children for a year.
On Thursday, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney defended the draconian cuts included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget by arguing that the federal government can’t ask “a coal miner in West Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to pay for” programs like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. But one wonders whether those struggling Americans would rather have public radio or dole out their share of the $3.3 million a self-proclaimed billionaire is spending each weekend to mingle with his ludicrously wealthy club members down in Florida."
Club memberships for which he has doubled the fees since becoming president. 
It looks like this president thing might work out just fine for Donald after all, regardless of what happens to the rest of us.
Knowing Donald, he wouldn't have it any other way.    
*Pic from



  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Field, as usual you are "Right On!" Thanks for keeping it REAL!

  2. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Let's also talk about the Russian steel we're using to build Keystone after he promised to use good old USA steel. I kinda feel bad for the suckers when they finally realize they've been duped.


    1. I don't, Pilot.This is what they wanted so they have to live with the consequences.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I really believe that the Clintons encouraged this clown to run for the presidency. Hoping he would get the nomination, and it would be a cakewalk for Hillary, but the plan backfired on their behind. Now we ended up with this clown.

  4. So the coal miner or the waitress don't want to pay for meals on wheels? First, bullshit, and second holy shit you're stupid. The coal miner wants the ARC funding not to be zeroed out, and the waitress wants the ACA in place so she and her family have fucking health insurance even when she's making $8.15 an hour.
    The only people freaked out about taxes are assholes who never grew up and accepted their citizenship and racists who would rather lose their own health insurance and maybe die of something preventable than help anyone they're addicted to hating with one thin dime.
    To quote Gene Wilder: "You know,...morons."

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. For a guy who so wants to be loved, Trump sure isn't going about it very well. He's going to be sooooo hated... I wouldn't be surprised if he was the first President to commit suicide in office.


  6. O'Gurl11:29 PM

    45 and the GOP don't care about helping people in need (less $$ for them). I do not see America prospering with this mean-spirited, cruel administration, it's definitely taking a nose-dive.

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Thanks to the millions who couldn't ne bothered to get off their asses and vote!! Look what you did.

  8. James Bold1:40 AM

    Nothing about Zero and the cost of his vacations in his last months in office, when he was a lame duck?  Nothing about what Trump is delivering for the money?  Nothing about Trump forgoing his salary?

    Of course not.  That would be an apples-to-apples comparison, and you're anything but even-handed or fair-minded.

    1. James is an idiot2:19 AM

      Foregoing his salary? Really moron? Thanks for saving us $300,000. I guess you're using that 150 IQ and imaginary degree for something.
      Now you can take your dumb ass back to whatever hole you crawled out of.


  9. James Bitch is a moron2:23 AM

    So according to dumb fuck because The Donald foregoes his mid six figure salary we can ignore the fact it coats 3 million a week for his forays to his golf course. Jesus he is a fucking moron.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  10. As for that salary. There is no evidence as yet that he has actually donated it or that he even plans to.

    Methinks this was another lie.

    PC needs to start tracking the days he goes without donating it like he does the days without the wall.😏

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Judicial Watch tracked every Obama vacation and every penny spent towards Obama's vacations. The truth the bald guy ignored was in the chart Field showed. At the present rate, Drumpf will have spent more on vacations in one year than Obama did in 8. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  14. Yisheng is a genius9:08 AM

    Racism is exponentially illogical.

  15. Drumpf job approval rating-37% and falling fast.

  16. Yisheng is a genius9:28 AM

    Awww look what the paranoid little emporer is doing:

  17. Brigade Fifteen9:59 AM

    This vacation-charting business is so frustrating. It was never normal in previous eras for the press to focus on how much vacation time presidents took.

    This trend only started because George Bush Junior took such an extraordinary amount of time off, which he spent clearing brush on his Texas ranch. The suspicion of many critics was that he went to the ranch in the middle of nowhere, where reporters wouldn't want to go (no hotels!), mainly to hide from the press, because there was (justifiably) so much negativity coming Bush's way in Washington.

    This prompted what I call "revenge criticism" against Obama from wingnuts: You did it to our guy, so we're going to act like massive douchebags and do it to yours, even though Obama didn't take an unusual amount of time off; his vacation time was well within the norms of most presidents and it should never have been an issue. Plus, Fox and other wingnut outlets managed to extend this to his family as well, and threw in a lot of nasty racial overtones, too, which suggested they shouldn't be able to enjoy the standard perks of the first family on account of being black. Smirking blob of flab Rush Limbaugh referred to Michelle Obama as "Moochelle," claiming she was somehow living extra lavishly on the taxpayer dime. Disgusting.

    And now here we are with another Republican president, and once again, he really does have a ridiculous, out-of-the ordinary vacay schedule. Trump's made Dubya look indusrious. He's jetting off to go golfing every damn weekend in Florida or somewhere.

    Criticism of him will be limited, however, because:

    1) Trump's hardcore supporters are a creepy, racist cult and they never question anything he does.

    2) The rest of the Republican Party are afraid of an internal civil war in the party, and so they'll toe the line, rather than duke it out with angry Trumpkins.

    3) Liberals are aghast will horror at so, so, so many bullshit moves that Trump is making, that his excessive golfing is the least of their complaints about him. Some may be hoping he'll spend ALL his time on the links, because any time he spends whacking a little ball around is time he's not finding ways to actively screw up the country.

  18. James Bold10:17 AM

    "So according to dumb fuck because The Donald foregoes his mid six figure salary we can ignore the fact it coats 3 million a week for his forays to his golf course."

    The US national debt went down by over $100 billion in his first 2 months in office.  $3 million on security is a bargain.

    "Criticism of him will be limited, however, because:

    2) The rest of the Republican Party are afraid of an internal civil war in the party, and so they'll toe the line, rather than duke it out with angry Trumpkins."

    Yeah, right.  Ever heard of "NeverTrumpers"?  No?  Clueless as usual.

    "1) Trump's hardcore supporters are a creepy, racist cult and they never question anything he does."

    Oh, we wonder why he's NOT doing things, like having Sessions arrest the officials of sanctuary cities for aiding and abettting illegal aliens, or serving up articles of impeachment against rogue judges for friendly House members to introduce.  But we're only 60 days in, and a surprising amount has been done already.  Trump has that insurrection on his hands, and has since before the election (illegal surveillance).  He's playing a long game, and I'm willing to watch.

    "3) Liberals are aghast will horror at so, so, so many bullshit moves that Trump is making"

    Yes, you lie-berals abhor the rule of law when it takes power from you and reverses your initiatives to destroy America.  And, even when what you want is a listed CRIME under the law, you cannot see yourself as in the wrong.

    1. James is kinda dumb10:32 AM

      Teh stoopid continues. Gateway pundit? Really? You really are a fool aren't you. Well at least this time James didn't link us to a 10th grader's term paper as evidence, he's getting better. He's up to only mildly retarded now.

      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  19. Brigade Fifteen10:27 AM

    "Yeah, right. Ever heard of 'NeverTrumpers'? No? Clueless as usual."

    I have. They've mostly collapsed into quivering, cowardly piles of jelly since they failed to block Trump's nomination/election. Paul Ryan swore up and down he'd never support the scummy mini-fascist. Now he's Trump's tail-wagging puppy.

    The resistance to Trump from within the GOP is now basically John McCain, and Evan McMullin, and apostate David Frum, and like three other dudes. LOL

    So, the "never" in NeverTrump apparently meant a period of about five minutes.

  20. Brigade Fifteen10:39 AM

    "Let's also talk about the Russian steel we're using to build Keystone after he promised to use good old USA steel. I kinda feel bad for the suckers when they finally realize they've been duped."

    Personally, I think the strategy of addressing global warming by blocking oil pipelines isn't very effective. Well, I take that back. It might be effective as a PR strategy; the demonstrations and civil disobedience do get a lot of media attention.

    But attacking the supply of fossil fuels will never work as a policy prescription. It won't blunt the consumption of these fuels. You've got to go after demand if you want to make a difference there. You've got to give people cars that don't burn petroleum; you can't just turn off the gas pumps. And if pipelines are blocked, the oil will end up finding a way to the refinery by a more dangerous route -- such as in train tanker cars, which can derail and burn some unfortunate towns to the ground.

    All of that said, the jobs rhetoric from the other side used to try to sell Keystone and DAPL and other pipelines is mostly flim-flam. These projects don't create all that many jobs in their construction. Certainly, the small number of jobs is way too small for them to be a determining factor in whether a given pipeline should be built.

  21. Brigade Fifteen10:43 AM

    "Teh stoopid continues. Gateway pundit? Really? You really are a fool aren't you. Well at least this time James didn't link us to a 10th grader's term paper as evidence, he's getting better. He's up to only mildly retarded now."

    As an information source, Gateway Pundit has the downside of being wrong or lying about everything nearly 100% of the time.

    However, he has the benefit (for James) of being really, really racist! Hooray!

  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Fake news.Those figures are pure bullshit.

  23. James is kinda dumb10:46 AM

    James is truly a special case. By special I mean little bus special. And THIS is the idiot teh whites have assigned to exterminate us negroes? I think we'll be reading about a backwards redneck shooting himself very soon.

  24. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha10:49 AM

    Fake news.Those figures are pure bullshit.
    No way, someone with an IQ of 150 would know a bullshit story when they saw one. James is dumber than dog shit.

  25. Oh James10:57 AM

    You just can't make this shit up swear to god. Do a search for "the dumbest man on the internet" and see what you get.


  26. FBI Director Comey11:20 AM

    FBI Director Comey officially states there is no evidence of Trump's claim of wiretapping. Guess that means this is a dead story.

  27. Brigade Fifteen11:23 AM

    "James is truly a special case. By special I mean little bus special. And THIS is the idiot teh whites have assigned to exterminate us negroes? I think we'll be reading about a backwards redneck shooting himself very soon."

    When that happens, he'll probably be like that dude in NYC who accidentally shot himself and then made up an attack by a black assailant so that people wouldn't think he was dumb.

    Side note: How does a revolver go off in your pocket, as that news story describes? I'd say you really do have to be a major fool to make that happen.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      That was the smartest kid in James' class.

  28. Brigade Fifteen11:28 AM

    "Side note: How does a revolver go off in your pocket, as that news story describes? I'd say you really do have to be a major fool to make that happen."

    Whoops. Disregard this bit. This was an incorrect piece of information from earlier reporting. I now see that the whole claim of an accidental shooting was a myth -- the guy was shot during an argument with the man from whom he was buying the gun.

    Nevermind. :)

  29. James Bold12:08 PM

    "Paul Ryan swore up and down he'd never support the scummy mini-fascist. Now he's Trump's tail-wagging puppy."

    Shows what you know.  Ryan is blocking Trump's programs while trying to cement Obamacare in place with trivial changes that fix nothing.  This is blowing up in Ryan's face, but he's doing the bidding of his masters George Soros and the Chamber of Commerce.

    "FBI Director Comey officially states there is no evidence of Trump's claim of wiretapping."

    Meaning there's no evidence of anyone having gone to Trump Tower or Mar-A-Largo and placing taps on the wires.  Of course nobody did that, because that's not how it's done anymore.  Comey used weasel-words to plant stories in the leftard media.

    At this point, I bet Comey only remains FBI director so that Sessions can figure out who his marching orders are coming from.  These enemies behind the scenes will have to be taken out.

    The real story is that the NSA has been unlawfully surveilling Trump for years.  The evidence is in files and leaks, not non-existent fingerprints on telephone cabinets.

    And you just go on thinking we're as stupid as you are.  That makes things easier for us.

  30. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Who cares about meals for kids or health insurnce for old people?

    America has much more important priorities ... like keeping Rich White Bastards, Wall Street, and the US Miitary-Industrial Complex happy and content as a well-fed baby.

    God Bless America!!!!!!

  31. James is a genius1:42 PM

    And you just go on thinking we're as stupid as you are. That makes things easier for us.
    Yeah James, you're a fucking genius.

  32. Alex Jones1:44 PM

    Ok, either James is a comedian or truly dumb as fuck. I think he's a humor troll because this asshole just linked us to fucking Alex Jones as proof of his allegations. No human on planet earth can be this fucking dumb. He and Josh have been pulling our legs all along.

  33. James is...........?2:17 PM

    James links us to the dumbest person on the internet, a guy who believes Obama sent tornadoes to Oklahoma and lizard people control the government and a 10th grader's term paper as "evidence". Either James is a joke or a total mouth breathing idiot.
    Let's vote. I say idiot, what say you?

  34. Brigade Fifteen3:10 PM

    "Shows what you know. Ryan is blocking Trump's programs while trying to cement Obamacare in place with trivial changes that fix nothing. This is blowing up in Ryan's face, but he's doing the bidding of his masters George Soros and the Chamber of Commerce."

    Ladies and gentlemen, here it is: The (demented) view from Trumpkin media.

    Don't forget to watch out for that scary Jewish world-domination mastermind George Soros. He secretly controls everything. Boogedy-boogedy.

    1. James' dad3:28 PM

      B-15, now be nice to our friends who get their "facts from infowars.

  35. Spicer claims Drumpf campaign chairman Manafort played a small, unimportant role for Drumpf and Gen Flynn was just a lowly volunteer for the campaign.

    The moron-ness is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

    According to one NW iowa newspaper, congressweasel king's support in his district remains high even after his racist remarks. I did not realize the white supremeacist movement was that active in iowa.

  36. Alex Jones' nuts3:37 PM

    Hmmmmm, this whole Obama conspiracy is being forwarded by Alex Jones. As I recall Josh was pushing that same narrative while railing against "corporate media". No wonder she refuses to name her sources, she is a Alex Jones follower too. Aw Field, you got some black helicopter FEMA camp nuts infesting your site now. This oughtta be fun.

  37. Brigade Fifteen4:05 PM

    "Hmmmmm, this whole Obama conspiracy is being forwarded by Alex Jones. As I recall Josh was pushing that same narrative while railing against 'corporate media'. No wonder she refuses to name her sources, she is a Alex Jones follower too. Aw Field, you got some black helicopter FEMA camp nuts infesting your site now. This oughtta be fun."

    If you're talking about Trump's lie about Obama wiretapping him, this didn't start with Alex Jones. It was invented by another lame wingnut bloviator, Mark Levin, and then infected the rest of the wingnut-o-sphere, and finally got Trump himself to join in.

    Levin is almost as heinous a bullshitter as Jones, but I have to give the heavyweight title to Jones because his conspiracy theories just have so much more absurd panache. Who else would dare tell you that juice boxes will make your kids go gay?

    I laugh just imagining middle-American moms at the supermarket after listening to his show: "Caden, put down that juice box! IT'S NOT SAFE!!!"

    For all I know, Jones also laughs at the epic stupidity of his listeners. His show seems like a goof or prank, which got out of hand and now way too many people are taking way too seriously.

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson4:10 PM

    Just the vacations and trips also take into account Mishsmelle, her kidlets, and family, and entourage?

    How much did just that junket to Spain cost?

    1. Lt. Commander Pussy4:28 PM

      I bet it cost a helluva lot less that the Trump clan going on a skiing vaca. Hell, he and his family cost us more than the Obama's did in a year. Jesus you are one dumb fuckboy you no serving pussy.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson4:16 PM

    Here ya go...:

    You folks just really are pukish.

  40. Brigade Fifteen4:25 PM

    "Just the vacations and trips also take into account Mishsmelle, her kidlets, and family, and entourage?

    How much did just that junket to Spain cost?"

    Yup, right on schedule, here we go with the "Moochelle" narrative, based on the idea that all right-thinking white people are justified in getting angry whenever black folks have anything nice.

  41. Lt. Commander Pussy4:47 PM

    "There will also reportedly be 100 Secret Service agents in town when the family arrives."

    Our resident no serving pussy won't comment on this. Nope, his pussy ass will only comment when those damned negroes take vacations.

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson6:05 PM

    Whose jet did Trump use during his campaign for POTUS?

    His money.

    1. Lt. Commander Pussy7:21 PM

      Really dumb ass? We're supposed to give a shit what he flew on before he was elected? What fucking jet was he supposed to fly? You are so stupid it hurts me.

  43. Brigade Fifteen6:52 PM

    "Whose jet did Trump use during his campaign for POTUS?

    His money."

    Er, yes ... and so what? WTF does that have to do with anything?

    Trump is profiting handsomely off the presidency through corruption (foreign nations making lucrative business deals with the Trump Organization, which otherwise would not have happened, in order to curry favor with the US government).

    Nobody should give Trump credit for funding his own stupid presidential campaign. First of all, he lied about self-funding it all. Lots of people contributed money to help elect him. Secondly, it's clear that Trump viewed his campaign expenditures as an investment -- he hoped to get into the White House, where he would have the opportunity to loot. Now he is looting.

    And on top of this, he is blowing gobs of taxpayer money taking endless vacations. Again, at this pace, in 10 months time, Trump will have blown as much on travel expenses as Obama did in his entire, two-term presidency.

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson7:32 PM

    No. The hurt is upon your ass, Mr. Can't Make a Cognitive answer. How much did his flying his own jet cost taxpayers?

    Yeah, you ARE ignorant.

  45. According to a Politico report, FEC documents show that agents have spent $1.6 million to travel with Trump. But Trump owns his airline, TAG Air, Inc., so when the Secret Service pays to travel with The Donald, the taxpayers’ money goes straight to him and his company.

    At least 1.6 mil, Commandeered Ignorant.

  46. Plus Drumpf cashes in when SS stays at any of his properties, he collects a nice check for their room and board.

  47. The US national debt went down by over $100 billion in his first 2 months in office. $3 million on security is a bargain.

    Drumpf cannot claim any credit for the debt reduction because he has passed zero fiscal legislation that might have had an effect on the debt. The debt at the end of the years always fluctuates.

  48. Anonymous8:39 PM

    You nailed it Field!

  49. James Bold9:15 PM

    "I think he's a humor troll because this asshole just linked us to fucking Alex Jones as proof of his allegations."

    You'd rather have something else?  Fine.  Reuters article on Dragnet from 2013, and The Guardian covered Snowden's revelationsThe EFF followed up on Dragnet in 2015.  Just a couple weeks ago ZeroHedge did some analysis.

    "congressweasel king's support in his district remains high even after his racist remarks. I did not realize the white supremeacist movement was that active in iowa."

    You are way late to the Negro Fatigue party.  You have no idea how sick people are of cities burning and patients' lives being risked because BLM blocks critical roads, of Black Brunch terrorizing people just out to relax.  You're coming to the end of your rope... the one around your necks.

    "here we go with the "Moochelle" narrative, based on the idea that all right-thinking white people are justified in getting angry whenever black folks have anything nice."

    And you're all "OOK OOK" because Trump wants to hang out at a place he owns.  Where he's probably doing government business, mind you.  What government business did Moochelle have in Spain, anyway?  Enlighten us on that.

    "Trump is profiting handsomely off the presidency through corruption (foreign nations making lucrative business deals with the Trump Organization, which otherwise would not have happened, in order to curry favor with the US government)."

    Heh, Butthead Fifteen is projecting what the Clinton Foundation did.

    "Drumpf cannot claim any credit for the debt reduction because he has passed zero fiscal legislation that might have had an effect on the debt."

    He had MASSIVE effect on the mood, which came through in the stock market... and TAX PAYMENTS.  Tax payments which, if you had a clue, you'd know are coming due now.

    1. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!1:02 AM

      Uh James, you know you linked us to stories about general spying not specifically on Trump which is the topic of discussion. I know you're pretty slow but try to keep up.
      As far as president orange foolius sure he can do work, er I mean golf at the southern white house at the cost of millions or he can stay his orange ass at the house we provide for him. Go slow because we know thinking isn't your strong suit.
      Jesus man you are a dimwit.

  50. James is kinda slow1:07 AM

    The real story is that the NSA has been unlawfully surveilling Trump for years.
    This is what you posted and nothing you posted at 9:15pm gives any information about this. I know you think us negroes are dumb but at least try to make sense, you're kind of looking like an idiot.

  51. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  52. patients' lives being risked because BLM blocks critical roads,

    Bridge Gate ring your bell, dipshit?

    And you're all "OOK OOK" because Trump wants to hang out at a place he owns. Where he's probably doing government business, mind you.

    There is zero chance of having a secure room at Drumpf Dump South because people walk in and out all the time w/o security checks. The first time he did gubmint business was with guests standing around filming his phone call and taking pics of documents in front of the bogus potus. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  53. James Bold3:07 PM

    "people walk in and out all the time w/o security checks."

    The floor functions of Congress are TELEVISED, and you're an idiot.
