Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday night.

TWEET MENo post tonight, folks.

I am out trying to learn a little Russian. Apparently it might be our first language in the near future


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, Deutsche Bank already paid more than six hundred million dollars in fines for laundering ill-gotten Russian money, and shuffled off one CEO to the Bank of Cyprus, a known channel for oligarch money leaving Russia, where he served alongside Trump's new commerce secretary Wilbur Ross. Also, Preet Bharara had a case pending involving Deutsche Bank and some of Trump's tenants at Trump Tower when he was fired.
    Then there was Dmitry Rybolovlev, who bought a Florida mansion from Trump, netting Trump 54 million dollars on a property he bought at auction for 40 million dollars. Rybolovlev reportedly never saw the property, and later had it demolished.
    And at a gathering hosted by the Russian government in Moscow in February 2016 called "Infoforum 2016" Andrey Krutskikh made a speech in which he said “I’m warning you: We are at the verge of having ‘something’ in the information arena, which will allow us to talk to the Americans as equals.”
    He said this right as the primaries were heating up, and compared their new cyberwarfare rollout to the 1949 acquisition of the atomic bomb by the USSR.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. We have come a long way from the time no one in this administration had contacts with the Russians to where we are now-trying to figure out who didn't have contact with the Russians.

    Deep down in side wingnuts have got to be believing Drumpf is nothing but a liar-no matter how they spin it.

  4. Very admirable learning another language, Mr. Field...... Здравствуйте

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    More lies, regurgitated from the mouth of the "Fake News" Negro...

  6. Wingnuts pushing a bad bill w/o knowing what is in it. Bwahahahahahahaha! Obamacare beats the wingnut cluster seven ways from sundown. Fire all wingnuts and go single payer plan like the rest of the free world does.

  7. I guess A Clockwork Orange was more prescient than we ever could have guessed! The only difference? They're fasco-capitalists instead of totalitarian communists. Gee. What a difference...


  8. 22nd March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  9. Secret Service asked for more money to use to protect Drumpf and family. OMB said no way Jose. So the SS is going to cut cybercrimes investigations to free up money to protect the bloviated apricot and his godless spawn.


    Greedy and selfish. Orange is the new treason.

  10. Scotus unanimously overturned a 10th circuit court ruling written by GoSuck. The 10th circuit court is the most overturned circuit in Drumpf's slimy reign of terror.

    Waiting on the 25th.

  11. Drumpf to wingnuts at conservative congressional din-din last night.

    Great president. Most people don’t even know he was a Republican, right?
    Read more at https://wonkette.com/614512/stupid-donald-trump-just-found-out-abraham-lincoln-was-a-republican#jiAlgocOuEDktkK5.99

    Wingnuts are called the party of Lincoln because........?

  12. So now we find out that Manafort was paid ten million dollars annually between '06 and '09 to advance the interests of the Putin government.


    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Couldn't Trump just build a little nine-hole course on the WH lawn? That way he could still get his exercise and save a whole lot of money.

  14. Can you believe this? The House Intelligence Chairman just tipped off Donald Trump and his associates that their communications were incidentally gathered by US intelligence agencies.

    Nunes job does not include alerting potential targets they may be getting surveilled. Is there one single fucking wingnut out there that is minimally competent?

  15. Why would Drumpf want to save money? Every trip to one of his properties he collects some nice big fat fees from Uncle Sam.

    Remember how wingnuts whined that the Clinton's left the WH and made millions of dollars? Clinton's left the WH about 10 or 15 million in debt because of endless lawsuits thrown at them by every wingnut and his/her twin dog. Drumpf is getting his while he is in office. Pretty sure there are laws against profiting from yer office and having family on the guv payroll w/o being actual employees of the government.

  16. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Anyone seen this??... https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikehayes/russian-lawyer-plunges-from-window?utm_term=.nxgYgVBAz#.ihAxvqXy2

  17. Anon@4:48PM, I saw that and it IS scary.

  18. Puerto Rican women are ugly and their food is shit6:11 PM

    It will be interesting to see all the sordid details of this probe into Russian involvement. This has been building up for awhile now, it can only reveal something big.

  19. Brigade Fifteen6:17 PM

    "Can you believe this? The House Intelligence Chairman just tipped off Donald Trump and his associates that their communications were incidentally gathered by US intelligence agencies."

    Yeah, this does not seem to penetrate these clueless doofuses' thick skulls. They keep asking why they got wiretapped.

    You didn't get wiretapped, fool. You went and talked to Russian enemies of the United States and THEY are being wiretapped; THEY are the target of our spy agencies. You should expect to be under American surveillance under those circumstances.

    If I go talk to Fat Tony the mobster, I'm not going to react with shock and amazement that the FBI heard everything we said. Because he's a freaking mobster -- I should expect that the FBI are spying on him, pretty much at all times!

  20. Brigade Fifteen6:23 PM

    "Pretty sure there are laws against profiting from yer office and having family on the guv payroll w/o being actual employees of the government."

    There are. In the Constitution. It's impeachable.

    Fortunately, Trump has a Republican-controlled Congress, so his legal violations will go unpunished.

  21. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots6:24 PM

    Trump, his administration, and all his supporters are pure evil, and that's not hyperbole. They will help ruin not only this country, but the world as well

    #BlackPower #BlackPride #BlackisBeautiful

  22. Brigade Fifteen6:28 PM

    "Anyone seen this??... https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikehayes/russian-lawyer-plunges-from-window?utm_term=.nxgYgVBAz#.ihAxvqXy2"

    The lawyer "fell while he and workers were trying to lift a Jacuzzi into his apartment.”


    It's so strange how people who piss off Vladimir always seem to be having "Jacuzzi accidents" and such. So many interesting coincidences ...

  23. Fear Russia, who's not doing anything to us
    Embrace Islam, who's killing motherfuckers left and right

  24. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  25. "Fear Russia, who's not doing anything to us"

    Uh, not according to, you know, Russia:


    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Got 7.62x39??
