Monday, April 24, 2017

FOX has a Negro problem, and Sheriff Clarke has an inmate problem.

Image result for fox news black employees images  It looks like more trouble for FOX VIEWS. Some African American litigants are stating that allegedly FOX fostered a culture in that news organization that was not only misogynist, but it was racist as well.

The treatment and alleged sexual harassment of women is well documented, but now a group of African American employees are giving us an insight into how they treated their African American employees who toiled on the FOX plantation.

 "Fox News scourge Gabriel Sherman is now reporting that a racial discrimination lawsuit will be filed by seven African American employees this week. The suit alleges that employees of color were forced to arm wrestle for the entertainment of white employees. Sherman appeared on yesterday’s AM Joy on MSNBC to chat about the latest details in the case.

'I obtained a letter from their attorneys that was sent to Fox that described really horrific acts of racial discrimination in which black employees were forced to arm wrestle for the entertainment of white employees in the accounting department,' he said.
He added that this sort of information proves that the culture of Fox is entrenched and cannot be changed with O’Reilly’s ouster alone.

'This is a systemic problem at Fox News that was created by Roger Ailes over two decades,' said Sherman. Back in March, Fox was slapped with a different racial discrimination lawsuit..." [Source]

I am still not sure how a person of color with a conscience could work for FOX, but if what is alleged is true, they will deserve every penny that FOX has to pay to settle the suit.

Speaking of trouble, that fraud masquerading as a sheriff in Milwaukee's just might have some splaining to do.

 "A mentally ill man who last year died of severe dehydration in a jail run by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was kept in his cell for seven days straight after jail employees cut off his water supply, a prosecutor in Wisconsin said Monday.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that prosecutors told a six-person jury on Monday that cutting off water to Terrill Thomas’ cell was “highly irregular and contrary to standard operating procedure in the jail.” The comments came as part of an inquest into Thomas’ death, in which the jury decides whether there’s probable cause to charge anyone with a crime in Thomas’ death.

Assistant District Attorney Kurt Benkley told jurors that it “became apparent” that Thomas “was unable to tell people about his basic needs,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The jury is considering whether there is probable cause to charge any jail officials with abuse of a prisoner.
In a court filing last month, the district attorney argued that abusing, neglecting, or ill-treating a prisoner is a public welfare offense.

“Inmates are at the mercy of their jailors for basic life-sustaining necessities like water, food, and medical care,” the district attorney wrote in a court filing. “When a mentally ill inmate, like Mr. Thomas, is locked in solitary confinement without access to water, his life is totally in his jailors’ hands. The law much strictly require jailors to safeguard lives which are so completely entrusted to their care. Stupidity, thoughtlessness, indifference, and incompetence are not morally sufficient excuses nor valid legal defenses.”

Thomas’ death was included in The Huffington Post’s investigative project examining jail deaths across the United States in the year after the high-profile death of Sandra Bland in police custody in 2015. 

of President Donald Trump who makes frequent appearances on conservative news outlets, appears to take a hands-off approach to managing the jail he’s charged with running and has deflected blame for the deaths that occurred on his watch. The Justice Department had been considering launching a civil rights investigation into the conditions at the Milwaukee County Jail, but the status of that potential investigation is unclear.

Erik J. Heipt, an attorney for Thomas’ family, noted that Monday was the one-year anniversary of his “senseless” death." [Source]

Sheriff Clarke would have been better off paying more attention to his jail instead of running around the country trying to score Brownie points with right-wingnuts by being their token black guy who isn't afraid to tell it like it is to "those other Negroes".

The thing is about Negroes like David Clarke is this: Their star will shine for a little while, but sooner or later they will crash and burn. Because that's what these types of Negroes do. They just can't help themselves.   


  1. That arm wrestling account is so... 1920s Southern. Reminds me of Richard Wright's boyhood account of black kids boxing for white men's amusement, then made to dive on a mat to grab loose coins, except that the may had been electrified so the gentlemen could watch the boys squirm in agony. Great fun. Fox in the 21st Century was the sick equivalent, apparently.

  2. That was in the autobiographical "Black Boy."

  3. James Bold10:30 PM

    You're slipping, Feeled:

    1.  Debbie Schlussel is already walking back her accusations against Hannity.

    2.  You didn't call Clarke an Uncle Tom even once!


  4. You're slipping, I Feeled Good:

    1. Debbie Schlussel is already walking back her accusations against Hannity, but not his executive producer Bill Shine. Forgive me for attempting to mislead you. It's a penchant of mine that I can't seem to overcome.

  5. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots10:54 PM

    Demented, grotesque white males love Fox News and the poison they spread.

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  6. Brigade Fifteen11:16 PM

    You mean there are racists at Fox News? Who could possibly have guessed?

    The only reasonable response to this is the line from Casablanca line: I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling is going on in [the casino].

    As for David Clarke, after racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio's fall from grace, he is now the favorite cop mouthpiece at wingnut media outlets. They might even prefer Clarke over Arpaio, because they really love it when a black man is doing the scolding of other blacks as lazy, criminal, etc.

    His nauseating NRA ad, portraying all cops as noble heroes who should never be criticized, encapsulated everything wrong with Clarke. He might want to spend a little less time trying to deflect criticism and more time trying not to kill people at the jail he runs.

  7. Lance Cockstrong11:27 PM

    Look at that micro-dick white boy sitting next to those African-American women.

  8. Fox behaves the way they do always with the "our ratings are best" excuse that the pig-people like it that way, but neglecting to address their role in that phenomenon...
    So they started taking down the confederate memorials in New Orleans last night, but they had to disguise themselves and wear body armor to fend off the terrorist attacks by the "Cult of the Lost Cause" or some such horse shit, after they bombed the first contractor's car.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit12:43 AM

    Can't wait to see Faux News go down with tr**p! It will be so so satisfying!

  10. Brigade Fifteen12:45 AM

    "Fox behaves the way they do always with the 'our ratings are best' excuse that the pig-people like it that way, but neglecting to address their role in that phenomenon..."

    This seems to be the new excuse for many bad things in the Age of Trump: It's popular, so it's fine.

    The fact that lots of people like something doesn't make that thing factually correct or ethically justified. Lots of people are stupid. Lots of people are bigoted. Their numbers don't mean anything; they're still wrong.

  11. Kenny Alvin1:09 AM

    Fox News watchers and fat people make me laugh so hard I piss myself.

  12. I'm not a fan of Fox News, but isn't it pointless to blame them for misogyny and racism? There is nothing new or original about doing that. Every liberal blowhard does it. Then again, maybe it's asking too much of you people to think up something new.

  13. Anonymous1:15 AM

    More ammo when I turn the channel from Fox to BET in the pilot lounge.


  14. Facts of Life1:21 AM

    This place is an intellectual dead zone without Josh.

  15. Oregon Pride1:23 AM

    BET is much worse than FOX. It's really not even close.

  16. Andrew B.1:28 AM

    Liberal and progressives are pussies. Black people and America will survive Trump. Now shut the fuck up.

  17. I'm not a fan of Fox News, but it's on point to blame them for misogyny and racism. Although there is nothing new or original about doing that, every conservative blowhard will take you to task if you do. Then again, maybe it's asking too much of avowed conservatives to do otherwise.

  18. Geriatric Jack,

    Your comment makes no sense. Maybe because you are old and suffer from dementia?

    Maybe you have something to offer. Please clarify what exactly it is that you wish to say.

  19. We went too far in making fun of Josh. Tan pis pour lui. Quel dommage!

    O Josh! ¡Trumpista extraordinario! ¿Donde estás?

  20. 25th April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  21. Your Creepy Neighbor2:25 AM

    A Democrat will win the 2020 election. A Republican will win the 2024 election. I guarantee it.

  22. David Clarke for House Negro of the Day!

  23. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Do not dogs eat the scraps from beneath the master's table? Feast and enjoy.

  24. Trump, like Putin, is a Kleptocrat, both belonging to the same billionaires' club, whose only goal is to fleece the people of this planet.

    The truth will surface, but it may take some time.

  25. Anonymous7:21 AM

    One monument down three to go:-)


  26. Lilacpr7:41 AM

    anotherbozo said...

    That arm wrestling account is so... 1920s Southern. Reminds me of Richard Wright's boyhood account of black kids boxing for white men's amusement...

    10:14 PM

    So what do you call today's multi million bets boxing matches? All between poor young men who have, or think they have no other way to make money other than beating and bloodying each other up for the mans entertainment? Different year,same thing.

    and everybody here just loves it!!! No problem here,oh no, let's all watch the fights right? ;)

  27. Yisheng is a retard9:28 AM

    Black people are a bunch of pansies and whiners.

  28. Sally Yates to testify in front of Miss Lindsey Graham's committee May 8th. Unless wingnuts shut down the gubmint again.

    Whitey wingnuts are the scum of the spawn of the devil. They suck green wienies, too. Black wingnuts are just as bad.

    GoSuck's first meaningful vote as bogus justice was for an execution in Arkansas of which I am willing to believe the prisoner is Black. Another pro-life fauxknee kristian wingnut.

  29. I really want to see black Americans overthrow White America.

  30. Eric Jacobus said. something something derp. Everybody does it? That is so fucking lame and passe, so yesterday. Here's a nickel. Go by a better excuse.

  31. Wayward Son12:45 PM

    I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what is the best method of suicide.

  32. Trump is a bitch when it comes to his precious border wall.

  33. You Know Who1:30 PM

    White men are a bunch of pansies and whiners.


  34. Honestly Me1:37 PM

    I think it's hilarious that Trump is President, and I'm just going along for the ride.

  35. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  36. So I just read that Trump has backed off from his fund-the-walldoggle-by-holding-ACA-funding-hostage approach and thinks it will be OK in September.
    I wonder if he thinks he'll still be in office by then?

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. Drumpf's sanctuary city defunding plan hit a major roadblock. A judge issued an injunction nationwide saying the EO probably violated Separation of Powers and the 5th and 10th amendments.

    Then he basically laid the blame on Drumpf and Sessions suggesting they should keep their yaps shut and not exacerbate the government's case. Strike three and Drumpf and his perjurer AG are toast.

  38. "Trump, like Putin, is a Kleptocrat, both belonging to the same billionaires' club, whose only goal is to fleece the people of this planet."


    I think PC will be giving us his zero meters for trump's wall for a long time.

  39. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes9:16 PM

    "Wayward Son said...
    I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what is the best method of suicide.

    12:45 PM"

    Well, Wayward. It's called a gun, just above your ear...depending if you shoot by your left or right.


  40. Lt. Commander Johnson9:26 PM

    8:01 PM
    Blogger field negro said...
    "Trump, like Putin, is a Kleptocrat, both belonging to the same billionaires' club, whose only goal is to fleece the people of this planet."


    I think PC will be giving us his zero meters for trump's wall for a long time.

    9:15 PM

    Well, I never said he wouldn't. But, as I asked him before...200 companies have submitted their plans for building it. There was supposed to be a competition as to who builds it. I suspect it will be some sort of collaboration between the competing contractors.

    Yuk, yuk...I hear they are going to seize 14 Billion dollars from El Chapo to help.

  41. Lt. Commander Johnson9:36 PM

    "8:01 PM
    Blogger field negro said...
    "Trump, like Putin, is a Kleptocrat, both belonging to the same billionaires' club, whose only goal is to fleece the people of this planet."


    I think PC will be giving us his zero meters for trump's wall for a long time.

    9:15 PM"

    That's funny field. Now, you pull your Big Boy Panties up, and tell you believe a wall will be built? Just say YES or NO.

    BTW...why do you think PC has any interest as to whether the wall is built or not? Just to irritate me?

    Of course not.

    1. Lt. Commander Pussy9:44 PM

      No one gives a fuck about you Lt. Commander Pussy. Except your CO Admiral James Bitch.

  42. Lt. Commander Pussy9:46 PM

    Days Lt. Commander Pussy has actually served =0.

  43. Barack Obama's lawyer9:48 PM

    Days Obama has spent in jail even after returning from a non extradition country = 0.

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson9:54 PM

    Uh. Huh.

    How about this, Dougie:

    I've already told you, over, and over again.

    I didn't actually serve in the military. I've explained why I use this username.

    YOU...won't even USE a name.

    So, suck my ass, boy.

  45. Lt. Commander Pussy2:44 PM

    Years Lt. Commander Pussy was too big of a pussy to serve = 40.

  46. Lt. Commander Pussy2:47 PM

    I didn't actually serve in the military. I've explained why I use this username.
    No shit you didn't serve. We know, you're a pussy. We know why you use that username because you are fake and like all pussies you try to be a toughguy online.

  47. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Nah,niggas just trying to play "gibs me dat" thinking they are owed something too......
