Wednesday, April 26, 2017


MORE DISCLAIMERSTell me your thoughts or give me some insight on anything you want.

If you are a conservative, I am curious to know your thoughts about your guy, Jesse Watters, making a sexist and vile joke about your leader's daughter.


  1. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots10:28 PM

    Viles jokes are too nice for the Trumps.

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  2. Lilacpr10:30 PM

    Jeez Fox News is becoming the epitome of the stereotypical privileged,entitled,racist,chauvinistic,good ole boy white male!

    Ugh! Not a good look at all! Wake up and smell the roses Fox News! Me thinks you're embarrassing even your staunchest supporters right about now!

  3. Brigade Fifteen10:34 PM

    "Jeez Fox News is becoming the epitome of the stereotypical privileged,entitled,racist,chauvinistic,good ole boy white male!"


    I think that "home of racism and sexism" can probably be found somewhere in their mission statement and on their business cards.

  4. Brigade Fifteen10:44 PM

    If they sat down and had a creep-to-creep chat, the president would probably agree wholeheartedly with Jesse that Ivanka is a hottie and they both want to bone her. Then they would high-five.

    I am wondering what will happen to Jesse Watters now that his sexual-harrassin' mentor, Bill O'Reilly, is gone. Maybe Fox will decide to get rid of him?

    Watters was never even entertaining to begin with. His schtick is that he goes out and does man-on-the-street interviews with liberals that are intended to make the interviewees look dumb, but Watters always fails and only makes himself look dumb. And he is usually pervy toward any attractive women he interviews, and a bit racist toward any non-white people.

  5. Lilacpr10:45 PM

    Lolol! Yeah I know Brigade! But I'm feeling mellow and kind tonight :)

    Although I did forget to add sexist, harassing, mo'fuqers!!!

    Sexual harassment is such a horrible thing!Its tantamount to rape by bribe really!

    And it goes on just about everywhere by the way. Just that the women do not report it.

  6. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:52 PM

    I love seeing conservative filth take on the tr**p filth. Good times!

  7. Gotta go with 15 on this one Dessert, "becoming"? Ha!
    100 days in and there's no wall, Obamacare is still the law of the land and now he flip flops on NAFTA. How many strikes is that? We getting close to 10 yet.

  8. Anonymous11:15 PM

    BTW, I remember what Tony Soprano did when somebody said something similar to his daughter:-)


  9. Iran deal not ripped up on day 1.

  10. Incompetence seems to have drawbacks when trying to run this country.
    Now that they've put actual health care language in the "health care" tax cut bill, it can't pass the senate under reconciliation rules, and therefore not at all.
    And as for their one page tax plan? You can't use reconciliation rules if your bill increases the deficit beyond ten years, so that one won't fly either.
    As a teevee show, the Trump administration is somewhat entertaining, in a grim, morbid sort of way, but that's pretty much all they are, at this point.
    My favorite part about the AHCA 2.0 act is how the Freedumb Cock-us gets shown that 1) they don't matter like they thought they did, and 2) the awful, awful shit they come up with is so unpopular that even other Republicans won't touch it with a ten-foot barge pole.
    As for Ivanka, welcome to public life my little snowflake. You know that all of these creeps have been saying shit like that about her all along, now they will say them on the teevee machine...

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. And can we finally stick a fork in the Republican lie that they give one hair on a rat's furry ass about debts or deficits? Every god damn time one of those creeps gets elected it's deficit financed tax cuts.
    The only thing they care about deficits and debts for is as a political tool to interfere with Democrats funding their agenda.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Brigade Fifteen12:59 AM

    "And can we finally stick a fork in the Republican lie that they give one hair on a rat's furry ass about debts or deficits? Every god damn time one of those creeps gets elected it's deficit financed tax cuts.
    The only thing they care about deficits and debts for is as a political tool to interfere with Democrats funding their agenda."

    Apparently, many major media pundits are incapable of learning this.

    Anytime Republicans get into power, they run up big deficits. However, whenever they are out of power ... "But the deficit! We're bankrupting our children!"

    You'd think at some point their credibility on this issue would be blown. And that it would also start to sink in that the issue is given entirely too much importance to begin with. And that maybe some of their related economic claims, like the inevitability of Social Security going bust, are also bunk.

    But no.

  13. Anonymous1:18 AM

    It seems likely to me that the genesis of these menaces is an inconsolate deficit in the compassionate brought on by the trauma when their momma so able first gave them that label which stuck to them like societal crazy glue and changed their self view which is now indissoluble and deplorable because self loathing affects your choice of clothing and big hair is a nightmare and by chance that might make you dance to music that should make you sick if you every really heard the word.

  14. Lance Cockstrong1:18 AM

    Watters, a micro-dick white boy talking shit about the daughter of Butt Trumpet, another micro-dick white boy. This is too funny.

  15. The Absolute Truth1:51 AM

    This place is an intellectual wasteland without Josh.

  16. Anonymous1:57 AM

    The Big Bang... Simple element... Molecules... Amino acids... RNA... DNA... Cellular life... Multicelled organisms... Fish... Reptiles... Mammals... Primates... Humans... The Field Negro...


  17. Trump will win the prize for bankrupting the economy and nation practically overnight if he is allowed to go through with these corporate tax cuts, eliminate the estate tax, tweak the tax tables and other bright ideas.

    Oh yeah, all you little guys certainly won't mind contributing a little bit more, now will you? Three tiers seems sufficient. Simplify! Yay! Sure hate it when my taxes are too complicated. Give me a nice, flat rate.

    If Trump continues on his spending rampage and drops every bomb that we currently have built, starts a nuclear conflict, wars in Syria, the South Pacific and Iran and Iraq, allows the Pentagon to run up a new credit card equal to 50% or more of GDP, depletes the strategic reserve, commits to supporting 10 million new troops, etc., builds a wall, then he will triple the national debt inside of two years, we will be looking down the wrong end of $60 trillion in debt.

    Then I guess a true megalomaniac will come along that makes Trump look like an amateur. He can just tell the true believers that Trump was just another big fake. Another tax-money spending, bleeding heart liberal like GWB before him.

  18. I know. Josh really was a Russian troll. Now that the Putin Trump bromance is on the skids, his job was eliminated.

    1. Josh is a girl4:10 AM

      Nah, Josh wasn't getting the attention she needed so she just flashed her tits on some other site. She'll be back.

  19. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  20. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Kelly Wright, the only blah male at Fox News, is part of the discrimination lawsuit. Interesting times.


  21. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Wonder if Harris Faulkner will join the suit.


  22. Lt. Commander Johnson7:34 AM

    Yuk, yuk...I see your sidebar disclaimer/apology field.

    You learns hard.

    Tell me...did you use an *asterisk on that particular posting?

  23. I'd really recommend Editor-in-Chief David Remnick's essay on Trump's first 100 Days, in this week's New Yorker:

    I'ts hard to talk about the dickhead in adult language, i.e. polysyllables and full sentences, without "normalizing" this disaster, but Remnick has managed quite well. I feel exactly the same way he does. It's not getting better, folks. Climate denial, Jeff Sessions as AJ? Hard to pick a winner here.

  24. Josh is in rehab being fitted for a new pacifier.

    Ivanka Drumpf has a new line of personal monogrammed handkerchiefs for sale. They are made in America and only cost 50 bucks a piece-two only per customer. What does one get for $100? Ivanka will personally write the letter I on each of your index fingers with a Sharpie.

  25. A majority of Americans want Obamacare fixed and kept. Drumpf and wingnuts want to repeal and replace it with something/anything no matter how bad just to show Drumpf accomplished something in the arbitrary and stoopid 100 day time frame.

    What a fantastic way to write legislation just to satisfy the mangled apricots fee-fees.

  26. Lt. Commander is a pussy2:41 PM

    Tell me...did you use an *asterisk on that particular posting?
    Do you put an asterisk by your screenname that says "I never really served in the military because I'm a pussy"?

  27. Senate Benghazi witch hunt had 46 investigators. The Senate Flynn, Drumpf Russian investigation has 7 investigators with no experience in prosecution. Drumpf refuses to turn over relevant WH docs to Elijah Cummings.

  28. With Drumpf in charge? not even Fido is safe. CBS News

    Dog food recalled, possibly contaminated with euthanasia drug

    Euthanizia-isn't that what Koalas eat?

    Maybe what Rusty Limp Paw expects to find when he goes on his little prostitution vacations.

  29. Brigade Fifteen3:24 PM

    Yesterday, with relatively little fanfare, our fascist overlord launched his racist VOICE hotline number, the intent of which is to allow Real Americans to call in and report that they have been victimized by "criminal aliens."

    Predictably, it has been flooded with pranksters complaining that they got abducted and anal probed by extraterrestrials.

  30. Flynn, who led the "lock her up" chants at the RNC now appears to be ever more toast-like as the details emerge of his stupid, stupid behavior. He was warned in 2014 that he couldn't take any foreign money without congressional approval, but guess what? He did it anyway.
    Better hope that Twitler has a heart after all and pardons your ass, Mikey-boy, or it looks like you are the one who's gonna get locked up.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. B15: I often think of this little clip when watching the Trumpers do their thing:

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Lance Cockstrong7:12 PM

    Rexxon and the Generals will jump ship very shortly. Maybe Munchkin too. Leaving Wonder Boy Jered to do it all ... except with Idiotka where he will have to be content with sloppy seconds ...

  33. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Who on earth would repost a joke like this? I'm not sure which is more offensive, that someone made such a joke or that someone is now sharing it on the Internet. This should be taken down at once because it is offensive hate speech. I just can't believe this.

  34. Lilacpr9:34 PM

    Wow! These are crazy times over here! There are protesters over some financial issues with the University of Puerto Rico, and they have been hitting the police, spitting, throwing some white chemicals into their eyes, throwing and hitting them with rocks, and the police have orders to just stand there and take the abuse!

    Unbelievable! They even attack the legislators and senators as they are trying to get into the capitolio!

    Crazy! and they have scheduled a national work stoppage for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!

    I dunno...

  35. Hey Anonymous,

    How about you remain anonymous for the foreseeable future?

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson2:24 PM

    Dougie....who is trying to defend Flynn?

    If he's guilty, imprison his ass. Go for it.

  37. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Here in NY City, crime is all about blacks and hispanics.
