Saturday, May 13, 2017


Image result for pence with horse image

I am just going to let that tweet from VP Pence act as our caption tonight.

What is yours?

*Pic from


  1. I haven't got a comment for that photo, because I'm zero creative. I am, however, someone who has ridden a lot of horses, and one thing that I know isn't recommended is grabbing the horse by the side of the bridle, the way Pence has.

    That horse is a saint.

  2. Lance Cockstrong11:45 PM

    I never go anywhere without my wife ...

  3. Lance Cockstrong12:13 AM

    I'm no Vladimir Putin but I'm big where it counts ...

  4. A white horse and a white horse's ass.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. The Veep: "... and the back end of old Bessie here is where all Republican policy ideas come from. It just plops right out, hot and steaming.

    That's where we got the worthless American Health Care Act, and our legislation to increase telecom company profits by repealing Net Neutrality, and that new racist hotline you can call if a Mexican makes you mad!"

  6. ... and there's nothing better for the outside of a man than the inside of a horse.

  7. Wingnuts are all "stump broke" when the right stud comes along.

    Keerist can you imagine Raygun's wrinkly ass sitting on anything?

  8. Lilacpr9:13 AM

    wolfbitch said...

    I haven't got a comment for that photo, because I'm zero creative. I am, however, someone who has ridden a lot of horses, and one thing that I know isn't recommended is grabbing the horse by the side of the bridle, the way Pence has.

    That horse is a saint.

    10:57 PM


    They take these pics for photo ops and think they can fool everyone!

    Like the politicos here, they want to look like the 'common man' when they campaign so they wear these newly purchased, special for the 'look' stiff awkward jeans, and weird sneakers, which in their lives they have never, ever worn, and they think they look just like the common Joe on the street! Lolol! Meanwhile back at the mansion they fuqin sleep in their suits! Motherfuqin politico crooks, motherfuqers all of them!

    So the doc prescribed another two new med pumps $500 each! So that was my Mother Day presents! :D and I'm getting more tests done further on. Weeeee! Lucky me!!! Fuq politics! and rich politicians! and everybody that's rich!!! x( and don't anybody tell me Happy Mothers Day, 'cos I'm not happy!!! x( That's not what I wanted for Mothers Day, I wanted something else! and I'm not saying what! :( Shit!!! x( x( x(


    Number of days Drumpf hasn't been a national embarrassment-ZERO!

  10. @Lila....." and don't anybody tell me Happy Mothers Day, 'cos I'm not happy!!!"


    Hope you feel better soon, Lila: And how about Mother's Day blessings and wishes for improve health and peace of mind.

    Shout out to Yisheng and FN bloggers celebrating the joy of being moms, grands, godmoms, aunties and mentors ��

  11. Lance Cockstrong12:15 PM

    Butt Trumpet is aparently not amused at the response to the Comey dump ... word is that Bannonball, Sphincter, Reince The Dog are all in le chateau bow-wow right now awaiting their Ivanka Pink Slips ... Move Over Rover let Wonder Boy take over ...

  12. Lance Cockstrong12:19 PM

    Lilac ... Best wishes for a speedy recovery and continued good health

  13. Caption: "It's true... Mike Pence's best friend is a horse, of course!"

  14. Best wishes Lilac, and i second what LC said about getting well soon.

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there.

  15. Lilacpr12:39 PM

    Thank you Faith, thank you Lance, thank you Field! Have a blessed one everybody! :)

  16. Photo gives proof positive Pence isn't man enough to hold that horse's jockey.

    Yisheng,I haven't had the misery of allergies, but after 40 years of back operations, pain, pinched sciatic nerves, etc...I can say I wouldn't trade you for a single day of allergies.

    Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers except KAC and other weaselwomen at Fake Noise. May they rot where the sun don't shine.

  17. ps anyone want free asparagus? Domesticated in NW iowa, ain't none of the scrawny stuff you find in road ditches around here.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Lilac: May you be feeling much better very soon.

    H/T: Driftglass:

    From US News & World Report today:

    Torch-Wielding Group Protests Confederate Statue Removal

    A torch-wielding group including prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer has protested against plans to remove a Confederate monument in Virginia.

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — A torch-wielding group including a prominent white nationalist has protested against plans to remove a Confederate monument in Virginia.

    Local media outlets report that the group rallied around the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville Saturday night, chanting "You will not replace us."

    Among those there was Richard Spencer, who popularized the phrase "alt-right." Spencer spoke at an earlier Charlottesville rally Saturday and tweeted a picture of himself holding a torch at the night protest...

    "You will not replace us."
    They got that one right, at least. When they're gone they're gone, no replacement needed or wanted.
    I hesitate to call Spencer the Nazi he obviously wishes he was because at least the Nazis had style, and he's a generic little white punk.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Lilacpr4:11 PM

    Awww thank you Doug!

  21. Lance Cockstrong5:43 PM

    Don't be casting aspersions on Loopy Gohmert's asparagus Mike

  22. Yisheng6:35 PM

    Thanks for the Mother's day wishes everyone! Feel better soon PR!!

  23. Lilacpr7:10 PM

    Thanks, and Happy Mothers Day to you too Yisheng!

  24. Notice, even when choosing horses wingnuts can't find it in their hearts to grab a horse of color or black or brown. No it had to be white.

    LC- piss on Go9hmert. I have had a record crop of asparagus and can't find enough people around here to take it off my hands for free. It needs to be harvested today because it is suppposed to rain tomorrow and be in the mid 80's which means it will double or triple its output in one day. It is actually a nice problem to have.

    Immoral Minority repots a major investigation into Russian money laundering in NY real estate abruptly ended before trial. Looks suspicious.


    Mother's Day card that is particularly appropos,

  26. ctrl+halt+del9:16 PM

    The republican exit strategy for his imperial tragedy.

  27. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Caption: Vice President Mike Pence stands next to a horse he has just finished riding. Below is his comment and a quotation from President Reagan on the salutary benefits of horseback riding.

  28. Horse to Pence: "If it were up to me, you'd be taking a picture with my other end."

  29. So in honor of Mother's day I just listened to "We're Only In It For The Money"...

    -Doug in Oakland
