Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Justice trump style.

Image result for jeff sessions imagesWe learned a lot today about where we will be going for the next four years.

Jeff Sessions is one of the most powerful men in America. He is the attorney general and he runs Donald trump's justice department.

 So let's take a look at what he has been up to since taking office. 

"It is hard to believe this is happening, but it’s real: The US Department of Justice is literally prosecuting a woman for laughing at now–Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his Senate confirmation hearing earlier this year.

According to Ryan Reilly at HuffPost, Code Pink activist Desiree Fairooz was arrested in January after she laughed at a claim from Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) that Sessions’s history of “treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented.”

Sessions, in fact, has a long history of opposing the equal treatment of all Americans under the law. He has repeatedly criticized the historic Voting Rights Act. He voted against hate crime legislation that protected LGBTQ people, arguing, “Today, I'm not sure women or people with different sexual orientations face that kind of discrimination. I just don't see it.” And his nomination for a position as a federal judge was rejected in the 1980s after he was accused of making racist remarks, including a supposed joke that he thought the Ku Klux Klan “was okay until I found out they smoked pot.”

Given this history, Fairooz laughed at Shelby’s claim.

But federal prosecutors have pushed forward with the case against Fairooz. As Reilly reported, prosecutors argue that “the laugh amounted to willful ‘disorderly and disruptive conduct’ intended to ‘impede, disrupt, and disturb the orderly conduct’ of congressional proceedings.” In court, they have tried to emphasize that the laugh was extraordinarily disruptive, with a US Capitol Police officer claiming that Fairooz laughed “very loudly” and people in the hearings turned around when they heard it.

Fairooz’s defense, meanwhile, has argued that her laughter was a reflex and not meant to disrupt the hearings. Fairooz was also in the back of the room, and her laughter had no noticeable impact, based on video of the hearings, on Shelby’s introductory speech for Sessions.

The trial will continue at the Superior Court in DC this week. If convicted, Fairooz faces a fine up to $500 and up to six months’ imprisonment for the laugh-related charge. She is also charged with another misdemeanor for “allegedly parading, demonstrating or picketing within a Capitol, evidently for her actions after she was being escorted from the room,” Reilly reported.
Fairooz has a history of disruptive protests. During protests over the Iraq War, she put fake blood on her hands and confronted then–Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

This time, however, Fairooz claims she was not trying to be disruptive — but merely laughing. " [Source]

So she will be prosecuted for laughing, but.......

"The Justice Department has decided not to bring charges against the officers involved in the death of Alton Sterling, whose videotaped shooting by police in Baton Rouge last summer prompted unrest across the city, and is planning to reveal in the next 24 hours that it has closed the probe, according to four people familiar with the matter.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Sterling family had yet to be informed by the Justice Department of the decision, and it is unclear how and when the department will announce its findings.

“We have not heard nor received an update and are unaware of any charges that may or may not be filed,” said Ryan Julison, a spokesman for the Sterling family’s attorneys. “We have not received word, nor has the family been given any notice of upcoming updates regarding this case.”

The case will be the first time under Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the department has publicly declined to prosecute officers investigated for possible wrongdoing in a high-profile case, and officials in Baton Rouge have been girding for a possible reaction there." [Source]

I bet former President Obama did not know that Beauregard Sessions would be running the justice department.

So to recap: laugh during Mr. Session's  confirmation and you get prosecuted. Shoot an unarmed man to death, and you are not. Got it.

What a country.


  1. Lance Cockstrong9:56 PM

    "The misdeeds of individual bad actors should not impugn or undermine the honorable work that law enforcement officers and agencies perform in keeping American communities safe," - Jefferson Beauregard (I Look Like A Weasel) Sessions

    Conversely, the honorable work of the vast majority of law enforcement officers should not exonerate acts of murder committed by thugs in uniform

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Wake me up when he starts giving fully automatic weapons to Mexican Drug Lords.

  3. “Today, I'm not sure women or people with different sexual orientations face that kind of discrimination. I just don't see it.”

    If you pulled your head out of your ass, you might be able to see it, J.B.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. President Troll's AG is thin skinned and petty? I would have never guessed that.

  5. Brigade Fifteen2:17 AM

    Sessions hasn't quite reached maximum pettiness. He hasn't yet prosecuted anyone for farting.

    Yes, I have heard of individuals being charged with this "crime." In the matter of "does the United States have a culture of overpolicing?", it can be confirmed that, in fact, we do. I rest my case.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Brigade Fifteen2:47 AM

    "Wake me up when he starts giving fully automatic weapons to Mexican Drug Lords."

    Yes, appointing an attorney general who failed to stop a badly conceived arms dealing investigation within his department that he did not know about is obviously much worse than appointing an attorney general who is an unrepentant racist.

    Wingnuts do love their false equivalences.

  8. James Bold2:59 AM

    "Sessions, in fact, has a long history of opposing the equal treatment of all Americans under the law. He has repeatedly criticized the historic Voting Rights Act."

    Which treats racial minorities unequally—more favorably—than Whites.  Which is why the NBPP voter intimidation in Philly in 2008 was "not a violation"; Eric Holder was able to claim that the law did not protect the voting rights of White people.

    "He voted against hate crime legislation that protected LGBTQ people"

    Which give GLBTQ people protections that normal people do not have.  Unequal, unfair and illegitimate under our Constitution.

    Feeled goes on:

    "The Justice Department has decided not to bring charges against the officers involved in the death of Alton Sterling...."


    "laugh during Mr. Session's confirmation and you get prosecuted. Shoot an unarmed man to death, and you are not."

    Feeled LIES.  Alton Sterling had an illegal gun in his front pants pocket.  He also matched the description in a call that someone had pulled a gun on another person, which is assault with a deadly weapon.

    Feeled has no compunctions about misrepresenting confirmed facts (lying) to stir up racial animus.  Feeled is a despicable anti-White scumbag.  Feeled has to go back.

    The rest of you "African-Americans" should too.  Your tendencies and sympathies will put you in his place, given time.


  9. Which treats racial minorities unequally—more favorably—than Whites. Which is why the NBPP voter intimidation in Philly in 2008 was "not a violation"; Eric Holder was able to claim that the law did not protect the voting rights of White people.

    The no complaint case against the NBPP was dropped by the dumbass dubya lack of justice department 2 weeks before Obama was sworn in. Get over yer bad self, Baldy. Quit the racist whining.

    In another case, in Arizona, the complaint was received by a national civil rights organization regarding events in Pima, Arizona in the 2006 election when three well-known anti-immigrant advocates affiliated with the Minutemen, one of whom was carrying a gun, allegedly intimidated Latino voters at a polling place by approaching several persons, filming them, and advocating and printing voting materials in Spanish.

    In that instance, the Department declined to bring any action for alleged voter intimidation, notwithstanding the requests of the complaining parties.

    You see how minorities are treated differently? In Arizona, where complaints were filed against whitey wingnuts armed with visible sidearms, no whitey wingnuts were charged by a whitey wingnut lack of justice department.

  10. Glad Beauregard is finally getting the attention he deserves here, Field. This is the single most cynical appointment made in a field of extremely cynical cabinet appointments, and though the competition is fierce, one that may do the most harm. It will at least take longer to convert our national parks and monuments to coal-producing mine fields, to wreck our educational system, and a couple of years before our climate-change denying EPA has noticeable effects; but Beauregard has already tried to turn back the clock to them good ol' Jim Crow days (see: Baltimore). Voter suppression will proceed unabated with state government complicity and absolutely no agency to check it.

    Let the good times roll!

  11. http://www.newsweek.com/new-black-panther-party-new-acorn-74927

    The whole NBPP brouhaha was made up by Fake Noize outlets. The Black Panthers want nothing to do with NBPP.Just more obfuscation from the party that cannot govern to save themselves.

  12. Baldy sez- Alton Sterling had an illegal gun in his front pants pocket.

    Why was he executed, Baldy? The so called illegal gun was in a pocket. The cops pulled it out AFTER they slaughtered him. Sterling was shot multiple times in the chest AND back. He was flat on the ground being ridden by two whitey cops when they killed him. Why did they shoot him-for loitering?

    Personally, I think that lapping up details of Blacks being murdered by cops is the only way certain noize makers here can get their rocks off.

  13. This may brighten your day -


    Of course President Pence would still leave Sessions in charge of Justice, though "Sessions" and "Justice" shouldn't be in the same sentence.

  14. This won't make Drumpfuck happy at all.



  15. Lt. Commander Johnson10:45 AM

    Lord have mercy.

    You criticize Sessions, but you can't define why...except he isn't a suck-ass to Ovomits PC crap. Not to mention his predecessors, like the truck-driving dyke,...Lynch. Holder,...ET. al.

    You think if Trump screws-up, he won't make a scene?

    Those days are over....Obama's AG's are now all are all dead, or just irrelevant.

  16. Lt. Commander Johnson12:33 PM

    Will you Negros get off that "Beauregard" shit?

    You don't even understand it.

  17. Sessions is a fucking right wing RACIST. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Still you defend him because he is a white RACIST like most of the trolley trolls that rear their ugly comments on this and I expect other sites.

    Sessions words and deeds defined him. You can whine and deny facts all you want. The record is clear except to wingnuts living in alternate realities.

    Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard Beauregard

  18. It would be Hillary-ous if Comey had a D in his name? Not Hillary-ous in a good way, though. More like the disgust you feel when wingnut's policies condemn elderly and disabled people to total lives of poverty, misery and death.

  19. Remember when they frog-marched Joe Wilson out of the joint session of congress for yelling "You lie!" at the president? Yeah, me neither...

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    Will you Negros get off that "Beauregard" shit?

    You don't even understand it.

    Jefferson= Jefferson Davis, president of the confederate states of america, read that the worst traitor to the country in history.

    Beauregard= P.G.T. Beauregard, the first general in the confederate army, which attacked the United States and tried to destroy the Union. They attacked us first, remember?

    That's who the repugnant little creep is named after, and if Trump is enough of an asshole to appoint someone like that as AG, then we're sure as fuck gonna point out what he's done to us all the damn time. Get used to it, snowflake.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Lt. Commander Pussy3:59 PM

    Will you Negros get off that "Beauregard" shit?

    You don't even understand it.
    Nope because you are a non serving punk bitch.

  21. James is kinda dumb4:02 PM

    James has no compunctions about misrepresenting confirmed facts (lying) to stir up racial animus. James is a despicable anti-Black scumbag. James has to go back.

  22. Winning4:07 PM


    Trump did not get the billions he wanted for the wall he wanted and Mexico isn't paying for it. Are we tired of winning yet?

  23. James is a fucking idiot4:12 PM

    Did James just accuse someone of trying to stir up racial animus? Really? This jackass has no introspection but racist conservatives normally don't.

  24. Just the facts4:58 PM

    I for one am glad no serving punk Lt. Commander Pussy and James theBitch are here.They are proof positive white people aren't superior to anyone. In their case together they don't have the intelligence of a retarded mosquito.

  25. Drumpf's pussy grabbing posse is pissed because of the budget which does not fund Hatrian's wall and doesn't defund Planned Parenthood. From reading some comments I'd say Drumpf is about as popular as skunks at a picnic right now.

    Tired of winning? YESSSSSSSSSSS! Life is good.

    Cop that shot 15 year old honor student while claiming car was backing at him was fired.

  26. http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/331790-code-pink-activist-found-guilty-for-disrupting-sessions-confirmation

    Code Pink activists were convicted, Field. Priorities I guess.

  27. Protester laughs at confirmation hearing and gets arrested, tried and convicted.

    Sessions flat out perjured hisself at confirmation hearing and gets confirmed to be Attorney de-Generate of the US. Justice Drumpf style.

  28. 3rd May 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  29. La cops not out of danger, yet. http://nypost.com/2017/05/03/cops-in-shooting-death-of-alton-sterling-arent-off-the-hook-yet/

  30. Stoopid wingnuts have set a Thursday vote for Drumpfcare. VOX sez:

    This is an unusual situation, and a puzzling one. Republicans will vote tomorrow for a health care bill without knowing how many people it covers or how much it would cost. They risk setting themselves up for embarrassment when the numbers actually do come out and don't look good.

    You have to read it to know what is in it. OMFG!

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson8:18 PM

    Queenie, what did YOU ever serve? Free money from white tax-payers? For supposed degrees from shit colleges? Spread them fat legs to get a bucket of chicken?

    Yuk, yuk.

  32. Lt. Commander Johnson8:31 PM

    Pelosi: People won’t appreciate reform until it passes

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that people won’t appreciate how great the Democrat’s health plan is until after it passes.

    “You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America,” she told the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, which has drawn about 2,000 local officials to Washington. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.”

    Nuff said.

  33. ...AAnnd she was right. Under the withering fire of the all out propaganda assault against it, which was both an obstructionist tactic, and a strategy to win the 2010 mid-terms, the ACA wasn't very popular when it passed. As I recall, the "death panels" lie from that time was lie of the year.
    When it finally took effect in 2014, and millions of previously uninsured people found out what it was like to have health insurance, it began to gain popularity, but even then it took a while, as the Republican base was so retarded and brain-washed (I thought you had to have a brain for that, but I guess not) that they literally hated it for no reason. Like those poor schmucks at the Kentucky State Fair who went to the information booth about Kynect, Kentucky's ACA insurance exchange and were all impressed about how much better it was than that evil, no-good Obamacare. Or the other schmucks who were at a town hall this year answering questions from a reporter about why they want to repeal Obamacare when they were insured because of it and said "No. We have affordable care act insurance, which is what they had to do when Obamacare failed."
    Last I checked, the ACA was quite a bit more popular right now than president four-year-old, so what Pelosi said was true, whether you understand it or not: People had to actually see how it helped them in their own lives before they could get past the tsunami of bullshit about it coming from every wingnut and news outlet at the time.
    Nuff said?

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Commandeered Queensland, spit the dick out and start all over. I served ice cream and cake at a Sunday brunch. But then I have never claimed a military background.

    You morons are still stuck behind zero on the 98 degrees stuff. Amazing you can still breathe. O never said I attended any college or Uni. I said I had 98.6 degrees- NORMAL HUMAN BODY TEMPERATURE you freaking dumbass wingnuts!!!! Get the joke, yet?

    How does your kind reproduce?

  35. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Yes field friends did we not have laborious explanations of nuances when the thuggish crackas got out of hand? Now we have false equivalents. Lofingl the wheel has turned. Heads up the left wins fails up the left wins.

  36. Lt. Commander Pussy12:04 AM

    We know how you "serve" Lt. Commander, blowing soldiers in a gloryhole. No wonder you like the name johnson. Heh heh heh

  37. James Bold1:35 AM

    "The no complaint case against the NBPP was dropped by the dumbass dubya lack of justice department 2 weeks before Obama was sworn in."

    Funny, that's not what the ultra-left Wikipedia says about it.  I quote:

    "In April 2009 Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at the Department of Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.[3][6] When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.[4]"

    Eric Holder was approved by the Senate 2/2/2009 and sworn in 3/27.  By April he was running the show.

    I know you blacktards live in a world of delusion, but lying to yourselves like this serves nobody's interests.  Not even yours.

    "Baldy sez- Alton Sterling had an illegal gun in his front pants pocket.

    Why was he executed, Baldy? The so called illegal gun was in a pocket."

    He was reaching for it.  Not even tasing him had gotten him to comply with lawful police orders.  He was a felon in possession of a firearm, and the police were responding to a report of felonious assault with a firearm by a person matching his description.

    You don't know the difference between "execution" and "exercise of force to protect life".  When the officers found Sterling had a gun they HAD to arrest him.  When Sterling went for the gun, they had no real options other than to shoot him.

    Sterling was a moron who committed "suicide by cop".  You're a moron who hasn't... yet.

    "This jackass has no introspection"


    "racist conservatives normally don't."

    Racist Blacks (but I repeat myself) never do.

    "I for one am glad no serving punk Lt. Commander Pussy and James theBitch are here.They are proof positive white people aren't superior to anyone."

    I'm so glad to learn you feel we're inferior.  You must be in a great hurry to leave all White-majority countries to be free of our inferiority and enjoy the benefits of uniform Blackness, no?  I'll be happy to pay for your plane ticket to Afreaka (one-way), and don't forget to write!

  38. Baldy the moron is now quoting WIKI? Am I on glue, sez Legally Blonde Elle Wood?

    You have no clue whether he was reaching for a gun or having spasms from being tased. He was also shot in the back. If he was flat on the ground how does a cop misshis chest at point blank range and manage to shoot himm in the back? It defies the laws if physics-just like your thought process, Baldy.

    He could be a habitual felon with multiple guns and it still does not justify murdering him while he is flat on the ground with more than one out of control animal yelling at him.

    Now-oh wize won- how about the Minutemen brandishing actual firearms in Pima Arizona at a Latino voting place, where multiple filed complaints and the all whitey Justice Dept declined to prosecute whitey wingnuts? Can't blame Black people for this one-can you RACIST?

  39. Oh moron Basldy- come worship at the altar of mike from iowa and maybe yer twisted pretzel of a brain can learn the truth fer once-

    On Jan. 7, 2009, the Bush Administration Justice Department announced that it filed a civil lawsuit against the New Black Panther Party and three of its members. Specifically, they were alleged to have violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibits intimidation, coercion or threats against "any person for voting or attempting to vote." The aims of the lawsuit were fairly limited: "The Department seeks an injunction preventing any future deployment of, or display of weapons by, New Black Panther Party members at the entrance to polling locations." In other words, the aim was to make sure they didn't do something similar again in the future. This section of the law does not subject violators to criminal penalties (fines or jail time, for example).

    Obama's justice department settled the civil claim the way the dumbass dubya department asked for- no criminal penalties because it was filed as a civil case. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! what a loozer you turned out to be some more. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  40. Hey all you law and order wingnuts, why is perjurer Jefferson "Disregard what I say and do" Sessions still AG?

    Didn't I prophecy there was no crime in the world wingnuts would prosecute another wingnut for? Perjury is apparently not a crime for wingnuts. Laughing at wingnuts is a whole other ballgame of criminal offenses to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law-plus some made up on the spot.

    Gawd it sucks to be as prophetic as I am. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  41. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Deport Fairooz. And her whole family.

  42. James Bold4:18 AM

    "Baldy the moron is now quoting WIKI?"

    Mike the corn-fed moron is ignoring that I quoted THE SOURCE MOST FAVORABLE TO HIM to debunk his bullshit narrative?  To prove that he had the facts totally wrong?  That Obama's attorney general Eric Holder was 100% responsible for letting the Philly voter intimidators off the hook?

    Well, of course he'd have to.  To do otherwise would be to admit that Black people have moral agency, and thus must accept blame for what they do.

    'You have no clue whether he was reaching for a gun or having spasms from being tased."

    I didn't quote Wikipedia on Alton Sterling.  I quoted it on the NBPP in Philly, moron.

    "He could be a habitual felon with multiple guns and it still does not justify murdering him while he is flat on the ground"

    If Sterling was having spasms, he would almost certainly have just fallen down.  That would have left him with entry wounds either in the front OR in the back... NOT both.  That proves that he was still standing and still able to grab for his (illegal, and unlawfully-possessed due to his felon status) gun.

    He was under arrest and attempting to resist and flee.  That justifies deadly force, especially since he had a gun that was a felony for him to possess.

    "Now-oh wize won- how about the Minutemen brandishing actual firearms in Pima Arizona at a Latino voting place"

    I searched for "Pima arizona voter intimidation" and came up with nothing that mentioned Minutemen in the first several screens of results, so exactly WTF are you talking about you moron?

    Are you talking about bullshit made-up Black crap that doesn't exist in the real world?  Because that's absolutely par for the course for you and your world of delusion.

    "On Jan. 7, 2009, the Bush Administration Justice Department announced that it filed a civil lawsuit against the New Black Panther Party and three of its members."

    Which was dropped after Eric Holder had taken the position of Attorney General.  Which was already explained to you.  Which you are too stupid to understand.

  43. And Baldy shit fer brains Moron can't read and comprehend.

  44. Now pay close attention, shithead- A recent Media Matters investigation has debunked charges that the Obama administration withdrew criminal charges against the Panthers (in fact, the Bush administration decided not to pursue criminal charges, with Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez testifying that the Bush Justice Department "determined that the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal statutes"; a civil lawsuit was filed in the last days of the Bush administration, and a judgment won by the Obama Justice Department in May 2009).

    Media Matters also found no evidence that any voters in the predominantly-black voting district had been prevented from voting.

    Appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, the commission's vice chair, Abigail Thernstrom, said, "We have no direct evidence that [the NBP activists] actually intimidated anybody, stopped them from voting."


  45. James Bold2:46 PM

    "A recent Media Matters investigation has debunked charges that the Obama administration withdrew criminal charges against the Panthers (in fact, the Bush administration decided not to pursue criminal charges...."

    Oh, looky.  Mandingo from Iowa refuses to credit Trump with anything between his election and swearing-in too, ignoring that the accused didn't bother to put on a defense and got a default judgement against them, and the actual dropping of charges did not occur until March and could easily have been overruled by Holder.

    Meanwhile he's whining about Black people being "disenfranchised" by being required to present photo ID in order to vote.  YCMTSU.

    "Media Matters also found no evidence that any voters in the predominantly-black voting district had been prevented from voting."

    Media Matters is a Soros organization and couldn't find a drop of water while in the middle of the ocean if The Narrative said there was a drought.
