Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Open Thread Thursday.

MORE DISCLAIMERS It's open thread Thursday field hands, and there is a lot going on in Washington and the world.

I would love to know your thoughts on the Education Sect. getting booed at an HBCU graduation ceremony today.

Paul Ryan standing by his man trump with this Comey fiasco.

If we are all Cory Booker tonight.

If tRump pulled a Russian move while meeting with the Russians.

And how long did Sean Spicer plan to stay in the bushes?



  1. Yisgeng9:42 PM



  2. "tRump??


    If you like that, then you'll love the T-Rump song.

  3. "If tRump pulled a Russian move while meeting with the Russians."

    Hey, that Vlad knows what he's doing. Russian media is all effectively state-controlled now. The best kind!

    (Remember when Trump said he wanted to "open up our libel laws"?)

    And how long did Sean Spicer plan to stay in the bushes?

    Until the administration can arrange to replace our "left-wing" media with that great Russian-style state-controlled media, so journalists will stop asking so many mean questions and just report on how smart and devilishly handsome Trump is.

  4. Lilacpr10:18 PM

    The world is going crazy!

  5. Well past Peak Negro10:52 PM

    "I would love to know your thoughts on the Education Sect. getting booed at an HBCU graduation ceremony today."

    I guess the take away would be that reaching out to black institutions is a complete waste of time, and counterproductive to achieving anything positive.

    I will also say that black America on the whole has chosen the wrong side to hitch their collective wagon to. Events are proceeding apace. When the great reckoning occurs, there will be little sympathy remaining for those who were willing tools of the enemy.

  6. "I guess the take away would be that reaching out to black institutions is a complete waste of time, and counterproductive to achieving anything positive."

    It is a complete waste of time if

    a) you're an obnoxious racist, and

    b) your outreach to black colleges is insincere because you actually want to defund them, and

    c) you appointed as your secretary of education a woman with zero relevant experience whose only education objective is to create investment opportunities for all her rich friends by privatizing public schools.

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Although at that age I would have given Devos the same response as an adult I think it was kinda rude. I look back at the nobody they had speak at my graduation and wish we had someone a but more high profile. But as Chris Rock said "but I understand".


  8. Well past Peak Negro11:22 PM

    Like I said, a complete waste of time.

    There will be consequences.

  9. Trump firing Comey means Trump must be one of the few people in DC that the FBI doesn't have something on.

  10. ctrl+halt+del11:32 PM

    I read her speech and I see why Devos was booed. Except for a couple of references to the school and its founder, her speech could have been delivered to any middle school graduating class. What a waste of time she was. Maybe she thought she'd come out, speak for 10 minutes and no one would notice her speech was filled with absolutely no substance. Another poor appointment by his imperial tragedy don "The Copper Top" trump.

    I bet Devos has a high IQ. Didn't help her here. Just goes to show that unless certain conditions are present IQ is just another number. Especially, if you are out of touch with reality or lack common sense or aren't privileged to be at the white place at the white time.

  11. "Trump firing Comey means Trump must be one of the few people in DC that the FBI doesn't have something on."

    In fact, it seems like the opposite might be true.

    Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry

  12. Belle Curve11:48 PM

    Anonymous ctrl+halt+del said...
    "Except for a couple of references to the school and its founder, her speech could have been delivered to any middle school graduating class."

    Well, she was addressing a HBC graduating class.

    IQ is not just a number.

  13. Move On11:50 PM

    "Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry"


    Russia inquiry is over.

  14. "When the great reckoning occurs, there will be little sympathy remaining for those who were willing tools of the enemy."

    That great reckoning occurred in 1861, and there was entirely too much sympathy meted out to those who were willing tools of the enemy. Sherman should have finished the job thoroughly. To paraphrase Lincoln, we cannot long exist half Fox and half free.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Dougie gettin' carried away calling for white genocide again.

    Why don't you just eat your chimichangas and beat off while thinking about elegant fruit-bearing black women, and forget about exterminating millions of Southern whites.

    Come on, man. Don't be such a hater.

  16. Clarence Darrow12:22 AM

    Jeff Sessions should convene a grand jury and indict Sally Yates for leaking classified information to the press.

  17. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I bet Devos has a high IQ. Didn't help her here. Just goes to show that unless certain conditions are present IQ is just another number.
    You think she has an IQ of 150?

  18. James Comey12:27 AM

    Russia inquiry is over.
    Gee, I wonder why the Senate Intelligence Committee is gathering more info about Mike Flynn and possibly convening a grand jury? No my friend, quite the opposite this party is just getting started. I'm popping popcorn and getting a seat right down front.

  19. Like Trump himself, Trumpcare offers remote possibility of success, as compared to the absolute certainty of failure of Obamacare.

    A possible outcome of this vote, a successful outcome of this vote, is that the marginal voter, the swinging voter, gets reasonable healthcare, or at least healthcare that is less outrageously terrible, and the Democrat voter core (vagrants, drug addicts, whores, single mums, and criminals) loses out – which of course is going to mean a major swing to Trump and Republicans, and a major swing away from Democrats. Hence the widespread abject pants-wetting terror among democrat politicians.

    Trumpcare protects people with pre-existing conditions, without however giving them the same insurance you get. Which may in practice mean that people who don’t pay go in through the same door you do, or may not mean that. If it means that people who don’t pay go in through the same door, then that means that people who pay get treated like criminals, vagrants and drug addicts, in short like Democratic party core voters, that being the vast majority of non paying people showing up at hospital. People say that the very old are costing us a bundle, that the very sick are costing us a bundle. No, it is Democratic Party core constituencies that are costing us a bundle.

    Not needing to pay for healthcare and having plenty of time on your hands makes a vastly greater difference to how much healthcare you consume than being old and sick does. In short, being a Democratic core constituency is the major variable determining how much healthcare a person is going to consume.

    Any system that guarantees that some morbidly obese alcoholic on the street is going to get the same standard of healthcare as an affluent middle class person is going to guarantee that that affluent middle class person is going to get very little healthcare. If Trumpcare is going to provide a reasonable standard of healthcare for the median voter, it has to deny a reasonable standard of healthcare for the modal Democratic party voter. Whether it will do so is far from clear, but it is absolutely certain that Obamacare will not provide a reasonable standard of healthcare for the median voter.

  20. Fuck you in your neck you little maggot.

    White genocide my ass, how many people of color were there by percentage in Sherman's army? It was more of an ignorant traitorous attacking army genocide, and I do wish it had been prosecuted without mercy until the nation was whole again, but it wasn't, and we have to live with that, and its consequences, one of which right now being the party of Jefferson Davis trying to kill tens of thousands of poor people. So I'm not the one calling for mass murder right now, Paul the fuck Ryan is. I only wish we could have put these yahoos down while we had the chance because they are attacking me right this minute. I'm not a hater, but I'm well armed and I will respond if you attack me.

    So it looks like obstruction of justice will be on the first article of impeachment for president four-year-old, just like it was for Nixon. We might have to wait until we win the midterms to do it, but the feebies aren't going anywhere just because he doesn't like what they're doing, and right now they're royally pissed at him. If he was smarter, he might have been able to use Comey's wounded position as director to slow the investigation until he figured out how to weasel out of it, sort of like Reagan did with Iran-Contra, but as blisteringly stupid as Reagan was, president four-year-old is even dumber, and probably still doesn't realize that he just stepped on his own dick in golf shoes...

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. White is alright1:02 AM

    Yeah, Doug is definitely is two steps ahead of the Trump administration.

    And only the best sort of people wish death on the unenlightened.

  22. Only when they attack me, little creeplet, I mostly don't give a fuck about them because there are too many of them and it would take up all my time.
    I'll make an exception for you, though. So go get buggered to death by a sheep, or even better, one of those weird ducks with the huge, corkscrew dicks.
    Die, with a sheep in your butt. Or a duck, I don't care.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Bravo, bravo1:28 AM

    "Die, with a sheep in your butt. Or a duck, I don't care"

    Doug, the of Voltaire of our time.

  24. Anonymous1:28 AM

    "I would love to know your thoughts on the Education Sect. getting booed at an HBCU graduation ceremony today."

    I thought it was wonderful,and that it gets wide media coverage. Please, more of the same.

    Not a day goes by without another reminder that blacks have no place in the West. The wasted resources that have been piled into "uplifting" blacks has been a massive failure, and the flow of future resources must be stopped. Sooner, better. This behavior helps towards that end. Alot.

  25. Anonymous1:33 AM

    There is hope afterall.


  26. You Know Who1:36 AM

    Not a day goes by without another reminder that blacks have a place in the West. The wasted resources that have been piled into "uplifting" blacks has been a massive success, and the flow of future resources must continue. Sooner, better. This behavior helps towards that end. Alot.


  27. Anonymous1:36 AM

    "If we are all Cory Booker tonight."

    Russia is not our enemy. Most reasonable Americans want to see rapprochement with Russia. Russia is a majority white Christian nation with no illusions about Islam.

    The majority of Americans have far more in common with majority Russians than with the academic bright lights at HBCUs. Americans and Russians allied together to make the world white again would be a formidable force. It will happen.

  28. Anonymous1:41 AM


    The smell of your fear is delicious.

    You need us.

    We do not need, nor want, "you".

    You will see what happens in the days ahead.

    Welcome to the post negro period.

  29. "The majority of Americans have far more in common with majority Russians than with the academic bright lights at HBCUs. Americans and Russians allied together to make the world white again would be a formidable force. It will happen."

    Russia, what a wonderful country: Press suppression, murder of dissidents, and rampant corruption.

    Also, hey, they legalized wife-beating!:

    Russia parliament votes 380-3 to decriminalize domestic violence

    And they have gay concentration camps and throw gay people out of high-rise windows!

    Yes sir, Russia sure is a model of good government and human rights for the world.

    All Americans LOVE Russia (and by "all Americans," I mean pretty much only Trump).

  30. Anonymous2:22 AM

    All us kids who grew up in the 80's pretty much distrust Russia. Maverick, Rocky, Rambo, Lone Wolf McQuade and pretty much every action movie star taught us to distrust the Ruskies. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA!


  31. "All us kids who grew up in the 80's pretty much distrust Russia. Maverick, Rocky, Rambo, Lone Wolf McQuade and pretty much every action movie star taught us to distrust the Ruskies. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA!"

    True. But now we've got a completely different set of reasons to dislike them. Their government have gone from repressive left-wing nutjobs to repressive right-wing nutjobs.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Yep. Or just one rich right wing nut job.


  32. Anonymous3:41 AM

    And this. More conflicts of interests?


  33. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Sick and impotent trolls harass student president of American U and her sorority. I guess jealousy is a bitch.


  34. Clarence Darrow said...

    Jeff Sessions should convene a grand jury and indict Sally Yates for leaking classified information to the press.
    12:22 AM

    According to Comey's testimony, Chafedbutz was the leaker.
    In the Benghazi debacle, Gowdy leaked classified info and personally marked some info classified to try to snag HRC.

    Jeff Sessions perjured himself at his confirmation hearing and not only should be out of government but should be "LOCKED UP!"

  35. When Raygun cheated and stole the 1980 election, GM was the largest employer and paid an aveage of $25 an hour.

    Now Walmart is the largest employer and pays an average $9.17 an hour.

    But it was them damn Dems and Unions that sent all them jobs overseas and forced korporate amerika to pay less money. Wingnuts stood proud and tall and supported raising the minimum wage and to protect workers in the workplace from injuries and having towork overtime w/o getting paid and wingnuts got vacation time and 40 hour work weeks, etc. NOT!

  36. 11th May 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  37. The present administration runs about as well as the provisional gubmint hastily installed in Iraq after dumbass dubya's disaster accomplished.Bushappointed loyalists with no government experience to start a new gubmint that, for some reason, didn't pan out. Hmmm?

  38. The Hill

    Poll: Trump's approval rating slips to 36 percent

    Too bad, so sad. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  39. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "The majority of Americans have far more in common with majority Russians than with the academic bright lights at HBCUs. Americans and Russians allied together to make the world white again would be a formidable force. It will happen."

    No, but (((they))) fear a world that can't be kept divided.

  40. PX: "And this. More conflicts of interests?"


    What you gonna do?

  41. Bangladesh prime minister says Clinton personally pressured her to help foundation donor:

    While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.

    The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank. The bank’s nonprofit Grameen America, which Yunus chairs, has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative. Grameen Research, which is chaired by Yunus, has donated between $25,000 and $50,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website.


    The Associated Press reported in August, that at least 85 of 154 “people from private interests who met or had phone conversations with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity” or pledged to donate to one of her international programs.

    While Mrs. Clinton was at the State Department she also voted to approve 20 percent sale of U.S. uranium production capacity to the Russian Atomic Energy Agency. The company donated $2.5 million to the Clinton Foundation while the deal was ongoing and before the deal was finalized President Bill Clinton was invited to Moscow and given $500,000 for a speech.

    And when it came to Yunus, declassified cables show that Mr. Yunus sought to use Mrs. Clinton’s power as secretary of state to pressure the Bangladesh government.


    Sajeeb Wazed, the son of Prime Minister Hasina, and a permanent U.S. resident, says that between 2010 and 2012, he was repeatedly pressured to ask his mother to end the investigation into Mr. Yunus, and threatened with an audit or other action if he did not comply.

    At two instances during those conversations they brought up the fact that, ‘look, there could be many actions taken against your country, your mother, your family, who knows, you could get audited by the IRS, since you live in the U.S.,” said Wazed, who has been making the allegations for over five years.

  42. Best 8 minutes on TV this week came out of the mouth of Elijah Cummings, who put in perspective and plain language what crimes are currently taking place in broad daylight that have no become "normal."

  43. Virginia12:29 PM

    Betsy Devos has spent her entire life vainly trying to appeal to minorities and virtue signaling against whites. She has been a staunch supporter of Affirmative Action and has used her husband's money to enforce political correctness within the Republicans Party.

    She believes the only reasons why minorities have low test scores which necessitate racial preferences is because they have bad schools. If we give them charter schools or vouchers, then they will perform just as well as whites and Asians.

    Yet because she is a Republican, she gets booed when she makes an effort to reach out by speaking at HBC commencement ceremony.

    There is absolutely no use in trying to accommodate blacks. I would hope at some point the Republican Party can finally understand this and move on to solving the problems of people who actually want a better future.

    1. Virginia is for idiots12:57 PM

      And for the record sweety, those kids were in college to achieve a better future. Now had your dumb ass gone to college you might understand.

  44. Yisheng is a Genius1:06 PM

    "those kids were in college to achieve a better future"

    Not at a HBC.

  45. That's the facts jack1:23 PM

    Yep, at an HBC. Many doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, politicians, pilots and even astronauts came from HBC's.

  46. Virginia is kinda dumb, not as dumb as James but still dumb1:35 PM

    Virginia shows a profound lack of understanding of complex issues. She says those kids booed Mrs. Devos because she was a Republican. Uh no sweety, it's much deeper than that and by your comment we can see you have no capacity to understand. I guess in modern America everyone no matter how ill educated is entitled to an opinion. Maybe you should educate yourself before spouting off babe. That might take a while so we don't expect to hear from you anytime soon.

  47. Bethune-Cookman grads be all like this:

  48. "The majority of Americans have far more in common with majority Russians than with the academic bright lights at HBCUs. Americans and Russians allied together to make the world white again would be a formidable force. It will happen.

    No, but (((they))) fear a world that can't be kept divided."

    So it's sneaky Jews who are secretly conspiring because they want a "divided world"? But that's precisely what your heroes Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders and all the rest of these neo-fascist ethno-nationalists want.

    It pisses them off hugely that there are all these "globalist" organizations like NATO, the UN, the WTO, and the EU. Their foreign policy boils down to wanting maximal world division -- every country against every other one. That's the essence of nationalism.

    As for the "ethno-" part, on domestic policy, the only "unity" they want is the unity of white people against everyone not white. Again, they are hugely IN FAVOR OF division.

    Division is the name of their game. And, apparently, yours, even if you do not understand this.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Teh stoooopid here (conservatives) don't understand much.

  49. She believes the only reasons why minorities have low test scores which necessitate racial preferences is because they have bad schools. If we give them charter schools or vouchers, then they will perform just as well as whites and Asians.

    She com
    mpletely ignores all the empirical evidence that proves children living in poverty, kids that don't have fairly stable home lives, kids that are forced to go to school hungry and are most likely to be bused away from their neighborhoods do not perform as well as whitey wingnuts with unlimited amounts of funds,food and stability at home.

    DeVos has always been against public schools even though only public schools are supposed to get public funding. You can find as many ir more articles of how her Michigan chRTER SCHOOLS PROGRAM HAS FAILED AS ONES THAT SUPPORT IT.

    She has zero experience/contacts with public education and should not have been rewarded with such an important position if helping kids learn is the bottom line.

    Fact is she is a joke and a bad one at that.

  50. "She believes the only reasons why minorities have low test scores which necessitate racial preferences is because they have bad schools. If we give them charter schools or vouchers, then they will perform just as well as whites and Asians."

    No, she believes genuinely that if public schools were made private, this would create nice new investment vehicles with an excellent return on investment for her very wealthy family and all their wealthy friends. She couldn't give a rat's ass about what effect this might have on the education of the kids who attend those schools, whatever their skin color.

    As is always true in figuring out Republicans' motives, it's best to ignore whatever they're saying (unless they're saying they want to start an unnecessary war or do something sexist/racist/homophobic -- those things are all too genuine) and follow the cash flow.

  51. Less than a quarter of American voters surveyed in a new poll released Thursday by Quinnipiac University approve of the legislation passed last week by the House of Representatives to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

    Fifty-six percent of those polled said they disapprove of the legislation, dubbed the American Health Care Act, while just 21 percent said they support it. The support for the legislation represents an improvement over the 17 percent who said they supported the iteration of the bill that failed to pass the House in March.

    Overall 66 percent said they disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of healthcare, while 32 percent said they approve of it.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...

    "Don't actually listen to what the other team says, project your own meaning on their words"

    okay, whatever gets you through your day.

    And BTW, the idea that blacks and Hispanics perform poorly because of poor schools is disproved by the fact the achievement gap remains identical for black and Hispanic students within the same schools as white and Asian students.

  54. Russia's economy is roughly the size of Italy's, relies heavily on energy exports, and their per-capita GDP is in the low $9,000 range. They no longer have the resources to mount the kind of warfare that was the Soviet Union's contribution to world war two, and between the sanctions we've imposed on them and the bottom dropping out of oil prices because our fracking boom flooded the market, they are not in a good way. Enough so that there is a real possibility of another revolution there if Putin can't keep a tight lid on popular discontent. This makes the half-trillion dollar deal with Exxon sort of really important to them, not just for the money involved, but for the access to our drilling technology, which they think they can exploit much farther than we can due to their indifference about the environmental damage it causes.
    So they have turned to information warfare, as it is much cheaper, doesn't provoke such expensive responses, and can be used with impunity on their own people.
    The Europeans have known this for a while now, and one reason the same tactics used on us in 2016 didn't work on the French election is that when faced with the sort of propaganda/fuckery that is getting called "fake news" here lately, Europeans mostly yawn and say "Oh, the Russians."
    Perhaps we will grow that sort of immunity soon, but even if we do, it should not be a reason to fail to hold those who fell for it accountable.

    So they took down the monument to Jefferson Davis in New Orleans. Good for them. Now if we can just take down the monument/namesake to him currently serving as Attorney General...

    -Doug in Oakland

  55. Good by Jeff Davis. And you're spot on about Russia Doug. All we have to do is keep the sanctions in place and they will be at our mercy and one less super power to worry about but let's see if The Donald and his flunky Rexxon bail Vlad out.

  56. Fight the Power3:17 PM

    "So they took down the monument to Jefferson Davis in New Orleans."

    American Taliban, erasing the past and dictating the future.

    This will not end well.

  57. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Brigade Fifteen year-old said...
    "every country against every other one. That's the essence of nationalism."

    No, the essence of nationalism is every country for itself, with the same rights afforded to every other nation. A respect for the borders, culture, and historic nature of distinct peoples. Pathological nationalism seeks to force its will on other nations. This is what globalism is at essence, as it forces its economic rules and cultural standards on diverse peoples.

    Why is the secular left so much more hostile to Christianity than it is to Islam? Why is the demographic transformation of the West so important to people who profess there are no demographic differences among the different nations of the earth?

    You'll notice that while Jews in Western countries are always advocating for open borders and diversity for their host countries, they never allow the joys of multi-culturalism and the benefits of immigration into Israel.

    Jews invented ethno-nationalism are are the preeminent practitioners of it, yet they have made it a crime in every other country they live in.

    Jews hate Putin because he has restored a sense of national identity and optimism in Russia. Under Putin, traditional Christianity has shown a resurgence. He put an end to the economic rape of his country by primarily Jewish oligarchs. Jews hate Trump because he gives white people hope. Through their control of media, they teach you who you should hate.

    I don't begrudge Israel their border wall and their commitment to maintaining their national identity. I do resent Jews working to destroy my nation.

    Nationalism is not supremacy. At this point, it is survival.

  58. "Nationalism" is a ruse to fleece the pig-people out of their money and votes, perpetrated by obscenely rich parasites who avoid paying their taxes and actually holding up their end of the nation that is the supposed root of nationalism.
    But hey, just start chanting USA! USA! in any crowed of pig-people and they will immediately forget whatever they were squealing about five seconds before...

    -Doug in Oakland

  59. From the Washington Post:

    "One intelligence official who works on Russian espionage matters said they were more determined than ever to pursue such cases. Another said Comey's firing and the subsequent comments from the White House are attacks that won't soon be forgotten. Trump had "essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI," one official said. "I think there will be a concerted effort to respond over time in kind.""

    Oops. President four-year-old has pissed off the feebies, who have very few fucks to give about whether he likes what they do. Just ask Nixon or Reagan about that one.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. From Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog:

    "On a related note, the same poll found Democrats leading Republicans on the generic congressional ballot, 54% to 38%. The Dems' 16-point advantage, the report noted, is "the widest margin ever measured for this question in a Quinnipiac University poll.""

    -Doug in Oakland

  61. "Why is the secular left so much more hostile to Christianity than it is to Islam?"

    It isn't. Christians and Muslims both come in sensible and lunatic varieties, and only the lunatic varieties are an issue. But lunatic Christians pose a political problem in Western countries (and in the US especially) in that there are enough of them to impose lunatic Christian laws on everyone else; lunatic Muslims can't impose any laws on anyone in the West, because their numbers are tiny and will remain so for many decades at current immigration rates. "American Shariah law" is not a real possibility.

    "Why is the demographic transformation of the West so important to people who profess there are no demographic differences among the different nations of the earth?"

    It isn't. Not experiencing economic collapse is pretty damn important, though. Despite what you and your dimwitted skinhead brethren seem to believe, some amount of immigration is necessary to fill certain jobs, and simply to avoid demographic disaster, in which there are too many elderly to be supported in their infirmity by a shrinking pool of young. Wealthy countries tend to have low reproductive rates.

    It's not that everyone else wants "open borders" -- they don't; it's that you want completely closed ones, and that is not feasible.

    So immigration is a necessity just to keep the economy running, and those new immigrants are overwhelmingly going to be NON-white because majority-white countries mostly have standards of living comparable to ours and their citizens don't have much reason to move here. You'll just have to find a way to cope with the terrible, awful burden of having to deal with people that don't look like you. It's tough, I know. Find a good therapist.

    "You'll notice that while Jews in Western countries are always advocating for open borders and diversity for their host countries, they never allow the joys of multi-culturalism and the benefits of immigration into Israel."

    You're confusing Israeli Jews with all Jews from around the world. Jew ≠ Israeli. Lots of Jews do not support all the policies of the government of Israel, and some don't even think the creation of the nation was justified.

    But you're right, the Jews who formed Israel ARE the segment of the global Jewish population who DO believe in ethno-nationalism. Their attitude, after being beaten up and abused for centuries by the forces of ethno-nationalism in Europe, was, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." And so they formed their own ethno-nationalist state on somebody else's land.

    Hasn't exactly worked out great for Israeli Jews, has it? Israel is forced to exist in a constant state of vigilance against Arab attack, dependent on the patronage of the US, and their country is hated globally.

  62. FBI raided a wingnut campaign consulting outfit in Annapolis in what may be the first of many raids as payback for Comey's firing. Let us hope.

  63. So president four-year-old is said to be putting Kris the fuck Kobach in charge of a commission on election integrity.
    I noticed that this was announced before the documents on his meeting with president four-year-old that the court just demanded released have hit the media.
    What, is he going down a list of all the slime-creatures who got him elected and either blowing them or firing them?
    Sounds a little like the Celebrity Apprentice, now that I think of it...

    -Doug in Oakland

  64. J. Edgar Hooters5:41 PM

    "Another said Comey's firing and the subsequent comments from the White House are attacks that won't soon be forgotten. Trump had "essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI," one official said. "I think there will be a concerted effort to respond over time in kind."

    So....anything negative that comes out of the FBI regarding Trump can be considered some sort of revenge over the firing of Comey, and should not be trusted.

    Thanks Doug.

  65. Anonymous5:52 PM

    "You'll just have to find a way to cope with the terrible, awful burden of having to deal with people that don't look like you."

    Looks aren't what matters - culture and values are.

    And as far as keeping the economy running, maximizing GDP is not the only reason we exist. We do not exist to serve the economy, the economy should be managed to the benefit of the people.

    American culture was created by the people who live here. We are importing tens of millions of people from cultures that are incompatible with what we have here. Central Americans have no concept of limited government and the preeminence of individual rights. Sharia cannot coexist with the Constitution.

    If you like your culture, you should be able to keep your culture.

  66. So I guess it's probably no big deal if that Russian photographer left a bug in the oval office considering Putin has his puppet running the joint.

    -Doug in Oakland

  67. American culture was created by importing tens of millions of people from cultures that are incompatible with what we have here. European Americans have no concept of living as just one species among all other species.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous6:00 PM

    American Taliban, erasing the past and dictating the future.
    If by American Taliban you mean the hard right and religious right you may have a point but the laws usually keep their kooky ideas in check. But sometimes not successfully.

  69. Anonymous6:06 PM

    He put an end to the economic rape of his country by primarily Jewish oligarchs. Jews hate Trump because he gives white people hope. Through their control of media, they teach you who you should hate.
    Well he ended their economic control byvtaking control and becoming an oligarch himself? Good luck with that. As far as being told whom to hate you seem confortable letting the alt right do that for you. No thanks, I'll stick with the Jews who run corporate media because I'd much rather hate neo-nazis and the like.

  70. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Don't worry neo-nazis. I'm sure we can find some sort of museum to keep Jeff Davis, General Lee and General Beauragard safe and dry and you can worship at their feet all the live long. Now the rest of us need to get busy naming an airport after Barack Obama and building his statues.

  71. Anonymous7:10 PM,amp.html

    Hey Field, check this out. Our Trump-like governor was booed at Chicago St. U. The cajones on this guy to show up after. his budget stalemate caused the university to lose 400 jobs. Tone deaf.


  72. They were mean to governor hedgefund? I wonder whatever for? Surely not for announcing the defunding of autism programs on World Autism Awareness Day, nobody cares about that do they?
    My favorite political bloggers live in Springfield and talk about governor hedgefund a lot on their podcast.
    I tell them that I can relate to the lack of a budget scenario as we didn't have a working budget on time for most of the reign of arnold, and went so far as to pass a law making it a crime for the state lege to fail to have a budget in place by June. We didn't get one that year until October, but as far as I know no charges were filed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  73. Sara Huckabee Sanders on why her report and the WH version of Comey's firing were different- Sanders said when asked to explain the discrepancies in the White House's account. “I went off the information I had.”

    I mind the reception Susan Rice got from wingnuts about Benghazi when Rice said basically the same thing. She got her tail section roasted by wingnuts.

  74. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Getting a technical detail partially wrong does not equal going on five separate news programs and telling the American public that the sacking of the American consulate in Benghazi and the murder of the US ambassador and three other US citizens was due to a spontaneous riot sparked by a YouTube video, when you knew definitively that was not the case.

    You are brain dead.

    1. Dead SEAL10:13 PM

      Or ordering a failed raid at a dinner party.
