Sunday, May 21, 2017

Real men don't curtsy.

Image result for trump curtsy imageI saw some of trump's speech in Saudi Arabia today, and if some of you trumpbots were watching, I am sure that you were a bit surprised at his new tone.  You must have thought that it was the secret Muslim, Obama, speaking out there. I mean he even did a curtsy  in front of King Salman for good measure. Nice.

There was no mention of the words "radical Islamic terrorism", something that he said so much during his campaign to fire up his base, that it became one of his calling card.  Let's face it, the man won because he promised to build a wall to keep out the Mexicans, and to ban all Muslims from traveling to our country. And yet, there he was today, sucking up and doing a little curtsy for the King. (Remember when right-winguts went hysterical because Obama "bowed"?)

Anyway, we are all well aware of trump's hypocrisy by now. He ripped Michelle Obama for not wearing a head scarf to the Kingdom, and yet, there was his own wife going on her Saudi trip without one.  You gotta love the Grifter In Chief.  

Now it's off to Israel and the Vatican for team trump. The Holy Father better get his bullshit shovel out. 

Finally, there is an interesting story circulating about an African American Judge in Alabama.

"An Alabama judge who once complained on Facebook of being racially profiled by the police refused on Thursday to recuse himself in a case involving a white police officer’s fatal shooting of a black man.
Defense lawyers had argued that two posts by the judge, Greg Griffin of the Montgomery County Circuit Court, created the appearance of a conflict, one of the lawyers, Roianne Conner, said in a phone interview.
But Judge Griffin denied the defense’s motion during a hearing on Thursday morning, Ms. Conner said.
“He took it very personally,” she said. “He told me he could take off his black robe, but he couldn’t take off his black skin.”
Thursday’s ruling was the latest twist in an emotionally charged case that has resonated deeply in the predominantly black city of Montgomery, a place with a history of distrust between the local authorities and residents.
Ms. Conner estimated that six judges had already recused themselves from the closely watched case for various reasons. And her team has asked to move the trial to another county because, it contends, its client has been the victim of “racial prejudice” since his arrest.
Neither Judge Griffin nor his court reporter responded Thursday to phone calls and an email seeking comment. A call to the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office also was not returned.


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Well in Trumpland simply being of Mexican heritage is enough to make one unqualified to be a judge so yeah, I guess so.


  2. Lilacpr11:08 PM

    Field said...
    Let's face it, the man won because he promised to build a wall to keep out the Mexicans, and to ban all Muslims from traveling to our country...

    Let's face it, everything changes and everything stays the same...;)

  3. Experience11:36 PM

    Let's face it: Black people just shouldn't be judges.

  4. Experience11:41 PM

    "Well in Trumpland simply being of Mexican heritage is enough to make one unqualified to be a judge so yeah, I guess so"

    No, that's a lie. Trump said the judge in his case should recuse himself because of his affiliation with the racist Mexican supremacist group La Raza, not because of his Mexican heritage.

    But, yes, Mexicans should not be judges, except maybe in Mexico.

  5. All that wingnut mockery of Obama for "bowing" to the Saudis, or dressing up in a traditional Somali outfit on an overseas visit (Aha! Secret Muslim!), and how this proved he was some kind of traitor to America, was all so completely stupid and offensive.

    Participating in foreign rituals, and consequently looking like a fish-out-of-water dumbass, is routine for American politicians traveling overseas. It's not some weird thing only Obama ever did.

    Anyone who hasn't seen it should check out this video of Trump and his minions looking like even bigger dorks than usual as they dance the sword dance in Saudi Arabia. And for good measure, here's President Dubya doing the same and looking equally uncomfortable and uncool.

  6. The interesting thing about the case of the cop shooting in Alabama is that I think the defense's request for the judge to recuse himself doesn't just boil down to him being black. It's really a tacit admission that the officer did do something wrong. They are saying that the judge is a black guy who recently got profiled, and therefore he can't be allowed to hear a case about a cop who profiled a black guy (and then killed him).

  7. Trump is no different than other republicans: They're all hypocrites. His position, like theirs, is do as I say, not as I do.

  8. Anonymous12:04 AM

    "No, that's a lie. Trump said the judge in his case should recuse himself because of his affiliation with the racist Mexican supremacist group La Raza, not because of his Mexican heritage.

    But, yes, Mexicans should not be judges, except maybe in Mexico."

    Not a lie, watch the video. Secondly judge Curiel is an American born in Indiana. Hell, he's even a Kappa.


  9. In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Mr. Trump said.


  11. So in Trumpland because he's building a wall no one of Mexican heritage can preside over any cases in which he is involved. Sad.

  12. More Experience12:16 AM

    Let's face it: Dumb crackers like Experience just shouldn't be judges.

  13. Here's Trump picking unnecessary fights with Iran in order to make the Saudis happy.

    Like I said the other day, it's a good thing the Iranians just reelected a moderate, since our side now has a crazy hothead in charge who wants a nice war he can sink his teeth into.

  14. So Roger Stone said that president four-year-old taking the golden collar from the Saudis made him sick. I would submit that he was sick long before the golden collaring was even a possibility.

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. Experience12:24 AM

    "Secondly judge Curiel is an American born in Indiana"

    Judge Curiel was part of the legal arm of La Raza, a racist Mexican supremacist group. This made him unfit to hear any case. He should not be a judge. He should not even be in America. If he has citizenship and cannot be deported, he should be in prison.

  16. Experience12:28 AM

    Only white, Christian, heterosexual males should be judges.

  17. More Experience12:44 AM

    Only white, Christian, heterosexual males should be judges.

    Translation: only white guys who believe in invisible sky fairies and ancient Jewish fairy tales are fit to judge others.

  18. "...our side now has a crazy hothead in charge who wants a nice war he can sink his teeth into."

    Iran would not be a nice war. It has twice the population and three times the size of Iraq, and look how badly we got our asses kicked there. Any teeth sinking would way more likely be into president four-year-old's fat ass by way of our military, which hasn't fought a stand-up war against a state army since Vietnam, where we also got our asses kicked. War doesn't work that way any more, and we really shouldn't try to make it. The danger I see it that particular insanity is when faced with the damage to his poll numbers reinstating the draft would do, president four-year-old might try to use nukes.
    With any amount of luck, we will avoid that situation. Perhaps Mattis and McMaster could take turns whacking him upside the head with a rubber chicken until he calmed down a little, or perhaps take him out for an afternoon of electroshock to try and zap some sense into him.
    Or alternately, we could hold a gun to Doocy's head and make him say it was a bad idea on Fox & Friends so we could be sure president four-year-old would agree.

    -Doug in Oakland

  19. La Raza mufucka12:47 AM

    If he has citizenship and cannot be deported, he should be in prison.
    But that's not gonna happen. He will still be a La Raza supporting, Black fraternity membership having Latino judge and you will never even get close to being one.

  20. Someone should nail Doug's head to the floor.

  21. "Someone should nail Doug's head to the floor."

    Come try it you little maggot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Someone should nail Doug's head to the floor.

  23. I will admit that I looked for the .gif on HuffPo just because I thought everyone was being unfair about Don Kremlin "curtsying" for the King of Saudi Arabia.

    In all fairness, without a shred of humility and deprived of a liberal arts education as he clearly was, no man had ever taught him any of the socially accepted forms of offering a bow. Clearly he never had any musical talent, so there couldn't have been that aspect. Simply put, he really couldn't manage a bow without taking a comical approach.

    Maybe he was thinking of this little lass when he bounced his knees for the King. He certainly would love to be as pretty as she.

  24. The Daily Stormer2:20 AM

    Recently, there was an article on a liberal site mocking the Stormfront dating page. And yes, much of what they are saying on there does deserve to be mocked. “I’m looking for a pro-White woman” is about the most beta thing any man could ever say.
    bwahahahahaha! There's a stormfront dating site. A bunch of losers that will never get laid hoping against hope to finally touch a woman.
    It must burn them up to see brothas getting women easily while their racist asses get hairly palms. So sad.

  25. Limpbaugh2:33 AM

    Trump met with the kings of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and is making huge weapons deals with them. Those are the two countries Hillary and Podesta wrote about funneling support to ISIS through. Some of her motivations were Clinton Foundation donations from the countries and Boeing donations to her campaign. Trump is just a whore for the neo con Deep State. Maybe they'll stop picking on him for a day or two. The poor baby.

  26. Some legal questions: The police said that someone had called the station to report a man with "a crowbar" walking down the street," and that they were obliged to investigate. I gather from previous stories that police in many places are "obliged", maybe legally, to investigate any complaints that are described as suspicious (such as Henry Louis Gates being arrested after "breaking into" his own home in Cambridge, MA, and you know how many others).
    Yet when I call my precinct to complain about rock music coming from 6' speakers in the building next to mine so loud that I can't sleep all night, no cop shows up? None. Zilch. After several calls.

    Different local laws?

  27. "I gather from previous stories that police in many places are 'obliged', maybe legally, to investigate any complaints that are described as suspicious (such as Henry Louis Gates being arrested after 'breaking into' his own home in Cambridge, MA, and you know how many others). Yet when I call my precinct to complain about rock music coming from 6' speakers in the building next to mine so loud that I can't sleep all night, no cop shows up? None. Zilch. After several calls."

    I don't think law enforcement anywhere are legally obligated to show up. As in, I don't think you will be successful in suing them if they fail to do their jobs properly.

    But they're certainly politically obligated to do their jobs, to a great extent. If they just completely blew off all of their duties, politicians' heads would roll, and new politicians would be brought in with the mandate to fix the police department. But, of course, when it comes to politics, we know that everyone doesn't matter equally.

    If they're not answering your calls about a noise complaint, I'm going to say that either your local PD are underfunded and lacking sufficient manpower to deal with minor complaints and so can only dispatch officers to address more serious crimes, or else you live in a neighborhood full of people with little political clout and the copse just flat-out don't consider you a priority. Or both.

  28. Most people see a black person walking down the street they automatically get suspicious. Blacks, you know, are never up yo no good.

    As for loud music-to cops it's just WHITE noise and no threat to anyone.

    Anyone see Melanoma slap Gropenfuhrer's hand away from her as she did her fierce runway walk in Israel? Bygawd she ain't gonna be known as Drumpf's escort. Bwaha (pathetic Bwaha for pathetic wingnuts)

  29. Reality is Racist1:02 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Most people see a black person walking down the street they automatically get suspicious. Blacks, you know, are never up yo no good.

    No, but everyone knows blacks are statistically at least 50 times more likely to commit an act of violence against them. The fact that the vast majority of blacks are decent, law abiding people doesn't change the facts that undergird one's assessment of risk. Even Jesse Jackson agrees:

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

    Whether you are cop or a private citizen, you have to go with what you know.

  30. Paranoid white guy1:31 PM

    But reality is as a white person you're several times more likely to be victimized by a fellow white. While you're sweating me your fellow white boy is knocking you upside the head. Stay frosty dumbass, you may make it out alive.

  31. Reality is Racist1:41 PM

    Paranoid white guy said...
    But reality is as a white person you're several times more likely to be victimized by a fellow white.

    Not true. You are correct that most crime is within racial groups. However, half of all assaults of whites are by blacks. Since there are six times as many whites as blacks, any random black person is several times as likely to victimize you. For crimes like rape, the multiple is much higher.

    For the subset of interracial crime, the ratio black perp to white victim is 50 to 100 times the inverse.

  32. Paranoid white male2:04 PM

    I know you like making up shit but you may wanna wake up to reality. White on white crimes greatly outweighs interracial crime. Now stop lying if you can. And watch your back, Chad is out there.

  33. Stormfront is a joke2:06 PM

    More bullshit, the vast vast vast majority of sexual assaults and rape of whites is by fellow whites. You may not want to rely on stormfront or whatever psycho fringe site you traffic. Dumbass.

  34. Again, it is obvious that the odds of any one person walking by you to attack you are exceedingly small. However, there is a significant increase in those odds should that person be black. Everyone, black or white, knows this through their own experience. This is also backed up by crime statistics.

    For all interracial crimes, blacks are 26.5 times more likely to victimize whites than whites to victimize blacks:

    Lots of interesting graphs here:

  35. Reality rapes3:03 PM

    But whites are MUCH more likely to be victimized by a fellow white. Now STFU and go play in traffic. And watch your ass because white guys like to sexually assault just like the President.

  36. Lilacpr3:12 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Anyone see Melanoma slap Gropenfuhrer's hand away from her as she did her fierce runway walk in Israel? Bygawd she ain't gonna be known as Drumpf's escort. Bwaha (pathetic Bwaha for pathetic wingnuts)

    10:12 AM

    I was thinking that since their son is autistic, maybe she just wants to be by his side, and not on this trip, as she has seemed rather distant. She's probably dedicated to him and also oversees and participates in his therapy and education. While he may be in the best of hands,and/or with a loving family member,maybe she even wanted to bring him along on the trip!

    On the other hand, it was a rather sharp rebuff and especially considering they're on a world stage.

    But also couples often do have strong disagreements and fights, so...I dunno...

  37. Reality is a baby rapist3:15 PM
    Before you come here lecturing about Black folks' criminality you may wanna clean your own kitchen. And white mothers stop whoring out your babies for drugs and you white guys stop raping babies! Sick fucks!

  38. Conservatives are sick3:28 PM

    Now it makes perfect sense why Trump got elected. Conservatives see themselves in him. You know, a person who sexually assaults and lusts after his own daughter. Just sick huh?

  39. A sinkhole opened up in front of Drumpf Dumpd south. I'm guessing the local Walmart was shuttered and the Chinese are trying to kidnap Drumpf's foreign workforce by tunneling in.

  40. The damn fool just can't keep his feet out of his mouth. "I just wanted you to know that in that conversation I never mentioned Israel."
    No-one said you did, dear, but now you've gone and confirmed the source of the intelligence you leaked. Not everyone is as dim as you, Mr. President, and it's turning out that using all of the lies that Fox broadcast about the Obama administration as a template for your actual presidency is really stupid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. I guess you just have to go with what you know:

    State Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, in a Facebook post wrote that Louisiana leaders removing Confederate monuments should be "lynched" and compared their actions to Nazis.

    The GOP representative of District 46 wrote the following in a Facebook post: "The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific. If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, 'leadership' of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State."

    Dude, if you actually knew YOUR HISTORY you'd know that the Confederates, like the Nazis lost the damn war against the United States of America. You don't see any Nazi monuments around the country, do you? Well, other than Breitbart and Bannon and Gorka... But they're not so much monuments as lingering symptoms of the disease.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. dinthebeast said...
    "Louisiana leaders removing Confederate monuments should be "lynched" and compared their actions to Nazis."

    Actually, more like the Taliban.

  43. Anonymous4:38 PM

    You folks will never get it. Trump was NOT elected by White Male Christians. Though I'm sure many of them did vote for him. He was elected by all of those people that have been neglected, ignored and ridiculed by the likes of you. The huge numbers of newly registered voters speaks to this.

    Your side had a lousy candidate with a lot of baggage (pun intended). Bernie would have been a better choice. The DNC made sure it would be Hillary. Bernie voters stayed home, black voters stayed home but those that call themselves "Republicans" mostly voted for Trump. Most of the newly registered people voted for Trump. These people are not Republicans or Democrats. Most could not care less, but something got their attention over the last eight years. Trump was their answer and insulting these people will only solidify and grow their numbers.

    So, please, by all means insult with reckless abandon. Carry on!

  44. So Wilbur was impressed by the lack of protesters in Saudi Arabia. Probably wishes we could suppress protest like that here. Probably doesn't know that Saudi Arabia crucifies and beheads protesters.
    Too bad he didn't find anything there to protest about himself, he could have made an example of himself.

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. So the supremes just ruled against North Carolina's racist gerrymander, opening the way for challenges to racist gerrymanders throughout the south.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. So under prop 64, people with felony pot convictions in the state of California are getting them reduced to misdemeanors, making them more likely to be employed and less likely to be deported.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Great, California needs more Mexican dope dealers.

  48. It's legal here. They're entrepreneurs.

    “Official White House Document Promotes Goal of ‘Lasting Peach’ Between Israelis and Palestinians.”

    That's gonna be a tough sell. Peaches go bad within days.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. dinthebeast said...

    So the supremes just ruled against North Carolina's racist gerrymander, opening the way for challenges to racist gerrymanders throughout the south.

    -Doug in Oakland
    5:09 PM

    Northern states are just as bad. Wisconsin is the flagship of voter ID chicanery. Kansas and Chokelahoma are right up there.n iowa is working on it.

  50. he huge numbers of newly registered voters speaks to this.

    For every whitey wingnut registered I'm gonna guess fifty blacks and other Dem voting minorities were tossed off the rolls illegally.

    Wingnuts cannot win a fair election. They ALWAYS have to cheat and try to stack the deck in their favor. You can see it in every wingnut run state. They all do whatever they can to toss legal Lib voters off the voter rolls.

  51. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Yeah Doug, and amazing enough guess who voted in the majority.......wait fot it......Clarence Freaking Thomas!


  52. "So under prop 64, people with felony pot convictions in the state of California are getting them reduced to misdemeanors, making them more likely to be employed and less likely to be deported."

    I think that last bit is, unfortunately, untrue.

    Obama was into the whole, "we're going to deport the felons first" thing.

    It's clear from Trump's actions, not his rhetoric (which is always about 90% lies), that he's not doing that. His goal is to deport all 11 million non-legal residents. It doesn't matter whether you've got a felony record, or a misdemeanor record, or no record. No green card = get on the bus to Tijuana.

  53. Anonymous7:46 PM

    The Donald just found out crafting a prace deal in the middle east is tough. Who knew? And he just thought all they needed was a businessman who makes deals. Reminds me of the scene in Die Hard when the one guy thinks he can negotiate his way of of the situation with Hans Gruber.


  54. President Tantrum7:52 PM

    He was elected by all of those people that have been neglected, ignored and ridiculed by the likes of you. The huge numbers of newly registered voters speaks to this.
    Great, not we're holding the country hostage because some people are like little kids who aren't getting the attention they want so they throw a fit. Lovely.

  55. Anonymous8:41 PM

    20 dead in terrorist nail bomb attack in England.

    Bombing children is rock bottom for conflict. Anyone who advocates letting more of these animals into Western countries is an accomplice.

  56. "Great, now we're holding the country hostage because some people are like little kids who aren't getting the attention they want, so they throw a fit. Lovely."

    Hammer. Nail. Bang!

    The tantrum voters (and tantrum non-voters--"Killary is just as bad") elected President Tantrum.

    The darkest, most cynical portion of my mind is thinking that the only thing wrong with disenfranchising voters is that the wrong voters are being disenfranchised--Ascended Madoka forgive me.

  57. Darcy8:55 PM

    @Anon 8:41: Washing pieces of dead little girls out of your hair is a small price to pay for all the positive effects of mass Islamic immigration. Shut up, bigot!

  58. James Bold10:08 PM

    "But whites are MUCH more likely to be victimized by a fellow white."

    Because Whites do everything they can to stay segregated from predatory Blacks, and thus avoid becoming victims like this young Oregon woman (who we know is White because the media refuse to describe her and thus expose the attack as a hate crime).

    The alternative is to have to e.g. shoot felonious assailants, and get Zimmermaned.

    "Before you come here lecturing about Black folks' criminality you may wanna clean your own kitchen."

    When Whites do it, it's almost always because their judgement is destroyed by drug addiction.  But when Blacks do it, it's just TNB.  There are a lot more stories about Blacks fucking babies than Whites.  It's a lot worse in Afreaka, where there's a myth that screwing a virgin will cure AIDS.  Lots of infants have been raped (and many infected with HIV).

    "For every whitey wingnut registered I'm gonna guess fifty blacks and other Dem voting minorities were tossed off the rolls illegally."

    For every NAM tossed off illegally, there will be a thousand properly removed for ineligibility.  Say, like for having been resident in a cemetary for twenty years.

    "not we're holding the country hostage because some people are like little kids who aren't getting the attention they want so they throw a fit."

    Like you Googles who riot and demand "mo programs"?  Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Just wait until people start shooting up and burning down Section Ape developments over the crime they bring.  Leaving Jew York and Chimpcongo with nowhere to ship their undesirables to, and having to deal with them themselves, is going to be the Next Big Thing.

  59. Boldilocks doesn't merely go over the top, he achieves geosynchronous orbit. *rolls eyes*

  60. 150 IQ bwahahahahaha!10:40 PM

    Jamie makes Trump look like the 4D chess playing genius trolls say he is.

  61. Jamie is illiterate2:21 AM

    When is all of this gonna happen Jamie? The same time your book comes out? Never!

  62. Anonymous3:27 AM

    All he did was bend down (he is six-two) to make it easier for the Saudi king to place the medal round his neck.

  63. I think we need to pool our pennies and get Baldy a shelter dog to punch and kick. Maybe he will be happen. Just make sure it is white or clear.


  64. Bombing children is rock bottom for conflict. Anyone who advocates letting more of these animals into Western countries is an accomplice.

    The terrorist grew up in England. Why didn't you call him a radical Islamist extremist so he would go away? Doesn't that work? Drumpf seems to think it does.

  65. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Obammy bowed over completely and too the muslim cock right in the ass....
