Tuesday, June 13, 2017


MORE DISCLAIMERSI'm off tonight field hands, but I will holla at you again tomorrow.

In the meantime, try to stay safe, there are some homegrown terrorists on the loose. and our chief law enforcement official is too busy feigning outrage ("I did not have sex with that woman")
down in Washington to be of any help.


  1. Pierrot11:03 PM

    The obesity crisis, by producing a cruel backlash against the fat, has deprived them of their redemptively cheerful and jolly demeanor.

  2. The white penis is a social construct and method of domination; symbol of ritual subjugation of alternative gender and racial ways of being.

  3. "I did not have sex with that woman"
    If Sessions had said that, I would believe him. Barnyard animals, on the other hand, not so much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:32 PM

    Fun fact: Comey's FBI was never granted access to the DNC and DCCC servers that were "hacked". That's right, the Democratic party did their own private investigation and told the FBI what they had found.

  5. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:35 PM

    Fun fact: Hillary Clinton had her server scrubbed after it was subpoenaed and her staff destroyed 13 Blackberries with hammers.

  6. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:37 PM

    Fun fact: Lois Lerner and her staff deleted email archives and physically destroyed hard drives after they were subpoenaed by Congress.

  7. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:40 PM

    Fun fact: The FBI obtained email communications between Attorney General Lynch and the Clinton campaign that indicated Lynch had promised to kill any prosecution of Hillary's mishandling of classified information; Comey did nothing.

  8. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:45 PM

    Fun fact: Comey said under oath last week that he leaked a memo to the New York Times in order to prompt the appointment of a special counsel. Two days after the leak, his best friend, Robert Mueller, was appointed special counsel. Mueller has since hired the Clinton Foundation lawyer whose job it was to fight Freedom of Information Act requests from the foundation, along with several other lawyers with ties to the Obama administration.

  9. Alan Derschowitzbergstein11:56 PM

    Fun fact: Attorney General Lynch met with Bill Clinton two days before Comey gave the press conference where he stated Hillary Clinton broke the law but would not be prosecuted due to a lack of clear intent. Lynch’s meeting with Clinton at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport confirmed some of the worst suspicions of the FBI agents conducting the investigation. The meeting was only revealed after a local reporter caught wind of the overlap in their travel schedule and decided to poke around. Agents were furious, knowing the friendly relationship between the AG and the director.

    Worth noting, Lynch was only tapped to be U.S. Attorney General due to her qualifications as U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of New York. She got that appointment courtesy of then-President Clinton, the husband of the target of the FBI investigation and a person of interest, himself.

  10. Alan Derschowitzbergstein12:02 AM

    Fun fact: After almost 8 months of waiting, the FBI finally got a chance to interview Hillary Clinton on July 2, 2016. Mrs, Clinton was not placed under oath. The nearly 4-hour long interview was not taped and interviewers were to take notes, only.

    When asked about State Department records-keeping policies she had acknowledged in signed documents, training she mandated her team receive that was provided by the department, or conversations with top aide Cheryl Mills about the legality of the server, Mrs. Clinton’s answer was simple.

    “I don’t recall. I can’t remember.”

    For investigators, the answer was also completely incredible. A woman running for the highest office in the land repeatedly claiming to suffer from severe memory loss as a result of a head injury? Many just didn’t believer her. They didn’t find it credible and wanted to prove it by obtaining a subpoena for her medical records.

    Comey shot them down, flat-out denying the team’s request to obtain the evidence that would prove whether or not she was lying about the memory loss. Lying to the FBI is a felony, but catching someone in a lie “goes a long way to showing intent,” another said. “It’s also a way to learn more about the crux of the crime an individual is attempting to conceal.”

    Fearing agents would pursue the medical records by other methods–by which they mean obtaining help from another intelligence agency–the director pulled the rug right out from underneath them.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IBvZlRqOTw

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Pierrot said...
    "The obesity crisis, by producing a cruel backlash against the fat, has deprived them of their redemptively cheerful and jolly demeanor."

    Case in point: Doug

  13. That transgression of the white supremacist body image (through obesity) leads to gender transgressions should be CELEBRATED

  14. Anonymous12:15 AM


    They won't be visiting Herr Trump. Now I'm starting to like these guys.


  15. Anonymous12:17 AM

    The Warriors are classless faggots.

    1. Anonymous12:19 AM

      And you seem like a classy guy Anon.

  16. Whooteemoos wish they could lie like sessions an still be rich, ROTFL!!

  17. Classy Anon12:23 AM

    I wouldn't let bigoted political posing keep me from being congratulated by the President at a ceremony meant to bring people together.

  18. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Yīshēng wishes she could use big words like Sessions and not be considered a sheboon, ROTFL!!

  19. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Doug, it becomes more and more apparent the more you post here why you were never married. LOL. Loser.

  20. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Doug is white. LOL. Loser.

  21. Beauregard12:41 AM

    One thing we learned today: Kamala Harris is really dumb.

  22. My niece, a proud college Jewish girl, was just raped for 4 hours in a locker room. Water polo team held her down yelling "Trump, Trump!"

  23. Lance Cockstrong12:45 AM

    Retards like Yisheng wish they were with a big dicked black man like me, and not the micro dick she is with now.

  24. Director Homey12:54 AM

    "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

  25. Stop Pyrophobia12:57 AM

    Giant inferno burning an apartment building in London, UK police are on high alert and arresting anyone saying anything hateful about fire.

  26. From Driftglass:

    "You know, it's just too damn bad that Putin and Team Trump weren't dealing a little weed on the side instead of engaging in a massive, treasonous plot against the United States. Because man, if it involved weed in any way, ol' Jeff would be all over that shit!"


    -Doug in Oakland

  27. NRA will suck Scalise's dick and congratulate him for taking one for the team. Then claim Obama's coming after your guns some more.Never let a cheap shot moment go to waste, NRA.

    Guess Scalise hasn't had enough vacation time this year.
    Now he has a reason to do nothing.
    He can tell soldiers getting shot isn't so bad.
    Hard to feel sorry for an asshole that wants more guns on the street.
    At least 4 others were shot, one congressional aide shot in the chest but the focus is on lightly wounded wingnut.

    1. First time learning of this development via FN. Hope others caught in this crossfire recover as well.

  28. In summoning the memorable words of former First Lady Michelle Obama: "When they go low, we go high..."

    May the Rep. Scalise recovery from gun shot injury. Also hoping the person who did this is brought to justice.

    And while recovering, it is hoped Rep. Scalise will come to an epiphany of what it means for every national and global citizen to be treated with dignity and respect.

  29. Happy birthday, Bud. You are as old as I was at that age.

  30. HRC had a concussion and a brain clot and couldn't remember minor details.

    Drumpfuck Drumpf claims to have the world's best memory and couldn't remember details about his own Drumofuck U fleecing plan against students.

    And I don't need to depend on dead Breitbart or Infowhores to learn the real truth.

  31. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...
    In summoning the memorable words of former First Lady Michelle Obama: "When they go low, we go high..."

    May the Rep. Scalise recovery from gun shot injury. Also hoping the person who did this is brought to justice.

    And while recovering, it is hoped Rep. Scalise will come to an epiphany of what it means for every national and global citizen to be treated with dignity and respect.


    Is shooting your opposition "going high"?

    And Rep. Scalise is the one who needs to come to an epiphany?

    You people are fucked in the head.

  32. Easton9:59 AM

    Did the Congressional baseball game shooter heed to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's call for more 'marching, blood, death on streets'?


  33. Les Deplorables10:09 AM

    Muslim terrorists ask "Muslim or Christian" before killing their captured.

    Leftist activists ask "Republicans or Democrats"

    Progressivism is ISIS.

  34. justin10:14 AM

    This is what happens when one party is accused of "treason", demonized as "racists", and dehumanized by the other party and the media 24/7.

  35. Progtard10:16 AM

    "Stop blaming Muslims immediately after a terrorist attack!"

    "Scalise needs to repent for supporting the Second Amendment after being shot!"

  36. Lilacpr10:22 AM

    Yeezuz Crize! What the hell is happening? People throwing themselves off a burning building in London! Shooting congressmen at a ball park!

    All this violence is making me more sick than I already am! I can only imagine how the folks nearby or related to this violence are feeling!!!

    Wow! Stop the world I wanna get off! Man!!! What the fuck is wrong with people???



  38. Loretta Lynch Gang11:17 AM

    Shooter was a Sanders supporter who made posts calling for the destruction of Trump.

    We need to start rounding up Leftists and putting them in camps.

  39. James Bold11:26 AM

    "In the meantime, try to stay safe, there are some homegrown terrorists on the loose."

    In the meantime, stay away from families who brawl together at Waffle Houses and Black males seeking after White females (the killers of Emmett Till did nothing wrong) and men from Mozambique who believe that bald men have gold in their heads.

    Also stay away from Black men while you're wearing Air Jordans and packs of Black girls near day-care centers and Black men in general at night.

    The great thing about Jim Crow is that it made it easy to stay away from Black people, period.

    1. O James i am scared of my shadow because it's black forgetting to list all the evil albinos have done in the most racist context possible. Bravo you fucking goofy ass coward.

  40. Fucking scum wingnuts- live by the sword, Scalise didn't die by the sword. Fucking scum wingnuts poke every hornet's nest they can find and then whine when they have to face the consequences of their decisions.

    Maybe if wingnuts had been in congress doing their damn jobs they wouldn't have been sitting ducks. maybe.

    Bomb innocent civilians around the world- no biggy. Just collateral damage. Gunfire at home- Ohhhhhhhh the world is falling apart. Wah fucking wah!

    Wingnuts are determined to destroy America-one way or another.

  41. AG Lynch's EXACT words that wingnuts took out of context to claim she called for violence when she said nothing of the sort. But what did anyone expect of fucking scum wingnuts?

    On 28 February 2017, Senate Democrats posted a short video statement from former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch (who held that position during the last two years of President Obama’s second term) which has been cited to accuse her of encouraging violent protests against President Donald Trump’s administration.

    I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it’s a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on, and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.

    It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.

    You fucking scum wingnuts are truly the most pathetic POS ever invented.

  42. Why do fucking scum wingnuts fear strong, Black, Democratic women so much they try to silence them? Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters are national treasures. Whitey fucking scum wingnuts-not so much.


  43. http://jobsanger.blogspot.com/2017/06/assaulting-reporters-is-ok-with-41-of.html

    41% of fucking scum wingnuts believe it is okay to assault reporters.

    42% of fucking scum wingnut Drumpf supporters believe it is okay.

  44. Blackbeard1:08 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters are national treasures."

    Let's bury them.

  45. Paul Mendez1:16 PM

    This was another SPLC-inspired shooting; they had Scalise o their "hit list". President Trump should outlaw this Hate Group and imprison its directors.

    Southern Poverty Law Center website triggered FRC shooting:


  46. No one wants to be around James' smelly ass1:21 PM

    The great thing about Jim Crow is that it made it easy to stay away from stupid white people like Jamie Bitch, period.

  47. The GOP1:25 PM

    Yīshēng wishes she could use big words like Sessions and not be considered a sheboon, ROTFL!!
    Sheboon huh? And the anon wonders why we associate the right with racism? Hands down the racist statements here are made by rightwing republicon racists.

  48. Sessions lied and wingnuts ran interference for him.


  49. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "Sheboon huh? And the anon wonders why we associate the right with racism? Hands down the racist statements here are made by rightwing republicon racists."

    Nope, I'm a Progressive Democrat.

  50. Shooter Was Big Fan of Queen of Conspiracies Rachel Maddow; Driven to Violence By Climate of Hate Pushed by Left and Media.

    Belonged to many anti-Republican hate groups on FaceBook, wrote hate-letters to the liberal media about Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, was part of a "99%" protest against the 1%. Said he wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’

    Gee, sounds a lot like Doug from Oakland and Mike from Iowa. Maybe the FBI should bring those two in for a chat.

    The Democrats and media have been "normalizing" punch-a-nazi and covering up antifa attacks on the right for six months now. (Longer, of course-- they've covered up leftist violence forever -- but let's just say the last six months are of particular concern).

    If Sarah Palin's bullseye can encourage violence, how about the media's straight-up encouragement of violence? Can encouragement of violence also encourage violence?

  51. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic Governor of Virginia, said this today:

    "There are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence".

    Wow. That means it's only going to take about three more days until were all dead.

  52. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-warcrimes-idUSKBN19511O

    300 civilians killed by US airstrikes in Syria.

  53. President Red Line1:41 PM

    "300 civilians killed by US airstrikes in Syria"

    Obama's war.

  54. Ricky1:41 PM

    Bernie Sanders refuses to disavow James T. Hodgkinson.


  55. "Apparently, his wounds are not serious."

    That's a damn shame.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Let's see, when you have Broadway plays depicting the murder of President Trump, Kathy Griffin posing with Trump's severed head, the NYT tweeting White house advisor Stephen Miller's head on a pike, Loretta Lynch calling for more death in stret, and Democrat Congresswoman Val Demings praising the violent riots at Berkely as a "beautiful sight", you shouldn't be surprised when some weak-minded progbot like Doug or mike goes postal against Republicans.

    You fuckheads should seriously think about toning it down.

    1. I hear ya Anon@1:48, kind of like u people did when O was president. Not.😏

    2. I hear ya Anon@1:48, kind of like u people did when O was president. Not.😏

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Anonymous1:51 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Apparently, his wounds are not serious."

    That's a damn shame.

    -Doug in Oakland

    Right on cue, this piece of shit chimes in.

    Field: You need to send Doug's IP address to the FBI immediately. If you don't, you will be liable on that day he finally waddles out of his basement and hurts somebody.

  58. Crazy white guy2:03 PM

    Gee shocking, a crazy white guy tries to commit a mass murder. When is this white on white violence gonna end?

  59. Any lying Moose- that same play ran in 2912 and depicted Obama being killed. Delta did not withdraw their support then. There weren't any wingnuts whining about it then.

    Conclusive video evidence Drumpf is gay. At least with the Pope he tries to be.


    Deny this you wingnut haters.

  60. You are full of shit2:12 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Any lying Moose- that same play ran in 2012 and depicted Obama being killed.


  61. Z Man2:13 PM

    Out of respect to the families, the Rachel Maddow should be taken off the air indefinitely.

    1. Z Man,why? Wasn't FOX still on the air after Newton?

    2. Z Man,why? Wasn't FOX still on the air after Newton?

  62. Anonymous Blackbeard said...

    mike from iowa said...
    "Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters are national treasures."

    Let's bury them.

    According to anymoose you need to send anymoose Blackbeard's IP to the FBI so they can talk with him.

  63. They can investigate me all they want. I don't break laws these days, and you know it wasn't me who shot those Republicans because I wouldn't have missed. Squeeze, don't jerk, as my dad used to say.

    -Doug in Oakland

  64. Anonymous2:19 PM

    "you know it wasn't me who shot those Republicans because I wouldn't have missed."

    This is your fan base, Field. You must be proud of your work.

  65. Porter2:19 PM

    According to precedent established following the Dylan Roof shooting, all symbols of liberalism must now be taken down and banished as hate.

  66. Razor2:21 PM


    Portland stabbing: BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTER

    But the real threat is the violence of Republicans!

  67. Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik points out that a similarly contemporary production of "Julius Caesar," Shakespeare's masterwork about perceived tyranny and its consequences, was staged by Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater in 2012 featuring an Obama-esque protagonist. "Delta, which was a sponsor of the Guthrie though not of this particular production, wasn’t heard to object," Hiltzik wrote. (Read more on the Delta issue here.)

    You are full of shit said...

    mike from iowa said...
    Any lying Moose- that same play ran in 2012 and depicted Obama being killed.

    LIE. Yer the liar, liar.

  68. AG Lynch did not call for more death in the stret. Learn to read and comprehend, moron.

  69. Anonymous2:26 PM

    "kind of like u people did when O was president."

    I missed all the mainstream media depictions of Obama's murder and beheading.

    Did you post about them?

    1. Anon@2:26, Yes, I did.
      You consider FOX VIEWS mainstream,right?

    2. Anon@2:26, Yes, I did.
      You consider FOX VIEWS mainstream,right?

  70. You are full of shit2:28 PM

    "Obama-esque protagonist"

    Actor was white.

    Fuck you, liar.

  71. Crazy white guy2:33 PM

    But the real threat is the violence of Republicans!
    Nope, the real threat are crazy white guys with weapons. Maybe you right wing types can focus on the real issue instead of obsessing about scary negroes.

  72. In a statement delivered on Capitol Hill, the Vermont senator said that he was "sickened" by the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, which occurred while Republicans were practicing for the annual congressional baseball game.

    "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said. "I am sickened by this despicable act."

    He continued:

    "Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."

    "My hopes and prayers are that Representative Scalise, congressional staff and the Capitol Police Officers who were wounded make a quick and full recovery. I also want to thank the Capitol Police for their heroic actions to prevent further harm.

  73. "AG Lynch did not call for more death in the street"

    Um, she kind of did:

    I know it’s a time of concern for people, who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back,” she said. “I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

    “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference.”

    “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died,” she continued. “This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.

  74. Sandernistas2:37 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    In a statement delivered on Capitol Hill, the Vermont senator said that he was "sickened" by the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia,

    Then maybe Colonel Sanders should stop inciting violence with his false and inflammatory rhetoric.

  75. Anonymous 2:26 p.m.

    It's difficult to believe that a politically active person could have missed all of the reports of violence and death threats against President Obama, but I will take you at your word. I suspect some kind of selective memory process. Here is a blog post from another blog where this same discussion was taking place. Examples of Obama being hung in effigy, burned in effigy, with a noose around his neck, etc. Do you remember Ted Nugent telling Obama to "suck on my shotgun?" Obama got more death threats every week or two than most presidents get in a year or their entire term of office. Look for five photo collages of violence depicted against Obama.


    I haven't bothered to link, but surely you also remember the depictions of Obama as a Zulu medicine man, the first family as a family of apes, Moochelle. I guess that's not as bad as death threats, but it does ramp up the rhetoric. Personally whenever I hear anyone even hint at violence against Trump and his demonic minions, a admonish them in no uncertain terms, violence is not the true path.


  76. Anonymous You are full of shit said...

    "Obama-esque protagonist"

    Actor was white.

    Fuck you, liar.

    Fuck you shit fer brains. The Caesar actor in Minneapolis was a BLACK man you dumb sonofabitch!!! Obama is Black, too!!!


  77. Anonymous Lynch Mob said. lord gawdalmighty. Lynch was talking about Black protesters who were killed for their beliefs and their fight for equality. She didn't say let's go get ourselves killed. She intoned it is quite possible that more people would be killed. She never once asked whitey wingnuts to please come kill some of us protesters like in the old days.

  78. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Flying Junior said...
    "Look for five photo collages of violence depicted against Obama."

    Fringe internet sites and social media posts aren't the "mainstream media". There were NEVER any calls for violence against Obama published in the NYT, TMZ or Variety, NEVER any Broadway plays depicting his murder.

    As far as the darker regions of the internet go, Obama got it no worse than Bush or Trump.

    I appreciate your denunciations of calls for political violent. More people on the Left need to speak out for sanity.

  79. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/right-wing-pastor-says-amen-when-guest-wants-to-see-gov-jerry-brown-hanging-from-a-rope/

    Now vicious wingnuts want Jerry Brown hung. This comes from a so called kristian. What a freaking wingnut joke.

  80. Washington (CNN)Former Rep. Joe Walsh -- under fire for a deleted tweet saying "This is now war" against President Barack Obama following the killings of Dallas police officers -- defended his rhetoric Friday.
    Walsh, a former tea party congressman from Illinois and now a conservative talk radio host, tweeted in the wake of the Dallas shootings, "3 Dallas Cops killed, 7 wounded. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you."

    CNN not mainstream enough for you, anymoose?

  81. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/us/politics/donald-trumps-longtime-butler-calls-for-violence-against-obama-secret-service-to-investigate.html?_r=0

    Here's the NYT saying Drumpf's ex butler wanted Obama dead.

  82. "But the real threat is the violence of Republicans!"

    Yes. it is. And the Republicans aren't fucking around with any pissant shooting of baseball practices, they're legislating the murder of 45,000 poor people a year with their AHCA, about which Scalise said "Today we made history."
    And then was no doubt shocked, shocked, I say, that some crazy fuck took a shot at him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  83. James Bold3:58 PM

    Isn't it funny that the Black people who hate White people and denounce "racism" the most...

    go to live among White people whenever they have the opportunity?

    Revealed preferences.  And you wonder why we laugh at you.

  84. Wesley R4:13 PM

    Man Field, I'm so sick and tired of all of this winning. I want it to stop!

  85. Jamie is a bitch4:25 PM

    Revealed preferences. And you wonder why we laugh at you.

    Just like your dumb ass chooses to post on a Black blog. You also claim to be some kind of genius. No need to wonder why we laugh at your dumb ass Jamie.
    150 IQ,bwahahahahahHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  86. Crazy white guy4:29 PM

    The real issue is that during the Trump administration crazy white guys with guns feel free to shoot innocent people. I wonder what Trump has to say about this because he was talking a lot of shit when the event went down in London.

  87. More good advice the Pig-People are just too far gone to listen to:


    -Doug in Oakland

  88. Where did all the Drumpf ass kissing trolls go? They spout BS, get owned as liars then slink away planning their next assault.

    1. Mike@4:51, they are getting new marching orders.

  89. McCShame now sez he never ever said Obama was a stronger leader than Drumpf and if he did he was joking.

    Drumpf just handed Mrs McCShame a governmental job. Wingnuts lie out of every side of their mouths at all times.

  90. It's past their bedtime in Russia.

    -Doug in Oakland

  91. 12 dead in UPS shooting in California. Damn Jerry Brown and his arm everyone with guns policies.

  92. My bad- 4 dead-including shooter suicide. 12 dead in London fire so far.

  93. James Bold5:11 PM

    "Just like your dumb ass chooses to post on a Black blog."

    I can't do chemistry and orbital mechanics all day.  You clowns are part of my stress relief.  It's a trip to the zoo without leaving my desk.

  94. Trollio5:31 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Where did all the Drumpf ass kissing trolls go?

    We have jobs. Unlike you.

  95. "We have jobs. Unlike you."

    Yeah, that betray the country for the oligarchs dollar is a pretty good dollar.

    -Doug in Oakland

  96. The Left is full of children who can't cope.

  97. Like the 4 year old spoiled little orange bastard in the WH?

    Don't get your way? Go on Twitter and tell the entire world you are a spoiled rotten POS pretending to be grownup.

    Can't wait to watch Drumpf melt into a simpering wimp the first time a real serious tragedy strikes America while he is off cheating at golf.

  98. Orbital mechanics=throwing shit against the wall6:08 PM

    I can't do chemistry and orbital mechanics all day. You clowns are part of my stress relief. It's a trip to the zoo without leaving my desk.
    BwahahahahahahahahahHhHahahahaha! Gasp! BwahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!
    Orbital mechanics!
    Oh fuck!

  99. Baldy's eyedea of orbital mechanics is his squinting through a magnifying glass looking for his tiny Johnson.

    Chemistry entails peeing his pants and tasting the amount of ammonia in it.

  100. Jamie Bitch is a liar?6:14 PM

    Ok let's add to dumb ass' tally.
    1. He's writing a book.
    2. He designs airplanes.
    3. He checks math books for error.
    4. He does "engineering projects".
    5 And now he does chemistry and orbital mechanics at his desk.
    Is it just me or does anyone else think Jamie Bitch is full of shit? I could be wrong but I'm getting that particular distinct odor from Jamie. Hmmmmmmmm

  101. Orbital Mechanic6:17 PM

    Orbital mechanics means swirling his tongue around his uncle/daddy's anus and chemistry is cleaning the shit stain out of his drawers.

  102. Jamie's chemistry professor6:18 PM

    By chemistry he means buying meth for his mother.

  103. Yes NASA6:32 PM

    So now our resident "genius" works for NASA as a rocket scientist. You just gotta love the fucking internet.

  104. Doug from Oakland is a faggot6:41 PM

    A lot of annoying assholes that post here.

  105. So did Scalise vote to overturn Obama's rule that prevented the mentally ill from buying guns? Why yes, yes he did. Did he oppose a regulation barring people arrested for domestic violence, as his shooter had been, from owning guns? Sure he did.

    So he was pretty much saying "I advocate for as many guns as possible to be sold to and owned by and used by as many people as possible, but none of those people should shoot at ME with those guns."

    Dude, if that is your policy, perhaps try not acting like such an insufferable prick, as many of those gun owners have anger issues and aren't exactly stable.

    -Doug in Oakland

  106. So the suits at NBC are panicking over advertisers pulling their ads not just off of Megyn Kelly's show, but all of NBC, and Alex Jones doesn't want the interview to air, as he believes it misrepresents his views on Sandy Hook, and dilutes his credibility with the Pig-People...

    -Doug in Oakland

  107. Which views on Sandy Hoax is Jones worried about? The hoax part or the other part where it might not be a hoax? Or some other viewpoint he hasn't espoused yet?

  108. BwahahahahahahahahahHhHahahahaha! Gasp! BwahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!
    Orbital mechanics!
    Oh fuck!

    I got the hiccups laughing at this 'ish, ROTFL!!!

    Nothing like NRA members shooting people to bring out the other whooteemoos!!!

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      IKR, suddenly this asshole is a rocket scientist out of nowhere! What's next, fucking brain surgeon? I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming! At his orbital engineering desk doing chemistry! I swear to god you can't make this shit up!

  109. Maybe Scalise will feel, just for a moment's time, the terror innocent Blacks feel when being shot for being Black. Maybe there is a speck of humanity in there and might change his life for the better. Oh who the hell am I fooling. NRA pays too well for mavericks to get off message and reform theirselves.

  110. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:02 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "As of January, our government became tyrannical."

    How exactly?

  111. Anonymous10:26 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Maybe Scalise will feel, just for a moment's time, the terror innocent Blacks feel when being shot for being Black

    Jesus Christ you are such a moronic faggot.

  112. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:43 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "An unqualified, frankly evil man installed as president in an illegitimate election to enact a slew of unconstitutional policies?"

    Donald Trump meets all the constitutional requirements for the office of President. He won 306 electoral votes in an election that was certified as legitimate in all 50 states. He has not instituted any policies outside the bounds of his authorities and the one that was blocked by partisan judges will be ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court.

    You are delusional and infantile in your refusal to accept the results of the election. You inhabit a hysterical world where people not on your team are not just wrong but evil. You are a weak little loser who champions violence from behind your keyboard until mom calls you for dinner. Get out of the house, grow up, and get a fucking life.

  113. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  114. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    mike from iowa said...
    Maybe Scalise will feel, just for a moment's time, the terror innocent Blacks feel when being shot for being Black

    You mean when blacks kill/shoot other blacks 100% of the time.

  115. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Nah, when whites commit 100% of mass murders.

  116. Jesus Christ you are such a moronic faggot.

    Shouldn't speak about your phony lord and saviour like that, Anymoose. If he was real he'd prolly turn you into a Drumpflike pig person.

  117. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Nah, when whites commit 100% of mass murders.
    6:50 PM


    1. Crazy white guy1:45 PM

      I guess we can just ignore Sandy Hook, the Colorado Batman movie shooting, ext. Watch yourself folks, crazy white boys with guns are out there.

  118. Crazy white guy1:47 PM


    Gotta start back in 1966 for crazy white guys with guns.

  119. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Chicago black on black stats for the month:

    June to Date
    Shot & Killed: 42
    Shot & Wounded: 162
    Total Shot: 204
    Total Homicides: 44

    1. Crazy white guy4:13 PM

      Sounds like one day for a crazy white guy. How many were killed in Oklahoma City when a crazy white guy set off the bomb?
