Sunday, June 18, 2017

Another day, another lie.

Image result for trump imagesToday we learned that seven Navy sailors tragically lost their lives when their US Naval destroyer collided into a cargo ship.

Sadly, instead of our president offering his condolences and "prayers" on behalf of himself and the nation, he was doing this:

The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That's higher than O's #'s!


  1. The Trumpening10:15 PM

    Another day, another lie....

    ...from the Field Negro.

    That's quite a streak you've got going.

  2. ctrl+halt+del10:16 PM

    "Somewhere along the line someone must have told him how big Obama's hands are."

    Black man POTUS envy

  3. It would have been nice in a situation like the Navy ship collision near Japan that killed seven sailors (that's 1.75 Benghazis) if we'd had a Secretary of the Navy or an ambassador to Japan.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Thanks to the obstructionist democrats, we have neither.

    Thanks to Affirmative Action, we have a Navy that runs into freighers.

  5. It's Trump's fault those sailors died.

    1. Peak blackness6:43 AM

      Yep. We weren't running into ships when the brotha was in charge.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. No, dear, the Republicans have the majority and the Democrats can't obstruct. If they could we wouldn't have DeVos, Pruitt, Price, Sessions, or any of the wrecking crew he has working on destroying the government.
    As of the second of June, there were still over 400 senate confirmable positions without nominees.
    Which partially explains why everything he tries blows up in his face: there are reasons for all of those jobs, and he's not getting the support from them because they're not there. Which means he only finds out how the different parts of the government are supposed to work when those parts don't work because they have no staff and whatever he wants to do fails because of it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson2:43 AM

    Lord have mercy.

    It's Trumps's fault the Destroyer hit the Japanese freighter?

    How in the world do you figure that?

  9. Lt. Commander Pussy6:41 AM

    Well, you might know the answer if you weren't a no serving pussy who pretends to be an officer. Just like potus.

  10. But everytime an unarmed Black was shot by police it was Obama's fault for being a black man in America's White House.

    Whitey wingnuts bayed in unison that Obama was stirring the racial pot. Then he was gonna take away yer guns. Its true-the NRA said so over and over again.

    Now, everyone has seen the orange magat's diseased ego and no one wants to stroke it anymore. Mangled apricot is a week or two away from literally imploding and I have the popcorn ready. Should be fun. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  11. "Somewhere along the line someone must have told him how big Obama's hands are."

    I don't usually come here to laugh, Field, but that cracked me up!

  12. President "I considered gayness"9:19 AM

    "Somewhere along the line someone must have told him how big Obama's hands are."

    And loose his anal sphincter was.


  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "Which means he only finds out how the different parts of the government are supposed to work when those parts don't work because they have no staff and whatever he wants to do fails because of it."

    These positions aren't unstaffed, they just remain filled by the Obama appointee until a replacement is confirmed.

    So the problem must be either incompetent Obama appointees or the fact they are intentionally sabotaging the operation of the government.

  14. Anonymous11:36 AM

    yes,Progressives cannot help themselves with their delusion.....

  15. Anonymous11:37 AM

    It's Trump's fault those sailors died.
    11:13 PM


  16. Pimp Drumpfy Wumpfy will fail because he s a failure, A yooge lying POS who doesn't know shit and doesn't care to learn about shit. Did I mention he is a liar?

    Drumpfy need to put down twitter and slowly back away, resign in disgrace and then he can grope his favorite grope toy whenever the groping urge strikes.

  17. We don't blame trump for these poor men dying (things happen). The point of the post was that he did not acknowledge their deaths now that it is official. Rather, he chose to tweet a lie.

  18. He lied some more- Last year, while hacking Democrats’ emails and working to undermine the American presidential election, the Russian government also granted extensions to six trademarks for Mr. Trump that had been set to expire. The Trump trademarks, originally obtained between 1996 and 2007 for hotels and branding deals that never materialized, each had terms that were coming to an end in 2016.

    Drumpf claims over and over he has no business ties, no loans, no anything that ties him to Russia except trademarks, four of whichwere approved November 8th of 2016-coincidentally.

  19. Wingnuts are whining Dems aren't giving Drumpf a chance to suck seed. He is dragging America into the shitter where they will be no return.


    Drumpf, for some inexplicable reason,is getting high marks for fighting terrorism. Hell, he ain't done a damn thing except whine about the judicial system.

  21. Here is a big funny- James O'keefe and Daleiden are right wing provacateurs who basically make shit up about their targets and videotape conversations which are then edited to change the entire context of the conversation. These 2 should both be serving prison sentences for damaging people's reputations.

    Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin are two of the most hated people because they say bad things about people. Griffin and Maher are pariahs while the two conservative criminals have damaged reputations of various agencies and people involved, but are considered heroes by right wing nut jobs.

  22. Another Drumpf pick, another criminal.

    Is there a wingnut out there with clean hands, mind, background?

  23. Anonymous6:47 PM

    "We don't blame trump for these poor men dying (things happen). The point of the post was that he did not acknowledge their deaths now that it is official. Rather, he chose to tweet a lie."

    Can you imagine the uproar if Barack had done the same. These fools would have lost their minds.


  24. Limpbaugh7:14 PM

    With the shooting down planes escalation of the Russia/U.S. proxy war in Syria it is more important than ever to expose the fake news media's war mongering. When the same media that lied us into the Iraq War hypes Russia hysteria without evidence, they don't mention that Wikileaks published a CIA document about the CIA's capability to fake every aspect of a Russian hack, What is even more ridiculous is their unstated premise that Russia can't disguise their hacks.

    Russia never gave anything to Wikileaks. That's what Julian Assange said, and he knows. Wikileaks offered a reward for information about the murder of DNC Data Director Seth Rich. The DNC didn't. Podesta wrote about making an example of a leaker. None of murdered Seth Rich's valuables were taken. Taking them would have made it look like a robbery and not scared other potential leakers. And why would Russia have wasted their intelligence on Trump, who was believed to have no chance to win, when they could have waited and blackmailed Hillary when she was president. Email header encryptions technologically prove that the Wikileaks emails are authentic. That's why people like Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned instead of trying to refute them. Another reason for lying, besides demonizing Russia to escalate their proxy war in Syria with Russia, is Wikileaks is protected by the First Amendment unless they are involved in state sponsored espionage.We can't have people telling us the truth, can we? If you aren't at least suspicious, you are a complete dupe. Signing and sharing this shows people want some questions answered before risking war with Russia.

  25. James Bold12:50 AM

    "Mangled apricot is a week or two away from literally imploding"

    Don't worry about him, Dougie; he'll never break 20% in the primaries.


    "Can you imagine the uproar if Barack had done the same. These fools would have lost their minds."

    Your Gay Mulatto Messiah said of a violent thug with a history of burglary made good by a neighborhood watchmen that if he'd had a son, he would look like the dead criminal.

    You fools lost your minds long ago.  I'm only here to observe and mock your insanity.

  26. Yes PX, they would have. They lost their minds over a lot less during his two terms.

  27. James Bold is absolutely correct. There was a major conspiracy among the alt-right to plant seeds of infamy about the person of Trayvon Martin. Indeed there were several Breitbart related sources that claimed that Martin was searched by school police and found to be with burglary tools, or a burglary tool as well as a backpack full jewelry and watches.

    Amazingly, these sources were able to give us the exact quote that Martin replied to the school police when confronted with the stolen schwag. "A friend gave them to me."

    How do they do it? They certainly can sniff out a great story. News hounds, I guess. Only problem is that when one of these fake news source attempts to quote a specific article from the Miami Herald, the only article that Der Googol can find is an article about home-grown fake news.

    You know, James? For all of the research and watching and listening to original news sources that I did in respect to the Martin murder, I never knew any of this! It's incredible. Thank you for a valuable public service.

  28. James Bold6:05 PM

    "these sources were able to give us the exact quote that Martin replied to the school police when confronted with the stolen schwag. "A friend gave them to me.""

    That's because those are the words in the incident investigative report from the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department.

    "There was a major conspiracy among the alt-right to plant seeds of infamy about the person of Trayvon Martin. Indeed there were several Breitbart related sources that claimed that Martin was searched by school police and found to be with burglary tools, or a burglary tool as well as a backpack full jewelry and watches."

    If it was a conspiracy the MDSPD originated it, because all of that incriminating data was from them.  Whole piles of FOIA'ed info on the case have been on Scribd for years now, but you live in your own Black bubble of delusion and nothing as inconvenient as facts about a Black thug who got what he deserved are going to puncture it.

    Nope, no matter the evidence you're going to say he dindu nuffins.  And you wonder why we call you "dindus".... your whole race deserves the Darwin award.
