Friday, June 16, 2017

Is he really "deranged" ?

Image result for photo crazy trump image*The following article from Andrew Sullivan (a man who I sometimes disagree with) is a must read for all objective Americans who want some insight into what is going on with their leader.

The field Negro education series continues.

"Let me put this as simply as I can. After firing FBI Director James Comey  for investigating the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russians, the president is now openly smearing and threatening to fire Comey’s replacement, Robert Mueller. There is no question about the motive behind all this, because Trump has told anyone within hearing distance or access to a television that he fired Comey to kill a vital and important investigation into Russian interference in our elections, which yesterday Putin all but admitted: “They meddle in all other countries’ affairs, what did they expect?” For good measure, Trump is now openly arguing through surrogates that Mueller is acting in bad faith, pursuing a “witch hunt,” and should be fired if his investigation gets anywhere near the president.
Every now and again, you have to take a moment, stop being distracted by the constant breaking news, and let all this sink in.
This is now a slow-moving version of Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre — but graver. It’s graver because the original crime — the Kremlin’s attempt to hack our elections in possible cahoots with some on the Trump campaign — has so much wider ramifications than an office break-in. It’s an act of virtual war by a foreign adversary that came close to rigging the voting machines, for Pete’s sake. If it was in any way abetted by an American connected to Trump, we absolutely need to find out. And this crisis is more dangerous because the president has not only been trying to prevent or rig any such investigation for months — demanding personal loyalty from the FBI director, pressuring national intelligence officials to exonerate him before the inquiry is finished — but also continues to boast about this obstruction of justice as if there were nothing wrong with it at all.
Which brings us to Trump’s mental illness, by which I mean simply that he would not pass a clinical psych test for any other job in the country. Yesterday morning, the mad king tweeted: “They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice.” He then called Mueller “a very bad and conflicted” individual. Later, like a spoiled child, he wondered out loud: “Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?”
The truth is Trump cannot abide any kind of investigation of his campaign or of himself by anyone. That would require him to defer to someone else, and his psyche cannot let that happen. (This is the core reason behind his refusal to release his tax returns.) The very idea of actually wanting inspection to clear his name simply doesn’t occur to him. After a lifetime of lying, fraud, debt, secrecy, and bankruptcy, his instinct is always to deny everything and to do all he can to subvert any smidgen of accountability or transparency. And so, despite arguing that there is nothing there in the Russian investigation (which might very well be true), and waiting for vindication, he has attempted to end it prematurely. He literally knows no other way. And he is likely to keep doing this — especially if he is now under direct scrutiny for abuse of power. Asking him to subject himself to a neutral third-party inquiry comes as easily to him as it would to Putin or Duterte or Mugabe. It seems absurd to them — and they, like Trump, would react with incandescent rage.
Again, it takes a while for this to register. But the president, in his anger, is now asserting that the FBI inquiry was initiated by nameless people who already knew that there was no basis to the allegations. Therefore the investigation is “the single greatest witch-hunt in American political history” — surpassing the lowest lows of McCarthyism no less. If Trump cannot stop the investigation, he is doing all he can to delegitimize it, whatever the costs to the credibility of our system of government. And personally attacking the integrity of a Republican former FBI director, who was only recently regarded as a near-parody of bipartisan rectitude, would be a shocking event, if we had not become numb to this president’s malevolent derangement.
And this is more potentially lethal to our democracy than Watergate because today’s Republican Party is utterly different than Nixon’s. It has been taken over by a mass movement led by a cult idol and there are no Republicans of any stature or heft who are prepared to stand up to him, as some once famously did with Nixon. Hence the spectacle of Newt Gingrich. A month ago, he called Mueller “a superb choice.” This past week, he tweeted that anyone who thinks Mueller will be fair in his investigation is “delusional.” Worse, actually: Mueller is “now clearly the tip of the deep state spear aimed at destroying or at a minimum undermining and crippling the Trump presidency.” The official RNC talking points in response to the latest Washington Post bombshell about Trump himself being under scrutiny include this beaut: “This story is nothing more than an example of even more leaks coming out of the FBI and special counsel’s office in an effort to undermine the President.”
The right-wing media chorus is also instantly on fleek. “Now we find out that [Mueller is] Leaky Jim Comey’s bestest buddy there ever was. These guys are pals, and now Mueller is going to investigate the dude who fired his amigo? Does that seem cool to you?” vents Kurt Schlichter at The Daily Mail’s US editor opines: “I’ll say it: If the special counsel’s office is leaking prejudicial information about an investigation, it should be shut down immediately.” Libertarian law professor, Randy Barnett: “Mueller should resign not recuse. If he recuses, the matter will be delegated to one of the Democrat attack lawyers he’s hired.” A key barometer of Republican partisanship, the blogger Glenn Reynolds, endorses all of these arguments. Kelly-Ann Conway is also busy asserting that because three individuals in Mueller’s legal team have donated to Democrats, it’s automatically rigged.
And so it seems to me completely plausible – even inevitable – that Mueller will be fired too at some point. More saliently, if his team’s work eventually exposes and proves Trump’s obstruction of justice, the only possible recourse, impeachment, will never happen. There will never be 18 Republican Senators who will vote against the leader in this Congress or any other. We will have a criminal in the White House indefinitely, utterly impervious to sanction, and emboldened even further. And he will have brought almost half the country along with him, digging deeper in with every news cycle.
Over a year ago, in this magazine’s pages, I wrote the following sentence: “In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event.” We are about to find out if I was right. [Source]
*Image credit to


  1. The party that cannot govern has total control and won't give it up regardless of the criminality in the WH and elsewhere. There is not likely to be a crime egregious enough for wingnuts to pull the trigger on Drumpf's illegally obtained presiduncy.

    Drumpf is deranged. No doubt about it. Drumpf is not qualified for the office. That is in even less doubt.

  2. "Again, it takes a while for this to register."

    Maybe for you it might, Andrew, but for those of us who have been paying attention and not struggling with the denial of the part you played in creating this monster, it's been clear as day from the gate.
    In fact, we tried to tell you about it, oh, I don't know, ten thousand times or so.
    But you would never listen to us because we were just liberals, and liberals are all icky and shit, and never get invited onto the teevee machine like you do.

    And hell yes, president four-year-old has mental problems. Maybe physical problems also:

    But the ghouls he has surrounded himself with will continue to use that to their advantage for as long as it works, then they'll toss his ass to the curb however they need to.
    Pence just hired Richard Cullen while President four-year-old has Kasowitz and the clown show. Who do you think is more likely to be warm and breathing at the end of this? Especially since Pence is likely to actually listen to Cullen.
    Meanwhile, with the public nicely distracted, McConnell is gearing up to pass a version of the AHCA that nobody outside the thirteen fat white guys writing it has seen even one word of.
    Let that take a while to register, Andrew, but not too long or you'll find yourself trying to crowdfund your meds.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Limpbaugh9:52 PM

    Trump is a lying war criminal coward who has bombed Syria twice, protected ISIS in a retreat, and promised huge arms sales to their supporters. Except for Hillary's no fly zone he has done what she wanted when it comes to killing people. Russiaphobia is farce. Can't find your oregano? Only have one sock from a pair? Can't find your keys or TV controller? Did your favorite team lose? You can call the Russian Threat Center bill sponsor Joe Kennedy and leave him a message at (202) 225-5931. I did.

  4. "I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt"

    And just who was it who asked him to write that memo, president four-year-old, and why?

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Crazier and crazier the liberals get, slowing spinning down the drain of reality....

    Andrew Sullivan, if you recall, waged a years-long campaign pushing the conspiracy theory that Sarah Palin's special needs son Trig’s real mother is either Bristol Palin or some third party, and that Sarah Palin herself faked the pregnancy to avoid embarrassment for her daughter or for political gain or some combination of reasons.

    Yes, he really did.

    Hate does weird things to a man's mind. Or maybe it's the HIV rotting out his brain.

    What's your excuse?

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson12:13 AM

    Answer me this, field.
    WHO appointed Mueller, Comey's best bud, as the special prosecutor? Mueller, who instantly hires Democrats from hell. Maybe it was that Rosenstein shit?

    Trump? I don't think so.

    I'd fire him too. Hell, let's investigate him, too.

  7. Manic orange orangutan1:18 AM

    Yes, he is deranged.

  8. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Hey, it's our favorite non serving pussy. Hey LT. Comm Bitch. How ya doing?

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson1:32 AM

    Fine, thank you.

    Take a torpedo up your ass...if there is room.

  10. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Youz bein elective feelz. nomesayin...

  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Dougs can eats him some asparagus.

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    You niggas STILL believe the Russia hacking conspiracy?

    No wonder you elect people like Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson-Lee: you're as dumb as rocks!

  13. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I hope Sarah Palin comes back. And I hope she's wearing those black leather boots ...

  14. Drumpf is no more deranged than the majority of his base who are all fucking retarded swine.

  15. Great service to your readers, Field (I never think to read Sullivan on my own, who knows why).

    "There will never be 18 Republican Senators who will vote against the leader in this Congress or any other." But after the Midterms? Would the Republican votes be needed then, with sufficient changeover to Dem power? Better then than in 4, or God help us, 8 years.

    The comparison to the mindsets of Duterte and Mugabe is totally apt.

    “In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event.” Great line, but Trump is stomping out what's mostly dead already, killed by Big, Reactionary Money, corporatocracy, the infestation of lobbyists, the return of Jim Crow, and the victory of Citizens United. Even a clown's big shoe can crush what's left.

  16. Oh, now, y'all gotta read Gail Collins' column today in the Times, the contest for the Worst Cabinet Member. She surveyed pundits and intelligensia. I was convinced about Sessions, for lasting damage and hurt, noted by an arch-conservative, no less:

    "So many choices,” said Norman Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. At first Ornstein refused to pick for Worst, arguing that the contest for most awful cabinet member should be treated like a kid’s athletic competition where everybody’s a winner. In the end, however, he went for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (“Racist on voting rights and more, bringing back mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses, promoting the cancer of private prisons.”)"

    But Scott Pruitt, for irreversible damage to the environment? Turning national parks into drilling rigs? This contest isn't easy.

  17. Anonymous10:01 AM

    No, that's liberals job........

  18. Piney Joe12:20 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    Oh, now, y'all gotta read Gail Collins' column today in the Times, the contest for the Worst Cabinet Member

    This is what the NYT Times does now? Sounds like a high school newspaper.


  19. Wrong Whney Joe, the NYT is the paper of record in America.

  20. Fake News Update5:18 PM

    The "paper of record" that publishes stories where liberals debate who the worst Trump cabinet member is.

    This is why no one cares about anything the media says anymore.

  21. Hate Thought™5:37 PM

    Hell is spending eternity explaining what per capita means to people who think sub Saharan Africans built the pyramids.

  22. Whatever ails Drumpf. you can be sure it is last class all the way. A shitstain deserves the best derision we can offer. The sad part is Drumpf has done all this to himself so Dems can't claim credit for Drumpf's total failure. Rest assured the howling horde of coyotes will blame Dems for everything they screwed up.

    Someone needs to talk wingnuts off the ledge. They plan to take the entire country down with them. Their failed policies have never worked, but it is always Dems fault.

    Go ahead and jump traitors. The rest of us will carry on doing the government's job as intended. We don't heed your pathetic, pasty white racist hides. Have a nice day. :)

  23. Hell is having your housing under the control of someone who believes that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. James Bold11:16 PM

    Hell is having your neighborhood under the control of someone who thinks that inter-racial killinsg are a GOOD thing:

    "If you want interracial killing, you have to have interracial communities."

    Because nothing says hate like wanting everyone to have to suffer the conditions that only Black people are sick and subhuman enough to create:

    "If their neighbors were white, they’d get no exemption from the crime that plagues human beings who happen to be black."

    Precisely, Michael Eric Dyson (and Field, and the rest of you White-haters here).  Precisely.  This is why we'll have either segregated countries or Blacks totally purged from North America by 2067, and people will understand exactly why the lies of "equality" and "civil rights" were ever accepted for even a minute... and (((who))) pushed them.

  25. Anonymous1:04 AM

    They still don't believe there's something to this Russia thing? No wonder dumb crackers keep electing Louis Gohmert and Marsha Blackburn

  26. Orbital Engineer4:03 AM

    Our resident "orbital engineer" chimes in again. Wonder how he has so much time to post here when he's supposed to be busy doing chemistry at his desk.

  27. Anonymous4:15 AM

    2067 huh? You are certainly one dumb mother fucker. I guess you don't have to be smart to be orbital engineering huh?

  28. Baldy ejaculates through his nose- Because nothing says hate like- whatever effluent comes out of Baldy's mouth and nose.

  29. To answer the question Field started off with-Is Baldy deranged? Yes he is and this will only make him more so-

  30. "Baldy" , huh? I love it. 😍


    This O'Keefe protege and his lawyers are totally deranged. Violating court orders is a sure way to get jugged. Not only releasing heavily/selectively edited videos but releasing names of victims that were under court seal.

    Just take them out back and dispose of them like garbage because that is what they are.

  32. Field..."Is he [trump] really 'deranged' ?"

    No, he's compromised. t-rump will do almost anything to keep the video the Russians have of him having an array of sex with blonde Russian women from being seen by the world.

    t-rump wants out of the presidency but, at the same time, he has to convince the Russians that he's their man in the White House.

  33. I read someone's speculation about that yesterday. Their idea was that president four-year-old may have a pre-nup that would allow Melania to clean him the fuck out if she could prove infidelity.
    I don't put much stock in it, though, as he may be stupid and deranged, but seems like way too much of a misogynist prick to ever have agreed to anything like that.

    -Doug in Oakland
