Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"Malignant narcissism"?

Image result for time magazine fake images*I  believe that the president of the United States has some  mental issues.

Here is another example why: As Anderson Cooper said earlier, "Why would a man who has been on a number of  Time magazine covers choose to make up a fake one to place in his properties all over the world?"

That is not fake news, people; he really did that.

 "Time magazine has asked the Trump organization to remove fake covers bearing his image from his golf clubs.

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that a framed Time cover featuring Trump and the headline “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!” [sic], seen hanging at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, was faked.

At the top of the page, in capitals, was the proclamation: “TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS … EVEN TV!” [Source]

Isn't it funny that the man who is always accusing the press of giving us fake news is living a life of fakery, himself?

This might not seem like a big deal, but believe me, it speaks to some deeper issues.

"Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression, and sadism. Often grandiose, and always ready to raise hostility levels, the malignant narcissist undermines organizations in which they are involved, and dehumanizes the people with whom they associate.
Malignant narcissism is a hypothetical, experimental diagnostic category. Narcissistic personality disorder is found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), while malignant narcissism is not. As a hypothetical syndrome, malignant narcissism could include aspects of narcissistic personality disorder as well as paranoia. The importance of malignant narcissism and of projection as a defense mechanism has been confirmed in paranoia, as well as "the patient's vulnerability to malignant narcissistic regression"' [Source]
*Pic from


  1. Lilacpr9:49 PM

    LOL! What the heck does "malignant narcissism" even mean? This is what I mean by you using words that are too big and complicated for my brain to handle! :)

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Yes, Trump is full of himself, but at least he's had some accomplishments in his life. His predecessor wrote his first autobiography at the the age of 30, and actually never did anything except accept the degrees he was given. He said his election would stop the seas from rising. He said he was better at all of his staff's positions than they were. That's "malignant narcissism".

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Trump removes MLK bust from Oval Office, places Hitler portrait on wall:

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM


    The left's lies and deceit just keep falling, day by day. Van Jones has even now admitted that the Russia hacking story was a big "nothing burger."


    #MAGA, bitches!

  5. James Bold11:19 PM

    Yeah, Feeled.  The magazine cover thing sounds like an enemedia invention.  But even if it's true, if Trump signed off on someone's attempt to troll Time and get some free PR it was a rousing success.  He's been playing the media like a violin since he announced, why would he stop now?  You get the vapors, his supporters laugh and wave their MAGA hats in triumph.

    True or false, that story is a win for Trump.

    "Trump removes MLK bust from Oval Office, places Hitler portrait on wall"

    I bet there are FN readers who are actually dumb enough to believe that.  Of course, anyone with half an ounce of experience and two brain cells to rub together has no trouble finding the original.

  6. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Trump is an inspiration to me and my black son every single day. Yes, I am one those people you libtards spit on: I am a smart, successful black Trump supporter. I work, I pay my taxes, and I didn't name my son something stupid like "Ja'De'KwanzaaDarius." I love my black-Asian wife and I wear my MAGA hat with pride. :)

    -A Black Business Owner in South Carolina

  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    It's extremely weird that the man who holds the office of the leader of the free world feels the need to create a fake magazine cover.Then again most people who knew this cat said he was a strange character. Nothing about him is even remotely cloae to being normal.


  8. Anonymous12:12 AM

    ...And that's part of what we like about him, PX. That gay mulatto muslim married to a linebacker tried so hard to be "normal" it was uncomfortable to look at. "Normal" is overrated.

    Trump is a wrecking ball. Trump is a force of nature. Don't try to understand Trump - he is a whirlwind made flesh. He works for The Unknowable One.

    Praise Kek, praise Pepe and Praise Trump. Shadilay!

  9. James Bold12:13 AM

    "It's extremely weird that the man who holds the office of the leader of the free world feels the need to create a fake magazine cover."

    News flash:  FN readers are dumb enough to believe that President Donald J. Trump does his own photoshop work.  Film at 11.

    Why would Time so much as acknowledge such a thing, even if it was true?  It's like the Lying Leftist Media can't handle memes.  They'd have to know that handing Trump a way to disrupt their plans for the news cycle was a win for him, but were too triggered to refuse.

    "Nothing about him is even remotely cloae to being normal."

    Nothing about these times is normal.  Nothing about the blind hatred being aimed at the POTUS and the MAGA half of America is remotely close to normal.  But until you crazy people are willing to take your psychotropics and let us talk you down, it's not going to get any better.

    For your own sakes, don't get violent.  Most of the guns and the shooting ability in the USA are on the MAGA side.

  10. James, My Dear Wicked Opponent in the Battle for World Dominance,

    Although your frequent skirmishes with the friends of Field are most likely not going to affect the outcome of this epic battle between good and evil in the U.S.A.

    Please be careful not to reveal too much of your team's strategy. If you start bragging about all of your guns, who knows? Maybe Obama will take the hint and send his goons to take away your arms. Look, I'm not saying you can't brag a little bit. But please don't let on that you guys intend to violently overthrow the government of the U.S.A. Fer Chrissakes, that might garner the attention of the CIA.

  11. I know some women who had narcissistic parents and have been working their entire adult lives to get past it. They call them "narcs" which I find hilarious. To a one they say that president four-year-old is a classic narc.
    I don't know if his narcissism is malignant or not, but it's definitely metastasizing through the Pig-People like wildfire, as evidenced by the comments above this one.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "Trump removes MLK bust from Oval Office, places Hitler portrait on wall"

    The lying fake news Libtard media caught hating on Trump again.

    Donald Trump did not replace an MLK bust and replace it with a portrait of Hitler.

    The Donald replaced MLK with a life-size blow-up doll of himself receiving a golden shower. ;-)

  13. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Hillary Clinton had a malignant tumor on her tongue.

  14. Limpbaugh4:42 AM

    I don't doubt the Time Magazine cover story is true, and I certainly don't doubt that Trump is narcissistic. But the Washington Post does publish a lot of fake news about Russia and Russia investigation leaks. One famous false claim they eventually retracted was that Russia hacked our electrical grid. They also use misleading headlines and sometimes bury the truth that effectively says the headline isn't true near the end of the article. The Washington Post is owned by the owner of Amazon. He has a $600 million dollar contract with the CIA to provide them cloud services. That is worth more than twice as much as his Washington Post is.

    I don't care about protecting Trump from false allegations about Russia. Trump should be hung for supporting ISIS. I oppose demonizing Russia to escalate the proxy war in Syria with Russia, and I oppose our covert support of ISIS. I am on Russia's side. The side that supports Assad instead of ISIS. Also Wikileaks is protected by the First Amendment unless they can frame them for involvement in state sponsored espionage. Trump has said he is for prosecuting Asange. I am all for prosecuting the media that lies us into wars. But Trump only complains about the media when he thinks they lied about him.

    Two CNN fake news scandals came out in pretty rapid succession. It looked like the MSM may have tried to conflate the least damaging CNN exposed fake news story with the worst. I noticed that the fake Russia business ties story that three people resigned (were fired) over was prominent on Google News. You had to look hard (or look on Youtube) to find news about the secretly taped CNN producer saying the Russia hysteria is fake and that the CNN CEO ordered them to cover it for ratings. The MSM may have wanted you to see the publicly recanted fake Russia news story and not pay attention to the other because you think you already saw it. A quick look on Google showed that if Google wasn't suppressing the second story by themselves, The New York Times, New York Post, the CIA controlled Washington Post, and NPR, are among the sources that collaborated on the distraction.

  15. This story is true. The MLK bust one is not.
    Although I am sure that he will remove King's bust at some point, but I can't see him replacing it with Hitler. That would be too obvious.

    Dog whistles are best.😏

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Limpbaugh-

    Russia-linked malware found on US electric company's ... - Fox...

    Dec 31, 2016 ... Power grids are vulnerable, so Russian hacking is a concern. It has nothing to do with the election and everything to do with national security, ...
    Vermont electric utility finds malware code attributed to ... - ...

    Dec 31, 2016 ... Vermont electric utility finds malware code attributed to Russians ... has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support ...
    New strain of malware can take power stations offline | Fox News

    Jun 13, 2017 ... Crash Override disabled part of the electrical grid in Ukraine last year, and ... Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of orchestrating it, which Moscow ... Dragos identified a hacker cell known as Electrum as the malware's ...
    WannaCry ransomware attack: A look at other major ... - Fox News

    May 15, 2017 ... Cybersecurity experts also linked Russia to the hack into the campaign of ... including information regarding the U.S. power grid, gas lines and ...
    NSA chief explains 'discrepancy' over claim that Russia ... - Fox...


    Baldy's new manifesto. Believe in him he's with the high command. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  19. Anymoose @ 10:08- I seriously doubt one just has Magna Cum Laude given to them.

    Drumpf's accomplishments include at least 7 bankruptcies (so I have heard), not paying either his bills and/or employees. Accepting money intended for small businesses after 9-11, philandering, failed marriages, racism and who knows what else.

  20. Excuse me, six count 'em 6 bankruptcies.

    Drumpf claimed the first three counted as 1. HRC was 100% correct and Drumpf lied some more.

  21. Anonymous9:07 AM

    PX: "It's extremely weird that the man who holds the office of the leader of the free world feels the need to create a fake magazine cover."

    It was a joke, dude. Get a grip.

  22. Lance Cockstrong9:29 AM

    How can someone like Butt Trumpet, whose hands are as small as his dick, have any kind of narcissism? Your average micro dick white boy has an unhealthy narcissm too. How is that even possible?

  23. A real orbital engineer who does chemistry stuff9:29 AM

    But please don't let on that you guys intend to violently overthrow the government of the U.S.A. Fer Chrissakes, that might garner the attention of the CIA.
    Oh FJ let little Jamie dream about being significant. He already lies about having a job and being educated which we all know are lies. That's why they love Trump, he lies and it gives them license to lie because if big chief angry jack-o-lantern can do it why can't they? Sad but hey watchagonnado?

  24. President infant9:32 AM

    It was a joke, dude. Get a grip.
    So all he does is play games all day while the adults work? That's just sad. No wonder hia daughter practically raises a 71 year old man. WTF?

  25. Lilacpr9:41 AM

    Gosh Limpbaugh, who has time to read all that? I can't even wrap my head around anything you are saying anyway!

  26. 29th June 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  27. tRump is what EVERY male whooteemoo wishes he could be.


    Drumpf's injustice of the suckpreme court apparently isn't any smarter than Drumpfuck hisself.

    Fucking right wing morons!

  29. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Now his tweets about Mika Brezinski? What is wrong with this guy? We have seriously elected an insane person to run this country and there are soooooooo many not disturbed by this behavior.


  30. He seems to have an unhealthy fixation on women bleeding.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. "Isn't it funny that the man who is always accusing the press of giving us fake news is living a life of fakery, himself?"

    Was it Goebbels or Hitler or just Karl Rove to said "Always accuse your enemies of what you're doing. It takes that option away from them."

    Trump may be sick, yes, (see Charles Blow of the Times today for Trump's Obama fixation) but also paranoiac, I'll-get-you-before-you-get-me sick. Narcissism is only half of it. And did we mention racism? Read Blow.

    Also, remember John Miller? AKA John Barron?

  32. Every article and every comment about Drumpfuck should start and end with the word malignant.

  33. julia2:50 PM

    "And did we mention racism? Read Blow."

    What else does Blow write about? Why bother reading him? He's Fake News.

  34. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Ooops. Another black mark on Philadelphia...

  35. James Bold5:05 PM

    After free utilities become a cibil rite for Africoons-in-America, corruption is next to be legalized for those high melanin.  Because if we punish corruption, we'll have Too Many Black Men In Prison.

    Seriously, you all have to go.  You don't have to go back but you can't stay here.

  36. Poor Charles Blow-another receiver of magna cum laude distinction-prolly handed to him just like Obama, right? Must be a Black thing. White libs get Rhodes Scholarships except when Blacks or Asian Americans do.


    I'd missed this morning's tweetstorm attacking Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski First, they begged to come to Donald's party. But Mika was "bleeding from a facelift," so Donald said no. Which part of that is a tad hard to believe? Which part of that is a sick product of a mind too ill to govern anything, let alone a large country? All of it, you say?


    Baldy, you racist white devil. This Black kid invented a device that can save kids from being left in hot cars. Which of you affirmative action haters gave the kid the idea? Come on, you know a Black 10 year can't do nothing for himself. Fess up.

  39. We ain't going nowhere!6:57 PM

    Seriously, you all have to go. You don't have to go back but you can't stay here.
    Yawn. I'll be pulling out the grill this weekend while Jamie screeches about me leaving. Well I guess this is what you get from someone who thinks they're an orbital engineer who does "chemistry".

  40. Orbital engineering Dept.7:06 PM

    Lesse, he's racist, he doesn't respect women, he lies constantly and he wants to deport a bunch of people. Holy shit, Jamie Bitch is really Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. President Methhead7:11 PM

    Lack of impulse control and lack of time space orientation. We have a crackhead in the White House.

  42. Anonymous7:34 PM

    President Methhead said...
    Lack of impulse control and lack of time space orientation. We have a crackhead in the White House.
    7:11 PM

    That was the previous tenant......

  43. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Trump will destroy CNN

  44. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Anyone like Trump that goes through this much trouble to "pump himself up" on a fake magazine cover, obviously has feelings of INADEQUACY. It doesn't take a degree in psychology to understand that the man has an inferiority complex.

    Why else would anyone spend 8 years trying to discredit Obama and all of his accomplishments.

    Now the bigger picture: Jealousy and hatred over the accomplishments that Obama (a Black man) has made for this country regarding the affordable care act, is causing white men to want to repeal and replace it even if it means leaving thousands of their own fellow white citizens without affordable healthcare and possibly to the death camps from inadequate health care coverage.

    It doesn't surprise me that Trump has many followers on the "repeal and replace" band wagon, after all, Hitler convinced many of his own followers to hate and gas 6 million people that looked just like himself.

  45. tRump is all smoke and mirrors to keep people from talking about Russia and the new death plan.

  46. Mika B sent Drumpf the smoking gun that proves he has a teeny weeny. Drumpf's hands on a box of Cheerios. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  47. James Bold8:06 PM

    "This Black kid invented a device that can save kids from being left in hot cars."

    Did you actually read the article, Mandingo?

    "At the moment, Bishop only has a 3D clay model of the device"

    In other words, he has nothing beyond the concept; he might as well have used Lego blocks and called it an "invention".  I bookmarked it under the tag "fake Black accomplishments".  I've got a bunch of those.

    Speaking of chemistry, the new neighbor I just met about some real-estate stuff a couple hours ago turns out to be a retired chemical engineer who worked on synthetic olefins (unsaturated hydrocarbons).  I think this could get interesting once I have my patent application filed.

    I notice that all of you clowns who say I'm lying won't take any of my bets.  Yawn.

    And Yīshēng is still on about Russia crap even after 3 CNN propagandists had to resign because they were caught lying too blatantly?  Black people really ARE deluded, especially about their own adequacy.

  48. Association of orbital engineers8:15 PM

    Orbital engineer!
    This fuck boy!

  49. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Go figure...white man with no political or military experience and he becomes president and can do no wrong.
    Black man with political experience, class, poise, and eloquence becomes president and criticized for 8 years and can do nothing right.

    Hatred can turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.

  50. Society of chemical orbital engineers8:17 PM

    Black people really ARE deluded, especially about their own adequacy.
    Self awareness isn't Jamie's strongsuit.

  51. Orbital engineers of America8:34 PM

    Does ANYONE buy Jamie's claim of being an orbital engineer? ANYONE?


  52. Drumpf and Basldy can have a shitstorm together. Hawaii is asking a federal court for clarification on Drumpf's latest iteration of a Muslim ban.

    Baldy, I wanted you to get in on the groundfloor of damning this precocious little Black kid. Contact him personally and tell him he won't amount to shit because you, as whitey, decree it. Go ahead. You know you want to.

    This kid prolly has magna cum laudes plastered all over his room while Baldy spends his time educating us blacks here on a Black blog.

    Baldy, I can top yer day. I went outside, pulled the geyser pump out of the cistern and put it in a barrel of water and pumped/siphoned it into the cistern for my garden. Took about f minutes and I accomplished more than you can ever dream of.

  53. James Bold11:08 PM

    "Baldy, I wanted you to get in on the groundfloor of damning this precocious little Black kid. Contact him personally and tell him he won't amount to shit because you, as whitey, decree it."

    I decree nothing.  The hyper-inflation of this kid's idea is none of my doing.  But I will make one prediction:  whatever comes of this notion, he will have no part of it because he's too ignorant.

    Since I actually have subject matter expertise, let me outline a way to turn this notion into an actual prototype.  Equip the child seat with some small, rugged solar cells for power (like the dancing plant toys so popular on dashboards and desks these days) and a remote keyless entry transmitter driven by a microcontroller.  This would eliminate the problem of batteries going dead; there wouldn't be any.  The microcontroller would have a temperature sensor as one of its peripherals (such as the Texas Instruments TMP103).  The microcontroller would wake itself up periodically when it had power (meaning when the interior of the vehicle was lit) and it would measure the local temperature and whether the child seat was occupied.  If there was a child in the seat and either the temperature or the rate of temperature increase was too high, it would send out a signal for (1) all-doors unlock for the vehicle, and then (2) emergency alarm, causing the horn to honk.

    Programming the vehicle so that that particular transmitter's ID code was recognized would be the responsibility of the parents.

    Future iterations of vehicles and child-protection protocols could include a special over-temperature bit in the RKE data stream which could e.g. command the vehicle to roll down all its windows, immediately venting hot air and eliminating the health threat.  This might even be retrofitted to older vehicles via software update to the security module.

    Know why I can think of such things off the top of my head?  Because I've got at least 30 IQ points over you.

  54. Anonymous12:04 AM

    How many people has he killed?

  55. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  56. Some of our folks commenting here have a lot in common with their president.
    They tend to over-hype who they are and their accomplishments.

    We will leave it at that.

    Anon@8:34 pm, I hope I answered your question.


  57. Know why I can think of such things off the top of my head? Because I've got at least 30 IQ points over you.

    In see what you did, Baldy. You write randumb numbers on paper then put that on top of yer head and tell everyone it is your IQ. Not clever, buddy.

  58. Since I actually have subject matter expertise,

    Look everyone, Baldy watched Legally Blonde. Prolly spanked the monkey gawking at Reese's pieces.

  59. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Pretty much sums up Hillary.

  60. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Progressive mindset=Delusion

  61. James Bold12:29 PM

    This is hilarious.  Mandingo appears to be referring to Reese Witherspoon, none of whose films I believe I've ever seen.

    In other words, while I was making keyless-entry systems, he was watching Hollyweird propaganda thinking it was documentary.

    You can't make this shit up.  You are all as sharp as a marble.

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