Sunday, July 02, 2017

Let them eat sand.

Image result for chris christie imagesIn case you didn't know, the state of New Jersey is officially shut down. It seems that trump's man in Trenton is fighting lawmakers over some issues having to do with the budget.

Now this wouldn't be such a big deal, but it's the 4th of July weekend, and some of the public beaches and picnic areas that are usually opened to the public are now closed to everyone. Well... almost everyone.

"While state parks were closed to the public, Christie said at a news conference at the governor’s office in Trenton on Sunday that he joined his family at Island Beach State Park this weekend, traveling by the taxpayer-funded state helicopter.

“I traveled there, and I traveled back, and I’ll travel back again by helicopter,” Christie said.

“That’s where my family is sleeping, so that’s where I’ll sleep tonight. When I have a choice between sleeping with my family or sleeping alone, I generally like to sleep where my family is.”
The governor said there were no lifeguard or trash pickup services for his family. He would not say whether his family was able to swim without lifeguards present.

The shutdown began at 12:01 a.m. Saturday. The state constitution does not provide for short-term spending measures, meaning it must pass a budget for fiscal year 2018 for the government to reopen and provide full services." [Source]

You can't make this stuff up. While the entire state is shut down and its residence can't even enjoy the holidays at one of its public beaches, the governor and his family helicopter back and forth to the  shore. Nice!

Governor Christie will fits right in with the trump administration.

Speaking of trump (I was hoping to avid tweeting about him tonight, but he makes it so hard for me.), did you all see where he did  a wresting style video of himself beating down a man with a CNN head?

Yes, your president really did that.

And I am sorry, but if you are not embarrassed by this man's behavior by now, I am embarrassed for you.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    The state of New Jersey will be overjoyed to see the back of Christie at this point. I'm sure that's what's behind these obnoxious helicopter escapades: The dude just doesn't care at all anymore. He is term-limited, so he can't run for office again, and even if he legally could, he's unpopular to the point of unelectability.

    That's where this rat bastard's head is at now. He knows New Jerseyans literally cannot hate him more than they already do, so he gives zero fucks. His governorship will end in a train wreck with him laughing maniacally all the way, leaving it to some poor Democrat successor to clean up the mess. As Republicans usually do.

  2. Yisheng12:22 AM

    I heard a whale got beached in NJ.

    Then I heard that it was just Christie visiting a closed beach to everyone but himself.

  3. The Outlaw Jersey Whale strikes again. New Yorkers don't think much of him either because he killed the tunnel project that would have made everyone's life easier who has to commute.
    Come to think of it, screwing up commutes is sort of his thing. And sucking.
    But he has that same soft, white, bully thing going as president four-year-old. No wonder he never got a job at the white house, insecure bullies tend to hate one another.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Well, okay, as ridiculous and silly in a perverted way as the little tweet video appears...

    The real story to me is the phony takedown of Vince McMahon in Wrestlemania XXIII.

    What a sick fuck. And to have the misguided hubris to remind the world of this ten damn years later? You explain it to me you dumb, fucking Trumpistas.

    Of course it's all utterly fake. But just take in the enjoyment that Trump takes and revels in pretending to be a sadistic, tough guy. That tiny little piece of shit stuck to the toilet bowl is president?

    Hell no! I don't want to ruin your holiday. But just for a moment. Imagine the hazing rituals that he participated in when he was in military academy instead of a legitimate college. Explains a lot. He's a sadist.

  5. Reminds me a little of Romney and his friends at school holding the gay kid down and cutting his hair off. What's with these fuckers, anyway?

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Were you raped as a child, Doug? You strike me as the type.

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Trump: The Modern Day President



    Covfefe ..............

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    You WILL capitalize The President's name, or I WILL report you to the FBI.

    You have been warned.

    1. Yisheng5:46 PM

      PEEOTUS, hows that for capitalization!

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    When will so call white working class in America realize 99 percent of Republicans could give two shits about you and your family beyond pitting your white privilege against your isms in order to secure your votes at election time. In fact if given the opportunity most Republicans would sell you and their own mothers on the same lot if it profited them personally. Chris Christie's latest beach whaling at Island Beach State Park this weekend, traveling by the taxpayer-funded state helicopter serves as the latest example of why working class whites are in need of a wake-up call when it comes to their blind support of what I call mentally ill Republicans whose clearly see themselves as the kings and your families as the rodents. The citizens of New Jersey, you get the leaders you deserve!

  10. Republicans hate the American People. The Republican Party hates America. Conseravtives hate basic deceny, human rights, and the progressive 20th century. Conservatives want access to the America Dream made available only to them and crushing penury and slavery on everyone else. The 1% hate that they do not own everything in this country. Combined together, conservatives, the Republican Party, and the 1% want to destroy the United States and replace it with a neo-feudal wage slave state.

  11. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Well we get to see what happens when you elect a Rrpublican governor up close. At least in NJ they're fighting over budget items but in Illinois we're closing schools, cutting benefits to the poor, getting our state's credit rating downgraded to junk because our governor won't budge on non budgetary items in his business friendly "turnaround agenda". Lots of people are being hurt but he refuses to sign a budget that doesn't include his pet items that no one here wants. For example, he wants to freeze property taxes and term limits for state elected officials. If we want term limits we will puf in on the ballot as a referendum. Oy vey.


  12. Anon @ 1:18 PM- the embarrassin gly red state of South Dakota has a wingnut majority in both houses of Congress and wingnuts control all the state offices. When voters work through the referendum process and vote in favor of something, wingnut pols decide the voters don't know what they are3 doing and change the passed referendum to suit themselves.

    Check out Cory @ Dakota Free Press and see what I mean. I am not connected to Cory or the blog. I have never met Cory, but he is a former wingnut turned liberal blogger.

  13. Anon@6:51 is the funniest comment I have read in awhile.

    Good one.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚

    That was meant as a joke, right?

  14. Anon PX-

    This is just the latest attempts to circumvent voter's wishes.

  15. Yeah, the referendum process has given us some good things here in California, like prop 215 that legalized medical marijuana, but also some execrable things like prop 8's anti gay marriage law, and prop 187, an anti-immigrant law so awful that the backlash to it has not let a single Republican get elected to statewide office since. Which is kinda good, but probably would have happened anyway, so not really worth it.
    Then there was the worst one of all, prop 13, a vicious law that fucked our state up so bad that our schools went from the crown jewels of the US educational system to an underfunded mess turning out barely educated and disaffected students and sending the dropout rate through the roof, made our budgeting process a national laughingstock worse than New Jersey and Illinois put together, for years and years.
    And even 215 wasn't that good of a thing, as the language was poorly crafted enough that even after the Obama administration decided it wouldn't interfere with the "settled law" of states allowing medical marijuana, there were still federal raids here.
    And this year there was a failed attempt by a Russia backed group to put secession on the ballot. Which seems silly on it's face, but when you consider all of the other stupid, stupid election results we have had here (hello governator!) and the success Russia has had lately in manipulating our elections, it's actually kinda scary...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      And didn't Reagan destroy the free state college education?


  16. So Don Turner didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and the "case" against Jane Sanders just fell apart.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. Lilacpr9:42 PM

    Christie is kind of hot, not gonna lie.

  18. Lance Cockstrong9:49 PM

    Chris Crispy is the most embarrassing kind of micro dicked white boy, a fatass.

  19. Lilacpr, you stop that right now.

  20. Lilacpr7:08 AM

    Not me Field, it's some wise guy that keeps posting under my moniker. :) about me not understanding big words and now this. I'm gonna gave to make a blog for the name thing.

    But...he's not so bad...lose a little weight, get some plastic!

  21. James Bold12:24 PM

    Dougie attributes California's school woes to "underfunding".

    Californicators spend about 50% more per pupil than Utahns (even adjusted for cost of living CA still spends more).

    In 2015 Utah's average 4th grade NAEP reading score was 226 to California's 213; by 8th grade, Utah was leading California 269 to 259.  IIRC, 15 points on the NAEP scale is equivalent to about 1 year of academic progress.  In other words, by the 4th grade Californian children were about a year behind Utahns, and they had barely narrowed the gap by 8th grade... despite spending a lot more money per "student" both in absolute terms and in purchasing power.

    It's not the money, Dougie.  It's that California has been importing and breeding turd-world morons for decades while Utah has stayed almost all White.

    1. An orbital engineer1:39 PM

      And how much was spent on your education Jamie? I mean if your dumb ass can be an orbital engineer anyone can.

  22. James,

    I just read that one of your God Emperor's leading ministers of propaganda, Andrew Anglin of Montana, has just been sued by the SPLC over his website's call to harass and threaten a Jewish woman and her family. A federal lawsuit filed in April details how Anglin used his platform, the Daily Stormer, or should I say, Der Stรผrmer, to launch a troll storm against Tanya Gersh. "Andrew Anglin knew he had an online army primed to attack at the click of a mouse," said SPLC president Richard Cohen. "We intend to hold him responsible for the suffering he has caused Ms. Gersh and to send a strong message to those who use their online platforms as weapons of intimidation."

    Anglin is accused of invading Gersh's privacy and intentionally inflicting emotional distress. The suit also outlines how his campaign violated the Montana Anti-Intimidation Act.

    The SPLC has a strong history of obtaining major victories in court. More than one right-wing extremist has been ordered to pay a fine large enough to put their organization out of business for good.

  23. Sorry about that lilacpr, I should do a better job of keeping up with FN trolls.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Uh, James, prop 13 was in 1978. I went to California schools prior to it, I know what they were like. When you tear down public institutions like schools by defunding them, the people who comprise them have to go elsewhere, and the foundation of their function is lost. You don't just magically restore them by snapping your fingers and reinstating their budgets. That's why prop 13 was so horrible, it really did reduce our schools from the top flight, cutting edge facilities I attended, to an underfunded mess with demoralized staff and substandard to nonexistent equipment and facilities that are only right now being made right, albeit slowly, by governor Brown.
    Prop 13 made it so he had to pass a pair of ballot initiatives to raise the money to fund the schools, and that was just a few years ago, so the 2015 results aren't surprising, they're exactly what I was talking about.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Jamie the Moron8:18 PM

      Are you trying to have a rational discussion with Jamie the Moron? Good luck with that Doug. You are a master of patience.

  26. Lilacpr8:35 PM

    field negro said...

    Sorry about that lilacpr, I should do a better job of keeping up with FN trolls.

    3:58 PM

    Ah, not to worry! It would be impossible I think :) but the thing is I really have and want to is to start up a new blog, but the thing that's stopping me is the darn e mail! It's so hard to make a new e-mail on Yahoo! Yeezuz! And my patience is low what with the racemic meds and all. But I'll get around to it eventually ;)

    In the meantime I think everybody here more or less knows when it's me or not...I think :D hopefully?

  27. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  28. "Are you trying to have a rational discussion with Jamie the Moron?"

    Nope. Just trying to tell the truth on a subject I know about and see a bunch of lies being told about. I can't always do it, but sometimes I feel like it, so I do.

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. James Bold12:43 AM

    "Uh, James, prop 13 was in 1978. I went to California schools prior to it, I know what they were like."

    Dougie, did you miss the part where the current COL-adjusted spending of Californicator schools is STILL well above that of Utah?  For inferior results?

    Have you never looked at the comparisons of heavily-subsidized Black school districts like Newark versus poor White districts in places like Iowa?  At the results of the billion-plus dollars spent to "equalize" the Kansas City MO district spending?  Money can't buy academic performance.  Not in Newark.  Not in KC.  Not anywhere.

    You went to school before the full impact of the 1965 Hart-Celler immivasion act turned your state into Mexifornia.  It turns out that Mexican'ts in California perform better than the ones staying behind, but that is still grossly inferior to Whites.  Race matters, and mestizos are as deficient in ability as they are supercharged in self-esteem.

    "When you tear down public institutions like schools by defunding them, the people who comprise them have to go elsewhere"

    When you flood the institutions with invaders, the natives have to go elsewhere.

    "I just read that one of your God Emperor's leading ministers of propaganda, Andrew Anglin of Montana, has just been sued by the SPLC over his website's call to harass and threaten a Jewish woman and her family."

    I looked that up, and it turns out that Tanya Gersch threatened Andrew Anglin's mother with threats to harass her tenants in a building she owns and demanded that she (a) sell the building THROUGH GERSCH at a discount and (b) pay part of the proceeds to one of Gersch's interests.

    That is a crime, specifically extortion.  Tanya Gersch is a criminal.  A troll storm on Gersch and her family is small potatoes compared to the crimes she should be indicted for already.

    1. Yeah right4:15 AM

      How about your crime of impersonating an orbital engineer? Shouldn't you be too busy doing chemistry at your desk?

  30. This is an anti-fascist educational film from 1947 called "Don't Be a Sucker". Dated, and kinda corny, but true nevertheless:

    -Doug in Oakland
