Friday, July 21, 2017

Night off.

MORE DISCLAIMERSI'm off tonight field hands. I am brushing up my resume.

I hear that the president might be looking for a new AG really soon.


  1. Why can't white people go into black neighborhoods?

  2. And spare a moment for Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III... The most loyal of the loyalists, he was excoriated by the boss he has been so loyal to for obeying the damn law. He is an awful, racist prick, but he's from Alabama where that doesn't hinder one's statewide office ambitions (see also: Moore, Roy) so even though he was rejected as a judge, he was elected as a senator.
    He was the first senator to back Trump, and his policy shop was the mechanism that transformed Trump into a Republican from the ideological mess he was when he announced his candidacy.
    But now his recusal is standing in between president four-year-old and his ability to fire Mueller, so all of that other stuff is instantaneously forgotten in the construction of a case for firing him.
    That, however, is what one gets for investing any kind of personal attention or credibility in president four-year-old. It's also a little of the ride-the-tiger phenomenon; you knew what kind of thing it was before you got on, so now that it's chewing on your ass, I have a hard time feeling sorry for you.
    That and Sessions is such a detestable prick who is trying to harm the country by reviving the drug war that even if it's a crooked, corrupt, betrayal, I won't be sorry to see him go if he goes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Black Lives Matter turning on the white liberals who enable them.

  4. So the repeal bill didn't pass reconciliation muster. Now let's see how McConnell tries to cheat and change the rules.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Mayor of Minneapolis fires white lesbian police chief after Somali diversity hire shoots yoga lady, replaces her with black guy with inscrutable name Medaria Arradondo (huh? What happened to Minnesotans named Svenson? Have I been lied to by Prairie Home Companion all these years?), African American hecklers are in mayor’s face, drive her from conference room.

    Minnesota … where all the children are not so above average anymore.

  6. Limpbaugh2:59 AM

    It looks like McCain's ISIS "moderate rebels" might die with him. Trump reportedly ended the covert CIA program to arm and train "anti Assad forces". When Trump bombed Syria over a gas attack we later blocked an investigation of, shot down a Syrian plane to protect American troops embedded with terrorists, and promised a huge weapons deal for Saudi Arabia I wrote a lot about it, including exaggerated insults about him bending over for the deep state so we won't see the video of prostitutes pissing on him. I wrote stuff like that on Trump Facebook pages among other places. Now I applaud him. There wasn't much coverage of it in the media. Maybe they don't want to publicize that the secret program was started in 2013. The people who were telling you that we were fighting ISIS all that time we were supporting them say Putin made Trump do it. How dare Trump stop killing innocent people and creating more refugees. Real journalists like Ben Swan and Eva Bartlett were telling us the truth while the war monger media and neo cons of both parties supported ISIS. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the Pentagon reluctantly told us who the "moderate rebels" were. Mostly Al Qaeda, but a bunch of other jihadists groups too.Don't let the door hit you in the ass McCain.


    Check this out Doc, I know you'll dig.


  8. "Why can't white people go into black neighborhoods?"

    Because they watch too many rap videos.


    Dirtbag Drumpfuck kills four and half times more civilians than Obama did. Obama took responsibility for his actions. Drumofuck pushed responsibility off to Generals so he can claim ignorance and innocence.

    What a man, Drumpfuck. He works like a beaver and a Trojan to avoid responsibility. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  10. Gopher Broke-that is called d-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y. It is usually a good thing to get minorities and women into top spots.

  11. Assessing our October rating
    Back in October 2016, we rated this statement by then-candidate Hillary Clinton as True: "We have 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin, and they are designed to influence our election."

    Many readers have asked us about this rating since the New York Times and Associated Press issued their corrections.

    Our article referred to an Oct. 7, 2016, joint statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security that presented a preliminary conclusion about Russia’s involvement in the election.

    We noted then that the 17 separate agencies did not independently declare Russia the perpetrator behind the hacks; however, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence speaks on behalf of the group.

    We asked experts again this week if Clinton’s claim was correct or not.

    "In the context of a national debate, her answer was a reasonable inference from the DNI statement," Cordero said, emphasizing that the statement said, "The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident" in its assessment.

    Aftergood said it’s fair to say the Director of National Intelligence speaks for the intelligence community, but that doesn’t always mean there is unamity across the community, and it’s possible that some organizations disagree.

    But in the case of the Russia investigation, there is no evidence of disagreement among members of the intelligence community.

    1. Here's link to the full article:

      17 intelligence organizations or 4? Either way, Russia conclusion still valid | PolitiFact

  12. Senate intel chair Burr said Nunes made up charges that Susan Rice outed members of the cabinet caught on tape in conversations with Russians.

    Burr apparently forgot how Nunes met with WH officials late at night and then held a press conference the next day w/o sharing that info with his committee. That means Nunes colluded with the WH to defame Susan Rice. There is evidence of collusion and conspiracies all over the frigging place. Let's start arresting Drumpfuck and minions and jail them.


    Burr wants to wait to see if any laws were broken? Isn't knowingly falsely accusing innocent people of a crime a crime in itself?

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Here's link to the full article:

    17 intelligence organizations or 4? Either way, Russia conclusion still valid | PolitiFact

    Politifact is a branch of the Democratic Party.

    To date, there has been ZERO evidence the Russians hacked into the DNC emails. It is more likely to have been an inside job.

  15. mike from iowa said...
    "Gopher Broke-that is called d-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y. It is usually a good thing to get minorities and women into top spots."

    Experience says "no".

  16. Only brainwashed dummies believe the Russians didn't hack the BNC and other aspects of the electoral process and that Drumpfuck's campaign colluded with them to hack. Unless wingnuts are trying to re-define what evidence means.

  17. What experience are you referring to, Gopher Broke?

    Obama was an exceptional Potus. Best in my lifetime which includes Ike and Kennedy.

  18. How interesting an Anon-bot joined us at 12:44pm for what is presumed to be a bemusing revelation at best.

  19. So the damn fool has lost his damn mind this morning. He's being compared to the worst days of Nixon's paranoia and Hitler's last freakout in the bunker.
    We told you fuckers that this would happen.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. @Mike... If the investigation is allowed to reach it's proper conclusion, it's doubtful anyone in the Trump administration will serve jail time, especially with the president looking into the pardons process. Quite frankly, it's my opinion the media and respective pundits are over-reaching with analysis supporting collusion and treason at this time. Let the special prosecutor uncover the facts and evidence with the big picture focusing on how to safeguard the electoral process.

  21. field negro said...
    "Why can't white people go into black neighborhoods?"

    Because they watch too many rap videos.

    "Rap" video:

  22. History3:45 PM

    Best to worst President's of mike's lifetime:

    1. Trump
    2. Reagan
    3. Eisenhower
    4. Kennedy
    5. Bush 1
    6. Nixon
    7. Ford
    8. Bush II
    9. Obama
    10. Clinton
    11. Carter
    12. Johnson

    1. History, u might want to revise that list there big guy.
      Obama has already been judged the 7th best American president of all time by historians.

      So there is that.

    2. History, u might want to revise that list there big guy.
      Obama has already been judged the 7th best American president of all time by historians.

      So there is that.

  23. J. Burton3:52 PM

    Academic standards impede the real purposes of college, which are collecting tuition and teaching huge numbers of undergrads to hate whitey.

  24. Lilacpr4:32 PM

    Wow! The chief of the Minneapolis Police Department has resigned following the Australian woman's death! They are calling for the mayors resignation also!

    Now that's what I call Australia power! Also Known As: 'Don't think for one nano second you're gonna do to a white person, what ya'll can and are used to doing to a Black person, and get away with it!!! Uh uh nuh! AKA: White supremacy in action. AKA:Heads are gonna roll! That was a white woman you Black cop you! WTF were you thinking??? Uh uh nuh!

    May she rest in peace, but get the popcorn y'all! This is gonna be one hella ride!

    And they still haven't released the audio of the woman's 911 call! Wonder why?

  25. Brigade Fifteen4:42 PM

    Gopher Broke said...
    Mayor of Minneapolis fires white lesbian police chief after Somali diversity hire shoots yoga lady, replaces her with black guy with inscrutable name Medaria Arradondo (huh? What happened to Minnesotans named Svenson? Have I been lied to by Prairie Home Companion all these years?), African American hecklers are in mayor’s face, drive her from conference room.

    Minnesota … where all the children are not so above average anymore.

    What you see in these clips is the ultimate outcome of what happens when you have women and third world hordes involved in the political process. The entire system devolves into chaos.

    This is one situation where I’m opposed to both sides. The protesters are a bunch of unhinged idiots and the mayor is a stupid woman who has no idea what she’s doing.

    But yes, I’m a bad person for stating the obvious.

    I’m unclear on how it was even the lesbian police chief's fault that some Somalian affirmative action hire randomly shot some bitch.

    How could the police chief have prevented that from happening? By not hiring Somalians, obviously, but did she have that choice?

    Mayor Hodges herself celebrated Noor’s appointment, remember?

    “I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” Mayor Betsy Hodges wrote in a Facebook post when Noor began serving the city. “Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”

    In fact, The Washington Post reported that community threw a party for Noor – the first Somali-American officer to serve in the precinct.

    Yep. The psychotic wench threw a party for him. To celebrate the incredible event of a Somalian getting a job other than mopping a floor at McDonald’s.

    Jesse Ventura should be brought back to Minnesota to fix all this. He’s got the tools to deal with fools!


  27. Let the special prosecutor uncover the facts and evidence with the big picture focusing on how to safeguard the electoral process.

    Fake Noize is going apeshit because Mueller wants to see bank records. In their expert opinions he is not authorized to see evidence of Drumpf crimes. He isn't authorized to go there.

    Seems I remember a certain independent hired gun, partisan wingnut hack name of Ken Starr who was supposed to investigate a real estate deal and investigated an unattached suicide, travelgate, law firm records and blow jobs in the WH, none of which he was supposed to investigate until a partisan right wing judge helpfully allowed him to expand his inquisition looking for anything to hang either Clinton for.

    We could end this in five minutes. Swear Drumpfuck under oath and listen to him lie. Case closed.

  28. If the whole gang is innocent, why is there a need to check on pardons? It won't make a difference to Drumpfuck if he is found guilty. He would simply refuse to accept the court's judgment and go along on his merry way lying to himself and everyone else.

  29. Lilacpr5:05 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    I appreciate your having posted this twice, but this is yet again a written TRANSCRIPT. I've read it.

    I want to hear the AUDIO of The woman's call to 911. Her AUDIO has not been released as of yet. I wonder why? I want to hear her voice when she called 911.

    The only audio so far is the officers call for help after the shooting. Not Justines 911 call!

  30. Facts of Life5:10 PM

    Yisheng is a piece of shit.

  31. Lilacpr5:15 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...

    How could the police chief have prevented that from happening? By not hiring Somalians, obviously, but did she have that choice?

    Mayor Hodges herself celebrated Noor’s appointment, remember?

    “I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” Mayor Betsy Hodges wrote in a Facebook post when Noor began serving the city. “Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”

    job other than mopping a floor at McDonald’s.

    4:42 PM

    Well prolly because after the Freddy Gray homicide, as they were scrambling for a 'black' hire to cover their racist asses, they said pick anybody black so long as it's not a black American!

    and that's where the Somalian Noor comes in! Anything but a black American! ;)

  32. History5:26 PM

    "Obama has already been judged the 7th best American president of all time by historians."

    As funny as that is, you know Affirmative Action isn't forever, don't you?

  33. Obama is numero uno.Followed by the rest of the Dems. Wingnuts don't even show up on a list of the best.

  34. mellaneous5:55 PM

    Hey Field this is Mellaneous you know I am all over the happenings in Mpls. Please feel free to use my blog. Here is the latest on last night

  35. mellaneous5:57 PM

  36. mellaneous5:58 PM

    From my commentary on Fight The Power Journal

    "Last night in a moment captured all over the country and parts of the world, people witnessed in Minneapolis an amazing moment of lucidity, clarity and sense of purpose. My fellow protestors lead brilliantly by John Thompson, Chauntyll Allen, Michelle Gross, Curtis Avent ,Jacob Ladda, Emily Flower,AJ Cardenas Nekima Levy-Pounds ( who would have been with us but was having her baby) KingDemetrius Pendleton and a few others, with an uncanny sense of timing turned mayor of Minneapolis Betsy Hodges press conference into the people’s press conference to call for her resignation while denouncing the unresponsiveness, lawlessness and ineffectiveness of her administration in meeting the needs (especially safety from the police violence) of its residents.

    Hodges called the conference to appease the demand for justice for victims of police violence, the latest of which was Justine Damond, by firing the current police chief Janae Harteau and appointing a Black, one Medaria Arradondo.

    But the effort to hoodwink and distract the public was exposed by anti- police violence activists before she could make her announcement. John Thompson rightly called on her and her entire staff to resign saying, “if the mayor can’t represent us then she ought to step down.”

    “This is our house you can’t lock us out of our house,” said John Thompson during the “Peoples Press Conference. He very astutely pointed out that the problems in City Hall has been going on for decades.

    During “OUR” conference I chimed in as well, making the point that cosmetic changes aren’t enough, but what is needed is an overhaul of the entire system of policing and the system that it serves. I also pointed out that we won’t be tricked by simply having a “Black face in a White place.” Arrodondo indeed is my color and a nice guy, he has been thoughtful and respectful in all of my interactions with him over the years."

  37. Lilacpr-try this one. I do not have audio so I can't listen to any of these videos.

  38. Lilacpr6:07 PM

    I told youse heads would roll! it's a white woman ya'll!

  39. Lilacpr6:18 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Lilacpr-try this one. I do not have audio so I can't listen to any of these videos.

    6:04 PM

    Nope! But thanks! :) Same thing, just the audio of the officers after the shooting.

    We'll see. They have to release Ms. Damonds 911 calls at some point!

  40. factual6:54 PM

    erroneous said...
    "Hodges called the conference to appease the demand for justice for victims of police violence, the latest of which was Justine Damond, by firing the current police chief Janae Harteau and appointing a Black, one Medaria Arradondo."

    But of course, it was not enough to give credence to the nonsensical demands of the protesters, to pander to the problematic Muslim community, and to fire the lesbian police chief and replace her with an African. It will never be enough until blacks are free to commit violent crimes without being interfered with by white society.

  41. Ricky7:08 PM

    Breaking: Trump has Decreased National Debt by $131 Billion since taking office.


  42. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I read he yelled 'Alahu Akbar' as he fired, but the body cams weren't on.

  43. Ricky done lost that number. Drumpf has cost the US 131 billion in caddy fees alone for his numerous golfing outings, the ones he claimed he was going to be too busy to go on. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Did'ya like the way Obamacare was repealed and replaced on Day 1?
    How about defeating ISIS on Day 1?
    Is he still cleaning the swamp by adding more wall street swamp critters?

  44. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The Black Whisperer said...
    Why can't white people go into black neighborhoods?
    11:10 PM

    why would they want to??? There is nothing there but decay,crime and filth. better to live in a gated community with roving security and a panic room.

  45. Trump voters are dumb9:01 PM

    It will never be enough until blacks are free to commit violent crimes without being interfered with by white society.
    Holy shit, there is a lot of stupid out there. ^Dumbest comment ever.

  46. Paranoid white guy9:03 PM

    better to live in a gated community with roving security and a panic room. Clutching your gun like the little bitch you are. Punk!

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      More like clutching his pearls.

  47. Lilacpr9:30 PM

    Field, about that AG position in Trumps hate to break it to you kid but...uh uh...sorry...his cabinet is lily white! But you could try, you never know, they might need a token black x*D

  48. Your sense of humor is legendary, Lila: Mr. Field serving in the Trump cabinet indeed :-)

  49. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  50. Ain't the lying sack of shit in the WK the same bastard that took the oaf of office with his hand on 2 bibles? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  51. Scaramucci outed his first confidential source on Russian hacking and the day has hardly begun.

    During the combative interview that ran nearly 30 minutes, Scaramucci claimed an anonymous source told him the Russians didn’t hack the election– only to fold seconds later and admit his source is President Donald Trump.

    The worst collection of fucking morons ever assembled under one banner-ever.

  52. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
