Saturday, August 05, 2017



I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "Donald, this beats golfing. Come and join us."

*Pic from


  1. Welcome to my house
    Baby take control now
    We can't even slow down
    We don't have to go out
    Welcome to my house
    Play that music too loud
    Show me what you do now
    We don't have to go out
    Welcome to my house
    Welcome to my house

  2. This one's too easy10:50 PM


  3. Lilacpr11:17 PM

    "This is how big my...oops, I mean the one that got away,hehehe"

  4. Lilacpr11:22 PM

    Putin: "So I wear my watch on my right wrist! Doesn't everybody?!

    Me: Um...NO! Most normal people wear it on their left wrist Vladicakes! BTW, you sure are pasty white!

  5. Lilacpr11:27 PM

    Putin: So what we're using these weird, unfoldable tubular, heavy, antiquated chairs for fishing! It was a spur of the moment photo op, it's all we could find, this isn't America you know Donald, geez!!!

  6. Lilacpr11:33 PM

    Putin throwing up hands in despair: "Why the hell am I so pasty white??? Fuq! I should change my name to Vladimir the ghost!" What say you my pal Trump?"

    Trump: "Whatever floats your boat Vlad babay, I like you as is"

    Putin: "Huh? Them's fighting words oh lord of the casinos"

  7. Lilacpr11:38 PM

    Putin: "Oh orange one, do come and fish awhile on the beautiful lakes of Mother Russia"

    Orange One: "Nah, I don't like to get my hair wet, and much less touch those clammy fish UGH!" I have enough clammy fish what with the my so called 'model' wife"

    *Finished* xD

  8. Lilacpr11:58 PM

    If y'all wanna good laugh, check this out, an Obama impersonator repeating Trumps phrases! Guaranteed belly laughs!


  9. "I tell you it was this big, and if you don't believe me, I shoot you."

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Anonymous12:04 AM

    The white race just peaked.

  11. "That hole in Hillary's server firewall was like this fucking wide, no shit"

  12. Yisheng = nigger12:50 AM

    Typical Trump lovers.

  13. Putin to Trump: "Donald, this is the largest fish I've ever caught, but, next to you, it's small fry."

  14. Anonymous5:59 AM

    White people like to fish, you stupid nigger. Big whoop.

    Maybe if food stamps and KFC coupons were in the water you'd go fishing, too.


  15. Anonymous6:13 AM

    @anon 5:59 -

    LOL. Groids don't go anywhere near the water, tho.

    Especially showers.


  16. twamp's tax returns7:52 AM

    Neuropeon's idea of diversity... shirts and skins

  17. Anonymous8:02 AM

    In Russia, the fish catches you!

  18. It's not fake news. Trump is a fake president.8:12 AM

    Welcome to my annual Kremlin-hacker summer work retreat!

    For all their efforts in rigging the American elections, I like to recognize my loyal employees with some manly shirtless, but totally not gay or anything, time in the woods. Great job, team!

  19. From the Stolichnaya vodka pinup calendar, 2017

  20. Lilacpr10:06 AM

    Yeah,yeah, my shoes I know! Look I was mixing cement okay!!! Sheesh! I'm adding a room to the Kremlin for a certain friend of mine, I won't mention any names.

    And anyway, you think I'm wearing my Russian finery to a fishing photo op??? Hell to the no! an I'm not REALLY fishing, it's a photo op silly! Sheet, I haven't gone fishing since I was a kid! and um actually...not even then...hehehe...

  21. twamp's tax returns10:07 AM

    High IQ neuropeon, C. Lee Zonoffavich explains how his royal imperial travesty, the hunchback of voter shame, precedent "dumb old" twamp will orchestrate the greatest solar eclipse ever.

  22. Lilacpr11:02 AM

    Lilac whips up hand real high: "I'm calling myself the winner for amount of content if nothing else hehehe...!"

  23. Stalkers are asshats11:54 AM

    Brokeback fishing.

  24. Happy Jamaican Independence Day! What we doing to celebrate?

  25. Somebody is playing YMCA in the background.

  26. I think Vlad's probably banned that song for excessive gayness2:30 PM

    "Somebody is playing YMCA in the background."

    LOL, the guy to Putin's right doesn't seem too interested in making the "M," though.

    He's a killjoy.

  27. "Come comrade 4 year old. I have beeg hug for you,"

  28. Limpbaugh4:08 PM

    "Tiny Hands! You're finally here. We've been waiting."

  29. twamp's tax return4:14 PM

    Putin simply cannot contain himself as he enjoys the newest ride at the Russian national amusement park.

  30. ROTFLOL, Lila: Major points for posting Raw Story link, featuring Real Time episode of Bill Maher experiment with Pres. Obama personator. Absolutely brilliant :-)

  31. Lilacpr4:30 PM

    twamp's tax return said...

    Putin simply cannot contain himself as he enjoys the newest ride at the Russian national amusement park.

    4:14 PM

    Ahahahaa! It's called 'Russian Spin' you close your eyes and imagine the chairs are moving. Safe and secure!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.


  33. In the spirit of weekly capition: The Vlad Rap.... Wave your hands in air, USA I don't care. I got to gloat; Yo Trump's a joke. Got him in my bag. SWAG!!!

  34. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "We got nothing on The Donald when it comes to white Man Boobs. They are ginormous!"

  35. Lilacpr9:41 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    In the spirit of weekly capition: The Vlad Rap.... Wave your hands in air, USA I don't care. I got to gloat; Yo Trump's a joke. Got him in my bag. SWAG!!!

    4:41 PM

    Girl! You rocking!!! :D The winner!!!

    and thanks for the good wishes, greatly appreciated, I was hospitalized for three days,pumped full of cortisone to bring the inflammation down, and I feel much better now, but hiding out in my room cos there's still a lot of Saharan Dust over the island.

  36. Man there were some really good ones.

    Gotta go with "This one's easy" @10:50 for the win.

    Lilac came strong as well, and gets a second place nod.

    A bunch of honorable mentions including Limbaugh @4:08, and "I'm just saying" @3:01 AM.

  37. LOL @ 2:19 and 11:54.

  38. Thanks so much, Lila: Yes, do take care, especially given the air quality.

    Must say I agree with FN & uglyblackjohn. Lots of LOL highlights :-)

  39. lt. Commander Johnson4:44 PM

    They are fishing and having a good time. It's hot.

    What is your problem with that, field?

    How many pictures do you post with Negroes without shirts on? Besides some sort of athlete?

  40. Lt. Commander is a Pussy5:20 PM

    How many pictures do you post with Negroes without shirts on? Besides some sort of athlete?
    We know your gay non serving pussy ass wants to see dark men without shirts. No surprise there.

  41. lt. Commander Johnson8:38 PM

    Funny, You criticize my name, but you won't use yours. Stinking whore.

  42. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Ahhh...the nigger free zone......

  43. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "we have jobs and paid for this boat"
